How To Build a Functional Modular Distribution Center in Cities Skylines

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of new zealand you know we need to have a name for this person here maybe you can let me know in the comments below a cool tv related name for this guy something funny but anyway yes we are here over on the west side of the new tealand city and i want to do some work over here with some modular distribution centers but before we do that we're going to have a quick check-in with hugo and see what he's up to with the word from our sponsors at nordvpn hugo has been training to be an astronaut and he's just about to take off and land on mars yes he has taken with him the fantastic offers from nordvpn so not just humans but also martians can enjoy these amazing deals so if you want to secure your internet connection while on public wi-fi watch your favorite tv shows while abroad and block malware ridden websites their nordvpn is for you with nordvpn like hugo you can have a fast and secure roadway to your destination with over 5400 superfast servers in 59 countries you can be fast and safe traveling the internet no matter where you are or where you want to get to to get nordvpn go to biffer and use the coupon code biffer and for every purchase of a two-year plan you get a bonus gift plus a huge discount well it's blast off time for hugo and there he goes heading off to mars and he's going to be safe on the way using the public wi-fi protected by nord vpn and maybe even when he arrives at his destination he will also be able to watch his favorite tv programs back home now these modular distribution centers have been made by avanya i will put a link to them in the description below or you could just search for that on the steam workshop and you will be able to find them and if we have a look at what we have over on this side of the area so let's just look above this here we have our zoning so we've got a lot of residential zoning over here i'm also planning to probably completely fill this area up here with residential and a few spatterings of commercial if we move over to the hickory district this will also be i would say pretty much all residential maybe a few offices as a buffer a couple of bits of commercial around here we've got some waterfront property we'll make something of that but over here we have industry and this area here underneath the mountains and this side of the road is perhaps what we're going to be working on today with our distribution sensors so let me show you what we've got to work with so we've got the find it mods so we can find these items obviously a couple of different ways of finding it if you type the word distribution in then we've got all these distribution items and we've got this extra one over here as well we don't worry about that but all of these ones here 17 items are included you could also search this way if you go to extra filters tick asset creator and put a vania in and then you'll get them come up like this a venue actually shows up twice in the list and there's some extra items in this one as well so that's what we're gonna do and then yeah let's just put down some of these and i'll show you what we've got so for instance we've got the one with the rail that's built in there we go and we've got uh four of these so two light two dark and uh one with the rail on each side as well so that gives us a total of four so we're going to be working with those there we go the light and the dark and the rail on each side so we've got some choices to be made there um let's delete some of these make a little bit more space and then we've got the normal sort of distribution building so we've got a small one a medium one and a large one which can obviously be put right next to each other there we go in a variety of patterns and then we have corner pieces as well so we've got uh sim which is cargo in motion i think is the idea of that name and they will match up to these larger pieces here and we'll give a sort of frontage to a certain type of a business so for instance let's grab another one of these now the corner only goes one way but what you can do if you pop one down like that grab a road on the side so you know which way around that's going to go that's then going to face this way and that can match up to the corner like that and this one is dpd so it gives these different uh type of hubs for your city i love the look of these buildings as well with the little air vents hvac and all that sort of stuff going on on top these are also storage so you can put in different types of items in here and they will distribute those items around your city just looking at these spawn points yes we've got the spawn points right at the front here so we could have that moved couldn't we all the way let's have a look yeah all the way back over here and we could add in multiple spawn points as well couldn't we on some of these so yeah i think that looks good so let me remove all of these and we'll start planning what we're going to do here so first of all i'm just going to clear some space we've got a lot of tree action going on in here all of this is going to go up to this building we'll leave those ones there that's fine and i'm going to take out all of these oh there we go renowned okay that's not very good we're gonna take out all of these down here as well just to give us an idea of what we've got to work with so i'm looking at the highway that we've got coming down here we do have this connection road going through here it is acting as a collector off of the highway um but it goes through this residential district here so ideally i'd uh only why are you not giving way over there is this not set up correctly it is but then whatever okay that's fine you just work it out yourself so ideally i don't want all the trucks coming through here which i can do with policies but that's fine but the trucks are gonna have to go somewhere so if they're all coming through here and then we're sort of getting down to local roads we're cutting through other industry areas it's a long way to the highway then you've got to come through here and you're hitting all the traffic to get on this roundabout so the downside of all of that is we need some sort of mini junction in here to come off the highway that can still fit in with this rail line how are we going to do that let's just pause the game a minute and see what we can do so i'm going to delete this rail line that comes along here to give us some space and i think what i'm going to do is let's have a look at the height of the land here yeah so i'm going to lower this part of the motorway down see this bit goes nice and straight so i'm just thinking a nice straight road over the top there could work quite well we might even turn this bit into a tunnel but let's just go with that for now that's not too bad is it and then we could put a connecting road over the top or collector over the top here let's put anarchy on i want to get that as close to the flat part as possible so what i'm going to do actually is make sure both sides are the same height let's grab the level terrain brush size brush strength that height looks good so right click there and then left click there actually i'm gonna do it the other way i'm gonna bring this in right up to there as close as i can right click that and then do the same over here bring that in as close as i can there we go and we know now that that is the same height on both sides excellent now we'll grab this road and i'll get that as close as we can that looks okay not so good for that police car though he's not having a bad day isn't he and i think that should be plenty high enough over the top excellent then we want to just smooth out this motorway here so i don't think i will make it a tunnel i'll leave it like it is so we'll get the network multi-tool and then we'll just go from there to say three back excellent we'll do the same there yep that's good so that gets under there so that gets us to the other side and then we just want to add a way on and away off on each side of the motorway [Music] [Music] okay that is not too bad and we're going to have to sort of upgrade some of these roads i want this one here so we need three lanes there so we can get a dedicated lane coming off we want three lanes there so we can have dedicated lanes coming on so we're gonna do that this side as well that's gone quite far isn't it let's add another one in there so then just taking this example here this is where there we go traffic manager is going to come in hugo there they each get a lane this has already put a dedicated lane for off there and then if you go there you will get a dedicated lane and this one's not quite looking like it's going the right way no it isn't it hasn't recognized that sort of it's actually it's probably to do with the angle it thinks it's straight on but we'll do that anyway you get where we're going with that and then they can sort of merge in there yeah that will be okay i think that will work and then what we can do is to come down to this area we can then grab this and this road here let's just put that back on so that can then build out this way and this one save the rock save the rock what come on lock it's not difficult thank god trying to save you here and this one can come out and curve maybe slightly like that and then we'll work out what's going to happen there afterwards excellent and then we've just got this rail line to connect up is that going to be able to go straight over the top i mean we've got anarchy so yes it is silly question um and if we get that all the way to there let's move these and i just pop that there and then we'll just see what we've got going on okay so what we've got going on is everything's a bit too low so let's grab all of those nodes control h make it the same height as that there we go okay so room under there is fine room under there do you know what unless i'm missing something that looks pretty darn good so the only couple of things we might want to change now is the access on and off of here so you're going to come up here and what are we going to do are we going to allow left and right turn or we're gonna say right only put in a roundabout and you have to come back up again i mean i'm assuming this is gonna get a lot of traffic let's go with let's go with traffic lights and then we'll see how it goes so this piece at the end here on both sides is definitely going to want to be upgraded to this one here so we get two lanes there we go and we'll do the same over here and then we don't want them to go straight on we want left and right only so if we grab that segment and take that out and then we'll do the same over here that segment if you want to upgrade the piece coming down here as well do you know what we might as well we're going to do that piece and that piece it's one lane coming off spreads into two and off it goes and then we do have traffic lights there and i tell you what i do want to change is this one i'm going to give it a dedicated turning lane and that one is going to get a dedicated tournament i could do control left click but it mess up my lanes coming on so uh we'll do that one there and we'll do that one there okay excellent i can unpause now that should all continue running maybe let's just do a little bit of nice looking lines on here to smarten this thing up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go that is looking much much better we could do a bit more detailing around here but we've come back to that so i want to just finish this road network that we've got going on here um so this road here we brought that in straight to about there and then we're going to curve that round i'd like that to be as close to 90 degrees as possible so people get a good view of what's going on here as always we're going to give these give way for now and then dedicated turning lanes going up and already people are starting to use this which is fantastic let's see where this guy's going i bet he's going onto the highway here he comes speed things up onto the highway and there you go excellent so that is a good access to the highway start taking off some of the pressure on this side as we expand and then we've got this road here now i'm looking at this junction over here uh where this comes off it's quite a small man yeah so the highway goes through here and this is like a real wiggly sort of small road and we don't have a nice big collector coming through here we've got this small little road which does get a bit snarled up at the end and then we've got this one for going over here this is like a separate connection we could do with another connection coming off of here for this and i'm not sure if that's going to be a good idea so these people can go that way they could come this way let's give it a go and let's see what happens okay i think that is the angle that we're going to want to approach this roundabout and this roundabout here needs a little bit of work so let's just pause a second uh what have we got going on here we've got fencing we've got all sorts of cool stuff that we've done before yeah that's all going to go i've got that one there which is the same as that load over there okay that's fine what i don't want is for these to get too close together but actually i don't think it's going to be too much of an issue we could even move this one up a bit but we'll stay with what we've got that'll be fine so let's grab this actually we've got some more fence there there we go so let's grab that road there i'm going to bring that in alongside this one and it's just going to go out to there that will do what i think i might want to do is actually add a node in here for this to connect to so i'm going to add the node there and again as i said these two are very close but i think it will be okay in this one instance and that's going to go into there and of course because we've added a node it's not going to mess with the shape of the roundabout which is good and then this one here i want to sort of connect in the middle so what i'm going to do is again i'm going to add a node roughly where i think this is going to connect but then this is too many nodes so i'm going to remove that node there excellent so let's grab this one and we'll bring that in and that'll keep the roundabout nice and round okay good so two lanes coming in but we've got three lanes on the roundabout which is great two lanes coming in three lanes on the roundabout i just realized this i thought yes do you know what i might do with this one i might skip the roundabout entirely and have it connect over here well shall we leave it like that should we leave it so it's a bit odd and a bit different but all i'm thinking is we need to bring the angle of this round a bit because these poor people here coming onto that roundabout are going to be swearing and cursing at how bad it is maybe something like that that's not too bad the time you hit the roundabout it's at least a 90 degrees which is okay and they're a bit further apart all right cool we'll go with that and then we'll take this ctrl shift left click all the giveaway signs all the dedicated lanes everything you need okay we'll go with that for now and then that now connects to this area and we can start utilizing this space and this space along here excellent okay so i'm trying to work out where we're going to put our roads on here ideally i don't want too many junctions on this road that goes through as it is acting as quite a connection between these two areas particularly people that work here um but i think we'll be okay so let's just use the industry road for now i think we're gonna just go and set back something like that i mean that could just be enough one little connection like that and if we bring that all the way along to the edge and then we could have our distribution center built off of here that could be quite good let's see how it goes so if we go for so we've got small medium and long just seeing how close that gets to the highway that is actually okay so we could have a couple of those if we turn off anarchy yeah see now that gets too long so then we could go to the medium one there how big is the small compared to that oh yeah it is a lot smaller so we could go for a couple of medium and then i want a corner piece there and then we could do a couple of we could actually probably have another long one there then go for a medium and then go for a corner piece let's have a look for fedex so that hit straight into that one okay let's just try something different then let's go for moving this up and then go for a small which was this one yeah and then go for a corner piece fedex you're back in again that's not too bad is it and over here then we could just go straight through a corner piece uh so if we go like that we're gonna have to sort out this road aren't we watch it rock watch it there we go so that hooks in nicely to that one gls and fedex and i'm just wondering whether we could do something here to sort of get these to mash in so what i mean by that is can we then use some of these to go this way and nudge in like that and then we can add some more corner pieces onto those i think that would be cool if we could let's just see what we can do [Music] oh look at that that is perfect so then can i fit another corner piece on here oh man this would just be too good if it was true ah no they get a bit too close okay what about if i remove that added another small one in and then put fedex in ah look at that oh that is nice so that matches up with that corner perfectly and then we are going to end up with a bit of a gap in the middle here perhaps oh it's like a puzzle of tetris in it i'm enjoying this uh we've got the light ones as well and i think i'm going to stick with the dark ones so if we did that i think we're going to struggle to get a corner piece in here and when if we do that we can just use the move it mod just to see so that would have to go like that and that would then go there [Music] oh is that going to overlap would you know what that would be so close that might still actually work foreign okay a little extra addition there we've got this road that now runs around the back which i'm going to put some stuff in here and we've got this road that runs around the back here as well which i think adds a little something something and yeah that's okay i'm just wondering whether we could then build something off of here maybe some of the lighter uh distribution center models particularly the small i mean these can we just put two corner ones next to each other oh look at that that would fit in there if there was a bit more room or can i just sort of monkey this in now can you go up against this road here it will do it like that and then i'll get the move it mods and go like that does that look wrong that looks it does look long okay let's see if we can make some room here oh there we go that is much much better so just move this road up a bit and moved it ever slightly out towards that building and over here as well we'll just live with the fact that they overlap by a few micro pixels and that's okay this looks like that is how it should be so let me just add i'm going to put another road along the back here as well there we go excellent i think that is looking like a cool distribution center there's already people coming up here what are you doing are you coming to deliver something you're just coming to take a look you're a road maintenance truck you're maintaining the road that is what we want to see cool so what about this little section over here so i think what we're going to do is make this side the admin center for all i mean imagine how many people would be working in here truck drivers warehouse operators pickers packers you name it they would all be working in here there'd be absolutely loads of them and you know what i'm going to do is i've got two gls here so i'm going to remove this one and we are going to use let's add a distribution to our list swap this over to the other evanya uh we've got fedex let's go for dhl why not is that one gonna fit in there nicely why is this one oh i know because i've moved all the roads and stuff haven't i ah yes okay so that's gotta go up against oh hang on we'll get it we'll get it there we go excellent so we've got another option there yeah so um if we take out distribution from this list there was a cool looking admin type building in here which i quite liked it was actually under the other one here we go this one here so this i believe comes from avania's modular sewage works there's a whole load of pumping stations and things like that but i quite like the look of this admin building so i'm just thinking what is going to be the best way to do this i mean we could just place that like that or we could do it the other way around and make this nice little area here what you see from the front i think that would be much better and then we could have a few offices and maybe a car park or two sort of built around here let's change up the roads we'll go for something a bit greener along the front so let's have a little bit of space so we could even go there and then connect up to here we can get a nice right angle that would be preferable there we go let's do the business we'll make that give way and oh darn it wrong one there we go dedicated turning lanes in and out there uh dedicated oh hang on yeah we want this one i'm pressing all the wrong buttons what am i doing there we go give way dedicated turning lanes in and out i think that should be fine this wants to connect up to the water so we'll do that there we go i think that actually produces water for us oh it's a drain okay and then we need to connect across some electricity well how about we put some offices in and see how that goes so if we pop just a little office complex along here off this main road maybe even around there as well and i'm not sure the electricity is going to jump that far so what i'm going to do is we're going to use our little trick that we have we're going to use the earthquake sensor whereabouts is that going to need to go right in the middle there there we go and that will make it jump across speed the game up and everyone will stop complaining there we go power for all excellent so we've got all the delivery slots in and out here um let's just have a look at these with our spawning points so yeah the building's spawning points is in a weird spot but we can sort of change that so if we bring that back a bit to there and then move that over we could say that could come into there and what about these ones so that again is right at the front i mean all we need to do is move that back and then sort of line it up with that and what we can also do is apply to all buildings of this type so if i do that there we go so that should now be okay for that one yep that's good and let's just do these other couple as well [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go so that is all of those sorted i'm yet to set these to hold anything yet but we will get to that in a moment uh yeah definitely feel like we need some more car parking so each of these has got the slots out the front for the trucks coming in and out but for the people that work in here i feel like we need a big parking area and this bit at the front here i believe is just calling out for a car park [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go nothing too complicated a lot of parking at the front and some trees interspersed as well just you know it hides the stark view of all this distribution center but yeah i think that looks okay along there cool beans corbin so um i've taken away the zoning and not the zoning the district that we had over the top of here because i believe it was one that was set to not include um any offices uh in the theme if there's a theme on here is there a theme on here university city i can't remember whether there's um any in that but we don't need a zone over there or a district over there so now we need to fill each of these with goods now there's two ways we could go about this we could just fill it with whatever and put empty and it would probably never get used but there are certain items that places over here need and also these need people i believe uh not enough workers oh dear so we need to expand that as well so i'm wondering whether we just go for a little bit of everything set it all to empty and this could just be a backup storage solution for anything we need and if we see too many trucks and things coming over here that aren't being really helpful to our city we could sort of change these up so let me just fill these in right that stopped everybody complaining about a lack of goods and you can see where i've zoned in some offices all around the place so it's just going to be a case of waiting until we have a need because at the moment we have a very high demand for residential so i think we are gonna have to start expanding down here into the hickory district so looking at the road network that we've got here we do have this collector that comes through which then has got two mini collectors that are connected to it um i think we are going to turn this into a four-way junction so let's just grab that road there and as this is going to be more of a residential area let's maybe go for something with trees four lane avenue with trees four lane avenue uh decorative with parking entries yeah we're gonna go for that so this is gonna come out straight down here how far straight down is this going to go i mean this literally could go all the way down here and then curve around and follow the coast and it's going to end at some point because there's no way for this to then come across and connect to something else is there no we're not going to mess with that so something like that would be perfectly fine but then we're going to have to do something with this junction now do we turn this into a mini roundabout or do we do something chaos let's just give dedicated turning lanes as much as we can i'm just wondering whether we could just do something a little bit different let us take our highway lanes here these short ones and maybe we could just do let's just pause this okay i'm going to delete that that and that and there's going to be a reason for this we're going to take that one there and we're going to draw that out so that would be 10 actually where it was okay that's fine we'll take this one and we'll draw that out to be 10 and then we'll draw it out to be 10 and that's some this doesn't seem to match up now does it what's going on there all right why about that in a moment and then we'll take the highway road here and i want to go from 10 to 10 like that and then i want to see if i can remove that node there click to remove yeah there we go and then use that if we could sort of curve it a bit like that and then we're going to grab that no want this one to go straight through there and then what i'm going to do is use the movement mod and just get that to be straight again and try that so we're getting a dedicated right hand turn so then this one here would go that way and we can connect that up again we'll then use the movement mod like that we'll then remove that node there and then we'll slide this one back sort of happen to do it with my eyeballs here to see how we're doing and then i'd like to do it here but i think that might be it you know i think the majority of the traffic is going to be all these people here so having something like that it just adds a little bit of interest doesn't it to the area so if we do that that's going to sort out the sides and then the only other thing is the lane management the lane mathematics that we've got going on here and if we went for something like this so those two lanes would come over that would make more sense and like that is there a three in one there is oh that would be even better that would be even better because now what about a three and two oh getting excited with lame mathematics um yep three and two and we're going to take the trees away from that section there that's got the side panels i think that one hasn't yeah there we go so that matches up with that excellent so now if we do dedicated turning lanes we've got a lane for each direction on each of these and we've got correct lane mathematics so when we come down here and we don't need traffic lights that is not the button this one we don't need traffic lights there don't need traffic lights there this will come back to and then that hugo there you get a lane each coming through and this one here that one can split to two and that we can go for right uh we could do the same there as well hang on a sec hang on a sec yeah what we'll do here we'll do this a bit different so that's not going to go to there that one will go to there not there no not there this one is going to go to there should we have that one straight on and right oh man why not why not that'll be okay we'll go with that um this here we don't want them turning round like that because that is complete nonsense so we're going to turn that off let's try that again so that just goes around to the right and again the lame mathematics here is one plus two three i don't think it's going to be so busy that we need to worry about that and this here should only be going up there yep that's good yeah i think that will be okay then we can just pop some lines in here [Music] [Music] so okay there we go i think that is looking quite good so far i'm just wondering whether just to pop something in here as well we don't really want to block the view of the cars coming and going around this junction so maybe just a little bit of undergrowth will be fine [Music] [Music] there we go that should work well i'm liking the look of that and then the only other thing i'm going to change is the traffic lights that we have in the middle here so at the moment we've got normal traffic lights we're going to turn those off we're going to go for time traffic lights we'll do a control left click quick setup there we go and that should work nicely and we've still got the crossings right here uh which to be honest i'm probably going to end up moving let's do dedicated turning lanes there we could probably do with adding a crossing in over here uh let's grab this one i can remember which one to turn that into that one there there we go crossing of course we're gonna pop traffic lights on there yeah i'm probably gonna take out the crossings on here i think that would be a good idea just to keep things going there we go excellent they can cross over and it's not too far away you're stopping there so we're gonna say don't stop there so go through we'll do the same over here just carry on going through and there we go i think that's gonna work nicely [Music] [Music] [Music] i just decided to drop a few cargo in motion props around just to add a little something something to this so what do you reckon to this build let me know in the comments and check out the next video on the screen as well if you enjoy city skylines be sure to subscribe plenty more coming your way thanks for your support have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 106,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines modular build, cities skylines distribution center, cities skylines distribution, cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, Cities skylines fix your city
Id: 0qTXHyZ2oWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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