What Is your Horror Story About Terrible Parents?

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what's your horror story with bad parenting from strangers i used to work at a sandwich shop and there was a man in line with his son the little boy was a bit bouncy and kept tugging on the man's arm saying daddy i need to potty real bad and the dad would say in a minute son this went on for like five minutes and the little boy says daddy i have to potty now and the man all the sudden turns to the sun and backhands him across the face and yells at him i told you to wait a goddamn minute and the boy bursts into tears my manager was right there and she was in a fury she started yelling at the guy that he was in butthole and a horrible person and she told him to get the frick out of her store and never come back the guy was like mind your own business this is my kid and i can do what i want and she said leave now before i call the police so the man hitched the boy up by his arm and practically dragged him out of the store the worst part they were less than 10 feet from the bathroom the entire time that poor kid i hope the kid let loose and pee all over him when the dad picked him up used to babysit for a very dysfunctional family the mum got knocked up on purpose so the dad wouldn't leave her subsequently the dad hated the mum and resented the child i know this because they thought about it often publicly and in front of the child when i would arrive the baby would always have a very dirty diaper that had obviously been left like that for many many hours the baby's first word was her own name and then my name not mama or dada her own freaking three syllable name one day the child had no milk or baby food left and the mom goes to the store and comes back with just a pack of cigarettes i asked her why she didn't get anything for the baby and she said well i didn't have enough for both and i don't get paid till friday it was wednesday and she was just gonna let the kid go hungry for three days there was nothing edible in the house i freaking lost it i don't think i have ever aged out on somebody so bad in my entire life i let her have it for a good 10 minutes screaming at the top of my lungs the litany of reasons why she was a failure as a parent and how i was gonna call cps if things didn't change anyways she burst into tears and took the cigarettes back and came home with milk so i guess it kinda worked i ended up making pureed veggies at home and bringing them to the little girl for the rest of the week they moved away shortly after that and i always wonder what happened to the little girl i was 16 at the time good for you some people deserve a good reality check i teach first graders and i'm convinced most parents should not be raising children here's my most recent story one day i start afternoon class and i ask my students how they are doing one girl says bad and i ask her why she says that she's hungry because she didn't eat lunch i asked her why she hasn't had lunch yet and she says it's because her mom was playing on the computer and she forgot to feed and then didn't have time how the heck do you forget to feed a seven-year-old later i brought her a snack when i had a minute because there's no way i could let a kid go without food i recently had an encounter from the other end of the spectrum i was cycling through the downtown area when i passed this chinese lady who let a tiny kid i'm guessing about four or five years old walk on the street side of her and just as i pass this kid is making some excited gestures at his mom happily jabbering about something while simultaneously pretty much running backward right into the side of me while i'm cycling at full speed he goes flying backwards i'm pretty sure i hit him right in the face with my knee i stopped horrified to check if the kid is okay he's making this face like he's inhaling a huge breath of air to start bawling but before i can get off the bicycle or he can start screaming his mom looks back sees what's going on and just snips a few words off chinese at him the kid just looks at her instantly regains his composure with obvious effort i'm pretty sure he's hurt and he quietly runs up to her the lady just smiles and waves at me and walks off at a brisk pace with her kid and i'm just left standing there looking completely stumped at the bystanders who seem just as confused that kid is going to grow up tough even if it kills him i'm pretty sure his mom is going to make sure of that i approve of this parent i used to work at a crappy gas station convenience store one day a woman come up to the counter with her daughter she places on the counter hot dogs hot dog buns kraft mac and cheese six pack of corona she then asks me for a pack of cigarettes after ringing up all the items she swipes her debit card and it doesn't go through she tries several times after about the fourth time she turns to this little girl who couldn't be older than six and i crap you not she says looks like you won't be eating tonight and walks away leaving her little girl at the counter tearing up i was dumbfounded and before i could say anything the little girl yells to me you're a big meanie and ran out the door crying worst thanksgiving ever i hate it when parents use their kids for scams and sharp lifting glad you didn't get taken about a fortnight ago at the local markets i watched a chap blow cigarette smoke into his child's face and call him under repeatedly the child was preschool age i was at a loss as to what i could have done but at the same time regret doing nothing while queuing in a coffee shop in england two police officers walked in the door and went up to the agitated looking woman in front of me they started questioning her about her son asking when she had last seen him how old he was what he was wearing etc so it was fairly evident from the conversation that she had quite recently lost her six-year-old kid both officers kept confusedly looking around the shop until the woman felt obliged to explain why she was in there saying i'm gonna look for him i'm getting me and my husband a coffee first go on ahead we'll catch up after picking up my order i turned around to see them both sitting at a table drinking their coffees like not even a single frick was given as i walked out the door i saw the woman peer out the front window looking for her son i suppose dang i think adam sandler said it best in billy madison when you lose your dog you don't just put up a few signs and look around for an hour you get off your butt and find that dang dog i doubt i quoted him correctly but that's the gist of it once saw a teenage mother on the bus going crazy at her son having a tantrum and at one point she squawked i'm gonna shave an s in your head s for psychotic i should shave an e for illiterate i was at the store with my dad and we see this woman take her baby's bottle and pour mountain dew into it before giving it back to the kid this is a baby no more than a year old my dad goes up to the lady and asks if she really just gave mountain dew to the kid and she replies yeah he likes it so i give it to him i always give him what he wants i fear for that generation i was at the mall once and there was a young family in front of me the little brat in the high chair didn't like the cheeseburger from mcdonald's they got him so he wailed and screamed and then picked up the cheeseburger and threw it at the dad painting his shirt with mustard and ketchup the dad then went up and got the kid another meal i remember thinking if i did that to my dad i wouldn't have made it out of them all alive saw a kid probably five six walking with his dad to soccer practice they walk to one pitch and there's no one there and the kid says oh sorry we're over there pointing to another field may be 150 yards away the dad slaps a kid on the back of the head and says you stupid c some kids have no chance ah childhood i went to a barbecue thrown by a friend of a friend there a woman showed up with her ex-husband and his new girlfriend all three were drunk and a bit too friendly with each other while alternating name-calling b sucker butthole with them was a two or three-year-old little girl cute as can be with a real light about her i vaugely remember them telling very inappropriate stories when the little girl says she is hungry the father goes and gets the bag of mcdonald's he had been grazing out of and pulls out an earful container of fries he proceeds to grab a few and throw them on the freaking lawn the girl without missing a beat runs around picking them up of the lawn dirt and eats them he repeats this over and over in front of all the other adults who didn't seem to take issue it was like a game to him that he was clearly enjoying mom even smiled at it my wife and i promptly left the party tldr dad feeds daughter likes a dog tldr dad feeds daughter like a chicken i am seething with anger over this one freaking horrific i was lining up at the register at some store and there was a girl 10ish and her mum in front of me and the little girl asked her mum if she can get the harry potter books because they are on sale and the mum replies why do you need the stupid books for we've got a big telly you can watch the movies on or there was another time when a little boy asks his mum for a hug and the mother slapped him from distracting her while she was counting money slightly off topic maybe but your first example reminds me of matilda maybe that little girl will foil us all i worked at the ymca in houston and we did programs that reached lower income neighborhoods the kind full of crime and poverty etc one day we were letting the kids go and we watched the rides leave as a security issue one of the kids had made a drawing earlier that he was particularly proud of and showed it to his dad gleaming the dad immediately snatched it out of the boy's hand ripped the drawing up and smacked the kid in full view of his employees he went on about how he shouldn't be doing no f crap like drawing and smacked him a couple more times needless to say we called the authorities and he was arrested for child abuse or something similar i've been a nanny for a little over five years so i've seen my fair share of crazy families but there's one babysitting job that sticks out more than any other my ex's mom referred me to her hairdresser so when she called me i was pretty excited to go to her house and watch a four-year-old boy that everyone raved about being so adorable and fun but he sure was cute but fun is not the word i would use to describe that night she left telling me she would be home anywhere between 10 p.m and 2 a.m came home at 4am and got mad at me for falling asleep on the couch the kid had the worst ad hoc i have ever experienced before and there was absolutely no food or drink other than margarita mix and a two week old half gallon of milk which he said he drank earlier that day in the fridge all of the sippy cups that they owned smelled like rotten eggs i felt so bad for this boy i looked through every drawer to see if i could find anything to give to him and all i managed to find was workout supplements steroids needles lots of different pills like fentany and ephedrine i bought him some dinner got them a fresh gallon of milk and never came back to that house again you should have called social services and explained the situation we went to a soft play center with my niece the other day one boy managed to find this big red ball and jam it at the bottom of the slide his little brother then proceeded to go down the slide and get stuck chaos ensued for a while as they tried to get the boy out the parents were effing and jeffing away at the staff eventually they swindled a free brew out of the place then they gave their daughter a lala park no food is allowed in the actual play area she ran around the play area and climbed the stairs to come down the slide we were watching all of this whilst keeping an eye on my niece basically getting her to stay out of the way the parents made barely an effort to get the lolly off her she then went into this little viewing thing made of perspex with a lolly in her mouth and was dribbling her drooler proceeded to drip down to where we were sitting we left promptly after being completely grossed out they are by far the scrotiest family i have ever come across and a very good argument for contraception she now has headless also i once saw the queen of chavs at a shopping center in the uk she was talking to her friend smoking her cigarette and her little girl maybe about four stroke five years old starts asking for a hug the mummy ignored her for a bit and then suddenly bent down blows a huge puff of smoke in the kid's face and shrieks charmaine i'm even riff i didn't know which was worse what she had just done or that she had called her kid charmaine i called a charmaine cause i think it's exotic in high school i made friends with this really shy guy who stuttered and was generally socially awkward but really nice he was also a genius pianist he was taking two years for one at his piano courses he was composing amazing pieces at the age of 16 and i truly admired his ability his parents however didn't see it that way they were both engineers and they considered his love for music despicable worthless and a bad habit that needs to be uprooted when he was practicing at home they tossed old shoes at him and they made him sleep on the floor if he played for more than two hours once a professor from the musical academy called them to tell them they have an amazing son and that he could be famous one day they hung up the phone when high school was over he really wanted to apply to the musical academy but they didn't let him they said that the only courses they would ever fund were the ones in math and geography the qualifying subjects for the economy university so he had to go there for his higher education i haven't seen him in a while but i heard he went abroad i hope he escaped those idiots for good not my story but have a friend who is a teacher so i hear all kind of depressing crap think this is the worse a young girls k third grade mother was a prostitute and would bring guys back to the house and have three ways with the young child involved she would only talk to my friend and she tried to help the best she could despite physical marks bruising child services never did anything despite many attempts at help fast forward a couple years the girl is out of my friend's school but finds out one night the girl probably eight nine just loses it and beats the living crap out of her mother almost to death cops show up and arrest the child and ends up in a juvenile prison for assault the mother is paralyzed and living on the taxpayer dime my friend came over and cried non-stop when she found out and felt like she had failed the child this is just one of many stories this is why i have more respect for teachers teaching is almost secondary to all the stuff they have to deal with my mum is a teacher at a primary school england in a really bad part of town wokingham the stories she brings home are appalling from kids who have never been read to or even talk too much who come to school age five without being able to speak in proper sentences also the saddest things often involve parenting from the previous generation the standout event being a mother who came into my mother the music teacher and sbs that she doesn't know any nursery rhymes to sing to her children which was one of the set tasks for bonding type homeworks she spent an hour with that woman teaching her twinkle twinkle little star makes me happy to know she was at least trying to succeed where her parents failed though if you don't wear these pink shoes i'm buying for you i'm going to cut all your rabbit's heads off sadly that was actually my dad talking to a 10 year old me in a thrift store he then proceeded to get into an argument with a woman who said you are the most horrible person i have ever heard in my life and called her a man-hater and lesbian before we finally left compared to some of the other stuff that's relatively mild yeah frick my childhood i was at a movie theater and we had just walked in and sat down in our seats since the theater we were going to was open an employee probably around 35 years old walks in and asks everyone a small handful of people to leave for a few minutes so he can clean it he had a stutter and had some type of disability the employee was super friendly and nice about having to ask us to all leave this dad lobstery beer belly cut off sleeves who was there with his three pre-teen and teen kids started making fun of the employee and the way he spoke joking mimicking and trying to get his kids to join in with him i bitched that sucker out mid-20s man enters bodega with son maybe five years old man go get what you want kid runs to cold case gets small container of milk runs back is just tall enough to put it on the counter man what is that crap you said you were thirsty go get something else kid takes milk puts it back in cold case gets a pepsi bring it back to father man okay put it on the counter i worked as a waitress for about four years one family was very rude and demanding every time they ate there their children five ten-year-old range would snap at me or shake their cups to get my attention when we didn't come right away the children would literally start screaming while the parents laughed another family had a 12 year old daughter that would take all the sugar packets from the table and play with them much of the sugar ended up on the floor or on the table once i figured out what she was doing i would go take away the basket before they sat down oh only saw this family in there once but it was a tatted up gangster couple the moment was not older than 23 they had four kids let them run around the restaurant untamed and basically ignored them the entire time they made a mess of the tables and didn't even tip oh wait they also tried stealing quarters off this cancer research donation thing we had i work customer service at loblaws part-time while i go to school lucky me i've grown resentful of people and one day i encountered a lady who was absolutely flabbergasted that of her milk on which the expiry date was clearly written went bad she was bitching and bitching had the store manager called down the front end manager the dairy manager too once this whole ordeal was handled she turns to her 14 year old daughter aprix 14 and says now that's how it's done on the way home from school with my son last year i overheard one dad asking his son are you a fudge packer than laughing repeatedly eventually his kid asked what a fudge packer was he proceeded to tell him the scabby frick what the frick is wrong with people fudge packer equals gay uh that's how years of self-hatred for gay kids start i was in las vegas and i saw a ten-year-old girl in a pleather miniskirt with her thong sticking out complete with a tiny tube top her mother was dressed similarly i thought they were prostitutes maybe they were going to a costume party i can only hope i've also seen a five-year-old girl in a string thong bikini and no top at an amusement park kind off topic but i never understood why people take their kids to vegas my friends and i walk to clubs in our low-cut short skirt dresses and get dirty looks from parents at 10 p.m in vegas come on i work in social services so highlights include the 10 year old on probation after getting intoxicated on half a bottle of tequila the 14 year old whose mother told him he was a devil and she hated him because he told her he was an atheist the dad with a 14 year old daughter and 20 year old living girlfriend the latter who would regularly borrow the daughter's clothes at a goodwill with boyfriend a girl maybe 3-4 with an obvious mental retardation is left alone in a shopping cart while chatty mom is chatty the girl stands up in the rocking cart parked over concrete mom is still gossiping away nearby the girl begins to teeter precariously and boyfriend runs over and dives catching her like a football literally a foot away from crashing her skull into the concrete mum turns around and proceeds to glare at boyfriend before snatching her child back and continuing her conversation one of the worst the 12-year-old 400 pounds girl who in addition to the horrific nutrition had never been taught hygiene like at all i cannot exaggerate how much this poor child reeked and you could honestly not be within five feet of her without the overpowering urge to vomit worse while working with us there was an incident where she bled on one of our seats we asked her about having her period and she said that she didn't have it we asked how from this happened and she said about once every three or four weeks she had been having her period for a year and had no idea also she defecated in my car i used to work at marshalls and we had a small toy section there was a little boy about two sitting on the floor minding his own business playing his mom who was on the phone found this unsatisfactory and took off her shoe and beat him with it she checked out still talking on the phone with that boy crying in tow our managers said we couldn't do anything about it because some kind of code of conduct still makes me sad to think about it f the code of conduct call cps waiting for an oil change there was a white mother and her mixed black white daughter maybe four or five years old with me in the waiting area the waiting area had some sad looking children's books and toys the kid was trying to do a puzzle and asked the mother for help mother said no the kid kept trying to finish the puzzle to no avail and finally asked mama why can't i do this puzzle mother responds cause you a dumb button headed up to the san juan islands washington state i'm on the card deck about to walk off before the cars little girl about four or five is walking back and forth excited to get off the ferry but the workers are about to raise the gate and let the passengers off so dad to my left say come hold daddy's hand mary at which point the girl turns to her dad and freaking spits at him his response actual quote in a sing-song voice no sweetie don't spit a daddy if i pulled that crap growing up i would have been nursing a sore butt for days i suck at pre-coffee spell checking yeah but now you have to worry about strangers calling cps on you for spanking i once passed a pickup on the interstate with a four-wheeler in the back there was a kid of maybe eight or nine sitting on the four-wheeler while the truck was doing at least 60-70 miles per hour i was biking down the bike path near the lake on my right there was a family picnic and everything seemed normal until i saw the mom stand up take a leather belt where she got it from i have no idea she was wearing a dress and smack it across her three-year-olds i'm guessing at the age face it actually looked almost comical the way the kid flew backwards and landed on the ground where his mom proceeded to beat him i had never seen anything like it it all happened so fast while i was on my bike i was a hundred feet away by the time i realized what i'd seen i would have gone back except i was ten and by myself with no self-confidence especially against someone like that i work at a child psychology clinic it's like as soon as some parents walk through the door their kids become the receptionist's responsibility once a kid pulled thumbtacks out of the wall and was chasing her brother around trying to stab him his parents were sitting right there and they did nothing i had to intervene cause she was trying to stab her brother with a thumbtack i told her they were boy thumbtacks if she held them for too long she turned into a boy she dropped them immediately we're actually here because we think she's transgender the thing that really sucks is that my kid who doesn't get away with being in butthole sees other kids being buttholes and this only encourages him to act more like and butthole but that along with the illiterate shoots at his school who teach him to say things like someone thieved my folder out my bag is enough to make me want to pull my hair out if i had any i work at a sailing club and at the end of the day as we are waiting for the last few parents to pick up their children one parent walks up to the club with a student who had already been picked up they said they saw the kid sitting on the grass in the parking lot thinking this was weird i asked the kid where his mom was he didn't know so we called his mom to find out what happened now the sailing club is a big place so i figured they just got separated but when i asked where she was she said she left him there because and i quote he was being a little crap so i left him oh following the second or two it took me to process this i told her she needed to come pick him up which she did but it took more convincing than it should have btw this kid was maybe eight years old former kashira panera no exaggeration here this group walks through the door and i hear my co-worker say under his breath yeah that's what happens when you keep it in the family it was seriously gross the father was wearing a sweat stained t-shirt sporting a spotty unkempt beard hairstyle we're talking tom hanks towards the end of cast away here and some seriously thick spectacles he's holding his very queerly dressed and unfortunate looking daughter's hand i've got to believe she was at least 16 in the creepiest way everyone's wearing really weird ill-fitting dirty clothes the other kids have some serious facial deformities kind of fetal alcohol syndrome why and the mom is crotchety and gross ignoring the father's hand on his teenage daughter's butt i can't imagine them being too poor since they were buying food from panera bread they all ordered tuna sandwiches and lemonade came up for refill after a fill and i had to smell them my co-workers who had been there for longer than me said they came in all the time and were always mega weird and gross i did see the family a few other times same story so if you can't incest as bad parenting then yeah bad parents worked at a department store at the mall for three years to pay for college our store was one of the huge anchor stores in our city's largest mall and right next to the food court play area at about 5 p.m some employees see a group of four children walking around in our store the oldest was a maybe seven year old girl and the youngest was just barely two years old no parents in sight one of the friendly grandma employees approaches them and calls the security guard after learning their story the four kids belong to two different women who came to the mall to have a girls day shopping trip and left the kids in the play area while they shopped it had been a while and the seven-year-old got nervous and decided to go searching for their moms the kids are taken upstairs to the manager's offices and given some snacks crayons and things to cover the seven-year-old is getting nervous and keeps asking to go back to the play area after getting a description to mall security they go on the hunt for moms police are called etc a mall security goon is posted at the play area with a description of the moms waiting for them to come back three hours later the mall security dude brings the moms into the store to pick up their kids a cop meets them there the women are furious that we stole her kids and i was checking in on them every 20 minutes the cop informs them that this is impossible as the kids have been inside our store for the last three hours much eye rolling and irritation coming from the moms while the cops explaining to the moms how much trouble they are in one of the moms looks at the seven-year-old with narrow dies and a slow head shake telepathically beaming you are getting so whooped when we get home the cop observes this and goes into full berserker mode this lady cop built like a gymnast and actually quite pretty gets up in this woman's face and screams at her chewing her up and down if you lay a hand on any of these kids i will personally come throw your ghetto butt in jail your children could have been abducted debauched murdered over three hours ago and you'd just now be finding out they are missing i am writing you a citation and child protection services and state social workers will be making surprise visits to your home frequently if anything is out of order with these children you will lose custody and probably go to prison do you understand me the wide-eyed ghetto moms having been sufficiently humbled get their paper a rest and shuffle out with their armfuls of shopping bags and kids to their respective vehicles the tl dr two ghetto moms abandon children in mall play place sas cop get slapped with long arm of lore i love it when a story goes horribly right not really strangers because i'm married to one of them now but when i first started dating my wife and i went to visit her and her son at her father's house they were just piling on the kid like you would not believe everything he did wrong resulted in a nuclear explosion that they saw as being corrective but what i saw as being borderline abuse so i sat my now wife and her father down and explained it like this there's this movie called office space my now wife got the reference immediately one of the vast number of reasons we are married now and i told them the story about how the guy had seven bosses and every time he screws up he has to hear about it seven times they were both yelling at the kid every time he screwed up which for a 13 year old is pretty frequently sometimes 20 or 30 times in my presence alone i told them they're going to drive him crazy and he's going to go columbine on their asses if they aren't careful so they asked me what i would do i told them to go to an office supply store and buy a whiteboard they can stick up by the front door load it up with his chores and make him check them off when he's done then instead of yelling at him 50 or 60 times a day you just ask him if he's checked off his board it worked he's going to be 15 in a few weeks and doesn't even really need the board anema if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, parenting fails, parenting 101, parenting is hard, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: j5o3hPZGaWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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