When did your “something is very wrong here” gut instinct turn out to be right? (r/AskReddit)

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when did your something is very wrong here gut instinct turn out to be right 1:30 a.m. leaving a club with a well-lit parking lot we had just bought a bottled water and were walking to the car we saw a couple guy holding girl and girl throwing up offered the guy to give the girl our water he took a swig didn't give her any and put it back on the car they were between we were a little taken aback and told him to give her the water he made a vile disgusting face as if we were cheering him on we walked a few feet and knew something was wrong had the guys we were with check back and he was pants down while she was unconscious not puking he was forcing himself from be Hank's from the front it looked like all clothes were still on once discovered they fell to the floor and she smacked her head on the pavement my friends beat the crap out of him and we called the police tried to comfort the girl although she was very confused and disoriented for some reason he was insistent on explaining himself and calling to her by wrong name filed a police report found her dumbfounded friends answered all of the detectives questions when they called for a follow-up statement to give to the district attorney evil has a feeling if you see something say something looking dumb or feeling dumb is much less crafty than what could actually be happening my freshman year my math class had a substitute teacher who we all agreed was really weird and creepy he really only talked to the girls and made inappropriate comments for context this man was easily in his 60s well when our teacher come back the next week we complained to him about the sub and talked crap about him being a creeper the teacher was very upset he said I will not stand sub being disrespected like this I have known this man for a decade and he is a kind good man who would never do anything to a student or any person one week later sub was caught in the middle of the night breaking and entering a college girl's apartment and I believe trying to sexually assault or doing some other perverse thing teacher came in the next day and apologized edit he was only charged with residential burglary a felony but it was a woman's home at night I love my stepsister to pieces but she is way too trusting with people she doesn't know well about ten years ago she was living with a couple of roommates who became her best friends she would tell me stories about them over the phone we lived in different cities and I would just think Jesus Christ these girls are messes she could hear the weariness in my voice after telling me stories about their troubled lives and how they're really good people who have just been through a lot I didn't buy it I can't think of all the stories because it's been too long but they were always sketchy as hell cut to my stepsister inheriting 20k from a deceased relative she was young and super excited about it and I knew she probably didn't keep the new money a secret about one ducking week later one of her roommates calls her panicking saying that this guy who she's been talking to online kidnapped her and was holding her for ransom a 15k ransom and she called my stepsister for the ransom not her parents her ducking roommate she calls me freaking out because she didn't know what to do I asked her if she had told her roommate about the money of course she did move out sis gtfo those little girls who are really good people but have just been through a lot yeah they're liars she reluctantly followed my advice and thankfully didn't try to make a deal with them I told her to call the police if I remember correctly she didn't she still worries me sometimes I was walking home and a woman approached me to ask for directions I told her how to get where she wanted to go but she didn't walk that way but instead walked beside me and kept pace with me this made me incredibly uncomfortable so I said have a nice day and doubled my speed not running but outpacing her significantly a moment later I heard running footsteps I must have instinctively gripped my purse strap because I held onto it as she ran by and tried to snatch it we ended up tussling for a moment I shouted very loudly help she's stealing my purse neighbors came outside causing her to walk away she did not get my purse I pulled into a gas station around 8 to 9 p.m. that wasn't in a ghost town or anything but it was insanely dark due to the time of year as I pull towards once of the pumps I see this dude slowly pacing near the entrance of the convenience store and we make eye contact I quickly pulled the car to another pump towards one of the entrances to the gas station trying to be safer but thinking and probably just being paranoid once I sit there for a minute and decide to put my car in park he quickly rushes to my car by the time I'm back in Drive and peel out through the entrance into an oncoming lane luckily no traffic I saw him pulling out what looked like a large knife out of his jacket I'm glad I didn't disregard my gut freshman year of college a friend and I were driving across town and he stopped for gas it wasn't a dangerous part of town or anything just a quiet gas station with an old Buick out front but this feeling came over me that we needed to get out of there I tried to shake the feeling by making a joke this feels like somewhere an axe murderer would hide out my friend immediately gunned it out of there without filling up he said he had the same feeling and me bringing it up too scared the crap out of him on the way home there were about 20 police cars outside it turns out some guy shot two people in a carjacking and robbery the Buick was the car he stole less dramatic than a lot of others but nonetheless near my old apartment there was a back road that you would take to get to target however you had to go through one stoplight that was just on the other side of a Hills crest from my side the view is slightly blocked by a building towards the hills high side I pull up to the light and wait for it to turn green it turns and I wait for a second the person behind me even hogs but something held me back before I can even think about starting to go one of the open trailer trucks used to move construction equipment comes flying through there red lighting at probably 40 to 50 miles per hour not sure if I would have been hit or someone else but I'm glad I didn't go I had a bad allergy season which turned into a bad sinus infection which turned into bronchitis it wasn't getting any better so I got into a GP he said it could be bronchitis or something worse he couldn't call it as much as I hate hospitals my gut was screeching at me that something was wrong when - we are just in case I had multiple pulmonary embolisms one in three people with one undiagnosed P don't make it to the ER the doc said my lungs glow in the cat-scan on the upside I have a strong heart so I have that going for me if you think something is wrong if you have that creeping crawling sense of doom panic unease and fear that settled on the back of your mind like a large spider listen to it my friend asked me if I wanted to go out to the woods with him and explore abandoned places he even specifically mentioned that he'll bring a firearm to keep us safe my alarm bells were ducking ringing I asked him a couple questions I don't know what but concluded that it was sketchy is duck my gut told me not to go so I exited from the conversation while he went asking others the same question fast forward a couple years I heard that he was in prison I was stunned but remembered the memory when he asked me if I wanted to go into the woods turns out he took a freshman him being senior at that time and kept his promise of looking for abandoned places he found a cabin in the woods brought his friend inside and as soon as his friend turned his back BAM knocked dead he shot him in the back of the head I reminisce on this quite often and think what if I had agreed every time I think of this I'm very grateful I'm alive I stopped off at a dollar store to get last-minute stuff for my niece's birthday party oil or napkins or something I went to the one I had never been to in a seedy part of town there weren't many other people there since it was a Sunday afternoon a luxury car pulls up and this gorgeous man gets out and starts trying to catch my eye like he wanted to ask directions dream come true right except my gut started screaming run for no reason I pretended I didn't see him and got in my car and left the next morning I see on the news that three people were murdered in Charleston they were all connected to one dude one of their cars was stolen and the serial killer was on the loose heading west through my area guess who the suspect was yep the dude I'd seen they arrested him after he'd kidnapped a girl in Augusta the same night I saw him and she managed to escape still gives me goose bumps what if I'd stopped and talked to him not me but one of my best friends growing up her mom told me the story they had just bought this house that had a built-in swimming pool my friend had a little brother who was under the age of two at the time everyone was taking a nap but unbeknownst to the rest of the house the two-year-old had woken up and decided to go outside on their deck I guess the mom woke up and had this terrible feeling come over here without hesitation she quickly checked on her children panic said and when she couldn't find the two-year-old she found him facedown in the pool he did survive the whole ordeal if she wouldn't have felt that gut feeling to wake up that little boy wouldn't be here today I wish I could give more details on the story but it was only told to me once when I was about 12 in high school I came home early one Friday evening to find that my house just felt off it's so hard to describe but the feeling I got walking into my living room just immediately had me on alert and didn't feel right I walked into the kitchen to find a half-eaten burger from McDonald's which I found strange called out to my parents got no response called them on their cell got no answer 30 minutes later my brother called to tell me that my dad had a heart attack and to get to the hospital thankfully it turned out okay but my gut quite literally knew something bad had happened the moment I stepped in the front door when I was ion middle school a kid in my class had a dad who was a police officer he came to her class when we were in sixth grade as a parent / job thing he wore a bulletproof vest and invited all the kids who wanted to go poke it or whatever not too weird but seemed a little off to me so I stayed in my seat two years later by the time we were in eighth grade he was a resource officer for the local public junior high a different school than his son and I went to well while his son and I were in eighth grade friends cop dad was grooming another 8th grader at his school by the time cops son the girl the cop was grooming and I were in 10th grade the cop was caught climbing into the girls window by her father turns out this cop started grooming this girl when she was in eighth grade and at the school he was resource officer for and by the time she was in 10th grade he had been having sex with her as far as I know he's still in jail nine years later his son later went into the Marines and seems to have a good life eleven-twelfths year-old me had a weird feeling about this cop even though I went to school with his son and went to church with him saw him all the time at the junior high because at the time my mom worked there and I'd see him when I was at the junior high with my mom I'd see this guy at least once a week gave me the creeps my parents cat loves me loves to sniff and lick my feet play with me from his window perch and generally be an adorable goofy little badass so last week when we all went out to dinner and back to their house for drinks and the cat didn't come out to greet me it was odd he was under the bed and refusing to come out which was unusual but we had our first thunderstorm of a season and he's only two so we chalked it up to being freaked out and left him there ninety minutes later my this isn t right instinct is ringing like a metal fire alarm so I went to check on him and he still wouldn't come out or move and he didn't seem to recognize me $1,000 in emergency vet bills at 3 a.m. and we find out he had broken his femur very badly needed another couple thousand worth of surgery and would likely have been in pain for the rest of his life and had bladder complications that would have needed frequent catheterization we think he must have snagged a nail jumping down from his window perch which was about five feet high and hung there or landed poorly I've never seen my stoic 6 feet 4 inches dead cry harder than when they made the decision that it was cruel to keep him alive and that if they loved him they should put him down our entire family is heartbroken I've never regretted being right about anything this much in my entire life I've always been prone to gut feelings but my mom's takes the cake she went to a boarding school and ended up leaving her senior year but her two best friends still went there they all lived in similar areas for summer and my mom wanted to go back and see everyone towards the end of summer break when she was 17 all three girls including my mom were going to take a train to a nearby station and meet up there and take a taxi to the school my mom got to our home train station and got hysterical which she never does and told her mom she has a horrible feeling and doesn't want to go her mom told her - absolutely not go and they went home later on that night they got a call that the two girls who went were in a car accident with a drunk taxi driver on the way to the school my mom's most best friend in the world was thrown from the car and decapitated the other girl was so severely injured that she was more or less a vegetable and paralyzed from the neck down she lived about another decade unable to speak or move and then passed away in a home my mom has been through the wringer in life but this has always made her tell me to always follow my gut feeling she said she never had a gut feeling when she was a teen and this was the only time she ever did she was looking forward to this trip for months but that feeling was enough to make her back out right when she was boarding the Train my mom is so strong and I'm not sure why this happened but I'm thankful for whatever power allowed my mother to be okay not my gut instinct but my friends when I was 16 I was chilling with my friend both really small for our age till 2 157 centimeters on a playground beside a road that road wasn't too busy but every once in a while a car drives by my friend and I were just talking about random stuff when we noticed a car driving by it was an old car and the engine made a quite unique sound and we were laughing about it a few minutes later that same car drives by again my friend tells me it's weird and that we should leave it was already dark at this point I just told her to stop being paranoid but agreed to turn off my phone so in case he came by again he wouldn't be able to see my phone light up sure enough he drove by again and my friend went on the ground hoping he wouldn't see us I was getting suspicious at that point and went down with her we agreed to leave got up and started walking towards the road to get home as the car pulls up behind us drives by us and parks right in front of us we see the door opening and start running at this point I still thought it was ridiculous to run away at the end of the road I turn around to look and the guy has now gotten back into his car and his driving in our direction lucky us there was a road that was currently in maintenance and cars couldn't pass through so I grabbed my friend's hand and rushed through it the car got slower at the intersection but then drove off I am really glad my friend was this suspicious because god knows what would have happened to us had we stayed at that playground not me but my mom for me when I was a baby only a few months old my mom felt a little lump on the right side near the bottom of my rib cage she took me to my doctor and asked him to check and he said it was nothing a few weeks later she still felt it so she took me to a different doctor and the same thing happened it wasn't until she took me to a third doctor and demanded tests be done that they found I had a tumor growing at it talked to my mom and asked for more details apparently she took me in when I was only one month old saying she felt something about the size of a pea the doctor said it was nothing and every few weeks she would go back and check the third doctor only did the x-ray because she kept bugging him by this time I was already nine months old and it was almost the size of a walnut before they took it out this was also in 95 went out for beers with some friends guy at the bar kept staring at my female friend didn't think nothing of it initially thought maybe has just into her alarm bells start ringing for some reason minutes later he went to my friend then saw him tried to slip something in her drink while she was talking to another friend of ours good thing I was watching told him to duck off with that roofie crap he tried to punch me but missed bouncer saw he got kicked out funniest part was that when we met up with a mate of mine from uni that night he was beating ass for doing the same thing to his gf watch her drink lads tons of comments here so not many will see this but one day I was finishing up an essay in the library of my college when I saw someone through the slightly open blinds running she could have been running to get to a class meet someone or a thousand other things for some reason I stood up my girlfriend saw me stand up and ran to me immediately and we ran out the emergency exit of the library we then ran to the opposite end of the college where everyone was acting normal we climbed down to the river called my dad to pick us up down the road and left the campus following the riverbed turns out the girl was running because someone was shooting people the shooter was making his way into the library as we were running out when we hit the emergency exit the main doors locked from the outside and he was unable to enter the library which led to him getting shot and killed by the police not me but I got told this story from my doctor he was an aviation doctor in Australia a pilot got recommended to visit a doctor because the company said he was an acting point right my doctor couldn't diagnose him with any disorders or illnesses thus sent him on his way the company wasn't sold that he was all there and ended up paying him out a few later my doctor got a call from the pilot's wife warning him to be careful and apparently he's on his way back across the country for reasons his wife couldn't explain my doctor being the paranoid Pete that he is called the AFP Australian Federal Police and got them to check his bags in his overall mental state at the border turns out he had a few guns in his luggage with a note containing names and addresses one of which was my doctor was walking through my hometown with mother a next stepdad I was roughly 14 I think suddenly a man came up to us and greeted us as soon as he shook my hand I knew something was very wrong ex stepdad knew him so they engaged in small talk the whole thing lasted less than a few minutes but the entire time I felt this very strange and strong uneasiness I whispered to my mum that the man that came up really feels shifty despite his normal appearance and behavior and I told her we should leave ASAP when he left I asked her who that was and she told me he was an acquaintance from way back and he was also a man with some serious mental issues who was prone to sudden bursts of psychosis that would send him into a violent rage turns out he ran away from his caretaker that Dan was carrying a knife in his pants he was caught later on during the day and brought back to the local mental facility thankfully the knife remained unused I was 19 maybe 20 when to meet my then bf friends at their place for video games and drinking notice they were going to the bathroom and shifts and coming back Wragge and silly I left because I was sure something was going down and I didn't want to be a part of it they were all doing harian in the bathroom my ex started doing it as well as soon as I left I'm sure he would have tried to talk me into it a month later he od'd we broke up after he went to rehab then ran away and ghosted me three days into detox only to call me after he had used again fast forward a year later and he was arrested for possession of three kilos and went to prison for a long time picked up a hitchhiker middle of nowhere while driving through Arkansas it was starting to rain so I figured why not help someone out guy kept shifting around not talking much and giving off a very uneasy vibe kept messing with his right jacket pocket I pulled my pistol at the exact time he pulled a knife out and and I pull over and get out of the truck Lowell I set cruise control at 95 and kept the gun pointed at him had a standoff in a single can chevy told him if he moved the knife toward me I'd shoot him aside from that I was going to keep that speed until we got pulled over if by chance he was able to stab me without me shooting him I hope the ensuing wreck took him out as well finally talked him into tossing the knife out the window I slowed to 30 and pulled to the shoulder and let him jump out not me but my classmate who was with me at that time we were sent on an internship in a major city which has two types of areas uptown is filled with high-end stuff in the country's business district while downtown was where apartments are but some people are sketchy since it's where most employees from uptown look for apartments while we were walking around looking for an apartment there was this guy that offered to help us to his friend's apartment so we followed him but my classmate whispered to me to pretend that someone among our classmates called and we'll pretend that we got offered an apartment elsewhere we told the guy that were sorry we gotta go the following day we read on the news that someone got held up and was stabbed after their belongings were stolen guess whose faces on the news you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 639,856
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Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: z2jOrnpQThs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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