What is the scariest thing that's happened while you were home alone? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's the scariest thing that's happened while you were home alone in college my live-in boyfriend had gone out with friends for an evening I started to have a tingly feeling in my hand that Weldon sought go away then the tingling spread up my arm to the entire right side of my body called my mum because I was getting freaked out and started slurring my speech and forgetting words on the tip of my tongue but cold and soft remember the specific word we both recognize this as stroke symptoms and I call 911 next thing I know there are firefighters paramedics and police at my house as well as my aunt and boyfriend that my mom had called turned out it was an atypical migraine and I was fine but thinking I was having a stroke while home alone was terrifying I still get nervous when a some home alone or driving alone even though multiple doctors have said it's also a freak thing that probably will never happen again this has happened to me before too twice I wrote down everything that happened his Soph had it called a migraine aura I woke up from a short nap feeling so strange like I was and sat on the right planet everything was just off I got a tingly feeling in my left pinkie that eventually spread all the way from my mouth to where my teeth and tongue were numb to the tip of my nose into my other arm it's also really scary feeling the first time it happened I thought I was dying I was alone in my apartment in a foreign country but I don't think I was so scared as to call any medical services probably due to my stupidity [Music] it was late tonight like around 3 a.m. and the rest of my family was long asleep I was awake and restless and decided to go outside for some fresh air before attempting to fall asleep again i without on the porch for a few minutes before I hear rustling at the door immediately behind me the front door has venetian blinds and I could clearly see a dark shadow in a gap in the blinds that served as the usual spot from which we peek except because I hadn't turned any of the lights on I couldn't see who it was I was staring back at them wondering which one of my family it was until I realized that they were staring at me for a little too long and a little too motionlessly to be normal I expected I'd see a little wave or someone would crack the door open and asked what I was doing outside but nothing then whoever it was ducked out of view and it was quiet I didn't hear footsteps I didn't hear bedroom doors I was frozen on the step racking my brain for any logical explanation and kind of freaking out I decided to go back inside and everything was how I left it no light song no bedroom doors open silence truly freaking out now because what the hell could that have been there was no hint that anyone had been awakened out here dirt until my fucking cat startled the shit out of me with a meow that little fucker had a habit of standing up on the side table next to the door and balancing his front paws on the doorknobs so he could look outside I had completely forgotten he almost gave me a heart attack out there maybe not the scariest thing ever but it was a tense few minutes for me I'm sure this will get buried but who goes when I was in high school my parents and brother were away at a hockey tournament and my boyfriend was working so I was waiting for him to finish work to go over and hang out with him our computer was in the kitchen which was next to our basement stairs my dog was happily snoring away on the floor next to me while I chatted with my friends of MSN all of a sudden my dog jumped up startled and started growling at the basement stairs figured she had a nightmare so I went to comfort her when all of a sudden I heard a giant smash in the basement sounded like someone had thrown a pile of dishes on the cement ground come on then footsteps running up the stairs I've never booked it out my front door so quickly I ran the six blocks to my boyfriend's place his mum was home and called him at work asked him to go to my house turn off our TV Internet and make sure our dog was okay yes I am awful I left my poor pooch there I I was 16 give me a break please close bracket he went to my place dog was totally fine and nothing broken downstairs we had lots of spooky issues with that house but that was the first experience with it when I was a kid I was home alone one night must have been around 10:00 or so that night they were showing sega's or cysts on TV and my mom had forbidden me to watch it but hey she while some sought home I watched it mostly from behind the pillow I hiked and spent an awful lot of time talking to our GSD as he movie ended the fuse blew and everything went dark my mom's electrical system has always been a bit touchy and the fuses blew regularly along with her TVs that rarely live past two years I spend what seemed like hours sitting on the couch too scared to go flip the fuse back on meanwhile our GSD was trying very hard to protect me from the danger she could sense I was scared but not what I was scared of in the end I managed to walk with the GSD very nemi tip a fuse box flip the switch turn on every damned light and run to bed that GSD helped me through so many things and after it died I almost believed in enough to life we called her name at the dinner table some years after she passed as a joke because we had some leftovers and immediately after we called her name our cat turned its head towards the door and growled it walked very slowly away from the door while keeping constant watch on it I was home alone one Saturday afternoon my parents we're at some family event and I was watching TV when I heard some strange noises I get up and look out the window and see two men walking on top of the outer wall which is about six inches wide and maybe eight feet tall so it's all quite easy to climb and walk on as soon as I saw this I felt my heart fall to the floor so I ran to my parents bedroom lock the door and call the cops the emergency services said it would take about five minutes for the police to arrive and that I should stay inside the room and try to grab something to defend myself with the worst part came when right after I hang up the phone the doorbell rang you could answer through the phone because we had an intercom system so when I answered the conversation went something like this man this is the police we received your call we caught the robbers it's off safe to come outside me how did you get here so fast I literally just hang up the phone less than a minute ago and the lady said it would take about five minutes for them to get here can you please turn the police siren on so I know it's saucy for sure I didn't sort get a reply so I just hang up and became even more terrified that they knew I was inside the house and were trying to lure me out I remember shaking uncontrollably and after a few minutes the doorbell rang again I answer and this time it really was the police ask them to do the siren thing and when they did I felt so relieved they said they caught two of that were not sure if anyone else was inside already since they cold and salt come inside so I had to come out myself Jesus Christ this is the most fear I have ever felt it took me about five minutes to gather the courage to open the door and ran outside I swear I almost flew from my parents room to the street the neighbors were outside by then and the lady from across the street had managed to contact my parents and let them know what had happened in the end they only caught two out of three since the third one fled in a car when he saw the police arriving apparently they had been robbing the area and I was incredibly lucky to have been alerted by the noise god only knows what would have happened to 20-year old me a girl if they had been successful a tornado siren went off but I forgot it was the first Wednesday of the month it scared the shit out of me not home alone but the whole family was there and I can sort decide if that makes it better or worse but I had a terrible day and was hiding in my room my family was watching a movie about halfway through I hear some steps over the crunchy leaves outside my window I look out thinking it might be my neighbor but I can Sawtelle he walks back to the crabapple tree and hides there for the duration of the movie as soon as it ends he quickly walks up to my sister's window with a short ladder sets it up and ducks down his so been watching him for an hour at this point so when he does that I grab the gun I sleep with I watched him peek into the window and I could see how he was dressed in all black with a ski mask on so I cold and sought tell who he was seeing that almost made me call the police but for some reason I decided not to maybe just so I had the chance to shew someone I don't SOT no I slipped quietly off my bed and went to tell my sister before she went into her room she reacted a lot more calmly than I expected I reached into her room turned off the light and ran back to mind to look again he had grabbed the ladder and started running away so I chased him down the street where he had parked behind a strip mall system ster he was gone before I could get the license plate number and I never saw him or his car again TL DR a guy in a ski mask peeked into my sisterĂ­s window but ran away before I could catch him the first time I ever stayed home alone it was dark outside and storming hard my parents had gone out to dinner and about 20 minutes after they left I heard a very loud no on the front door and I went to the window to see who it was and all I could see was a tall person in black hoodie but I cold and sought see their face they were standing on my doorstep and I didn't know what to do so I grabbed the phone and tried to call my parents cell phone but they didn't sort pick up then I heard a knock again but this time it sounded like whoever was outside was rattling the door handle and then I ran to the back of the house locked myself in the bathroom and called 911 I was crying and shaking and next thing I knew that early 5 police cars were in front of my house whoever had been trying to get incise was no longer there but the police questioned me and while they were there my parents pulled up and I had to explain everything to them she was really freaked out and the police started leaving and told us to call right back if we saw anything suspicious or the person returned about an hour after the police left my neighbor comes over and knocks on the door my mom answered and the neighbor explained he had gotten home later in the day and he was trying to pay my mom back for gas money she had lend him he told her that her sod knocked on the door earlier but no one answered IT turned out the s-- intruder russ was literally just my neighbor I was so embarrassed because my mom told him that I thought he was trying to break in and call the police but here that was long but it was horrifying until the very end [Music] got a call from my mom that my brother had been in a skiing accident and the paramedic there was debating whether or not to take him to the hospital I know it's not too scary as some of these other stories but I was a little rattled I couldn't drive yet so what am I supposed to do keep on playing video games until someone comes home my brother ended up ok he just had a brace on his knee for a while and he loved to tell people about it not me but my uncle he was home and feel asleep on the couch apparently he woke up to some sounds and the curtains were moving my uncle grabs his cig off the coffee table in front of him yells out a warning and squeezes three rounds off into his curtains it was around 3:00 a.m. in a suburban neighborhood cops were called half of Plano PDR I front of his house screaming for him to come out long story short it was his cat cat jumped at him in the four round went through his window and his neighbor's window what a shit show his wife made him give all his guns to my dad great story for the holidays me and my brother slept in the same room him on a bed and me on the mattress we would stay up during the night playing on our gamma voice often we swear he would hear heavy footsteps going up and down the stairs all night and when we told our parents they would never believe us I slept on a memory foam mattress and I remember one night I woke to what sounded like laughter so I muttered under my breath for my brother to shut up and as I went back to close back my eyes the laughter sounded like two kids so I woke right up and as I got up I saw what looked like kids footsteps run between my legs and off my mattress I swear I saw the foot marks pressed into the mattress a lot of weird stuff happened into the house but it stopped as years went by but our parents never believed us [Music] this actually happened last night my parents their house is on a dead end poorly lit Street I was house-sitting with my brothers while my parents were abroad in Europe my brothers left to get my parents from the airport at around 9:00 p.m. and at around 950 I heard the front handle jiggle and the dogs went crazy I yelled that it was locked assuming one of them had forgotten something important then I heard the screen door slam shut and I didn't solve see anyone or any cars outside when I looked out front fat sauce when I noticed our side of the house motion detector lights had turned on I grabbed one of the guns stored if a house in the flashlight and I searched the yard to find that somebody had opened the gate to the backyard we keep it firmly latched at all times because of the dogs never really been happier for or had a firmer belief in the Second Amendment being all alone at home on a dead-end street with shoddy cell reception a random car stops in front of our house with two women in it the lady in the passenger's seat pops out and came to our front door and left she did soldering the bail or anything his some sure they didn't saw actually see me inside after they left I went outside and they left as present sin my teenage brain I was like such sauce weird and then went back inside to continue my homework about 30 minutes after my parents got home I remember these ladies in the present on the porch I told them what happened they were appalled that I didn't sort say something sooner we decide to see what sauce in the bag mind you it was nowhere near Halloween it was spring time there was a doll sized coffin of the bag and in the coffin was a homemade voodoo doll with pins sticking in it we are all weirded out by the entire thing nervous laughter and all so we decided to call a non-emergency police number and left that shit on the porch the police officer came by and I told him what happened and he agreed it was weird and creepy and took the bag of goodies away with him my kids were on the trampoline three guys in a car stopped and the driver asked them to get in I was on the couch till wide open and saw everything kids came in and I shut the blinds and locked the doors and waited till they left but they drove around my block four times before stopping in some car parks across the road the driver then got out of the car and started pounding on the doors we have three floor-to-ceiling glass ranch slider doors surrounding the living room he then came and looked through the kitchen window meanwhile my kids were sitting on the couch scared and I was on the phone to tge police they drove off and police looked around but couldn't find them my husband lives and works in another city during the week and he came home for a night but I basically lived in fear the remaining week I had just moved into my first house only me and the dog I being a genius decide to watch The Grudge just when it gets really creepy the power goes out slept on the sofa with the dog couldn't bring myself to walk past the attic hatch to get to my room I sleep early as there was nothing to entertain me and there's a massive hammering on the back door turned out to be my cousin coming to check I was okay but being a declared he decided to just keep hammering and shouting to be let in rather than saying who he was two days later power cut number two I was in the shower had no towel or dressing-gown I get downstairs wet and naked light a few candles going to take one upstairs so I can get dressed and there's a face pressed against the frosted window in the back door handle jiggles i crap myself and scream my boyfriend shouted sorry he was early and to please let him in made him wait until I was dressed [Music] within the living room it was summer and I was dying from the heat so I had opened the front door which we usually do to get some air circulation while I was watching TV with the volume kinda loud so I didn't hear anyone coming and this guy walked straight into the house scared the crap out of me and he looked shocked at the sight of me was a delivery guy wrong house I was in a house in South Seattle two years ago the homeowner began renting out the house after he finished some renovations he had some not so safe contractors work on the house the homeowner didn't celled a pitch to me so well over beers the first month of living there the contractor ended up losing his mind on drugs stole a truck called the homeowner at three am asking for 200 bucks and to bail him out of jail halfway through the electrical work the only issue was he didn't finish the job and left his tools there well six months later I am chilling on the couch working from home and I hear this guy banging on the door with all his might this guy is going apeshit screaming his lungs out to get him and get his tools back mind you the tools were like a screwdriver pliers and a drill bit set I grabbed my pistol and yelled out that the homeowner doesn't live there anymore the contractor begins yelling that he is going to kick in the front door I retort with if you kick in that door I am going to unload this clip at you double-quote Washington State has the castle doctrine law so yeah he note the fuck off pretty fast after I said that I am NOT one to pull on someone but this guy was threatening my life I think I've had a paranormal experience last week I say I think because it might just be me freaking out but I can't find any logical explanation for context I live in a really small apartment in the ground floor and no attics basements I was sleeping while all my roommates were in evening classes I wake up to go to the bathroom and I notice a shadow but make nothing of it I just thought it was one of my roommates that came back early from class as I approached my bedroom door to go towards the bathroom the door closes and locks from the opposite side of where I was so someone locked me inside my bedroom my first thought was it was my room at pranking me but then I noticed that they just went live on Instagram so I thought it was an intruder I pick up my phone a coat hanger for protection and my keys that luckily I always put in my bag so it's in my bedroom since my windows faces the front lawn of our apartment complex I go out and then enter the apartment through the main door when I enter I noticed that every single window even the one I crawled out of were closed I checked every single corner of the house and no one was there so someone has to be either still hiding or there was someone who managed to enter my home and go out and lock the windows from the inside needless to say it freaked me out I had just moved into my first apartment like second or third night I usually keep the a/c off but decided to turn it on that night the instant I flipped the switch to turn it on fireworks started going off across the street some back-to-school thing for my university thought my a/c unit was about to explode sounds dumb but it really really freaked me out one time I was sitting on the couch home alone when my Siri randomly opened up and started typing out words like someone was talking to it it started type things to know what now saw good at saw something like that but I closed it out almost immediately before it could say anything creepy it was kind of unsettling but I just brushed it off not too long after that I heard pots and pans banging around in the kitchen nope nope nope I grabbed my dog and keys and literally ran right out the front door didn't SOT even so much as glance toward the kitchen I walked to the park down the street and just stayed on the phone with a friend until one of my roommates came home I told her what happened and we checked the house but found nothing amiss didn't sort like being home alone for a while after that I had just gotten out of the army and gone to college where my sister was going to school I lived a block from the bars whereas my sister lived across campus I often left my door unlocked for her so she could crash on my couch if she didn't want a risk across campus drunk walk note she never took me up on it one night I am awakened by the sound of someone in my apartment I was a bit more high-strung then and I slept with the giant hunting knife under my pillow I grabbed it and see the form of a guy definitely not my sister in my apartment I flick on the lights as I yell holding this giant knife as naked as the day I am born fun fact you're most scared can easily be someone else's most scared the guy seeing a raging Hulk carrying her 8 inches knife was enough to make him try to scream but too afraid to get the sound out he curled up in a ball and shriveled to the floor I fortunately collected myself when I saw how afraid he was I realized he was drunk and I told him he was going to get himself killed walking in other people's apartments I assured him out still naked and locked the door 15 seconds later I hear the doorknob jiggling best I can reason is that my apartment was where he used to crash and in his drunken stupor thought he entered the wrong one it took me a good four hours to get over the adrenaline rush and get back to sleep I was living in a rented flat for a bit I was asleep one night and kept hearing some weird cracking sounds I woke up and realized someone was throwing stones at my window I looked out and there was some drunk dude yammering to himself looking on the floor then I saw him pick up a carefully selected pebble almost stumbling over on himself in the process stand upright take a moment's - stead himself and compose himself for the final act of throwing he took aim completely oblivious to my confused face in the window and took a well aim throw the pebble bounced off my window followed by a drunken slurring out which I think was a name and x200 B I opened the window and pulled out what the hell man he looked at me and said who the fuck are you where's Jasmine common name changed I said there is no jazz me I live here double quote and x200 B he looked annoyed and said no you fucking don't I'm coming up . he disappeared into the front lobby and started on the entrance system I suspected that my buzzer would start going off but alas I didn't he instead got through to a neighbor who had apparently let him in I heard him stomp up the stairs while I put my trousers on I have limited sympathy for drunk idiots usually but it seemed the slide was lovestruck and x200 B again I expected him to stop knocking on my door however instead he instead knocking on the neighbor's door yelling Jasmine opened our fuckin door man I opened my door and asked him again WTF my neighbor emerged after hearing my voice sensing safety turned out the lad was actually after my door said Jasmine had moved out as I had moved in after making a drunk friend I assured him that Jasmine did not live here I wasn't doing his girlfriend and I absolutely live I managed to get a couple of glasses of water in him and sent him off into the night and x200 be while it was flattering having someone throw pebbles at my window to get my attention I have to say I'm glad for Jasmine that she had moved out he was harmless enough just the drink got the better of him I was home from school sick one day when I was twelve work up to a loud noise thinking it was just my older brother getting home went to the bathroom then back to sleep an hour or so later my brother is calling my name from the first floor my room was on the second he asks me if I left the front door open a door we never use turns out someone broke into my house through the back kitchen windows came up to the second floor and then must have gotten spooked when I flushed the toilet I had no idea someone was in my house at the time and I'm just glad he didn't see me a sick a week twelve-year-old girl I remember being home alone and I was in my bedroom on the computer suddenly I heard a big rustling sound I froze but I didn't dare get out and check it just told myself over and over it was my imagination then my sister came home and she went to the kitchen and me after her I looked in the trashcan and there lay my newly bought ones in a bag from the store I asked my sister why she had thrown him in the bin she just what I didn't do that and then I realized that the sound I heard was a bag of buns falling into the bin and I remembered I didn't put them properly on the shelves when I got home I felt so relieved but also stupid [Music] so this was pretty grand I was nearly home alone my family and I lived in an apartment so noises from the little kids below us were commonly heard my wife had a 10k run that she had gone to and I was getting out to one stroke two years old daughter dressed a little while after she left the idea was to meet her at the finish line so we were out the door a half-hour behind her as I was finishing getting her dressed I asked if she slept all right daughter smile hard the old lady sang to me me son mums not old daughter ass no points are behind you I got chills and froze at that second the pitter-patter of feet from the kids in the underneath apartment ran away from where I was kneeling at that same second as I turn my head our a/c kicks on and the last thing I see is our cracked closet door shut I sit and stare at the door piecing the logic of what happened kids made the noise a/c shut the door when I entertained the idea cold so been an adult sneaking across the room every hair on my arms stood up so I am just sitting there staring at a closed door the damn thing jostles looking back on this I imagine it was someone leaving our apartment building and slamming that all I just remember the feeling of a stress move from the hair in my arms to my face and feeling all the hair on the front of my scalp it wasn't snot until my daughter then sits in there so she pointed to the closet I caved I snatched her under my arm and hauled ass outside as I am finishing getting her dressed in my car I am keeping an eye on our door we leave and for the next three hours it's all I can think about nothing ever came from it but for a brief second I thought there was the crazy bitch in my daughter's closet with a pickaxe just waiting to make her move I was maybe 15 years old and my family had gone to a concert they were gone till about midnight which at the time was pretty late for me I was sitting at my desk with my headphones on listening to music and playing video games on my computer when my family got home I never heard the garage door open or hear the car pull up in the driveway since my headphones were blasting music into my ears my family apparently didn't have a way to get in the house still don't understand why none of them had a key so my sister goes around the back and pounds on the large locked glass sliding door that I was right next to as hard as she could I had never been more frightened in my life I sincerely thought someone was trying to break into the house since the blinds were closed and I was too scared to open them so naturally I grabbed a broom and swung the door open as fast as I could and started screaming while my sister is on the other side enjoying my agony and laughing her ass off TL DR family went to a concert couldn't get into the house late at night made me shit my pants by sneaking into the house trying to get in thankfully my kids were gone and I was alone for this one one of my ex's drug dealers came to collect I was in the back bedroom when he pounded and yelled at the door then I heard him coming so I hid in my closet he was on the phone with someone while he was ransacking the house cursing the whole time that he's gonna fuck him up I was on the phone to 911 when he comes in the room I'm scared now just remembering it I don't know how he didn't find me he actually went through my ex-husband's closet luckily the police came and caught him but I know it would have been really bad had he found me I was home alone and was dozing off on the couch when my whole house shook it felt and sounded like people were on my roof running and jumping across it after what felt like minutes I was brave enough to go outside nothing was there no one I called my friend to come over since my parents were out of town he told me it could have been raccoons but the whole house shook must have been a pack of them really fat ones is some not sure they live in groups to be honest it was a slightly breezy night so it may have been the trees hitting the roof that is some not sure what it was to this day [Music] when I was around twelve our lived in an apartment complex with my dad I was sitting in my room watching Sesame Street when I started to hear moaning coming from outside of the apartment I paused my TV to listen and it was definitely coming from outside of the front door I paid it no mind at first but then I heard the loudest sound my young years had ever experienced I ran to grab the house phone and called my dad he didn't answer because he was at work at the time I creeped downstairs and stood on a chair to look out of the peephole I saw the body of a woman lying there with blood gushing from her head I called the police and locked myself in my room to make a long story short she was getting abused by her boyfriend and left the apartment to get help he found her and ended up killing her in front of my apartment I was sick and felt asleep on my couch before taking some medicine wasn't feeling well before woke up with feverish delirium could still keep track of my surroundings but I hallucinate idatu of stuff that wasn't there I kept seeing soldiers firing at each other in trenches explosive and gas shells landing around me I knew they weren't real but it was a pain to keep myself from dodging those imaginary shells coming at me went straight to the kitchen grabbed a glass of water and took some medicine called a family member and asked them to take me to the hospital they did they kept track of me and I left there the morning after was cooking dinner one night several months ago when our Sheba sat in front of the door and started growling and doing his Lobo that he does when he tries to act menacing I looked out the kitchen window and didn't see anyone and went into the living room to peek out there but still didn't see anything as I turned to go back to the kitchen the doorknob started jiggling and trying to twist I just sort of quietly locked the dead bolt and ran to the back to get my fiancee who hadn't heard a thing he'd been watching YouTube videos with his headphones on he grabs a hammer and starts yelling at the guy through the front door to leave but whoever it was just started banging even harder and saying incoherent things we called 911 and held the door shut as the guy kept trying to open it and pry open the windows we watched him pace across the porch and went to our vehicle and started messing with the doors and banging the windshield before finally faster planting in the yard and knocked himself out when the police arrived they talked with my film say for a bit and it seems the guy was super drunk and thought he was trying to get into his own house as he apparently lived at the apartment complex across the street after making sure nothing was broken we told the officers we didn't want to press charges or anything with gotten more lights and are now working on setting up a smart security system to monitor the house because now we're always on edge any time the dog barks at night we've had another guy come up and start the whole cliche my car broke down and I need a phone Len inside and films they still won't we're both is on his headphones but Dogo has done a great job and he earned a lot of snacks and cuddles at night he now sits proudly in the living room and keeps watch by the windows for any suspicious activity that might reward him with more food so when I was about 12 ish I got home put a frozen burrito in the microwave set up all the fixings sat down to eat and watch cartoons took my first bite got stuck in my throat tried to dig it out with my fingers only pushing it further in I hit myself in the stomach a few times nothing attempting behind like maneuver one fist of a 12 year old isn't enough I could feel everything spinning and lack of oxygen to the brain seeing stars I walked up to the sink in the kitchen and shoved my whole body up against the counter edge putting enough force to push it out I took smaller bits after that dot greater than sign it was like 11:30 it's night and I was in bed and I started hearing a knocking but it only lasted a second I didn't think much of it but then it happened again and I realized someone was at the door knocking so I got out of bed and grabbed the largest buck knife I had and went downstairs to see who the hell was at the door it was some bull guy and he asked me if some girl named Abby lived here I told him no and he left I was still freaked out though and I was pretty sure he was just checking to see if anyone was home before he tried to break in 3 a.m. the smoke detector in my bedroom started going off and I thought it was the house alarm and someone was breaking in I thought this is it this is how I go realized it was the smoke detector and none of the others were going off waved my pillow towards it to find the air and it stopped got back in bed and started falling asleep and it fucking did it again I then could not go back to sleep because I didn't know if it was a co2 detector so I started to Google symptoms of co2 poisoning to figure out if I was going to die and got in my head that I was starting to feel dizzy and wouldn't make it until morning turns out the a/c had kicked on and blew some dust from those stupid high up shelves Florida homes have which made it go off I posted this in another threat but have definitely also fishier I walked home from my boyfriend sauce house very late one night and was stayin at home alone with my dog one my mom and brother were away I had been home for about 20 minutes and was on my computer when I heard a weird noise at first I thought it was the TV white no that was off then I thought it was the dog so I ran to check on her staring directly at the dog I heard it again definitely was not her I can only describe it as a mixture between heavy breathing and a human laugh coming from light behind the doors of my brother's bedroom is some pretty level-headed and I so never had anything unusual happen in the house before but this sounded so clearly human and threatening it made my blood instantly run cold for some reason my horror movie training failed me and I called out sir hello so and heard it again it sounded exactly like a person right behind the door laughing mockingly intermixed with shaky breaths I fled out the front door to the neighbor's place at 2:00 a.m. nothing was found at his home not convinced no one was there even though everyone says it was a possum or some kind of animal my boyfriend's roof has a family of them and I so never heard him make any noise like that it was also very clearly from in the room not outside I have a bad habit of leaving the front door open for a bit while I do stuff often with my affirms in after I come home and the door was open while I ran next door someone could have come in and left I still get chills recalling that noise I was 22 renting a few rooms in an old house built in 1912 that had no air-conditioning this was in Texas in the summer my bed was in the sleeping-porch because summer I had all the windows open with box fans in them for air circulation at the time I slept in the nude my boyfriend had lived with me before we broke up I'm deeply asleep when the exterior door busts open and a man about my age is standing there he's so drunk that he has to hold on to the door to stay upright at the sound of the door opening I left out of bed butt-naked it takes a minutes to realize why he's staring at me like Lee is once I snapped to the fact that I'm standing naked in front of this intruder I grab a robe cover myself and shout what are you doing double-quote drunk guy is ex's name here still wobbling and leering at me hanging on to my door me no get out I'm naked double-quote drunk guy a heart still nearing looks like he's trying to decide if he can take me down me I said get out I pick up a stick I kept by my bed and hold it like a baseball bat drunk guy shakes his head no turns around and leaves I try to lock the door but he's broken it so I block it with something to keep it closed I was too shaken to go back to bed so I got dressed and informed the guy who was the leaseholder that I was going to need a new lock for that door I talked to my ex later and apparently he had been drinking after work with some co-workers at the bar across the street being maudlin about how he missed me and what I was like in bed and this guy got it into his head to try to see for himself I'm eternally grateful that he decided I would probably put up too much of a fight I was at home alone my wife was sleeping it was morning my wife works nights so she was laying down as I got up I had a nasty email from corporate about shipping back equipment within 30 days sure enough I have a stack of stuff I haven sought sent back yet so I print shipping labels then begin my process it's us always the same cut shipping label in half stick half in the box with the serial number and take the other on the outside of the box is some on my 6th or 7th box by now I cut the label set the scissors down next to me on the arm of the couch stuff one half of the label in the box then go to tape the other on the out side the scissors are gone I swear I put them right on the arm of the couch it's us fairly repetitive I look everywhere lift up the cushions look in the box nothing I just cut a damn label I hadn't sought moved it made zero sense so I walk to the kitchen scratching my head reach up and grab my kitchen scissors I turn around walk back into the living room and I shit you not the scissors I had a sitting right on the arm of the couch where I thought I put them originally now I know there was the glitch in the matrix so I start googling this and apparently it's salsa phenomenon so I try to think scientifically how can I prove to myself this happened I go get a compass from my room I have two pair of scissors that are identical seems like a fairly simple test I hold the compass out and level it off slowly lower it until it sauce two inches over the kitchen scissors it throws the compass off by maybe five degrees seems about right I grab the scissors that disappeared and repeat the same test it throws the compass off by 180 degrees something whatever happened caused a magnetic distortion magnetized the scissors it lasted for maybe all of 15 minutes until it was back to normal so I proved to myself that I was--and suck loosing it however I was sort comforted by my assessment Bounty Hunter's pulled up to the house and got out with guns drawn they ran around the back of the house and - then started knocking on the door I wasn't about to open the door for a couple of gun-wielding men of course so they were about to break it down my mom happened to get home right before they did it turns out they had confused the address so I used to have this huge German Shepherd which was a really well-trained dog we had had this dog for six years he had perfect behavior one day I came home from school and no one was home like usual I go over to pet my dog and he attacked me he hanged me down by my leg so I tried to crawl away out he then proceeded to bite me on the back of the neck and behind the air I then managed to get to the door and get up and run out conveniently my friend was outside so he took me into his house Ivan had to be taken to the emergency room and get sticks to say the least that wasn't fun I was working upstairs and heard very loud bang followed by my front door alarm being triggered and the dog giving loud warning box shouted downstairs that I was armed and whoever it is had better leave cautiously came downstairs gun in hand and found nothing out of the ordinary then heard the next-door neighbors arguing outside the loud bang was one of the neighbors slamming the front door shut he did it with such force it tripped my own alarm sensor and obviously set my dog off to dart his boyfriend apologized later they were having relationship problems they split up soon after apparently door slamming guy was also physically abusive good riddance the other guy was really nice [Music] this happened like two weeks ago my husband and I live in a townhouse with three floors to ourselves and neighbors on either side it's us not the greatest area lots of drug deals going down and I definitely am more aware of that at night my husband had a late shift so I was home alone with our dog at 2:00 a.m. I'm doing my thing scrolling through read it and half-heartedly watching Netflix in our basement when a door on the second floor slams shut sometimes I hear the neighbors slamming doors of getting fucked up so assault check in with my dog if he doesn't sort respond I know it's us the neighbors are not in the house but his head shot up as fast as possible and just stared at the stairs leading up needless to say I was freaking the fuck out his son the petite woman we had no weapons in the house and Essam ninety nine nine percent sure fear self someone hiding behind the closed door upstairs so naturally I find the only weapon like object in our home which happened to be a metal paper towel holder and dial 911 and have it read to go in my hand is some telling you it took me a full 15 minutes to go up those two flights of stairs and scleras every room leading up I was shaking so bad my dog rolled and sought even come with me because her saucer pansy I got up to the second floor and sure enough the door at the top of the landing is closed I was just up there a few hours before and I know I left it open I stood outside of that door bracing myself for some ungodly being to murder me in my own house literally threw the door open like a wild woman and stood there brandishing my paper towel holder in any direction ready to fend off and intruder my husband had left the window open and the wind had caused the door to slam I was about 13 and home alone with the dog great start my sister had this helium balloon of a silly cartoon character being the young scientist I pulled it down from her bedroom ceiling and attached cardboard ballast to the bag on the end of its string carefully adding tiny scraps until it was neutrally buoyant I watched it drift idly here and there in the room following the tiny air currents that exist in a house that has drafts sunbeams etc anyway about an hour later as I was watching TV in the living room my heart jumped when I realized something was right next to me it was the fucking balloon which had managed to make its way from my sister's room through the hallway into the living room and end up right next to me I'm getting the chills just thinking about how fucking startling that was at the time heart pounding I took the thing put it back in my sister's room and pulled the door closed later I got up to go to the bathroom stepped into the hall and my heart fucking jumped again the balloon was at the end of the hallway my sister's door had been pushed open by our dog who had gone into the room to nap on my sister's bed and had left a gap just wide enough for the balloon to drift through and it had made its way all the way down the hallway to the front door the opposite direction to which it had gone before when it made me jump in the living room as I watched the balloon turned lazily so that the cartoon characters face was facing me I took off the ballast returned the balloon to my sister's room and didn't screw around with neutral buoyancy again once I was in my bedroom and all of a sudden the door which I had open slammed shut no windows were open fans we're insult running a seawall sought on no one was home but me another time I was home alone and the doorbell rang I went to answer it and two police officers were standing on the doorstep they asked to speak to my dad by name tell them dad while some sought home they asked me what kind of car he drove and if I knew where he was they then asked me how I was related to him they asked for his cell phone number so I gave it to them then rather critically they said Seif you see him before we can reach him tell him to give us a call dad was arrested later that day okay so I was ten and home alone for one of the first times my instructions were to never opened the door for anyone I did not know there was a peephole so I could see if it was a neighbor or something well I hear a car in the driveway and I watched from an upstairs bedroom as a middle-aged man get out of his car and then rings our doorbell he waits a little while then rings again once twice more then he sits in his car in our driveway and Essam freaking out but a song young and stupid and I do not want to call my parents so they will continue to let me stay home alone five minutes later the dude gets out and goes for the front door again now her sauce banging on the door like a madman and I hear him yelling that his son too scared to go downstairs because we have a giant window beside the door and he will definitely see me when he finally gives up and goes to his car again he parks it in a driveway across the street facing my house and then just waits meanwhile ten-year-old me knows this is seriously creepy behavior and thinks her sauce definitely 100% coming to kidnap me so I finally call my parents as her sauce getting out to ring our doorbell again my parents call our neighbor who goes over to talk to him and see what's up and why her source obsessed with our house meanwhile this Amin says trying to hide in the closet with a phone awaiting my imminent death so my parents call me back probably laughing at me and tell me this guy is the son of our cleaning lady Connie he came to pick her up but got her work addresses mixed up when she was not at our house that day as Connie was an older lady with a hearing issue her son thought she had fallen in our house and either cold Saugatuck or cold SOT get to a phone to call for help so while I was up stares freaking out he was outside freaking out thinking his mom was hurt or dead not scary as an adult but scary as a ten-year-old for the whole week before I was home alone as sod been searching for my key to my front door cold shot find it anywhere so thought I must so just lost it then one night while talking to my mam I realized I might so left my key in the front door because when I came home after a solo sing so my key is sod let myself in I was so panicked and stress out my neighbourhood ice and sought exactly safe we got a lock Smith in straightaway and changed the lock even though I was and sought 100% sure Asad left my key in the door it's us better to be safe than sorry right so few nights later my mom was working late and I was home alone I was in bed Anu share sod be home soon and as I was dozing off I heard a key in the door the key was jiggling about for ages and I froze instinct told me it was and sought my mam I creeped into the front room and looked out the window and there he was a man at my door with a key trying to get in I was frozen with fair I knew the key woldn't sought work because Assad had the locks changed but the thought that if I hadn't sought what cold so happened terrified me after a few minutes he must so realized the locks had been changed and left I obviously left my key in the door and DC Nitin took he must have been watching the house waiting for a dark night when there was no car in the garden and all the lights were off so it looked like no one was home I thank God every day that I just played it safe and changed the locks straightaway when the doubt came into my mind no doubt that was my worst night alone [Music] so I used to work for my uncle serving food in a few different places located close together he owned a few businesses in a party town and I had gotten out of work late at night smoked a little and went to sleep on one of the couches in my own closest house I woke up a few hours later and someone was sleeping on the other couch I assumed it was my brother because he was working later than I was that night turns out it was a random guy who was strung out on drugs and wandered into the wrong house still gives me goose bumps knowing that I slept next to a complete stranger for a few hours without a clue when I was a kid maybe 8 or 9 my brother 11 or 12 and my sister 15 or 16 and I were home alone one my parents went Christmas shopping all of a sudden we hear a big thump on the sliding glass door we look out and see that the outer pane is fully spiderwebbed with cracks and a large hole in the middle the inner pane was still solid we called the police because we thought someone was shooting at us they come out and dig the bullet out of the window and figure out it's a ball bearing likely fired from a wrist rocket turns out our juvenile delinquent neighbor and his sociopathic friend decided they wanted to shoot staff in the dark evening during a heavy snowfall they told the police we saw something moving in the woods and was scared so we shot at it our dogs live out there us shirts also the door is on the second storey and there's a deck in the way also my sister was sitting at the table basically right in front of the door if it had gone through both panes of glass [Music] home alone hungover one Sunday morning went downstairs to get to drink I look out the dining room window and there are a number of police cars sitting outside my house and a bunch of fully armed police pointing their guns at me honestly thought I was going to die turns out some crazy lady had called the police saying her son had been dragged into my house and shot I'm a five-foot three relatively petite women they soon realized there was no way I had done that the adrenaline cleared the hangover pretty quickly at least close bracket this was the only time I ever considered leaving my house despite the fact I had no car I was putting on makeup to go to an event later that day and heard something fall I thought nothing of it since I have dogs who are clumsy a minute later I hear footsteps approaching the room I was in I stopped everything I was doing and just listened I heard nothing for a few seconds but decided to go check it out anyway house has been broken into before as I exit my room I see my dogs are laying in the hallway together and they looked scared they once not come with me so I just brave it myself and go into the living room where the sound was coming from I see nothing in just sigh a few seconds later I hear the footsteps from earlier rapidly approaching me from the dining room as they were getting closer stuff was falling off the tables and chairs I froze and just sits no sit stopped and I didn't sort hear the footsteps for the rest of the day a few days later my sister came to me shaking because something kept running up to the side of her bed I decided to sleep in her bed with her so she rolled and sought be scared no joke five minutes in I hear heavy footsteps running up to the side the fan that was blowing on us was being blocked by whatever was standing there my sister slept with her Bible for a few weeks after that law well lately I've been waking up and finding strange things just this morning I woke up and found some cheese and hot dog buns in my bathroom as if I had sleep walked and tried to make a midnight snack someone also ate my leftovers that I was saving then yesterday morning I woke up and found some chips and graham crackers in the living room and I just don't remember doing it at all haven't had a blackout since college and as far as I know I'm not a sleepwalker I'm sure it was me but it was late that night and my parents had gone to a baseball game or something I have this one robotic t-rex toy from when I was like eight that I had placed outside because I had no room for it inside I live in Southern California and it was summer so I had no reason to worry about it getting rained on keep in mind I haven't turned it on in years and the batteries are dead or close to it so I was eating a bagel with a blanket over my head and basically just walking around the house at random I glanced outside through the sliding glass door and saw the toy it was just sitting there being a toy I went to the kitchen to get some water and came back while getting the water I heard some weird moaning and roaring noises coming from the toy when I came back it had moved at least a foot and its eyes moved for a couple seconds before turning off again the eyes on the toy moved when it was functioning so that was definitely possible I'm getting the chills just typing it I found a strange dude leaving my house just when I got back I had only stepped out for about seven minutes our house is right in the village center and our backyard borders on the market square parking lot shopping street I had gone there to pick something up and was only a few meters away then returned home to find our backdoor which we use for going in and out as it's custom here open a stranger assess bicycle parked right in front of a yard and a dude strolling out of the door we met halfway in my backyard I was so shaken that I'll jingo not that i cold self done much against him called my fiancee called the police found that the dude had gone through my wardrobe my panties and bra sauce never heard if they caught him [Music] late to the party but the first time I babysat myself I think I was about ten going on 11 my parents went out to dinner and my two teenage brothers were never home i sat calmly in the living room pretending to read but was really feeling so alone and vulnerable my heart started racing as I thought what I'd do if someone broke in where I'd run to etc I clearly made a mistake and was not ready I stood up and walked down the dark hall toward my bedroom I had to walk halfway down to get to the first light switch and had that brief feeling of a sweet relief when the light flooded the hall I proceeded to my bedroom and reached for that light when my oldest brother pops around the corner and says why hellooo I was so fucking stunned my legs gave out and I collapsed so suddenly that I knocked the wind out of myself I was trying to drag air back into my lungs and remember thinking they'd finally done it they'd killed me double quote not necessarily scary because of what I found but scary because I'd had a premonition of it when I was about eight stroke nine staying at my grandma's house I awoke early in the morning I laid there thinking about how horrible it would be if she fell and hurt herself when we weren't there because we only come once a week and we wouldn't know and then I thought well I better go check in case she has not that it had ever happened before plus it was around 6 0 a.m. so realistically she wouldn't even be awake so no idea why it had come to mind ran downstairs full-on pretending to be a hero only to see my Nan's feet poking out the door from the kitchen she's taken a tumble sometime in the night and had been there for hours she was ok but it was the beginning of the end I've had a few weird premonitions since then too I was home alone with just my dog for the week my mom was gone on a trip out of the country as I was shutting my computer down to go to bed for the night I heard a voice of a little girl say something indistinct I heard something something buddy I couldn't understand the first two words but it was the voice of a little girl as clear as day as if she was standing right next to me speaking I would have questioned if I was just hearing things but my dog immediately stood up on my bed and was looking around the room as if he were looking for the source of the voice he heard it too fucking weird man I was in my PC that's next to my bed my cat was sleeping in it suddenly he jerks his head up looks at the middle of the room for ten seconds I'm already creeped out calling his name and stuff so he would stop being creepy next thing I know he jumps in the air like he just got super scared and I see a white flash followed by a loud bang almost scraped myself right there I thought I had died fucking lightning [Music] when I lived in an apartment building the door straight across from me belonged to this lady whose ex would find his way into the building time and again and beat on her door he'd scream threats she'd scream for someone to call the fucking cops these sessions get last upwards of an hour and always happened when I was about to want to leave it soon became a rule in the building to never hold the door for anyone I wish I was joking we were actually told regardless of circumstance never let someone in no key no entry at the time I lived alone with the exception of a dog and I was near plastered drunken fell headfirst down the stairs and knocked myself out it was ducked when I remembered heading down stairs and woke to the dog licking my face the next morning it was kind of terrifying waking up like that and remembering the events from the day before if I had a seriously injured myself no one would have been there to help and no one comes by to visit so I could have been dead before I was found the only other thing that terrified me while being home alone was having the flu for five days I have never in my life been so sick and drained of energy that I cold and sought hidden get out of my bed I mean I was so weak at one point I cried because I thought I was going to die I finally snapped out of it and mustered enough strength to roll out of bed crawl and make my way downstairs to find something to eat to get my strength back sometimes living alone sucks but it's odd don't think Assad trade it for anything else right now as long as this some not sick drunk or broke Saturday before Thanksgiving 2015 my home was on the edge of my subdivision with fields and ponds beyond our fence and home homes for several hundred yards as a result I usually slept with my blinds open because we like the Sun Rise I woke up a to a m2p and opened my eyes to see a drone hovering outside of my window the second I realized what I'm seeing I bolt upright and the drone just shoots straight up out of my field of view called 504 the small town and I lived in the three cops on duty assured me it would be okay they probably didn't see anything close my blinds at sundown now i wass at home alone but was alone upstairs i was about fourteen at a time it was around 10:00 p.m. and I was sitting on the couch watching TV the couch was against a big window with long vertical blinds which can be seen through if you saw up close and look through at a slight angle I heard a knock on the window behind me we had flower beds beside the front door so they would have had to step into them to reach the window I was and still am an easily scared kid I was paralyzed in fear and slowly slid down to the floor and out of sight of the window I stayed there for a minute until I heard another knock I found the courage to run down the stairs where my mother was doing laundry and told her what I heard at first she didn't sort believe me but came upstairs anyways and looked out my brother's bedroom window where she was able to see the front door and whoever was out there the window was a little higher than the living room window and as she looked down there was a man standing below my brother's window looking up at her it scared the hell out of her which terrified my brother and I even more my mother is a brave woman and went to the door to see who it was turns out it was the ex-husband of a friend of a friend who somehow knew where we lived and ended up passing by the house and stopped to say hi we were in soft clothes with him nor his ex-wife and he was known for being an angry and unpredictable man so it was strange and made me feel super uncomfortable especially the fact he didn't so just come to the door it didn't exactly happen in my home instead it was a few blocks away as I was riding my bicycle around at the age of 7-8 a rather insane looking woman hit me with her car sending me flying over her windshield over the top of her car and dropping off the trunk it's important to note that she swerved into me there's no reason she should have hit me she immediately got out of the car and grabbed me saying I need to take you to the hospital and started dragging me to an open rear car door at the time I thought she was just panicking but now I realized she was actually trying to abduct me Kellee all my spider senses told me something was very wrong and I started screaming and pulling away from her she immediately hopped back in her car and peeled out my mom was in the hospital fifty miles away I was 19 we were pretty sure this was it I was home alone my parents her house is big it's off the beaten path on a small lagoon my dad had been staying up at the hospital that night I went to bed about 1:00 a.m. I was playing on my laptop my room was in a separate wing of the house it can be sealed off with a single locking door the door was shut but not locked I have always been scared of the dark so I had the lights in my wing on so was the closet light as I was messing around on gamma fax I saw the lights in my wing turn off all of them the band of light under the door went black I hopped up in bed and stared at it my bedroom door was unlocked and I was debating getting up to lock it when the shut door slammed as in it sounded like someone straight-up kicked the bottom of the door with all their strength I remember squeaking in shock it took me about six seconds to be up on both feet with a blade about four paces back and just right of the door I remember thinking of the door opened I could be on whoever it was almost instantly I was also silently cursing that there was no light under the door anymore no way to see the shadow of whoever was out there nothing happened I was fighting off the fear of the situation and stupidly decided that going on a fence was all that was left I didn't have a phone in my room and my nokia was in another wing of the house charging I threw the door open with my knife low and my left hand in a guarded position there was no one there I tossed the hallway light switch on there was no one in my wing there was no one in the house the burglar alarm was still on confused I turned on the main house lights and sealed the wing off with the locking door I went back to my room and just sat there with my laptop open my bedroom door now had a slight bow in it a couple hours past with me warily laying in bed around 3:00 a.m. the lights under the door went dark now I was terrified my knife seemed pretty insignificant in my previous thumb courage had ran out i scooted my bed no easy task against my bedroom door grateful the door opened inward I retreated to my closet and waited for the Sun to come up when the skylight in my room got bright my courage returned and I moved the bed and exited my room the wind door had been unlocked which required a key I heard footsteps coming down the stairs in the main house and realized my dad was home I felt a little foolish as obviously he had been responsible for turning the lights off the second time I lead my greeting with saw so it was you who turned all the lights off she looked at me and said she got home about ten minutes ago I have zero clue what happened that's night but it never happened before that night or after my parents built the house and nothing untoward had ever taken place there my bedroom door at my parents house still has a bow in it to this day this was over fifteen years ago my mom is still alive and for that is some extremely grateful my cat likes to bring me random things from around our house and he makes a funny meal when he does it because his mouth is full every time I hear his muffled yell I know he is bringing me something one time I heard him in my craft room funny meowing and looked to see what he had this time he was walking towards me with an exacto knife in his mouth I oh it was tapped
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
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Length: 72min 31sec (4351 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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