Can my City Handle Olympic Traffic? | Cities Skylines: Oceania 25

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this episode of oceania is brought to you by squarespace visit 2.20 to get 10 off your very first purchase g'day guys just20 here welcome back to oceania it's been a little while since we've done a oceania video i know a bunch of you guys have been uh just busting to get back into this sort of vine i've been really keen to get back into it but uh yeah sorry it's been about a month and i figured because it's been so long we should probably do something that i think a lot of you guys are going to be pretty keen about i know that a lot of lot of people have been asking when am i going to get to some sort of stadium or olympic park or even extending out a little bit more than public transport well we're going to be doing all those things in this episode we're going to be doing the olympic park stadiums and then i'm hoping in the live play the i guess the mid point of this episode we're going to be doing i don't know potentially like just trying to get the public transport working for this because i think having i guess three different stadiums in this area three different events we're going to get just a ridiculous amount of people coming here which means we're going to need to make sure that infrastructure is pretty solid and i'm not really going to do a huge amount of that sort of infrastructure in the time lapse i'm going to save that for mostly the live play however i did place down that stadium right there that one's made by actually they're both made by bad peanut uh but he's created this one a couple years ago i've been just ironing it off for quite a while and there's actually a train station attached to that now i've got some plans for that so you know just stay tuned we're gonna be um just making some adjustments to that train station i think it's gonna work really well but um yeah basically this episode so we are creating an olympic park i really wanted to create one of these scenes as australia has hosted the olympics a couple of times and we're also due to host it once again up in brisbane in 2032 i think but you know one of my probably one of the greatest memories for me living in sydney was hosting the 2000 olympics i mean i didn't personally host it but you know kind of felt like it when um you know your home city hosts the olympics for something that is so important being the year 2000 olympics was pretty special so you know pretty like massive buzz around that time but i do also really like the assets or even like the ability to create big parks like this within city skylines you know i've always really enjoyed creating massive parks and these events are also really cool that every now and again you just get a huge amount and i mean a huge amount of people flocking to one area of your city and i think it's such a cool pressure test for your infrastructure so i'm actually just really excited to get into that and see how that works plus i also just wanted to build something really big in oceania since we haven't done this for a while i wanted to do something pretty significant something that was going to take up a fair amount of space so basically what i've been up to is i've just been figuring out the general layout of this and it's going to change a little bit i definitely have not set anything in stone and i guess my rule of thumb is always place the biggest things first and then figure out your road layout or maybe road layouts and big things at that stage and then you kind of just start placing things around so that's why we started with two big stadiums uh we've got both of them again made by bad peanut the first one that you can see that i'm working on at the moment this one is an older asset it's made originally he made it for match day which i saw him create i was like okay cool i'm totally gonna use that never got around to using it and then he updated it for the campus dlc and again i was like i'm gonna get it didn't use it and now we'll finally get into it because it was made originally for match day the soccer field is probably disproportions to i guess the other stadiums within the uh within the city or even within city skylines but i think that the amount of stuff around it and even the stadium itself i think is just too cool of a thing to pass up on because i think the added edition of the train station i think even all these buildings and uh you know just everything even that like massive grass field i think is really cool and then the other stadium that i placed down is an afl stadium and if you don't know what afl is that's totally fine because it is kind of a weird sport that australia has made up afl stands for australian football league and i guess it's sort of similar to rugby and you know takes inspiration from other different sports it's a little bit it's a bit different it's a bit out there but it's it's pretty cool that it's australian so i figured i had to place that down even though afl is more like it's probably bigger in other states than it is in um i guess all around australia like it's not massive in new south wales but it is pretty massive in victoria but i figured being an australian sport had to place down a stadium like that and then the last one that i'll end up placing down is a tennis stadium which is another one that's from australia like an actual stadium from australia which we'll look at when i get to it but at the moment we've been doing a couple of things so far i've just been figuring out the general layout for this area got the main road going in the main avenue and we'll stretch it out just a little bit further and then i wanted the entrance to be uh you know a bit more public space filled with ovals and fields for people just to use not just you know for massive sporting events or anything like that and i decided just to put a grass field by using this decal that's been on the workshop for maybe i'm going to say 2016 16 17 so it's an old asset this stripey field so it's probably a probably could be going in the other direction but i kind of you know by sinking into the grounds uh just a smidge it does make the grass look just a bit more vibrant definitely has a difference between that grass and then other areas of uh of the city so that's why i've done that just syncing it into the ground a little bit and then i'm using this one over here this one's going to be another afl field but again we are doing this for the public this is definitely something that our schools would use or you know maybe just some small leagues of uh players you know just some public space kind of nice having that right next to big stadiums uh something i noticed around a lot of the olympic parks around australia um you know looking down at melbourne and looking at sydney olympic park it's always cool seeing these sort of fields um and i'll be taking a lot of inspiration from a couple more of these places as we go along in the time lapse but uh tell you what do not look at this oval if you are you know if feel a little bit triggered by imperfection or non-symmetrical things because this is imperfect i just uh you know if i've learned anything from my bae just you know sometimes you're just going to build something and just move on you know just gonna move on otherwise you just don't get anything done i've been working on oceania for i mean a while now and we're only really kind of like just chipping away it's you know bits and pieces i definitely need to get a regal on it's definitely um i've learned a lot from albay maybe i'll talk a bit more about that later on if you want to hear me rant about i don't know just the the challenges and benefits of detailing and not detailing places and trying to find the perfect balance haven't worked it out yet but i feel like you know maybe six years down the track of playing city skylines maybe i'm getting there maybe i'm figuring out the balance that i think is um the best um but i wanted to place it over there mostly because the train line that stretches through this olympic park makes a really nice oval i guess makes a nice arch that i thought the oval could kind of be influenced by and i think it kind of does but um basically that's that line that train line is for the metro and we did speak about this when we did create the metro line last episode but um yeah we've extended it out and there's actually room to continue extending it out so maybe we continue it but i also sort of think that this really does feel like the end of the line you know this is the sort of station where you'd see a lot of people get off when there's an event but then probably nobody will get off when there's no event because otherwise there's nothing else really here so it's probably one of those stations that might even bypass or might might even be bypassed um you know some like the majority of the time but then actually stops there when there's an event on um what we're doing now is just figuring out the layout for these areas these are these other stadiums now we've got that massive one which is pretty much in that spot now i'm happy where it goes it's a bit tricky with that mountain trying to get a nice flat area you can see the real struggle that i'm encountering and then we've got this smaller stadium this is a tennis stadium and i believe it's the rod laver stadium down in melbourne uh you might just stick it up on yeah you might be looking at right now that would be a smile that would be a smart option but there it is i've decided to use that one because it is again australian and i thought that it'd be good to have a bit of a mix of sports and it worked pretty well i mean it's a really old asset but it works very nicely now something to note which was a bit of a hidden struggle of mine while building this you probably you know maybe it's something that you're noticing or maybe it's something that's uh i don't know maybe maybe it's just gone unnoticed that's the other word i'm looking for but uh basically you know building places like this are always difficult because an olympic park wouldn't ever really just have the three stadiums you know olympic parks have multiple multiple stadiums they have lots of different sporting areas and lots of different facilities and then a whole back area full of you know warehouses and admin sort of stuff and huge amounts of parking and plazas it's there's a lot that goes into here now because we're playing city skylines and because i'm trying to scale everything down you know everything is a smaller version of it what it would really look like in real life it's um always hard to build places like this because in your head you're like okay that wouldn't be a realistic stadium or realistic olympic park because it doesn't have this this this and this whereas you can get away with doing things like this or you can get away with building places in city skylines when you know something like a downtown where you can build you know a couple of skyscrapers and it still looks like a downtown because a lot of downtowns just only have a couple of skyscrapers or if you build a harbour you know you can build a couple of cranes and that's all you really need or you know schools or infrastructure that's what stuff you can get away with but places like this they feel weird because there's not enough of the thing that they really need the most of if that makes sense but yeah building places like this are always very difficult because you do have an idea of what you need to place down and then when you try and place down as many of those things within the game it doesn't work because you don't have enough space you know all of a sudden this olympic park is the size of your city you know it's the same when you build airports we didn't see the skylines you're going to scale that thing down otherwise it's going to take up the entire space of the map um look at the project that biswiggle wigglehausen and fluxtrance and structosa did you need the entire map to make something like that realistic so you can't do that so this is definitely a scaled-down version so you're probably thinking ah you don't have this you don't have that yeah i don't have a lot of different things that we definitely need but i think you just gotta you just gotta make it work and you know what i kind of i also like that you know i like that we're not going to ever have enough room to build all those things and i think that's always the fun thing about playing this game is trying to make it work trying to get the essence of a place and still make it you know so you can still look down and go oh hey that's totally an airport that's that's a olympic park because it has this feature and that feature and you've included this you know scaling things down like this and trying to make it work within the constraints of a game like this i'm saying the word this a lot i'm aware of that you don't need to write in the comments but i just think the limitations can sometimes force you not sometimes definitely definitely forces you to be more creative and that's why i'm always somewhat disappointed when i have a game that gives you infinite amounts of tools and infinite amount of scale and possibilities then i kind of go i don't really know what to do because nothing's restricting me and nothing's making it difficult i think that's why i like playing with money enabled and milestones enabled within mile bay and has kind of changed the way that i wanted to play the game and even jumping back into oceania and you know just seeing that i've got infinite money and i'm you know obviously not making any money at the moment and i've got everything unlocked i don't know it's honestly a little bit unmotivating i kind of like the restrictions mind you i'm very much invested in building this because i am so curious to see whether all this stuff that i'm building is even going to work when i unpause the game which by the way i've kept it paused the entire time uh i'm pause the game and try and make this thing work try and make events work because i have a feeling it might not and we're gonna have to do some work but anyway i've just unfortunately rambled when i could have been talking about some interesting thing that i i'm doing on screen because i've done a couple of things i might have to mention that in the live play the problem is i've made my time lapses a bit shorter and i'm also only recording the bits that you want to see not the bits where i'm just scrolling through finder trying to find the things that i want to use or anything i think is particularly boring it's definitely making time lapses a lot shorter so i've got less time to ramble like i usually do but that's okay i will ramble in the live play just quickly though where's the parking i hear you asking see that area that dirty area down there where there's some cars that's actually a parking lot i got the inspiration from down at melbourne park there's this big grassy area and i was like ah that's a nice little playing field it's not it's actually parking and then i guess when people aren't parking there for an event it's just a nice green area and i was like you know what that's a really smart place to put parking and i don't know if you noticed but i did hide some parking underneath some ploppable grass just a little sneaky thing there don't tell anyone but if you are interested in telling people about something why not tell them about the world-class website building tools over at squarespace here i'll even tell you what you can say building a sleek and stylish website couldn't be easier squarespace offers best-in-class templates to fill that website sized hole in your life simply browse entertainment category to find the perfect starting place and then you can customize that bad boy into the website of your dreams it's super easy to do with squarespace's editing tools that even a dummy like me could put one together for me it's nice knowing that i can update my website hustle free 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couple of gameplay things i want to start placing down uh including some parks and some extra events in fact i'm just going to put it on pause just quickly because i do want to see when our match is going to start okay cool so we've got pretty much a full year until that's going to happen and this one is okay great the exact same day fantastic so that's going to be a pretty epic when those events happen now this guy down here our tennis arena doesn't actually have an event which i mean it's probably good for traffic and our infrastructure but i kind of want to have an event down here so i'm just going to sneak in an aquatic center now i do want to place it on the road but i don't really want to see this box so how about we do something a bit sneaky and see if we can hide it in one of these places how about i get rid of this planter here we'll get rid of this guy that's just in a little strange location we'll plop that down when is that even going to happen 21st okay cool so i don't oh that's just okay that's not too far away so that'll be our first event our first test and then we'll have our epic test a little later on um but i do want to cover this up so let's see if i can find a prop that will cover that up pretty nicely uh i've actually got the best idea i'm gonna put a burger joint here but not any burger joint uh says cram burger all right i don't really want cran burger in fact i would like it's to be one of our custom stores i wanted to be a bruce burger unfortunately cranberry is still there because i forgot to remove the props in prop remover i think it's the logos that's still there that's okay i have changed it so they'll disappear as soon as i restart the game but for the time being let's uh let's just turn this into a bruce burger because i think this would be a good spot for a booze burger there we go awesome unfortunately those cranberries are there but they'll disappear now uh let's give it some seating i reckon this would be a good spot for some seating and then we'll unpause it and see what else is going on there we go even put in a little playground just in there kind of fun so we got a pretty um high-capacity bruce burger now placed in there there is a couple of things we can start with so let's get our metro to actually stop at this station now before i do that there is a couple of things that i need to do with our actual station because this is actually a train station i need to make sure that my metro will stop there so this network is a station but i just need to make sure that it's in the right place so i might just drag this guy like that and then we'll pull this guy down like this there we go now i think that should just be the only station nestled in there cool all right hopefully that's gonna work hopefully people will actually use this stop i haven't tested it yet so that's gonna be our next challenge so let's have a look i believe it's the blue line that we need to work on yeah it is that one so i'm actually just going to extend it out i'm not going to drag a new network i think we can just add an extra stop and do i really want to i guess we don't really need that stop just there i guess we can just leave it as it is look there he is there's the train and then i guess we can see if we do need to make another one oh here we go okay so the event is starting to begin so i guess this would be the real test we'll see if this is going to start to hold up but i believe we're probably going to need to have a bus line out this way as well because i think that's probably just going to help with a bit of the flow now while we're waiting for people to turn up and come into our stadium i want to add just a couple of extra parks because these are technically parks that i want people to come and visit i want them to be creating a bit of a better land value around here which is something that we're going to need so i'm going to use these little boxes and i think this is probably the perfect spot to put it just poking out ah not really cool i'm gonna put another one just in here and i think this one will be safe enough if i just drag it inside there perfect and do i really have enough room for around here probably not but maybe i might just add an extra one just in there just like that and i think it's safe enough just to drag it out a smidge and look at that we've already got quite a lot of metros coming into the station and people are using it that is the best thing ever i'm so surprised that works i think that is pretty insane considering we have we have turned this into a metro line and it's technically not a metro line so i'm curious to know where these guys are coming out at you know are they coming onto the street just here or they going inside this building let's follow this guy let's follow piper where does he where does he end up ah that is so cool so this whole building is going to act as the entrance points to that station which is what i was hoping which is half the reason why i wanted to place that building down because i knew that there was going to be some really cool functionality with it that is really really cool so things are starting to come together uh there is quite a lot of train movement around here so we are getting quite a lot of trains coming in and out which is pretty perfect and yeah i mean we're going to get a bit of a hold up around here but i think that's totally fine i can i can live with that all right i've just realized something that i can already start to improve so basically people if they're walking to the stadium they have to pretty much follow this entire pathway this is the best entrance point which isn't too bad i mean this is the central station so coming down this way is fine but there are quite a few streets for them to cross what we could potentially do is we could have a more direct route so that people don't actually have to cross all the way around here or even multiple footbridges that get people to the stadiums so we could potentially have one coming around this way and you know there's there is something that has just recently built within sydney there is this underground walkway from central station actually not central state something it might be town hall or windyard or something like that and then it goes all the way underground to all this new development where there's a whole bunch of shopping and there's a casino going in so they're putting in the infrastructure for foot traffic so that people can actually get from the station pretty easily so that actually might be kind of fun maybe do some sort of underground area potentially here and then maybe goes straight to central station and then they completely miss all this mess so why don't we give that a little go let's put in some sort of underground underground walkway you know what this whole area is really bothering me i don't like this step where this highway sits so i'm just going to do a bit of changes i'm going to turn all this into underground i might even make all that underground so we need some large buildings that are going to sit here we can't have anything residential because these arenas are super noisy so i can't have anything like that so potentially an office block would look pretty good i mean we do technically have a university out this way so we could use some of these university assets i mean this would be absolutely perfect it's just too large oh but that looks so cool i don't know maybe do we use procedural objects and can we make something a little bit more custom like can i squeeze it in here if i squish the acid a little bit oh man that could work so well i mean look at that cool opening just there and that as a walkway to the arena and this okay let me just let me just have a little test and see if i can make this work all right uh it worked it's there i mean it's looking a lot better than what was there before i really didn't like that step down put it on pause again because i think we need to do a little bit of work before we can unpause the game but it's there it's working we've even got a little entrance for our highway i still need to work on it a little bit more but as i'm looking at it i actually think i might just drop it down just a smidge because it just seems a little high i don't want it too high around these areas so maybe something like not too high how does it look from the roads yeah i mean it doesn't need to be like messy from the road i think that is kind of nice i've got a bit of an idea for something we could put down here because i know that having a pathway for all the i guess olympic and event stuff that we have around here makes a bit of sense but i think while there isn't an event on there would probably be a need for a bit of infrastructure like this so let's just have a little look at what we could do with the pathway and then i'll let you in on what i'm what i'm considering so there's our highway so can't go too close to that one but that's fine we don't need a huge amount of clearance for our tunnel let's make our tunnel go into the ground like so and it's going to go all past these areas and look at that we've even got a tunnel already down here because this is where our metro is so if i just connect it like that i think that pretty much sets up the entire area so that people can access it they can even go through our metro tunnel to get to this walkway you know looking at this path it's probably just a little bit too small i wanted it because i liked the rendered tunnel that goes through but i actually have an idea because if i use something like this path which is a little bit thicker yeah that's what i'm thinking so we could still have that render tunnel but i think we could probably make a lo something a bit more custom using using some retaining walls so let's give that a little shot and then look for this part i'm gonna i'm just gonna get pretty simple because otherwise i'm probably gonna be here all day detailing this thing because i'm already getting really carried away all right that was my plan i've got this little sloppy area here i've even expanded out the network so it's just a bit wider to allow for more people to come through down here i was thinking why don't we put some shops and make this a bit of a maybe like a shopping district or even a place where some bazaar i mean that pretty much fits perfectly right there and it is about as australian as it gets in terms of uh architecture and even being a pub i'm gonna raise that just a smidge and i'm gonna place a couple of buildings and shops around here so that people have got something extra to come visit while there's no events happening or even even events happening so let's play some of those down and see how it's all looking all right that's it i'm calling it that's all i'm doing this is already starting to just uh get a little out of control i really hope people are going to start using this we've got the walkway i think people are already going up there beautiful thank you very much even though you didn't really use my ramp uh i'll i'll i'll accept it what do you why are you guys doing it like that that's very odd all right regardless they're they're making their way up that's all i am really uh really worried about i'll uh i'll see if i can fix the reason why they're just floating up into that ramp and now our little area has actually got a bit more of um extra purpose people are also coming to this arena too even though there's not really an event happening and parking i mean people are using our grassy parking area uh this is so far the only area that i have zoned for parking we've just got some i mean let me just quickly show you how i do it i'm just going to copy this guy let's say that some people can park over there it's all weird and crazy but that's fine because i'm just going to grab some grass and i'll cover it up like so and i'll cause that and people will just go and park there so that's my grassy parky area uh i'm kind of a bit over doing parking lots at the moment maybe a little bit of mal bay has made me uh a little less interested in creating big parking areas because i'm doing less detail over there so yeah i think that's going to be a nice little thing that i'm going to start doing so people are starting to come to this event awesome people are using our metro line which is great and i guess we'll just wait and see and see if how this is kind of working out our event is now finished and people are absolutely using this walkway i mean this was a great piece of uh infrastructure i've just placed here i mean they are still flying i'll continue to work on that i think there's just must be some invisible invisible pathway in there that i need to just fix up but i mean how good is that people going through here it's very nice uh oh they're popping up up into the street hmm interesting maybe i'll create a staircase so that that looks a little bit more realistic there we go that's better a little pathway through there ignore this stuff i mean i'm just i'm kind of deciding on the mood i'm just not in the mood to do that uh i am more in the mood to make sure that we are seeing a bit of flow a bit of infrastructure working doing its thing it is great so i mean that was just one event the next thing we need to work on is we're going to see this big event i mean it's a while away until we get to it we are still almost a year away so we're going to fly through a year i'm going to place in a couple of extra things you know i'm just going to do one of those things on camera there we are i don't know something like that kind of interesting all right let's blow through a year and then we'll start putting in some bus lanes and whatever whatever else we need to uh sustain two events all right let's go well hello welcome back it's been about a year and what are you doing dude come on it's been about a year and it's the month before our big events so and i actually believe people are starting to yeah okay here they come so i'm going to put it on pause because i probably should have done this a month earlier uh we're going to put a couple of bits and pieces of infrastructure in because we don't really have a bus service coming out this way so we do need to put something like that in so in terms of buses we do have a pretty good bus line but i think you know i don't know if we really weren't putting some sort of um big bus terminal in i think these are just a little too large for something of this size so instead let's put just a couple of lines in so i think we're just probably going to do a very uh pretty direct route so i think the next stop will probably be somewhere around here because i think this will probably be a good spot there we go can go in there and then i think how about we drag that network out here yeah we'll put it out here this is our other bus terminal so stop there and then we can come back to central station and then right back there you know i think that's fine and then let's make just one more line i'm going to make this one go this time to central station and you can stop there and then maybe even yeah maybe even there i think would be a good spot because fair amount of traffic and then it can stretch all the way across this bridge and connect up to this pretty busy station i think do a loop there turn around come back around and then i was also working on some taxis i put a couple of taxi depots um i'll just build up this area while um while that year was passing and i might just place a couple more i mean maybe a little bit temporary in this area but i think we're going to need some taxis coming around get into these areas um i don't actually have any tactics stance so i might even put one yeah i mean right there we'll put another one around central not central town hall there and then we'll put another taxi stand you know what it can just go there i think that's fine one last thing we need just a little bit more parking i mean i'm so happy that they are using this really well uh i think we can continue doing that method by placing down some more parking lots just by grabbing them like this and placing them in just pretty random locations um just to show that this is parking and it's a bit of a free-for-all i'm sure there's some parking officers telling them where to park but we'll just do a little bit more our car park is done to get pretty full which means our event is getting pretty close to starting uh i say one event but there are two events two stadiums about to be packed out and i actually believe i did think i saw people going in uh so i even think that this one is starting to yeah just a month away so this one's already starting to uh get prepared for its next event so we actually have three events happening all at once so should be pretty interesting absolutely love seeing this train come through something i'm going to change though is the speed limit because i think it's just yeah it's just flying through here let's try about 50 i think that might be a better speed limit for around here yeah that's a little better and far out check out the amount of people using this footbridge so yeah they are they are just teleporting down there that's fine but i'm pretty sure a lot a lot of people are actually using this walkway if i look underground yeah there they are fantastic so yeah just absolute waves of people coming to the stadium uh people standing in the fountain all right whatever floats your boat it looks like a fair amount of people are also catching the bus which is probably one of the better modes of transports to uh get to the stadiums and we're also seeing quite a lot of taxis come in and out so we have pretty much eliminated people using this walkway to get to this stadium if you're going to this big afl stadium people are most likely using this footbridge which is kind of cool and then to get to the other stadium they're using this footpath which i don't really mind so it looks like that soccer match is about to begin which means that our afl match is also about to begin yeah okay so the hordes of people have slowly started to stop as the events have now begun um except for this one of course if that one's still uh still getting people turning up but these events are pretty much well on the way as people start to just slowly trickle in from from other parts of the city and actually look at the date now i think this event is probably starting to begin so just looking at the capacity for these venues i mean this one's just over 1300 and this one's at a thousand so i mean and they're still getting more and more people turning up when these events finish i think we're gonna see just an absolute horde of people flocking to some of the public transport so that should be uh fairly interesting a bit more of a pressure test to see how all this uh ends up holding up hopefully hopefully not that many people are driving because the road infrastructure is just okay it's not the best i think public transport is definitely probably the better mode of transport around here so we'll just have to wait and see what people end up doing uh okay and here they come all those people uh looks like a lot of bike riders good on them that's great but let's see where most of these people go i'm really hoping for lots of people catching public transport rather than taking their cars quite a lot of people at the car park but we'll just wait and see what ends up happening with that and this one too yeah people are starting to leave oh man i'm surprised my computer is still uh functioning right now we've got a lot of people i'm recording where graphics are pretty high it's doing all right i'm quite impressed it's doing all right yeah as predicted a lot of people catching the bus this seems to be one of the most preferred methods of public transport i do want to see a lot of people going for the metro line 2 because that was a pretty uh felt like that's a pretty good network gets people to some really good spots but i just think you can't really beat buses in this game they seem to be doing some of the best jobs at getting people around hmm and looking around here probably should and i'm gonna do it now because i think i'll keep it for another episode but i think when we do drag out some more bus networks maybe something around here that'll help get people from uh this area but looking at this looks like most people are going inside the building and are most probably going to catch the metro which is great which is what we want yeah that's doing quite a good job you know what i think the reason why people aren't really using the metro who are visiting this event is because i don't think there's actually a direct route for this station so i think if they want to get there i think they have to go all the way around through into the building like that but i think if i was to make potentially i'm just going to place it down now and see what ends up happening i don't think they're going to take it right now because they've already made up their mind what public transport they're going to take hmm i was thinking something like this but maybe not it kind of ruins what we've got going on down there instead see how we've got these you know got these little tunnels i think if we potentially use maybe one of these drag him a bit closer and one of them now these are for the metro but because these are like a footbridge i think we can actually connect it somehow maybe even just like an invisible path up there and i think that would work let's see he is hoping that's connected now i don't know if that's going to work we'll have to wait and see it's probably probably not gonna work but i don't know let's just let's just see if anything ends up happening with this while we wait for people to use our subway just check out all these motorists here they come they've grabbed their cars they're leaving stuck in traffic should have caused some public transport definitely shouldn't have caught the bus because that is going to be an absolute weight and a half but i'm gonna call that a bit of a win i think that it's held up pretty well i think most people are using public transport which is great and you know we're not getting like a crazy amount of traffic in these areas which is what i was really worried about i wanted i didn't really mind a huge amount of traffic around here because i feel like that's kind of realistic but these sort of areas that could cause some serious problems whereas this area it's only causing problems for the people who are visiting these stadiums and they're just the tourists they can they'll survive and guys check it out people are using our walkway i'm so happy about that i'm also really surprised that they work i've not said this before but i'm very surprised at the way that people find roots in this game it's pretty cool so people using it i think that they're going to use it way more when an event happens rather than catching the bus because i think that's slightly more of a direct route well if not pretty similar routes to catching the bus but um you know what i think that pretty much does it for this episode if you've got some name suggestions for our stadiums let me know in the comments below or you can hit up our discord we've got some channels dedicated to building up all these stories within oceania and all those other series that i've got going on go and hit them up over there love your suggestions i want to give a special shout out to some of the people supporting the channel on patreon semi bretton petty gleason rachel burgland shea stanton laura ashton keith hoffman chris jones andrew may triple a triple a justin alonso and nami khan guys thank you all so much for your support very much appreciated and i'll see in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: two dollars twenty
Views: 215,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, two dollars twenty, tutorial, sunset harbor, city, let's play, Australia, open world, Oceania, buses, metro, subway, train, event, campus, stadium, olympic park
Id: X7-eT7XFIM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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