When Did Your Creepy "Gut Feeling" Save Your Life? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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when did your gut feeling of something's not right here save you worked as a shot girl at a pub one night I rejected someone who attempted to get my number not unusual and he didn't seem that bothered the whole exchange wasn't strange to me in the early hours after the bar closed I went to leave through the back door into the carpark like usual when I saw the sensor light outside was on someone was stuck just outside the door I felt uneasy so went out of the front and asked one of the bouncers to walk me round the back to my car as we rounded the corner we spotted this guy lurking outside the door holding his belt like a makeshift garage when he saw us he started screaming that I was a ducking b tch and I should die he scampered off into the road and never came back good on you for being very observant of your surroundings I would not have taken notice of the sensor light being on this is something my husband is always encouraging me to learn know your exits be aware of who is around you at all times obviously as in your case it could save your life I woke up at 3:00 a.m. once sitting upright in bed I felt on alert and my heart raced when I saw that my cat was on alert to wide awake by my feet with his ears perked up but I didn't see or hear anything weird something didn't feel right and I couldn't relax so I got up and went to the kitchen turned on some lights and ate food even though I wasn't that hungry eventually went back to bed we discovered the next morning that someone had stopped while in the process of using some kind of tool to silently cut a big hole in the glass window in the living room they were trying to break in right next to the bedroom I think the lights I turned on scared them away edited to add that we had three long years of issues with our neighbours they repeatedly came into our property and Whoopi said that we put up a nine-foot fence to keep them out this attempted break-in happened right after the fence went up in two days before they all moved out glad those pieces of sh t are long gone I'm a firefighter we got called out to a tree fire started by fallen power lines we pull up in the truck and I'm trusting that my driver and crew leader are doing their job and have good situational awareness we get out of the truck and we'll park next to a set of powerlines not fallen it's a very windy night and I can see the lines swinging so I voice my concerns to my crew leader who says it'll be fine we get out hose out risk of the tree fire catching on to a house outweighing potential risk of arcing plus the line disconnected when it fell and I'm on the branch ready to start putting it out with two others near me when I get to chill I look up see the lines swinging violently and yo everyone ducking move as the three of us sprint and dive out of the way we hear a flippin crack and sure enough the line we were under came loose and stayed connected to the power pole if I hadn't got that chill chances are we would have had three fried fireese had a friend who said we should go to this party he was invited to by a classmate of his we ended driving out to it we noticed the neighborhood was not too Pleasant and sketchy we saw that house had some lights on in backyard but kind of quiet for a party I decided that we should not go since something felt really off friend ended finding the classmate that invited him got robbed and threatened when he went to party it ended up being a fake party when I was in middle school and around 14 years old I was returning home I live like five minutes away from said school and I noticed there was a man following me he wasn't looking at me he was looking at his phone and he wore a cap so I wasn't able to see his face fully anyways he gave off this weird vibe I reached my apartment building and the guy was still behind me I know mostly everyone who lives in my neighborhood and I couldn't recall him last moment I decided I wasn't going to go inside the hallway I turned around and went to a store where I waited for my mom to come few weeks after there were some news about an 11 year old girl from my school who was our pet in the building right behind mine two days after the incident the guy they caught looked a lot like the guy who had followed me and given the timeframe and the proximity there's a high chance that it was him my daughter was a year and a half at the time she had a cold but bedtime went off without a hitch I woke up in the middle of the night at night really uncomfortable and anxious something was off and I couldn't put my finger on it I got up had a midnight snack tried to calm my nerves I decided to check on my kids who shared a room before trying to go back to sleep I get in there and immediately I hear a light sound coming from her crib wheezing it was so quiet there was no way to hear it outside of the room I got her up and saw that her breathing was fast and Laborde I took her to the hospital where she ended up with an overnight stay oxygen and nebulizer treatments because her oxygen had dipped she was diagnosed with reactive airway disease due to the cold which triggered the asthma attack at age five I was almost abducted by strangers at the park who had a bunch of toys on a blanket and tried to lure me into their motor home I looked back to my dad who was talking to his friend maybe 100 yards away I got a tummy ache when one of them tried to coax me by reaching for my arm to lead me away and I screamed and ran like hell back to my dad years later I found out those same people had abducted other kids who weren't so lucky never ignored a gut feeling since thanks for all the positive feedback and for your information trust me once my dad got over the shock he let me have it from not only wandering off but speaking to complete strangers I talked to my mom a bit about it today and she told me my dad broke down and blamed himself positive outlook on this though guys this is just one instance scary as it may be where my gut led me in the right direction and my instinct for danger is now uncanny I truly believe everything happens for a reason I trusted my instincts and it kept me safe still does not me but when my mum was a teenager on the 18th of November 1987 she was going to London to visit a friend it was around 7:20 p.m. and she decided she was going to take a taxi instead of gang by tube because it didn't feel right King's Cross tube station 10 minutes later the whole station caught on fire and 30 out of the 40 people died if she had decided to take the tube she would likely have died while I was walking home I wasn't late to 9:00 from a pretty safe area but it was the time of year when it starts to get dark really early so felt kind of ominous anyway I passed this guy in a red sweater and red tracksuit bottoms and he looks at me funny maybe he's high maybe he's drunk either way something not quite right about him I keep going look behind me he's still there cross the road he crosses with me as soon as I turn a corner i sprint to my apartment complex and run into the coded gate and wait he rocks up a minute later and stares at me through the gate he just stares at me for a good 10 or so seconds then runs back the way he came shivers posted this before took my two babies to an in-home daycare run by a lovely woman about nine days in the woman's teenage son was home when I picked up my kids he gave me a super creepy vibe told the kids from the daycare and placed them elsewhere maybe 10 years later that kid murdered two people then killed his mom some dude get off the bus at the same stop as me it's about 8:00 p.m. and October so it's quite dark out already he had spoken to me on the bus one line about nice weather anyway he gets off the bus after me I cross the road and make a mental note of him walking the opposite way to me I make sure to watch him walking away something in my gut says not to trust him to get to my house I have to walk up a hill with a path alongside a high stone wall it is secluded usually I listen to music as I wore I decides not to this time I'm about halfway up when I get this awful feeling I take out my phone dial my mother's number and as I do I hear fast steps of someone running up behind me I know it's the guy before I turn around and as I do he is literally running full speed towards me I look him dead in the eyes ready to fight for my life as I do this my mother answers her phone and I say hi mom he slows right down to a light jog and says evening as he jogs past me I asked my mom to stay on the line her bf comes out to meet me at the top of the hill the guy is nowhere to be seen he was definitely running up behind me to strike me and by turning to face him I'm certain it threw him off not me but my dad I was too stupid to listen to him I used to live on the roughest council estate in my hometown when I was very young very dangerous for anyone let alone kids so for that reason my parents rarely let me outside unless I was with other kids being supervised door within sight of my parents this story is regarding the latter one I wanted to go to the nearby park but my dad said no as there were some rough people over there and that like could only play outside on the steps to our flat building which I agree to although I had no intention of doing that law as soon as I went outside I went right to the park and began playing I kept glancing over at the two people and noticed them constantly looking over at me which made me nervous but I was like five years old so cared more about fun than my own safety anyway the two people approached me they'd been drinking and cornered me by a fence when I tried to run they grabbed ahold of me when out of nowhere I heard my dad shouting at them he ran over and it's the only time I ever saw him get physical with anybody but he handed their asses to them whilst screaming obscenities at them for putting their hands on his son he grabbed ahold of my arm and dragged me back home all was swearing at me for being so stupid I got a good hiding over that and was grounded for weeks years later I asked him about it and he told me that he just knew that I would go to the park so followed me to keep an eye on me he didn't expect anything to happen to me but when it did he went mental there's been a few times where I hadn't listened to my gut but one sticks out where I did I used to live in a smaller Minnesotan town down near some train tracks and a bike running path that extends out of town into the woods one evening I'm sitting outside on my porch drinking a couple of beers with my buddy two dudes walk up on us kind of out of nowhere and immediately something seemed off with them it's a college town and drunk people come up onto your porch a lot or randomly just say hello on their way to walk from the bars downtown but these dudes had a badass vibe to them I had a little black Louisville Slugger laying next to me on the porch so I grabbed and just held it across my lap one dude asks us you guys got an extra smoke buddy says nope the other guy comes up real close almost onto the porch him says did you see my face I just kept looking forward but not directly at him and just said now man we didn't see anything he said something like good little punk ass and they both walked away two nights later I'm sitting in my living room with the same buddy and the local news is on two guys arrested for robbing and stabbing a man a couple nights back on the trail down by the train tracks next to where I live my buddy had looked at their faces coming up and I had seen the dude clear as day that had asked for the smoke it was those same ducking guys was riding my motorcycle with a friend on the back he were going down a country road behind a truck hauling a bunch of old car tires when all of a sudden I decided we shouldn't be there so I slowed way down to let the truck go ahead of us just as I did one of the tires fell off the truck and landed right where he would have been was hunting for early morels and King the leech last May up near Clay lung no luck so went further over towards Hancock about to stroke 3rds up a hillside I felt like I was being watched I slowly realized that I couldn't hear any animals making noise hackles raised I immediately started down the most direct path to my car one trail about where I was parked I saw a partial juvenile male deer skeleton under a large conifer as I double time did passed I looked up and saw the rest of the bones and sinew slung up in the branches up came the knife and I slowed down turning and scanning every few yards until I got into my car and booked it out of there the next day two mountain bikers were attacked by a cougar and one was killed very near to the area I was hiking I carry a handgun now for my mushroom hounds I had something like this one time in elementary school when we had a recess it was pretty average and we left at the normal time but it just felt very off to me but because I was eight and didn't have common sense yet I brushed the feeling off turns out that there was literally a guy had been scoping out the playground for kids to lure to him for a while in a stereotypical large white van it's crazy how even kids can just sense that something's off even if you can't see the threat directly glad nothing happened though was it a farmer's market in downtown Chico CA with my wife I'm tall and white and my wife is Asian and vertically challenged and over the crowd I saw two very rough looking gentlemen one really tall and the other short with a swastika tattooed on his furry like Charles Manson little tattooed man and I made eye contact from maybe fifty feet away and he gestured to his friend and then he pointed at me I alerted my wife and told her that we were leaving immediately she thought I was majorly overreacting and wanted to continue shopping but I overruled her and we left maybe six months later we were watching America's Most Wanted and guess who showed up for double murder over meth in Oroville CA my two buddies we still talk about that from time to time and it still gives me goosebumps 15 years later first time was three weeks after getting my gallbladder out I felt terrible I still had a drain in my stomach I called my sister and said I'm afraid I'll be dead tomorrow went to the emergency room and turns out the surgeon had Nick my liver and I was bleeding internally it turned into a blood blister on my liver and if it pops I would have bled to death second time I had been feeling like someone was squeezing around my chest for months I passed out one morning went to the hospital and they found a tumor between my heart and lungs turned out to be cancer couple surgeries and chemo and I've been in remission almost five years I was in Turkey for vacation when I was about seven or eight years old and I made friends with some other tourists but also some locals all around the age range of 8-16 these two local guys were about 16 and at one point during the late afternoon they asked if I wanted to go with them to go cut outside of the hotel area and I agreed approximately 30 seconds of walking along with them I got the most chilling feeling I've ever had in my life all the hairs on my skin rose up and I had this super uneasy feeling deep in my gut it actually felt like some supernatural force was beckoning me today I turned on my heels and sprinted so fast to get back to the hotel I didn't even look back when I returned my mother asked where I had been I told her I was taking a rush tea oddly enough I was quite fond of those guys before this happened but thinking about this in retrospect why would two local 16 year olds of any genuine interest in go-karting with a young eight-year-old tourist I feel like I may have dodged a bullet we may never know I am a petite woman and was 19 at a time had a late shift that ended at 10 p.m. hit the grocery before my walk home about ten blocks I've got arms full of groceries and notice a car drive past me in the opposite direction her dad pull a u-turn behind me and park I tell myself probably just getting home from work - but then I hear footsteps behind me they turn around and it's a man in his 30s I'd guess he doesn't say anything but stops walking when I stopped walking I keep walking bit faster now and I can hear him speed up too I turn around again and say hey man what's up dot he says nothing I turn around and keep walking almost at a mini jog pace and I hear him speed up - I was about four blocks away from home the adrenaline kicked in I dropped my bags and booked it made it home tailed my boyfriend what was happening as he goes outside to find the guy dude drives by in his car right past my house we call the cops give them a description and the operator tells us they've had other calls about the same guy really hoping he never actually caught someone really hoping his creepiest wound up in jail really happy I listened to my gut I live in Southern California and growing up living by the beach I would go surfing a lot almost every day during the summer with my buddies one day I wanted to go but no one else could go so I decided it was fine and I would go by myself not a huge deal I've gone surfing alone in the past and there are always other people in the lineup to hang around anyway I get to the beach and when I paddle out I noticed there wasn't anyone out here yet more waves for me I thought but after a while something just felt off I don't really know how to explain it but it was a very very eerie feeling as if I was being watched I don't think I've ever felt such an acute feeling like that before or since then but I just listened to my gut feeling and paddled in and went home the next morning a swimmer died at that exact beach from a great white shark attack I haven't been surfing since and that was ten years ago so I politely rejected a guy who asked me out randomly once at a bus stop he was perfectly civil and not unattractive he took no for an answer graciously but I just got a really bad vibe for whatever reason and decided to take a bus in the opposite direction at the last second straight of my boyfriend's house to get away from him reading the paper a few days later there was a really awful brutal animal cruelty incident right around that intersection don't want to get any more specific for the sake of anonymity and the suspect sketch description looked almost freakin identical to the bus stop guy who knows how he treats women if he mutilates animals i still get really uncomfortable thinking about it was hiking by myself real smart I get as feeling that something wasn't right but I normally act on that feeling that day however ignored it went to a lookout turned around and headed back about the same place as I got the feeling I noticed cougar tracks cross mine in the snow they followed mine for a few meters and then went to a bit of shrub that overlooked both where I was now and the lookout I immediately left and avoided going anywhere near something that would give a cougar cover occasionally behind me I would notice a small rustle in the bushes and trees or some snow falling off a disturbed branch I was like five or six when my mom and sisters wanted to go for a drive out of town I cried and cried because I just didn't want to go with them for some reason and decided to go with my other sister in her car turns out my mum and other sisters ended up crashing and they said if you were in the car you would have had to sit in the middle and you would have died luckily my fam was okay though but I sure didn't feel really cool after that when I was seven my dad was considering taking me to the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises but got a really bad feeling decided it was too late of a night for a seven-year-old and we stayed home we woke up the next morning he turned on the news or or a shooting was plastered on the screen sad really I just remembered another one more recent last year around this time I was waiting for my underground train to show up it was about 7:00 a.m. and it was very crowded next to me was a weird-looking guy with a bag that had some wood handle sticking out he was acting very weird twitching moving sweating he was very agitated and seemed out of it idk if he had mental health problems always high on some wedge tea either way I moved from next to him because I could feel my ducking hair stand up and fear I went next to the stairs thank God I did BC next thing I know someone fell against me and I almost fell on the railway that creepy guy had a hammer in his bag and started swinging it and hitting people with it and he hit a woman who was walking behind me in the head worst thing is that people who went as close didn't even realize it was happening he hit like 20 people before he was stopped I'm not sure if anyone died but he put someone in a coma sorry for formatting on mobile not me but my best friend was driving to California from Arizona with her two-year-old for work about five months ago and she stopped at a gas station and just got a weird feeling he normally doesn't lock her car when she pumps gas but she decided to do it during that process a woman came up to her and started talking all nice and whatnot she got an uneasy feeling about it and heard a noise like someone trying to open a door she turned around and saw the woman's husband trying to get into her car to steal her baby she told him to get the duck away from her car and a man tried to play it off she told him to duck off and got in her car to leave the couple got in their vehicle and followed her tried to swerve her off the road and break check her on the highway for a few miles she was smart enough to call the cops this was in prim Nevada bTW and they caught up to her and ended up arresting the couple they had gotten multiple reports that day of issues like that I was 14 and travel in Italy with my dad we arrived in Florence by train at the station with our bags and preparing to exit and find a hotel to stay at heading out we are confronted by this dude's are very friendly pleasant faced and all he shoves a brochure in my dad's hands and starts in on the utterly fantastico hotel there are pictures vague but pleasing and the price is incredibly cheap and he has the van here ready to take out right now my dad was happier than a clam about this never planning any step before he takes it and glad to have such a cool opportunity slap him in the face I'm listening and getting that cold feeling from my stomach to my neck about this guy i interject with I think we'll walk around town a bit and head to the hotel ourselves later the guy looks at me and shakes his head and tells me we have to go now the deal is off that seals it for me and my dad even start loading bags into the van I'm incredulous at this and grab my dad telling him to listen to me he almost argues with me the guy watching us but relents we pull our bags out and promptly walk away the guy wouldn't even let us take a brochure with us no way in duck that that was legit all going to end well for us put a piece of furniture up for sale on Craigslist nothing fancy or crazy expensive just a used bike guy emailed and said I got 140 for it today and I got the thing new for 160 so I was psyched sent okay and gave him a general address not exact didn't hear from him all day which isn't weird with Craigslist but something felt weird so I googled his name from his email and it turns out he's been arrested several times for home burglary and robbery blocked him and gave the bike to friends for free I was driving on the road one night and I saw a car in the middle of the road were two people lying on the ground my gut feeling was that something is suspicious here and I decided to act on it by driving past a car and the two people I stopped to take my phone out and call the police and I look at my rearview mirror to see the two people lying on the road stand up with five other people coming out of the bushes I was in the food court of the Eaton Centre in Toronto shoveling down my meal before heading to the airport to fly home I have anxiety and always like to get places super early just for my own comfort and was running a bit late for my liking I finally decided to throw out the last few bites of my food and run to the subway to get to the airport 18 minutes after I left was when that mass shooting happened in the food court of that mall first party I went to pass epatha Caribbean party I felt something was off about the energy and the fact that some guys looked like they were gonna get busy so I left as I leave the building I heard gunshots and cops come second party is in an abandoned flimsy building the DJ told us plenty times to stop jumping in the middle of the floor obviously since we were young no one cared I did I left and my friend told me the next day how the floor caved in and a lot of people got injured third party another pass a passer these girls stopped throwing bottles at each other and another guy brought in drugs I got out of there in not two minutes later a bunch of cops come these are only from parties I been to I applied for a job in a company that did personal finance advice or something like that I am a student so I basically applied there to be a secretary the thing that was odd is that they were offering me a lot of money and flexible out so I was kinda confused they also kept telling me how talented and special I am and that I should learn some economics finance things so I can be an advisor as well on the second interview had turned out that they were a huge pyramid scheme and in order to get paid I had to get at least three of my family members friends into using their service when I was about twenty many years ago I had taken up the sport of skydiving I was scheduled to make a jump at a small town about 60 miles from the major city in which I lived I got on my motorcycle to make the trip but my gut feeling was I shouldn't do this today after driving a block I turned around and went home I didn't bother to call the jumpmaster and tell him I wouldn't be there the next time I was there to make a jump he asked me about that day why I never showed up I told him about being on the road and having this really queasy feeling about it he said yeah when you get that feeling you always need to obey it no one ever mocked me for being chicken who knows if there was a motorcycle accident waiting for me or a bad jump with a chute that wouldn't open but I'm 62 now and lived to tell this story I am an EMT and one time we had a welding check and I was first on scene due to the cops being tied up on another call and when I arrived to the house all the lights were on and there was lights on inside generally a good sign that something was off and everything and me was yelling to get inside so me and my partner busted in when I say busted I mean literally I am a 6 feet 7 280 pound man and found the man brandishing a knife at his children and wife needless to say we beat the sh t out of the guy while getting the cops their ass at all this started with his mother calling and saying she thought he had alcohol poisoning again not me but my mom it was like 12:30 it's night and she was a senior at college in Las Vegas she was walking back to her apartment when she felt like she was being followed but when she turned around no one was there still she walked pretty quickly to her apartment building a few minutes later she heard footsteps behind her and sought to haul white dude hunched over a bit with a knife in his hand she took off as fast as she could and by some miracle a guy was walking the opposite way on the sidewalk with a concealed gun he saw my mom and once she ran past him whipped out his handgun and pointed it at the man who apparently stopped and flipped them off before running away he walked her back to the apartment into my mom reported the guy with a knife to the police the next day I don't know if he was ever caught but my mom might have been kidnapped or killed if she hadn't initially realized something was off Edit sorry I hate to be like oMG I got attention for once but thanks for the up votes those market on holiday when I was younger my parents told me that I was finally old enough that I didn't have to share a bedroom with my brother and could have my own room downstairs if I wanted got a gut feeling that I shouldn't and ended up rooming with my bro within a day also burglars broke into all the houses in the complex and were using what would have been my room as a safe point to loot through all the stuff they'd stolen don't know what would have happened if they walked into a room with an eight-year-old girl alone asleep while on the approach hiked of a nice climb I had my head down and was just trying to pump out the miles I kinda started to feel uneasy and looked up and realized my partner who was in front of me had just ventured into some potential Avalanche terrain I say hey man we should probably then the slope let's loose just downhill of his feet and in front of him leaving a stable patch where he stood the Avalanche ran off a cliff I guess the uneasy feeling didn't save us it was more lucky than anything Halloween's several years ago I was out late trick-or-treating with my friends all was good and well until we got into the really rich neighborhood in which they would give you the good candy sounds awesome right wrong and x200 be we went through the blocks getting full sized candy bars and having a blast when we reached her regular house decorations at all we knocked and did our usual chant and a woman greeted us at the door she told us that if we wanted candy we would have to go into the candy room upstairs I immediately felt awkward and not good because I noticed the stench from the house and being the oldest in our group no parents told everyone today we ran and never returned fast-forward two weeks and on the news police arrested a couple for trying to abduct kids when their faces popped up on screen I recognized the woman and told my parents from then on they had to come trick-or-treating and x200 be Edit grammar you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 776,237
Rating: 4.9198279 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, reddit reveals, tales, tales reddit, stories, gut feeling, reddit gut feeling, askreddit gut feeling, creepy gut feeling, creepy
Id: k1LQA-fMaLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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