People Reveal The Most Extreme Stories Of Self Defense (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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serious people who killed in self-defense what's your story worked for an armed messenger service those guys that drop off cash and pick up deposits from banks businesses in the armored trucks not even ten a.m. and as I was opening the door to the truck I saw a huge guy I'm not tiny over six feet and well-proportioned in the mirror meant just for this thing get out of a car and run towards me he put me in a chokehold and started grabbing for my gun he manhandled me like I weighed nothing would have easily gotten the gun if it wasn't to l-3 holster I managed to draw it press it against him and started pulling the trigger before I blacked out I have no idea what he would have done if he got the gun and I'm not used to just being tossed around like that he turned out to be blind drunk and played for a college football team did you stay in that job long after that a few more years I was there five years there were two shootings in total during my time it's not generally a dangerous job if you're on your guard I've had multiple run-ins but it was the only time I fired my weapon I was with an abusive ex who would come home drunk every night one night we had a fight b/c I had my phone on vibrate and that obviously meant I was sleeping with other ppl behind his back he left for a while and came home drunker than I'd ever seen him he wasn't making coherent sentences but he lunged left me and wrapped his hands around my neck and sat on my chest I thought I was going to die I had done some BJJ when I was younger and managed to pull me legs up under his crotch and then with everything I had I pushed him off me he hit his head on the sharp corner of a table we had in the living room and went still I figured he had been knocked out so I went outside and called the police I was gonna put his ass in jail I had the deepest purple bruises in perfect fingerprint form around my neck he would have gone to jail I smoked a cigarette outside walked back in after I calmed my nerves just to make sure he wasn't awakened coming for me he had a huge pool of blood under him it was almost black looking so I stood there trying to figure out WTF I was looking at put two and two together in the rest is history years of therapy self-defense plea open-and-shut I was back at my home country during a civil war some people started going to random villages and draft males and use them as soldiers they eventually came to our house and took me a 12 you and my brother attend lo it was a few hours drive until we eventually reached a checkpoint well he would be stationed then being animals one of the commanders took me and my brother to an abandoned building close to that checkpoint and then took off his gear and was trying to our pay my brother it was scared and in a panic and grabbed a decent sized rock and hit him in the back of the head before he can do anything to my brother he fell and I got on top of him and smashed his face over and over and over with the rock until it was caved in me and my brother then ran from that abandoned spot through some mountains and kept running until we reached a city nearby we went to a nearby mosque washed the blood off of us and told the Sheikh in that area to help us and that we were from said village - how lucky was a decent human being and returned us back to our village a few years later we moved to the US my brother killed himself two years ago and I am still in school neither me or my brother told anyone about what happened in that spot all they know is that we escaped I want to comment on this to get it off my chest since I don't have opportunities to talk about this with my friends since I'm scared of what they will think I was born in Honduras I live in the u.s. now and from what I remember it was a very deserted place I spent most of my time with my walking to this girl's house who was around 16 years old a couple other kids would come to her house in segregation was hardly accessible he would teach us our shapes animals colors act after class was over I went home and I heard my aunt scream from the kitchen coma a drowned her collar and then I remember that my uncle kept a gun hidden covered in rocks beside an old bath sobbing outside that's where we bathe he knew how dangerous it could be in this area so he prepared me for everything went around the back and grabbed it as fast as I could I went in in there stood a man with a knife threatening my aunt I didn't really grasp what was happening but I shot him without any second guesses like I was taught by my uncle I honestly still don't believe I did something like that to this day and I don't know what would have happened to my aunt if I didn't get there sooner I still don't feel comfortable talking about this to my friends but I just want to get it off my chest sorry for any grammar mistakes English isn't my first language shared this before but I was staying with my grandfather while my parents were out of state and I woke up to a noise coming from upstairs main floor I was in the basement and just knew it wasn't my grandfather he has hearing damage from Vietnam and it didn't wake him up but there was banging around and heavy footsteps I was in the room with the gun cabinet so I grabbed a shotgun and went to check it out when I got to the top of the stairs I just saw a guy in the living room going through stuff so I pressed the safety and said he needed to leave he turned around and saw my unthreatening scared as sh t 14-year old self and told me to just go back downstairs and mind my business so I repeated myself he turned around and started walking towards me with something in his hand so I fired at this point my grandpa's very awakened comes out of his room and just tells me to look away and call the police thankfully due to all the factors of him being a repeat offender having a weapon my age and castle laws it didn't go any further than the police coming and asking me questions it messed me up for awhile and I still think about it often but I got over it and realized that as unfortunate as it was I didn't have a whole lot of options at that point I've shared this before not sure if it was accidental but while in college in my first apartment I came home from work at 3 a.m. some dude was in the hallway outside my door and I had a bad feeling about it I paused and went to get the mail hoping he would leave nope I come back and he is waiting at my door I asked him what was up and he said he was looking for John my name is not John and I lived alone I asked him to move and let me in my door he told me to Frick off and get John I slid between him and the door opened it and he pushed his way in I pushed him out he took a swing at me I swung back hitting him in the eye which caused him to fall back and hit his head out cold forever apparently John was the guy who lived in the apartment before me the dead guy spent five years in jail because of John ratting him out for drugs dead guy came to get some revenge got that instead some guy tries to mug me in the street he tells me to give him my wallet I pulled my concealed carry and shot him in the leg fatal and pelvis as I pulled up my gun I grabbed his gun a snubnose revolver out of his hand and see the chamber it was empty that freaked me up for years I'm sorry you had to go through that however he was pointing a firearm at you firearms usually have bullets in them it was justified I was 12 the oldest of three brothers we were home alone one my parents were out on date night at maybe 10:00 p.m. we hear a loud banging at the front door before a man broke the lock with his shear body weight and momentum I told my brothers to hide in my room while I went to my parents room for their shotgun the whole time this guy's yelling about where are my keys and he starts coming upstairs when he heard me fumbling as I tried to load the shotgun he flung the door to my parents room open and I fell back with the gun shaking in my hands I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger twice the first one caught him in the legs and the recoil who made the second shot catch his entire torso the poor man had been drunk and lived a few houses down the way but I didn't learn that until after all I could focus on was how he was begging his mother she wasn't there not to let him die in that he was sorry he let her down as he slowly died on the floor just feet away from me I was headed to work about a half-hour late at 2:00 a.m. and lived in the bar district as I was headed down the stairs my front window broke and somebody appeared to be coming in I shot and got him through the collarbone and into his chest called the police after he was drunk and was hitting on a female bartender on her way to her car she threw him off and into my window as she was a former Marine it ended up that his family sued me for wrongful death had to sue her for damage to my property and she sued him for assault Texas ruled that she was defending herself he assaulted her and by suffering the consequences of his actions forcefully entered my property charges were filed against his estate and he was responsible for my window and damage to the property she was responsible for $500 between my time off and my deposit on bail which our insurance covered and I was responsible for his legal fees should I have shot if I knew the whole situation no but somebody seemingly coming into your house at 2:00 a.m. when you're either normally asleep or not there means you have the right to defend Castle Doctrine is a blessing when I was 13 Lowe I was babysitting my younger brother parents were out having a dinner date at the time my family lived on a dirt road away from the city quiet place so my parents didn't think much of leaving me alone with my 9 yo little brother for an hour or two I was putting him to bed when I heard a knock on the door this knock was loud and he banged several times before stopping for a moment then I heard glass shatter I immediately grabbed my 22 long-rifle my parents got for me hidden my little brother's room behind his bed with rifle mounted at the door told him to hide under the bed and make no noise whatsoever no matter what happens I had forgotten about my cell phone on the kitchen table halfway across the house I remember thinking to myself to protect my little brother at any cost I heard a lot of noises coming from inside my house first in the kitchen then living room then my room then finally the whole way to my little brother's room as the door opened I seen an unfamiliar guy he quickly seen me then rushed me as there was a good 5-10 steps from the door to my brother's bed I fired all the rounds in my rifle five rounds if anyone is wondering I just remember him dropping on the floor with a loud thud my brother crying and allative blood I called my parents after which they called the police after talking with my parents they told me the police said that the guy was our next-door neighbor and a registered sex offender most likely was staking out the house and he noticed we were home but our parents weren't honestly it hasn't affected me as an adult I did what had to be done and I don't regret anything needless to say any future dinner dates my parents had back then they brought us along which was nice I was a door gunner in Iraq for a Hello squadron our main mission was casualty evacuation 99% of the time we didn't fire weapons either we didn't take fire or those shooting at us were too far away to actually hit us point being we typically were not shooting at anyone one mission I happened to be on involved grunts taking fire we were nearby and they radioed us for cover fire from the air it was just shooting a green patch on the ground however after the fight we provided the evacuation supports for the wounded one of the wounded was an enemy combatant that couldn't have been older than 16 maybe younger there isn't a day that goes by that the image of him doesn't flash into my thoughts one night I was walking home pretty late like 2:00 a.m. and the more I was 16 at that time and I happened to pass a bar one drunk old dude said hey come here and buy me a beer I started to walk faster and pretend I didn't hit him right after that he jumps on my back train to choke me managed to fall hard on my back he was still piggy riding me unfortunately when we fell he hit his head on the curb happened last week guy broke into my house and I woke up when I heard noises in the hallway I took my gun out and yelled through the door for him to get out and that I already notified the police he barged into the bedroom holding a knife five seconds later I shot him twice in the abdomen and he died in the hospital I still feel pretty conflicted about this it's hard to describe but I do feel bad about doing it he had a family after all on the other hand I figured it was him or me and my girlfriend and I had no other choice I do think it'll need a few more weeks to truly sink in but I can tell you I haven't slept well since I'm also constantly distracted at work right now the police told me I was lucky to wait until he went into the bedroom with a weapon as otherwise I could have faced manslaughter charges as it is it's gonna be lawful self-defense this was a few years ago I was going back to home after a visit to my bank I realized that someone was following me I tried to ignore it first but he kept following me I changed my direction so that I don't go near my home then to finally confirm whether it was real I pretended to tie my shoelaces the guy took this as an opportunity and lunged at me realize what was happening just in time I stood apparently he bumped into me and I felt down again I thought I was done for but the guy felt down too on the road and got run over I have a fear of roads ever since then even when I am driving I know it doesn't make sense that I would develop a phobia of roads after this but that's what happened just a quick comment from a former police officer these things are never planned for they happen spontaneously and when you least expect them people never feel good about killing someone even if they were right there was one thing that always seemed to amaze me many of these perpetrators even after being fatally wounded i.e stabbed or shot through the heart for instance and sometimes run away and be found as much as a kilometer away from where it happened people don't just drop dead instantly as they do on television bTW for people not from America there are places here that are so isolated that there is effectively no law enforcement no patrols and even when called police or sheriff deputies can take an out arrived it's just a very big place though people are expected to be able to fend for themselves until help arrives we like to say common 911 when seconds count help his only minutes away coma I was 16 at a time and my parents were on holiday at this time my 21 year old brother was looking after me I hanged the sight of blood and just the thought of it makes me light-hearted my brother went down to the grocery store with his girlfriend to get some food for the next few days about 5-7 minutes after they leave I hear a quiet fumbling coming from downstairs thinking it's a possum or something I walk downstairs with a water squirt gun to scare it off I was used to the and they hate water anyway I get downstairs right as I hear a metallic thud and a bang against the front door I run back upstairs and get my parents handgun from the safe in their room and go back downstairs quietly I hear a bang again as a person tries to break the door and I start shooting the door where it flexed I hear a thud and run to the phone and call the emergency services it turns out that the deadlock quite literally saved us as it was old and was what funded on the outside a 34 year old man who had been drinking at the time saw my brother leave from the garage and saw no other cars and thought it would be smart to break in he had a history of drinking and AG related charges so it was open and shut I didn't dare step outside for a few days after because of the weight of what I had done and didn't go to school for a few months following I live with my girlfriend let's call her Leila so one day Leila had to take care of some family business so I was left alone keep this in mind there's a gun upstairs my puppy is sleeping and all but one door is locked that night somebody decided it would be okay to not even walk through the unlocked door but break my girlfriend's window of course my puppy woke up and barked right near my ear the shattering glass obviously scared a sh t out of me and I ran upstairs to my closet grabbed the gun and looked in each room to see where the glass was broken and it did not take long as I found out it was in Leila's room when I burst in the man was brushing glass off his pants I froze for a moment I then remembered we were on the second storey and since he was still by the window I pushed him out of it and ran out and called the police I did not have to even hold up my gun which I'm glad I did not I was not charged for murder and I think I have learned from it Leila and I have moved to another state and our puppy is doing good I'm scared to stay home alone though and I get really paranoid my separation anxiety does no help either I have zero idea why the man was at my house posted on a different thread a while ago but it fits this one too so he goes I didn't kill a person but my neighbor's dog animal death warning for anyone who's bothered by that stuff it was one of my neighbors retired police dog German Shepherd and had been having issues with PTSD it became very aggressive towards other neighbors and actually broke my elderly neighbors armed by chasing her down and using her forearm as some personal ragdoll the community wanted it put down after that incident but the owner just said she muzzle the dog i straight-up told her if that dog ever attacked anyone in my family I had young siblings I would kill it all was good for about 2-3 months until one day when my two little sisters ATO and 6e oh we are outside playing and I heard them stop screaming I ran outside and this dog had them trapped on the playset in our front yard it was a wooden castle type of structure and they had climbed up on top of the roof so the dog couldn't reach them I grabbed my elder brother's aluminum baseball bat and went over to confront the dog didn't have a muzzle on and seemed very angry I yelled at it and it charged me so as it jumped at me I just swung at it and made contact with it said that killed the dog immediately dogs owner was P said cops were called my parents and other neighbors back me up nothing more happened we moved away a few months later after she adopted another dog my grandmother knew a woman that slowly killed her abusive husband he was diagnosed with cholesterol and heart problems so being the dutiful wife worked out healthy meal plans stopped buying butter etc this was the 80s so different advice then after one or two meals he got all verbally abusive to her comma this is rabbit food I want steak I want bacon sandwiches I hate brown bread she snapped gave him what he wanted it isn't her got healthy food husband died in his late 50s early 60s whole load of obesity overweight problems wife was a new woman volunteered in the local charity shop joined an art group walking clubs etc a lot of the older people disagreed with her suddenly having a new life because she was the subject of a lot of gossip throw away because I don't want the hate mail clogging up my main account I'm a cop who was forced to kill a suspect been an officer for six years at that point and was working patrol I pulled over a vehicle that was swerving a little bit traffic stops are always dangerous not only do you have to worry about the fact that you don't know what you're about to face but you also have to worry about getting hit by a car while standing with your back to speeding traffic usually the traffic is the biggest danger and I was already worrying about it because that particular road was a little dangerous and I got to the driver's window I remember that he was sweating profusely that was all I had time to notice before he brought his right hand into view and fired three shots at me I jumped back and returned fire on reflexes alone not gonna lie if I hadn't just used the bathroom I would probably have pee said my pants instead I fired five shots called it in saw him move his hand and fired five more if he'd taken a split-second to aim it wouldn't be telling this story I can only speak for my father who passed he was 17 and was working for a drug dealer in New York City a guy at a dope house he went to jumped up and ran at him with a knife he was stabbed before and said if anyone tried it again he would kill them he shot the guy twice in the chest he then went over and finished the mag in his face he went from self-defense to manslaughter and got eight years stayed for 12 his childhood was seriously very very flicked up he was a sociopath that was environmentally caused he did a lot of bad t but he BH if I had his childhood I wouldn't have survived not sure if this totally fits but who goes my older brother who was adopted at 14 told me this one he didn't have a stable home life in Mexico abusive father apathetic or malicious relatives so on and so forth he didn't explain things in too much detail but his uncle who had a surly assaulted my brother went after my brother's brother one night he remembers waking up and see a figure on his brother's bed that's when he grabbed the baseball bat beside his bed and hit his uncle twice once on the back and once on the head his uncle slumped over and then what was done was done they hid him under my brother's bed for a while before burying him he claims that nobody ever found out what happened to his uncle and swore me to secrecy as well I was in Iraq during the invasion we were exhausted from weeks of intense combat and extremely fatigued once we reached Baghdad we were tasked with restoring the order and basically providing police force one day we were chasing some guys who had grabbed some weapons from a cache and were trying to get away we were dispatched to intercept I was a saw gunner at the time and usually tasked to operate in the turret back when tows were part of cap teams anyway they were in an alley and I needed to cut them off from the adjacent street I ran in front of the men with the weapons and they tried to scare me by stepping on the gas in front of me I was exhausted and extremely angry from the weeks of combat because of this I rammed my m249 muzzle into the windshield to express my authority and anger to stop them from advancing when I did this the sear on the bolt slipped and a 5-7 round burst let loose into the drivers chest and face I was devastated l as my intent was to scare him instead of kill him self defenses what I plead while I haven't had any experiences like any of these these stories really make me wish I had the money to invest in security I've broken into my own house due to being locked out in the winter garage door wouldn't open because it was so cold and I know it isn't hard at all to do we have a bad habit of leaving the glass door unlocks which I am going to quickly change I live on the outskirts of the happy college town but even here there's badge tea that's happened when I was 13 my family mom dad me were driving home from a namaz mint park it was about 12:00 at night and it was a 30-minute drive we got home to notice a light all night we had never Don before my dad says wait here and then he enters the house about 20 seconds later he screams which makes me into my mum go up to see what had happened we find both of our dogs dead in a corner of the room piled up like trash my dad grabs a kitchen knife to which I do the same he rushes upstairs and I follow as we enter their room we see clothes scattered everywhere with blood all on it I noticed my dad gasped and enters the closet then I heard a noise come from my room I walk away from my dad wish I stayed with him to follow the noise I hear my closet make a creak I enter prepared for anything I raise my knife to see a guy dressed in black with a ski mask holding a gun to my face I quickly react and smack it away from my face and stab him in his neck I run out of my room to my dad to see the guy dead on the floor and blood everywhere we call the police and found out that he had a criminal record and they were looking for this guy for a while to this day we are moved and I can never get over what I did I know if someone that was in their mid-teens back in the 1960s in Kentucky that had an older friend John that was in his 20s and was basically his big brother some other guy Cletus had some random beef with John and tried unsuccessfully to get in to stop sites but John just defused and walked away they found John alive short nine times with an eight millimeter pistol on the side of the roads next to his truck where someone had apparently cut him off stopped him shooting John got out John said he couldn't remember who did it they found Cletus in his truck a few on the later idling at a stop sign with a head that had been spattered all over the inside of the cap of his truck I am animal lover I hated harming animals but in Australia it's hard to be nice to them one day I was walking home from tennis practice and a two meter long jiu zhai - peered in front of me now anyone should know this but if you have a snake in front of you don't try to run it will keep chasing you if you do so this jiu zhai just appeared in front of me and i had planted my feet on the ground and slowly backed away but then it bared its teeth I either had to die from snake venom or crush the snake's skull with my ratchet based on the title of this post you know what I chose this really made me upset I cried my way home and my mum told me that if I hadn't done that it would have eaten me I will never forget what I've done I will always shed a year when I see a snake I am sorry little big buddy I was walking home from the rec center when I was 15 it had gotten a lot darker due to daylight savings and I didn't realize the time I lived in a bad neighborhood I was going home and this guy in the alleyway attacked me he started beating the sh t out of me and robbing me I still don't know why he just didn't take his gun out and shoot me anyways I started fighting back and wrestling this guy somehow the gun got knocked about two feet away from my head he was on top of me beating me and choking me I started feeling around and there was this pretty pointy rock that was next to this trashcan I grabbed it and punched him with it's in his ribbon then again to his jaw I shrink tout and crawled towards the gun as I had it I rolled over and shot him three times and just laid there for a few minutes trying to process what the Frick just happened this is hard because it was a German Shepherd that attacked me and it wasn't the dogs fault its owners had trained it to be a guard dog by basically just tormenting it and starving it they were supposed to keep it on a leash on their property but they let it off all the time and it would attack random people one night I was walking to my gfs house and it and the other less aggressive dog they had rushed me it left but didn't knock me down and just had its paws on my chest I squeezed and twisted its paw until it screamed and backed down I started carrying a knife after that another night it rushed me but I sliced its nose before it could get close the last attack was during the day my dad and I will walk little dog and both German shepherds came at us over the fence on grabbed our little poodle and started shaking it I assumed it was the aggressive one my dad and I both just started kicking it and stomping it I heard its ribs crack I think my dad kicked in its skull our little dog was okay it was bleeding pretty badly on both sides since the Shepherd's jaws wrapped all the way around it but he didn't have any serious injuries starts with I was the DD for the night we were draw straws on who stayed sober and drove well I was BD so I had my pistol on my lawfully I went into the parking garage to get my truck I had door open when I heard some pretty fast footsteps behind me I tuned and had a man charging me with a knife I pulled my gun out and hit him twice both in the chest area I called 911 I took my shirt off to help slow the bleeding he began to tell me he had a wife and kids at home I looked him in his eyes and told him he should have thought of them beforehand he died before the cops even got there the crazy two days and I regret nothing I like to tell people about his hoping it will get to someone thinking about robbing someone to save a life there is always another way I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard something I got up and walked downstairs I still heard some noise I was super scared as I had never been in such a situation before anyway I saw the robber holding a knife he didn't see me at first but after I grabbed a baseball bat he came at me I didn't know what to do so I just swung the bat as hard as I could I could hit his skull I heard a sickening crack [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: y_FV_1qna3s
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Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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