What's the most f*cked up way you got back at someone who wronged you? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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rajat what is the most f ked up where you got back at someone had wronged you throw aways encouraged I'm immune to poison ivy so I was always up rooting it in our yard about a full acre I'd left it on this concrete area behind our garage because that's where it was near when I pulled it out hey I was unlace II , anyway I frequently walked down to a fishing pond across this canal in my neighborhood this is in south Louisiana I didn't always have a functioning bike in the walk was only about a mile a big kid probably 2-3 years older than me was a real jerk Asst he'd do stuff like ride by me on his bike and act like he was gonna high-five me but then slapped my face and ride off laughing anyway one day he did that and I went back home upset I got my water gun and was gonna shoot him if he messed with me again then I saw the poison ivy and got an evil idea in the bucket it went with some water stirred it all up good then dumped it in my water gun went back to the pond on the way back home he came around messing with me again I hosed him down and he broke my gun but man it was worth it from what I hear he didn't go back to school for almost two weeks I have one I'm about to do in a couple days see my parents suck I've been taking care of them for a while while also going to school and whatnot and still they are trying to cheat me pawn my things etc but I've become fed up with them I'm out of town at the moment but when I get back the next time they asked me to walk two miles to get them a pack of cigarettes I will walk outside around the house have a friend with a van come bring my prepackaged tea out of the basement entrance leave and stay at my friend's house for a few days until the day my train ticket is planned for then move 2,000 miles across the country and live with another friend who just got me a job rendering them worthless pill heads waiting for a pack of pell-mell menthol 100s for the rest of their sad life my sister used to beat me up steal my birthday money call me a fog in front of friends and girls I liked when mom went shopping for Christmas my sister would tell her to buy me these horrible clothes to make me look the part pretty much was just a total b TCH to me so every time I had to pee in the shower I'd pee in her shampoo and body wash all over her razor body sponge thing everything f ck you Vanessa my brother once stole my bag of Skittles and didn't admit to it so I bought a bag and opened it carefully so that I could wrestle it I took every skittle except the green apple out and replace them with em and amp em s the look on his face was priceless edit for clarification there were M&Ms and green skittles in the bag and he ate by the handful so no it would not be delicious my friend got roofied and raped by a frat fck about a decade ago at a local high-toned university despite a shitting of evidence he was never arrested never expelled never had to face any sort of penalty for this and managed to get my friend labelled or SLT who totally wanted it and was now only pretending it was our pay because he wouldn't break up with his girlfriend for her pretty charming guy really I put capsicum extract in his eyedrops fuck throw aways because I'm proud of this shit my best friend since I was 3 years old started texting and flirting then eventually sleeping with my boyfriend of seven years he was apologetic regretful and beggining for me back as was she it was a mistake they said never happen again they said until it happened again well my best friend had this obsessive relationship with a sky Billy who was so heartbroken by her infidelity he came to me he felt like a loser having just lost both his girl and his job so I hired him at my job where I was a manager we became good friends and my now ex best friend was going nuts I then started a rumor that Billy and I were dating and serious about it she saw us in a car together while I was bringing him home and went f king nuts she started driving like this psycho and texting me saying how could you do this to me why would you do this to me buicks I ignored them I dipped off the road and dropped him off at home and unfortunately had to fire him for stealing money from work all in all I got my revenge i f ked with her head i f ked with my ex's head got him all upset but never actually did the horrible act of cheating that they did but they all think I did and I'm okay with that my neighbor knocked my dad's motorcycle and simply left it on the floor it smashed a mirror and they didn't even leave their insurance details my dad refused to call the police saying they probably didn't notice yet I saw them look at it and proceeded to carry on with their usual lives this annoyed me so much I decided to call twenty taxes five Chinese takeaways and a stripper dressed as a policeman to their household for one a.m. in the morning it was a really dick ish thing to do but we all do stupid things right my girlfriend of three years that I dated through high school broke up with me my first semester of college we went to different schools and I later learned she was hooking up with one of her guy friends there anyways when we both were on break she asked me to bring back all the stuff she had given me presents sweatshirts cards et Cie so I drive to her house with all the things we've exchanged in the past three years once I got to her house I saw that she had invited all her friends over and they were sitting with her along with her parents in the garage anyways I walk up with her sh t and exchange everyone they had that smirk on their face like they were laughing at me anyways as I give her back her things I say if only I could give back your virginity the look on her parents faces was absolutely priceless and I walked out of that LANs den with the biggest smile on my face my first highschool BF was not very good with grades so he asked me to make him a fake report so he could show his parents and not get into trouble he also cheated on me with my best friend and dumped me he then promised to get back with me if I Forge the report for him I agreed up until the day when we were meant to get our reports for school I told him I didn't do it he got bashed by his dad when he got home for the string of D's and F's my so-called best friend in primary school stole my shiny pokemon cards I was only six or so at the time but that didn't stop me from being a sadistic little first grader and having older brothers well let's just say I knew how things worked guess who found out the truth about Santa the Tooth Fairy and the Power Rangers all at once don't f ck with six-year-old me I had a friend in high school who became an asshole during our senior year there were a bunch of little things that added up to our friendship falling apart but at the worst of it I pooped on his car one night real simple I just crawled up on the hood of his car and took a sh t on his windshield I just knew that he'd walk outside the next day and think what the f ck is this double quote fun fact we're actually great friends again now he still has no idea it was me at an old male military boarding school during high school there was this huge douche on my Hall we took his February's bottle and filled it with piss then took said bottle and sprayed his pillow wall Locker and opposite corner so he gets back smells urine and immediately grabs his February's and douses everything eat a dick Donovan eat a dick my past girlfriend cheated on me and her and her roommate at the time had gotten to that point in their lease where they were and super fond of each other and kept some distance her roommate was smoking hot kind of bitchy sometimes and wasn't fond of my ex so I decided to make a move on her best move ever the look on my exs face when her roommate walked me to the door in her underwear after the first night was priceless we proceeded to have hot dirty cloud SX almost nightly for next eight weeks until their lease was up and for a while after that my ex even walked in on us in the living room once kinda big ish but goddamn was it fun and there's no way I felt bad about it TL DR my GF cheated on me I have loud alsa mess with her roommates until the lease is up edit and so it came to pass that the highest voted thing I will ever post on reddit was under a throw away you know what's the most f ked up thing you've ever done thread law from another post when I was seven or eight I did a science project on the antibacterial efficacy of various soaps basically involved keeping hands dirty for a day pressing grubby thumbs into petri dishes full of agar then washing and doing the same again I'd take tracings of the cultures bigger colonies were bad smaller ones good this ended up winning the county science fair for migrate in a large metropolitan area so that was nice but before that after I'd finished the experiments but before I discarded the dishes I got into a dispute with my parents don't remember what about I thought I'll show them so I took the nastiest culture and swapped it onto their bedroom doorknob they both got sick as dogs and I had to take care of them for a couple of days served me right TL DR I waged bacteriological warfare against my parents using my science project but I told them long ago and we laugh about it now where to begin this one time I had just gotten a house outside Atlanta I was so pleased with it as it was the first time I'd had proper place to live mostly sleeping at work we're a delivery company and I don't get on that well with most of my colleagues I try but they just don't like me anyway one of them burnt down my house where he left his cigar on the floor the worst part is that no one cared not even my best friend homes I got him back though I soaked him with my ink pouch before escaping my sister was dating this guy for a while and moved in with him about two years ago she moved back home six months later because he raped her my whole family wanted to press charges but my sister flat-out refused saying he didn't mean to run sh t like that fast forward a year later the guy and a few of his friends got drunk and set off fireworks in some school buses in my hometown being drunk he immediately told my sister about it and she told me I turned around with no hesitation and told the cops he's still awaiting sentencing as far as I know his friends turned on him for lighter sentences he got kicked out of school and lost both his jobs and I am so glad I did it I was living with a guy at university who kept taking my food without even asking and never paid me back I woke up wanting to eat some cornflakes before my long day at uni but all my milk was gone that was the last straw so I went to the local shop got two pints of milk and proceeded to ejaculate into it that same night went to sleep and woke up to find that most of it was gone with a note saying I'll and pay you back it tasted a bit off confused he drank it even though it tasted off I'm picturing your run mate taking multiple sips like a milk connoisseur or something slight overtones of sperm I do believe double quote about four years ago I found out my husband of ten years was f king around with a girl he went to high school with it should be noted that they never dated because according to him she was too much of a wh ray not too kay more than one dude at a time at this time I was a full time student and he was financially supporting us and our toddler when I found out I flipped shit understandably he called me a psycho and decided he wanted to leave me for her so I quit school for a year worked two jobs paid for the divorce and supported our child by myself I ended up supporting myself through school graduating with honors landing my dream job and generally kicking ass on my own he on the other hand has been cheated on several times lives in a shitty trailer park with his wh re girlfriend and generally as a loser technically not f ked up revenge just very very sweet edit thanks for the props dudes my degree was in culinary arts I now work for an amazing catering company and him a personal chef on the side I love what I do my kid is our F king rock star and generally I am doing better than I ever thought I would didn't do this but I witnessed it I was at camp and there was this one really obnoxious kid who kept getting on everyone's nerves he was a know-it-all and a tattletale so one night we're in the bunk area and it's just me and this other guy that had the bunk across from me the little douche I had left a giant bag of Twizzlers open on his bed that was still about three strokes for fall the guy across from me noticed the Twizzlers hopped down off his bunk and said watch this he then proceeds to take every twizzler and rub his balls with them an hour later when the kid came back I had to leave because I couldn't hold in my laughter at the sight of that little bastard eating his Twizzlers when I was around thirteen stroke 14 I used to hang out with my 21 year old neighbors I didn't realize at the time that all these guys would do is convince me to do stupid sh t then run away when I got in trouble this continued until I was about 17 when I finally realized what was going on I was furious and wanted revenge but by the time I thought up a plan these guys had moved I decided I would make my move anyways these guys were sirree stoners and always had parties I went to a party once and chilled in the back in my car I had five cartons of heavy whipping cream that I had purchased six months prior I left them in the fridge until that day I took each carton and poured one in each of the air vents I had one cut from leftover so I poured it into the AC unit not sure if it did anything the smell coming from the cartons were so rancid and disgusting I had to stop myself from barfing a few times a few weeks later the house was up for sale no one would buy it because of the smell though also I heard they gave up on selling it and tried burning it down after an investigation the eldest brother was arrested for fraud and served one year in prison I haven't heard anything about them since I worked at a place during college that served sandwiches and coffee it was a cool place a lot of people hung out there and I liked everyone I worked with but my boss was the biggest asshole in the world one week on pay day he got all the employees together and told us that we wouldn't be getting paid that week and we would have to wait until next week we were fine with that but when the next pay day rolled around he didn't have the money this went on for about a month we were all working under the table and he told us that if we could we would never get any of the money he owed us we later found out he never planned on paying us we found out he was blowing his cash on cook and gambling he stopped showing up to work for like three weeks so it was just the employees running the store in those three weeks we gave away pretty much everything in the store for free literally emptied it out anyone who came in and ordered something got it for free we even had a party the one night open make and everything so he finally shows up and he looks like he has been awake for a week straight he comes in freaking the f ck out threatens to beat the sh t out of us stops throwing things around I was in the back and saw that he was double parked outside so I call the campus turn company that was literally a block away while he is freaking out at just one of the employees says hey your truck has get odhh he runs outside and watches his Escalade get towed away we all bounced out the back door and never looked back I had a loud-ass apartment neighbor that was always causing problems my wife got fed up one night when him and his drunk friends were wrestling in the parking lot while making a ton of noise and called the cops this was an angry drunk Mexican that decided to retaliate for the cops getting cooled by breaking my antenna off my car as soon as the cops leave I fumed about the antenna for a week or so when the D CK came back home drunk again of 6:00 a.m. again waking the up as he thundered up the stairs it wasn't till a couple hours later we noticed he left his keys in the door of his apartment I snuck up the stairs and took his keys right out of the lock and chucked them in a ditch a block away the best part was hearing him storm around tearing his place up looking for them you could hear a prick moving furniture and shit his truck had two separate alarms and after he lost his remotes he had to replace both of them I regret nothing when I was 7 the Monica Lewinsky scandal happened and my name happens to be Monica you can imagine what a bunch of immature kids like to call me one girl who was several years older than me whom I never talked to before kept picking on me and calling me Monica Lewinsky I asked her to stop and she didn't keep in mind that this girl was pretty big compared to me one day she was playing on this jungle gym in the shape of a fire engine and was trying to balance so I took advantage of her vulnerability and started tickling her when I noticed she didn't like being tickled and was losing her balance I continued to tickle which was probably my innocent way of being violent the girl eventually lost her balance fell down and broke her leg when I saw her later on in a cast with crutches she looked at me with this apologetic expression and never called me Monica Lewinsky again she was afraid of me a little seven-year-old girl I live in a very small town so locking your car doors is not very common one day my friend played a prank by putting dogs T under my car seat on a hot summer day so my car smelled terrible for a week at this time I was dating his sister and she would send me nude pics one day I showed him a pic of just her boobs and he got excited and asked me to send it to him I figured he was going to whack off to it so I sent it to him and then told him a few weeks later who it was six years later I'm engaged at his sister and we still have never talked about it kind of f ked up but I don't care my ex was human garbage she would continually beg for money and do nothing but yell at me and smoke weed one day I just got sick of her shit I came home from a very long day at work and noticed she had taken my Civic a very heavily modded 94 coupe a-and had gone somewhere with her friends she forgot that I had a car tacking system on the car and could locate it anywhere to within a few meters I found my car in downtown Seattle and had my buddy drive me there I had a spare key and a lawn fob so I threw her spare clothes and person the dirty parking lot drove home and blocked her number before she could even call me I even moved later that week had been planning to for a while before this incident anyway so I disappeared without a trace I used to get threatening FB messages from her brother for about a month afterwards not my revenge but my uncle got my aren't back pretty damn good they just had their first kid and he was worried my aunt was dealing with postpartum depression so when he came home she took a baby doll and catapulted it at the wall right in front of him naturally he was freaked out thinking she lost it and killed the baby she had a good laugh but twelve years later he got her back he was slicing carrots and pretended to accidentally cut his fingers off she was dialing 911 only to see him and a long-overdue fit of laughter he is a patient man now that was pretty brilliant I thought mine was good but heals takes the cake anyway I too dated a cheatin girl but I'll start by saying I'm stupid and took her back after the first time the first time she cheated it was with her ex-boyfriend I knew it was happening so I got her phone and got his number and I call him he naturally didn't know anything about it and i 100% believed him because she is a scum liar so we set it up for her to meet him in a park - which I'd be there too unfortunately the ex couldn't follow through with it and in the plans foiled but her double life still blew up in her face but the better one was I knew she was cheating on me with this dude named Tim so one afternoon I had her come over to my house she said she had dinner plans and wouldn't be around that night so I wanted to f ck her one last time so I had her bent over my bed and was f king her doggy style I took a sharpie marker that I had laying on my nightstand and while f king her rode hide him on her ass again he knew nothing about me and again her life blew up in her face not really on the fucked up level but it still makes me giggle I was cocktailing at a super-busy microbrewery that was across the parking lot from a big movie theater some stupid Twilight or Harry Potter movie came out that night so we got slammed late and it was only me working these two punk-ass guys just turned 21 saturda my tables and ran up an 80 dollar bill drinking Long Island's I overheard them talking about what movie they wanted to see so I knew that's where they were headed fast-forward to 30 minutes later they skip out on the entire bill left me a folded up $5 bill in the book when it should have been closer to $100 so I told the bartender who is six feet five and 250 pounds and intimidating as hell let him know the two shits were going to a movie he ran across the parking lot and ended up catching them in line shook them down for all of the money they had in their pockets and told them never to come back again I guess the one guy was crying it was awesome TL DR don't f ck your server over we're always listening this one's not too exciting but I thought it was funny as hell we had an old grumpy bastard living next to us when I was a kid this guy kept any and old toys I'd ended up close to his property this guy called the police on us for literally everything from two - three kids just playing in the yard - our car idling too long in front of his house so we found a hearse for a couple hundred bucks and got it parked at busted right in front of his house and left it there cops were called of course but couldn't do a thing cause it was not on his property the cars out there for three months and he finally moved away my father actually ended up buying that house and gave it to my sister where she currently resides TLDR we parked the house next to an old guy's house who harassed my family got him to move away and we bought the house I had a guy steal $300 bucks from me online via a freelancing site I paid him for work he never did long story short I found out where he lived via a fake freelancing job and asked to send a check because I'm old and don't know the entire web I found his telephone number and called it a young lady answered and I asked for scumbag freelancer she said he wasn't home verified I found a company online that breeds cockroaches I called in ordered 100 the operator asked if I wanted them pregnant or sterile I said pregnant my order was shipped I opened the box and dumped the 100 prego roaches into a post-office box and sealed that fucker quick mailed it to scumbag freelancer so he could open Nach tea in his house then I called him from a payphone and asked him how his roaches were he began to cuss me out I told him don't f ck with a fucker and hung up I dated this girl for around three years and we had the most incredibly passionate yet violent relationship towards the end we did anything to hurt each other and were doing the off-again on-again thing at one point when we were on again she had asked to do some laundry at my house and brought over all her clothes I'm talking everything three laundry baskets with the exception of the clothes she was wearing everything now it's important to know that not only was she huge into trendy and fashionable clothes but she also worked as a manager at a local thrift store in a swanky part of town where she would acquire her wardrobe so the next day she informs me she dosent want to see me that night and that she is doing a booty call with this guy I had so I took all of her clothes and donated them to her thrift store figured she could buy them back less ever wronged me and more of the wrong to buddy in high school a girl decided to stand up my best friend who was the nicest guy who could ever meet and she was far out of his League afterwards she proceeded to spread rumors and trash took him for no reason he was extremely shook up and a bit suicidal for a while and it hurt to see I took it upon myself to lead the girl on for an entire year with this plan in my mind I invited her to her senior prom and made plans for all of this fun stuff with people we knew we picked out matching clothing blah blah but all that fun stuff and then I went back after rouse and change my order I changed our plans with friends and invited someone I really enjoyed spending my time with prom night rolled around and I had a corsage delivered to her house with a note that said remember last year dot I turned off my phone and enjoyed my time with friends and effectively ruined a girl's senior prom the year in the planning TLDR don't treat my friends like shit I took a couple French classes early on in high school in my second year there were a lot of seniors that sat near me who either weren't very smart or simply didn't care enough about their grade to actually study didn't help that during every single test the teacher wouldn't stop them whenever they'd scoot over their desks to get a better view of my test I was a straight-a type student this same teacher also liked to give out little passes for wearing the school colors on Fridays things like +10 on a quiz no homework for a night and even a free 100% on a test well I finally got the free test pass and saved it for one of the easier ones when the test started I intentionally wrote down all of the wrong answers dealing so slowly enough that my half of the room would have plenty of time to do their copying and then turned it in stapling on the three 100% just before handing it in no one noticed people were pretty ticked off when they figured out why I was the only one on my side of the room that didn't horribly fail that test and teacher mentioned that it was a pretty mean way to handle it but those Punk's never cheated off my tests the rest of the year feels good man back in high school I did a bad thing and basically stole a friend's GF I knew nothing of dating etiquette let alone the man code they had been broken up for over a month only dated a month and she wanted to hang out well sixteen hour old me thought yay boobs and that was that we started dating Bob started being a real dick threatened violence a few times but never did anything he had other friends who would do random things like shut my locker before I had finished or mess with my food I did a decent job of ignoring it until they started messing with my parents car since I went to an inner-city school we all had to park on the street they'd pour garbage can content all over the car they dag the car one time they even put motor oil on the windshield there is only so much I can hide from my parents I was by no means a popular kid but I was friendly with every clique one day I complained to some thuggy friends of mine about what was happening I was told and I quote you don't need to worry about this anymore double quote I think it was later that week Bob's car was found on the front steps of the school stripped to the frame save for the license plates I felt really bad but then again I never got bothered after that sorry Bob hope you were able to recover from that and that you've found good friends and a good so this probably isn't that f ked up but I'll post it anyway I'm in the Royal Air Force and in basic training I began seeing a girl for a while then she cheated on me unfortunately we were to be on the same 18-month trade training course but I got over it sort of about a year into trade training we were both pretty drunk and she took me back to her room one thing led to another and I was asking her pretty well at least pretty well for me anyway but she seemed to be really enjoying it then in a moment of clarity I thought what the f ck are you doing Ben so as she was sounding like she was about to cum I stopped looked her in the eye and said I'm not drunk enough to f ck someone like you and I put my clothes back on and walked out she was sobbing as I left a few weeks later she failed an exam and was removed from the course never saw her again okay I'm not gonna make a throwaway for this one and hope I don't get down voted to hell a few years ago when Jay was 17 my mum was having a house built for her by a private contractor he is a very angry manipulative redneck alcoholic who basically ripped my mum off of $400 zero zero zero and built the house really shitty taking shortcuts bribed the county inspector to pass the house on all the inspections cost her about another 100 zero zero zero to fix all of his f ck ups and he also did this to about seven other people over the course of about four years he was married and had just had twins so once I found out about the extent of how much he ripped my mum off and also how he threatened to kill her indirectly thus legally if she said anything bear in mind she was the only single woman he had ripped off so he took major advantage of her trust in him to do a good job while I told my mum I could have him removed from the face of the earth but she wasn't fond of that idea so I made a fake facebook account of some woman and messaged his wife and told her he was having an affair with me two weeks later she packed up her whole house and took herself and her kids halfway across the country to lived with her parents he is now being sued by six people and as his millions of dollars in debt because his wife was financing his business but not after she left him stupid redneck jackass don't f ck with my mom I guess I'm kind of a mama's boy TLDR contractor ripped my mom off of $500 zero zero zero I ruined his marriage for revenge [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: la7dETdUBTg
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Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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