Guys, What Was Your Worst "Meeting the Girlfriends Dad" Story?

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guys i've read it what is your worst meeting the dad moment when dating someone new when i first met my sew's parents her dad was outside working on his garden i walked by and said hey how are the tomatoes coming along they're all dead it traumatized me for a while but now we get along fantastically my so and i still joke about that though i went to her house and hung out around her family we were sitting around the fire and telling stories it gets a little late and me and her decide to go upstairs and watch movies in her room on the way to the stairs he grabs my hand smells my fingers and then says they better smell like that when you come back down wasn't so much bad as it was hilarious but it was my only noteworthy one my now father-in-law is a retired corrections officer but at the time of the story he was still working i met him the first time i picked up my now wife me 23 her 20 at the time for a date and he a genuinely nice guy shook hands no stern talk just the typical treat her well and have fun so all is good also i think on our third date he decides to frick with me i pull up to the house knock and he answers since my wife is still getting ready now i think about the phil is he's quite the wino something i didn't know at the time but unless he's hammered you really can't tell he's been drinking so i come in and we small talk a bit nothing out of the ordinary after about five minutes i hear my wife yell she's almost ready so i stand up to get ready to leave at this time he walks over throw his arm around my shoulder and says well you kids have fun but just know that anything ever happens to my daughter my friends can run a lot faster than you he proceeds to reach into his pocket and drop a .45 round in my hand pat me on the back and walk away i just stand there frozen in my oh crap what i have gotten myself into a moment my wife comes out yells by grabs my hand and off we go needless to say it was a very interesting car ride to dinner in the end he truly was just freaking with me but he knew it was a father's right to do so as he saw fit looking back now it's a pretty funny story to tell but at 23 fresh out of college it was terrifying so clearly i married this girl but the best part of this story came years later at the wedding at the wedding he gets up to give his father of bride speech for the most part it normal super positive and super supportive as he's winding down he walks over to us and finishes his speech in epic fashion i wish you all the happiness in the world but just remember if you ever hurt my daughter my friends can always run faster than you as he proceeds to drop from more 4.45 rounds in my hand drops the mic and walks away our guests went crazy cheering his speech as i put my hair down on the table laughing and holding the ammo up in the air the photographer has a great picture of this while my wife is laughing we've been meaning to get the picture and ammo framed but we haven't for some reason yet the best part is the majority of our family and friends never knew about the first half of the story which i then got to recount several times later throughout the night my phil and i have a good laugh about this every now and then i had just gotten off the plane from a deployment met my girlfriend before taking her to a hotel for a weekend filled with games like hide the sausage she told me i had to go meet her parents first which is no big deal until good old private mclean 18 walked into lieutenant colonel girlfriend's dad's house now he's lieutenant colonel father-in-law though so i guess it went okay i once dated a girl with a lieutenant colonel father when he introduced himself as lieutenant colonel marvin's his wife yelled out that's right couldn't even make full call story from a girl's pov but i'm pretty sure the dude i was dating at the time would say this was his worst meeting the dad moment it was the early morning hours of my 16th birthday so like 12 1 am i had been dating this guy for about two weeks he was five years older than me yes i know creepy etc and he was dropping me off at my house after getting dinner at tgi fridays lol my curfew was 12 a.m so me being the 16 y o genius i was decided that if we were making out in his car in the driveway that technically meant i was not breaking curfew because i mean i was home i was kind of a crap this was in the early days of cell phones so i had just gotten one and i get an incoming call from my dad at around 12 30 a.m from the house phone he's obviously angry because he thinks i'm not home yet where are you in the driveway dad i said all cheery at how amazingly my idea was going to work he immediately hangs up and i know crap is about to go down i say my goodbyes get out of the car and start booking it to the front door on the way there i run into my dad in his boxes hair all messed up obviously had just woken up and his face is very red he just looks right at me and goes frick you also more confirmation that crap was about to go down cause he had never said that to me even when i was being the shittiest offshoots the guy didn't even have time to back out of the driveway so my dad walks up to his car door flings it open and goes what makes you think you can keep my daughter out this late he just stares at him in utter terror as his answer then he proceeds to say i don't want to see you again at the earliest september it was late july then slammed the door and silently went back inside and went to sleep my favorite part was i guess he reasoned with himself when making his threat and decided that hum he'd be okay with seeing him in september i guess he needed a football friend especially 21 and he can convince to get him beer while dating his daughter this wasn't someone i was dating but i had a one night stand with a girl who took me to her place after the bar closed she told me to be quiet and i just assumed it was because she had roommates the next morning we get up and she is walking me out and her entire family is eating breakfast mom dad and younger sister everyone says hi and she stops to talk to them for a bit while i awkwardly walk out they didn't seem phased at all but i was so weirded out that she just banged a stranger with her parents and sister right there maybe they were accustomed to it by then her family was having a party this was a party with a bunch of rednecks for lack of a better word i was 16 or 17 at the time so i wasn't drinking but all the adults that were nice and toasted there were like eight puppies running around us her dad pulls out a gun and starts showing it off a few minutes later he's talking all sweet to this puppy and gets it to run towards him as it is running towards him he shoots the puppy in the head i immediately start flipping out on this guy and cussing him out if he wasn't holding a gun i don't know what i would do so i get in my car and i tell my girlfriend i'm 2p sad to be around anybody i called the sheriff and told them the story they said they couldn't do anything about it because we were on private property then i tell them they are wasted and shooting guns he ended up going to jail that night a few days later he tells me i can't date his daughter anymore and it was my fault he went to jail a few years ago this piece of crap died from lung cancer it's been 10 years and it still hurts to think about that puppy holy crap good for you for calling him out then telling the sheriff my father was really hard on guys i would bring home i was living at home over the summer during college and my now husband picked me up for a date i warned him in advance so he handled this pretty well my dad was sitting on the couch in his whitey tighties with a navy bathrobe that was completely open he was taking apart his hunting rifle and cleaning it it was june nothing was in season for months he is also mostly a duck hunter which uses shotguns this was a large caliber rife for deer he was definitely cleaning that gun to send a message i never understood that i mean if he's taken it apart to clean it then it's totally harmless and non-threatening hahaha does it count if i was the one being a massive tit once when i was naught bit a nipper and had yet learned any sort of self-control i went to visit my then girlfriend at her house it began quite well introductions and small talk and then we were excused to the other room i was there for at most about two hours and everything went fine right up until it was time to leave now this girl was living with her mother and stepfather at the time and when it came time to leave we said our goodbyes and she told them that she was going to walk me to the bus stop simple enough the conversation went as follows step dad ah sure i'll give you a lift gf no it's okay we'll walk step d oh no i'll give you a spin sure gf thank you but it's fine it's just down the road step pdr come on now i'll give you a spin gf no we want to talk and stuff to which he replied as friendly as anything ah sure you can do that in the back of the car now i am not a smooth man and at the ripe old age of 14 i was even less so struggling to come to terms with having an enormous mouth small brain and absolutely no filter i want you the following situation unfold with me sadly being at the very center of it screaming and pointing at this lovely man a man who had been nothing but kind to me and i hear the words you freaking pedo explode from the gaping hole in my face this was quickly followed by a realization that this was a freaking [ __ ] thing to scream at someone particularly in his own kitchen and so with the family positively a gorp i said the words oh crap and then sprinted out of their house and down the street good times do wood that hurt me when i was a kid i was pretty picky and had an aversion to red rare meat over it now in seventh grade i got invited to dinner at my first girlfriend eva's house and they were making burgers her dad personally hands me the rarest burger i've probably had to this day like bleeding totally raw inside looking back i think maybe they have been frozen and not totally thawed or maybe it wasn't that bad and my thirteen-year-old self created this memory but anyway i was really nervous and didn't want to seem picky so i choked most of it while discreetly gagging and somehow managed to hide the rest in a napkin and throw it away the whole rest of the night i felt nauseous totally psychosomatic and was convinced i was going to die for me coli god i used to be such a little bee lol e coli isn't that big of an issue with red meats it's the prions that'll get you not me but my sister used to date a guy who was a little older than her she was like 15 and he was 17 i think and the family didn't approve finally we invite him over for some family function so that we can get to know him and he agrees to come i had just bought a sagar ak and brought it over to show my dad so here we are standing in the living room holding an ak-47 and who happens to walk in my sister and her then boyfriend i will never forget the look on this kid's face he was terrified they broke up shortly after and we still make fun of my sister about it okay so i meet this girl my freshman year in hs i'm super into this girl but she's in a relationship that doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon the next year she moves to a few cities away and i don't see her anymore fast forward to around a year and a half ago i'm on my way back from the store and i get a message from this girl i never thought i would see again apparently her and her now ex were having a lot of issues at the time came to me for help i drunkenly admit my feelings towards her as they were strong as ever now we start talking and eventually get into the dating phase yay time to meet her family her dad is kinda shifty so i met her mom it's going all right talking and getting to know each other and stuff we're from a small area so she starts asking about my family who my grandparents are and what not i tell her my grandfather's name and boom me and this girl i'm madly in love with are apparently second cousins the first time i met my first ever girlfriend's father he called while we at the movies as there was a family emergency we rushed out to his car and she quickly introduced us we shook hands exchanged brief pleasantries and off they went it wasn't until later that night i realized my hand went straight from being inside his daughter to shaking his hand i have been dating this girl for nearly a year now she is finnish and when i visited for christmas last year the whole family celebrate the day before i arrived on the 23rd it's traditional for finnish families to have a sauna before the meal so the women go first and then start to prepare the meal once they come out once out the males then sit in the sauna till the meal is ready if you don't know anything about finnish saunas it's normal for everyone to be naked i'm sure you can guess where this is going and girlfriend asks across the room if i'm fine with being naked and before i can reply her dad from the next room bellows out of course he is so 20 minutes later i'm sat in the sauna bollock naked with most of the males in her immediate family everyone is talking and it comes to a silence so the father addresses it with asking me how i met his daughter i have never had such a nervous conversation in my life back in high school i started seeing my then boyfriend i ended up sleeping over at his house one night early into the relationship i woke up in the morning and was wearing just my bra and underwear decided it would be okay to sneak to the bathroom who did i bump into in the hallway leaving the bathroom his dad however not my worst first meet the dad story when i first started dating my now husband we were both still living with our parents went over one afternoon to lay by his pool decided to have our afternoon delight while part way through we hear a car coming into the garage he quickly pulls out and ejaculates into my chin and hair he grabs me and my clothes and shoves me into the bathroom attached to his bedroom while he gets dressed at the speed of lightning i stand there shell shocked and try to get the mess out of my hair and off my face i then have to go out into the living room from the direction of his bedroom and meet his father who's as a doctor and fairly intimidating man he definitely knew and that was definitely the most awkward meet the dad moment i've ever had forward i married this girl when i was 16 my girlfriend wanted to introduce me to her father she was raised by her grandparents but whatever i lived in a hick town with lots of teen pregnancy it wasn't uncommon so we travel 45 minutes to a dilapidated bungalow in the middle of nowhere her dad comes out dressed in a grey t-shirt and dirty overalls looking like an even more hillbilly version of grizzly adams missing at least half his teeth wild eyes huge beard nicotine stained fingers the works but he looks me over waves me inside sits me down on an honest-to-god church pew and asks have you given your heart to jesus son then he laughed and offered me a beer we had a nice chat and my gf and i left it was on the ride home that she revealed to me that her father murdered her mother and another man tried to kill himself served 12 years of a life sentence and suffers from bouts of paranoid delusions and ptsd needless to say it was an awkward ride home i was about 19 had been seeing this girl for a little while she lived in a house her bedroom was in the basement stairs leading up to the kitchen the first time i stayed over at her place she had to work early in the morning i woke up as she was getting ready and she told me to go back to sleep she only had to go in for a couple hours and she'd come back and wake me up couple hours later i am woken up by the sound of someone coming down the basement steps it was my gf sister whom i had never met carrying laundry for the washer and dryer in another part of the basement she looked at me freaked out and ran back up the stairs luckily gf had just gotten home from work and was in the kitchen sister ran up the stairs freaking out and exclaimed there's a half-naked man in your bed gf responded half naked when did he put clothes on unfortunately for me the sisters lived with their father who was sitting at the kitchen table having his breakfast before heading to work himself i went upstairs he didn't say a word just stared at me for a good long while turning red i said nothing i was a terrified kid after an eternity he got up turned to my gf said we'll talk about this later and left i don't know if they ever did but she and i have been married for almost 10 years now my father-in-law and i have never discussed how we met the sister though likes to bring it up at thanksgiving and such after a couple glasses of wine we're naked in bed at the girl i'm dating's house i've just finished going down on her her s-face mum comes in and sits on my side of the bed to start talking about her evening the girl i'm dating starts trying to give me a handy under the bed it was supposed to be a casual dinner at a diner so i decided to wear a t-shirt with my favorite sports teams logo the philadelphia eagles on it thinking it would be a decent conversation starter turns out her father is a huge redskins fan after an awkward moment i said well frick dallas right he laughed and said you have that right met my girlfriend's dad after a few months of dating both parents were cool until later in the night and a few bottles of wine later i got the impression he thought his daughter was too good for me and i was temporary and kept making jokes about my height i'm five feet nine inches kinder average i showed him and married her a few years later we're cool now had a friend who went over to meet the parents they sat down him the girlfriend and her dad he gave him a beer they joked for 30 minutes when the daughter got up to leave my friend whispered to the dad dibs he went from fun playful to angry immediately 17 years old meeting my girlfriend's large police officer stepdad she gave me a love bite the day before and he spots it as i'm leaving the house he asks me what it is and trying to laugh it or if i say oh i fell down the stairs his response was you bring one of those into my house again and you freaking will be falling down the stairs still not sure if he was joking or not probably not i was 16 first time meeting my new girlfriend's dad at her house we sat downstairs and exchanged small talk for a half hour or so then i went upstairs with the girlfriend he walks in about 30 minutes later and we are making out on her bed i look over in shock and all he says is don't make me freaking hate you already we never spoke of it again that was nine years ago we got married last month i was sneaking down the stairs at 6am her dad was up making coffee in a tank top and his underwear and we immediately met eyes hey um sir i'm living tell insert her name i'll text her later i would have won gold in olympic speedwalking when i was 14 i moved into this super small country folk town and i was from houston i'm white and looking back on it it's super cringy but i sagged my pants and finished every sentence with the word dog if you've ever seen the cleveland show i was basically roberta's boyfriend i think that's her name at least so this chick at this new school asked if i wanted to go to her parents wedding she said a lot of people from my school were going and she'd like to see me there long story short every adult there laughed at me for sagging especially the girl's mother because she knew her daughter liked me we were having a conversation and out know where the mom says so do you like my daughter yay she's really nice you know if you get with her there's not gonna be any more sagging around the house my response yay well i guess you'll just have to live with me having my pants around my ankles wasn't even trying to be dirty i swear it was supposed to be joke about my sagging but the mother thought i was going to be receiving bj's 24 stroke 7. tl dr told a chick's mom that when i'm with her daughter my pants are gonna be around my ankles when i went to meet my wife's parents for the first time overseas she told me a few weeks earlier that he worked in the government in the national security department they didn't know what he does and i'm pretty sure he doesn't want them to know either frick me so i'll and after a 14-hour flight dazed and confused changed into a suit that was wrinkled during the flight in the airport bathroom and make my way over to their home they made a reservation to a seafood restaurant specializing in bloodfish all i could think about is the simpsons episode with homer almost dying after eating blood fish we talk before the food comes out and things are going well usually parents love me so it goes as expected the father orders and i'm sweet in bullets because he orders the blowfish after 15 minutes the meal comes out and i'm relieved to see that the fish is family style on one big plate but just in case when i scoop my portion her parents wanted to scoop for me but i insisted on the opposite side from where i was sitting just in case but then i wonder if he's playing mind games with me and thought i would do that and eventually eat the poisonous side i nervously eat and answer questions which i've meticulously prepared for by preparing for it like a job interview while trying to rid myself of the thought of death they love that i'm an eater and order more crap sweating bullets the whole time having not slept for at least a day because i was so nervous and thinking i might die soon i actually think i did pretty well after dinner we go back to their home and her parents instruct me to stay in their daughter's room with her in it is this a trick a gotcha moment i think the blowfish poison might have already taken over so i don't care my wife thinks it's funny to get frisky and watch me squirm dm hs we just celebrated three years of marriage as we were getting out of the car her parents waiting on the porch to meet me for the first time she tells me that she is 15 not 18. i was 20 and in the army at the time and she had told them i was 17 and a high school my girlfriend and i were best friends before we started dating i'm from virginia and she's from oklahoma i go to school and okay which made me not want to jump into a random relationship that may not last if it had to become long distance i ended up meeting her dad because her cousin was having a baby and me being the soft human i am wanted to go hold a cute butt baby you sir my gf three friends and i made the drive to the hospital i had no idea that her entire family was going to be there but it was fine i'm usually pretty good around parents since i totally had a huge butt crush on her and it was clear to everybody but her that i did i was trying to make a good impression on her family i started by trying to talk sports with her dad which he had no interest in doing so that was a fantastic start but i ended up getting along with her stepmom really well i should have picked up on her stepmom telling me how great it is that i'm in touch with my feminine side but oh well i get to hold the baby and i'm happy as heck because the baby is cute as crap and i'm enjoying it her dad is more of a manly man and didn't really get why i was enjoying it and made it clear that he didn't want to hold the kid despite me trying to hand it off to him her dad ended up taking us out for dinner and he didn't really want to talk to me which is fine i just talked to her stepmom the whole time after dinner we were saying our goodbyes and in proper guy friend fashion i slapped one my buddy's asses that was there played football it's a pretty common thing to do after i slapped his butt as a joke i looked up and saw her dad staring at me i think i was just totally caught off guard and i just stared back for a second and just nodded and walked to the car probably could have made a joke out of it but i was nervous for some reason a few days later i was talking to my now gf and she said that her dad and stepmom were talking about me to her which i took as a good thing i thought i made a good first impression but then it clicked in my head that they definitely thought i was her gay best friend and they thought that for a while even for a little bit while we were dating took a while to convince him i was straight and i wasn't dating his daughter as a cover-up but we get along pretty well now so that's how my gf's dad thought i was gay so when i met my girl's dad the first thing he told me was that i needed to show that i was worthy of her i was pretty hesitant because i didn't know what he meant and then he asked me to name a word that starts with the letter v that she would be hesitant to say immediately i was like voldemort that was just what he was looking for and he told me i could come over for dinner anytime i wanted he even told me i could spend the night and that there were condoms under the sink that dad's name my first girlfriend's father spent a full hour showing me his sword collection before finally looking me straight in the iron saying i think it's clear what i mean to say legit had only gone over to play monopoly with her this was seventh grade and was so mortified i came up with a fake reason to leave and bounced goofing off and playing nerf hoops in the apartment with my college girlfriend the day before her parents came to visit to size me up i took it to the hole and she was crowding the paint there was an inadvertent elbow on my part and a subsequent black eye on her face awkward dinner to say the least i met this dutch girl in london a few weeks after we fly to amsterdam to meet the parents we all sat in their flat nodding and smiling the mum had made an apple pie as big as the coffee table neither of the parents could speak english and it was all very uncomfortable eight months later we got married my new father-in-law made a speech in almost perfect english when i asked him how it was possible he said i knew you were soulmates and i wanted to be able to talk to me new family my now wife is from malta we met in london after she moved here five months in we were going to malta together first time meeting her family and i am anxious af the day before we get a call from her mum saying her dad is ill has chest pains and they are taking him to hospital for a checkup we land in malta hot as heck on a bad day and her brother picks us up from the airport we get to the car and he says listen dad is worse than we said he had a heart attack yesterday frick we head to her sister's place where we are staying then straight to the hospital her dad is oldest of 14 they are all there i'm tall and ghost white in a country of short tanned people i stand out 28 eyes turn on me the second i enter the room suddenly i am the center of attention in a room where a man nearly died i immediately turn to motto red and introduce myself to my now father-in-law who doesn't speak english very well and engage in small talk with a dozen people staring at me worked out in the end but frick me that was intense it doesn't look like my xbf posted in here it's been years so maybe he doesn't use redit but i've got a freaking story from the first and only time i took a serious partner home i have cool parents no really we were having a great time drinking smoking weed and playing quail it's a unique board game but gameplay details are unnecessary dad asks if anyone needs anything as he's going to go get some more drinks upstairs we all reply and he leaves he comes down a few minutes later and he has a towel wrapped around his head ninja style we all laugh he is a goofy guy and it wasn't exactly out of the question for him to do something like this time goes by we drink more move on to playing some other game and slowly a drop of blood begins to drop down from dad's makeshift bandana what the frick we start questioning him and remove the bandana to find he has a giant freaking gash in his skull bf is freaking out we have to go to the hospital and all that but dad refuses duh and explains that it's no big deal he just fell down when he was getting beer in the garage i take boyfriend upstairs to calm him down sure dad definitely needed stitches but i can't force him to go and we're all too drunk to drive anyway ambulance isn't an option too expensive he's starting to calm down and we begin to walk to the garage for another beer the front room has four windows running vertically to the left of the front door the second to the bottom one is completely shattered there's glass and blood everywhere and i slowly bend over to pick up a piece of my dad's scalp off of the ground bf panics more we get into a fight i can't force my dad to do anything it's not like i wasn't freaking out too dad has black eyes the next day from obvious head trauma i've never brought anyone home to my parents since went on a few dates with a jewish girl i'm catholic but neither of us cared about each other's religions three dates in i go over to her house to have dinner with her parents the moment i stick my hand out to shake her dad's hand for the first time and say it's a pleasure to meet you he says why aren't you jewish invited to dinner with her parents her dad shows up buff taller than me completely emotionless throughout the whole dinner i was curious what he did for a living so i asked he said he was a former soldier who was dispatched all around the world this didn't sound like regular gis he was probably special ops or a navy seal but i tried to get him to talk more so the atmosphere didn't feel so tense he talked about stuff like jumping out of a plane because it was about to go down and how he has to go to the academy once every quarter to train people in hand to hand combat oh did i mention that we had this dinner because i knocked up his daughter accidentally it was an intense dinner in high school i always wanted to go meet the father before leaving with his daughter on a date as a sign of respect plus i just don't get intimidated in those situations i had been talking with this girl for about a month and we finally got a weekend to go on a date i go to pick her up and knock on the door and she answers kind of nervously and says her dad wants to meet me i was fine with it so i step in and round the corner her dad is sitting at the dinner table cleaning his gun so cheesy i almost laughed he gave me the usual run of conversation but i could tell he was really trying to intimidate me when we left he was like well i'll probably have this thing assembled by the time you get back best have her back on time i really was never fazed by it just rolling my eyes internally fast forward the date sucks not feeling it we run by a sporting goods store before leaving town as we both needed something i grabbed what i needed as did she and then she had to go to the restroom while she was in the restroom i stumbled across a cheap gun cleaning kit and i definitely have to buy it dropped her off and she was about to get out of the truck and i handed her a bag and just told her i got something for her dad she never looked in it just gave me a perplexed look went inside and i drove off the next day she texted me and said her dad didn't want her to see me again perfectly fine with me if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 82,810
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, girlfriends dad, relationship stories reddit, reddit relationship advice, dating stories reddit
Id: laHNO3DJt1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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