Strange Glitches In The Matrix (Disappearing Items, Duplicate People) [Compilation] (r/AskReddit)

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what is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you have experienced I used to have a pet turtle when I was younger one morning I woke up and was walking to my kitchen when there was my turtle crawling on the floor I picked him up and looked in his aquarium and my turtle was still there my parents didn't buy me another turtle and we have no idea where it came from I borrowed a pair of Apple earbuds from one of my friends I usually keep air buds in my pockets and one day after being home all day I pulled a second pair of identical headphones out of my pocket it has happened twice now I have two pairs of Apple earbuds and I gave the other pair back to my friend I would assume I just grabbed another pair by mistake but I don't get out much and no one in my family owns any Apple products not sure if this counts as glitch in the matrix but when I was young I was sitting watching TV when I heard a few loud bangs as if someone fell down the stairs I ran out to sea but there was nothing there just as I went back to sit down my brother fell down the stairs seems like the audio is just out of sync with the picture I was trying to sleep late at night and the t-shirt that I was wearing was getting itchy so I took my shirt off while still in bed and threw it from the top bunk of my bunk bed I heard it drop to the floor but I kept on hearing it dropped to the ground over and over again and this went on for awhile I was wide awake and I knew I wasn't hearing crap still confused about it but I never seemed to mention it till today took off my glasses because something made me laugh so hard I cried went to bathroom washed face came back glass is gone two weeks pass I have new glasses got home from a friend's house take off shoes call from friend less than five minutes later forgot something at his house go to put on shoes missing glasses folded perfectly sitting on top of my shoes so calculatedly evenly split between both shoes it looked like an art display for the longest time in my life when I would hear random noises that were out of this world sometimes it was static or explosions I found out later that I have a disorder known as exploding head disorder it's basically your brain glitching when trans into sleep scared the crap out of me before I found out several years ago I stopped to get gas on my way to meeting my gf at the time for dinner this was a little before smart phone started coming out so all I had was a silver flip phone getting out of the car I managed to drop it on the ground and then kick it right as a car drove by it was run over and shot out from under the cars tire across the gas station lot I found it all scratched up it wasn't smashed but wouldn't turn on I spent most of the dinner annoyed because I was semi broken didn't want to have to pay for a new phone when we got back to our apartment the first thing I saw walking in was my silver flip phone sitting on the kitchen counter somehow I managed to hallucinate dropping and then kicking my phone what should get shot across the lot and then finding an exact duplicate of it the antenna on the top even had the same bite marks from where my cat had tried to eat it or else my phone spontaneously cloned and teleported itself onto my kitchen counter now replacing damaged cell phones is standard NSA practice when it comes to our taps individuals every morning on my way to work I'd go through a shopping mall on a bench in the mall there would sit an elderly man appearing to wait for someone the guy was fairly anonymous but always had some small flair that made him look like he was trying to be hit but not really making it a golfer's cap a vest lager boots etc every morning when I walked by I noticed him and always wondered who he was waiting for for four years as I walked by I never saw him actually meeting someone I get a new job and start work in another part of town three days in when I walk from the subway to Ward's work the same guy is sitting on a bench waiting for someone it's you from the future trying to get you to start a new trend obviously I share my name with my great grandfather on my father's side I never met him he died 20 years before I was born he was apparently six feet tall eccentric obsessed with intellectual pursuits but was so prone to getting lost in thought that he would forget to do important things the rest of the entire family is fairly short my father is otherwise the tallest at five feet eight very straight-laced conservative blue-collar then there's me apparently the second coming of my great-grandfather height tendencies personality general appearance and all a week before I got married my brother was going through old records and discovered my great-grandfather's wife who no living family member ever met she died young in the 1930s have the same name as my wife's and I just reused content creepy your riposte I was 12 was spending the day at an amusement park with a neighbor and one of his classmates I'd never met the classmate before but he was a cool guy and we're all chilling going on rollercoasters spending money on the stupid ring toss game and not winning anything and then were going to go grab food and he was about to go grab some chocolate bar and I went dude you're allergic to peanuts because he was about to eat something with peanuts in it I'd never met the guy before my friends never talked about him before but not only did I have the feeling that this guy was allergic to peanuts I turned out to be accurate he was like dang how did you know when we agreed that there was no real explanation life is just weird sometimes and went back to riding roller coasters never saw that guy again something vaguely close to that happen to me at work I was on break with a co-worker who I've known for about six months so well enough to at least known her name I try to ask her something spaced out and call her Avery Avery is the main character of the book she is writing she hasn't mentioned the name to anyone that was the only time I have ever gotten her name wrong I once threw a light bulb into an empty trash bin from a few feet away but I didn't hear it land at the bottom of the bin I immediately decided to pick it up to take note of what type of bulb that was so I could replace it but it was gone totally disappeared my roommate witnessed this too and we never found it even as we were moving out at the end of the semester when I was about 15 I remember having a dream but all it was was black and talking I remember hearing my mom saying it's almost done you're doing great it's gone but I didn't think anything of it about three months later my earrings got embedded inside my ears and I had to go to hospital to get em cut out while there they sprayed freeze spray under my ear the spray went into my ear and obviously touched my eardrum knocking me out but I could still like hear things while out all I saw was blackened my mom said the exact same things to me that I heard in my dream the few months before no one believes me but it was crazy similar thing happens to me every like four or five months I just chalk it up as deja vu I occasionally get flashes or visions of things that happen again later recently having a specific conversation at work this was not a normal or routine conversation like did we get an email it was an unusual circumstance that led up to it so I knew how it was going to go down and it did exactly that way on the creepy end of the spectrum I saw myself at a friend's funeral while he was still alive he died unexpectedly a few weeks later I knew that a client of mine would die within a year and he did at the time he appeared perfectly healthy but within the year he was diagnosed with cancer and passed away I know that one cloudy morning I will get a call in my car that my stepfather has passed away he is in his seventies and suffers Parkinson's so this one isn't that paranormal I don't think the creepiest one has yet to be fulfilled and that is an image I have of a blue pickup truck on the wrong side of the road coming straight at me if I do die in a car crash and it's with a blue pickup can someone please post it so I get posthumous Karma sat down with food on a stick close my eyes open them three hours later still at my PC food entirely missing I guess I blacked out but I have no idea why I would do that you were abducted by aliens that accounts for the missing time chances are they ate your food and used the stick to probe you as a kid like at a really really young age I used to have incredibly realistic dreams of things that hadn't happened yet to clarify I had weird dreams of completely mundane things generally and then they would happen shortly after usually within a couple days for this reason it became hard to differentiate between dream and reality as a result I spent years believing my brother had stabbed me in the back with a butter knife but it from what my parents tell me never happened I guess it was just one of the dreams it's so weird though because it was just so real the memory of being stabbed is stronger than most memories and every so often this spot on my back right where I had dreamed I was stabbed well it tingles he's thinking of you I watched a little boy run up and kick a soccer ball then everything stopped for the slightest of milliseconds and I watched him run up and kick the ball again I saw the exact same moment happened twice it was like time skipped like a needle on a record but I was unaffected I didn't move if I wasn't frozen and then replayed like everyone else I was an observer with full control over my body I've never experienced anything similar ever again it was so clear I still have the frozen moment in my mind perfectly I started panicking immediately after it happened to anyone near me I had to sit down it felt so incredibly real even if it was just a hallucination what did everyone do for that second there were no other glitches no clicks forward so I had an extra second up nobody else did I watched one moment twice am I a second older than the rest of the world did I travel back one second in time did something unimaginable happen to me in an alternate universe did I have a mini-stroke who knows I don't know if this can be classified as a glitch and I have a feeling this might be common for a few other people but her goes since I was young off and on I've experienced what is apparently called depersonalization the very first time I was young probably six or seven years old I remember clearly it was a very sunny day I was walking somewhere holding my mother's hand it was the first time I had been allowed to wear sandals instead of shoes where I lived there was a lot of broken glass on the pavements we were waiting to cross a road and it happened this sense of completely alien nation from myself I was not me this body wasn't mine I was just occupying it and I was something more it was a very strange experience it's happened probably two or three times since then just a feeling that I am unfamiliar with my own self a stranger it's also happened once with my brother who I'm very close to that they are looked at him and a feeling of who is this just a strange person who I called my brother it lasts just a few seconds and is quite eerie it's the familiarity you have about yourself and others I suppose the attachment disappears for a few seconds would be very interested to see if anyone else has experienced this more commonly I think it happens with words it loses its meaning and appears strange or foreign which I've also experienced I get ass every now and then more so with other people sometimes I look at rounds family or my girlfriend and have that detached feeling for a few seconds it's happened once or twice with myself as well like for a second I don't know who I am weird when I was 10 I was homeless ition lived in an 8 foot camper my bedroom was the top bunk thing I'm laying there and my jeans were annoying me as they were next to my head so I flung them towards my feet they flew back at me immediately and went back where they were originally this happened two times in a row I have no idea why they would move on their own this still creeps me out maybe you accidentally threw them up in the air instead of it's your feet one night when I was about 18 I guess I was out for a drink with a friend just had one or two beers not much I went back home and I felt all see pretty quickly watching skins light song around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. I woke up in a heartbeat like if I just had a nightmare but not remembering anything about that I noticed the lights are on and a second after my room goes dark I feel pretty stressed out at this point so I get out of my bed to put the lights on a game wondering how this happened at this moment I start to feel a pain in my hand and when I finally put the lights on I take a look and I'm seriously bleeding from my hand no idea how that happened again went out of the house smoked a cigarette back to sleep never had any explanation el Diablo has your soul now son I was a kid and my mom and I were outside taking pictures of old cars to sell in the backwoods area valley odd all of a sudden my mom hears rustling in the bush and she tells me to run I had flip-flops on so I kicked them off and booked it behind me I didn't hear my mom but I heard like a rusty clanking sound like something jumped on the cars while running I didn't see my mom I got into the house panics and there my mom was sitting at the table reading the paper what the heck whatever is now pretending to be your mom that's not your mom I used to live and work out as rock I had been struggling with depression for quite a while and one day as I was crossing some sand dunes with groceries I began to feel like I'd had enough I wanted out and I figured I'd do it when I got home it was at this point that I noticed something pretty big coming towards me I looked up to see what it was but didn't see or hear anything unusual nevertheless I sensed that whatever it was expanded even larger and larger as it grew nearer and I felt my whole body begin to vibrate it was like being in a really heavy storm or something because this thing was immense and powerful at first I thought I was in the way and was going to be annihilated but somehow realized that this whatever it was was going to pass me either had an extremely strong feeling that it had noticed me and briefly glanced in my direction a feeling of overwhelming love and compassion with a hint of teasing humor like I was some silly little kid washed over me and a word boomed in my head to breathe so I did I breathed in as deep as I could and felt months and months of sadness and loneliness him self loathing simply and immediately replaced with a pure feeling of joy I was weightless I happy nothing else mattered and as I stood there though whatever it was strode past me on its way to something I somehow knew was really really important leaving me with tears streaming down my face and all of my groceries spilled in the sand amazing you're not the only one who's had something like that happen right at the peak of their depression but that is a beautiful experience whether or not it was a tangible thing matters not because either your brain saved you or something did about a year ago my mom and I were in the first parking space area of a small shopping mall she was getting things ready for the store and I was waiting the space in front of us was parked a large white SUV I can't explain why but I had the urge to study the SUV when I usually don't even pay attention if a family that owned the SUV came out and it was a father infant in a carrier and a little girl did the little girl stared at us the whole time her father was getting her in the car she had this huge oversized bow in her hair in the side ponytail and just kept staring even as they walked to the driver's side she didn't take her eyes off of us and the father packed her up my mom also stared at her it was so strange we went into the store right after the whole family was in the SUV when we went to open the door the same family came out odd little girl father baby and father was still holding shopping bags my mom and I looked at each other in horror because it took him five minutes to pack his kids in that SUV how could he get out and run into the store in the few seconds it took us to walk to the sidewalk in front of the store we weren't the only ones who saw it a worker from the food place next to the store saw it and we all exchanged looks of horror I have no idea what this was but I can tell you that very few people have believed me and my mom what if the little girl was staring at you and your mom on the way to the SUV because she saw you two at the entrance of the store before my mom used to work during the day and leave me home alone when I was around 12 or 13 and too old for daycare she would ring the home phone periodically throughout a day and make sure everything was all right one day I'm her Malone and the phone rings I pick it up it's mum we have a short succinct conversation that's basically everything going all mighty okay don't answer the door if anyone knocks et Cie etc very normal conversation it ends I hang up and go about my day not even 15 minutes later the phone rings again I pick up and it's mum again we exchanged hellos and I jokingly say must be a slow day you literally just rang me and mum goes very quiet for a minute and then says I haven't called you today my blood went cold and to this day I still don't know who called me we came up with a secret password after that when I was 14 or so I went to sleep at my typical time and woke up two days later in the morning I went downstairs panicking and asking if my family knew I had been sleeping for two days and what had happened the question was ignored and they told me to sit down and have some breakfast that happened to me too although I was like 7 years old went to bed normally on a Tuesday woke up just before noon on Thursday the only person in the house who acknowledged it whatsoever was my brother I had a dream about marrying my husband before I even knew he existed even in my dream I was asking people who this person was and when I actually met him I had to refrain from freaking out he is literally the man of your dreams I had this crazy vivid dream in seventh grade I dreamed that there was a white cargo van parked outside my house a man got out walked to my house broken then went to my brother's room and killed him I woke up freaked out it was 3:00 a.m. I couldn't sleep and went into the kitchen turned the light on and a few seconds later the headlights on a white cargo van outside flipped on an it sped away a little late to the party but going to share anyway so I have one nice suit I have a total of three or so bid most of em are 6 10 years old a few stains and don't quite fit right anymore I got a new one two years ago and the thing fits me freaking great I look sharp after my dad's funeral I took it to get it dry-cleaned at the same dry cleaner I've been for the last 15 years a half a mile down the street from my house but couldn't really remember picking it up it wasn't on my mind as I hadn't needed it for anything about a year later I had a funeral to go to and I could not for the life of me find my frickin suit I took every piece of clothing out of my closet one by one I meticulously scoured every surface in there trying to find this suit and it's nowhere to be found I go check all of the other closets in my house and the coat closet in the front hall I mean I talk as house apart check my closet multiple times freaking nothing this suit is not in my house I'm like all right maybe I just forgot to pick it up from the dry cleaner long shot but I might as well go ask so I head to the dry cleaner and I ask hey long shot as it would have been over a year ago but is there any chance I might have left a suit here I forgot to pick up she tells me that she can look up my name and phone number and after receiving both she tells me I've never been a customer there I'm like what do you mean I've never been a customer here I know it's been a year or so but this is literally the only dry cleaner I've ever been to I live a half a mile down the street I've been coming here since I moved here 15 years ago my parents both came here my sister comes here there can't be no one in the system with my last name I asked if owners or systems have changed recently and she says no that they've been the same for the last decade and if I have ever been a customer here it would be in the system I give her my last name again parents numbers et Cie and nothing no one in my family is listed as ever having dry cleaning done there before at this point she's looking at me like I'm insane as I'm standing there trying to understand why and what the Frick happened to my suit then I leave and go home ready to throw in the towel and pick something else to wear I walk into my closet and my suit is sitting right there in the middle of the rack in my closet with a tag on i.t from the dry cleaner that just told Emmy I had never been there dog you need to take that tag into that dry cleaners and ask them what's wrong with their computers I was watching TV when I was about 11 when I had this sudden compulsion to turn off all the lights in the house I literally jumped up and ran from room to room when I got to my bedroom on another floor I saw that my net curtain had blown over my desk lamp and was smoking it caught fire the second I got to it I managed to put it out just in time I only vaguely remember the incident but one night very late both of my grandparents were woken up by a loud sound my grandmother swore it was a shotgun my grandpap said it was a car backfiring since there was no one nearby who would be shooting we lived pretty much far from anyone but near a highway they become over it a bit then went back to bed about 15 minutes or so later the phone rang it was my aunt her husband had been shot with a shotgun by a neighbor just 20 minutes before the thing is they live seven states away okay I have this memory and no one will believe me but here we go when I was probably 10 or 11 my mom was harping on me from not doing my chores she was downstairs with me and I stormed upstairs to avoid her when I got upstairs she was in the kitchen doing dishes there are no other ways to the second floor she smiled and I almost shat myself walking with my daughter on a side street in the French Quarter in New Orleans late at night back to the hotel we hear a drunk couple giggling and walking quickly behind us obviously getting ready to overtake us so we step aside till SN pass only to turn around and find out no one's there there were no side streets or alleys until further up the block just shuttered doors with steps going up to them dude the acoustics in New Orleans is super weird especially the French Quarter but when I traveled there I could literally hear muddled conversations and music blocks away near the st. Louis Cathedral I was working with a friend on building some shelves in a cubby hole in his garage he had two planks each of which he was going to cut in half to make shelves he cut one in half brought it into the garage then we decided to make lunch came back out and there were no cast shelves just two whole planks when I was younger my parents took me to see the Polar Express it was a great movie in the early summer morning I thanked her again for taking us to the movies she had no idea what I was talking about about later in the year around Christmas we went to the movies i sat in horror as I watched The Polar Express the opening week and knew exactly what was going to happen my mom has some friends that I've known my whole life there her age mom was single so they used to babysit me sometimes I went over to their apartment for Halloween when I was four and they took me trick-or-treating around their apartment complex fast forward 27 years I'm married to a girl I met in college who had been born in a city I was raised in but almost immediately moved away was less than a year old she lived in other parts of a large Metro DFW and the LA area growing up she's heard my mom and I mentioned these family friends occasionally but never met them wife and I throw a Christmas party to celebrate our new house my mom asks if she can invite said friends so I said of course they arrive and we get to chatting they asked about my wife's unusual maiden name and if she knew people who have the same first names as her parents these family friends of ours were her parents neighbors as in share a wall literally the only other door on the second floor of the same building at the time my now wife was born I'm 3 years 9 months older than my wife our family friends neighbors had an 8 month old infant when I went trick-or-treating at their house I met my future wife as an infant out of total happened stands before not meeting her for another 18 plus years I once got into a weird it's complicated thing with a girl who later turned out to have been born the same day in the same hospital and our mothers shared their hospital room with us for the first few days of our lives she literally was the first girl I ever met it's kind of a pity that never went anywhere I was once walking in a park at night when I saw something green shoot up into the sky like a firework that he didn't burst did temporarily lit up the sky and then it got dark again as the flash faded moments later I heard of loud sound like a transformer having power go through it and the next time I blinked it was brightened in the middle of the day not sure where the lost time went and I didn't feel tired or anything unfortunately I didn't have any obligations like work or anything so I really have no idea of knowing abducted by aliens I used to get freaked out by the same customers coming in and getting the same product several times a day then I remembered I work in a liquor store and all my regulars are alcoholics so I'm a glitch in your matrix I had a dream of my ex-girlfriend before I met her red hair hazel eyes standing at the corner of where three streets meet she was holding a purple luggage bag and crying turns out two years later that was where we'd be when we broke up funny enough several years later I now live at the apartment building where that corner is I smoke in the back lane to avoid looking at it do I experienced something like this it was the first time I tried acid and I vividly remember hallucinating a girl in that I'd meet her on November 27 later this year let's see if it happens one night I was startled half to death by the sound of a train horn outside my window I was not living anywhere near any sort of railway and nobody else in my household had heard it when I was a kid my family came upon the aftermath of a horrific car accident traffic was backed up and we slowly crept by while my parents tried and failed to distract us kids from the carnage later that night the accident was on the news small town not much else to report they showed the accident scene and all four of us gasped shouted at the same time those out the same cars everything else about the accident scene was identical but the makes models colors of the cars were completely different from what all four others remembered we consulted amongst ourselves and we all remembered the same thing but the image on the screen was totally different we talked about that for months either this is a pretty serious glitch or the news station ran the wrong B roller clip I was having a dream where I was singing I woke up very suddenly from it and then I heard some super loud screaming it went on for a few seconds and it was enough time for me to shoot up and still hear it for a few seconds I wasn't alone in the house and after the screaming stopped it was dead quiet no one else heard anything screwed up REM can cause auditory hallucinations as you fall asleep and wake up I've had it before while working overnights not fun I remember a time when I was about 9 or 10 and I was riding in a work truck with my father he suddenly got a call on his phone and when answered it it went straight to speaker and a deep distorted voice started yelling at us to get the Frick out of the truck or LLL freakin murder you the word East part was that my dad didn't even react just grabbed the phone and ended the call dead like this crap again and puts his hand gun off safety bit late as usual but I thought time I tell mine obviously I don't remember this but when I was around two or three my great aunt and grandmother had just returned from Scotland and the family was invited to watch the projection slideshow showing my age at my grandparents at my age I wasn't very interested until there was a picture of a large Pond Lake with some ducks but I piped up I know that place of course everyone said that's not possible it's on the other side of the world I then proceeded to get cranky and say I used to live there with my mummy with the white hair then something about my horsey and that I lived in the castle up the hill from the pond sure enough the next slide was of the lake with some ruins further up the hill my auntie apparently freaked out turned the projector off and would watch the rest I have a very vivid memory of a very tall thin elderly african-american man sitting in a wide green armchair this man has glasses wearing a button-down shirt and dress slacks I described this man to my parents one day around the age of five seven years old gave a much detail as I could and my mum goes down to the basement she comes back with a single photo and shows it to me it's exactly who I described same man same chair the man is my great-grandfather he died in 1977 I was born in 1991 maybe you saw the picture when you were a small child in the memory stuck for some reason when my friend gave a nodding what's up to my dog and the dog did the same thing back amazing that's not a glitch that's a feature me and my friend were at a Chinese restaurant and we ordered a general tso chicken dinner and a shrimp lo mine dish when we sat down we took out both boxes and set them on the table about two feet apart my friend opens the first box and we see a shrimp lo mine dish it has all the things in there noodles shrimp fried rice he closes the box and opens the other box inside that box is another shrimp lo mine dish shrimp noodles fried rice oh I think they must have mixed the order I was just about to say this when my friend says out loud looks like they made a mistake and gave us two as he opens up the first box again inside of it is a general tso chicken dinner order general tso chicken white rice and an egg roll he frozen looked at me I looked back at him and we sat in silence it took us five or so minutes to collect ourselves I have no idea what the frick happened these are my favorites the slightly off everyday glitches not creepy but so vivid and distinct that I still think about it years later I had a subjectively long involved dream where I was a vendor in a fish market I remember getting up early dressing dealing a whole morning routine going to get tea heading out to the docks buying fish loading them in a cart and going to get ice then haggling for ice buying some less fresh fish while I was at it then going to a market to my stall setting up and selling fish all day it was so real I talked to friends smoked nasty cigarettes haggled customers ate lunch had tea and just lived through the day at the end of the day I cleaned up counted my cash pay the stall rent went home cook some of the fish I hadn't sold Sling with some veggies and rice that I'd traded for I drank more tea relaxed for a while then drew a hot bath soaked and smoked some or cigs then went to bed the next morning I woke up refreshed ready to go down to the docks to buy fresh catch except I was in my house next to my wife truck parked outside and it was Saturday no work my wife and I were getting geared up to go skiing in Oregon and the car was already packed weird thing was in the dream I was single and a smoker I'm not and the whole long dream had been influential ease the effortless kind of fluency that only comes from a lifetime of speaking it oh and I had been Chinese I'm a big hairy white dude somewhat fluent in Spanish and I know a little bit of Russian but I've never it was just weird I've never worked in a fish market I wonder who I was I wonder what that was meanwhile in China a Chinese fish vendor woke up after having a dream about him being a big hairy white dude with a wife and a truck on her I knew my uncle had died my mom had called me and told me the news it was very sad she told me in the middle of work and I told one of my co-workers he expressed his condolences on my loss a couple weeks later my sister mentioned my aunt and uncle doing something I said but he's dead and my sister said no he wasn't I called my mom no he wasn't dead to this day I'm still not sure how much of it my brain imagined and how much was real did I rarely talk to my coworker was I even on the phone with my mom at all that day it still freaks me out knowing that my mind could fabricate so complete and real a memory like that I've had a couple of dreams which have been so vivid I swore they were real it might be this this happened to my dad so it's not exactly a personal story anyway my dad was driving down a long lonely Highway in Ohio doing about 90 in his z28 with a radar detector rolling hills and whatnot meant that cops could hide at the bottom before you could see them and slow down so all of a sudden his radar detector starts blaring and he slams on the brakes right over the hill there's a squad car running radar he's super relieved that when he looks at the detector it's not even on the windshield it was unplugged and in the glove compartment what the frick hosted this in a previous summer well back but a lot post it again as it fits here too I had just turned 22 and my parents had sold their house and purchase to place out in the country on the property there was a big shed not far from the house that I decided to turn into my place now I felt kind of uncomfortable in the shed sometimes but my dog kept me company so it wasn't so bad anyway I had been and there maybe two weeks and one night I'm on the computer my dog asleep at my feet and I need to pee so I get up and go outside to pee it's a beautiful clear night and the stars were incredible next thing I hear the shed door slam behind me I turn immediately and try to open it but it won't budge now from inside the shed I can hear my dog start to growl quietly at first then louder now he's barking and I'm panicking trying to get the door open I must mention that I'm six foot five and well-built play sport ctc but even rhyming my full weight into the door won't open it and I'm really panicking now as my dogs barks turned into wines then whimpering then silence and with all my might I slam into the door and it flies open the light is off inside now and it's pitch black it won't turn back on and I'm in complete darkness can't see my dog anywhere and I stumble around trying to find a torch finally I find it and pick it up and turn on my torch and I wasn't prepared for what I'd see next my dog had literally squashed itself into the furthest darkest corner of the room eyes closed and is shaking violently I immediately moved towards him and as soon as I got within reach of him he lept at me into my arms and wouldn't move I picked him up and I swear I've never ran so fast in my god dang life I never stepped foot in that shed ever again and my dog wouldn't even go near that part of the property I don't know what happened in that shed up tonight but I'll never forget it this isn't a glitch in the matrix this is a straight-up demonic story holy crap I was sitting in my car with just my dad and I distinctly heard my sister who was at home say are you guys almost home I'm scared in a very specific concerned tone of voice two seconds later my dad's phone rang guess who's on the line my sister she said are you guys almost home I'm scared in the same concern tone not voice I was pretty freaked out something like this happened to me too I was in the basement with my girlfriend and had a vision of my sister coming down and asking me for the phone been doing so she caught me getting a little too snuggly with my gf after this little vision I instantly jumped up grabbed my phone and ran to the stairs and there was my sister just about to come and ask me for the house phone I was catching a sky train in one particular city about 15 minutes from where I get off while I wait there is a woman with glazed eyes asking people for money she came up to me stopped briefly and our stek scuse me could you spare some money my brother is in the hospital and I'd like some money to buy him some flowers that's rich I thought drug addicts are getting more and more obvious with their lives here's five dollars gave it to her without even looking her in the face convinced of her intentions anyways my train pulls up and I get on I look through the glass at her walking around asking others for money as the train pulls away the train arrives at the station fifteen minutes later and I walk down and out to the bus stop there is only one bus the direction I'm going and just my luck it is there waiting when I get off the train so on the bus I hop and wait for the bus driver to finish reading his paper before the doors close and we embark down the highway about 5-10 minutes traveling the driver pulls over for a routine stop the doors open and to my complete astonishment the woman from the sky train walks into the bus a dozen roses in hand she looks me right in the eyes as she walks past to take her seat how in the blue heck did she get there I took the train before her I watched her if the train stopped from inside as we pulled away I went over a river I caught the first and only bus going this particular direction and not only did she beat me there she had time to go to a store and buy a dozen roses to this day I have no idea how this happened you met God and passed the test when I was a teenager I had two really intense dreams one night the first one was about an online friend of mine calling me to say she'd broken up with her boyfriend and I sang a few lines of seals don't cry to her over the phone the second dream was finding a real-life friend dead body floating in her bathtub I didn't think anything of it up until I logged online that evening and the online friend came online to tell me her boyfriend broke up with her I immediately asked if I could call her and she said no I remember thinking that it meant something like I could change it not long after my phone rang and it was real-life friend from the dream calling me I was completely freaked at this point but talked to her normally she was just talking about school and crap up until I realized I heard a splash in the background I asked her are you in the tub and when she said yes I felt like my heart had stopped I asked her what did he do she didn't answer me right away and then after a very long pause she told me she'd taken an entire bottle of pills and chased it with mushrooms and vodka she'd gotten scared waiting for it to hit her so she called me so she'd hear someone's voice I hung up and called 911 by the time they got there she was unconscious but alive today she's a mom to a beautiful little girl and she's okay what the fuuuck one morning when I was 15 my dad looked tired and stressed I asked him what was up he said he had an awfully realistic dream of me killing myself said in the dream he came into my room to find me hanging from my neck in the closet it bothered him so bad that he actually came and checked on me while I was asleep not too big of a deal but not cool as I thought 20 minutes later my sis comes into the room fresh from waking up she looks at me and first thing she said was dang grass I had a weird dream I came in your room and you had shot yourself in the head it was messed up I told her that dad had a dream about me killing myself last night too and had him explain it to her we just kinda sat there in an unnerving silence I've never been suicidal but that freaked the whole family out I spilled chocolate ice cream on my leg I wiped it off and there was still a pale brown stain in the shape of the ice cream splotch I told my mother who said it was a birthmark I will swear under oath that never before that moment did I have a birthmark there my mother has a scar behind her knee from a cut when I was a preteen the exact same scar appeared on me in the exact same place I swear it was never there before and I would have remembered being cut that deeply for sure I was sitting in my office one day when my desk phone rings and it is my undershirt asking me to bring him all the reports dispatch logs any documentation ref to a specific so I get it all together and start towards his office I meet him in the hallway and hand him the paperwork he asked what it was I told him it's the documentation you asked for he then swears he never asked me for it that he had just arrived and had not called my office he was on his way down the hall to ask me to get it together my guess is a brain fart by him or aliens this didn't happen to me but to my dad he works for a heating and air conditioning company so he often has to go up to people's houses to fix things about five years ago he told me he had a bizarre dream where he went on a call to an elderly woman's house he never seen the house or this woman before but he said it was bizarre because of how realistic the whole thing felt he fixed her boiler in the dream chatted for a bit and then left about a week later his company gets a call from an elderly woman needing her boiler fixed they send my dad on the job when he arrived he said it was the exact same house from his dream in the same old lady he knew her name before he even had to ask and knew his way around the house without having gone inside yet when she opened the door she said hi Gary and when he asked how she already knew his name she said she had a dream last week that her boiler broken that my dad is the one who came to fix it so she just knew that would be his name two complete strangers never having met each other had the exact same dream that they would meet each other and they did the whole thing is so crazy lol out of all the things that people could have a premonitory shared dream of it had to be a regular everyday event when I was little six years old my parents took us to Disneyland in Florida we went to go watch one of those shows with parrots during the middle I had to go to the bathroom so my mom took me and left my dad and my sister to watch the show when we came back the entire stadium was empty so we thought the show ended and we went back to the bathroom area to wait for my dad thinking that's where he must have taken my sister since it's the only bathroom station in the area we sat on the bench and waited for two hours before my mom gave up this was pre cellphone the only remarkable thing during this time was that one of those iguana lizard things was fighting a squirrel behind the bench and I watched that with great joy I actually remember this we did some other stuff then went back to the hotel room to wait for them the entire time my mum was annoyed at my dad saying it's so irresponsible of him a few hours after we got back to the hotel room my dad and sister who is a year younger than me came back and obviously they started arguing both saying they were waiting for the other at the bathroom me and my sister on they hand started telling each other about the lizard and squirrel we saw fighting apparently both of us saw what happened from the same vantage point on that bench my parents stopped to listen to us and asked us to clarify we both saw the same lizard same squirrel fighting from the same point on the bench it was one of those inexplicable occurrences but they didn't give it further thought until me and my sister brought up the remember that time we saw the lizard and squirrel fight and my mum was like yeah that was a weird day it is one thing for this to have been some sort of crazy time-space anomaly and that would be freaking crazy and awesome but honestly I really want this to just be you both waiting at the bathroom practically next to each other without realizing you were both there because that crap is funny I woke up from a dream where I died and when I opened my eyes all I saw were faces all over the walls staring at me it was terrifying I got up from my bed and turned on the light the faces didn't go away I left the room and made sure I was awake I was I wrote on my computer drank some water and when I went back in my bedroom the faces were gone I believe this is a sleep hallucination which I had another experience of as well was going to be late and was coming up with a story in order to avoid getting in trouble story I came up with is that as I was being pulled over by a cop for speeding someone rear-ended him and it hit my vehicle had a pretty big dent in my truck but no one knew what I drove yet as I was new to the job five minutes later I got pulled over for going 75 in a 65 and lo and behold someone clipped the cop car and pushed the car into my truck ticket was excused boss told me it was okay got that bumper fixed for free and a grand from the dudes insurance company the one who hit the cop car and also naked women bathed me crosses fingers I was waiting tables about 12 years ago and my coworker forgot to put in a food order for a three top table he also forgot what the order was I was laughing at him stressing out trying to figure it out and I said it was probably fried mozzarella a cheeseburger with no onions and chicken fingers I was completely joking and that was their exact order it freaked me out I made him let me run the food to the table to make sure he wasn't freaking with me this just happened quite recently I was heading towards a place from a train station that was being remodeled and there's a huge chunk that's under construction I got a bit lost in the area and my Google Maps was telling me that I should go through one path but I couldn't since the whole area was basically off-limits and I should take a detour this was some busy underpass with people going to the platforms and there was one big temporary plywood wall with big signs of under construction unauthorized access forbidden no entry this part got weird that plywood all had a plywood door and people were entering exiting it like a normal busy door completely normal looking people that looked like they don't belong in a construction area even some old woman entered it so then I thought that the map is working fine so I decided to go through the door and it got even more weird on the other side was just a huge empty area completely under construction an area of sand piles of gravel some pillars and construction in the distance the edge of the underpass was completely unfinished I was really confused since I wasn't far behind the last person who went through the door and I had no idea where the guy went there was no path it didn't seem to look like there was some path where the people would have gone there's a big gravel road in front of me going a bit to the site and the map was telling me to follow some similar paths so I thought maybe I should check it out a bit except Frick no a big caterpillar Tractor sped up along that road and I wasn't planning to walk near that I saw the guy and the tractor looking at me confused so the next thing I thought was to go back since I shouldn't even be here I opened the door and a few people walking away to a platform looked at me weirdly like I did when I saw people entering the door no one entered after I went through nor when I came out so after that I just had to take the detour since I was in a hurry anyway and forgot about it for the rest of the day I was listening to my friend talk and he suddenly like just lagged out I guess he sounded like a static phone and then repeated a couple of words sometimes I swear that lights flicker in whatever room I'm in it's like someone turned all the present lights off simultaneously I even asked those around me if they saw the lights turn off I don't recall blinking any time this has happened either I wonder if I have many nanosecond blackouts it's people trapped in the upside down when I was a kid I had Metroid Fusion for the Gameboy Advance that game was hella hard for I don't know eight years old me there was a final boss a spider that was difficulty spike in an already difficult game and I got stuck there then one day I lost the game since I hadn't finished it and I really liked it I convinced my parents to buy it again I played and finished it I was quite happy then one day in my grandparents house I found a Metroid Fusion cartridge it had a single save file more or less around the spider boss I thought I had to save files bill whatever I had found my game fast forward a couple of years and I get a call from my great-aunt she was moving and when removing some furniture found the GBA cartridge Metroid Fusion that her grandson told her was mine I didn't believe her of course I went to see it exactly that was my original cartridge exactly as I remembered it I have no idea where the cartridge I found it my grandparents house came from I asked every possible cousin not that we are too many like for everyone I could think of and nobody had ever owned the game heck only one of them had a GBA I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation but I can't find it I had a copy of Pokemon ruby version flat out disappear I know where I put it and no nobody moved it to this day it's still nowhere to be found this happened in 2004 was on a road trip with family once we stayed at a hotel for a night our room was nothing more than two beds and a restroom with a biggest mirror on a cross from the beds everyone went to sleep but me I stayed up playing a mobile game I was addicted to at the time at about 2:00 a.m. I went to sleep when I woke up I noticed something was just ever so slightly off the mirror was gone the room had two separate bedrooms and there were three beds apparently I was the only one who noticed it BC my family called my crazy still confused as Frick to this day as to what happened a little backstory my sister was born with heart complications and nobody thought she'd survive unless she went under a certain surgery and even then she'd be heavily disabled and not live past 12 my mom told me that my grandmother prayed and asked for my sister to live and to take me instead please let her be healthy she died August 2007 and my sister was born a few months later same year my sister lived without the surgery is now 10 and is healthy as she can be the doctors said they didn't know how it happened and called it a miracle now for the creepy part one day my sister and mom were doing something I don't remember but my sister turns to my mom and says a long time ago I was born in 19 XX forgot the year that was the year my grandmother was born we never told her that another time she said her favorite food was excellent I can't remember that was my grandma's favorite food again never told her that she did the same thing again except with my grandma's old home in Afghanistan never told her about that either my sister doesn't even remember saying any of this we are asked then again she was really young when she said these so maybe she legitimately forgot whatever the case it's creepy but also interesting and a little heart-wrenching warming come her sister to live in to take me instead please let her be healthy I thought that your grandma prayed that you 'scrimish should die SNH I'm not too religious but these stories make me wanna pray right now so creepy as often as every couple days I'll vividly remember being exactly where I am as it is it's at a different time like repeating a cutscene in a video game it's frequent enough I've repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of my existence my friend and I were talking to our roommate and her girlfriend one night roommate had just received her new phone and was sitting in bed using it while the four of us chatted so roommate had sat her phone down while we were all chatting she goes to pick it back up and it's gone like she had just sat it down for a few minutes tops before she noticed that the thing has pooped I call it for her and we can't hear it we take the comforter and sheets off a bed and shake them all out we look under the bed behind it everywhere we can that phone is gone even though we hadn't left her room at all during our conversation when the pho disappeared we tore apart the whole apartment trying to find it finally we decide to try her car it was in the locked trunk we lived on the third floor and were all in the same room watching her use it before it teleported to this day I cannot explain what happened was watching TV with friends and we landed on some old eighties movie I used to watch over and over but hadn't seen in a long time I had the dialogue memorized and it all instantly came back and I knew what was going to be said next here's the freaky part we changed channels and kept trying to find something to watch I noticed that everything we watched was the same I knew every line of dialogue as if I was remembering it from having memorized it these were all things I had never watched before here's the real freaky part it started happening even when my friends were talking an instant before they said anything I knew word-for-word what they were saying the effect only lasts an hour or so but it was bizarre same thing happens to me whenever I'm watching TV on edibles I've even written lines down before they're said to prove it my wife always thinks it's because I've seen the show but I swear it even happens on things I've never seen before not sure if this counts I went into sleep paralysis in my dorm room and heard my roommate asked if I wanted doughnuts and she started elaborating on doughnuts I couldn't move speak or breathe the entire time when I woke up I asked her if she was talking to me about doughnuts she says number but that's weird because my boyfriend just texted me pictures of the doughnut he just got and then later that day some random people came up to me and offered me a free doughnut other dreams I had a dream about a hamster running on a wheel when I woke up my roommate said someone threw a hamster down the trash chute I also had a dream about a white rat and the next day my friend texts me that is why pet rat had died I have this urge to send you a dozen donuts when I was a teenager I was in my room and decided to go the kitchen to make a sandwich I looked at the clock before I left 6:48 p.m. went to the kitchen made an awesome sandwich got some chips and a drink this probably took me at least 10 minutes when I walked back into my room the clock still said 648 p.m. I stood there for a bit really confused then it turned to 649 went to sleep at 10 p.m. woke up at 9 p.m. on the same day I still don't understand I woke up with three shirts on and five pairs of underwear I was like eight and thought the bougie monster did it scarred me for life the boogie monster works in mysterious ways I was completely convinced that my family had told me that my uncle died I even bummed out about it and talked to people at work about it then two weeks later my sister brought him up and I said wait he's dead what are you talking about and realized that my brain had just fabricated all the memories very spooky at work bored as heck check my contacts for someone to talk scrolling down I notice a high school GFS name who I lost touch with for a couple of years I mean no phone calls no discussions with common friends about her nothing the very moment I saw her phone number boom she rang I saw my female doppelganger once we were walking past each other in a train station we both turned around to look at the other person after we had passed each other jerked our heads and scrunched our faces like do I know you gave a surprised wide-eyed look like that was pretty weird then another slightly more exaggerated that was even weirder followed by an audible in unison what the frick and nervous laughter followed by a quick turnaround in hurry away and one last what the Frick was that look back as we scurried away if a bystander saw it they would have thought it was scripted weird crap man you were near a mirror I had the exact same day twice they wear into dreams I got a cool new toy in the form of a Batman keychain my brother had Robin we were jumping from one bed on to another in our small room pretending to fight crime and I dropped my keychain on the floor in the corner of the room where my bed was against the wall I could not find the dang thing I walked downstairs into my mom had it I have no idea why I walked into the kitchen to tell my mom I lost it and she was holding it to this day I have no idea why she had it she doesn't remember the situation and didn't give me a real answer when I asked how she got it back then I'm still completely fricking baffled laying on my bed with the door open I hear something moving in the house I was alone and get nervous I stare at the end of the hallways but then my dog ambles across going to another room the sound was just him scratching I watched him go into the other room and lay down I glanced up three seconds later and he is walking down the hallway again from where he originated not where he had laid down like he teleported back to a spawn and walked back there again but needless to say I lost my crap when I was a kid I would always have the same recurring nightmare at my grandpa's house the dream was always about a man accidentally catching himself on fire and burned to death couple of months ago I found out that a man recklessly caught himself on fire while he was building my grandfather's house my grandpa even put out the fire and held the guy before he died this happened about two weeks ago it was hot and there was a storm approaching so I decided I would jump in the pool real quick and be out before the hail starts after about a minute in the water I look up to church and see two Eagles just floating they're not moving at all like time stopped I'm sure they were just riding the current but they didn't sway even a bit not left not right not up or down nothing I was like Frick it dived underwater for a while and when I came back up they were in another part of the sky again not moving those are just the nsa's freedom drones two days ago I grabbed a Calvin and Hobbes book while searching for pregnancy books for my manager whose wife is pregnant I haven't touched this book in years I open it up and I find an old birthday card from my wife saying I hope you have a wonderful weekend she died two-and-a-half years ago today is my birthday I was at a bar once and I saw someone walk up the stairs with a similar haircut in glasses and thought are there I am walking up the stairs it was really weird I actually thought I was watching myself walk up the stairs I was running to catch a football in elementary school and it was super far away the next thing I remember is me having the ball in my hand and everyone just donning a shocked expression I asked them how the heck I got there and they had no clue it was flicked up to say the least I thought I was neo for a good while I started that app tinder recently and was chatting with one of the first girls I matched with I asked her about a tattoo on her arm that I saw in one of her photos it looked to me like a flaming top hat so I jokingly asked if that what it actually was a few hours later I was sitting in my bed reading the book The Unbearable Lightness of being when I see a phone notification she'd responded how to know it is actually a bowler hat and arms the artwork from my favorite book The Unbearable Lightness of being by Milan Kundera my grandmother passed when I was young maybe 8 when I was around 16 I had a dream that I was hanging out with her and talking and catching up she stood up in the dream to leave and I begged her not to and asked when I could see her again she said nothing but pointed to a calendar that had a date circle I remembered the date when I woke up it was several months in the future and told my mom about my dream as she was always interested in that kind of stuff several months go by and the date and the dream is approaching within the next few days my cousin's husband gets killed in a freak car accident and my parents fly across the country to be with family they are to be gone over the date in the dream and my mom being superstitious about the dream makes me promise not to leave the house that day I agree no big deal my parents were going to be gone what did I need to leave for the day and the dream arrives and my friend calls me up to ride into the city with him I say no thanks late that night I get a call from him that he was in a bad car accident and his car's totaled passenger-side all smashed to heck had I been with him I had a weird dream with monsters in my house and crap then I wake up and find a monster sleeping next to me and freak out in scream the dream repeats itself and I wake up a game to find the monster next to me it repeated itself to what seemed like endlessly until I actually woke up sweaty as frig I was at the store when I heard my boyfriend's ringtone on my phone I went to answer that couldn't find my phone I had forgotten it at home because I had plugged it in to charge when I got home I saw a missed call from him at the time I heard ringtone when I was a kid I had what I think was a ghost that just stared at me when I was in bed it just stayed in the doorway and was kind of like a white shadow it even stayed there after I rearranged my bedroom it was there for several months I told my mom and friends about it finally one of my friends told me to ask what it wants simple question that I never thought of the night that I decided to ask it didn't show up never saw it since I was about seven or eight now I'm 31 my mother's grandma died before my sister was born so she never had the chance to meet Oh which was a shame she was such a lovely soul one day my sister was playing in the backyard in the sandpit my parents were just on the porch with our grandparents drinking coffee my mom glances over to my sister three years old when this happened and she sees her looking at nothing and talking almost as if she was having a conversation with somebody my mom wasn't fazed it's somewhat normal for young kids to have imaginary friends or exhibit left-of-center behavior but nonetheless she thought she'd just walk over to see what was going on she sits in the sandpit next to her and asks her who she's talking to my sister replies with I'm talking to Nana that's a bit strange because Nana is still on the porch drinking her coffee but okay she'll entertain my sister what do you mean Nana is sitting over there my sister still not really looking at my mom just replies with your Nana at this point my mom is just simply WTF I'm all the way into the house as soon as she heard this she grabbed a photo album took a photo of her Nana in her favorite dress and walked back to my sister she asked me sister to tell her what Nana looked like and what she was wearing described it to the dot my sister was never shown these photos I who was alive and had met her couldn't have described her to even half the accuracy just nope I was home alone on a stormy night and had a migraine after a few hours of laying in bed I passed out when I woke up my 250 pound desk was moved across the room near the door now the issue with this is that I'm not even 120 pounds searched my house frantically hoping nobody was there but for an explanation nothing was found alarm was still on my heart was still racing when I was maybe about 10 I was watching a TV show in my room while my elder sisters watched the same show in the lounge they were being mean and wouldn't let me watch in the same room as them anyway halfway through the show it starts fast-forwarding except I wasn't watching it from a video it was playing in real time the fast-forwarding went on for well over a minute until I decided to run down to ask my sisters what was happening when I got to the lounge I noticed the same show was running perfectly no fast forwarding I ran back to my room and it was still fast-forwarding I was confused and freaked out and I think I just changed the channel my family just laughed at me when I told them but it still confuses me I assumed the show was trying to freak with people by purposely making it seem like it was fast-forwarding but it was only on my TV and it went on for so long I was on a cemetery for some reason I took a path that I have never taken and I found a tombstone with my own name and surname on it a little background this is one of my earliest memories so I was probably between ages 2 and 3 and I lived in a ranch-style home in a nice neighborhood the only people at home were me and my mom my sister was at school and my dad was working it's a nice day out probably right around noon it's hot so we've got the front door open with a screen door locked I'm sitting on the couch in the living room which is only 2 or 3 feet from the door playing with a toy cash register I look up from my toy and see a man standing behind the screen door I don't remember him walking up the driveway just him suddenly being there he's wearing a police outfit I'm confused and he just kind of smiles at me I should mention that I wasn't scared at all there was a policeman at the screen door and in my young mind there was nothing off about that so I called to my mum that there was a man at the door my mom was in the kitchen which was attached to the living room so it didn't take long for her to come to me she walked into the room and immediately I could tell something was very very wrong she paused once she saw the man and then power walked straight for me picked me up and ran into the hallway where we couldn't be seen from the door I remember being held close to her chest and being extremely confused she looked extremely frightened we stayed there for a while and eventually when we came back out the man was gone the memory ends there nearly two decades later I still don't have a clue what happened that day a few years ago I brought it up with my mom but she kind of just brushed off the question and I didn't push it now I'm just afraid to ask this happened back when I was dating the guy I eventually married his name was Todd it was in the 90s no cell phones or caller aid I was at home and the phone rang I answered it and it was a guy who said is Cindy there I said yeah that's me he responded with hi it's Todd and we proceeded to have a five-minute conversation after a while he mentions a name I don't recognize I said so and asked for clarification after a little back-and-forth we realized we are the wrong Cindy and the wrong Todd so he called a wrong number and got me he's dating a Cindy and I'm dating a Todd it ranks amongst the strangest phone call I've ever gotten once in primary school I was standing next to the flagpole in the main field I don't recall what I was doing but I was surrounded by children running around and playing I looked up and suddenly I felt as though an enormous quantity of water had been dropped on my head and like a swimming pools worth I could feel the cold water running over me turbulent as though I were in a stormy ocean swell I remember panicking and flailing about gasping for breath then it ended just as suddenly as it had begun I looked about and all the children were running around and playing like before as though nothing had happened at all no one even glanced in my direction I ran my hands over my clothes but they were completely dry I looked up and saw a lone seagull perched on the flagpole it spread its wings and flew away lazily one day in school I had a blood pen on my book and a red pen in my hand I heard sirens drive by and looked out the window when I looked back down my blue pen was replaced with a red pen I then had two red pens and no blue pens I was brushing my teeth once and I swear I saw for a split second myself looking down in the mirror not my experience but my mother's and I was with her at that time my mother went to the doctor and she needed to do some breathing tests for her lungs she never smoked in her life I went with her she needed to breath very hard through a small tube with a clip on her nose in different ways for like one hour she told me it really hurt and she went dizzy after the first few minutes she started to cry because it felt like the scariest thing she had ever done she said it needed to be done so we continued when she had made up a little bit something like after 45 minutes when she just did the so-called hard punch breath it was like she died instantly her skin turned pale empty eyes no breath no movements and didn't react to anything we said when we said something or touched her for like one minute suddenly she came back to life normal skin color bright eyes but very confused we paused for like five minutes and continued to finish the last few easier tests after that she told she was seeing me the doctor and her self from above her body for a few seconds then she looked up and she saw her mother my grandmother who was already dead for plus 20 years my grandmother pushed her down back into her body and disappeared she didn't connect with her body directly for a few seconds she said she was moving but her body didn't and she didn't felt anything then she connected again may seem stupid but I lost my glasses took them off to wash my face came back 30s seconds later they were gone but searched my house with mom and brother for three hours finally assumed I somehow flushed them got new glasses two weeks later I come home from work can set my work shoes next to my desk decide maybe an hour later to go out reach for my shoes glasses are on top of my shoes that I set down an hour ago perfectly folded got a DVD back from a friend after several months and when I put it back on the shelf it was already there so I have the same DVD twice since then s HHH like this video but quietly so you don't wake up the sleeping papa if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 848,816
Rating: 4.8304324 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: vjOjc_9L6yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 29sec (4349 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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