What is the worst thing you have seen at a wedding? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the worst thing you've ever seen happen at a wedding I was friends with a couple that had split right before my wedding I knew I couldn't invite both of them and I was closer friends with guy but he decided to move out of state after the break-up so I invited the girl let's call her Kelly Kelly shows up with a new younger knockoff version of her recent ex cool whatever Kelly is about 5 feet 11 120 pounds maybe good looking girl long legs she decided to wear a mini pleather skirt which wouldn't have been too bad only there was also a 2-inch slit up the back a little much for a wedding but whatever the whole wedding family members friends and co-workers kept asking me who Kelly was and if I knew she was basically flashing all her goodies to the whole guest list all night including the children see I was too distracted by my wedding to notice that Kelly also decided to not wear underwear so every time she sat down during the ceremony and reception her chhanchhan Dass would be visible for all behind her to see thanks Kelly now my 90 year old great grandma knows all too well what your vagina looks like not a bad thing that happened for me just really awkward went to wedding if someone from my church a few years back when it came time to say the vows he pulls out a sheet of paper and reads on for like five minutes getting really intimate and pouring his heart out to her it was kind of awkward tbh but the icing on the cake was her response when he was done she just giggled loudly and awkwardly and got out ditto that's it that was a wedding vow so freaking awkward I went to a wedding in a huge manor house on a cliff overlooking the ocean the house was lit up by big floodlights in the floor pointing up at the house when it got dark some guests ran inside to the bar dancefloor and shouted at people to come outside and look a man and a woman who met for the first time at the wedding were having sex below one of the floodlights but didn't realize that their gyrations were being projected 50 feet high onto the side of the house a perfect shadow of two shaggers they were very embarrassed when they found out my cousing sauce wedding sauce second of three sisters the eldest sister is a bit of an attention [ __ ] and drama queen the wedding is beautiful just absolutely amazing the bride cousin is the first to be married and this is clearly bothering the older cousin the elder cousin was also known to be very sexually active with random mates so the day before the wedding the elder cousin house Austin's single and unattached comes up to me and says stones not tell anyone but is some pregnant so I naturally tell my brother-in-law and sister immediately and they tell me she already told them we validated this with multiple other attendees Shahzad gone around and told what seemed like everyone fast forward to the day of the wedding the bride cousin is pissed because she sauce now caught wind of the fact that the elder sister is going around telling people share sauce pregnant it finally came to a head after the ceremony the older sister who was a known drinker gave a toast and started it with so wish I could be having a proper drink right now who opps well yeah is some pregnant hahaha so the bride cousin just sat there wide-eyed while everyone half-heartedly clapped for the pregnant cousin TL DR older cousin is jealous of younger cousin getting married intentionally gets pregnant for attention and announces it at her sister Usos wedding my friend got married around age 21 neither he nor the bride had much money so the wedding was modest but still very nice they did have a lovely three-tier cake though the ceremony goes fine and the bride will cut the cake music is playing she was a dainty tiny little thing maybe 5 feet 2 inches and 100 pounds soaking wet if she swatted a fly it might not even notice she approaches the cake with the knife barely touches it and boom the whole thing immediately collapses all three says somehow all over someone's elderly grandmother who was seated right by the ill-fated cake that old lady who had barely moved throughout the whole affair short out of her chair like she was fired from a cannon screeching bloody god damned murder and send in cake shrapnel all over those nearby another close friend and I watched the whole thing from close range and were paralyzed and purple from hysterical breathless laughter as were many of the other guests I later heard the bakery refunded them for the cake due to its not up to code construction they should have charged them double for generating memories that no one they will ever forget my dad's friend's son got married when I was a teenager he's a really cool guy and we played a Nintendo a lot whenever we visited anyway the embarrassing story is about his bride she decided that she wanted to sing to him at one point during the ceremony so she chose the song wind beneath my wings by Betty Midler Midler is an alto the bride was a high soprano unfortunately she couldn't sing very well either so for several minutes she squeaks this song out while he's standing there with the most Awkward look on his face I think everyone felt embarrassed I know I did the good thing is that they're still happily married and have a daughter why people think singing to their so on their wedding day is not cringy is beyond me I just can't cope with that sort of thing even the idea of a first dance makes me want to hurl might be to do with being a Brit when my so and I finally get married we'll probably have a firm handshake at the altar but then totally avoid eye contact during the rest of the day and indeed the rest of our lives there was this guy outside of the hotel walking up two groups of people in the smoking area asking how much each person weighed he was very overweight himself and his jeans look to be on inside-out he was severely under dressed for the occasion and no one seemed to know him anyways he would ask a person's weight and then exclaim I can bench that dirt until one guy I think he was a family man the bride got into an argument with him and started asking around if anyone knew this person figuring that he was a wedding crasher that's when this gentleman decided to cut a deal with everyone if I can pick up that bench with my bare hands can I stay for the party to which everyone agrees because the bench was clearly bolted to the ground so he walks over puts his hands on the bench crouches down and with all of his might shits his pants in front of everyone he stood up and waddled off through the parking lot to never be seen again I did hear throughout the night people talking about a guy who was on shrooms outside trying to lift a bench so I guess he was also tripping balls the grandmother of the bride died at the reception she was dancing and having fun and then just collapsed the bride and groom did amazingly grandmother was quite elderly and sick they waited with her for the ambulance and quickly told everyone she was arrives and on her way to the hospital everyone was slightly worried in have thought the evening had just gotten to her nope she had passed away right there as I found out after the reception was over and her and I were cleaning up the hall together also groom was terminal he was given six months about a week before the wedding he survived about three months afterwards happiest thing is the bride was pregnant with his child and gave birth to a lovely daughter she has since remarried but my goodness a widow three months after the marriage with a newborn no she didn't get a huge life insurance policy either that woman is strong as nails just as the bride started walking down the aisle her grandmother had a sudden cardiac event we had to stop the procession and start CPR in the aisleway what's worse is that we were in a large park and people calling 911 couldn't give the address I ran to the ranger station but it was locked I broke a window screen and crawled through to you the land line ends could trace and respond she didn't make it as an added bonus to the horrible situation I later found out the Ranger had placed a hidden camera in the women's restroom where the girls got ready dressed for the wedding he served jail time one of my best friend's weddings the groom got so drunk that he straight disappeared from the reception [ __ ] got real awkward when it was time for the wedding to be over the venue was kicking us out and the bride and groom were supposed to take off in their vintage car and drive off to their honeymoon suite the music went off lights went on and it turned into the guests searching for the damn groom my husband finally found him in the parking lot basically face down on his lips he helped him back into the wedding which was basically the most Awkward walk of shame past the bride's glaring dad and grandfather the groom was too drunk to drive bride's grandfather drove them to the hotel suite which was a 30-minute drive my friend the bride later told me that when they got in the room her new husband passed out cold on the bed and she had to wander the halls in her wedding dress looking for someone to unhook her dress for her so she could get out of it : I was an event manager at a mansion that did a lot of weddings so I've seen my fair share of wedding she chose my favorite is probably the one where the entire wedding party started drinking at noon for 6:00 p.m. wedding the groom passed out around 5:00 and we couldn't get him up so I made him a ham sandwich and propped him up in his bed while I handed him managed to get him and his boys down to the courtyard and then had to run back in and heard the women down the bride spilt hell Mimoza all over her dress two of the bridesmaids couldn't find their shoes but everyone was super happy and nice there were about 150 people at the reception and every single one of them got absolutely hammered the mother of the bride kept sneaking up on me hugging me and the groom made me pose for some photos with them they also gave me all the leftover wedding cake and a few bottles of wine I miss him edit so I read the question and started thinking of a good one and remembered this one and forgot the question I don't know why I'm this way there was a wedding I went to in Niagara Falls in a late afternoon and the reception was at a hotel that was almost an hour over the Canadian border through customs while we waited for the bride and groom the only refreshments available were from an overpriced cash bar and a commensurately expensive hors d'oeuvres buffet two hours and thirty dollars later which we had to spend to keep three young children from hitting a major blood sugar crash the totally unapologetic newlyweds showed up once we learned that no dinner would be served we paid our respects and got out of there our hungry children ate McDonald's burgers at 9:00 p.m. I was a groomsman in my frame sauce wedding who is a reformed you most of the weddings are served been to a Jewish mostly conservative with a couple Orthodox it sauce pretty standard the ceremony can vary in length depending on a specific family sauce customs but at the end the groom steps on the glass wrapped in cloth and such sauce everyone queue to celebrate at this particular wedding the rabbi wasa thought so much on his game he is doing the ceremony and realizes he doesn't have his bag with some of the things he needs for the ceremony he asks the best man to get his black bag by the fireplace the best man comes back with my overnight bag and stead and gives it to the rabbi his son like some do you have to be kidding this I didn't saw have anything incriminating in there except maybe a ziploc bag of condoms in the rabbi right away knows it's all snot his bag I quickly sprint and take my overnight bag from under this choppers run back to the fireplace and find the Rabi sauce bag I inspect the bag to make sure it sauces I see the role napkin that should contain the glass for the groom to step on so I know it's sauces but ism likes Sean salt Derby like a wine glass or something in Harris Snape he has it with him so I sprint back with a bag and casually give it back to the rabbi and go back to my groomsman spot the part of the ceremony finally comes for my friend to break the glass and make it official and right when he is about to step on the napkin is some thinking to myself that looks kind of thin sandy stance on the napkin it made no noise the rabbi put nothing in there and I understand to a non Jew how this doesn't seem like a big deal but this is the most common tradition you see at any Jewish wedding across the spectrum of religiousness and at that moment I almost had a heart attack one of my best friends acted as the officiant at my wedding and did a really good job later that night and after everyone had plenty to drink my other best friend made some sort of ambiguous comment about the officiant friend's girlfriend the officiant friend proceeded to right hook him hard then kick the [ __ ] out of him while he was down I didn't see any of this actually happened but then got a lot of questions from my family members along the line of why did the pastor beat your friend up dot they still aren't friends anymore so that ended like a 15 year friendship oh and they're both smart and successful ones a senior mutual fund analyst and the other is an environmental engineer so this was pretty out of character but at least I got a Dothraki wedding once you add in a bunch of people who banged in the fruit grove at the reception at my friend's wedding he and the groom's menon call me were out to breakfast the morning of the wedding we were joking around and all of a sudden the groom got a look of terror on his face he excused himself out to the parking lot and a few minutes later peeled out we called him and found out he can't find the ring and thinks he left it on top of his car we retraced the route from the house to the restaurant like five times and eventually spotted the Box on the side of the road it was broken in half and empty he was super upset obviously we all crawled around in the ditch on the side of the road for like an hour and about to give up walked over to some old guy a few doors down had just pulled into his driveway and asked if he had seen anything turns out he found the ring when going for a morning walk got the ring back and still made it to the wedding with plenty of time to spare I guess it didn't turn out to be that bad in the end but was pretty shitty while it was happening the craziest thing I've heard about wasn't in attendance myself was a wedding and reception that one of my friends went to for his cousin the bride as far as my buddy knew at the time things went fine and there weren't any huge issues however unbeknownst to the guests the bride had slipped away during the reception done a few bumps of coke in the kitchen and then decided to [ __ ] one of the caterers outside the building a couple other guests saw them apparently the bride was bent over a trash can with a dress hiked up around her waist while all dude went to town but somehow this news didn't actually break out the reception or it got hushed up to avoid a bunch of embarrassing drama however somebody did tell the groom and his family at the end of the night the marriage license got thrown out and my buddy's cousin got left behind by her former groom and had to get a ride home with her mom and spend the night at her parents place there would be married couple had a place together at the time and apparently her now ex-fiance just through all her stuff out onto the front lawn and never spoke to her again close bracket the worst thing I've personally seen myself was fairly tame and not unusual a bridesmaid fainted during the ceremony and collapsed it was only notable because of the volume of sound that she hit the altar that church's acoustics were on point had I not been too freaking young and oblivious there were a number of things that happened at my first wedding the bride's married mother-in-law constantly hitting on my married father in front of both her husband and my mother Brides friends constantly saying stuff to me along the lines of you know we could just kidnap you before this whole thing starts let us know and with dr. carpark just outside that emergency exit if you need it members of both families literally starting a pool on how long the marriage lasts I believe one of the cousins won that one the dude performing the ceremony pulled me aside before the wedding and said listen it will be a few days before I'm able to send the license in weekend and federal holiday and such so nothing happens between now and Wednesday just give me a call and I'll lose the paperwork I thought he was joking nope he was dead serious i hindsight I should have taken him up on that offer edit had to clarify it was the bride's friends not mine groom got so drunk he couldn't talk or stand by the reception zero chance he remembers his own wedding bride seemed okay with this very bizarre they are a professional couple with two advanced degrees between them acting like complete hillbillies who am I to judge I am Judge emic judge a face that's who some people really do live the trite work hard play hard things so maybe it was that I know my cousin works in the Pentagon not as a janitor and his wife is a PA for a well-know medical practice in the Arlington area and they're very well put together both individually and as a couple however the self-proclaimed theme of their wedding wish mehmed which was their contraction of smashed and hammered we almost had to sedate my aunt because my cousin was running late to his own rehearsal dinner because the hotel bar had been giving him free drinks his wife's take on it well done you never walk away from free drinks damn it I'm Way too late for this one and no one will see it i bartend at a wedding once and the best man was called to give his speech he grabbed the mick and this is what he said for the past 20 years my brother has beat the [ __ ] out of me belittled me in front of my family teased and tormented me in front of my friends and done everything he could to make me feel like her the worst person in the world funny that only now does he realize who the best manners then he literally dropped the mick and walked right out the front door my his fell didn't show up at his daughter's wedding because his wife the mother of the bride was going to be there the bride also hates her mother this Phil also refused to help financially with the wedding plus he didn't like the groom neither did my husband who was an all around us all about his sister behind her back common no one in her we made any kind of speech or toast at the wedding during photos at the church the mother of the bride's boyfriends blazer caught on fire from standing too close to the tea lights in the windows at the reception one of the groomsmen got in a fight with one of the guests in the parking lot she also chose to get married the day after Christmas so I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day setting up for this thing I did the flowers and all the centerpieces after the Christmas Day rehearsal dinner while her friends watched and told me what a great job I was doing I was hopped up on cold medicine I had a cold the whole time I was a best woman at my mates wedding I was best friends with the bride and very good friends with the groom at the reception I discovered that the bride was having an affair I suspected I talked to her privately and begged her to tell me the truth she denied it and sneered you have no proof when I told her that I knew I went back to my table to have a drink and wait after a while I got my proof screenshots of messages on her phone and during the group goodbye congratulations thank you I hugged her and whispered in her ear that I had proof I stuck my phone in her face to show her and told her she had 12 hours to tell the groom or I would she told him and they separated within three months divorced haven't seen any fights or drunken shenanigans but I have been to a reception that was plain bad after a beautiful ceremony at a large church the reception was held in the church's gymnasium once inside there was a large table with tons of desserts felt kind of um there was no dinner but the dessert bar was pretty nice we went through the line got our plates piled high with cakes cookies brownies etc rounded the corner and then suddenly carving station we were all baffled that they'd put the carving station at the end of the dessert buffet line yeah was pretty sad seeing the chef having to awkwardly plate the rib roast on top of everyone's page full of desserts what genius planned this then we get seat only to notice that there was no music band or dance floor apparently churches that ban any kind of dancing or music are Athenians and parts of the rural South and Footloose is not just an absurd premise also the only thing to drink was water and iced tea so my wife and I sat there awkwardly for two hours sitting at a table with eight strangers bored with nothing to do I hope this doesn't get lost my wife and I were traveling to where we would do to get married and stayed over at a hotel on the way it just happened there was a wedding taking place at the hotel we were sat outside on the balcony enjoying a drink watching the wedding party across a small lake the bride and groom were having various photos taken with different people and seemed to be having a great time until the photographer I guess suggested they sit on a fence by the lake I can see this so clearly even now years later the best man or part of the wedding party gave the bride a gentle push as a practical joke she went straight over backwards into this murky algae covered lake the groom left him to save her and drag her out everyone stood speechless and the groom literally sprinted after the best man who ran into the crowd and the bride ran off crying this all happened at around 6 p.m. so the party had barely begun I'd love to know how the rest of the evening played out I haven't been to many weddings but the one I went to this weekend was awkward as hell mostly because the bride's best friend gave a speech after yelling for them to come forward while they were still off taking pictures about how they weren't always this nicest best friends and that bride like to wander off as a kid specifically one instance where they were at the beach and the bride went to throw something away got distracted and spent a while with the hot lifeguards that she apparently didn't want to leave she then gave the groom a dog leash to keep her from wandering after any hot guys the bride and the groom and been together and faithful for almost 10 years it wasn't funny and the bride and groom were uncomfortable as was everyone else she thought she was hilarious though which made it so much worse I was friends with both the bride and groom and was invited to their wedding the bride's sister who was the maid of honor got blackout drunk the night before woke up and continued to drink throughout the day vomited in the limo to the venue and gave one of the most acerbic and spiteful speeches imaginable during the beginning of the reception then she continued to snipe at the groom and his family the rest of the night I should mention that it's not like she didn't know the guy either the bride and groom were highschool sweethearts and got married in their late 20s and by all accounts got along okay with a sister until then my sister's wedding one of the groomsmen was also the DJ guy got hammered during the two hours between ceremony and reception and was apparently groping one of the bridesmaids word got around to the husband if the bridesmaid and he confronted the DJ in the bathroom DJ completely derailed the entire reception in a drunken rage the cops were called in the DJ put his hand on one of the cops so they carried him out of the reception hall to a standing ovation someone else there knew how to use his equipment so the reception continued on and good times were had by all so at my cousin's wedding my arms my cousins mum shows up two hours late to the service then a drunk dude on the groom's side starts chanting for them to make out halfway through the service we get to the reception where the bride's mom goes with my other aunt and gets drunk at their hotel one of the little kids arms got dislocated so we have to call an ambulance my other cousin is making out with some girl in the bushes they get caught by a local then on top of that my aunt gets mad at my mom for not taking care of her kid while that is happening my uncle is high with my step cousin my grandma takes a whole play of chicken I throw up because I am sick and the bride yells why can't any of you be normal dot my family is the only one who goes to the brunch next morning and she apologizes to us she says that it makes her mad how the only normal family lives 10 hours away from her I live in Pennsylvania and she lives in Georgia it was an interesting wedding the groom and his best man got completely trashed the night before the wedding and the best man ended up beating the crap out of the groom we are talking black eye swollen cheekbones steri-strips closing lacerations and quite a collection of colors from red to deep purple the wedding went on as scheduled like nothing happened the best man was at the groom's side during the ceremony and then gave the toast at the reception the only time the fight was mentioned was when I overheard the photographer telling the bride that she would be able to photoshop the groom's face if the bride sent her some photos of what he normally looks like friend's wedding in Acapulco bunch of friends stayin together in an apartment til the trip came along another friend who wasn't invited to the wedding but just wanted to relax in the beach during the weekend when the bride knew this other guy was in Acapulco she invited him along to the wedding so he wouldn't stay alone during this time at the wedding and as alcohol was beginning to kick in this guy who wasn't originally invited thought it would be a good idea for everyone to jump into the pool that was right next to the reception thing is he started by pushing someone into the pool but miscalculated and the guy fell flat on the floor then trying to make things less awkward he rolled the guy who was lying on the floor till he reached the pool the guy he threw into the pool was the bride's father my brother pre gained before the ceremony kept drinking through the reception and got absolutely smashed had a cream sauce flare-up went to the restroom to handle it passed out on the toilet it was the only toilet available in the men's restroom for a reception of 70 people though there was also a urinal I ended up sort of hanging out in the bathroom outside his stall ferrying others along through the urinal when they in the bathroom which everyone myself included thought was creepy I made the excuse of waiting for the store to open when asked and trying to wake my brother through a locked door when nobody was there after the incident my arms who also pre gained before the ceremony kept drinking through the reception and got absolutely smashed sent my brother to the dance floor then started yelling at me over my dinner plate from not doing enough to control my brother's loss alcoholism while drinking his drink the whole time she got through his entire drink before he got back and then she tried to stage a drunken intervention at our table I am getting married in June and there will not be alcohol at the reception this post will get so buried but I need to tell this one to people who I know got married very expensive wedding no expense spared really they had hundreds of guests rented an entire hotel in the middle of the city center during the course of the day the groom kept getting up and leaving the room and would be gone for 20 minutes at a time so the bride's three sisters one of whom was 8 months pregnant decided to follow him they followed him to a room in the hotel they didn't let him know that they saw him went to fetch the bride and her mother and as a group mob they knocked on the door when he opened it they barged in and found a semi naked woman in the room with him he had paid for his mistress to stay in the hotel on the day of his wedding the other woman got into the bride's face and basically told her to go and [ __ ] herself the bride her sisters and mother kicked the everliving [ __ ] out of a mistress husband fled the pregnant sisters dress was covered in blood and she had one of the girls teeth embedded into the flesh between her knuckles the wedding dress looked like carriers prom dress the mistress had a broken eye socket a broken nose and lost nine teeth or so I heard she was in hospital for weeks it was in the national newspapers and the bride and groom are still together when I was little maybe five or six at most I was the ring bearer for my aunt's wedding my job was to bring the rings down the aisle when called and then stand quietly off to the side for the last half hour or so in the ceremony I was undiagnosed at the time but I had a severe case of ADHD probably still do tbh standing still and quietly for that long was physically impossible for me I spent the entire time jumping off the raised pulpit area pretending I was a ninja or a superhero or some [ __ ] eventually I wore myself out and started just rolling in place and making loud noises like a tiny drunk needless to say no one was happy with me I still get told about how I ruined the ceremony edit my mother has seen this post and I so been informed that I left out the very important part where I spent several minutes picking my nose and showing off my findings so there you go read it I have one stay WTH me it might be long it was my uncle's wedding in the morning of the wedding my mother refused to get out of bed and was sneaked drinking since the am so she walks up just drunk before the wedding starts she interrupts a priest by standing and saying let me marry them then she sits back down she falls asleep at one point with her head resting on the chair ahead of her then she wakes up and starts yelling at her sister my arms that my aunt's husband has always wanted her he actually hates her and how she has such a better life than her sister this is all happening during the ceremony after the ceremony she interrupts the first dance insisting it is her turn to dance everyone was dumbfounded when the first dance and she begins to pole dance from the tables and flailing around she then slaps my sister and screams at my grandma her mom that she was an abusive mom and that she is messed up from her mom being abusive now all my mom's siblings are rolling their eyes cause my grandma has Nev once being abusive my mom is just loving the attention she is getting and then she passes out before dinner and that's my abusive alcohol addicted mother for you I've told this story before on reddit but here we go again I used to be a banquet manager for medium sized hotel so my weekends were spent throwing bar mitzvahs and weddings all weekend I've done well over 200 weddings over more than five years of doing this job so I have seen some [ __ ] the worst thing that happened though didn't happen during the wedding but in the hours immediately after it the wedding itself went off fine no problems and the bride and groom were extremely nice one of the nicest couples I've worked with actually the bride was six months pregnant and was already showing they got married on a Sarat we had their reception at the hotel satellites and they planned on leaving the hotel son a.m. to go the air Court and leave for their honeymoon now I didn't work on Sundays typically so I wasn't there when it happened that when I came in on Monday I found out apparently late Saturday Sun morning the bride wasn't feeling good and it was so bad they called an ambulance the bride ended up having a miscarriage hours after her wedding instead of going off on her honeymoon I felt so bad for them it couldn't have happened to a nicer couple a mega brawl broke out at my cousin's wedding it was in the main hall I came out of the restroom and a Royal Rumble was taking place one by one more added to the fight when their relative was being attacked the ruckus made its way to the cake table where several people crushed the table sending a hundred small plates of cake into the middle of the swarm then it became an ice rink when the cakes made onto the floor people were pissed as [ __ ] trying to kill one another but were doing the Frankenstein dance slipping on the cake then the money gift basket table was crushed and the bride and groom's money went to everywhere the caused everybody who wasn't fighting to them stopped fighting because people had the nerve to start stealing the money I guess at least 50 people were fighting all of the money was lost in somebody stole the rest of the cases of booze from behind the bar never seen nothing like that in my life before you ask yes it was an Irish wedding I work at a wedding venue that is in the woods granted nothing to do with the wedding party I arrived to work with helicopters and news crew present when I walked in the door three kids I'd never seen before were just sitting in the lobby area I soon found out that their brother was playing in a nearby swimming hole and didn't come back up their father was with them and jumped in to find him he also did not come back up there was no cell service in the woods so they walked to our location to call for help I had to work in the room right next to the lobby and most everyone else was in the back working it was devastating to continually see their faces the two younger kids didn't seem to know what was going on but their older brother you could just see the pain in his eyes my manager was pretty great that day taking care of him but was a wreck for the whole wedding she stayed with them and made them comfortable until the police and their mother came they are working on getting cell service in that area now and when anyone ever asks me where that swimming hole is I don't tell them okay so after working weddings for seven years now you collect some stories the photo/video crew will sit around the table at dinner and see who has the craziest WTF story embarrassing [ __ ] drunk people cheetah's injury even death the worst story I can think of at the moment would be the classic groom found out she cheated before the wedding he decided to go through with the very expensive wedding day we're talking 100k plus high end wedding since her parents were paying for it faked his way through the whole day paid off the officiant to fake the license signing up until the point where all their family and friends were in the ballroom waiting for their special video to play on the big screen you guessed it the special video was her cheating with one of their friends he essentially thanked everyone for coming tell them all to stay and have a good time since it was all paid for and left for those wondering about the death that one is super sad the bride decided to have her grand entrance on a horse I guess something must have spooked the animal because it freaked out and threw her she broke her neck and died right there groom got extremely drunk at the open bar after the ceremony he unknowingly pissed his pants at the bar and thought everyone was lying as they told him about it he finally got mad and said he was going to go change his clothes but instead went and got into his truck when everyone realized he hadn't come back we went looking and realized his truck was gone after alerting the police and searching the roads for hours revealed nothing everyone gave up looking for him and waited for the police to come up with something the next morning the groom returned to the venue in his truck which was completely totaled airbags deployed in all how the truck even ran was beyond us as the front end was compacted back into the steering wheel's turns out the groom had decided to go to his house to get his gun and fire off some rounds at his favorite past your range spot while driving to his spot he had hit the cow in the road being too drunk to repair his vehicle he slept into the truck in the middle of the road he woke up the next morning and fixed his truck enough to get it back to the venue he was still wearing his pee pants this happened in 1996 for a bit of context my family got invited to my mom's sister's wedding my mom was a bridesmaid so dad and I I was nine at a time sat with the rest of the non-party family for the wedding during the wedding my mum had one of those I am smiling to cover up the fact that I am pissed off smiles on her face after the wedding but before the reception mom and grandma moms mom got into a heated argument outside the church we ended up not going to the wedding reception at all I asked my mom why and she just told me that she and my aunt had a fight so we needed to go I accepted this at the time years later I found out what the fight was over my mom had recomm did the hairdresser for my on sweating he was an openly gay man apparently my mom overheard my aunt tell my grandma how she wasn't going to pay him for his services because of it this pissed my mom off and she told my aunt that she had her hair done and that she better pay up my aunt then gave my mom [ __ ] for supporting the gay lifestyle and after that mom decided that she was done with her sister she put up with the wedding but after that she didn't talk to my aunt for like two years at the wedding dinner one of the guests claimed she couldn't sit in the main burning room as there was no ventilation as she was allergic to alcohol she reckoned the gravy had it in and would cause fumes it was a rainy day but she was stuck outside on a table with her partner a few guests chose to join her so she wasn't left out the bride's sister marched outside accusing her allergy to made-up in her head and if the others didn't get back inside then they can all go home that pretty much set the mood for the evening and made those guests start crying and feeling and wanted at the wedding to top it off as the bride and groom finished their first dance the DJ announced the father and daughter dance was next the bride's father passed away a few months before her wedding [Music]
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Id: j4k5jFtLIis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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