What is your "WORST neighbor ever" story? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what's your worst neighbor ever story when I was a child I didn't realize my neighbor was an abusive drunken drug addict one time while my family was about to start eating dinner a woman opened my front door and screamed into the house please I need to use your phone to call the police she was frantic and crying and had makeup running down her face turns out she was a prostitute that my neighbor had hired at one point during their interaction he pulled out a gun and threatened her in some way eventually he went to get another drink and she seized that opportunity to run to my house there were other times when I saw him doing pretty shitty things but this one stands out as it was the first time I saw someone in fear for their life and first time I saw a prostitute had a shared driveway outside at 4:00 a.m. with a laser pointer trying to find property lines once to put a gate up blocking the driveway and we would have to knock on her door to come and go would turn around on our property and almost crush our sewer line tried to sleep with my husband party on her roof kicked down our signs and shoot BBS at our dog tongues more things I'm choosing to forget it f ck you Shannon I live in a flattened my upstairs neighbor piece of his balcony I can see and hear his beam going past my window frequently hey I've had this exact same problem buddy lived upstairs pissed down onto our back door right where we sit and smoke real piece of sh t alcoholic f king idiot at that point if it's going on your back deck or back porch I'd probably press charges I didn't really interact with my upstairs neighbors when I was in my first apartment but their religion prohibited them from killing anything including roaches their apartment became a breeding ground in the roaches would spill into the rest of the building including mine below it was a horrible experience and felt so hopeless because it didn't matter how clean we were or how diligent the buggers were always everywhere we're having a similar issue here we don't know who but someone in this building is a nasty ass and has led there to be a massive infestation in the Attic management has sent pest control to no avail they always come back only six more months only six more when I was very young we lived next door to an elderly couple and their adult daughter the adult daughter had kids and grandkids of her own but she had some issues and couldn't live on her own or withum and x200 be I don't remember how it started but she the adult daughter of neighbors started venturing further into our property until one day she walked right into our house while we were in the living room my mother was pregnant at the time and babysitting other children mom was so startled she jumped up and chased her out of the house on another occasion she came storming over to our house with a mop in her hand determined to attack my mother she had to call my uncle to come over and I remember him putting his entire body weight on the door to keep her out the police end up getting cold and she is taken away for psychiatric evaluation after that the police had to come back to talk to my parents because while being evaluated she claimed that my mother had kidnapped her son chained him in the basement and then cut him up and cooked him obviously none of that was true after that if we were playing outside and she came outside we immediately ran inside and locked the doors I don't know what her diagnosis was or why she fixated on my mother we eventually moved when I was around 12 my parents neighbor owns a landscaping company so he has a dump truck his house is set further back from the road than there's still his driveway which is right on the property line extends past their house and next to their backyard my dad noticed the neighbor turning the dump truck around in my parents backyard when the ground was very soft from some recent rain he went back and sure enough there were giant ruts in my parents yard when my dad confronted the neighbor about using their backyard to turn around the neighbor responded by saying I'm sorry but if I turned it around in my yard it would have left ruts in my lawn so he knew it would leave Roth's didn't want them in his yard and left them in my parents yard instead had a neighbor who let his dog run free it would get into our yard give our dogs fleas eat all the food and teach them how to escape no matter what my mom said the guide denied his dog was getting out so being fed up with the situation my mom died the dog purple and sent it on its merry way the neighbor kept his dog contained after that note that I was a non-toxic semi-permanent dog died no harm came to the Papa before Harvey his dogs were constantly in our yard eating our dog's food eating our outdoor cat food [ __ ] on our property and no matter what we did or how many times we talked with him it never changed and it always the fault of the dog after Harvey he abandoned his flooded home 4 ft water in our homes in our area and hasn't returned the home is not in good condition and now we don't have the dogs but we have pests and snakes because his yard hasn't been mowed for over a year we are currently working on filing a grievance through the county my friends upstairs neighbor has a dog he never takes for a walk or out for a poke so the dog just shits on the balcony and when it dries he shovels off the balcony onto the cars below then throws water on it to clean it up and the sh t water drips down onto her balcony she has called the landlord the city the maintenance company no one will do anything about it we have shouted at him while doing it and he stops for a minute but continues when we are gone if you knock on his door he won't answer call the cops and ask them to do a welfare check on this neighbor pretending you're worried because his apartment smells super bad and like something died up there if he's that gross likely the rest of his apartment is a hazard to he'll either open the door for the cops or they'll force entry if there's proof the inside of the place is a hazard maybe he'll get evicted neighbor hated cats so put out cat traps the type which crushes a leg which my cat got caught in and dragged home it crushed his leg and pelvis so he had to be put down neighbor was given a warning for animal abuse and was later charged due to his treatment of his own pets hated that guy my neighbor who was the cop trapped our cats and took them far away they found their way home so then she dropped them off at the pound my mom went and got them so then she poisoned them I'm thinking antifreeze she killed off four of my mom's cats that way over time my neighbors will gather to get drunk and yell at each other in Spanish really loud directly in front of their door that was barely five feet away from mine just use your porch or maybe f king go inside holy [ __ ] shout out to my boy Google Translate for helping me communicate when I was living in an apartment the majority of my floor spoke Spanish with very little English and we're all from different countries but they had one f king thing in common 11:00 p.m. weeknights shouting conversations in the hallway and their doorway every f king night I was living in a shitty part of town at the time I had a couple of older neighbors who could have stared in a hoarders marathon the garage door was bowing out in splitting in areas due to the amount of sh t forced into it to top that they had hundreds of feral cats with horrible defects they kept the front door open 24 stroked 7 so the cast could come in and out of the house at least the ones that live long enough to I would have to crawl under my house to remove the dead one so my house didn't week every few days I live on the bottom floor of a dorm with balconies because I'm on the first floor I don't get one just a big window that I can't open and I can't get to the area outside of it because there are a bunch of prickly bushes separating us from the sidewalk my upstairs neighbor throws his leftover food off of his balcony I'm the only one that sees it because of the bushes and I can't do anything about it because I can't get to that area to clean it I'm dying inside edit clarity my sister passed away and we had everyone in our entire family staying and meeting at our house lived in a townhouse and had two carport plus there was a number of visitor parking spaces day before funeral we woke to find all our cars had the tires deflated our neighbor was crazy as f-ck had a son that was just as crazy and viola she couldn't prove it but they were the culprits called the cops and they did nothing when we first moved in she gifted us with a decoration for our backyard we displayed it and it mysteriously disappeared one month later we saw it hanging in her backyard she kept picking on us and we did absolutely nothing to her my neighbor accidentally discharged a gun and the bullet went through our sliding glass lure and ended up in her pantry we were alerted when 80% of the glass in our sliding glass door fell on the floor I'm five feet seven and could walk through the sliding glass door without opening it the round was found in a box of pancake mix about six inches over my head so the odds of it hitting me had I been in the kitchen or walking around my house the odds of being hit were very high edited for clarity when I still lived in Germany a Russian family lived across the street about seven people no one worked they spent all their time sitting outside smoking arguing having friends over all year round one December night they had a barbecue outside sitting around a fire wallet to a snowing nothing bothered them but they bothered everyone else when you tried to talk to them they acted like they didn't understand German no matter where I live now it's quieter downhill neighbor had a wide open view of our beautiful lower yard they got a barky dog that they left in their backyard all day doc torn down elephants trying to get out and get to our dog we build a new solid wood fence and then they complained now that they couldn't see our yard that we were spying on them from our and whatever then they built a raised deck so that they could see over the fence we planted a row of bamboo and haven't seen them since they called the building department about our offense the building department came out said it was legit and cited them for their illegal deck three brothers in their 60s who would drink whiskey and a yard all day they called code enforcement on everyone constantly put signs in the yard with curse words all over them sold drugs to kids tried to stab a neighbor tried to hit another neighbor with a car would drink and drive and hit cars parked on the street put trash and furniture in the middle of the road and a Glock it would scream insults at people minding their own business threatened to kick underage girls in the CNTs when they walked by threw eggs at people's cars short a puppy in someone's backyard buried car batteries in their yard which caused a weird streak of residue to form in the road would go into people's backyards when they weren't home and turn on their hoses so sometimes they would run for days without anyone noticing punched a man with physical disabilities and broke his glasses streaked when there were kids around drunkenly swung knives in the air beat their kids in the yard hit their wives and girlfriends in the yard would randomly stand in the street in front of their house in direct traffic for no reason pretended to commit suicide on front of a group of kids threatened to burn down people's houses and put screws and nails behind the tires of people's parked cars edit to clarify the puppy did live my neighbor locks her kids outside no matter the weather and she doesn't answer the door they're probably three and five just one example we were having a huge evergreen tree cut down in our front yard maybe seven feet from the property line I told her you might want to back your car into the street so it doesn't get filthy she moved the car but locked her three-year-old son outside the entire time I mean my friend's neighbor used to let her yeah kids hang around other neighbors houses by themselves until one day my friend's husband ran over the little girl by mistake he had no idea the kid was playing behind his car the whole town turned on him even though he was absolved of everything the child lived though he contemplated killing himself over it I moved a lot growing up so I've had a few one neighbor in Florida was a known kleptomaniac but he would steal the most random items around the neighborhood when someone moved out of a house he would dig up the plants from the yard and sell them online we would just wake up one morning and all of the plants would be gone with the trail of dirt leading to his house when his House foreclosed he stole all of the doors off their hinges before moving out he stole another neighbors bicycle when they left their garage door open the owner knew it was the klepto so he just walked over to his house and took it back without calling the cops we also later found out that he was going through a nasty divorce from his wife who was once his therapist my neighbors in Pennsylvania would call me frequently when I walked home from school in my Catholic uniform I was 10 at the time luckily they stopped when my mom glared at them several neighbors in Texas were horrible I was pretty young at the time that if I remember correctly a couple of them were discovered and later convicted as pedophiles and another neighbor was dolly Rocha a woman convicted of murdering her two children so yeah I've had a few bad neighbors I had this neighbor once who turned out to be seriously mentally ill I would say she was in her 50s or 60s she seemed nice and normal at first but eventually we would hear her screaming to nobody inside her unit at all hours of the day bloody-murder screaming swearing completely losing her sh TS nobody she lived totally alone it was kind of scary actually I had some other neighbors around my age that lived underneath me a couple that was male female if the female ever had guy friends come over the crazy neighbor would knock on her door and start screaming at her that she was running a brothel and that she was across Jews it got worse and worse over time to the point that both myself and my downstairs neighbors email detailed complaints to our landlord eventually they called some sort of adult Social Services Department on her and she was finally evicted we felt kind of bad but Jesus Christ I guess the second worst neighbors would be the male-female couple I mentioned that lived underneath me they'd have extremely loud SX in the middle of the night use a blender juicer at 5:00 a.m. every single day and would player f king didgeridoo for hours I absolutely hate de jure it is now was living in a duplex for a little while and the master bedrooms were right next to each other the walls were so thin and a few days after getting the place we found out our neighbors were screamers video games drinking with friends arguments in bed usually in that order I have an [ __ ] neighbor that loves calling the cops any chance he gets if we leave our car doors open too long if we get too close to his yard or anyone else's yards if our dog is too loud he's calmed down a bit over the years but it used to get heated between him and this white trash family that lived next to him for a while they were just as bad they abuse their dogs leaving them locked up in their backyard never fed them always let them break out and run around the neighborhood screamed at each other often out in the open and one time some of their relatives came over and they started arguing and pulled guns on each other I think they may have tried to burn their house down one time because they couldn't get it to sell needless to say nothing happened because the [ __ ] next door called 911 within minutes when living with my dad in a duplex the downstairs neighbor was a family of I think eight people in a to be our house they were all on pills sat on the porch 24 stroked seven none of them had a job frequently had police because of fights and they bred Chihuahuas so constant sound of dogs barking and yelping at the same time the neighbors on the same floor as us very thin walls was a family of three where the two kids constantly fought for whose turn it was on the Xbox I could hear them CT talking people over the make all the time one time I put my guitar amp against the wall on full volume I usually play an plug or with headphones because volume at two shakes the floors they were required for a little bit but it never stopped so glad I moved out our downstairs neighbor has the loudest sex but it's not just loud sex the whole situation is f ked up it's always in the middle of the night and he is the one that's loud grunting and screaming it's very obvious when he comes because he's so f king loud and whenever she makes noise she screams bloody murder instead of moaning one time my husband and I seriously considered calling the cops because we thought she was being abused the screaming was so bad but then she started screaming yes so we knew she was okay it also goes on for like 45 minutes I didn't understand how they have the energy we really want to tell them to shut the f ck up but it's such an awkward conversation we've never had the balls to say anything next door neighbor came over to borrow ladder when husband wasn't home weird vibe he steadied me from behind when I was taking the ladder down from the wall hook passed it off that I was being overly sensitive ran into him with his wife and my husband both present in a store and he kissed my cheek in greeting weird Hubbs thought so too we got a knock on the door from a government agency asking us about him he needed a security clearance where he worked not a lot to report he seemed okay FF to him knocking on the door one Saturday morning early when he no Hubbs would be at work I had all the four of my kids there I don't even remember why he came over but it ended up with him rubbing himself against me in front of my kids and trying to convey up in front of my kids WTF should be noted I have four kids and all were age five and under at a time WTF I kicked him out cold husband let his wife know let the mum of the kids she did in-home day care for and wife called me back begging me to retract it somehow it got back to his supervisor and his clearance was in jeopardy they ended up divorced TL DR inappropriate touching and he lost his government clearance because of it why hadn't I read the gift of fear before this I'll never know [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 34,774
Rating: 4.8663368 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 3ncsOHhGAzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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