What are your scariest encounters with real people? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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whenever I see a scary thread it ends up being about ghosts and whatnot that's not scary I find real people more strange and eerie than the paranormal what are you scariest encounters with real people when I was 18 I worked the evening shift at a convenience store over the previous three nights three stores from the same chain had been held up at gunpoint in my small city sir my manager had basically been prepping me all week to get robbed I was understandably on edge all night I was down to the last few hours of my shift and I was finally starting to calm down a little bit when a guy with his hat pulled down low walked in came right up to the counter and started reaching into the inside of his jacket and said you know those days when you should have just stayed home I think this is one of them time was moving in slow motion at this point and my heart was beating out of my chest after what felt like 10 minutes the guy pulled his wallet out of his jacket and asked for a pack of cigarettes anticlimactic but scary nonetheless TLDR almost pooped my pants over a pack of cigarettes when I was quite young I was out at the park walking my dog German Shepherd when I realized it was getting quite late and I was the only one left in the park a man dressed in a dark hooded top and a black scarf covering his face jump offense that leads into the alleyway behind the park and started marching towards me but he hadn't spotted my dog who was off sniffing around or doing whatever dogs do my dog got between us though and there was the kind of standoff for awhile my dog was really tense and growling with his heckles hackles raised and I didn't know what to do I didn't know if my dog was going to attack the man so I just kind of froze after a while the man backed away jumped back over the fence and ran away down the alley I put my dog back on his lead and went home but he was still tense the whole way back I was a little freaked out but perhaps not as afraid as I should have been looking back on it now I didn't know what that man wanted or what he was doing there all what would have happened if my dog wasn't there with me there would have been no reason for him to go into that park by himself and come towards me like that I shudder to think about it I think if the man had made a move towards me my dog would have attacked him the time my high school sweethearts father found out I took his daughter's virginity he took me for a drive to an empty field to have a chat he's a good father and she is an only child I thought I was dead my sister's bedroom was on the second floor all of a sudden she screamed and said she saw a hand on her window we thought she was having a nightmare told her to go back to bed next morning we found a ladder up against her house by her window Edit Hannah I see people are freaked it was the second floor it was normal house I don't know if that helps or hurts but the top of the ladder reached it also it happened in 1987 so you can relax a little I work in a Middle Eastern grocery store in one of the reddest states when my son was an infant I would take him with me to work most days we get a lot of soldiers that have spent time overseas looking for some of the good food they had there one day this soldier comes in and he's just nice as can be then he sees my son and he starts talking to him in a cute Ishii baby voice saying how cute he is then out of nowhere and in the same cutie she voice he says to my son oh you're so cute I just won a gout your little eyes out it caught me way off guard I just laughed nervously and picked my son up and walked in the back I have to when I was around 12 a neighbor had a party where I met a girl my age my mom was happy to see me making friends so we head to my house to play games my dog was a sweet lab who had never been angry or growled ever this girl walks up to him to pet him and he immediately grounds and barks and eventually cow is close to me I couldn't believe it but even by 12 I believed you don't just ignore our dog's intuition so I take note of the sign but we go play and then go for a walk not ten minutes into the conversation and this girl is an obvious sociopath I realized what I am the dog had felt about her she was empty and fake in very visceral way she starts talking about rape not in her maybe she was abused away and it doesn't that sound interesting but how do the logistics work kind of way she specifically wondered how you are pay someone while holding a knife to their neck her parents invited me to spend the night at her house I declined several years ago I had to spend the night in a psych ward I couldn't sleep because of this woman that was banging her head against the wall while screaming my older brother and I were playing in a cemetery in a small Texas town the cemetery sat next to some railroad tracks which led into the black section of town for those not in the know tons of small southern towns are still de facto segregated it's a huge cemetery and there was no one around then we heard little pops pop pop pop and pieces of the headstones began flying off around us we look toward the railroad tracks and there was an old black man shooting at us with a rifle I'm a DJ in a local bar met many many weird and wonderful people in my time but one stands out in particular her name is Alice and she lives in her own Wonderland 24 stroke 7 don't get me wrong I'm sure she's harmless she's always happy and dances like she's auditioning for a new workout DVD but she's the kind of person you don't want to make eye contact with creepiest moment with Alice had to be the one night I was working had the headphones on doing what I do and was aware of someone standing to the right of me not dancing instantly got the feeling that you get when you know someone is staring at you you just have to look back so I did what I saw was Alice staring right at me with the strangest smile on her face I say smile but it wasn't a nice look teeth and gums in full view with a crazy look in the eyes WTF was my initial reaction stuck the headphones on again and continued what I was doing and Alice continued what she was doing to after a good couple minutes I removed the headphones and asked anything in particular I can help you with you want a request plate or something her reply will stay with me for the rest of my life no I'm good just showing you my teeth copypasta from my own thread similar to this my friend is a female named mystery no trolley and mystery gets a first car last year mystery takes it on her first drive alone to McDonald's after Ward's mystery drives a few hours to her best friend's house who moved away months ago upstate halfway through the drive someone taps her shoulder from the back of the car and asks her if her name is mystery she slams on the brakes and gets out of the car and like three cars stop with her and the guy gets out and jumps off the like 4 foot bridge they were on and is not seen again it is our opinion that he got in when she went to McDonald's but he could have gotten in when her parents put it in the garage I was once going back to my dorm which is off campus by bus the bus doesn't go directly to the dorm so I have to walk a half mile to get home one day I was coming home late maybe 10:30 or 11:00 after hanging out with friends for the afternoon it was late fall so it was long dark I usually walk home with one of my dorm mates but she had decided to stay home that night so I was walking alone after dark indefinitely not the safest city in the world I was a little under halfway there when I heard a scream from one of the back alleys I think it's just a raccoon fight or something as those sound much like human screams until I hear it again another scream definitely human I dropped my bag behind a trash can and take off running towards the scream I enter the alley to see a woman lying in the dirt she turns to look at me her face bloodied and swollen she has a look of pure terror in her eyes her eyes widen and she glances behind me I catch a flash of new fresh fear in her eyes and she screams he's right behind you without even thinking about it I grab the lid off the trash can next to me and swing around smashing a man at least six inches taller than me and 70 pounds heavier clean in the head he falls to the ground knocked out I see that an 8-inch knife with a huge blade falls from his hand I called the cops and stayed with the woman until they arrived I never saw either the man or the woman again I take a taxi at night now I remember when I was younger I was playing hide-and-seek with my cousins at my grandparents house I went into my grandparents room and hid under the bed my grandfather had just gotten out of the shower walked into the room that's naked and bent down in front of the bed without knowing I was in there mentally scarred for life and he will never know when I was a young girl my brother and I went for a walk in the woods behind our new house we came upon an unfamiliar area and noticed plaster body parts thrown willy-nilly we kept walking and discovered a mannequin massacre dozens of lifelike class two mannequins in various positions of death and torture some with burn marks some tied to trees with forks and knives stuck into them and others hung by their necks from branches three stories up the mannequins we're dressed in human clothes and featured detailed facial expressions of pain and terror in the middle of this WTF clusterfuck we're childlike mannequins that had been tied up and blindfolded used condoms were everywhere we left terrified and wondering who the f ck would do this dot this is the reason why I don't take Greyhound buses across country to visit my parents anymore I got my seat on the bus and was about to fall asleep when a guy dressed in torn-up jeans and a see-through mesh shirt sat next to me I really didn't care at the time just thought he had horrible fashion sense the bus made it onto the high whay and the guy suddenly starts to shake as if he was coming off drugs he was probably just cold that it still aided to freaking me out at a time then he starts to mumble something about never again don't trust him again and I'll get her let's just say I didn't get any sleep on that bus ride two weeks later I watched the news and saw the same guy he had without any type of warning decapitated the passengers sitting next to him my first semester at Rutgers New Brunswick NJ I got stuck taking all night classes and didn't get out until about 1000 Ivan would walk from the college shave campus to the NJ Transit station not too far a walk but it starts to feel seedy in that area and I wasn't 100% sure where I was going so here I am already a little leery when all of the sudden I hear someone barking at me that's right barking I look up and discover a man is up in the tree barking and growling down at me as I walk by I was freaked out but afraid if I ran it might provoke him to follow so I speed walk to the corner then ran across the street and didn't stop till I was at the train platform my cousin and I went out drinking in Ohio I was drunk so I step outside for some fresh air from the crowded bar there was this guy outside who was kind of lanky and having a smoke feeling disoriented I sat on the bench to rest my head a bit and the guy came up to me saying bye dude you ain't ever gonna make it in the real world if I had my way I'd take you back home with me to my tool shed where I tie you to the wall and torture you to death me well that sounds lovely hold on I'm really interested in that but I've gotta take a piss real quick I went back into the bar went into the men's restroom and locked the door until my head cleared up so I could tell my cousin that we should leave I was walking to the parkade on campus late at night after studying from finals as I am walking to the pedestrian overpass to the parkade I notice a girl maybe 17-19 walking in her bare feet it strikes me as odd but I keep walking until she sits on a curb and puts her head in her lap so I walk over to her and say excuse me is everything all right dot as soon as I speak she gets straight up and starts walking towards me but looking past me with a glazed look by this time I don't know what to do so I just stand there while she walks directly by me almost touching shoulders with me all the while looking directly ahead then she walked all the way down the road out of sight it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen one day I was welcomed into a group to conduct an experience with scent relations on the first day we all got to smell freshly baked cookies and had to write down what the smell reminded us of grandma's house or Christmas the next few days went with this including cookies ham and bacon the next day we were blindfolded as usual and led into the room and we all we're told to write what we think I thought I was in a new home it smelled wonderful they then told me to remove my blindfold and I saw I was in a disgusting dank dirty apartment I was stuck in there with no response for what seemed like an eternity f ck February's man token not me but someone I know bear with me my mother used to work in real estate when she was younger once she was asked to go out alone to a creepy and strange house in the middle of the country with a seeking buyer an equally creepy and strange man my mom kept getting a bad feeling from this guy and he seemed nervous and kept jumping around eventually he asked her to go down and see the cavernous and finished basement with her very calmly she responds oh no I'll just wait up here while you check it out double quote the more she thought about that afterwards the creep here it got and when she told her boss about it he said that under no circumstances were you supposed to go out to a house like that alone with any customer she thinks that maybe he wanted to hurt someone and didn't we know how edit grammar I drove my sister to get sushi in a not-so-good part of town one time we were in the car about to get out and I reached down to get my wallet I looked back up and the creepiest most strung out looking human being I've ever seen in my life had his face against her window licking the glass he then pulled his sleeve up to show us some scars on his forearm fate against the glass the entire time I don't eat there anymore : Open bracket a complete stranger approached me in Hollywood once he was homeless looking but tall super tall at least six feet six bald with an absurdly protruding belly like a water belly and super long arms like a wax figuring that started to melt one of his eyes was clouded white and he was missing a tooth or two he just walked up to me as I was drinking coffee outside stopped inches from my face and said smiling I might kill you tonight in a low voice before walking off crazy bastard I was once surrounded by a group of eight teenagers who tried to mug me at a bus stop I was sucker-punched from my right side once then twice but didn't fall I was struck to the back of my head then my left then my right again until I started to fall I was grabbed need and thrown to the ground I managed to roll to my feet and run I was worried I was followed I slept with a golf club next to my bed for the next couple weeks this story isn't so much scary as it is crazy but I thought I'd share one time when I was about four and my sister was about 1 1 stroke - we were playing in the backyard when all of a sudden there was a huge crash in the phone line went dead my mom was on the phone at the time I have the vaguest memory of being terrified running inside the house and seeing a huge crack on the wall anyway come to find out someone had driven their van into our house apparently there was a wasp the car and the driver jumped out of the f king car without stopping because he was scared of it and the van careened into our house I guess the scary part of this story is that most of the time my sister and I played in the driveway with chalk etc and it just so happened that this time we were in the backyard also the fact that someone drove their car into our house here's a picture , HTTP M ger come jo xp0 not sure if this is what you wanted but back in college I was walking in a dress and some heels trying to flag down a taxi relatively late at night and in Chicago and notice a homeless man walking alone towards me muttering things out loud as if talking to someone else he looked up as he was getting closer to me and I saw his open hand close up into a fist I got nervous and reached for my cell not knowing really what to do he stared into kept walking and then stops for a second right behind me and says I can't do that that'll be five to eight years stop telling me to do that f ck it I'm doing it I turned around and must have looked wildly scared he caught my eye and said to something invisible to me although I don't think to him stop making him he hurt people and then turned around and kept walking scariest moments of my life when I was younger I went with my family to Yosemite my dad remembers going to the campground bathrooms there and seeing a janitor there who just gave him the chills for some reason he's a dentist so he gets to know a lot of people he has gotten very good at weeding them he says he has run into a few people in his life way he could just tell that something wasn't working correctly upstairs and it freaked him out I don't mean the people had a mental handicap I mean the people were cold they were psychopaths it doesn't necessarily mean they were serial killers he could just tell that they couldn't comprehend empathy when he saw the janitor he immediately picked up on this I don't know if he talked to him at all though later that year he reads in the newspaper that a serial killer was caught in Sumati sure enough it was that janitor that he saw the guy had killed four people earlier that year I believe the guy's name is Carrie Steiner my only heart-stopping incident was when I worked in a bank they drill into you in training signs to look for during a robbery how to respond etc it was my second week out of training and I had a guy come in and head straight to my counter he was this strictly drifter looking guy and he was holding something in both hands below my counter he says to me I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to make this a really bad day for you he then raises his hands from below the counter and drops a green military ammunition box on the counter my heart was about to go running out of my chest and the box is still closed he pops the latch and out pops change the fucker had a whole box of unsorted change he wanted to deposit that was all my friend's mother was walking home from the train station and became aware that she was being followed by a man she took all sorts of details and the man continued to follow her for the entire journey after about 25 minutes she arrived at her house but had the good sense to walk straight past it and continued on to the police station once inside she turned round to see the man walk past stopping to give her an extremely creepy wave that story terrifies me I was walking home from work one night around 9 p.m. and I was on a side street so there weren't any other people around there are some bushes along the sidewalk and as I'm walking by I hear a rustling noise then suddenly a homeless guy with crazy eyes jumps out of the bushes onto the sidewalk right in front of me he seems just as surprised to see me as I am to see him and we just stare at each other for a few seconds I can tell he is clearly on some kind of drug because he isn't blinking and he sort of sniffing the air around me like a dog I froze and slyly tried to reach into my purse for my mace just in case he tried to attack me as soon as he saw me reaching into my purse he made a noise that resembled a wolf how leaped back into the bushes and sprinted off through the shrubbery I still kind of wonder to this day if I encountered a werewolf mere change not entirely scary but very creepy I used to work as a security guard at Whole Foods in Boston one day I was doing my usual patrol until a worker at the store came up to me asking for help getting one of the bathroom doors opened because it had been locked for about an hour I went up to the door and started banging on it asking if anyone was in there and if they were hurt or needed help I heard some rustling around but I heard no voice so we ended up getting the keys finally and I had opened up the door to what I still can't out of my mind today an old man 78 or so sitting on the floor of the bathroom naked jacking off with about four chopsticks tied together with rubber bands shoving them into his ass I guess he was just as shocked as I was when I came barreling in because he's hard of hearing his friend he came there with was sitting out on the bench waiting for him and had to take him back home to the elderly complex close by I felt really bad for the guy because he didn't know what was going on and the manager of the store were screaming his lungs out at the guy as he was walking out in front of everyone I'm not sure I'll ever get the image out of my head though not mine but happened to my friends a few weeks ago they were walking down their road on the way to meet a few of us at the cinema they were talking about some paintings they were partway through and the woman see is asking her fianc Edie what she should add a next he says why not add something abstract like a windmill or a fire extinguisher and says this as a very rough young chap is cycling past about five minutes later this guy cycles up from behind stops in front of them throwing his bike to the floor storms up today and yells are you talking about fire extinguishers dot D replies er yeah and the guy demands to know why D tells him and the guy looks very confused he picks up his bike stops off on his way again and yells well stop over his shoulder of course we all had a good laugh but it could have gone a whole different way my worry is I only live a few doors down from them must never mention fire extinguishers near cyclists I live and work in a high-rise apartment building once I got into the elevator and this asian kid I had never seen before also got in it's very unusual for me to not know someone in this building first of all and since he was alone he could not have been a guest since we have strict rules about keeping guests with you at all times he was normal until the doors closed but then he began to prowl wordlessly around me in a circle watching me the whole time the only way that I could think to describe it was as if he were a ghost who was curious about people who were still living and didn't think that he could be seen he got right up into my face then drew back quickly and kept prowling never looking away when the elevator got on my floor I ran to my room and locked the door never saw him again what the hell not the scared one but the scary one when I was in high school I performed in a few regional vocal performances upstate New York and we practiced him around the school auditorium where we were performing for the few days beforehand one year the power cut out in the auditorium where a lot of the performers were lounge while waiting for whatever was next I was in the back middle of the stage so I had really good projection where I was the moment the power cut out shrieks of terror filled the room and for whatever reason I found this hilarious and unintentionally started this booming evil laugh the screams only intensified in this pitch-black room with this obviously crazy person hiding around every possible corner who apparently shut off the power and was biding his time to take them away to their doom eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh i was almost kidnapped while walking around at 7 a.m. to them's began to circle around the blocks while I was war home this continued for about five minutes until one of them stopped behind me one of the men stared me down he was white in his 50s with long white hair and beard I heard a man stop behind me and open his door I ran away as fast as I could that was a very close call I was with my cousin's playing in the woods circa age seven and this guy in all black just Sprint's right past us two minutes later about 15 policemen come and question us about the guy I wonder what would have happened if he had thought he lost the police and we were alone there with him I was a bit of a problem child in high school so I would skip classes by hiding behind the gym we had tennis courts back there and a little gazebo I would sit in sometimes I would go for walks past bees there was a creek a bit of bush land and sort of a nature trail of sorts I was walking and I came out of the bush and saw a big red brick building it was walled off and across a large patch of grass away from me and that's when I heard it someone was screaming long start I was sort of edging around the building looking at terrified and it went of for at least 20 minutes I left before it had stopped I went back there a few times and there was always screaming high-pitched I don't know how someone could maintain it that long without going hoarse a theory me and my friends came up with was that it was a psych clinic and they were doing some kind of therapy that involved screaming I got close to the gate once was just a normal gait and I could just see a man sitting on a chair near a door reading a newspaper so I googled it it's a mental health hospital for elderly patients my ex-girlfriend I am also a female and I rented a house from a co-worker in a less than desirable area of town a few years ago we had several crazy but harmless neighbors except the one right next door we innocently enough thought nothing of leaving the blinds open on the side of the house that faced him we didn't realise he even lived there at the time one morning I was home alone and walked past her window and just my bra to where I glanced towards the direction of his house and he was standing and just his underwear staring directly at me I freaked out dropped to the floor and literally crawled away his bedroom window was no more than 40 feet from our house we started shutting all of the blinds but every time we would look out the morgue l outside he will stand with his face pushed up against the window and stare at us while making a weird shattering sound with his teeth I am pretty sure he spent a good majority of his day staring out the window in hopes of catching a glimpse at one of us it was terrifying and the police said they couldn't do anything since he was in his own home I think I have pictures of him somewhere and we'll post them if anyone is interested my grandpa and I were at a rest stop once when we were driving somewhere my grandpa gets out of the truck and goes to walk into the bathroom off to the side there was this shady looking fellow smoking a cigarette when my grandpa had his back turned the guy came at him with a knife I tried to like bang on the window or something to alert my grandpa he didn't hear me and then when he neared the wall of the rest stop he whipped around cuffed the guy on the air and slammed him against the wall simultaneously pulling out his pistol he put the pistol under the man's chin and said i sh t you not come on Punk try something make my f king day Clint Eastwood badassery right there the man ran off when my grandpa let go of him then my grandpa calmly took a piss and we were on our way that's the day I learned he is a baddest and if you want to know why it was scary it's because looking at my grandpa he looks frail and old and I didn't know he had a carry piece on him this'll probably get buried but whatever when I was maybe 7 or 8 I went to a local Burger King with my mom I was impatience to eat so I went to go play around in one of those plastic playground things that are about 20 feet high there were no other kids in it so I just started climbed to the highest point a businessman I assumed you to the white shirt and tire looked at me climbing up calmly put his burger down and proceeded to climb up after me he didn't say anything as he did it I was old enough to think this was weird and had flashbacks of our school counselor talking to the class about getting kidnapped and such I rushed to the slide and ran straight to my mom gave her a giant hug I didn't tell her about the incident until later being at my friend's for a sleepover friend's mom asked us to take out the garbage so me my friend and his brother grabbed the two bags and go to drop it also in our area we had to dump bins up the whole building used anyway we start walking towards the bins and me and the elder brother get ahead of the younger brother by a few meters as we get close to the bins roughly five meters away we then take notice of the shirtless guy that was walking away from the bins me and the friend laugh at a joke when this shirtless guide turns around and pulls out a long and thin chain from his pocket starts swinging it and walking towards us very much with intention of hitting us we dropped the bags of garbage on the spot and start gunning the younger brother who wasn't aware got so scared and confused he tripped meanwhile me and older brother have at least put a good 20 meter space between us and the psycho shirtless chained swinger I didn't look but friend says when he fell the guy walked past him and then I ran we looked out from the window when we got back in and he put our garbage bags in the bin weirdest tea ever my friend and I were building a tree house in the woods behind my house and by tree house I mean nailing some boards to a tree to use his steps that is as far as our tree house plans got but I digress there we were nailing cut up 2x force to the tree and we heard a clanking metal sound and turned to look and on an old ten-speed buck is this tall lanky fella who is as white as a ghost for lack of a better term he sees us and stops turns his bike around two bolts off it freaked us out and we came tearing out of the woods leaving the tools and everything behind we went back later to get them like we were medics in a war zone going in for someone wounded running and ducking behind stumps and trees grabbing the goods and bolting when my wife and I travelled to America we stopped off in Vegas the entire trip was a blur so this story will be a little vague we were on a bus for some reason and a lady had just sat down near us she started talking to us about where we were from what we had seen tourists small talk then she asked where we were staying for how long weird questions so we thought f ck we're out and got off the bus she said this was her stop - we managed to get out a little ahead of her and melded into the crowd snuck up some overpass or something sorry vague and hidden Anouk for a while thinking we were clear and giggling about the slightly odd lady we had a look down to the street the strange lady is on the road searching desperately sort of hunched over and scowling we had just enough time to think this is a little peculiar when she spots us breaks into a sprint hurdles the concrete roadwork barrier and Pelt's up to where we are we pissed the f ck off out of there and hid in a corner in a casino for a couple of hours someone who broke into a few people's houses tied them up and raped them works at the ticket barriers at the nearest big train station he's just been finally caught 33 years after the attacks me and my dad used to say hi to him because he was friendly I just found out about this today I'm fairly creeped out I encounter two people in my school's library elevator at different times of the day the back story is a woman died in one of the library elevators a couple's weeks before don't worry it's not a ghost story just minor relevant info anyway I never go to the buri but i decided to go this day to study for finals i get in the elevator with some asian girl before the elevator lifted off it started and paused for a couple seconds we both look at each other and she says these elevators are so scary some lady died here a couple of weeks ago i Naughton replied lo i heard then she gets overly anxious and morbid and kept talking about how dangerous it is to be in there and about death and shit I could not be happier to get out of that weird awkward situation so later I get back into the elevator when I'll even think of that girl again and giggle to myself while another awkward Asian kid gets in with me doesn't really acknowledge me at first then elevator begins to go down on the second kid gets right up behind me his head is practically over my shoulder and says quietly do you like Hall films I look at him and he was dead serious and wide-eyed I take a huge sidestep away from him and say oh no he just mutters oh stares at the floor then starts to get all shifty eyed for some freaky reason TLDR i f king take the stairs now back when I was growing up in Russia we had a banded school close to where I lived so one day me and my friends decided it would be a good idea to explore it oh how bad this idea turned out to be we entered through one of the broken windows and proceeded to venture on when we discovered that the school was being used by either homeless or some other kids I hears voices into the hallways being the brave 13 year old I was I decided to check it out what came to my horror that there were 5-7 naked men having an orgy I started running and told my buddies to run when I looked behind me I saw a guy chasing us with a wrench in frenzy the fear went through my body and I never ran faster in my life before thankfully we all made it out and never returned later that place was entirely boarded up and destroyed by the police or by Russian militia I got tons of stories my shrink says my childhood is an entire phase of trauma one story that is a party favorite is when I was about 11 walking home from school a small group of gang members were walking towards my direction this was around 1993 in soccer anyway a random man homeless I believe walked up to the gang for some reason in a blink of an eye the man was stabbed in the neck the gang ran off I stood paralyzed with fear and couldn't believe what I saw a woman came running to his aid from a nearby store I watched as the lady held the man as he died I'll never forget a face he had as he was dying very unholy word when I was little some guys broke into my parents garage my bedroom was right next to the door of the garage and my face was right next to the unlocked window I was like 3 or 4 and was getting trained to not piss my sheets because I have a sleeping disorder where pretty much nothing can wake you up so I am chilling in my power ranger sheets when this hand covers my mouth at first I thought it was my dad because he used to sneak into my room that's night when he got home from work and give me a hug or leave a new toil something but then I realized this hand is coming from outside my window this guy is leaning into my open window with his hand over my mouth and a knife at my throat and is trying to drag me out this window needless to say being for I pissed my pants which luckily was hooked up to an alarm that is set to go off when I peed to wake my ass up only this guy thought it was a house alarm or something and bailed TLDR wetting the bed saved my life maybe [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 153,239
Rating: 4.8424196 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: GKQxp5WF8pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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