Gut feelings that saved people's lives

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read it have you ever had a gut feeling that something was bad so you left only to find out that something bad actually did happen I would always walk down the hallway in the night without turning the lights on one night I get to the end of the hallway and have a certain urgent feeling that I need to turn the lights on I go all the way back to my room and turned the hallway light on and go back just in front of where I had decided to turn around was a huge and deadly tape and snake making its way from one room to another across the hallway if it had bitten me in the dark they wouldn't have been able to get me the correct into venom yes this happened in Australia AFI in Australia this was one of my recurring nightmares as a child I met this cute girl on Halloween night dressed like Indiana Jones so I invited her to a party I was going to later she drove with me to the party and I took her to friends too we talked a little but we ended up working the room and got split up I had this overwhelming urge to find her and I ended up getting a little worried some guy had moved in and had brought her outside and taken her to a semi-private area underneath the patio balcony I didn't really care what he thought grabbed her by the hand acted like it was important and led her out of the party and into the front yard we both heard a massive crash as the very large patio with nearly 30 people on it collapsed above where she was standing 3 minutes before I know most certainly that if I hadn't grabbed her she wouldn't exist today I ended up marrying her and imagining how it almost never happened in such a dreadful way terrifies me I was mowing my backyard with a ride-on mower and I began to get an overwhelming feeling of being watched I started looking around and thought I saw a figure in the upstairs window I tried ignore this as no one was home and continued with mowing when I started to feel an unbearable sense of dread this made me immediately stop as I did so the ground in front of me gave way forming a 15 foot wide 12 foot deep sinkhole if I hadn't stopped immediately I likely would have been crushed by the tractor low-frequency sounds such as those caused when large quantity of Earth shifts has been known to cause a sense of dread in humans one time I really had a bad feeling about unusual driving car and asked my gf to walk faster over the street she laughed and said I should not worry the car crashed into the woman next Arace I don't get why some pedestrians have this flippant attitude to giant metal machines just because it's the law does not suspend the laws of physics and circumstance my wife but it will be their fault me yeah but you'll still be hit by a car my wife and I rented a really nice cabin in Big Sur CA for a few nights she woke up panicky and crying she never does over a bad dream had an awful feeling after waking up told her we could go for a drive the further we went the better we felt stayed in Monterey for the night the cabin burnt down still chose writing this years later I was between jobs and had picked up a gig spot welding these giant custom steel truck bumpers together they were all labelled rodarmer they paid me under the table but something about it didn't feel right other guys there had no problem smoking weed on the job the guy in the office was always yelling at his wife I had a bad feeling so I stopped showing up the very day I decided not to show up the place was raided by the police the operation was creating counterfeit Road ama bumpers also illegal substances were found and seized everyone was arrested avoided this fate I asked my mother to take me home early from Boy Scout camp because I was afraid of bears a bear ravaged the camp the night I left not me but my sue and I were at the mall I was getting hungry and wanted to get Thai food court junk food because sometimes that's what you want so said no and by the time we got to real restaurant like 10 minutes later all the TV s was showing special broadcasts about the shootout and stampy dad said food court was at the Boston Marathon in 2013 not sure why I ended up leaving I would have been right in the heat of the attack had I stayed an extra 10 minutes I was lucky enough to end up on the last train out of the city before everything was locked down I was at a liquor store in a Chicago suburb trying to decide what I wanted to poison myself with that night walked to the counter and paid for my drink asking the clerk how his day was going could be worse my friend he said with a smile 15 minutes later a gunman walked in the store and robbed it killing the Clark his family member and two customers I was going to make a phone call before I went to go buy my drinks but instead went to the store first I'll never forget the Clark's words to me so the clerk was totally right about his assessment of the situation this past spring semester some friends and I were going to an off-campus party and needed someone to drive us there and back so we could get drunk this guy we saw tanu offered to take us if we gave him some gas money we'll just had a bad feeling about it and just figured we should have a night in watching movies instead the guy struck the same deal with some other people going to the party after we left and it turns out he got drunk at the party without telling them drove back drunk and got in a huge car wreck girl in the passenger's seat died on the impact everyone else was in the hospital for weeks afterward if we hadn't all had the gut feeling not to go I could be dead that's the kind of stuff that keeps you awake at 4:00 in the morning a few times first was I went to a party when I was a senior in HS 0-6 it was at a restaurant that was closed for the evening but I guess one of kids family owned it so he had keys he was charging everyone a few bucks to go in so we paid we were early at the party so it was rather empty and we hung out by the entrance some kid walked in saw it was empty and turned around and asked for his money back they argued over it but the kid got his money back and left and no one thought anything of it around a half hour later there were about 30 people there by now and I just started getting this sick feeling I told my friend I wanted to leave and he didn't want to it was a good party lots of Spanish girls drinks and smoke but I couldn't shake this feeling I and grabbed my buddy and said we need to go now luckily he didn't question it about 30 minutes after we left someone came and shot the place up and hit four people luckily no one died lot of people were talking and believed it was the same group that left earlier that was always stuck with me because it was gonna be a good night and I just felt cold and wanted to go it was a similar feeling too overwhelming depression coming over you the weighed 180 to everything this one is a little different but somewhat related I was driving to a girl's house at 2:00 a.m. and I was pulling up to a green light I didn't even realize it but I was slowing down like I was in autopilot I wasn't drinking or smoking just kind of tired and going through the motions I realized I was slowing down so I snapped out of it and pushed the gas and the car blew through the red light going at least 100 miles per hour if I hadn't paused for that few seconds it would have been over I think of that every time I'm driving late at night a few months earlier I was a passenger in a car that was t-boned at the next intersection with that Street four blocks down I swear that f-fine Street is trying to kill me you'll never get me Steve one time my mom and I went into Walmart and a few minutes later my mom felt creeped out so we left next day we read the newspaper and apparently a man was stabbed to death behind the building while we were there I get that feeling walking into Walmart - might just be the lingering pot smoke and sketchy atmosphere Friday the 1st of November 2013 I had a flight that I was supposed to catch but my boss told me that instead of traveling out of John Wayne Airport as originally planned he had to change the flight to depart three hours later and add lakhs because the other three co-workers that he was sending to the conference lived closer to lakhs and were delayed because one co-worker had a very upset stomach and needed a few hours to get it settled I instantly had a bad feeling about leaving the airport I was already inside off and going way out of my way to travel to lakhs I told my boss that I had already been screened through security and I was waiting outside my gates he said never mind he then rerouted the other three co-workers to snar John Wayne to catch later flight good thing he didn't give me Sh for that the flight he had me scheduled for departed from gate 35 in terminal 3 at lacs back in the day when I was like 13 I didn't feel like going to my horseback riding lesson so I stayed home turns out one of the horses in my group had a heart attack midair over a jump landed on its face which threw his owner over his head only to land on his dead body I'm pretty okay with not witnessing that one r.i.p dakota you were our favorite sitting with some buddies smoking a cigar for some reason I was like we need to go get food now like right now we went to get some grub not even five minutes later a 107 millimeter rocky destroyed our smoking area edit to answer the prevalent question free on board shank Rocket City Afghanistan was at home a few years ago suddenly felt strange depressed and I went to my room I felt space see a heavy silence fell upon me and I laid down eyes open held my breath and the only clear thought it had was of heroine a dog I've never done the feelings vanished I got up thinking if I'm weird right after friend text me that our mutual friend had just been found dead of a dog overdose he was 18 I'll never forget that he was beautiful so when I was 2 or 3 I had nightmares I woke up went to my foster parents room and informed them that there was a bee under my pillow no there's not Arwen go back to sleep cue the rivers of Tears finally my foster mom goes into my room switches my light on says there aren't any bees in here look as she picks up my pillow and behold a bee flew out my mom shooed the bee out the window as I was sobbing hysterically she gave me the strangest look and asked her how I knew the bee was there I had no idea my nightmare was completely unrelated on a side note I know of two other foster girls who have had been nightmares or mysterious be appearances one day I really didn't want to go to high school that same day the school flooded and caught fire back in college around Halloween one of my friends insisted on going out to a club since he had never been to an actual Halloween bash before he's from South Korea we decided to take him to West Hollywood the only problem was that all the places were packed and he was starting to throw hissy fit we were all starting to lose our temper with him at this point since we did give up our own plans for the night just to take him out the last place we decided to try was pearl the place was absolutely packed and something didn't feel right so I talked the others into helping me convince him to just come grab some grub with us head home and come back some other time he didn't go down willingly and it left us all with sour tastes in our mouth I remember telling him it's okay dude happens for a reason about 20 or so minutes later as we were chowing down on burgers at a joint less than a block away from Pearl we started noticing a throng of panic-stricken people hurrying away from the direction of the club almost simultaneously we see five trucks rushing in that direction turns out that there was an electrical fire all I could do at that point was look at mr. wahmbulance and say I assign told you I worked in a nursing home before I was a nurse and that guy was pretty poorly we knew he'd die over he next few days I had a funny feeling and went to check on him his family said they didn't want him to die alone as I walked in he smiled took his last breath and I'd kind of the right place at the right time I just had a feeling I should check on him and I'm glad I did he wasn't alone I once worked as a bank teller for three months one day I just felt really sick and I kept asking the branch manager if I could go home because I wasn't feeling well after the umpteenth time he finally let me go home I left at 2:00 p.m. in the bank got robbed just an hour and half afterwards decided to quit after that my mom tells this story a lot she was working in an office and she suddenly had a powerful urge to leave her cube just till even be somewhere else for no reason not later a 15-foot wide section of the ceiling collapsed burying the floor in metal and plaster she would have been crushed couple of mates and I were really lucky in our last year of secondary school UK we had a massive changing room for physical education split into two sections for either side of the year we'd always used the B block but this time about 20 of us decided to follow the lead of one friend that said why don't we use a block we questioned why and he just replied I dunno this site is so old and manki compared to a block we were really early so we were guaranteed space to get changed etcetera once most people started filtering through the changing rooms they noticed most people were at a block so they all hopped on the bandwagon and hitched B Block B Block ceiling collapsed ten minutes later I was sixteen driving my friends to school in my trusty Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera there is a massive hill leading down into the main streets through the town we were at the bottom of the hill and were waiting to turn right up to the school I had a sudden and overwhelming desire to go by everyone Dairy Queen blizzards before class so I went to hastily turn into the left lane towards D Q and my brain just stopped me like trust me F ice cream in a cup right now man about five seconds later I hear a very faint semi horn from behind us an 18 wheelers brakes had blown on the hill and he was just busting down the super steep two kilometres long Hill gaining terrifying amounts of momentum about three seconds later the semi flew past us in the left lane I'd just about switched into two go get the Q going about 150 km/h are when it blew past the intersection it caught the tail end of a truck and vaporized it launching it about 80 feet that ended up putting two people in intensive care and left one of them paralyzed none of my friends were wearing seatbelts we all would have gotten absolutely annihilated in the most gruesome accident I could probably imagine I then turned left to go celebrate at DQ for not unknowingly slaughtering me and four friends TL DR had a hankering for icy treats brain stopped me from obtaining said treats brain was correct semi-truck flew with broken brake lines and f ed shop ahead of us so I had a job freelancing a couple of days a week in a magazine office and every day when I was there I stopped at the small shop next to the entrance to buy a pack of cigarettes the shop was run by a charming young couple and it was just a delight to drop into then one morning on my way to work I decided to buy my cigarettes somewhere else I had to cross a busy intersection to do so I recall this as strong compulsion no other symptoms of dread or unease that was a day the small shop had an armed robbery at exactly the time I would usually be in there [Music]
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Keywords: when did your gut feeling save you, gut feeling stories, reddit gut feeling stories, reddit gut instinct, gut instinct reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, ask reddit, gut feeling, reddit top posts, best reddit posts, funny reddit, askreddit gut feeling, reddit story, reddit gut feeling, updoot reddit, gut feelings, reddit compilation, gut feeling reddit stories, sir reddit, r/askreddit gut feeling, reddit, askreddit, tz reddit, r/askreddit, gut feeling askreddit
Id: jP3soum495A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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