When Bad Gut Instincts Turn Out To Be Right...

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when did your something is very wrong here gut instinct turn out to be right I had a bad feeling about my aunt's boyfriend told my mom he seemed creepy and I didn't want to stay the night there anymore I got a bit of a lecture for calling him creepy but she made sure I was never around him alone and good thing he turned out to be a child molester who is currently in jail for his involvement in a kiddy PRN ring I was walking home and the woman approached me to ask for directions I told her how to get where she wanted to go but she didn't walk that way but instead walked beside me and kept pace with me this made me incredibly uncomfortable so I said have a nice day and doubled my speed not running but outpacing her significantly a moment later I heard running footsteps I must have instinctively gripped my bust strap because I held on to it as she ran by and tried to snatch it we ended up hustling for a moment I shouted very loudly help she's stealing my purse neighbors came outside causing her to walk away she did not get my purse driving with a friend of mine through a pretty remote Forest Road couple of guys in the middle of nowhere tried flagging us down I almost stopped for them before an alarm went off in my head and I stepped on the gas my friend started saying what the FEU and at the same time there was a shot and a bullet hit the back of the car we made it to a police station turns out there had been a bunch of people and vehicles going missing in the area that same week freshman year of college a friend and I were driving across town and he stopped for gas it wasn't a dangerous part of town or anything just a quiet gas station with an old boo cow grunts but this feeling came over me that we needed to get out of there I tried to shake the feeling by making a joke this feels like somewhere an axe murderer would hide out my friend immediately gunned it out of there without filling up he said he had the same feeling and me bringing it up too scared the SH out of him on the way home there were about 20 police cars outside it turns out some guy shot two people in a carjacking and robbery the book was the car he stole my friend asked me if I wanted to go out to the woods with him and explore abandoned places he even specifically mentioned that he'll bring a firearm to keep us safe my alarm bells were red line ringing I asked him a couple questions I don't know what but concluded that it was sketchy as ass my gut told me not to go so I exited from the conversation while he went asking others the same question fast forward a couple years I heard that he was in prison I was stunned but remembered the memory when he asked me if I wanted to go into the woods turns out he took a freshman and being senior at that time and kept his promise of looking for abandoned places he found a cabin in the woods brought his friend inside and as soon as his friend turned his back back knocked dead he shot him in the back of the head I reminisce on this quite often and think what if I had agreed every time I think of this I'm very grateful I'm alive I stopped off at a dollar store to get last-minute stuff for my niece's birthday party for law napkins or something I went to the one I had never been to in a seedy part of town there weren't many other people there since it was a Sunday afternoon a luxury couples up in this gorgeous man gets out and starts trying to catch my eye like he wanted to ask directions beam come true right except my gut started screaming run for no reason I pretended I didn't see him and got in my car and left the next morning I see on the news that three people were murdered in Charleston they were all connected to one dude one of their cars was stolen and the serial killer was on the loose heading west through my area guess who the suspect was yep the dude I'd seen there rested him after he'd kidnapped a girl in August of the same night I saw him and she managed to escape still gives me goose bumps what if I stopped and talk to you I had a bad allergy season which turned into a bad sinus infection which turned into bronchitis it wasn't getting any better so I got into a GP he said it could be bronchitis or something worse he couldn't call it as much as I hate hospitals my gut was screeching at me that something was wrong went we are just in case I had multiple pulmonary embolisms one in three people with one undiagnosed they don't make it to the ER the doc said my lungs glowed in the cat-scan on the upside I have a strong heart so I have that going for me if you think something is wrong if you have ADD creeping crawling sense of doom panic unease and fear that settled on the back of your mind like a large spider listen to it I'm a type one diabetic I began noticing that my kid was having a tough time potty training he was drinking a lot and peeing a lot I spoke with his pet about it and she dismissed it saying we live in a warmer ear and toddle as the likely to drink more and therefore pee more and that I shouldn't hear who fits and assumes Emperor's he had no other symptoms whatsoever happy healthy looking little dude I tried to calm myself down but I just knew something wasn't right finally I took one of his massive lethal pull-ups and used a cater strip to check his urine and then proceeded to head rights of the hospital he was diagnosed with diabetes in November 2015 got in the new pediatrician immediately I was walking home when suddenly I had this gut feeling I will be mugged art I kept walking when I got to the corner two guys jumped me started delivering some pucks but man I'm no Rocky my shirt was devastated my nose was bleeding I glassful like three meters away oh yeah most importantly got mugged anyway in high school I came home early one Friday evening to find that my house just felt off it's so hard to describe but the feeling I got walking into my living room just immediately had me on alert and didn't feel right I walked into the kitchen to find a half-eaten burger from McDonald's which I found strange called out to my parents got no response called them on their cell got no answer 30 minutes later my brother called to tell me that my dad had a heart attack and to get to the hospital thankfully had turned out okay but my gut quite literally knew something bad had happened the moment I stepped in the front door I have a co-worker rival ways found to be a little often didn't like spending time with we all thought he was off a little but we wrote it off as just normally cheek weird last Friday he was arrested for child PRN sexual exploitation of children and sexual assault of a minor and videoing not me but one of my best friends growing up her mom told me this story they had just bought this house that had a built-in swimming pool my friend had a little brother who was under the age of two at the time everyone was taking a nap but unbeknownst to the rest of the house the two-year-old had woken up and decided to go outside on their deck I guess the mum woke up and had this terrible feeling come over here without hesitation she quickly checked on her children panic set in when she couldn't find the two-year-old she found him facedown in the pool he did survive the whole ordeal if she won't have felt that gut feeling to wake up that little boy wouldn't be here today I wish I could give more details on the story but it was only told to me once when I was about 12 middle school vice-principal was loved by everyone in the school I was always creeped out by him in my eighth grade year he was found having sex with a previous student of his who was only 16 at the time he had a wife and kids when this all went down tons of comments here so not many will see this but one day I was finishing up an essay in the library of my college when I saw someone through the slightly open blinds running she could have been running to get to a class meet someone or a thousand other things for some reason I stood up my girlfriend saw me stand up and ranted me immediately and we ran out the emergency exit of the library we then ran to the opposite end of the college where everyone was acting normal we climbed down to the river called my dad to pick us up down the road and left the campus following the riverbed turns out the girl was running because someone was shooting people the shooter was making his way into the library as we were running out when we hit the emergency exit the main door was locked from the outside and he was unable to enter the library which led to him getting shot and killed by the police went out for beers with some friends guy at the bar kept staring at my female friend didn't think nothing of it initially thought maybe he's just into her alarm bells start ringing for some reason and it's later he went to my friend then saw him tried to slip something in her drink while she was talking to another friend of ours good thing I was watching told him to f off with a true fish he tried to punch me but Miss bouncer saw he got kicked out funniest part was that when we met up with a mate of mine from uni that night he was beating ass for doing the same thing to his gf what's your drink lads was walking through my hometown with mother and ex stepdad I was roughly 14 I think suddenly a man came up to us and greeted us as soon as he shook my hand I knew something was very wrong except dad knew him so they engaged in small talk the whole thing lasted less than a few minutes but the entire time I felt this very strange and strong and ease in us I whispered to my mum that the man that came up really feels shift he despite his normal appearance and behavior and I told her we should leave a sad when he left I asked her who that was and she told me he was an acquaintance from way back and he was also a man with some serious mental issues who was prone to sudden bursts of psychosis that would send him into a violent rage turns out he ran away from his caretaker that day and was carrying a knife in his pants he was caught later on during the day and brought back to the local mental facility thankfully the knife remained unused I pulled into a gas station around 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. that wasn't in a ghost town or anything but it was insanely dark due to the time of year as I pull towards once of the pumps I see this dude slowly pacing near the entrance of the convenience store and we make eye contact I quickly pulled the car to another pump towards one of the entrances to the gas station trying to be safer but thinking I'm probably just being paranoid once I sit there for a minute and decide to put my car in park he quickly rushes to my car by the time I'm back in Drive and peel out through the entrance into an oncoming lane luckily no traffic I saw him pulling out what looked like a large knife out of his jacket I'm glad I didn't disregard my gut not me but my mom for me when I was a baby only a few months old my mom felt a little lump on the right side near the bottom of my rib cage she took me to my doctor and asked him to check and he said it was nothing a few weeks later she still felt it so she took me to a different doctor and the same thing happened it wasn't until she took me to a third doctor and demanded tests be done that they found I had a tumor growing not me but I got told this story from my doctor he was an aviation doctor in Australia a pilot got recommended to visit a doctor because the company said he wasn't acting quite right my doctor couldn't diagnose him with any disorders or illnesses thus sent him on his way the company wasn't sold that he was all there and ended up paying him out a few years later my doctor got a call from the pilot's wife warning him to be careful and apparently he's on his way back across the country for reasons his wife couldn't explain my doctor being the paranoid Pete that ears called the AFP Australian Federal Police and got them to check his bags and his overall mental state had the border turns out he had a few guns in his luggage with the note containing names and addresses one of which was my doctor my aunt's dog always gets anxious during storms and hides in their basement there's not much she can do to comfort him so at this point she doesn't usually bother trying and just waits for the storm to pass but one night about two years ago there was a really awful storm while she was reading in her bedroom she got a feeling that she had to go check on the dog right there and went down to the basement while she was down there a huge tree fell smashing half her house the bedroom she'd been reading and was completely destroyed I started learning to play the alto saxophone when I was 11 at my Christian primary school absolutely hated my music teacher there was something about him that made my body physically reacting to get away from me manner I would frequently beg to skip lessons fake being sick tell my mum I hated it and didn't want to learn anymore so eventually she took me to a private external tutor fast forward to tenth grade he was sentenced to jail for eight counts of sexual misconduct and three counts of statutory re my mum never questioned my gut after that I'm so thankful I never was alone with that man there was a rural highway that had a few driveways on it the car in front of me was making a left turn into a driveway and was waiting for cross traffic to stop I kinda leaned back and took a deep sigh and then immediately felt impending doom my thought was well dn't it be freaky weird if I got into a car accident then a dump truck rear-ended me at 70 miles per hour by all means I should be dead but I actually walked away with nothing more than shattered glass ending up all over my face because a utility truck between us I was saved from death [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Redditors Studios
Views: 2,185,693
Rating: 4.8547449 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit gut feeling, gut feeling askreddit, reddit creepy stories askreddit, reddit creepy, askreddit creepy stories, askreddit creepy, askreddit stories, askreddit, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, creepy, askreddit scary, creepy stories, r/ askreddit, askreddit new, gut feeling, reddit, askreddit reading, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, best of r/askreddit, best of reddit, r/askreddit new, reddit stories, best of askreddit, ask reddit, r askreddit, reddit top posts
Id: v87iGuBSRTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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