Forest rangers, what are your creepy and unexplainable stories? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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forest rangers what are your unexplainable and downright creepy stories not a ranger but I was out camping with my dog one night in her along the Mogollon Rim of Arizona it was dark and we were sitting around the campfire when we hear something behind a bush close to our camp instead of my dog barking at it he begins to whimper I didn't think nothing of it and just tended to the fire after a couple of minutes we were some more noises from a different bush this time my dog gets up and goes over to the tent and scratches the door because he wants to go in I toss a couple of rocks in the direction I heard the noise and nothing happened I'm spooked now so I toss a couple of pieces of wood on the fire and climb into my tent with my dog hoping that the light from the fire would keep whatever was out there away we eventually fall asleep and luckily had no other disturbances during the night the next morning I go out behind the bushes where we had heard the noises and found mountain lion track Santa was circling around our camp I'm sure glad I didn't go looking at night when I heard the noises so my dad is a forestry technician and this happened to one of his co-workers they were up doing some sort of job in the very most northerly part of Ontario anyways it was in the middle of the night and she was half-asleep and vaguely heard something outside her tent then she felt something push against her tent and the zipper slowly open she opened her eyes and saw the head of a polar bear in her tent polar bears are far from the cuddly toys that you see and they are known to be super aggressive and will hunt and eat people she laid there paralyzed with fear thinking that it was the engine then slowly the bear attracted its head and left not me but my dad who was a ranger he said once he was out in the forest with one other ranger they had to camp overnight halfway to their destination well that night they heard footsteps and a lot of them outside their tent then they heard at least 20 people scream get out needless to say they got the f ck out and radioed it in the next morning the cops went out and searched and found four skinned animals pinned to the treats around their campsite I'm not arranger but I did used to live near a national forest and when I was in high school I had my mom drive me into the woods so I could take some photos on a trail for a photography assignment she waited in the car and I headed down the trail saying I wouldn't be long it's actually really pretty and it leads down to a river and you can walk along the edge as it turns around a bend as I was walking I distinctly remember feeling like I was suddenly in danger and like something was watching me I was wearing an orange raincoat so I was pretty visible I didn't have my glasses on but as I looked over the river to the other side of the bank I saw something really tall and gray making its way through the trees toward the river I have never been so scared I went into survival mode and booked it back up the trail to my mom's car where I told her what happened it's still one of the freakiest things I've ever experienced wish I got a photo but I was a 16 year old 90 pounds girl and was freaked TF out not a ranger last year why went camping early spring time with some people at a pretty remote place what Agron's National Park there wasn't many people around and it was a really nice area two days into our camping trip one of my friends camp chair broke and we went through all our stuff looking for cable ties we searched temps and the cars but we had no cable ties so we just left it that night I woke to my tent shaking slightly so I woke up my boyfriend next to me we opened the tent and it was one of my friends my friend was in panic saying he couldn't breathe that something was choking him so we shot up with a torch and shinning it on his neck we found two black cable ties tied around his neck they were tight enough for it to be cutting off some of his airway after we were able to cut off the cable ties we went back to sleep we did not sleep easily that night the next morning we asked my friend about it like if anything in his tent seemed out of the ordinary he said when he woke up that night his tent was open not a ranger but I was camping in a remote park in Argentina there was only one other group in the campground I made brief small talk with them I'm not fluent in Spanish during the night I was woken up and swear I saw someone walking by my tent and shine a flashlight in I've never had cost Truffaut beer until that moment I was in a mummy bag because it was pretty cold damn near ripped the thing open trying to get out cause I thought I was under siege another episode winter camping in Minnesota with my dog I was waiting for my friends to join me but they were a few hours out the campsite is a mile or two from the highway an ambulance drove by at like 8:00 p.m. while I was in my tent taking a nap with dog oh right after it goes by a pack of coyotes start howling I made sure dog was on her leader after that in the past I had let her run around in remote campsites after dark but not anymore not a ranger but I worked in conservation I was walking a creek bed with a bunch of loose rocks in it I had been through it before and we've seen plenty of artifacts around the site like arrowheads one day for some reason I was walking along and stopped I turned around and brushed some of the rocks aside under the water there was an unusual-looking tool maybe half an inch wide and five inches long with the tip broken off under these loose River pebbles I got goose bumps immediately and started looking around I was the only one out on this 16000 acre tract and something stopped me in my tracks and told me to look there I've had some weird stuff happen but I'm probably the cause of a lot more unexplained sightings I used to spend a lot of time in the forest near my neighborhood it's a small strip of trees that's biggest inhabitant is a fox I got into vulture culture taxidermy about a year ago I've always been a fan of zoology and being able to look at animals in a different way is incredibly interesting when I was getting into it the Fox and the forest had just had kits and was hunting over time to feed them I started kind of an exchange where I'd pick up bones and such from around the den and if I found fresh corpses elsewhere I'd leave the meat around the den instead of wasting it unfortunately this garnered me the reputation of outcasts horrible dead animal lady from most of the kids who like to play in the forest and noticed me carrying bags of rotting animal parts around as far as I'm aware none of them actually knew anything about me aside from the rotting meat and the time I accidentally busted through with a bunch of live snakes so that should pretty well cement their opinion on me not a ranger shocker one summoned my boyfriend and I drove up and down California and just slept in the back of his truck one day we went to the Emerald Pools near Lake Tahoe and crashed at a public campground nearby there was maybe one other person there as well as the campground host in the middle of the night I woke up and just had a creepy feeling i sat up and realized that the passenger door of the truck was swung wide open we had locked ourselves in the bed with the camper shell and you had to unlock it from the inside to get him out I'm a nervous Nellie as my boyfriend calls it and always made sure doors were closed and locked before bed I was so creeped out for the rest of the night that I could barely sleep my dad spoke to a Chinese woman who lived as a forest survey person up in the mountains for the past 30 or so years this is in Canada about five years ago as an unofficial sort of person the government asked about when looking for forest fires any sort of illegal [ __ ] etc she says that she spotted multiple Sasquatch and that they are quite intelligent and just don't want to interact with people not even the young ones but if she's out there they're pretty chill about her because she grew up around that area and remembers seeing them from a young age she had a totally straight look on her face and my dad said she's one of the most rational people he'd seen out there he owned a stripper gold came out that way at the time and she said if he knew what was good to leave that land alone because digging up would disturb a lot of sh t in the area and she wasn't sure it was a good idea my dad wasn't so sure until he swears up and down he saw one himself and she said that's the female one and just went inside and left him out there to take the f ck off running I've got a Deepwoods story that's been shared in my family for quite a few years my great-uncle was a deep woods kinda guy in a practice I find a little weird he would rarely use a tent just set up a sleeping bag right on the ground since we're from Maine there aren't too many large predators that really mess with people there are black bears but they usually hide from people so I guess he just didn't feel worried so he's out sleeping in the woods when he feels tiny hands patting his face wakes up opens his eyes to see a raccoon standing over him just feel in his face so what does my great-uncle do he just goes back to sleep all right obligatory not a ranger Butler goes I was in the forest camping out under the lovely forests of Jersey we set up camp and were all chatting in our temps and left the fire up sir we can tell some great scary stories all was going well until we heard a rustling in a bush textbook scary story stuff we all think it's one of our friends who hasn't come back from the potty break but just as the bush was rustling we see the outline of a person circling our tent we call out for our friend but random person does not answer and at this point he stops in place we all start getting freaked out as the person we see from outside could not possibly be our friend due to the height difference one of the members of the group lies saying that we are armed and kill him a good minute goes by before we all hear what I can describe as the most shrill scream I have ever heard and do just up and leaves creepy part about this is that our friend who was out to the restroom says he heard said scream but saw no one around the camping area or even footprints at where the man should have been we were also pretty deep into the woods as well so it's not as if anyone who was just passing by could have found us at least not easily not a ranger but here's a good woods story it's late spring heavy rain had flooded the Dyken public hunting grounds so I get the idea to go fishing in the shadows with my buddy we have a good time didn't catch anything and it's get dark so we light a fire to dry off before heading back as the sunlight is swallowed up we hear something I can only describe as a blood-curdling scream coming from the distance a little girl almost frogs we thought and kept talking twigs snapping then again but much closer we heard it could have been as close as thirty feet at the tree line we hightail it out of there and laugh it off once we get home fast forward six years I'm on lunch break and I'm telling this story to my lead and he pulls up a video on YouTube and lets me listen the same scream he gives me the phone and I see a mountain lion they make that noise as a final warning full start I'm a ranger non peace officer and work at a pretty remote desert park this happened before I got there but the other Rangers I work with were there they went to do a patrol during summer our offseason at one of our seldom used campgrounds on a patrol our maintenance ranger found a burnt-out car in one of the sites the desert is a weird place so he just calls the sheriff and waits sheriff arrives and it turns out there's a body in the driver's seat with no arms and no legs just a torso and head burnt sheriff's just marked it as a suicide and removed the vehicle we are close to Mexico and get a lot illegal drug traffic so I guess that don't even bother trying to solve those super sketchy not a ranger but like probably all the rest of the comments are going to be I was camping in the woods backwoods campground with the nearest sign of humanity was a National Guard Depot about five miles away it was the week before Labor Day in the campground was completely empty we were half asleep in our tent when we heard what sounded like a little girl laughing in the distance it continued for about an hour didn't get much sleep that night edit mystery explained apparently it was a bird called a magpie and not a demon girl this is gonna get buried as I'm late to the party but I worked for a few months as a park ranger with the Florida forest service at my local State Forest the creepiest thing I saw was a poor young man who hung himself on my second week on the job the unexplainable though are obviously not as cut and dry we have children's clothes neatly folded and left on the trails pairs of shoes in the middle of our dense burn blocks and just a general sense of eeriness my first few weeks on the job I was easily spooked but after I got into my groove of spending hours alone in the woods it took a lot to shake me when the forest goes silent pack up and move along not a ranger but my uncle was he always told the story of when he worked in Montana he was a solid 5-10 miles away from town so pretty much balls deep in the woods he recalled pulling his ATV on top of a semi big hill that overlooked a valley in between all the trees there was this clearing he could see through his binoculars through them he saw an older lady 60-plus ish in black surrounded by a 6-8 wolves now he is a lengthy distance from the woman but he starts yelling and honking and all that and takes off down the hill as fast as he could but when he reached the clearing there was no one there no wolves no woman only a silver ring with a black stone in the middle he still has it to this day Noah Ranger but went hiking with a boyfriend who used to do forest work for the local tribes and was a native himself so we had been hiking for a good six hours with our dog and my BFS five-year-old son making our way back to the car to get home we took a snack break rest for his son when in front of us just slightly down the mountain we noticed a branch that had been hacked up and had the red wood dark shredded my BF made a comment on it and I agree it was weird as we had stopped there on the way in and it wasn't like that we continued our snack not and get ready to leave when we noticed the branch is no longer hacked or shredded we spend the rest of the hike trying to figure out what the hell was going on my bf says it was the weirdest and creepiest thing he ever experienced and he was a marine before he worked for the tribe I'm not a ranger but I want to share a story when I was in high school climbing a quite high mountain called Merapi in Indonesia the mountain is around 3,000 metres high I climbed with 20 people five were trained climber and the rest were newbie like me there were many weird things happened but the one that happened to me was when I walked down the mountain we divided the 20 people in three groups I was in second group we intend to stick together because there are some girls that so slow I and one of my experienced friends tried to run first and left them the instructor give the permission and off we go but then my friend said hey I want to take a [ __ ] you can just go alone it's not far from here and then okay it's noon and it's really not that far and then I left him but after that I arrived at a place filled with bamboo the mountain actually is filled with typical rainforest trees but in this particular area it filled with bamboos this area like a circle with diameter of 50 meters but after I'm entering the way out that I clearly saw is not there I start to panic I tried to go back and wait for my friend but the way and also wasn't there by running around for about two or three minutes I liked until somehow the way and appeared again and I just wait for my friend not a lot of super creepy stuff in five years so far my favorite story creep wise isn't that creepy once you realize what it actually is versus your imagination running wild when walking up involves chanting and screaming from like five hundred yards outside my park think nine people screaming and crying and one guy shouting about the end in Spanish over the screams then you remember the big Apostolic Church in group camp was really quiet they had hiked off in the hills to speak in tongues and worship actually very considerate it would have been much more disturbing to the campground had they done it in their sight it was also far in a frost site where it would be weird for me to get involved also stopping worship off-site and if it were a crazy cult rich and that's a good way to die Indiana Jones Temple of Doom style I chatted with the customers at sites who could hear them and explained it to them they were relieved generally that all was okay and ultimately the worship stops around 1045 so it wasn't the most disruptive group so no major problems at the end a Fish and Wildlife officer told me that one time they got dispatched to a house on an Indian Reservation in northern Canada they were told that a guy was complaining of a Bigfoot shaking his trailer they went there and they came upon some elders of the reservation brushing off and hiding tracks with branches they consider the Bigfoot as a spiritual creature they have stories from back in the old days of run-ins with them they are even on old totem poles I also worked with a guy Hillary enacted fur trade days at old faults he would get dressed up in his little Davy Crockett costume and act in front of school kids and such he knew everything about Canadian history and said that back in the old days Indians talked about creatures that lived in the rivers and they drew pictures to show what they looked like and they drew crocodiles like just about everyone here not a ranger but grew up next to a big park as a little kid 6 to 13 I spent a lot of time exploring in the woods with my friends one day we discovered the panty tree it looked more or less like a Christmas tree but all the ornaments were women's panties a year or so later a young girl was murdered in a park about two miles away a couple years later it happened again I don't know if it was related to the panty tree if the murders were connected to that or to each other this was in the Pacific Northwest and the 80s so there was a lot of serial killer stuff going on not a park ranger but worked in a forest for a couple of years I think it was when I was volunteering before I was given a job my boss another volunteer and I were out in a more groomed part of the forest for public use there had been a school group earlier and one of us notices a hoodie on one of the benches I would have ignored it but my boss said we should take it with us someone might come back for it we go over boss picks it up looked at the outside some sport team logo checks the tag for name maybe a parent wrote one nope boss says nice shirt shame a kid would forget it like this and is checking out the material looking it's over then she yells and drops it what look in the sleeve I pick it up and look in hundreds of spiders I guess that thing had been there for a while explains why it was big for a kid creepiest thing that happened to me not a ranger but I am an Eagle Scout who used to camp a lot for scouting a lot of the reservations have tons of random semi-feral dogs that just roam and are not aggressive I dunno maybe the Rangers have a lot of dogs that they let roam free some are more shady than others and some will come up and let you pet them beg for your food also there are coil teas that you can hear calling out nightly from 2 a.m. to about 4 a.m. intermittently anyways it was not uncommon to wake up in the middle of the night to what I wonder hope was just the dogs sniffing at you from outside of the tent and poking the outside of the tent with their noses never found any footprints to show what it was probably because the ground was hard and leaves covered all the loose dirt on the ground not paranormal but still unsettling to know that either a random dog or coyote was checking you out in the middle of the woods at night not a ranger like most of the posts in this thread when I was around the age 8 we used to go camping in the forest behind my grandparents house this was their land and was entirely private property one night we are out there and our oldest cousin is watching the fire and the second oldest is showing us how to pitch a tent when we hear a loud crack of a stick we turned around to see a man in his 30s standing there 20 meters away from us he was wearing ripped up clothing and a blue ball cap that was missing the rim my cousin pulled out his pocketknife and the guy ran away to this day I still don't know who it was but this man was obviously not in his right mind later that night I woke up to a person walking around I began to panic and grabbed my cousin's knife and held on to it for dear life I stayed quiet for what felt like forever until finally the person went away I later asked my parents if they had gone out to check on us but they all said no I have literally no clue who it was and probably never will my guess was he was homeless and was deciding to camp in the forest not a ranger thankfully who wants to be alone in woods , but as a kid growing up in former Iroquois nations country I attended a Girl Scout horse ranch that was haunted stayed there twice I could seriously write a book about that place the first time I stuck it out the whole week the next summer my friend and I were fed up with the anxiety we called and asked parents to get us out nobody was willing to walk the path to the line of cabins people heard wagons piano music and men yelling and shouting in an all-female camp looking back I feel like it was one of those thin veil areas and we were stepping into another time who knows not a ranger but my boyfriend at the time and I were hiking up in the Rockies we came across what looked like a small silo the door on it had a padlock but was unlocked like it had been busted off we were curious what it was inside of it because it was weird we came upon anything at all we weren't on a trail and were way ìiî up there my boyfriend at the time opened it up and inside was what looked like a torture chamber like full-on chair with restraints and chains coming from the ceiling there was a trapdoor on the floor and no way were we opening it we hiked right back to our car and left still feel creepy about it I'm far from a forest ranger but I was in scouts in grade seven we were camping in an area that was known to contain larger animals mainly bears and cows we had set up our attempts in a u-shape with me and a friend's tent on the outside during the night I woke up to a really loud rumbling sound it sounded as if it was right outside my tent and scare - Tierra me I woke up my friend and he just went back to sleep the sound kept on going so I opted to check things out I step outside into the cold and look around nothing is there but the rumbling sound continues I try to find where the sound is coming from but it seems to be coming from everywhere freaked out I edged a little bit further away from my tent and realized the source of the sound I had been woken up by one of the troop leaders snoring the best thing is that their tent to a 6/10 away from mine was technically a ranger at Yosemite and passed every day through the gate along the Merced River one day there was the commotion which caused a slow down but didn't involve us so we crept by just slow enough to hear a man in anguish trying loudly to explain something it was early summer but the river was still raging from a solid snowpack that year and we found out later that the guy was trying to take a picture of his wife with the torrent as a backdrop apparently he'd kept telling her to back up just a bit further when she disappeared us in the fire fighting guys were tasked with finding her body nobody made much of a pretense that she might have survived she turned up two months later after the river had settled enough that we'd started swimming in it just upstream from our swimming hole ugh my brother has a winter job closing parks he drives around in a County vehicle and makes sure no one is in the parks before closing the gates he does this from about 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and it's pretty dark out the other day he was closing one of the parks and saw man hopping through the woods the man then saw him and crouched down and just watched my brother do his closing duties my brother left and went on to another Parkway he found a dead coyote frozen solid standing up as if it were alive creepy [ __ ] you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: VNhr9KBgvWQ
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Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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