Why You Should Listen To Your Gut Feeling! - AskReddit

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he had a seizure while driving his legs were stiff and his foot was on the gas when did your something's not right here gut feeling ever save you my mom dropped my three-year-old brother off at daycare before she had to work in the morning when she got to work she had this terrible feeling something was wrong with him she ended up leaving work and drove to the daycare she found the daycare lady inside sleeping while the daycare kids including my brother were running around the pool my brother never went back to the daycare again I had a gut feeling I should pull my wallet and phone out of my purse not even 20 seconds later I get mugged the man dragged me across the sidewalk and stole my purse but all he ended up getting was a juice box and my birth-control about ten years ago working security at a site about 50 miles from home got off shift at midnight and didn't bother to change out of uniform because I was only going to stop for gas to stations in the town I was working in were open after midnight but it slipped my mind as I drove past the first one pulled into the other same brand same gas price same sort of dump entirely and just didn't like something about it nobody else around but he clerk that I could see but I decided to go back to the other one topped off and headed back out of town I get close to that station again three City cop cars two deputies and a state trooper or outside blocking the road with guns drawn turns out a city cop walked in on a robbery dude put a bullet in his vest and the store owner knocked the robber out cold with a bat before the cop could recover enough to get his gun out that would have been me in a uniform with a nice shiny badge but no body armor I smelled burning plastic early in the morning at my family cottage and almost went back to sleep I was around 15 but got up to investigate a socket on the outside of the building had caught fire and flames were shooting up the wall the rest of my family was still sleeping and there wasn't enough smoke for the alarms to go off I ran and got the fire extinguisher got my dad up and put it in his hands and pointed him towards the fire stopped it and called the fire department I went to hospital with shortness of breath and my heart racing they did a chest x-ray blood tests for blood clots and a few other tests but all came back normal after observing me overnight everything still looked good oxygen saturation was perfect my heart rate was still a bit elevated but nothing too crazy and it seemed that it was likely leftover symptoms from a bad virus that I'd had a week or so earlier the ER doctor asks me how I would feel if they sent me home and I just had a bad feeling about it all I told him as such and that I had no real basis for it except that I just felt off about it he said fair enough let's try one more test and if that comes back negative then we'll send you up to general Medicine and see if they can track something down that test was a VQ scan that found despite all other tests showing no results for blood clots I actually had a whole bunch of them in both lungs I ended up with a diagnosis of unprovoked bilateral pulmonary embolisms and him on blood thinners for a life super grateful both for the bad feeling and the ER doctor who was willing to listen to it my aunt told me a story about my dad who greatly dislikes his sister and is an all-around a-hole 98% of the time calling her out of the blue one night while she was in college she answered he said he didn't know why but he had this urge to call her to make sure she was okay she told him she was fine and thanked him for calling to check on her she never told anyone else except me and hopefully a therapist or two but she was holding the bottle of pills she was planning to commit suicide with right when he called her 20-some years later and she's very happy with her decision to live I was going to meet up with someone from marketplace to buy a phone and the feeling hit me so I called the woman and a man answered trying to play off the fact he's a man I passed by where we were meeting at and it was dark and I heard voices in the background on the phone call I never stopped the car and kept going pretty sure I saved myself from at the very least a mugging but learned a good lesson always meet in a public place in 2004 on Boxing Day not me but my mother family trip including all cousins and extended family on my dad's side to visit the coastal south of Sri Lanka on vacation about 20 people in all well-planned trip last moment my mother didn't want to go no reason at all none of us could get her to explain why but she refused to go so we went inland on a different trip to see some other relatives around midday the entire extended family now on both sides were sitting shocked in front of the television watching the very same hotel we booked being washed away by the tsunami to date she still can't explain what she felt not me but my mother saved my grandfather's life when he had a stroke in his chair in their living room we had all started to walk around the development when my mother after about 50 to 75 meters from the house said I am going to go back and check on dad I went with her and I nearly witnessed my grandfather die he was on the chair conscious but unable to move or talk just looking at my mother with bulging eyes she called 9-1-1 once then twice when she felt that they were running late ambulance came got him on the stretcher but it was too wide to fit out the door we ended up tearing the doorframe off to get him out because he was conscious he actually remembers the write to the hospital he told us later that he heard the driver or someone say there is not a chance that the sky lives that was when I was around five to six years old he is still alive to this day more than a decade later at my mother's funeral part of his speech was about how without my mother's actions he would not have been able to spend time with her during her final years of life and for that he is eternally grateful it didn't save me but saved a friend a big group of friends and I were walking home from an event in a town we weren't used to it was night and hardly anyone was around empty streets and all that we were walking down a sidewalk that it - PSA's next to it so when you turned the corner whatever was around it was out of sight one of the girls fell behind distracted by her phone I think and I noticed so I started drifting behind as well to become a sort of midway point between her in the group soon we were nearing where we were staying and our group rounded a corner then started making their way into the yard where our living quarters were I saw a car drive past us then turned the corner down the street the girl was still on as soon as I saw it I suddenly got this suspicious awful feeling so I stopped and went back to the corner to keep an eye on the friend the car drove past her stopped did a complete u-turn and slowly started creeping up behind and alongside her she was still on her phone and wasn't noticing a thing I stepped out from behind the corner and started walking towards her the car sped off quickly as soon as the driver saw me it scares me that someone could have grabbed her and none of us would have seen a thing it would have just been one of those cliche movie moments where you turn around and realize a member of the group is missing to compound that potential tragedy she'd just gotten engaged a few weeks prior I think the fact that we had worked with some safe houses in the area that discussed human trafficking probably aided in me being on high alert and the area we were in was known for that sort of thing I was 15 years old and my mom dropped me off at McDonald's to get breakfast while she went across the street to get Starbucks it was a shopping mall in suburbia and we were on the way to pick up a new kit in a few hours away instead of walking the 100 yards to my mama sat outside waiting for her to pick me up teenagers I guess as I'm standing there a guy in an old station wagon with two kids in the back starts talking to me he asks me where I'm going and I say whatever town it was he says he's going there to with his kids and asks if I want to come I tell him no that my mom is across the street and he comes closer my gut is saying something is off so I see a random woman walk out of Starbucks and I point to her and say that's my mom right there he freaked out and left really quick I still remember those two kids in the backseat they looked so off I wonder to this day if they are okay not mine but my dad's I was downstairs helping him with some woodworking when I was 10 or 11 he went to run a 2x4 through the table saw when he noticed I was at his elbow rather than behind him he stopped and told me to never stand behind a board when it's going through the saw in case it gets thrown I thought he was being overly cautious and I didn't have as good of a view from behind him but whatever I got behind him he flipped on the saw and ran the board through he only got 1/3 of the way through though when the blade hit a knot and flung the 2x4 hard enough to crash against the wall 10 feet behind if I hadn't moved it would have hit me square in the chest and could have killed me I was an unpopular kid and I always wanted to go on sleepovers but it rarely happened in sixth or seventh grade I get invited to this girl's house for a birthday party I am friendly with her but not close I go to her house and I feel weird right away her mom and stepdad were sitting in the living room smoking but being perfectly friendly the whole night I couldn't shake this feeling of oppressiveness despair and danger I spent the evening keeping my guard up and keeping an eye out for the entire family without any idea why at night the girl begs me to spend the night even though it hurt to say no when I could tell she was desperate I lied and told her my parents wouldn't let me when they said over the phone they would a couple of months later a student told me she had left the school and moved because her stepfather would molest her at night in her bed I think of her often and hope she wasn't hurt that night and hope she's doing better but I'm glad I got out my dad had to go to court to settle a way overdue payment for the place he worked at he was going to take me with him so I can be more exposed to the adult world so to speak however that meant he would have to leave the office back door unlocked so the rest of the staff could clock in he suddenly didn't feel right about it and decided to have me man the office instead he got t-boned outside the courthouse on the passenger side of the car the day the car was totaled and I would have gotten severely hurt if I was there two friends and I were filming a music video and got back to our friends house around midnight as we're walking in his back door I see the mannequin laying by the trashcan I honestly thought it was a prank at first because the alley was completely dark and the mannequin was laying perfectly under the one light in the alley I decide to check it out and my two friends come with as we get closer we realized that it's a girl we figure she's mid-20s and probably just passed out drunk cause there's a bunch of nasty bars in the area my one friend shakes her after a few shakes she comes to and has this absolutely wild animal like look in her eyes she hops to her feet thrashes at us a bit before taking off down the dark alley she's understandably afraid because she just came to in a dark alley with three dudes hovering over her as she makes her way down the alley we try to tell her while giving her space because she's acting wild I wanted to call the cops my one friend wants to help her but not call the cops and get her in trouble and my third friend wants to leave her figuring she's just drunk and headed home while arguing about what to do and keeping our distance so we don't freak her out we actually lose track of her but find her phone in the middle of the alley it's got 100s of missed calls it starts ringing so we answer it and it's an extremely an understandably upset friend who says everyone has been trying to get ahold of her she says she's not in the state but says she will call her mom and have her call us in a minute a minute later the mom calls and tells us that her daughter is 15 and went missing earlier that night she is eerily calm and nonchalant about the whole thing and says something to the effect of oh she had her wisdom teeth out earlier that dandas probably just messed up from the meds she says not to worry about the cops she'll handle them in her and her boyfriend will be by shortly to grab the phone about 10 minutes later the mom and the boyfriend show up with flashlights grab the phone and all the info we have make a few weird jokes and go off down the alley the whole thing was weird but we figure they're not worried so we go on about our night feeling uneasy the next day my buddy calls me and says the mom showed back up at his house has a full-on breakdown in his living room tells him that they found her down the road a few minutes after we met with them turns out she had down almost a whole bottle of vodka and every pill she could find in the house they had to pump her stomach and the doctors said if we hadn't found her and she would have been dead before morning the mother then hugs my friend gives him an envelope and leaves the envelope had $1,000 in it luckily we had exchanged addresses with the mother earlier so my buddy went and slipped the money back under her door I say I don't know if she made it because even though she got saved the time if she's 15 and going through that much I just don't know I think about her a lot and truly hope she's doing okay a guy definitely roofied my drink at a bar he was totally mild-mannered and not creepy at all asked me how to sign up for karaoke and pick a song sat beside me and talked casually didn't touch me once but then he pointed to something behind my head to distract me I looked away and looked back at him and he was looking away from me into the crowd of people was a very stupid way to distract someone to point an inn act like you didn't do anything as opposed to pretending to have thought you saw something then I saw him screwing one of those little canisters back shot on his keychain I asked him what he kept in there to call him out he was cold and expressionless as he began to slowly twist it back open and said there was nothing in there I stopped drinking my drink and he performed his song then I sang and he took off immediately after it was really messed up and I'm glad he wasn't very smooth or I don't know what could have happened what always freaked me out was how normal he seemed before he became suddenly cold and robotic when I called him out on that canister thing but it made me realize of course a rapist would seem normal that's how they get close enough to you to attack you I was president of a club and a guy who'd recently joined just set off my alarm bells but he never did anything wrong I still couldn't shake the feeling he was off I asked my best friend a pretty burly guy to just keep an eye on him during a conference we went to most of the club - me went to a party at the conference my best friend kept an eye on the weird guy for most of the night and ended up stopping him from raping a passed out drunk girl I pretty much always trust my gut feelings now it wasn't mine but my bosses actually it was any old day at work it was about to be dinner rush and I was tired as usual I was going to go to the dollar store to get some Red Bull I asked my manager if he wanted to split it because they were two for five dollars he said no but as soon as I reached the door he said wait I asked him what was wrong and he said I should go later he didn't give me a reason and were pretty relaxed so I told him to piss off and as soon as I pushed the door outwards I hear a sound I can't even describe aside from just breaking whatever it was it was broken that's all I knew turns out an SUV drove straight into that dollar stores front door in their Red Bull fridge my manager has annoyed me like that a million times but I'll never forget the time he saved my life with his BS I was falling asleep in the car my friend was driving all of a sudden he stops talking and I think to myself what the hell something's not right I opened my eyes and turned over dude was having a seizure his legs were stiff as hell and his foot was on the gas we were going downhill towards a busy intersection we had the red so I slammed the car in park and pulled the keys out car starts rattling making a weird noise but had gained so much momentum it was still rolling down so I grabbed the steering wheel and veered us off the road into the side of an abandoned building I opened his door and climbed over him I was able to get him out and turn him on his side the police officer that showed up was like you couldn't have done this in a safer fashion I just said sorry but inside I was like [ __ ] you thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the related playlist share your own story in the comments below and let us know how your gut feeling saved you [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 789,878
Rating: 4.9492426 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts gut feeling, reddit gut feeling about someone, reddit gut feeling stories, reddit gut feeling saved your life, askreddit gut feeling, reddit bad gut feeling, reddit scary gut feeling, r/reddit gut feeling, gut feeling stories, gut feeling something is wrong
Id: _JDc-pUx8RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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