A Relaxing Build with City Planner Plays | Starting a New City on a Livestream

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hello everyone welcome to city planner plays live can everyone hear me so i think i have a little bit of lag here which is kind of interesting i'm uh completely figuring this out on the fly so the game plan tonight was to test a bit and kind of figure out what what this is all about how to get it moving but youtube had other plans for me and instead of that i am actually live uh figuring this out and you guys are along for the ride so thank you for being guinea pigs um is the music is that is that too loud or uh are we okay perfect looks like everything's good so i figured just spent a little bit of time starting out a new desert build i don't know what we're going to do with this or if this is just me trying something um what what why not why not give it a go there's a there's a couple of things i need to figure out about this uh first of all oh there's no music interesting how about are you guys getting the music now so this is uh this this is where i'm learning on the fly maybe just one second so sometimes you realize that uh you're messing things up maybe you should just go without it i think i might need to figure out the music later on uh i hear the music it's it's lovely i don't know why i'm the only one though it's it's kind of weird i wonder if it's my headset let me see if that helps how about now echo all right that stinks okay well we're gonna just build a little bit because i think that uh now my voice is echoing better now perfect no i'm still trying to figure out the settings so it's not oh i think i know what it is okay echo gone echo hopefully is gone so this map is uh it's it's uh i don't know it's escaping me it's uh the desert map that comes with the disasters dlc um i sound like a robot in an empty room huge echo okay i'm gonna mute for a second and try to get that fixed okay are we better now i'm hoping that we're okay all right so let's just build for a little bit i'm uh there's not gonna be music i will figure that out along the line not tonight though because uh the last thing you guys want is for uh me to just sit and try to figure that out because it's kinda it's probably not gonna be something that i uh figure out quickly so we're building in this desert map not a lot of topographic constraints can't look at our topography so i think what we're going to do is just build our main drag and figure out a good spot for the city and really there are no bad spots because there are no good spots so yes desert oasis is the map and uh so we're just gonna make a basic connection kind of the verde beach um the verde beach way so interestingly i'm actually playing on my verde beach account so i have multiple accounts on my computer and uh just decided to hop on this one ah menasha i don't think anyone wants to hear me sing slow down mode needs to be at least five so that's another stream setting that i need to learn apparently because i am uh complete noob to all this stuff let me see ah yeah yeah i can see it slow down mode 60 seconds i think i have it now all right uh so yeah so we're gonna we're gonna we're just gonna start out with a main road we're not gonna get too extreme with it and i wanna build dirt roads we have no money let's so we're building los vegas good morning from finland ah why do you do this to yourself no nodes don't worry sure there's no singing tonight okay so i'm just going to build out a couple of blocks and it's interesting i don't want to build over here that's our like our one water source we're not going to use it for water but i think that we certainly don't want to pollute it so having any industrial uses over there deaf dragon from green bay there's so many of us from wisconsin that's that's and and and late night people so love it watch my entry directions yes those are looks like we're okay looks like we're okay so i'm going to just make a small spot up here that'll be for industry later down the line we'll just have a real basic grid at this point not not a great plan for the city i'm just building what what feels good uh the back story for the city is that i wanted to stream tonight and uh we are building a lockdown in new south wales i'm sorry to hear about the lockdown i i fear that um we're heading down the wrong path too at least based on what's happening in my area but different everywhere but at least we all have the ability to to get together to get together and do stuff like this so los vagos ah should should be all right so we're going to start out let's get it moving it's we might as well we'll we'll figure out the rest of this stuff on the fly so i'm going to build a couple of roads we'll go over a little bit i'm going to get the residential a ways away from the power plant we will get some power over and we need water as well just place that right here not not a real maybe it's not the most permanent location for it but i don't know that this is the most permanent city so we're gonna plan as if we're not thinking of any tomorrow [Laughter] oh wow uh thank you donald i had a no idea that anyone was gonna donate like i mentioned i'm still just uh this is you are all my guinea pigs tonight and uh i appreciate you coming along with the uh with me for the ride tonight it's a learning experience so one of the things i thought might be fun about these streams is i'm going to be having a beer and i would encourage you to relax along with me i'm having a lighting google's summer shandy so it's a it's a beer from chippewa falls and i am going to try to just uh relax and get past the jitters of my first stream and uh give it a go jason cheers from near rhinelander uh i am from near rhinelander so that's that's cool that's very cool hi from hudson hi hello hi from hudson427 kevin wow we've got indonesia people from all over the world philadelphia very cool i used to live in stevens point too that is awesome i've i basically had the uh the i30 air the i-39 highway 51 tour so if if there's a city along there i've probably lived there at some point in time so i probably shouldn't neglect setting up our water treatment facilities i am getting into chatting and not into uh building the city so we definitely need that because everyone's gonna die that's not the it's not the game plan so appleton wow chicago just a couple hours from me vancouver island canada argentina chile georgia new orleans toronto new york city l.a always have a special spot in my heart for la south carolina wow rochester el salvador brazil atlanta holy cow this is wild and 843 people here right now to uh to watch me learn so i appreciate that hopefully i'm not letting you guys down because i don't know uh how long we're gonna be doing this and how bad it's gonna be uh but i appreciate everyone uh everyone being here so i'm gonna stream this at just the slow speed so i can i can look back and see what you guys are doing communicate with you guys and uh there's no need to hurry we're just we're just hanging out so i am gonna start to build a little bit of commercial call this our main street actually no we don't we're this is going to be our thoroughfare we're just going to have a main street here and hopefully this will allow us to disconnect this power line down the line kurdstown pa earth oh it's kanyen i love seeing kanye pop up and uh so in discord we have george washington too so pittsburgh all right so we're losing money bleeding money you guys are gonna watch me completely bomb this because i'm not focused on the city let's let's see if we can redeem this because we're in a bad spot right now i can't do anything with the budget besides adjust i should really pay attention so we got plenty of power i'm going to take the power budget down and i was gonna change the road budget but there's not really a point um hopefully soon we'll we'll start to balance out a bit let's decommission some of these power lines that we no longer need and then we can do we can we can zone a little bit more too all right thank you vixx 1991 for becoming an associate planner not again england indonesia missouri what do i think of corgis i think they're cute i have a so i have a red healer it's a nice dog but it's not very cuddly and i think that that's one of the things i miss about having a different kind of dog so uh corgis yeah very nice dogs i actually had a conversation in the discord last night about my old boston terrier uh marty who was the best dog so definitely a dog guy are gophers fans allowed here yeah i didn't go to the uw so i'm uh i'm a colorado buff fan so all the gophers fans thank you artimicon that that's that's nice i appreciate that i i should try to build a city or town in minecraft i don't think you want to see my minecraft skills they're pretty bad so i am the the only minecraft experience i have is actually playing with my daughters um so they they uh they play minecraft they're they're young but so i play on there i get it set up i get them in creative mode um download levels and get them out of trouble that's that's about the best i do new zealand uh have you been here i have not i do have a cousin that moved to uh to new zealand basically right after we graduated high school we graduated together and he hasn't been back uh i haven't seen him since i hear that he loves it there and uh you know based on everything that's gone in the last year and a half seems like he made a great choice seems like a wonderful country it's got its got its stuff together so it's pretty cool i uh let's see go buffs have i ever been to the east coast uh so i've been to the southeast i haven't been to the east east coast no so that's that i was actually supposed to go on a couple of trips back in march of last year i'm supposed to go to uh ashland i've got a cousin there and i was gonna go visit him and i was supposed to go to south carolina and um i was also supposed to go to houston and it was like in rapid secession as everything was closing down i was gonna go to the american planning association conference so one of those unfortunate you know uh pandemic related cancellations but i am hopeful that at some point we'll get to go i know that my uh my oldest daughter's like goal in life is to see the ocean and i want to make that uh come true from india but moved to buffalo new york recently very cool i have uh an uncle who used to live next to uh in that in that area i think i think canton camden new york i think is where he lived my name is phil but you can call me city planner that that works that works that said i am only one city planner there are many so all right so our budget is is fine it's not the most exciting city um we are we're doing fine though consider building an island city yeah so i've actually thought about putting together an island build just as kind of a mini series where i just build an island and try to build the very best island maybe a one city or one one tile island so we'll see i i've got a lot of ideas and i just need to to keep myself keep myself um focused because i think that that if if i don't i can i can i can get a little too far along in other things and that'd be bad does lake michigan count as an ocean no no no it's uh definitely well it's a c so i kind of wish that they would call it you know as a c because i think it would give it more legitimacy as as as a very important body of water and one that's i you know in the near future it's only going to gain importance um you know i've been looking at all the things happening with the uh with the colorado river and you know it just drives up home a point of emphasis that fresh water is really going to be one of the uh i think it's gonna be one of the things that really sets places apart in the near future so thanks noah wow there's a lot coming in in the chat this is uh it's uh it's awesome i i appreciate that it's texas an ocean [Laughter] uh yeah it's just kind of slowly building a grid nothing nothing real uh special about this just go with what feels good is this going to be a new series i you know i have no idea what this is i i this is me trying to figure out streaming so i got the intro screen so i can do that i can't figure out the music yet i'll figure that out i do have so i have desktop audio on and i thought that you guys would be able to hear it but apparently it's not working so i guess can you guys hear what i'm clicking around in the desktop or do you just hear my voice i hope i'm doing well what does a typical day look like for you are you able to work from home so it's funny i uh up until the last month i was 100 remote which was never a thing before the pandemic i was always 100 at the office and then the pandemic head and you know be working for a local government like this is not you know remote work that's not the specialty of local government we're we're navigating i think we're getting really good at it now um so up a month ago we started going back in um and we had to have remote work plan set so i am now working from home two and a half days a week which in my mind is wonderful i love it working i mean first of all my office at home just kills my office at uh at the municipal building uh city hall it's it's a very nice office i have a very nice office but you know when you have a gaming setup like this and you can just plug your work laptop in you know two gigantic monitors as opposed to you know the municipal stuff that i normally have this is just a lot better light mouse clicking but i do use headphones okay to me that means that you guys aren't hearing any of my desktop audio which is interesting because i have it set i'm kind of curious do i do want to try to figure that out i desperately do i don't know i don't know what i'm doing so when i when i set it up to have my desktop audio my audio is coming through and i don't want to hear myself but i do so as a result i don't know what to do to make that go away so i'll probably have to watch a bunch of youtube videos and figure that out cpp what's up with the daily uploads uh well it's very very easy to put together certain types of of videos and much more difficult to put put together others so i it was really easy for me to put together um a mini motorways video uh verde beach at this point i've been i put together so many episodes that it's as long as i know what i'm gonna do and i've practiced it once i can i can move pretty quickly yes i am using obs um so if i i can put together an episode of verde beach fairly quickly um clearwater county takes me significantly longer you know i've thought about having a midweek episode it's just not something that i can do just reasonably so it's just it's just a really tough thing for me place of fire department this this is my first time streaming so it sounds cause it sounds like you are do you also like playing city yes so if you just if you're just joining me for the first time today uh you're in for a treat this is definitely something not not normal on my channel um thank you jim i i appreciate that uh have i i have not heard that it's it's identical to lead singer fishes so it's funny i've gone to a number of festivals and fish has been there i haven't listened to them which maybe i shouldn't admit but uh now now i might have to how do i manage my time so the main thing that i i want to answer the question about kohler too so the way that i manage my time is luck luck basically my my everyone in my family goes to bed fairly early except for me so before i was doing this it would just kind of be me going into the basement and gaming while watching netflix on one monitor so it's it's not all that different than what i was doing before i'm just recording it and and chatting with all of you so um very very cool so kohler it's funny i had a job where i had to go to kohler every single month not kohler but sheboygan and i love that area uh it to me it's it's one of the most beautiful parts of the state it's very under undervalued in my opinion it's to me if there is a place uh that i could i could go oh little hamlet um so now we get now we get uh landfills recycling centers schools clinics so these are all things that i actually have to think about now so maybe i should have kept the population down verde beach will be on on uh on tuesday do i plan to play humankind i've thought about it it's been on my wish list forever it's been in my wish list forever it does look like pizza that wasn't that wasn't a plan it just kind of happened that way okay so a school let's let's let's have a million dollar view for the school well well actually let's take a look yeah we can we we will we'll give them a decent a decent view we don't want to block our road we'll probably extend this out but uh children deserve a nice view the city skyline's insomnia so i'm sorry i know that this is really late for some people it's late for me um but it's it's not as late as it as it could be i'm i'm a night owl you've shadowed a job in heartland for a while very cool i'm not going to tell you where i work only because as a public sector employee it's fairly easy to get my contact info show up at meetings things like that i prefer not to have that happen so if anyone's ever wondered why i don't face reveal or do any of that stuff that's the main reason why uh just out of respect to my employer and uh if it ever happens i guess it happens but uh for the time being i will i will hold back kingdoms and castles oh any mods or assets so right now i have nothing this is the verde beach uh account so i have basically if we go in we'll take a look so in verde beach this is what i have running so it's some pretty basic stuff um ultimate level of detail 81 tiles which i didn't do anything with cube map replacer so we get that really pretty sky um you know not not much really just stuff to make it look nicer can you share some towns you've worked on so i thought about that tonight as i was thinking you know or do you mean in real life uh in real life let me see i'll give something really obscure buna vista colorado i i worked on a plan for there years ago parker colorado there's another one so some obscure stuff quit job for full-time youtube uh i don't know you know that's something that you know i don't know i love my job and it's it's one of those things that i would uh i'd feel weird about helder so i you know i thought about loading up left side crossing tonight but i was afraid that am i adding too many variables i already don't know how to figure out the music stuff so um if i if i tried to add anything else it'd probably be probably be a mess have you thought about building a town i actually actually don't know about uh a ton to florida i'll have to check that out i'll have to check that out howdy from austin texas very cool city they say that my city is a lot like austin okay jacob i agree buena vista and parker are not obscure unless you're not in colorado how do i feel about the shoreline protections in lake michigan i feel like they're not strong enough uh truthfully i feel like they're getting better i mean there's some of the some of the watershed protection things that are happening oh i need garbage i better take care of that right away and i'm going to build a recycling center right away because we can afford it we're fine and i will get rid of those power lines that uh books have been asking for me to get rid of add zoning there as well clean it up i'll actually demolish these buildings a little eminent domain first of the stream i have heard of monterey mexico i don't know much about it lidar for hermit planning so there are certainly uses for it tree cover for instance um you know truthfully in planning we're using things at a really high level uh generally unless it gets the traffic data then we're really diving in deep bentonville arkansas i think that's is that where walmart's headquarters is perfect timing for australian viewers there we go three in the at quarter to three in the afternoon on a sunday that's awesome i don't think i could fix boston so that's the funny thing about the real world being able to fix these things is really a challenge your music is probably not using desktop audio as the output so i see the desktop audio moving but i also think that for some reason my microphone is tied into desktop audio and yeah it's showing up in my i have monitoring off for that but it's still working i have no idea why it's doing that it's uh very frustrating truthfully now you guys are spurring me to continue to look through the obs settings ever called a mulligan in real life absolutely i i think anytime you go to a public meeting and get yelled at you decide to call a mulligan on your plans because uh if if if if you end up thinking about things in a different way then maybe you otherwise would have which which happens you know i think that that's one of the things about being a planner is you can get stuck in your own mind and your way of thinking and it's good to be able to take a step back um and and hear about things now there are some times where maybe that's not not not gonna be the case you know when someone comes at you with arguments that are absolutely not based in reality or you know truthfulness you're gonna you're gonna kind of take those and let them wash past you but most you know most of the time planners look at ourselves as people that are trying to build the community for people can i name a street after you i'm not really naming streets in this i'm just kind of kind of going and building that said one of the things i thought about doing that i might do is a street naming stream for verde beach um i do want to name some streets after some patrons um it's one of those things that i think lends itself well to a stream but maybe not so well to here's an episode where i just name a bunch of streets maybe maybe maybe it's okay i don't know there it's funny there have been videos that afterwards i was uncomfortable uh feeling like it was going to tank and they've been some of the most successful videos that i've had which means that my my youtube my youtuber radar is maybe not not completely not completely on so infrastructure bill i saw a question about that how do i feel how do i feel about the infrastructure bill i have mixed emotions um you know there's a climate change report that was recently uh issued by the leading climate change scientists in the world and it said that our time is running out of doing things like we've been doing it and the infrastructure bill has some good things but it has a lot of investment into old things and it would allow us to widen highways and rebuild infrastructure that maybe we should be thinking about moving away from which to me is is a bit discouraging i wish that that we could be a little bit more forward thinking about about that stuff but uh there is just a there's a part of me that fears that it's going to take something really catastrophic to happen to to get us into a mindset where um we are willing to make those big changes as a as a species um particularly in the us as as just we're just we we've kind of been taking the past path of least resistance at least um i guess it's the path that's the least painful for the time being so uh it's it's one thing where we hear a lot of people uh a lot of politicians saying we're gonna get this thing done and and then we find a a compromise path that really accomplishes almost nothing greetings from brooklyn [Laughter] yeah i i hope you i hope you stay out of henry's path that is really that's one thing i haven't experienced we've had tornadoes but uh a hurricane not anything that i've ever experienced so when you said brooklyn at first i was thinking of brooklyn wisconsin and kind of hit my head that's right next to me um but uh yeah brooklyn new york i saw that the whole east coast is in line so hopefully hopefully everyone there stays safe what content creators do i personally watch and like so you if you if you watch 5b1c you've seen a lot of the content creators that i i like and watch um obviously i like biffa i i mean if you play city skylines and haven't seen a biffa video and you watch youtube it's you're kind of a maybe kind of an anomaly there so biff has been great i've i've spoken with biffa you know he came out i had 5 000 subscribers and um zardis invited me to 5b1c and you know biff started talking to me right off the bat giving me tips and very very cool very generous of him uh he's been very generous with his time and uh just as a a cheerleader of what i'm doing i appreciate it as a as a friend i appreciate him uh certainly certainly a very nice person who doesn't need to be that nice uh i also i mean so lee and i talk all the time as well lee hawkins he i lobbied for him to to come onto 5b1c i think that he he does some really awesome stuff in in city skylines that i think that there are other people that aren't really doing i love zardis um you know i love overcharged egg yeah you know i love jedi to meister oh everyone uh thoughts on rt game um i think he's hilarious as i was going through uh during the red bull uh metropolis uh he was one of the channels i was flipping to i was on biffa's stream the most um you know cheering him on but i i like it i i i thought it was that was really funny my thoughts on nuclear energy well first of all i say the word wrong uh i don't know if that's an accent thing or a just a personal weird thing my thoughts on it are it's certainly more sustainable than some sources of energy that we have but we don't know how to dispose of the spent radioactive material which is a problem and we're kind of kicking that down the road but if we're gonna kick a problem down the road that might be a better one than other problems um you know you know coal mining is just it created lots of family supporting jobs and i appreciate what i did for the past but we got to stop doing that and it's been really nice so we spoke about kohler earlier seeing the the uh i can't remember the name of the power plant but there's a power plant that if you're at um so i've been to the uh there's a resort that kind of is on a little peninsula out to out into lake michigan you can see this power plant off the distance and that was decommissioned that was an old former coal plant great to see that kind of thing happening that said we're replacing that now with natural gas which is cleaner but not not not perfect 2.20 i do love 2.20 as well my opinion about the freeway that was never built in milwaukee uh it's great that it wasn't built i think that it also spurred a lot of positive urban planning um where's my wisconsin accent uh hear me say beg or leg and apparently i say garage wrong too so mine is a northern wisconsin accent if that if that helps all right so the city is not growing very fast because i'm not really paying much attention to it so i'm i'm i'm over here looking at the chat we're just gonna he's gonna monozone a whole bunch of it the perfect way of doing business can i make jug candles like we have in new jersey i think that it's easy to do or easier to do with a uh with move it will i do any more 5b1c collaborations you know i don't know uh we haven't really talked about it you know even with season two that was one of the things that you know shortly after season one i reached out to zardis and i said i had a lot of fun i'd like to do it again um i think that if if the option comes up again i would certainly think about it i do think i want a little bit of a break in between some of the collaborations i think that it's you know with the red bull stuff going on and then some of the sponsorships uh one of the things i don't know if i mentioned this outside of discord i'm teaming up with apex gaming pcs to come out with a pc line so that's going to be something cool i want to get some of those things coming out and uh and and focus on that for a little bit i also have been working on my city planner explains the first video there we got some things in the discord going on there so i think that for the next little while i'm going to focus on those projects but i would certainly uh do i say soda cola or pop i i definitely say soda or soda pop it's it's 11 55 pm in madison what's your experience planning cities for climate change are important people taking it seriously that is that's a funny question so i think that we're planning for flood events that happen every year now um so i you know in the past we uh we would plan for 100 year flood event you know you don't want to build inside of a 100 year flood event area but now we're having those every five years so um it's just it's to me it's difficult to to say that we're taking it seriously even if we say all right we're doing that every time now uh really we should be planning for the 500 year flood events and in an urban area you start to see the encroachment especially in an area like the one where i live where you know we have a lot of flooding concerns so some places don't have water some places are burning and the places that aren't doing that we've had a mixture of droughts that have killed our crops and then extreme heat just every single day it's been 90 degrees and unrelenting humidity so i've been telling i always joke that with people that we're basically florida siberia at this point because and it's like a light switch i feel like we go from it being siberia and the polar vortex and just incredibly bitter cold to things just warm up quickly and then in right away we're we're back at uh we're back at florida humidity and heat discord link updated so is that is it wrong in the in the link here so let me see if i can get a new link because you definitely should join the discord server if you haven't already just one second as i grab that apparently i can't walk and chew gum at the same time because i am struggling with this so there is a link to the discord server on oh i think i know why i was hearing an echo so i've had the build up in the background and i wonder if i'm hearing myself me see yeah i i kind of feel like a knucklehead now i had uh i definitely had this up in the background so i'm really glad that you guys have not been hearing my desktop audio because you would have been hearing the stream twice all right got that discord link gonna drop it in there right now there we go that's the discord server link all right so i think i'm making progress towards there being music here because now i can't hear myself inside of inside of my headphones okay so worthy population or worthy village loans policies fire police some specialization self-sufficient buildings and we can make a nice city now any midwestern city that you visited and found interesting or admired yeah i mean there are a lot um i think i i honestly minneapolis and st paul are just beautiful cities so it's hard not to admire them sorry everyone so let's see i missed that question up here figured i'd pay you back for the hours of content your expertise in city planning is great and it's been satisfying to watch your channel grow so fast i appreciate that presser sleepy time i i really appreciate that packer suck 09ers i disagree i'm just glad that we have aaron rodgers again i was really worried and nothing's gonna bug me i mean after the bucks won the championship this next year is a breeze i've heard you mentioned strodes before he'd be right up on strong town so i have um so i definitely i definitely have and it's it's a problem i i agree what's my drink cpp i still am drinking a line of google summer shandy the trestle uh treshall trail bridge uh so is that the one so i lost my glasses on a bridge in a big park it was a ah i tried to think it was off lake winnebago so i was actually in a in a work event at a conference and i thought i was you know everything was going well my first conferences as a professional planner and i look out into the water and my glasses just slide off my face into the water and i see everyone turn and look at me and just start laughing and it was after we had a couple drinks so it's kind of funny what about chicago what do i think of chicago i love chicago um if you're asking me about the bears the bears are terrible but if you're asking me about the city i would for sure live there it's it's a wonderful place i've got i've got an ant that lives right off um basically in a condo right on the water and i remember going there as a kid and just being absolutely amazed at the view of the city and you know really how her kids took it for granted that that's what they were seeing every day you look out one edge and you get a view of millennium park and you look out the other side of the condo and you get a view of the water it's absolutely amazing so it's it's actually a place that i tried to get jobs so i applied when i was coming back from colorado uh to the to the midwest uh i i was looking at jobs in the chicago area i applied in naperville and there's another place joliet maybe and just just didn't pan out i ended up getting a uh a call back and because the salary in denver was higher they didn't think i would even consider it and it was it was kind of sad thoughts on kansas city uh i think it's a beautiful city i i've i've only driven through though so i've been to to st louis and my opinions on st louis are maybe not as high as they are of of kansas city but every city has its pros and cons and there's a reason why every city is the way it is shout out naperville that is the walk across the bridge okay yeah so that my glasses are somewhere in the water have a good night from charleston thank you for sticking with us have i ever been in new orleans no i have not i do want to go there though i have a friend who lives down there now and i haven't been there woodlands uh so i knew someone in grad school who was from woodlands and a million years ago i dated someone that was from there opinions about the brewers season i am one of the few people in my office that is not a huge baseball fan so i know they're good do i miss denver uh terribly denver was hard for me to leave it was one of those places that my career took off there it was certainly different for my wife i think that you know it was a it was definitely we moved there because of because of me and when we we left it was um you know it was a kind of an acknowledgment that it was time to to go home if we were going to start a family we wanted to do it closer to home um she got a job immediately here i got i got multiple offers so it just the stars kind of aligned but i yeah i i had a really hard time leaving denver i think denver is a wonderful city what kind of music do i like i like little of everything i like everything from uh you know rap rock indy even some country upgrade those roads you know i could i don't really have any money then i'm not going very fast so i don't know if there's a a point to upgrading them okay so i desperately want you guys to be able to hear music so i think i'm going to try it again and we'll see if i get it going so i'm going to add desktop audio or try to [Music] okay do you guys hear music now death metal no have i ever been to west virginia no build some stuff i know i need to build some stuff do you guys hear my music now by chance i should build a red rocks yeah that would be interesting i have been to san francisco one of my very best friends lives out that way so i've been out there a number of times beautiful city beautiful area been all over silicon valley we're gonna d-zone we'll create kind of a break in between the industrial everything okay music is it too loud or is it is it bad is it good rather sorta sorta too loud road entrance should be one way i agree let's see i think i can upgrade some stuff now let's just get it going have no highways [Music] and let's change our junctions here this is not a city that needs stoplights yet music is down but it's very low okay let's let's let's change it we'll throw on an old favorite some at large this little is this okay music is on by the way thoughts on leader round or leander round rock texas don't know a lot about it i i i apologize thoughts about oklahoma uh i don't have many i i've driven past but not not spent much time there truthfully so i've got family in texas near texarkana and i used to go there as a kid music is up a little bit so yeah i i i would go down through um missouri and say arkansas little rock and uh it's texarkana area so um music i'm a producer so i will check out music that set my way um i really want to be careful with copyrights though that was something in the very beginning of my channel i really really really struggled with music it was such a disaster i would spend you know an hour a day dealing with copyright strikes and it was absolutely painful to the point that like it made me wonder like is this is this worth continuing um so what would happen is so i was going and i was getting there were a number of three different sources where people were saying oh yeah use my music you know so i went so lekinspired is one of those that i went to his patreon and i supported him and i got his music and i was really pumped put in a bunch of videos and then was getting copyright strikes one of them there was this podcast out of spain where they used it as their intro his song and they said it was theirs so it struck a whole bunch of my videos and i had to go through and uh fix everything it was just a complete mess it's a fire department i will get a fire department and a police department i think we're good that we've got i think we've got everything placed now [Music] yeah we're good we're good we need to keep building though i'm i am getting it distracted and and lost i will get some stuff zoned we'll leave it on slow so i can let it continue to build [Music] i am not actually so i was gonna put industrial over here but let's keep it behind this commercial we'll kind of keep that as a buffer it'll be a beautiful view you come into the city that's the very first thing you see i think maybe what we need is some oh no landscaping we're close but we're not there yet i i desperately want it [Music] people who are wisconsinites drop a wi i agree that's awesome there are a lot of wisconsinites in here tonight it's been uh it's been impressive jonathan davis love your videos thank you thank you so much i appreciate that i've never visited new jersey but i would like to so i know that my wife has been getting on me about taking a vacation so why is music so loud i will turn it down a little bit music too loud is this better thoughts on lincoln nebraska so lincoln nebraska was the return to civilization when uh i would drive through nebraska going from denver to wisconsin um so when uh when i proposed to my oh tiny town oh we get landscaping that's all i care about we get parks a bunch of policies uh park paths that's great i just want to be able to put some trees up some fences in a high school a library gardens lots of good stuff lots and lots of good stuff a lot of water stuff that we can't use in the desert so how was the red bull experience it was fun i mean it was so it was a little tough because i wasn't announced so i've been in discussions about this for months um kind of going back to let me think april please lower music volume hopefully that's a little better um so it it was the secret that i was keeping from everybody and it's uh it's tough to it's tough to do that it's it's it's more fun to just kind of explain those things right off the bat so we'll build out this industrial area and we we we have a pretty decent need for everything kind of across the board let's keep this going i'm gonna build for just a minute let's build out our water system we know where our roads are gonna go so that's one of the nice things about the grid and i wonder if i can see my topography now i can oh that's nice because we're gonna need to start respecting it especially if we build out at all i'm not sure i'm not sure what to do with volume is too low you guys are killing me music was balanced for me yes this is a perfect volume music is perfect i am going to people saying now i can barely hear it am i a broncos fan the broncos are my favorite afc team okay so i'm gonna leave the music here and hopefully it's okay and the chat is delayed so i am i uh i'm not sure i'm not sure if it's good or bad i'm just gonna i'm gonna leave it and in three or four minutes if it's still bad i'm just gonna look uh this is helpful for me though because in the future if i do a stream now i figure out how to do music i can set this volume and retain it so certainly certainly helpful so i appreciate all that feedback i know it's it's probably frustrating to have me going through and you know figuring all this stuff out right now but it really is helpful for me so i appreciate that so we're gonna build a road here or build a build a fence here i don't know if this is super reasonable but we're gonna go for it we'll have some some larger lots here maybe we'll even take some inspiration from some of the other builders will have larger lots the other builders in five builders one city so to compensate for really kind of a not a great location we'll give them larger lots i can clean that up all right yeah just just a little something oh i'll get my landscaping tools thoughts on mexico sinky mexico city sinking into the ground i think it's totally predictable uh it was it's one of those things where we need to start thinking more about where you know the historical geography of a place i i feel like just as people we're not good about that we like to we think we can build our way out of it florida someone brought that up um i think that it's amazing to me that we're still building condos uh in florida you know we i know that you know there's a recency bias we see what happened with that that counter development and there are people who are gonna say oh we shouldn't do it but really it's the whenever you work on a project you see you see the type of soils that you're working with and people need to be a little more cognizant of of what they're what the long-term pro the likelihood of that surviving is quite a bit of leg with chat music is great though i don't know if that's my fault so there were settings in here that said that i could go through and have ultra low latency i said normal latency and maybe i'm paying for that now where are the fires uh let's look at my settings i don't know what's so i might have turned them off uh so when i when i put together the city tours i kind of go back and forth now they're still there they're still there they're on low but they're still there i missed water art deco buildings i love those if i wasn't a city planner what would i do instead so i thought about that i'd probably be working at it um or working trying to work in the video games industry um so i've mentioned this before but i worked at take two as a game tester and i just loved that that was a that was a fantastic job i wanted to do it full time but it just didn't pay well enough and some of those stories have come out lately where they're talking about the salary that people are getting in those in those jobs and it is terrible i mean it was it was to the point where you know you're making decisions about what bills to pay and you know what you can eat what you can't eat i ended up getting a job in it working for this company that had video on demand in different hotels throughout the world so if you went to mgm in las vegas or you went to um hotel at i think was the atlantis in the bahamas the set-top boxes in the room i would repair those boxes and i would troubleshoot them over the phone and i think that that's something i would have done i would have tried to get more into that isn't it midnight in wisconsin yes and there are kind of wisconsin nights on here it's saturday i'm good we're good any any stories from game testing uh yeah so i get to test the civ games and i absolutely love those so we had beer fridays and they would bring in uh big tubs of beer they'd just pull them in drag them in fill them up with ice and we would it's just like basically a bunch of my buddies and myself playing a you know eight person game of siv because you got to test all that stuff so here we are playing civ five seven force of colonization civ revolution all these different games and that was you know especially at the end when the games aren't broken it's it's so much fun um so least fun experience was probably testing dora the explorer uh that was a a not so fun game another game that i didn't love testing was uh so it was billy bean's front office manager and so there are two there are two problems number one they didn't tell me how fantasy baseball works and i mentioned i'm not a real big uh baseball fan so i definitely didn't understand fantasy baseball so they had me on this game and i remember submitting a bug saying hey listen um you guys are totally screwing up the scoring they're like no this is this is the way that the music works or the music i'm sorry i'm reading comments this is though this is the way that the the scoring and fantasy baseball works it's like it doesn't make sense um so yeah it was uh it was certainly certainly fun what got me into city planning that is fun that's a that's a fun question so i'm going to be going over that in the first video on city planner explained so i'm not going to talk about that too much but i will say it's los angeles living in los angeles and some of the experiences that i had there um wondering why things are the way they are there will i do a series on six or six five so i thought about that i you know i'm i am curious about how far i should deviate from the chant that the content on the channel that people expect you know i know i receive comments like why am i not just putting city planner explains videos on city planner plays and the main reason for that is that i think that youtube looks at your channel says okay your channel is x and if you change uh deviate from that it the the reward that you get is uh they stop pushing your videos out so and then i hear that you know i hear you know youtube didn't recommend this video to me um so and to me that's that's very disappointing because you put time into a video and to have youtube penalize you that's it's disappointed disappointing do i support the legalization of marijuana so i actually helped the in grad school that was one of the the projects that we had is working to help write the legislation for the legalization of marijuana in colorado uh to me uh marijuana is not a problem i think it's a personal choice sort of thing if people are gonna do it great that's their call if they're not that's fine too i think that if people have jobs where they have to drive they need to be responsible about it but i can have a beer tonight and stream and go to work and that's fine so i don't i don't see the difference thoughts on salt lake city and have i been to raleigh i had not been to raleigh uh i would like to go to raleigh uh thoughts in salt lake city i met the i met the planning director for salt lake city about seven to eight years ago and uh you talked about the city and it's fascinating the design the width i haven't i've only the so utah has been a place that i've driven through um that i've taken an amtrak through i think i stopped is it is it elmo elmo utah um i think yeah elmo utah i stopped at elmo um but don't know don't know what time about salt lake city outside of the grid is massive there the roads are all wide and the planning director told me that he viewed it as an opportunity because there are lots of places where you're constrained in the right of way and can't do a lot and you know we struggle with that in in older cities in the midwest you have as much right away as you have which means that maybe you can't add in street cafes where you'd like to or add in bike lanes or whatever so it's one of those things that he viewed it as a perk i i'm a little more dubious on that but it's it is what it is there's not much you can do about historic street grids like that so we need more power and we have really not many options so this is what we're going with and i need to get water towards these folks over here so we're gonna get that there as well pc specs my pc specs are on all of the videos uh i think they might be i'm afraid to open up but i think if you look at in the in the description of this my pc specs are in here i made you fall in love with this game tyson that is awesome i i appreciate i appreciate that i've this game is fantastic uh it's been kind of my constant relaxing game that that that i've had whenever i need a game to just unwind this is that game for me so i know that some people will joke and they'll say oh like you know it's a planner playing this kind of game you know i think people wonder if simcity is what got me into planning it is not i did not i did not know that planning was a career for a long time it was until i got to la i lived in a small town growing up a number of small towns and the kinds of towns that didn't have planners so you know it's it was certainly uh kind of a revelation to me to find out that it was a thing and then to learn about what the field is because it's so much different than you imagine if you played some city or city skylines you imagine that you are some god that gets to place things where they need to go and you're really more of a facilitator um you're an influencer you're an advocate you're all of these different things uh coming together um you have a place where you have a lot of influence and that's the comprehensive plan if your jurisdiction uh has them and allows them luckily that we have a comprehensive planning law in wisconsin that you know has been passed in my lifetime um before that it was it was all optional [Music] so um and i kind of got off on a tangent there uh do i think there will be a city skylines too absolutely this is um i mean this is like the cash cow of the studio so i i don't know why they wouldn't make another one [Music] i think you have something against florida oh no that's not directed at me i have no problem with with florida my main issue with florida is that [Music] we need to be responsible about the types of development that we're planning in places and i don't think that florida was necessarily founded on the most responsible of um ideas anyway i watched some some video about the kind of about the history of florida and um what it basically would have talked about there's a lot of land uh speculation that led to the creation of florida and a lot of people want thinking that they could you know get a lot of money by flipping land and i've seen that recently so what i've seen a lot of that makes me uncomfortable is i'll see someone buy a duplex that was put up in the um you know in the in the 90s so there will be a firewall in between there and then they will use a certified service survey map to divide the to divide the land and now they have two pieces of property they can sell them both as single-family homes at you know 50 more and they'll they'll buy that and they'll flip it in a month and you know make a hundred thousand dollars and that's not sustainable i think everyone could would know that so that kind of thing makes me uncomfortable [Music] have i ever left the country i have i've been to europe and it's just totally a different world and in a good way and in a bad way i mean there are certainly some things that are are better about europe and certain things that are um problematic with it what other city styles do you like other than american grids uh so i like so my critique of the grid so i think there are great things about the grid um it's easy to expand it's predictable it uh it makes sense it's logical to navigate um what it misses out on is i think people sometimes uh so that was one of the you know when i went to athens and i was walking it makes absolutely no sense if you're in a vehicle in my opinion but you walk around and there are these little pedestrian streets and different ways to get to plazas that are that are only for pedestrians uh that that kind of thing just doesn't exist in a significant way and when we have it in the u.s i think it's more of like a touristy sort of thing not a way of life that said there are problems you know when you have a city that wasn't designed for cars and you just kind of jam a whole bunch of cars in there uh now you end up in a situation that is is problematic too and that's what you see in europe um so and yes the grid is not american it is is roman i mentioned that and i think i think it was uh the ashland episode two what do i think about indian cities i think that they are fascinating uh i so i worked with an engineer from in uh from india and my first job and he showed me a micro simulation of it's like a five or a six-way intersection in india that was completely unsignalized and just worked because people understood that they have to slow down um and that's just that's not i think the driving styles first of all they were going fast faster than i would have thought was safe but they were just making it work and it's everything from you know from people on rickshaws to people on vehicles people on bikes is pretty amazing should they build a northern beltline in dane county north mendota parkway should it be built um i think it would induce demand no lesson here cars bad uh listen car cars have opened up a level of prosperity that humans had not experienced up until it was there the problem with the with cars is that we have allowed them to dominate the way that we uh that that we plan our cities and kind of take the human element out of it and that's the problem so it's not it's not that cars are bad it's that we have planned around cars not around people so that's that's the problem thank you rogue jackal for becoming an associate planner uh roundabouts i've seen a couple comments in roundabouts what do i think i think that wisconsin is one of the leaders in roundabouts and we love them and i love them i think that they're great do vancouverism uh i think it's great i don't know if i would want to necessarily um so i think that okay there's that's that's too simplistic of an answer so vancouver is an excellent livable city i want to go there i actually told my wife that as soon as like as soon as uh our kids are able to be vaccinated and we're safe to travel vancouver is a place i want to go it's a very very very interesting place it's supposed to be the the most livable city in north america um that said if you look at the prices of things just holy cow look i can't imagine the the price of things so that's the the good and the bad of you get a place that has really good planning and it's incredibly livable and then people want to leave it like that they want to just uh they want it to not change so as a result the prices go through the roof so great examples of that uh portland and boulder are two cities that have green necklaces so areas that are you can't build in so would be the equivalent of me's going okay right here we have a buffer and we are going to contain all of our urban development [Music] within this area so belmont district we're not doing any any any development there so as a result we end up in a situation where um once this builds out cheap land isn't gone there is gone we have to build up and if i if you can't if it costs more to build something up because you got to build what was there and then build up so it's very very challenging and it it adds a lot under the cost so the city will get more and more expensive and that is kind of something that we haven't worked out as as a in my opinion as a profession so i think that the the way you work that out is transit connecting places um but it's it's it's it's it's tough so i had someone say check out my super chat you please read my super chat what mud quads let me see i don't know that i have seen it oh there it is i'm from australia i love your content your insights into city planning australia is quite different you should try a left-hand drive set left-hand traffic city i have a feeling i would mess that up quite a bit um but i thought about it you know it's funny i've seen it you know biff is doing right-hand drive builds and i'm sure that that is completely backwards for him but he's doing it so maybe i should give that a shot if i thought about what i would do if given the chance to plan a real city from scratch so you're going to find that out in clearwater county because that that the capital there is going to be my dc it's going to be my master plan city and we'll see if it's if it's any good thoughts on boston uh i think i think new england in general is is is fascinating it's certainly more european than the rest of the us in the architecture and the layout in general and i think that's that's that's fascinating which u.s city has the worst example of urban sprawl so many of them even the best planned city so i brought i brought up boulder and i'll use that as an example because i am very familiar with it boulder has suburban communities where all the homes look the same just outside of its green necklace so the example would be we have our green necklace here now we get our road that extends up now we look at this oh we're right there so now that our now that we we can't build inside of that zone tracked housing right here boy that doesn't seem like it makes much sense does it and that is exactly what happens when uh good intentions uh lead to poor execution uh it certainly protects uh the character of that community it's kind of nimbyism in its finest it's at its finest in my opinion you see a lot of that in certain places san francisco or bay area is is another place that the reason it sprawled the way it did is nimbyism it is people want to protect their their land interest and keep the city the way it is we have that in my area it's it's certainly it's certainly unfortunate [Music] let's see people asking about my ethnicity uh i am half black half white so um you know i i certainly uh i'm half half german so if that if that is of any interest i would love to see infographics about global locations of cpp viewers so i've dropped the the locations of channel viewership in the discord server a couple times and it's very very very spread out it's it's impressive thoughts on tokyo i think tokyo is a fan uh you know absolutely [Music] wildly fascinating city i have a friend that went and lived there for a while and spoke very highly of it it's a place on my bucket list of places to see let's see please fix the intersection by west high school in dane county it's a disaster you know it's funny people will um yeah maybe maybe i'll stay away from local stuff [Music] is it canberra uh so i i've heard a lot about it oh i didn't send that discord link did i or no i did i just also have it in my emojis yeah so i had it here there we go now i feel better all right so i think i'm going to stay on for about another 10 to 15 minutes and then i'm going to call it a night go to sleep and um we'll we'll see i the one thing i have a monavies upstairs baby monitors to see if there's kids waking up and i have not looked at them because my phone fell and uh i'm not sure where it is phil what's my actual title planner [Laughter] uh planner planner uh and there's a number behind it i'm a senior level planner um i'm not an entry-level planner i've been doing this for about a decade so what is going on vod is this going on beauty i don't know um maybe i i think maybe i should i'll give it a shot we'll see what it does i'll put this one on and if it's if it goes well i'll keep them up otherwise i might edit them down so i use a software called timebolt which helps me basically slice and dice my videos so that i can edit them in the style that i edit them in and you know it's made by a guy in missouri named doug he's awesome and uh it it's it's super helpful so i use that piece of software i was looking for a piece of software that would help me with this it's another reason why i've been able to increase my video output i know people have asked you know wow you're making more videos than you were before that is a huge reason why because i was able to streamline some of my processes and i'm always looking to do that always looking to improve and make things easier in myself uh because when i'm here canberra okay uh so what i'm always looking to do is is find ways to improve the stuff that i don't love doing uh and what i don't love doing hey there we are first one is the first time for everything huh um so i you know i like editing the videos i like certain parts of it i don't like going through and time time-lapsing everything and doing all the cuts so if i can get that done i'm i'm happy and that's what that software helps me do please make this vod ah yeah the spliffing brit export exploit uh this is live mike how do i keep my collectors from getting overwhelmed honestly just having lots of connections so one of the big things so you know in the red bull challenge today the one that struggled with a little bit that challenge the way that i approached it is i added lots and lots of connections throughout the entire city so that traffic would disperse and that's something that helps um just in general and i would in cities you know a city that funnels traffic because it creates a bottleneck la's a great example that the 405 it collects all of the traffic in the in the valley going to west la and everyone sits there every single person says every single day and it's all because there's there's the 405 there's mulholland uh or you could head towards glendale and try to cut down through hollywood that's absolutely crazy i tried to do all of them i lived so i lived in encino for a while i worked in beverly hills i was i worked at a talent agency so kind of in a previous life kind of a interesting job so that um that dri that that drive helped me sort things out and the interesting thing about the talent agency is i got the job because everyone there that was in hiring was from wisconsin so it was uh there was someone from alpaca someone from the dalles and it was awesome it made me feel right at home we're everywhere we are everywhere uh so i think we have a fire department but they're uh yeah here they are they're just driving by the fire where are you going returning to station just they they've given up they've this is not a priority i don't know if this fence is making it or not i'm not a pro let's upgrade the roads i'm i'm tired of seeing dirt roads uh hello from hi ian i love seeing all the wisconsinites in here [Music] so everyone's gonna get happy and then some people will lose their homes so i guess i'd love to hear what you guys want me to do with this city um i don't know how often i'm going to stream um or if it's kind of a an irregular thing or something i do more often i'm definitely going to save it and i will drop a link in the in my google drive that i have available to the patreon patrons um but should i keep building this i don't i don't really so i've never done a build like this i imagine this being you know that's in this los vegas uh certainly it's taking some information inspiration from las vegas get this upgraded we're close we're very close and i'm upgrading roads that don't have anything on them i wonder if i can have utilities out there i don't think that i do i do i do i did i did i did okay with it let's i'll just upgrade the rest of them we're still burning we look back at the comments uh is this gonna be on youtube yeah i think i'll put it on there's a test run we'll see shout out from the philippines hello thank you i appreciate that red bull link uh so there were five links so that's the main reason i didn't put a link so there was a link uh on biffa's channel there's a red bull gaming link there was one on all of the channels and then two of them were on twitch and so that was the other thing with streaming i wasn't sure if i should do it here uh clearly the number of concurrent viewers tells me i should be here and not on twitch i don't really know anything about twitch um so i just decided if i was gonna learn something youtube is probably where i should learn what is your discord link so i will post it one more time let's see there we go just streaming when talking with chad is a plus i appreciate that because i don't know what i'm doing just making my way through this and uh giving it a go shout out from puerto rico shuttle right back at you hopefully things are going all right there verde beach is better than green bay i agree architecture versus landscape architecture versus town planning um i mean i'm a planner so i'm a little bias i know some landscape architects that are planners or that have become planners and they do a great job um architecture i have families members that are architects so i respect them they they do a very important job and you can tell always tell in our building art designed by an architect versus one that was you know kind of a prefab whatever have i ever been to canada i have not um i'm from northern wisconsin so i i some people believe that my accent is canadian kind of funny please do not go on twitch highly problematic policies over there for some minority creators okay yeah i'm i'm pretty pretty good not going on twitch i have not been to montreal but i mentioned that to my wife is the place i want to go where in the us do you think verde beach and clearwater county are so it's funny that's an interesting question i have taken inspiration from multiple places um so i wouldn't be able to pin point it is it's just like it's this or that so i mean reasonably there are things about uh verde beach that are very florida inspired and others that are more hawaii and california and inspired um i think that vera beach started out very california and is probably deviated from that a bit except for the fires uh and so clearwater county what i initially wanted to do was uh create my ode to the midwest kind of my i think that a lot of people look at the midwest they think it's flyover country and there's nothing of value here i would hear that when i lived out in l.a and it would it would bum me out we are not flyover country there are interesting places and wonderful people here and i wanted to show the world that by designing cities uh similar to those that i grew up with and i'm still in so that was where i started and i really struggled to find a map and i didn't really know anyone in the in the in in the community that could help me create it and i needed to to get going on the project i knew that i wanted to get started right away i didn't want to have a big gap in between um in between bluffside crossing and clearwater county so as a result i went with a map that i liked that i thought i could work with um so it's not it doesn't fit the midwest exactly because it has mountains uh so we'll just uh make it make it work uh reedsburg that's close by nice um very beach feels very south texas i think you could you could take you could see that too yeah i can see that so there were some questions in here that i wanted to oh shout out from beloit all right that's close by and uh i went on a tour there not too long ago this very very pretty city in the downtown at uh it's uh some of the revitalization of the downtown there is very impressive should there be limits for eminent domain to build transit or not uh reasonably eminent domain the limit on eminent domain is political will and you know i've worked in places that said we're just not doing that um so it it depends it's all it's all uh really a place thing so some places are just never gonna be okay with that we're gonna buy another tile so i'm gonna buy a tile we're gonna put some some industrial i think i'm gonna cut this off at one o'clock here so i said ten to fifteen i think what i need to do is actually give myself a time that's gonna be the that's gonna be the cutoff so our grid here is really irregular i'm not following any particular pattern which isn't which means that this is probably one of those cities where developers got the planet and that's not good but it happens so norway indiana dubai australia seattle washington wonderful city uh people have asked where i've done projects i did a project in seattle i they were working on brt and i helped consolidate some of the local bus routes that were going um that we're going into or that we're gonna be replaced by the brt there so that was a fun project how do i feel about gentrification that is hold on hold on hell balances i'm a mod creator if you're looking for oh yeah i i'm definitely always looking for assets and mods and maps so definitely go into discord server drop me in uh feel free to ping me in there i always i have been getting slower and slower as i become busier at getting back to pins but i do look for all of them every single one so um i do so drop me a line there um i lost my train of thought simple let's see what was i i'm going back to try to try to find it so i didn't see a lot of conversation about what i should do with this build um maybe i missed it because i was getting into building but please drop me a line let me know what i should do with this let me know if i should continue to work on it or if you want me to um you know i could either do this or i could be doing some detailing verde beach i'm not going to do anything heavy in clearwater county and i'm certainly not bringing that into a live stream it's just i've had too many situations in that build where i've had to re re-record i don't want there to be a live stream uh snafu so this is a new city um and i just this was so initially the way that tonight started is i just wanted to figure out how to set up a stream and i was going to do that and once i had the stream set up i was gonna schedule it out and not tell anybody and then oh gentrification that's right i'll get back to that in a second so and then i i just ended up inadvertently going live apparently like i did last time and i figured you know what sometimes you just gotta do it live and just gotta go and see what happens so gentrification [Music] gentrification is is good and bad um it is revitalization in some areas and other areas it's displacement i think that gentrification without making um making way for the people who used to live in an area is absolutely catastrophic and it's something that i've talked about you know as a as a public sector employee you have a responsibility not to be a part of that i think in a certain way so the last thing you want to do is have your planning work directly go and cause gentrification it's one thing if you plan for certain things that you know could gentrify an area but you think about the gentrification up front and try to handle that right up right away by ensuring that there's affordable housing and different things like that and some of that is actually being really proactive getting non-profits on board they're gonna vet who can you know buy places or rent them and make sure that everything isn't becoming luxury housing so it's it's it's a challenge greetings from new york i've been watching your channel for a while i'm absolutely addicted to your city builds keep up the good work thank you so much totally aiden i appreciate that streaming your videos from from venus i'm getting out there now oh boy is new urbanism sustainable without rent controls oh boy that's a tough one so i live in a new urbanist community and uh i have watched it spin rapidly into being unaffordable i couldn't afford to buy here anymore uh truthfully um and at the prices it said i don't know that i'd want to um but i think that a lot of developments like that so it's it's it's it's a challenge i don't i don't know um i think that i think that there there is a problem in general with the rental market in terms of um it not being profitable uh or desirable to build um housing at certain price points uh really the middle is what we're missing and i'm gonna talk about that at city planner explained at some point the missing middle it's right now we have a lot of duplexes and a lot of big you know 100 plus unit apartment buildings but not only that stuff in the middle is what's really challenging um so uh what's also challenging is anything that's not luxury or high-end we're seeing a lot of really high-end stuff even for affordable housing this is one of the things that kills me so you will see uh and i'm sorry i'm gonna get into a bit of a monologue for a second you'll see a new apartment building go up you'll see that it's rent controlled it will get tax credits and it will be luxury granite countertops heated heated uh underground parking it will have a swimming pool it's going to be absolutely amazing and it's going to be at 30 percent of the area median income so it's going to be geared towards the lowest income people in the area but it's luxury so you know that if that is the case and they're getting tax credits there's a 25-year sunset on that and the very moment that they can flip it into a luxury apartment they're going to do that and they're going to get they're going to have their development subsidized so that's a bit problematic that's one of the things that you know i struggle with and i don't that's not a that's that's a planning thing but it's also not it's also a legislative thing there's nothing i can do to change the uh the the legislation that allows it to happen so missing middle has been an issue for all of human humanity history all the history of humanity yeah i think it's it's i think right now we're experiencing something that i wish we could we could do more about in one year my housing values gone up forty thousand dollars yes that and that is enough to put it out of value out of reach for a lot of people how do i feel about st paul building a land bridge over a highway i think that's amazing i i also think that i'm curious about the cost of that in the long term so uh but yeah very very cool your three-year-old car went up eight percent last month that is i've heard that the used car market has gone absolutely wild and i yeah i don't know milwaukee realtor i'm curious uh how different that is than here um i know that dane county our values are insane face reveals soon not if i can help it have i ever been to rockford more times than i can count um so yeah many many many times not uh i mean really it's just kind of stopping through um trying to think if there's been any no i've never had food there it's a convenient place to stop when you're coming to wisconsin or going to chicago get gas grab a bite to eat there's that cluster of of uh you know kind of fast food type restaurants like there's like a steak steak shack or something been there a few times [Music] so apollo bus system um i've oh it's a jog in my memory there's something special about that but i can't remember what it is i apologize but now i'm gonna look that up because i gotta know [Music] you worked on the planning there louis that's that's all lucas that's awesome [Music] let's see is one of my co-workers found the channel and called you on it no not mine my wife's uh more than one of my wives that found it and that's been kind of a wild thing so if i weren't a city planner what would i be doing uh at this point youtube if it weren't for youtube it or video game something of video games what are my thoughts on cryptocurrencies i have a few i have uh i have uh ethereum i have bitcoin i have deutsche dosh because it's funny um yeah i'm an active investor i think that's something that um so i guess things that people don't know about me i grew up very very very very poor um so there's always been a part of me that never ever ever wants to be poor again and one of the things that i want to do is invest in things so i've always invested um so i have stocks and i have i invest in crypto and i have um i've purchased rental properties in the in the town that i grew up and fixed them up and don't really make any money but i grew up in a lot of really not great uh rental housing and i it always really ticked me off that people wouldn't invest in them and they end up being eyesores and i don't want to invest in the community that i live in as a planner there's a conflict of interest there and i think that there are some ethical concerns that could come up but fixing up uh the town that i grew up in um to me that that's awesome and uh it's inexpensive in the in the town uh compared to uh where i live right now so uh it was certainly something that i've done i've been doing game stuff i have a little bit gamestop amc tesla apple kind of look at a variety i gotta get a wide portfolio so yeah it's it's something that is meant a lot to me i like i i i like investing and i think it's interesting thank you so much dagger stare and love the videos watching from san francisco city of sprawl and san diego city of sprawl and beauty it's it's a very pretty city working commercial real estate on mobile home parks oh boy that's that's interesting i've listened to a lot of podcasts about mobile home in manufactured housing so uh the way they factor into planning now is we don't allow them so that was something that was certainly time specific and certainly to deal with some of the post-world war ii situations uh you know with housing it is affordable housing it's also not great housing so i have mixed emotions what i don't love is seeing some of the things that are happening now where the mobile homes parks get purchased out and um you know the rents get driven up i know that i've talked to people that uh in my life about whether or not a mobile home is a good investment and i've said no because you need to own that land underneath you otherwise it's a bad investment get out of get out yeah i don't have very much uh let's see i only have one wife that's true i have one wife one wife two kids and a dog and one stream this is my first stream and this is about the end of it i think so where you can watch me save and i uh i think that i'm going to uh can i take a load off a little bit maybe hop in the discord for a few minutes before i go to bed uh so las vegas look at all these bluffside crossing safes and you see a very old save from 2015 in here there we go so uh thank you all so much for joining me and for uh you know really helping me get through this and learn hopefully this is all uh hopefully i keep getting better at the stream and the streaming and um you know i will do this again i i i've had a lot of fun this was a heck of a lot more fun uh than uh i guess i imagined it could be so um i'm going to say goodnight everyone and feel free to jump in the discord server i'm going to leave a link one more time i will be over there for a little bit uh i do kind of just can disappear there when i get tired i just pass out bill's dog face reveal when i will face reveal my dog in the discord server in the next five minutes in general chat so alright thank you so much everyone i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 129,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, cities: skylines, city skylines, cities skylines lets play, unmodded cities skylines, cities skylines how to start your city
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 35sec (6395 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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