What's Your Worst Neighbor From Hell Story? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's the worst neighbor from hell behavior you've witnessed I live down the street from a heroin dealer my house was constantly being robbed by his customers I forgot to lock my car and they stole my GPS and all my loose change I didn't lock my shed and they took my lawnmower and gas I assume they fill their car up but on the bright side they returned the can to my shed after using it if it wasn't locked up they would steal it which is why I don't have a bike anymore superstorm sandy flooded my house with two feet of water my front door wouldn't close because it had swelled from being immersed in water my neighbors cleaned my house out they took everything I owned they even went through my attic they ripped my Pez out of the wall they stole my oven my sink my furnace my water heater my refrigerator my pavers my car my boat my sports autograph collection with signatures from Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle my gums but as expected they never even touched my book collection back to what they took my guitars my video games my TV a sleeping bag my computer and my coin collection many stories but I will leave this bit of speech my genius neighbors spouted last weekend screaming this from her front porch to her adult son who just jumps in his Jeep come on put your seatbelt on you've been drinking when I was a baby the old lady who lived a bar verse put a hose through the window into my car's neighbor's kid used to always just walk right in the front door before I moved into the house the original owner murdered the previous neighbor for always parking in his driveway house is cursed to make annoying neighbors I guess edit I don't know why people keep saying American Horror Story no edit people keep asking why we didn't lock the door my mom wasn't much of a mom and we were four young boys who had better things to do than worry about that stuff nowadays I'm always locking my door cop here I went to a disturbance call where two neighbors were blowing leaves and each other with leaf blowers they were actually mad while doing this looked out of my window to see my neighbor leaning over my six feet high fence and stretching right into my yard two saw some of the main branches off my tree my tree had never extended over the fence and her limb hacking killed it a few months later she cut one of the wires attached to our boundary fence that was holding up a shade cloth in my backyard I called the cops on her and a couple of weeks later all the plants along our boundary fence mysteriously died and seriously damaged some of my trees and I still have no idea what her problem is I work in the agricultural industry and sometimes have to help sort out disputes between neighbors I have always been shocked as to how two grown adults or two families will allow the situation to degrade to the point of violence one time I was contacted because of a dam usage dispute basically the two warring neighbors were unsure of the boundary between their two properties and both wanted to use this one particular dam both had in the past fenced it off and both had cut the other neighbor's fence down I identified who the dam belong to and provided advice accordingly the neighbor who came off second best wasn't happy he didn't say anything to me really but he did from a ton of dynamite in the dam rendering it useless it also exploded the animals drinking from it at the time of detonation another person is suspected of taking revenge on his neighbor for some sort of personal slight ice a suspected because it's been thoroughly investigated and no one knows the clear details all I can say is that the neighbor disappeared without a trace Andrew my house it was cut into pieces and stuff down and out of commission borehole other occasions I've had to deal with neighbors who have shot at each other lit each other's infrastructure on fire stolen each other's property including livestock or even in one case revenge tricked the neighbor's daughter keeps life in trusting found a neighbor of mine putting his trash in my cans then when I confronted him he tried to fight me neighbor behind my house would scream at her kids daily to the point our kids would be afraid to play in the backyard bye scream I mean things such as you [ __ ] little get the Frick out here verbatim quote to a kid that looked like he was eight or nine my ex even tried to help out one day one of her kids was up a three-story tall tree of hers that hung over our fence and wouldn't climb down I wonder why Connor in this van she was screaming all sorts of bile at him to come down my ex calmly says to the boy please climb down sweetie you might fall to try and convince him the woman then turns on her what a freak do you think you're doing don't you [ __ ] talk to my kids I made the mistake of calling the cops on her once while she was abusing several people she then came after my me physically my neighbour cut the cable with her garden shears I presume an argument over the bill she wouldn't let the cable company in to repair it so they had to bypass her house my house and about six others had no TV phone or internet for eight days not from hell exactly we used to live in a property with two units and we were in the back lived there for 4-5 years before the new front unit neighbours a couple in their 60s 70s movie a few weeks in she complained about our front yard bit which was not a shared area and it consisted of a tree and 3-4 small bushes she wanted us to plant something nicer in our private area 2m x 1mm keeping in mind we were in the back so no one from the street could see it anyways my mum told her she didn't have the time to do that so she suggested we hire a gardener to take care of our area and mum told her we didn't have that kind of money to spend next thing you know she sends us her grandson he would have been late 20s to try and convince us to change our plants to what she wanted she hinted we should do it because he was a professional private detective and he was really good at his job crazy plant lady I have actually been a terrible neighbour it's something I actually still feel a little bad about sort of basically where we lived we would get a lot of snails when it rained I mean buckets full of them it was a ritual of my mother's to go out and collect them all and dispose of them humanely with a break being a six-year-old I absolutely love snails and would feel really bad for the little guys and would go out and grab as many as I could in order to save them of course it made sense for me to simply throw them over the fence into my neighbor's yard where they could go live happily it was only much later that I overheard a conversation between my neighbor and my mother in which she was saying all her roses had been almost destroyed by snails the even worst part was apparently they belonged to her husband the roses who had passed away so they held a lot of sentimental value after that the snails got released to the house behind us who my mum didn't like so no-one was none the wiser sorry lady neighbour I hope your roses grew back okay in our last apartment we lived on the second floor a family on the fourth floor had this kid who was maybe three years old every morning between 6:00 and 8:00 they'd walk up the staircase after having been out and most of the time the kid would stop crying loudly what was the solution of the parents leave the crying kid in the staircase on its own for 15 minutes our apartment doors carried sound through them very well so it was basically like having a screaming three-year-old in your hallway every morning let's just say it got on my nerves rather quickly so what did I do nothing of course Amos weed law I lived in a house that had been split into two apartments next door was a crackhead normally crackhead kept to herself and didn't bother me except to bum a cigarette or two every few days one day she needed a smoke but I was down to my last pack and payday wasn't for another three days so I said no she must have really needed a smoke because it was like a rage switch had been turned on in her head I turned around and went back into my apartments to get away from her screaming at me and she went back into her apartment and started pounding on the walls at least I thought she was just pounding on the walls turns out that she grabbed a hammer and was smashing her way through the walls to my apartment I called her boyfriend who was basically a decent dude and he rushed home and got her calmed down the hole in the walls was basketball-sized by the time she was starved luckily for me they were already being evicted so I didn't have to worry about her anymore TL DR HTTP I am ger comma J ex 661 are jiff probably late to this but who goes wife and my first house after marriage we got a completely insane neighbor she hired environmental allergies which led her to have ridiculous reactions to any chemical so she spied on us to make sure we didn't clean or spray anything she had a severe reaction and threatened to sue us when she saw me lining the exterior of our house with chemicals the chemical I was using the salt she chased away three pest experts and were hired to help get termites out of my house because I couldn't get anyone to treat the area due to her insane reactions when she saw them finally rushed to Terminix guy on one day while she was gone he fixed the house up and we decided to good foe sold the house for a postage stamp and a pack of chewing gum I feel like I made a great deal good luck guy who wanted to argue price with me when I was already giving you a good deal enjoy the lawsuits and termites lived in an apartment over a couple who would constantly fight and blast ate his German electro-pop sh t during weeknights when I had to get up for work at 5:00 a.m. our current neighbor asked my wife to do some chores for when she broke her leg not so bad right well the same neighbor also asked our other neighbor to do same housework when she was completely fine the list of chores includes the standard staff laundry preparing meals bit of general cleaning art it also included digging out the garbage dump that was once their basement which was rotten with mold and has to be torn down and I wouldn't say this neighbor asked for help either more like the lawn did it oh and demanded to Babis it her kids too yeah while her and her husband got drunk and burns a hole through the cartilage of their noses and smash out windows to their car and truck and used a wood stove to heat their home when they couldn't pay any bills oh and the husband once tampered with my BB Q drained the tank and cut the hose some days you can go on the deck sit with a beer and listen to them curse and scream and make a ruckus sometimes you can even see the social worker pull up their driveway we call those like we call punch buggies now it's literally like watching a train wreck in slow motion it's horrible it's so inspiring it's saddening and you can't look away at all the neighbors upstairs keep overflowing their washing machine which causes flooding in our house now I have anxiety whenever I hear water running thanks for that about ten years ago when we first moved into our current house we gave our neighbors a set of keys to our house just in case of any emergencies or if there was something we needed while away on vacation we frequently went out of town and my dad would go on short weekend business trips on which my mom and I would accompanied him every time we came back there were always subtle changes in the house but too small to really question like missing condiments not as much toilet paper on the roll mats rugs seemed straighter and cleaner than when we left etc about two months later our family came home from our trip a day and a half earlier we pull up to our house and first of all see a bunch of cars in our driveways here the pool and jacuzzi pumps running and see all the lights on we go inside only to find our neighbors throwing a dinner party of some sort with a giant mess in the kitchen every plate glass and piece of silverware we owned scattered about the house wine and liquor bottles lining the counter a slew of people in our pool and jacuzzi and worst of all one of our boats missing from the dock and lifts and the other one filled with people leaving our harbor the look on the face of the neighbor's wife had the jacuzzi was priceless a combination of utter shock and heightening fear as she saw my six-foot big brown dad turning red in the face with intensifying anger everyone was out in a matter of minutes and we had the locks changed but she was kind enough to send over a team of maids to tidy up the place the next morning it turns out that for two months they had been using our house on the weekends we even found loads of their laundry in our washer and dryer ten years fast-forward my mom is best friends with her and my dad just hates us arou much TL DR gave our neighbors a set of keys to our house they used it to throw dinner parties and use all of our sh t while we were on vacation my neighbor is a 40-something redneck crackhead who is an abusive alcoholic one time he and his spouse were in a heated argument that could be heard throughout the entire neighborhood my friends and I were at about 8:00 and laughing about it until I heard someone else in their house yell coma get off he's bashing her head against the wall well despite being stoned as all get-out I jumped off my porch and burst into the house and grabbed the neighbor around his neck in a triangle choke like manner and choked him out until the police arrived I think the cops knew I was baked but they were happy I prevented what might have ended in a bloody mess they actually laughed at how red my eyes were and told me to take it easy TL DR choked out my crack head redneck neighbor because he was bashing his girlfriend's head against the wall edit well I just want to say thanks to everyone who had such cool and funny things to say and for the positivity just doing what any of you want some people would do this was around 10 years ago we received a phone call from the police station saying that our neighbor had filled a complaint the complaint was that there was a very large pile of dirt and debris on our lawn in the backyard and it was obstructing our neighbors view out their kitchen window now here's the best part my family hadn't even moved in yet we were in the middle of having the house built it was a new subdivision worst part is we had a week to have it removed otherwise we'd be fined a is actually a be law against piles of dirt on your lawn my friend growing up had neighbors that would shoot a BB gun at their house drop dead animals on the doorstep and even tried selling his older sister drugs to PSS off their more eventually she got cameras installed around the house to catch them doing stuff to the house but they would sneak around and cut the wires to the cameras finally my friend's mom in case the cameras in plastic and just in time because not too long after ray recorded them sunbathing nude in the cul de sac she is 300 plus pounds of the guy wasn't much bigger cops were called and not much else was done after that I had as aft agley D who had a series of Jamaican and Dominique and boy friends living below me we live in an area with lots of migrant agricultural workers when the reggae music had a volume turned up that was a sign she was about to have really loud sex with one of them get your freak on go when I was about 8 my father had rented a Bakke and in a meth fueled rage used it to tear off a bed of my mom's frontier before driving over to the neighbor's house and threatening them with it we obviously got a restraining order against us edit , we really means my neighbors there was this girl that lived next door to me let's call her boom because that's what she liked to be called I invited her over to my house for drinks once and she stole my steaks from the freezer that was when I lived in the ghetto when I lived in a more affluent area crazy still was nearby another neighbor stole my cat the cat went missing for a few days then showed up back at my doorstep I took her back in a few days later there were lost cat posters on the doors with a picture of my cat the neighbor came by while I was still figuring out what to tell her about the cat and when I opened the door the cat was standing there my legs she was really flustered when I told her that it was my cat and always had been he said well I already paid to have her shots I can't even fathom what she was thinking this cat is a beautiful Bengal that likes to hang around on the steps outside of my apartment obviously not a stray my parents next-door neighbor who is also my mother's cousin sued them three or four times over property disputes and once because his adult son allegedly fell over a decorative rock to prevents a neighbor from parking on my parents lawn the guy's house has been condemned but they still liver never had much luck with neighbors but by God the last one was horrible they had two massive dogs that were completely untrained never left the house and were outside day and night 24 strokes seven constantly barking their asses off setting my dog off as well one time one of their dogs escaped by jumping the fence off their patio furniture we had to call animal control because he was sitting at the end of the driveway charging at people who walk down the street so God knows how long the second time one of them escaped they took off in the drunk [ __ ] screamed at my dad for at least an hour accusing him of stealing their dog big surprise when one of them never escaped again after moving their patio furniture away from the fence freak those guys they left a couple months ago and my dad was so excited he took a chair and sat in front of our window watching them load of a u-haul truck a few years ago a neighbor two doors down decided to replace a fence however they felt their backyard wasn't big enough so they took down their existing fence they also cut down three medium-sized trees that were on the other side of their fence as in not on their property then they built the fence five feet onto the neighbor's property they even bolted it to the neighbor's house she was a single mom and a brain and breast cancer survivor who doesn't have a lot of money for litigation I am assuming they just thought there was nothing she could do about when we moved though she did have a lawyer who was helping her I don't know if the fence has been moved yet the little old lady across the street from me growing up was awful here's a few her evil dog bit people but because her son was a cop it was never put down also she chained it to the street side of the yard so it could go from her daughter six feet into the yards across the street she would walk down the street and just Panthers yelling as the mailman to ring her doorbell no matter what was being delivered she sat making that the window and enjoyed traumatizing the core man she befriended my people-pleasing mother who felt bad for her and then she would come over when my parents weren't there and the older kids were in charge she would then steal and threaten to whoop us and her dog finally died her son arrested my older brothers why because she swore she saw them dump rat poison in its dish a full doggy autopsy revealed the dog died because it was 15 and had doggy cancer and the kicker when my baby sister was about five she told her in front of me and my siblings that she should die because the night she was born was the night her husband died she then referred to her a Soul Stealer for several years PL D our old lady flash of thief with the biting dog who openly told a five-year-old to die repeatedly tiny house is all separated by only a thin driveway every day 3:00 a.m. neighbor gets picked up for work nurse I think by a car that honks the horn just one honk but totally unnecessary and right next to my bedroom I go and ask them to ask this person to call or knock on their door instead and they start complaining about my tree hanging over the driveway result they cut half the branches off my tree legal hanging over their property and the honking continued I moved in my first apartment the tenant upstairs pushed his mattress against the heater it was a ward electric unit with a turn knob turned it on and left almost burnt the whole building down we found out afterwards there was a warrant out for his arrest bogan Australian white trash as Frick neighbor was abusing his girl so I Cole [ __ ] he thinks it was other neighbor he has long-running grudge against so ts on her doorstep and patio table this is no still place either it's a 500 week townhouse in secured complex in centre of city with lots of affluent residents other incidents of top of my head include under house arrest for several months waiting trails for pulling knife on someone so he is constantly around complex causing trouble and dealing drugs to minors no less steals girlfriend from gang leader who comes around to fight him and they get involved in a machete fight in apartment complex there are many more but these are the ones that stick out this isn't bad just different an old neighbor of mine used to dress her greyhounds up in ornate dresses when she walked them one day she had one of the dogs dressed in a white dress with a veil and the other in a pink gown apparently they were on a quick break after the ceremony and before the reception of an online wedding to another greyhound my family friend in Chicago has a neighbor that is the biggest piece of sh t on the planet they have two little girls 8 and 10 and growing up he would yell obscenities at them like shut up you annoying little sh TS and stuff like that all around a terrible person just recently the father was walking their golden retriever and the neighbor pulled around the corner in his car once the neighbor saw the dad walking he swerved his car and ran over the dad and the dog the father went on life-support in critical condition and is currently slowly moving on his way to recovery the dog didn't make it so now as we wait to get the statement from the data police are building a case from evidence such as the skid marks on the street and the cameras set up on other houses TL DR neighbor cutters have little children runs over their dad on purpose putting him on life support and killing their dog I live in the Italian countryside and my house has no fence or gate all open space but my neighbors do all of them have fence with gate and to have it open to what they do Ponca frikar they all have the freakin remote and key to open the gate but no let's honk for a solid minutes to have the damn thing opened I feel like these people have actual servants and make them open the gate just cause also another of these neighbors of the Screaming beyond reason kids and twenty four strokes seven yapping dogs and said kids seems to learn the most squeaky swing in the entire universe I feel like their father oils it with salted water years ago a crazy neighbor dumped pesticide on the remembrance poppies my parents were trying to grow in their front garden no idea why I think he was off his meds still nothing will grow in that spot capital P my parents current neighbors have a small dog they keep locked up under their house all day and never walk my parents have even offered to walk it but they won't let them it barks all day and drives my parents crazy but they still feel sorry for it they also leave it there when they go away and my parents not sure if they have someone feeding it or just leave a bunch of food recently they got two new puppies which they keep upstairs with them and take with them on holidays but the old dog still gets locked up downstairs my parents are on the verge of calling the RSPCA on them because it seems incredibly cruel psychologically if not physically to keep an animal locked up like that with barely any interaction lawyer here who deals with a lot of land-use and real estate issues I have plenty of stories but perhaps my favorite is the neighbor who sabotaged the others septic system causing a backup during a period of heavy rains for those who don't know or understand how septic systems were rising underground water tables are very bad for septic systems particularly when there's no other water outlet so the water rose the septic system failed because the neighbor had plugged the outlet turns out neighbor was a bonehead because neighbor lives downhill so the much water flowed onto the sabotaging neighbor's property things then spiraled out of control and there were some violent physical incidents border disputes a Tiananmen Square style effort to prevent some minor soil excavation neighbor was a meth head and his backyard began to fill with his collections he loved old copy machines and large laser printers it looked like a technology graveyard my stuff began to disappear he never wore a shirt even in the dead of winter came home one day and he had run an extension cord from my garage exterior over the fence his power had been cut off another day my garden hose was tossed over the fence and he was filling up water bottles called the landlord that day who informed me the tenant was his son when I was 15 my family's house burned to the ground our awful neighbors sat in lawn chairs pointing and laughing as we watched our whole lives burned down I'll never ever as long as I live forget the smug smirk on the dad's face as he saw me and my little brothers crying over the loss of everything we knew Frick you Dave Martin Martin il Frick you my neighbors and college thought it would be fun to shoot the pellet gun in their backyard and shooting at cams wasn't satisfying they went ahead and shot my cat I was gone at the time and when I got back home my cat had ran back in through the window to hide blood all over the floors took him to the vet who removed the palate and he died two days later from peritonitis one of the saddest moments of my life downhill neighbor behind us cut down the hedge between our house and there's complained we will peepers trying to look into their house from our Terrace above their dog then Tora how a very old four-foot fence between the houses and we put up a six-foot fence topped by a two foot section of lattice max allowed by law and they could no longer see into our place then they built a three foot raised deck so they could see over again and called code enforcement and the police because we were peeping again the police blew them often code enforcement cited them for the illegal deck which they had to take down : close bracket their chihuahua constantly got out of their fence I would catch it and return it to their yard because it would wander into traffic ona didn't seem to care much after a few years of this I was taking my daughter's on a walk and the dog darted out in front of a car and was killed my daughter's witness isn't were pretty shaken up our soul got a new chihuahua the next day it shouldn't be like a broken toaster oven you just replace he never fixed the fence and now the replacement dog runs out in traffic - oh jeez that's easy my current neighbors they are absolutely horrible people they have three kids six three and two their grandmother's cat had its fifth litter recently so they took two of them home the three-year-old boy flushed one of the cats in the toilet and it's drowned so they put it into a plastic bag and put it in their garbage bin outside he actually pulled the pan over and showed my kids the body my kids were a mess one afternoon my six-year-old son came to me and said that there was a cigarette package where the needle in it in their backyard about the three-year-old has brought out I went out the back and it was a pouch just near our side of the fence and sure enough an empty syringe was in there my kids aren't allowed over there anymore but it's hard to explain to my son because their six-year-old is in his class I was on my patio out the front and the two and three-year-old were out the front completely naked and playing and the knocked over garbage bin for about 20 minutes before anyone noticed what they were doing they wander onto the street all the time I've returned them about ten times since they moved in two months ago I heard the mother yell at one of the kids and then heard a smack the sound of a hand hitting flesh an hysterical crying right now it's midnight and the mum is screaming her head off at the still awake kids I've called Child Services who spoke are spoken to police and the kids teacher living next to them as just doing my head in every time I hear a child cry my stomach not sob I'm a stay-at-home mom so I'm near it pretty much 24 stroked 7 a lease runs out in August and I've already started packing I was the neighbor from hell once I realize how much I suck now but at the time I was apparently just a douche I lived below a couple with two young children one couldn't even walk yet I was in a band and since I worked the 2-10 shift at my job we recorded our album in my apartment after 10:30 p.m. every night I can't imagine they liked me at all but they never really complained and were nice enough when I would see them in the halls and stuff store now that I have my own kid I realize I sucks big time woke up at 2:00 a.m. to somebody screaming obscenities and firing a shotgun in my front yard carefully looked out to see my neighbor in his underwear running towards my mailbox and chasing off some people parked by my mailbox the neighbor lived right next door and apparently his mailbox had been damaged recently my mailbox is about 160 feet from the house we live on a dead-end street and I think the car had stopped so somebody could take a leak I live in a nice neighborhood with my wife and baby I've got new neighbors who are renting the house beside me yesterday while outside in the evening a new neighbor peed in my flower bed peed on a rosebush my granddad gave me he owns a small town nursery so now I'm planning revenge and hoping for passive-aggressive suggestions I'd have to say that the crazy cat guy that feeds all of the feral felines of the neighborhood spreading fleas and God knows what else it's not even that he feeds them at his home he walks into my condo complex and lays food out in various spots for the cats I lost one dog to disease from those cats and have a dog with fleas now Animal Control just slaps his hand even after visiting him multiple times to top it off this dude is a mental holder super dirty one his home is probably worth 650 K Plus but it's a teardown because of the condition [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 61,558
Rating: 4.7954545 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 55sec (2095 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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