How did you make a rude persons day worse? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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how have you made a rude persons day worse I watched a lazy shopper park their grocery cart right behind another person's car instead of putting it in the cart returned I got out of my car ran up and move the cart and put it behind her car I then ran off and watched her have to get back out of her car since she couldn't back out and then finally proceeded to put up her cart the right way I felt like a champion of the people saw a woman with her husband tosses squash into a cooler that they apparently didn't want anymore as they walked away I picked up the squash and followed them they left their cart for a moment so I put the squash into their cart and walked away she had a dumbfounded look on her face when she noticed it back in her cart I put her in a very noticeable place and proceeded to put it on a nearby shelf and they walked away I of course took it off the shelf and followed them again doing a drive-by drop-off of the squash at this moment my girlfriend got fed up with my antics and made me stop I would have done it until they gave up and bought the squash or I was caught I'm very easily amused I was riding my bike to work one day and when crossing a street in the legal zone with a walk sign a woman ran me over she drove through the crosswalk looking to turn right and ran right into me she stopped after I got bumped hard enough by her fender to take a spill and have some bruising all down my side she gave me an exasperated my bad wave and continued to talk on her cell phone ignoring me as I picked myself and my bike up I walked right up to her open window grabbed her cell phone from her ear and chucked it into a nearby parking lot as hard as I could I swear that was the farthest I have thrown anything in my life she gaped at me in shock as I struggled back onto my bike and slowly rode off fuming yet victorious then a half-mile farther on my trek I got attacked by a goose not my best day TLDR woman hit me with her car got revenge got attacked by goose Edit those who have pointed out that riding a bike in a crosswalk is not legal are correct in this particular instance it was not a sidewalk but a designated bike path they had a normal walk signal at an intersection but I believe it was still acceptable to ride across as it was a bike specific path I could be wrong though I work at a retail location that does return strictly only with tags on the clothes there was one customer who was exceptionally rude to our staff she called both women working dumb [ __ ] which pissed me off she came up to the register telling me she'll probably return all the things she's buying and is just trying to impress her friends so I took all the tags off the clothes when I was bagging everything I better the world that day was in fear too quite a few years back some action flick I think jean-claude van damme II and there were two 16 year old or so kids in front of me who were in turn behind a group of smaller kids say 12 or so I was alone the wife hates action movies I quickly noticed that the two older kids were asking with the younger ones kicking their seatbacks throwing popcorn at them flicking spit at them the works the theater was crowded so the little guys couldn't move finally one of the doubts your teens leans forward and I think flicked one kids ear when the little kid turned around to glare flicking doubt your team says you got a problem with that [ __ ] his friend got fours when the flick master sits back I haul off and give him a decent slap upside the head knocking his noggin into his friends they both turn and half jump out of their seats and then pause when they see me I am 6-2 225 pounds I stood up and said you got a problem with that [ __ ] they looked at each other and then turned to sit back down ha I said you sit there and I'm gonna make you as miserable as you've been making those guys in front of you they shuffled on out of the theater the younger kids all turned and said thank you sir double-quote TLDR bitch-slapped some team bullies became action hero this is agata go TT story HTTP WWE date comma justice porn comment ZZ 0 c 9 slash deal with it but it's too good not to share here comma heard this from a DJ in my hometown he's pushing his cart of groceries out of the store and over to his car when a woman pulls into the handicapped spot in front of the store no placard no handicapped plates jumps out of the car without so much as a limp and heads into the store he gives her the stink eye about taking up a handicapped spot and she snarls deal with it and sachets into the store , the guy's pissed he sees a couple of cops who were leaning against their cars talking they hadn't seen it so he goes over and tells in the story they smile and say they'll handle it he puts his groceries in his car and as he's pushing his cart back to the store to put it in the rack good guy DJ he sees the cops have blocked the lady's car with airs and were leaning against their car waiting for her kamar as he's putting his cart in the rack the lady comes out of the store with her purchase seized the cops and almost shits the fine in CA is 250 dollars 500 for a first offense close bracket comma priceless he walks over to her and says I dealt with it double quote I was working as a manager in a big nightclub about a year ago I don't wear a uniform but have a radio and run the security team the venue has a great smoking section that looks out onto the street one night the venue was packed so I did my usual row making sure that there were no problems however it was too packed to walk through the smoking section so I walk down the street instead but could still very easily see into the smoking section one guy stares me down then calls me over and starts swearing at me for no reason and telling me that pieces of sh t like you could never even get in a venue like this he obviously had no idea I was the manager however I didn't want to have security get into a fight inside with him the guy kept telling me he would punch me out etc and was clearly trying to look macho to impress someone so I agreed and told him to come and meet me outside and he could even have a free swing he puts his drink down takes off his jacket and storms outside once he walked outside I walked back inside and told security not to let him back in the look on his face when he realized I ran the place was priceless and then the realization that he couldn't get back into the club was amazing it was the easiest and most fun removal I have ever done I work in local theatres and we have a lot of rude orful women who are part of local ballet schools come through our venue who are the mothers of the dancers once this woman rang up wanting seats to an almost sold out ballet performance that had been on sale for four months the day before the show and did nothing but abused me for five minutes because she left buying them too late whined about how she shouldn't have to pay two for her kids whined that we should get a bigger venue it seats just under five hundred then put me on hold while she rang three of her relatives to see if they wanted seats to she was positively awful the seats I was about to sell her were the only ones in the theatre left and they were good seats while I'm on hold a grandma of one of the ballerinas comes to the desk and asks if we have any seats left as she'd been in hospital and couldn't buy them earlier but said she'd understand if we were booked out I put the phone with the on hold music down and sold the sold lady the last seats for the show and gave her an invite to our next year's dance season for her granddaughter and herself so she'd know exactly when all the important dates were coming she thanked me over and over and she's now one of our regulars and brings her grandkids to our shows two minutes after the old lady leaves a b tch on the other end finally takes me off hold and says she wants the remaining seats that we have left I tell her sorry we've just sold out while you had me on hold afraid better luck next next year anything else I can help you with dot she was choking with rage on the other end of the phone it was fantastic I volunteer at my university safe walks and all that jazz we are required to report suspicious and illegal activity witnessed a woman driving a Mercedes Benz across a lawn to bypass the parking gate tearing up this gorgeous lawn being an ex landscaper and mad at some rich b tch being too cheap for parking I am not amused so we reported it to the parking authority they show up while the chick is still getting crap out of her trunk box her in and start writing a ticket she ended up driving away over a curb peeling her bumper off in the process made me kind of happy inside why would she drive away to get out of a ticket they've got your license plate so you've got your ticket the parking authority aren't going to go on a high-speed chase with you and their golf cart came out of the supermarket one day to find that someone hit my car a stranger told me the person who hit my car got out looked at the damage and parked at the other end of the lot I went to where the car was parked and confirmed paint marched it was the car that hit mine flat and all four tires and left a note on their windshield telling them to have a nice day trashy Jerry Springer guests looking young lady at Toys R Us on Black Friday tried to cut into massive 90-minute line and threw a fit when she was told to go to the end of the line she yelled at the employees and threw her products into the face of the security guards as she was told to leave I started a slow clap to which she replied shrieking [ __ ] you all up you are glorious this guy walks up to my work and asks hey kid where the f ck is voodoo doughnuts I'm 27 he swore in front of a child nearby and was loudly smacking his gum instead of sending him to voo doughnuts which was only a few blocks away I gave him directions that would leave him under the Burnside Bridge where the homeless the prostitutes and the drug addicts congregated when to go get my exhaust fixed no big deal possible poked a hole in it when I went to go pick up the car a couple hours later I am treated to a woman screaming at the guy behind the counter she's positively foaming because she has been waiting nearly 30 minutes for her car to be fixed she even goes so far as to call a guy an insignificant lazy immigrant guy looks at her looks of me throws me my keys here you go your magnums ready no charge double quote look so directly in the eyes looks like it's going to be more expensive than we originally thought would you like us to call you a cab double quote I returned shortly afterwards with pizza for the shop TL DR f ck [ __ ] get pizza when people are rude to me at my fast-food job I practically overflow their cup with ice I'm a little passive-aggressive I also do this if they can get the straw in the cup without physically forcing it into the ice I didn't give him enough I knew a girl that had a woman who was very rude multiple times of the landing light ice apparently light ice wasn't good enough for her and she threw the cup at the cashier berating her for being such an idiot she can't even get something as simple as light ice right she made a new cup put four Ice Cube on it and press the button to fill for the appropriately sized cup leaving about one stroke three of the glass empty then said sorry the machines still fill the cup the same amount regardless of how much ice manager backed her up don't f ck with the people that handle your food just the other day I was at a Chinese buffet and the three people in the booth next to me were questioning the waitress she appeared to be Asian Hispanic about voting for the president and who she planned to vote for she had trouble understanding them and communicating that she could not vote they immediately began taunting her that she shouldn't be here if she couldn't vote that she didn't even know who the president of the United States is and then took a picture and said they would post it on Facebook I later found out the waitress was on a school visa and couldn't vote but was unable to convey that to them after the waitress walked off one of the girls at the table the one who took the pic looked up and asked me where I work because I looked familiar when I replied the local University in the Social Work Department she commented that she had recently been in my office to apply to our program to which I replied yes I remember you and I'm also on the admissions committee followed with a wink the color drained from her face and she knew she was screwed Karma's a [ __ ] whenever I am getting tailgated on the highway I like to turn on the windscreen washer water jets so the water sprays back onto the car behind me it's a lot like spitting on them and if I'm already speeding and not in the fast lane then they have no reason to tailgate I was a motorcycle courier through uni people throwing lit cigarettes out the window were an occasional hazard it was a senora [ __ ] to take one in the face and once I got one land inside my jacket as I was heading down the freeway if I was filtering through stopped traffic and saw one I used to be flexible and fast enough to stop next to it pick it up and throw it back through the driver's window onto the backseat I did that a few times and a couple of them I managed to tell them I thought they dropped something so I worked customer service for four years this is my favorite one one Saturday this guy comes through a decently busy but nothing we haven't seen before the guy rolls down his window and he just reeks of there it's 11 0 a.m. first thing he does is start getting rude about how he didn't wash his car well the last time he was through now I was in a good mood at the time so I offered him a couple free air fresheners and told him I would take care of his car myself I ring up the sale and return with a couple peace token air fresheners it was at this point his wife who was in the backseat with their baby thanked me the husband losses a sh t at her saying she is not to talk out 10 or unless spoken to first by a man and most of all Joe neither than no [ __ ] I keep my composure send him on his way I then called the cops told them what happened as far as the alcohol and gave them the make model yeah color the direction the guy turned once he left and his license plate number TL DR me one drunk racist with trash dude one one DUI that is edit I have more where that came from if you also desire I was walking down the street smoking a sink when I see a woman eating on the sidewalk patio eyeballing me I was still 30 feet away and she was waving her hand in front of her nose and pointing for me to cross the street instead I walked past her and managed to cut a nice audible fart right next to her as I kept walking I was proud at the end of a long commute home after a hard week I went to a Miller's cookies store just before closing time as I walked up to the counter not five feet from it some guy ran from behind me and tried to cut in front of me the girl working there insisting I was first Thank You outraged at what that guy tried to do and noticing there was not much cookies left I said hi I'll take absolutely everything you have cost me close to $60 but it was so worth it jackass in the gym once was making some kids of about 14 feel crap telling them to put some man weights on the bar and to stop being piece size and girls and real lame cliche [ __ ] anyway every time they find a new workout he comes and repeats the process lifting bigger and trying to embarrass them I was annoyed but tired and let it slide only it happened again same kids came in two days later and he was there also he starts doing exactly what he did before well that was it I walked up right next to him doubled what he was lifting and repeated everything he had said to the kids in the last five minutes while bert starring come watch the equals n Taif isit s TK him he quickly moved on and went to another exercise but I wasn't done the kids were looking at me like I was Batman I followed the guide to the next three exercises and did as he had done saying the same things then he left never saw him at the gym again but those boys who came back and have been making steady gains for over a year now TL DR put a gym show-off douchebag in his place became Jim Berman I was crossing the street and some guy tried to run over me then he stopped his car to yell at me I was a law school student at the time and sighted some imaginary section of the state vehicle code at him he stared at me for a few seconds then said shut up girl and drove away it boggles my mind when I hear about people almost hitting people with their cars then getting mad at that person which apparently is not uncommon I've made mistakes while driving and I'm always extremely apologetic when in the wrong WTF people there's a very specific type of person who will be a raging hemorrhoid in public and then defend that behavior no matter how obviously rude or morally reprehensible I encountered a guy just last week who called me every name under the Sun for asking that he listened to his music with headphones in as its considered rude to do otherwise in a public space such as the Starbucks we were in if he'd just apologized and complied I wouldn't have put him on my mental no-fly list for the future and luckily for him I happened to work there I apparently made this [ __ ] $0.65 coffee wrong at McDonald's and he asked me to make AI tea again and started to go off on me I almost snapped on him but I instead threw my hands up and told my manager to handle it the manager talked to him and came back to me and said the guy's a TCK and comes in all the time and does this just make him another coffee so I walked to the drive-through window with this [ __ ] fuming in his car next to me talking to himself about how if King long this is taking Hecht Sewell I picked up the half-full pot of coffee I made no more than four minutes ago and dumped that sh t out I proceeded to brew a whole new pot of coffee I saw this made him extremely Ann jury so I went to the window and told him that it's going to be another five six minutes because that last pot was bad he then peeled out of drive-through like an [ __ ] without two coffee TL DR old people are f king [ __ ] every year my dad would wrap a month worth of trashes gifts he made them look all nice and professional he drive to the bad section of town where the major mogul was in town with all the presents in the bed of his truck he'd go grab a coffee at the shop across the street and wait for the hoodlums to steal the Christmas gifts some douchebag in a Humvee decided to park at a handicap spot at a Kroger I was young at the time and out riding with my dad a repo man in a repo truck he towed the Humvee to a parking spot on the opposite side of the parking lot we waited til the owner came out and looked around in disbelief she thought someone stole her car my dad drove up to her rolled down the window and said are you okay miss woman said my car was stolen my dad replied well maybe you shouldn't have parked it in a handicapped spot and drove off at a pedestrian crossing on a major road in one of the wealthiest parts of town the little man goes green for me to cross however I see one of those 4wd vehicles that has never been offroad and I can tell the driver isn't going to start sure enough he runs the red and also he can turn into the 7-eleven 50 meters beyond the crossing he would have happily run me down just to get to the convenience store a few seconds earlier he gets out of his car with his wife and several kids I woke up tell him tell him he almost killed me he is selfish and a few other colorful tidbits too he is speechless throughout I finish up by pointing to his kids and saying now explain to your kids why you've just been abused in this manner and head on my way waiting in line to vote today I stood next to an Asian man and we engaged in a conversation about the excitement surrounding this presidential election he struck me as a very well educated person with interesting insights about this election season when it was his turn of the registration desk the woman there asked him if he spoke English and if he did would she be able to understand him I spoke up and said that he spoke English a whole lot better than she didn't wasn't anywhere near as rude of she is last election I witness the grumpy old lady working the polls at the VFW hall in her patriotic kitten shirt repeat I cannot understand you you are not making sense I cannot understand you - an extremely well-dressed well-mannered black guy in khakis and a polo he looks at the guy sitting next to her and that guy is staring at the patch right next to him with the moss incredible what the [ __ ] face I have ever seen dude in the polo then looks at me and in unison all three of us began to laugh that is the American spirit not me but when I was working at a car dealership we had a bunch of cars get their wheels stolen one night a police officer was in writing a report and a lady came in screaming that the cop was blocking her from getting to the service drive-through she was screaming at the top of her lungs creating a huge scene the cop calmly walks out and moves his car comes back in and finishes his report then he walks back out and drives his car to the end of the street and parks the lady comes out and gets in her car and leaves he pulls her over for having her wipers on without her headlights on [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 145,908
Rating: 4.8992028 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 5Ol5EZA7Lnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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