What is your CREEPY first hand experience with unexplained entities (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit

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we now we are 20k subs eat so ummm and bad at writing speeches so thank you all for the support have this one-hour special for now I'll think of something later have fun hey reddit what are some of your first-hand experiences with unexplained phenomena not including stories you've been told by your parents or relatives what are some experiences or sightings you have had that you can't explain my Dejah boo in the ninth grade I sat in my English class waiting for the lesson to begin my teacher always liked to take ten minutes at the beginning of class to just talk about everything and anything so this one particular day he begins with the story of his friend that was supposed to be on a flight but cancelled at the last minute when he had a dream of a plane crash the small plane took off without him and later crashed he then told us a story about a robbery that had occurred at his house a few years prior he said he woke up in the middle of the night when he heard footsteps in the hallway he picked up his baseball bat named Charlene he kept beside his bed and when the crook opened the bedroom door my teacher shattered his forearm with the baseball bat after he was done telling us these stories he began his lecture but was immediately interrupted by a seagull smacking into the window of our classroom the next day I came to class and sat at my desk my teacher began his 10-minute talk he started with the story of his friend who had a dream of a plane crash I put up my hand halfway thought the story realizing that I've heard this before and that the teacher must have forgotten he had told us already but as I'm telling him that he told us this story my classmates looked at me and said no he didn't so my teacher finishes his story and then segues into his next story about a robbery that occurred at his house a few years prior this time I beat him to the punch line and say you told us this yesterday you break the guy's arm with a baseball bat again my classmates look at me and one guy tells me to shut up my teacher says well yeah I broke the guy's arm with a baseball bat did I tell you already I tell him he told us yesterday and that his baseball bat is named Charlene he's baffled I know the name of his bat but again everyone seems to deny he ever told us this I can't believe what is going on I begin to laugh thinking that I'm going crazy so si no watch a seagull is going to hit our window within the next two minutes of course nobody believes me and this Punk tells me to lay off the crack pipe the class settles down and my teacher starts his lesson five seconds later a seagull hits the window TL DR I predicted and announced the future edit just to note I am an atheist I don't believe in ghosts I don't believe in extraterrestrials visiting earth also I always think of the seagull as a coincidence a lot of those flying rats nest on the school roof but that doesn't change the fact I knew how his second story ended and the specific name of his baseball bat once I was driving to work suddenly I blurted out Fond du Lac which I have subsequently found as a place in Wisconsin this took me by surprise because I am not prone to blurt out obscure place names to myself while striving that evening I was driving home doing a tea in the passing lane I was passing a trailer truck got halfway up the trailer and on the trailer right in the middle it said Fond du Lac which took me so much by surprise that I hit the brake to make sure I wasn't seeing things as I looked at the truck something happened in lane one and the truck swerved hard over into my lane because I had already braked I was able to avoid narrowly being run off the road or crushed who knows by the truck as it ran into my lane Fond du Lac true story no witnesses my grandfather was a respected Buddhist monk in the southern region of the US when he passed away dozens upon dozens of monks from around the country came in to pay their respects and every non married male in my family became temporary monks for a week as a sign of respect one evening my uncle a few of my cousins and myself were conversing with one of the higher-ranked monks and he started talking to my uncle about his life at first we were all interested because he was telling my uncle information like the date when he was born various locations of birthmarks on his body and so on nothing too crazy although it was hilarious for the rest of us but then the monk starts lecturing my uncle for the things he had been doing in my uncle didn't really think much of it at first then the monk begins to tell the story of how my uncle in his early 20s Carr describes how he flipped it into a ditch and then how my uncle had to lie to his wife about how he got a concussion my uncle says he had never told anyone this story before the monk proceeds to do this to all of us we had never met this particular monk before and it was amazing that he was not only nailing exact birth dates I was probably 16 or 17 so I didn't have any crazy secrets like my uncle but the monk did tell everyone exactly where I hid my money which I thought at the time was the spot no one would ever find also I don't believe in superstition / ghosts / voodoo etc I have just one it's not too crazy but I was never able to explain it and what pisses me off is that I expect I'm never going to I was about 15 late 1998 or early 1999 I had been really interested in lucid dreams and woke up one night at 2:30 a.m. from a long and involved one as was my habit at the time I wrote down the whole dream in detail on a paper near my bed while I was putting down the last few details I heard music coming from the hallway the house was dark and quiet my parents were asleep and the house is pretty small and has only one floor the music wasn't like anything I had heard before it sounded like someone was pouring sleighbells down a series of regular troughs lots of tiny tinkling notes merging into a chaotic tune for like 30 seconds I sat on my bed creeped out thinking this is so surreal and where could this be coming from someone parked outside and other things you think when you're 15 and awake and home alone and kind of a whim I finally got up the nerve to get up and walk over to the door and the noise got louder as I did clearly it was coming from down the hall I saw out through the ajar door that everything was dark I knew that I would have to walk out there to see what it was but it was such a strange experience that I found myself terrified of the dark hallway so I chickened out I backed away from the door sat on my bed wrapped the blanket around me and listened I knew I wouldn't be able to remember the music but I tried to verify that it had a tune to it and it did chaotic though it was I could anticipate parts of the melody and I took the piece of paper on which I had written my dream and added a note at the bottom 2:30 a.m. strange music scared then I just stared at the doorway about a minute and a half later the music faded down and stopped there was silence I didn't know what to do I didn't feel like sleeping eventually I got up the nerve to walk out my door and into my parents room across the hall where I stood awkwardly at the foot of their bed not sure what I would say if I woke them up finally I decided not to and walked back into my room I read for a while and fell asleep the next morning I asked my parents they didn't know anything and couldn't think of a piece of music that it might be my dad suggested tubular bells I've never heard it again or figured out what happened the obvious suggestion is that I dreamed it this doesn't fit for several reasons one I've never confused a dream for a real experience after waking up to I remember thinking at the time years from now when the memory of this has faded I'll probably start telling myself that it was a dream and it'll probably help me wonder less but I know with certainty right now that it wasn't third I can't really write text in my dreams let alone write a full page of narrative fourth I looked at the paper the next morning and saw the note I wish I could find that paper again but my room was always a mess of stacks of paper and sometime in the next few years it vanished I don't expect anyone to figure this out I don't expect to ever find an answer and I don't think this was anything supernatural the lesson here and the reason I retell this story is this forget what the horror movies teach you even if you're scared go investigate the strange phenomenon or you just might find yourself wondering for the rest of your life and if you do hear this music one night and go to investigate don't forget your towel let me first say I'm a skeptical atheist and my only conclusion is we must have made it up and our brains tricked us into making it a real memory but it's an extremely vivid memory my friend and I both have we were about 9 or 10 years old and we were talking on the phone it was a little after 7:00 at night in the winter and it was dark outside while we're talking we both see out windows start to glow like there's a bright light outside it starts dim builds slowly then suddenly gets blindingly wide and disappears we live just one street away from each other so we're wondering what the hell we just saw that's when I look over at the clock and realize it's 10:30 he said his clock matched mine three hours seemed to pass in a few seconds and the next day there was a circle burned into the grass of a field next to us about 15 yards in diameter it freaked us out enough we never told anyone else about it but to this day we both remembered exactly the same and to reiterate I don't believe something paranormal happened I just don't know what did happen copied from my previous reply in a thread about your scariest moments long post alert okay I won't get into the discussion about whether or not ghosts exist just wanted to share a story with you that occurred in my life in just one place and one night only now I am a numbers guy I deal with them for a living so the numbers add up or they do not black or white as simple as that I would like to think that most people who know me would refer to me as a down-to-earth guy probably skeptical by Nature I believe in science and facts but a very good friend of mine is about the most trustworthy grounded individual I have ever met in life extremely practical and with an above-average level of intelligence he had moved into a new apartment and we met for drinks shortly thereafter at some point in our conversation he calmly states that he believes his new basement pad may be haunted of course I state WTF he begins to tell me about the shenanigans going on in the bachelor suite seems this one battery powered clock likes to have the hands move backwards rapidly before always returning to the correct time even when the battery has been removed also seems that someone slashed thing like still on his shoes up on top of one another slippers on top of dress shoes on of runners and so forth now all of this occurs while he and only him is in the basement apartment he said the shoe thing happens about twice a day usually while he leaves the area for less than two minutes he brings his shoes into the apartment right next to the living room the apartment is always locked and the only way in is through his one and only door no windows that any regular-sized kid could even fit through basement remember so of course I think he is crafting me but he calmly states that it has been going on every day for about three weeks now and invites me over he tells me it is so frequent that he is even given it a name girdi he said the name just felt right continued on to say that he wasn't afraid or worried in the least and felt he was in no danger as Gerty was probably just bored and yanking his chain bigger balls than I I can assure you of that so a few weeks go by and we are at his new pad one evening to watch the hockey game we had only been there for about five minutes and stone-cold sober I had pretty much forgotten about what he had told me previously until I saw a clock on the side table so I asked him if this was the clock and he said yes I then asked him to remind me about the happenings with the shoes and he asked me to hang on a minute as he suddenly wasn't feeling well he ran to the washroom barely made it there and began to bar filin Lee it was so bad I went in to see if he was okay I had to physically lead this massive man to his bed where he passed out immediately remember we were on our first beer and absolutely nothing else I checked his breathing and forehead temperature and he just seemed to be in a very deep sleep Wow okay so what now I remember considering calling an ambulance or taking him to the hospital but he truly seemed fine now and was sleeping very solidly I chalked it up to bad food but we had both eaten the same thing earlier and decided to hang around to make sure he was okay I had planned to stay there for the night anyhow as my family was out of town for the weekend so was the landlord who lived upstairs by himself so I watched the remainder of the hockey game check on my but a few times he was still out of it and sipped on a couple of bears I have to admit that what had occurred freaked me out a little and I did I'd the clock once or twice but saw nothing besides a perfectly functioning clock I guess I fell asleep watching TV but I woke suddenly to a tremendous bang I flew of the couch and immediately went to check on my friend he was in deeper sleep than ever but the banging was coming towards the washroom area it was an earth-shattering violent rapid banging that was so loud I figured it would surely get the attention of the folks in the next house I moved towards the washroom but was stopped by the side of the furnace which was in the walkway to the washroom it was absolutely glowing hot fireball read the read that only something extremely intense can produce and the banging was coming directly coming from it this wasn't just a the furnace doesn't sound right sound I don't think I have the vocabulary to properly explain how incredibly read and loud it was there at that moment I thought for sure the entire house was going to explode any second I immediately ran back to my friend's bedroom and began screaming at him to get the duct up and began shaking him with a great amount of cruelty we had to get out of there now it probably took a minute or so until he finally partially awoke I was screaming at the top of my lungs and banging him so hard his first words of course were WTF as soon as he spoke the banging stopped immediately immediately I tried explaining to him what had happened and took him to the furnace but of course it looked like it almost always looked and was perfectly quiet except for its normal operating sounds I asked him if he was okay and he said he felt great now it asked me what happened to him earlier I explained quickly made sure he was okay and went to hell home he was invited to come with me but insisted on staying I left in a hurry we did discuss what had occurred several weeks later he told me he felt hurt he got jealous that I was there or upset that he had told me the stories he lived for another two or three years in that apartment but I only went there rarely and certainly never attempted to spend another night I fully expect you to rip this apart and you are certainly welcome to but at least in this instance consider this non-believer beyond spooked edited for clarity I once had a sleep paralysis experience I now empathize with those who believe that they were being abducted by aliens well because a damn well felt like at the time it's an interesting experience of being unable to move hearing really loud in high-pitched tones the feeling of being pulled upwards all coupled with a terrible sense of something foreboding and close not to mention the fact that you were crafting yourself with fear I remember telling myself over and over that this couldn't happen aliens aren't real 30x over then I was awake looking at the ceiling and still unable to move for a further 15 seconds or so I can tell you right now I did not go back to sleep if you were less wise than you're truly it is entirely conceivable you didn't go straight on Wikipedia to work out in my words whatever the duck that was I was about nine years old and was at an open house with my mom who was a real estate agent this was a huge house 6000 square feet anyways my mom was turning off all the lights upstairs while I waited for her in the kitchen I went to grab a glass of water drank it all and put it on the counter I then realized how silent it was in the house I looked down at the glass and saw it fly across the counter and shatter on the wall next to it at this point I shot bricks yelled mommy and went running up the stairs and did not leave her side or ever stay in that house again after dark some people believe me some people don't I don't give a crap I can still remember how heavy the silence felt and that glass shattering made my mind kick into overdrive I had a similar experience my then-girlfriend current wife was living part-time at her mother's and part-time at her father's her mother's house was a small farmhouse over 100 years old and both she and her mother had experienced strange things in the house ever since they had lived there anyways one day we walked into the kitchen and a liquor bottle flew off the refrigerator and hit my girlfriend in the head she was walking past the refrigerator at least 6 feet away from it so I don't see how simple floor vibration could propel it that kind of horizontal distance there were other strange occurrences too occasionally when my girlfriend had her head by a window the blinds would fly out and hit her in the face a few times I would walk into a room and feel something brush against my arm look down in all my arm hair would be standing up so straight they practically be vertical sometimes at night there would be huge temperature swings in the bedroom and sometimes the noises wrapping footsteps would be so bad she'd have to leave in the middle of the night and go stay at her dad's house I love there to be a rational explanation for all these occurrences but in the ten plus years since I've last been in that house I can't come up with anything I haven't experienced anything like it since then either a few years back it was around 3:30 a.m. and I woke up because of a horrendous noise outside my bedroom door which leads straight to a patio II more or less to the open the noise could be described like this imagine the largest array of speakers you can think of now imagine some pretty deep synthesizer bass sound played through all of them it was approximately like that although that sound was freakier also it was kind of oscillating at a very slow pace aprox four or five seconds at first when it woke me up I was in a semi dreamlike state but when I realized that it was real and one of the loudest things I had heard I bolted up and sat upright in my bed listening it seemed to be on for ages I was relieved that I couldn't see into the patio as if there would have been something present I would have probably crapped myself and if there wouldn't I would still crap myself totally baffled as to the whereabouts however I was still kind of scared without seeing anything on top of that a light starting shining into my room through the covered window as if someone had come up the driveway except there was no car in my house is isolated in that the only car that would come up that driveway would be that of our family and not just random cars driving by I slapped myself to make sure I was not dreaming after about 10 minutes I realized that it was slowly getting further away as the sound pitch got higher and after another five it was gone maybe it was less I didn't count it took me a while to get back to sleep thank God but I wasn't fully aware of what had happened as I think I probably wouldn't have been able to fall asleep then I know it was real as the first thing I did when waking up was smack my alarm clock to buy help of the back light see what time it was II aprox 3:30 a.m. what also freaked me out was that the next morning while playing ping-pong with my younger bro he said that the door to the computer / living room was open and I knew that I had closed it as the last person leaving at the night before when I was a third-year at college I joined the local university paper I was given my first assignment to write about new local businesses around campus I got the number of a local council member to get a quote from when I call the councilmember is busy so I leave a message after lunch I call the councilmember again because he hasn't returned my call when I get a hold of him he claims to have already talked to someone with my name from the University paper I am confused as I have not talked to him yet I hang up and check around the office to see if anyone had called the councilmember to help me on my story but no one has I call him back and apologize tell him that there must have been some miscommunication and asked to interview him I get some quotes from him and he gives me the number of another city official to call I call this one when he too has already talked to in someone with my name from my school's paper at this point I am convinced that the staff is playing a practical joke on me but after repeated inquires everyone is as confused as me I call the city official back get some quotes and he says that the person who called before asked very similar questions at this point I am feeling I am going a bit crazy it happens and just play the thing off as if it was just a misunderstanding so yeah it could have been a very elaborate practical joke involving the city council member and other City Hall staff and the staff of the paper but the whole thing just really put me in a strange mood in various parts of it I have never been able to fully explain the fact that the council member would have had to Bennett on it in the other city official and why if it was a joke someone would admit to it in the end for laughs and a few other details this of course doesn't mean there isn't a logical explanation just yet something that has always stuck out in my memory I knew a man who was hired to be a security guard at an old home at watch old man's house the man's family had hired him because he owned a lot of valuable stuff and was just giving it away to random twinks he knew from the local community seriously he would give a random guy an original Picasso for a [ __ ] he didn't care he was dying he also had an autographed copy of mine comp lots of priceless historical crap in this house so his family hired this guy I knew to keep people out of the house and make sure no more Picasso's just walked out of there the guy was there basically all the time and stayed there at night too but at night he would hear strange noises and crap so he would walk around and check what it was one night he saw a woman and dress walked down the stairs pull out an old revolver and shoot herself in the head then he saw the same thing every few nights always about the same time of night the woman blows her brains out and then vanishes as the brain matter is flying everywhere this was just one of the stories he told me but the others were not as shocking I believe that he saw this if only from how terrified he seemed as he was telling what he saw well the old man died eventually so his services were no longer required but then the guy I knew died too he had a stroke turns out he had a massive brain tumor and the doctors told his girlfriend that he was probably hallucinating all the crazy crap he had been seeing so people who think they are seeing crazy crap on a regular basis you might want to get your head checked I was living in Manhattan and unemployed and money was getting real tight I had been taking a nap on a Saturday afternoon and had a dream in which my father and I were walking down a country road Andy and Opie style in my dream my dad said something to me which was financial advice which was very strange because my father never said anything to me while he was alive like how to throw a ball or be a man much less how to deal with money I woke from the dream and was hungry there was no food in the apartment so I go downstairs to the bodega across the street and get something to eat as I'm walking back to my building I see that there are a few pieces of mail dropped on the sidewalk I picked them up very quickly and take them up to my apartment hoping no one saw me pick up what was obviously not mine I get back to my apartment and can tell that one of the envelopes can Jane's a credit card I opened it up and it's a gold American Express card I read the letter inside and ascertained that some guy who lives in the city was mailing the card out to his wife who is living in East Hampton I begin to contemplate how easy it would be to go on a shopping spree in Manhattan with this newly found American Express card I begin to fantasize how I can go to Barney's and get a new suit for a job interview and go buy a new computer and I can get groceries and I could get myself out of these financial straits I was in an MX would eat the cost I had never done anything like this before or ever been in trouble with the law but I was getting desperate then suddenly I remembered the dream I had just a half hour ago and the advice my father gave me walking down the country road he had sent only five words to me and my dream leave the credit card alone I cut up the card and threw it in the garbage de jar I've already dreamed all the time hearing what people I'm talking to her about to say or are thinking at the time and two big ones one my first American house it was big built in the late 19th century and was home to something like six questionable deaths and a sacrificed cat in the dining room seriously a sacrificed cat one day in my bedroom we placed a ceramic crucifix on the wall two minutes later it was broken against the opposite wall and pieces were embedded in the ceiling one be when you left something on a counter you had to tape it down with duct tape otherwise you would come back to find that it had decided to move to one of the walk-in closets one see we'd find white cat hair in the dining room all the time we had no white cats once a large red stain was on the northern wall for upwards of a day one day a dresser from the basement that screamed when we burn it one Lia lad who himself was unexplainable in his gifts took my mother aside and told her that it would be best if I moved in with my father as somehow I was born with a much stronger electrical presence than most sub-story after I lost my virginity we blew out two or three electrical sockets by touch and in some way I was acting like a portal and magnet for whatever whomever was in that house would have cold spots dropping upwards of 20 C would linger at random for minutes at a time during which they had an EMP effect were all electronics within the area would die out I lost a ton of Super Nintendo saves due to this one gram one night I woke up in one of the basements rooms scared to death because I had dreamed that I was swimming in a pool of blood the next day a painter that we had hired to redo the first two floors attempted to kill himself in the room one hour one night I woke up in the kitchen with a phone in my hand I asked who was on the other end and the nine to eleven operator said to hold tight and that the fire department was on their way someone had torched the basement which was far below the kitchen so you couldn't smell smoke one eye this one is particularly disturbing for me I woke up on the stairs to the basement and for the next month or so had a strong affinity for the name Maria every time I said Maria a cold spot would appear I used it to clear the couch whenever I wanted to watch TV on house - I can't find a good link about this but I was in Denver / Kokomo Indiana during the 16th of April 2008 UFO sightings a triangle in the sky was moving south orange balls everywhere and apparently there was a crash on the northern end of Kokomo all functions of the Kokomo emergency responders came out to it but were sent away with an NDA by the feds here's a poorly worded blog post I found on it 3 this is Google's theme for today when I went to search for information on the Kokomo incident in my junior year of high school I woke up suddenly one morning without my alarm clock this never happens I sleep like a rock requiring an actual system of alarms that go off at 10-minute intervals to make sure that in case I hit snooze on one of them in my sleep I'll have a backup anyway I share a room with my sister who wasn't in the room when I woke the light next to my bed was on placing me in a little circle of light in the middle of the darkness of the rest of the house usually the kitchen light is on because my mom gets up for a work I got up and went out through the living room and kitchen in the dark I headed toward my parents room because I couldn't figure out where my sister might be at their doorway I turned back to check the bathroom in my brother's room the bathroom was dark and empty and my brother wasn't in his bed he usually didn't get up until later than us because he was in middle school there was no reason why he would be up I went back through the house toward my parents room thinking they all must be in my mom's bathroom while she was getting ready the bathroom light was off my parents bed was empty I freaked out and went back toward my room where the only light in the house was as I passed the living room in inhumanly tall thin dark figure warped from the hallway to directly in front of me it wasn't physical more of a shadow but it bore down on me and then circled me faster than any creature could have it was gone almost immediately and I was so freaked out that I didn't even notice until I got back in my room that all of the normal lights were on the kitchen the bigger light in my room and one in my parents room my sister was in my room when I entered standing in front of the mirror I was so confused and shaken that I didn't say anything to her I just went to my brother's room where he was sleeping in his bed when I went back out I saw my mom in the kitchen the only way I can explain this is that I never did wake up the fact that I felt like I had woken up so suddenly as the first clue to that the shadow thing could have been my fear making the anthropomorphize something inanimate enhanced by the fact that I was sleeping in the first place I was renting an apartment with a guy I'll call fat Pete on this particular weeknight night I was upstairs in my bedroom with the door shut at about to fall asleep but I kept hearing rustling in the kitchen downstairs drawers and cabinet doors seemed to be obsessively opening and closing this went on for about 10 minutes and I was beginning to get frustrated because I was trying to get to sleep and I figured fat Pete was on another drinking binge in now looking for food or cooking I didn't want to go downstairs and confront him because he was a big fat jerk and I all I wanted to do was get to sleep a drawer would open I could hear the knives and forks jostled about then the drawer would shut same thing with the cabinet doors open shut open shut when you live in a place for a while you get to know sounds pretty well and I was certain this is what was happening just about the time I decided I couldn't take it anymore I began to get out of bed but heard him shout to his girlfriend who was staying with him that night there here and he bounded out of his room and down the stairs he had called the police because he and his girlfriend heard the noises too they had peeked out their door saw my door was shut in the lights downstairs were often decided it must be an intruder he grabbed his keys ran to the door and unlocked it - cops burst in and fed through our small apartment there was one back door bolted shut with a key as was the front door and no signs on forced entry in fact being a drafty apartment I had temporarily sealed all the windows for the winter with a kind of shrink wrap plastic film that has made taut and transparent when you hit it with a warm hairdryer there was no way someone could have gotten in those windows without leaving obvious evidence the police searched the place and found no one there was no possible way anyone could have gotten in or out with the key bolted doors and sealed windows the police found no evidence of entry either I heard the noises independently of him and his girlfriend so what the hell was it a few stories sorry it's turned into a big TL DR one I was out with a buddy found the time family guy first premiered and on the drive home we were talking about it how we didn't like it as much as the sim spawns but that it had potential yada yada yada I dropped my buddy off at his house head home a very short drive away I wake my wife up from a deep sleep she says she had a dream that I was out with this buddy and we were talking about the family guy and how it was good and showed potential but we didn't like it as much as The Simpsons there were other things she recalled him the conversation pretty much verbatim neither of us had a cell phone on us we were in a car and I got home so fast there's no way he could have called her to relay it it sent shivers down my spine on a couple of other occasions she did pretty much the same thing knowing exactly what was going on when she wasn't there only about three times total but it was very freaky when it happened to another oddity when I first moved to Toronto to work for IBM I met a fellow on the plane and we started chatting he was also going to house hunt for moving to work for IBM no big coincidence there but then one thing after another kept showing up as a parallel driving around Toronto independently we kept showing up at the same places at the same time again not totally unsurprising looking at the same for rent ads we ended up independently renting the apartments above / below each other we got to know each other a bit both our fathers worked in Foresti both our mothers worked in hospitals we both had wives working in the financial sector he had a cat named Mookie we had a cat named Mookie WTF just wandering around Toronto he and his wife I and my wife would frequently stumble across each other not in itself bizarre but with the frequency it happened combined with the other stuff kinda seemed odd over the next 10 years or so I moved away to another province on about three occasions we ended up on the same plane running into each other at the same conferences etc at that point we just kind of laughed it off as no big surprise there it was becoming so commonplace looking at some University old grad photos about 10 years later I noticed he was fairly prominent in the background of a few photos of me and my few family members not quite photobombing but prominent enough in the background of a small group photo that it seemed strange especially given the other coincidences we were in completely different disciplines to commerce versus engineering again nothing specific that is that surprising but an incredibly number of similarities that makes one scratch his head 3 I've also experienced seeing a huge triangle that blacked out the sky moving slowing with lights at each corner this seriously freaked me out I heard many reports of the same the next day in the direction it was headed I guess the black triangle thing isn't that unusual and probably had to do with military stuff but damn it seemed huge to me and totally silent for other than that the creepiest thing I experienced was when I was young being afraid of the dark and my sister let me sleep in her bed with her shut up you pada bear folks it wasn't like that in the morning light as the Sun was just rising I remember seeing her door open by itself her dresser drawers open and close by themselves and then the bedroom door closed again it was very disturbing at the time but I never said anything about it and had kind of written it off as a bad dream or something 10 years later or so talking with my sister about strange phenomenon she described the exact same experience which we had never discussed between us before another spine-tingling moment maybe it didn't actually happen but the independent shared recollection is an interesting mystery nonetheless five more recently my girlfriend not the ex-wife mentioned above was staying over one night and in the morning she told me she had a dream that her mother had died and came to her in her sleep to say goodbye you know where this is going the call came a bit later that morning and her mom had suddenly passed away during the night she hadn't been in ill health or anything six night after having our kitty put down for severe illness my wife and I are laying in bed all windows closed and the bedroom door creaks open all the way like it used to every night when kitty would push it open and come in no breeze no open windows quite a new house the door just opened by itself never did it before and didn't do it since just that one night after we had kitty put to sleep seven bought an old house possibly a good chunk of 100 years no one can really tell us bought surprisingly / incredibly cheap during Halloween we heard a couple of kids on the street saying I'm not going to that house which creeped us out a bit I knew the former owner was someone's elderly parents / parents but I never got into details of why the house went on the market it was in good shape and a great deal $19,000 CDN winter evening girlfriend downstairs taking a shower I'm upstairs in the bedroom working after her shower she comes up asking why I was banging violently on the bathroom door while she was in the shower um I didn't and I didn't hear anything and it's a small house maybe chalk this one up to the cats or a water hammer in the pipes never had that happen though that we've noticed she swears it was me banging on the door I know I never went downstairs nor did I hear anything one of my kids during a weekend visit left a large career manual from school here listed every career possible salary ranges etc big book I knew she'd want it back next time she was over so I carefully set it on an end table in the corner next morning it was on my coffee table open to a page partway through no one else was home maybe some bizarre wind maybe the cat was learning to read maybe I sleepwalk slash read or maybe the spirits think I have a future in the oil / gas industry I've actually subsequently taken on a contract closely tied to the oil / gas industry 8 okay more I was resigning from a fairly long-term job seven years long for me where I worked remotely most of it I flew up to meet with my boss and resign and such my wife and I were joking beforehand that I should pull a Jerry Maguire and give a big rambling tirade on the way out I'd never do that I love the company I worked for but it was a funny thought and the movie was popular at the time on the drive back to the airport I go to give her a call to jokingly tell her I did the Jerry Maguire thing apparently I misdialed and I get an answering machine you have reached the residence of Gerald Maguire blah blah blah WTF looking it up in 411 after I got home there was indeed a Gerald Maguire whose phone number was the same as ours with two digits transposed bizarre coincidence I had a 200-pound square solid dresser tip over and crashed to the floor at 3:00 a.m. while I was right next to it I was lying in bed with a laptop less than two feet away and saw something move out of the corner of my eye I looked up and passed the glare of the LCD I could see the shadowed corner of this huge ass dresser tipping up and it was so impossible that I just sent there staring blankly at it thinking if I thought at all I'm not really seeing that that isn't real time seemed to slow to a crawl as this huge heavy dresser silhouetted in the hallway light teetered up on its two front legs leaned past the center of gravity swayed out and then landed with the most terrific crash it shook the whole apartment I bet the neighbors were pleased it scared me into a state of catatonia I just sat there as my boyfriend raced into the room asking me what had happened and I couldn't move or speak I just looked at him then turned over in bed and sort of went to sleep from fear something I haven't done since childhood there was no explanation for that two people had to work together to move it anywhere and I was sitting right the duck there and watched it tip out and over it was against an outside wall in a second-floor apartment that thing moved by itself nothing else could possibly have moved it short of an earthquake and there wasn't one in that same apartment we had a container of coffee fall off the microwave with no one in the room just tipped out and there was Fianna fan across the floor that one's harder to call unexplained because no one was there and i guess it could have been natural but that dresser no way that was strange I'm soon to be studying chemistry at Oxford atheist consider myself fairly logical when it comes unexplained phenomenon but dowsing I must say confuses me somewhat I've been interested in archaeology for a while to the point where I've helped with a few local digs those who've seen the beginning of a dig site will know that you take the first few layers off of a potential site with a digger so we were getting one in however before you do any digging you have to look up water pipes and electrical wires in the immediate area so that you don't accidentally hit on and get sued archaeologists are poor enough after all unfortunately due to bureaucracy we didn't get the files on time so there wasn't really much we could do when the guy came with the digger this guy however said oh it's fine and took out a pair of coat hanger rods cut into two equal lengths and bent into L shapes he proceeded to wander around for half an hour making notes on his clipboard when he had finished he showed us a rough sketch map of all the water pipes in the area we assumed he'd been working on this batch before and remembered the area but he assured us that no he'd simply used the dowsing rods to search for the flowing water obviously my superior in the nicest possible way said that we would have to wait for the official plans before we could legally do anything secretly thinking it was a bunch of BS he just shrugged and left a couple of days later we got the plans and well recognized them now the drivers plan wasn't perfect it missed a couple of pipes completely and the ones that were there were far from perfect but the were very alike and in a field the size of ours that's quite impressive surreal so for the rest of the dig that summer every time we got a new set of untrained volunteers they were sent out across the field with similar rods which we made out of coat hangers as well in a long line not watching each other just waiting for the rods to swivel and connect most of the time they stopped in what could broadly be described as a line alone the areas that we knew there should be pipes around it could just be psychology or some unconscious hint the guy running it was accidentally giving but well in the face of such scientific anecdotal evidence I found it hard to remain so skeptical I don't believe it's magic or part of the paranormal but I do believe there is something unexplained going on that nothing I've read of can satisfy I was on the phone talking to my girlfriend prompt 14 at the time and she was playing with a Ouija board she was telling me she was communicating with this guy spirit who had died in a car crash yeah yeah I said so I hear this swearing sound over the phone I inquire and she replies the pointer is going around and around really fast it usually means the spirit is Angie she asks the spirit why is he mad and he spells boyfriend she denies being my boyfriend apparently the spirit has a crush on her which she had discovered during her little talk with him so I'm here sitting on my couch randomly flipping through channels I tell her I don't see why plays with dumb stuff like that I hear the swearing again she asks again why the spirit is mad and she gets the same response boyfriend she tells the spirit again that she's single which is followed by the spelling ly she asks how do you know so she starts reading the letters from the board G L o s c-- o-- w babe what does Glasgow mean I don't know I reply I'm sitting here listening over the phone to this I've happened to stop the channel on wheel of fortune it's the bonus round and the guy is just starting to reveal the answer Glasgow I think I sat there staring blankly at the screen wondering if they were watching TV at the same time to try and explain how she came up with this word my girlfriend lived out of the city at the time her family didn't have cable TV that night as I slept in bed I rolled over and turned looking at my closet I started to see this bright yellow flashing light turning on and off mind you my friends and I used to steal these yellow flashing lights from the construction zones near our house and the only way to turn the lights off was to physically remove the lid from the battery enclosure I had this thing completely disconnected sitting on my shelf and it started flashing in a dead of the night I ended up just putting the covers over my head and falling asleep craziest thing to ever happened to me TL DR version guys girlfriend used a gia board to contact spirit who predicts Wheel of Fortune bonus word something scares the crap out of God at night my wife's is sensitive to paranormal stuff so things are happening all the time around here this past week we lost a very beloved cat and had four ghostly incidents we had just found out the cat had a tumor and my wife was taking video of me with the cat on my lap an orb descended from the ceiling and shined across the area of the cat where the tumor was the following day with the cats health fading he was laying under the dining room table and my wife went under there to be with him she said their heads were four or five inches apart she heard very clearly the sound of tiny bells ringing right there in the small space between their heads the cat heard it too the next day we dropped him off for surgery to remove the tumor and returned home a few minutes before the cat went under the knife my wife saw two orbs go across the room she grabbed her camera and started shooting video saying I saw it in motion if if you're here please show yourself when we play back the video we could hear a woman's voice loudly whisper hear me it's kind of superimposed over my wife's voice but very clear and distinct the final incident happened a few minutes after we got the phone call telling us the cat didn't survive the surgery we were sitting on the floor with our other cat and my wife felt a very distinct nudge in her back exactly like the cat who just died used to do I was the biggest skeptic in the world until I started living with my wife and when she would tell me things she saw or heard I would always try to offer some rational possible explanation but my own eyes and ears convinced me this crap is real the thing that enlightened me happened before we were married we had just laid down to bed and turned the lights off it was no more than a minute later that we both heard a strange sound emanating from two corners of the bedroom up near the ceiling it sounded like something warping and from another dimension the sound built to allowed crescendo and at the instant it stopped the lamps on each side of the bed came on yeah I was freaked but so many things have happened over the years were almost used to it stuff has happened in different houses so it's not the location it's my wife he whole family is sensitive to paranormal events a few years ago I was home visiting for two weeks from college and my cat of 14 years got severely sick I did / spent everything I could but the day after I left I got a call saying she had died fast forward to last year I'm living back at home and have two new healthy cats plus the family dog who came to us as a puppy seventeen to eighteen years ago same time that we got my old cat I'd been having weird experiences with animals since my old cat died nothing big just we seemed to connect better and two things happen that year that really freaked me out I was going on a trip to Canada again two weeks and I was putting on my shoes in the living room as my family put my bags in the car my dog and I hadn't had a good relationship for the last decade or so he bit me in the face when I was a kid completely my fault since then we've been more like acquaintances but for some reason he came up to me and sat down on my foot he panted for a bit then looked up at me like goodbye and let me pet him I told my family I thought he was going to die while I was gone he did purely accidental in an awful way I got to call the day before I was scheduled to come back Leslie my sister got a new puppy for her kids about a month after our dog died I came over to see him he was a healthy happy puppy but I got a weird feeling about it I told my sister I thought he was going to die a few days later he did from an illness the pound had neglected to inform her he had those two things really freaked me out they were both heartbreaking but also extremely unsettling my mother likes to remind me about the night before I left many years ago and how my cat had climbed the stairs to stay with me before I left despite having not eaten in a few days and being very weak she says she give me a gift my mom's real old-school about stuff like that I don't really believe her but I thought it fit here at it note my sister got another puppy they had me come by the house before they showed him to the girls I got no weird feeling and he's still alive I thought that was funny that they depended on my okay I must have been 12 or something a couple of friends and I were going up to the mountains on a winter day to spend a weekend at a cabin someone was having a birthday on the way we stopped by an in-n-out joint to get some food but there was a huge line even by in-n-out standards so we ended up leaving the place later than we expected so we continued driving up but due to the weight we didn't even get to the altitude the snow started it until it was nightfall a round desk all the young girls in the car suddenly all at once stopped talking finally one of the girls broke the eerie foreboding silence drive carefully I don't know why but I'm getting a really bad feeling as if something awful is going to happen thirty minutes later in the thick of the night well a three-car pileup happened one of the cars almost went off the side of the mountain luckily no one was hurt the front of the car we were and was absolutely trashed it was just so weird all the girls were talking singing along to the music when at the same second we all stopped singing and talking then the feeling we all had it's one I'll never forget a combination of a nut in the stomach plus some kind of bizarre paralyzing fear it's as if in the middle of the night you are suddenly awoken to air-raid sirens and you know the sirens aren't going off for some drill you know that an air-raid is really about to happen imagine the fear you'd feel in that situation that's what the girls and I felt I was traveling extended road trip in the 70s and had car trouble my clutch started slipping I didn't have enough money to take it to a shop and I didn't have any automotive tools so I walked up town where I happened to be to get some coffee and consider my prospects when crossing a random street I looked up the block and saw an innocuous brown paper bag sitting on the curb I had the impression that it contained that tools I needed but thought that's so exceedingly improbable that it's irrational and continued up to the cafe but the impression not on me so I resolved to look on the way back the sack contained a 3/8 snap-on swivel ratchet several metric sockets I had a VW a compression tester and a couple of open end wrenches seems like there was something else too but I don't recall I did fix the car and kept it running for ten years till it finally rusted apart I still have them and have wondered who left them there if anyone recognizes the contents tell me the street and city and I'll send them to you with many thanks another time I was working in a farm shop and had a vision that I was flying into a flock of quail I put grain out for them and there was a flock in the field outside I walked over to the door and was wondering what the vision was about when a falcon flew from about ten feet up in a tree to my left across the drive and took a chick the others scattered I always suspected that the hawk used me for a stalking horse because the quail were used to seeing me and would have had their guard down but it doesn't explain the vision Hawks don't use words maybe that's how they communicate my experience doesn't involve aliens or ghosts or anything like that it's more of an inner experience which has confused me ever since I wake up in the middle of the night in my heart is racing like crazy this strange bright colourful life display starts happening when I shot my eyes it happens when they are open but it's way more intense when I shut them I'm seeing this strange fractal tunnel and my body feels like it's falling down through it the falling sensation gets greater and I do feel like I can pull away I opened my eyes for a short time and notice I'm sweating and shaking a lot I still see the tunnel curious I close my eyes and I start falling down this tunnel even faster the sensation is getting greater and I shake even more then BAM the falling sensation stops as I'm greeted by a giant eye it's very detailed an electric slash fractal looking it's like I've hit a brick wall and now everything just starts buzzing I feel here and see this I looking right at me a gaze that engulfs all my sensations at that point I can't take it anymore and scream and snap my body out of it my girlfriend wakes up and is wondering what the hell went on this wasn't a dream I was definitely awake haven't experienced anything like it since I'd love to know more about it though in general I have never experienced anything that could not be explained in a rational way the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to me was when I was 24 years old at that time I was finishing college and renting a flat nobody else lived with me which really suited my style since I can be quite handle about other people's mess anyway one night I found myself that I had misplaced my book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy I knew the book was in the flat so I started looking for it I spent a good 20 minutes looking for the book in every corner of the house I checked every single room at least three times but the book was simply nowhere to be found at last I gave up and turned the TV on five minutes later during a TV break I went back into my bedroom and there that the book was lying on top of the bed almost dead on the center of it now the bed was perfectly made and there was nothing else on top of it the cover of the book was black which made a stark contrast with the cream color of the cover of the bed I no I looked for it more than once on top of the bed but somehow I just did not see it up until today I simply cannot find any reasonable explanation as to why I didn't see it when I was looking for it did make me feel slightly uncomfortable well this is a story my friend once told me of when he lived in New York he lived in a pretty bad neighborhood where the cops would be called in every day this one day him and his three sister went down to the basement and saw an accordion and decided to put it in the street as they did it one that they were roughly 9 to 12 years of age later that night it was storming and they saw the accordion get struck by lighting and got a good laugh about it they woke up to find the accordion on their back porch their mother claims to never have put it there and their father wasn't at home much so at the time they thought nothing of it till the next day where they found the accordion in the closet of their room they know they didn't put it in there so who could have this next part I find hard to believe but I have never heard my friends sound more terrified than when he tells this story so apparently one night as friend comes and sleeps over and they hear an odd noise coming from the basement roughly around 2:00 a.m. what could it be my friend says as they head down to the basement it becomes louder they see a rocking chair moving in a ghostly figure playing the accordion they nearly Shack bricks as they hauled ass up the stairs my friend believes to this day that the house was haunted and has shared other stories with me okay this sounds a little crazy but since you're asking I used to smoke weed a lot in my early 20s one time I was at home smoking bong with a friend and something just didn't feel right hard to explain I just had a really bad feeling when all of sudden my friend started to choke for no apparent reason I saw a dark cloud occupying the same space as him I know how crazy this sounds let me explain I didn't see it with my eyes when you visualize something you see it in your mind that's the way I saw this cloud thing now this could have been imagination but the interesting thing is that I thought I saw the cloud coming at this moment it was nothing more to me but imagination or random visual effects in my mind because of being stoned but when he started choking at the exact moment this imaginary cloud thing moved into his body I thought okay if this is some kind of supernatural thing and the bad feeling is somehow connected to what's happening it might be possible to send it away by using slash changing my thoughts so I sat up straight and tried to visualize spreading light and thinking duck off and leave my friend alone now I looked at him and saw this cloud withdrawing from him upwards and disappear through a corner at the exact moment it left his body he stopped choking and took a deep breath we both were like WTF just happened as a teen I was heavily into psychic phenomenon to the point where I'd even managed to convince myself that I was psychic even getting actual hallucinations with out of body experiences and then I read a book by Susan Blackmore a former parapsychologist she introduced me to common sense experiments with actual strict methodology behind them surprise ending I realized that not only was an eye psychic nobody was absolute loss of the foundations of my worldview sure I wasn't very old but this had been something that was the center of how I'd perceived the world for a pretty large part of my young adult life to the point of influencing not only what I did but who I hung out with dated etc to the stay I'm pretty proud of young me for going with the truth instead of retreating back into what would have been a far easier path of denial there was some good and bad in that the bad was that I lost some friends and the girl I was dating at the time the good was that it influenced me to get into psychology after grad with the heavy focus on learning just how the human mind manages to fool itself in situations like that I went to an old university one rife with ghost stories part of it was a former woman's insane asylum you could still go see one of the shock tubs in the basement of one of the dorms classic scary story stuff I never paid much attention to it until I was visiting a friend at night in his dorm room with another friend we were sitting around talking when all of a sudden his door opens and shuts we assumed it was a draft or something even though it's a heavy door and doesn't even stay open if you let it go so we shove on it make sure it's latched the Duty's room it is tells us that happens a lot a few minutes later the door opens and shuts again we all jump it keeps doing this for a few minutes I'm about to piss myself so we all run out of the room and go to the bathroom my friend and I had to go up a floor to the girls bathroom when we came back the rooms owner wasn't back yet so we stood in the hall staring at the door nothing happened so we start to relax then as we watch the knob turns the door opens and slams shut we jumped about a mile throughout the year he had things like the door and his shades flying up for no reason I wish I had a logical explanation but I don't on my last day of work before moving to Argentina from Washington DC I walked into the metro and passed by a blind homeless man that stood in the same spot almost every day for a year I walked right by him and said sorry next time knowing there was not going to be a next time at the bottom of the first set of escalators I stopped looked into my wallet and saw a $20 bill I thought what the hell I don't need it I turned around walked back up the escalator and as I was approaching the blind man I saw a woman walking toward in his direction right behind me I put my twenty dollars into his cup and the woman dropped in a bill as well I went back down the escalators and while waiting for my train the same woman walked up to me what made you turn around and put twenty dollars in his cup it's his day I guess she looks at me and tells me that she did the exact same thing walked past the blind man turned around and put twenty dollars in his cup the two of us did this in tandem without know we were doing it until we dropped the his cup I can't explain what happened but it sent chills down my spine I have a feeling the man really needed that money that day this was in 1995 at the end of December I was driving with my brother and sister in the car we were about two minutes from my mom's house on a road I knew well it was around 10 o'clock at night a green light flashed from out of the sky onto my car the diameter of the light on the ground was about 20 feet 6 meters there were three flashes that lasted about one second with about a second between them I was driving about 35 miles per hour 50 km/h and all three flashes were centered on my car the light was bright enough that it illuminated the whole inside of the car none of us said anything until we got out of the car at my mom's house when I muttered something like that was totally insane and my brother and sister quickly agreed my mom's house was full of people over for Christmas but we walked in and said nothing about it one of the craziest experiences of our lives had just happened two minutes before but we didn't say a word about it in fact none of us even remembered it at all I left to go hang out with friends and while hanging out I remembered what had happened when I got back around midnight I asked my father and sister if they had said anything about it and neither one had they remembered what had happened but in oh yeah kind of way we told my mom and whoever else was still up the most bizarre part was how none of us remembered it walking into the house full of people yikes that was along at it but it's not over yet this story is submitted by one of the subs and a great dude named Shattuck 111 great story hope you guys enjoy IT a lifelong challenge TL DR soldier hits my wife with his car we hit him back with a legal disaster as well as his standing in the entire military bases eyes and local community understand now this all took place over around one and a half to two years and we are still going through with the later events the back story my wife and I were a long-distance relationship for two to three years before getting married in 2017 I was stationed at an army base and had everything prepared for us to start out future together by the time she flew cross state were happy in love and ready to tackle anything that life threw at us we took every day at a time I have a lot of stories but I feel this one in particular needs to get off of my chest my unit had someone get us all in trouble around September 2017 there was a harassment complaint of my old unit which resulted in an abundant full mass punishment for all of us not getting into detail we basically had to show up an hour earlier every work day for physical fitness regiments prior to regular work hours we had to all be there ready to go at 6:30 a.m. every morning for almost two and a half months straight then most of us on a basis would have to stay past 5:30 p.m. every evening before being released to our family slash personal time through the workweek now this can easily be done but almost 150 plus people who had all of their work done around 3:30 p.m. this can be another story if people are interested everything was okay at first but it slowly started draining a lot of people after the second month me included we had gotten a dog prior to that and my wife and I had a schedule when we would take her out to bathroom one last time before bed our dog was an adorable girl but would refuse to go unless she was either by the road of our apartment that had no sidewalk or the small insect infested dog park the mosquitoes were terrible note we lived right outside base I was about ten minutes away from my office at the time on a bad morning I was also currently processing out of the army through an unrelated honorable discharge which was stressing us out i luckily stayed and long enough to cover my wife's initial medical recovery costs and processes the main story around mid November 2017 my wife and I were already married for several months we had just finally gotten used to the punishment hours well one night I had it pretty bad I was working with equipment inspections for a useless group of sergeants who pushed the labor work on to everyone else all of the good sergeants and officers were downrange on deployment and that wasn't exaggerated literally the ones left behind were incompetent dildos who had personal issues at large I came home that night and I knocked out all of my house chores that were on my to-do list but I was exhausted from the 10 hours of heavy lifting in the concrete lot with the Sun beating on all of us all day I decided that I would take my feet up and relax a bit what felt like 10 seconds was abruptly ended with a loud beating on the door I quickly jumped up and noticed that the Sun was gone and it was dark outside the window I opened the door and two police officers were at the door I asked them what I could do for them and they conversation ended up something along the lines of C equals cop Oh C equals other cop me equals the lazy confused sack of crap that is me see sir we are going to need you to remain calm your wife was outside a little while ago and she was struck by a car the paramedics are tending to her as we speak me ah you what I didn't think I heard him right OC sir please sit down you might need a moment to process me are you sure you have the right person I asked thinking that might have been the case see is this your wife's ID he asked handing me her ID I lost it there was no way this could be happening my head felt like my eyes were going 1,000 frames per second trying to figure out what to do next I was in shock I didn't find out until later but I apparently clocked out for about 3 to 4 hours and she tried to wake me up but figured she would help me out a little by taking care of the dog me where is my dog I asked Oh see there was no other dog sir I was livid and scared they then proceeded to ask me two basic questions four basic domestic abuse questions I grabbed my phone and keys without thinking what to do next and headed out after the cops left as I went to the parking lot for my car I heard a whimper from the opposite way I turned around and found our little girl scared and alone with the leash portion of the retractable leash caught around a tire of an SUV parked just out of eyeshot thinking back on it now the cops wouldn't have seen her from where she was from the distance of where the accident was to where she was she was stopped by fate on her way back to our apartment by a soccer mom van luckily our dog wasn't hurt but my wife took the blow completely of a Dodge Charger I called a friend and asked her to take our dog with her for the time being and I booked it to the hospital where they had her in a stable condition they ended up flying my wife to a better hospital in or away and I called my boss and told her what happened they let me stay at the hospital for the next 12 days leading up to the following events during both the 12 day stay in the following time after till now these were the main events that had happened 1 the police report filed that night was a one-sided version as my wife couldn't say anything due to her being knocked unconscious they asked was a staff sergeant heading back to work that night and said my wife jumped out in front of him chasing after our dog our attorney compared the police report to the damage received to my wife's medical assessments from both hospitals the speed limit was 15 miles per hour he said he was following it accordingly - my wife had several bodily injuries which resulted in a titanium rod to be permanently pinned inside her right femur at the knee a complete cranial reconstruction surgery and a separated cheekbone realignment there were also foot bone fractures a pelvic fracture a small metal plate inserted to cover a crack along her eye socket and several butterfly fractures along the femur which resulted in her titanium rod needing to be inserted three from the moment we were married up until the accident we had determined that it would have been cheaper to keep my wife on the insurances standard package for coverage this meant that instead of going through the basis Hospital and Clinics for Karen practices we were covered but had to find outside clinics in the town surrounding the base on our own time and efforts this made it easier to get a break from work when she had an appointment because you are responsible for your spouse to make it to her appointments on time I had no choice because at the time she didn't have her license and I had no problem with it at this point this standard insurance coverage was why she didn't have access to the military hospital on-base for ER visits for our government insurance failed to inform us that when we got an attorney we were to fill out a third party liability form before they would initiate the medical bill payment procedures we filled it out with our attorney's office two months after this whole Hospital issue and submitted it though them but the insurance company failed to receive and process it this resulted in getting a due date letter for it to be submitted again 10 day before the one-year mark before the insurance company was no longer liable for any of the bills which was almost a year later we did get them to accept it before the due date fortunately it wasn't until her 12 day stay we switched her to premium coverage so she could have her appointments five minutes away unless drive time for her to endure any more jolts of pain than needed five we had her parents fly halfway across the state just to see her for a weekend while she was there her aunt and uncle even drove from Michigan to visit in fear her entire drug-induced [ __ ] the first 36 hours consisted of her talking in spurts in between asking where our dog was why I didn't take her out that night and that it was my fault to this day she doesn't remember but I won't ever forget the pain and realizing it should have been me I should have done my job 6:00 during the time all of this happened my wife was in excruciating pain on a daily basis we upgraded from a ten-story one-bed one-bath unit to a first-floor two-bed one-bath unit after we got out of the hospital about a month or two after she was released oh man were her appointments constant my unit stopped there mass punishment after she got out of the hospital lucky us we my primary reason of living at that point was helping her recover in her initial time at home after the incident she had to take about 20 plus minutes to get from the bed to the bathroom that was about ten feet away as her body couldn't handle the amount of movement from said pain seven the mental trauma sweet Jesus was there a lot to unpack there my wife was at her low point on several times during the recovery she couldn't handle the pain for the first few months it got bad to the point the hospital prescribed her oxytocin at a high dose requirement for a 180 day supply along with 500 milligrams IV profond tablets they pain wasn't much but she ended up breaking down at least once a week to tell me to get rid of her because I could do so much better than her she genuinely felt like she was worthless and more of a job for me to take care of outside my time in the military there were times I cried with her for fear that I would come home one night and find her body lifeless in the bathroom it scared me to the point that I immediately set her up with appointments to see a physiatrist it was along 18 months from then to now but we have shared our experiences side-by-side and the night terrors she has on a nightly basis are still frequent the aftermath my wife has since recovered she had graduated from a walker to a cane to a knee brace all the way to finally being able to walk with a few pain pills in her for up to a couple miles at a time our finances are back on track since I am now out of the army and work as a contractor on a 40 hours slash week schedule while being a year away from earning my bachelor's degree with my GI Bill my wife has just started a knee injection process that is supposed to relieve the remaining pain in her knee we are planning on having a child within the next year or two and we are finally looking into getting a house near our University the only downside is we are still having complications in my wife receiving her settlement due to the insurance company taking their time our attorneys have stated she should get it no later than the end of the summer though my wife also used to be a track runner in high school and with her injury she is no longer allowed to run to her heart's content due to her knee at this point but I have high hopes that she will recover that on a side note I had gotten out of the army around March of 2018 and had landed a contracting job working with AutoCAD related work on the same installation soon after I now work 40 hours a week while taking full time night classes at our local university on making the most money to sustain our lifestyle and will have my master's degree in two bachelor's degrees within the next three years the first bachelor's will be completed by spring of 2020 I'm doing this for her because she is the one thing in this world who drives me to be better myself every day she is taking her life one day at a time and she is doing a lot better update so on June 4th 2019 my wife woke up after I went to work that morning while I was at work and at several massively long Facebook messages from the guy's wife apparently we had told the story to everyone at the apartment the accident happened and it basically resulted in them being shunned for what had happened this woman ended up calling out my wife for being an insurance scam ur being a lazy piece of s calling me worthless for getting out of the army etc the wife called me crying not knowing what was going on as she is severely self-conscious as to what everyone thinks of her at this point this woman continued to demand that my wife publicly announced that it was all her fault to everyone and that it was not her husband's fault our attorney replied to us after we contacted him saying that since we were almost done with the processes for her settlement that there was not a thing we could to legally do but encouraged us to ignore her as if it continued we could file for a restraining order of things progressed after a while our family came through and publicly shamed her which resulted her in backing away my wife has a massive family as she is the fourth oldest of seven kids with about a half dozen aunts and uncles with full sized families as well we found out that night through reading her Facebook posts that she and the soldier had their premium for their three plus cars they owned renew and skyrocket to over dollar six hundred no Oh slash month since the husband is paying child support this expense has to come from her pocket now she had threatened that she was ready to post a copy of the police report even though it had been ruled inconsistent with the damage caused along with it lacking my wife's response to the police due to her being unconscious and unable to cooperate she had berated that the document had some sort of factual truth to being some gift from above that could in turn scare my wife to do her bidding first half the Tennessee Code Annotated section 55 eight 180 states all drivers are required to come to a complete stop and take all necessary precautions to avoid injuring the pedestrian also the Tennessee Code Annotated section 55 8 136 states drivers are required at all times to use due care to avoid hitting or injuring a pedestrian on any Tennessee roadway and the driver should use his horn if necessary to avoid colliding with the pedestrian he did not say anything of the sort in the police report so basically it is always the drivers responsibility to not hit a pedestrian period we wanted to post the entire story police report medical injuries information from our copy of the doctors signed forms and basic logic to shut this C down immediately but after five hours of holding off the entire Facebook community had shunned her and dismissed her from everything there were more details from it but I don't have an active account anymore due to personal reasons what makes it even better was that his insurance saw the reports and medical data and immediately signed off to our attorney office that their customer was legally at fault so that was the topping of looking through our records we also had the opportunity of taking him to court for more money but our attorneys warned that he could easily file for bankruptcy and risk getting kicked out of the army to avoid paying my wife out of pocket it also could have had him arrested for an involuntary manslaughter with a personally owned vehicle wife decided that the simple settlement offer from the auto insurance coverage policy was easily enough although it was the only for sure option she would receive anything compensation related she really just wanted everything to settle down as quickly as possible so here's to you soldier you took my wife's ability to run for now you should be lucky your life family and career didn't end that night just pay more attention to your surroundings and hope you don't duck up again
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 671,893
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Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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