People Share Terrible Things We've Forgotten Celebrity's Have Done (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what celebrity did bad things but everyone forgot what they did because they are famous Vince Neil of Motley Crue drove drunk and killed one of his very good friends and gave the two people in the other car very bad injuries and brain damage he also had other duis after this semicolon floyd mayweather beats his wife with hands that are registered as lethal weapons in front of his children but because he wins nobody cares Jimmy Superfly Snuka killed his girlfriend and got inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Kurt Cobain's mother regularly goes on talk shows and interviews where she talks about how supportive she was of Kurt and how she knew how famous he would become from the moment she heard his music yup it's the same mom that abused Kurt and kicked him out multiple times making him live at his grandparents friends and sometimes not confirmed sleep under a bridge our Cali Mary Dahlia when she was 15 years old in the mid nineties and yet it took like two decades for people to start boycotting him as a wrestle predator he was still making songs with Beyonce and Lady gaga TC for a looong time Rick James kidnapped two women with his wife while on separate crack binges and he f ked up Charlie Murphy's couch Vince Neil was driving drunk and caused a crash that killed his passenger Ted Nugent sh t his pants to dodge the draft and has a song called jailbait which ends with him pleading with an officer not to arrest him and instead share a 13 year old Johnny Cash walked out on his wife and kids saying that his career was more important to him than they were then went on to eventually settle down with June Carter and start a whole new family while still ignoring the kids he already had Boy George he beat a guy with a metal chain after cuffing him to a radiator should make for an interesting sequence in his forthcoming biopic Steven Tyler became the guardian for a 16 year old he was dating when he was 25 so he could bring her on tour knocked her up to Piers Morgan was the editor of The Daily Mirror during the Iraq war published photos that he knew a fake of American and British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners George Wallace of infamous Pro segregation Governor of Alabama in the 60s uh did not inform his wife that a doctor diagnosed her with cancer doctors during this time often told patients relatives of their cancer diagnosis instead of the patient especially if the patient was female the reason was that she was running for governor as a surrogate for him since he had reached his term limits and he thought that the diagnosis would negatively affect her chances of winning she ended up finding out about it four years later during a visit to a genealogist but unfortunately the cancer had progressed to the point that she died from it three years after learning that she had cancer and as her husband had known about it he ended up successfully getting the term limits repealed and went on to serve a few more terms as governor people forget about this I'm assuming because of all of the other sh-tty things he did it it her name was Lily no Wallace for those interested Jared Leto's been accused of are pay by half-a-dozen 13-15 years old girls Karl Malone got a thirteen-year-old pregnant and refused to take care of that child Drake seems to be ignored fill grooming a young underage fan at age fourteen into being his girlfriend until she recently turned 18 this year and now he's even supposedly doing it to a young actress Gwyneth Paltrow she's a con artist and managers are MLM as well as recommending women treat their illness by putting rocks up their vagina and steaming their privates causing harm to people you can say she's an idiot or just that she's a sociopath that loves making money off hurting other people Steven Tyler was a serial rapist in the 70s and 80s now he's an old woman in my country there is a TV host that killed several people in a car accident twice it was his fault both times you can still see him on TV I mean it seems to most bad to Drake his actively grooming young girls but it seems to be forgotten as soon as new evidence surfaces Emma Roberts beat the sh t out of her then-boyfriend Evan Peters and continued to co-star in the same show as him I was looking for this she left Evan Peters with a bloodied nose and bite marks after some people called the cops on them when they had a fight in their hotel room in Canada I'm saying this as a woman it says a lot about how obvious the abuse is that when the cops turn up to a domestic violence case and arrest the woman instead of the man they continued to date until early this year maybe she changed bit if I'm completely honest I just feel relieved on Evan Peters behalf there's a soccer player in Brazil who killed his wife courted her body and gave it to dogs eat to make it harder - police found out he went to jail for a few years and now he is paying again and making turns of money again like nothing happened edit okay he is not making a ton of money what a mint is that he's probably gonna have a pretty comfortable life and have his Keira back also the woman wasn't his wife it was his mistress but they have a children together and still Creed Bratton has been a leader and a follower of numerous cults dr. Dre PETA reporter Dee Barnes savagely for writing a negative story on him all one he perceived as negative I don't know , he picked her up by her hair and began slamming her head at the right side of her body repeatedly against a brick wall near the stairway as his border guard held off the crowd with a gun after dr dre tried to throw her down the stairs and failed he began kicking her in the ribs and hands she escaped and ran into the women's restroom dr.dre followed her and grabbed her from behind by the hair again and proceeded to punch her in the back of the head he and Eminem would go on to joke about it as the man who slapped Dee Barnes comedy our Dre produced and is featured in rapper Eminem song guilty conscience in which Eminem references the incident as a humorous put-down drede reportedly fell out of his chair laugh-in at it there was that time James Franco tried to f ck a teenager after she posted the exchange on social media of her telling him how old she was and him not caring and still wanting to see her all he had to do was go on a few morning talk shows a couple days later and say you don't always know who you're talking to online and everyone instantly forgot about it he framed it like he was the one who was deceived and people just let it slide even though that clearly wasn't the case Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17-year old girl in high school when he was 39 years old edit I know it isn't illegal he had money fame and was at the height of his show and he chooses to date a 17-year old who is still in high school it might not be illegal and as bad as murder or pay kidnapping et Cie coma but it's still pretty scummy funky bass Seinfeld so I met someone at the park George do these glasses make my face look fat Elaine you met someone at the park George you shouldn't go to the park too many panhandlers Jerry she wasn't a panhandler George George ooh Elaine the girl at the park George I wasn't listening these glasses Ellen so tell me about her Jerry her name is Claudia she's mumbles Ellen what's that you are mumbling Jerry she might have been 17 Ellen Jerry Jerry high-pitched I didn't know at the time George imagine meeting her parents it's awkward enough if she was legal aged Jerry she is prema bursts in audience goes wild Kramer that's just great I'm banned from the Apollo Theater can we have a reverse thread which celebrity has a clean background Hugh Jackman seems all right Bob Ross and Fred Rogers remain two of the most clean and wholesome human beings on the planet Charlie Sheen once had unprotected sx with his girlfriends plural when he has HIV do people actually forget how awful Sheen is Coco Chanel was a Nazi Tyler tequila is a Nazi and II because s surly assaulted people an absurd amount of times and also got Phil Hartman's wife back into drugs which led to her murdering Hartman in an intoxicated state you would think he would have been ruined in them a2 movement but apparently we pass it off like huh that's classic Andy Dick Edit to those saying and he dick doesn't really get a pass because everyone hates him he's not in prison which is where anyone else would end up for doing half the things he did so I'd call that a huge pass Will Smith was at YouTube rewind 2018 I see people still saying great things about Tom Cruise all the time especially on our movies it's like they forgot he's huge into Scientology you know that f ked up group that locks people up in compounds until it can form that group that has gotten away with our pay and murder that group that skirts taxes with their bullsh t Church status the group that intimidates and ruins lives that go against them it's a huge f kin evil cult he's a very big part of it and yet people seem okay with him Mr Massa be from Suite Life of Zack & Cody killed someone in a drunk driving accident edit Phil Lewis is unlike many of the others on this thread in that he was sincerely remorseful for his actions the comedy troupe that he created helped spread awareness of the dangers of drunk and reckless driving and that helped play a role in his reduced sentence people can change with reflection introspection and genuine remorse for their wrongdoings and he seems like a very good representation of that for the record Phil Lewis is very remorseful about what happened and to this day he continues to work with drug abuse recovery groups and talk about his experience Jesus take the P R nd L Rick James and his girlfriend literally kidnapped someone and burned them with their crack pipe and s surly assisted her but people just want to go Rick James [ __ ] edit to be fair people say Rick James [ __ ] more because they like Dave Chapel not because they're big Rick James fans Pete Townsend of the who and child PRN one cardi B was a stripper she would take people home drugged and robbed them not even old news just not had much backlash for it actor and television personality Donald Trump from The Apprentice and home alone to lost in New York has had dozens of our pay allegations against him has been recorded admitting to taking advantage of women through his celebrity status obstructed to federal investigations has publicly asked another country to help interfere with the 2020 presidential election has possibly indulged in a child prostitution ring Tom Cruise is the celebrity face for massive cold that kidnaps our Pez and is likely involved in human trafficking and child marriages the cult that outlawed the f king IRS but yeah Mission Impossible was cool I guess Caitlyn Jenner caused a car crash that killed Kim how Jimmy Kimmel wore blackface and no one said a damn thing Rob Lowe made her a sex tape with a couple of girls he got a scared she had a fake ID and lied about her age unlike Don Henley who knew the prostitute he picked up was a teenager and literally no one remembers that Errol Flynn he went on trial for our pay of an underaged girl once and when he was cleared of all charges the public and fans cheered and had a little girl run up to him and present him with flowers outside of the courthouse he did all sorts of other scummy things in his lifetime but his fame kept him away from any type of repercussion until his death Kobe Bryant the rapist the category is therapist Big Bird was caught doing a line of coke off of Gordon's ass Ben Roethlisberger everyone somehow forgets that he are ped - people edit I get it Katy Perry and desaru misconduct I guess itd be called the whole Katy Perry thing is so F cared one minute she's behind the me2 movement and wants to call out s or predators at - accusations plus that time she kissed that kid on American Idol which was dodgy even at the time have gone right past her with seemingly so impacts whatsoever classic case of one rule film another rule for me Matthew Broderick killed two women in a car accident caused by gross negligence by driving on the wrong side of the road in Ireland in 1987 and got off with a 175 dollar fine Natalie Wood was probably murdered by Robert Wagner and witnessed by Christopher Walken Robert DeNiro in 1998 he was caught being involved with an international prostitution ring in Paris this particular prostitution ring was known for their underage workers somehow Bobby R slipped this but guys like Cosby go down berry abanda ordered 26 171 drone strikes in his last year of office after he had won a Nobel Peace Prize for anyone wondering that's about one explosion every 20 minutes non-stop for a year Bill Clinton no one's forgotten but it gets brought up every five minutes Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick Mother Teresa is one of the most violent history the suffering she brought to terminal patients and author s due to her messed-up religious beliefs is ridiculous and she is worshipped as a saint also there is all the money she raised which wasn't providing medicine so just lined the pocket of the church and her little sect steve carell promised college tuitions to third graders but didn't fall through to it in britain there's a duo called hampton derrick well am Nili f king killed a child and her mother in a car crash due to being drunk during mid-day every boy has already forgotten that although doing that is still his fault Christopher Columbus wasn't Snoop Dogg up for attempted murder before he got famous he was acquitted people forgot because the law said he wasn't guilty that's a bit different Laura Bush killed a guy Caitlyn Jenner killed a 60 year old in her car but she's famous and rich so gets away with it Lena Dunham molested her sister ariana grande black fishes licked some doughnuts in a store that she never intended to buy has alluded to her quincenera and implies she is Latino when she's white Nicki Minaj is currently dating a registered sex offender he served time in prisons for our ping a 16 year old at gun and knife point and another stint for aiding attempting in a murder cardi B she has a huge list of problematic things she's said and done somehow these women are role models and influencers it it being Italian does not make you a person of color f ck you can be a person of color and Italian but Italian people historically don't suffer disadvantage due to their color experience racism I'm Italian I can tan I also have white privilege George Bush war criminal a a malign winnie-the-pooh creator and author got his ideas from his sons stuffed animals his son was horrified by the lack of privacy shown by his father and use of his real name Christopher Robin malign in his father's books Christopher was bullied unmercifully through school his father showed total indifference to his son's plight after college Christopher claims that he couldn't find a job because of his childlike namesake yet his father pushed on he repeatedly plead with his father to stop but his dad saw dollar signs and chose to ignore his son's emotional well-being I sneezed once and Tom Hanks only said bless you not god bless you Taylor Swift made a number of country albums and everybody just act like it never happened mark wahlberg roman polanski child rapist fled the US with support from his Hollywood friends Lowell I'm gonna get tons of down votes for this but xxx temptation Bruce Jenner ran over a granny buckle up buckaroo Kobe Bryant are paid a girl hard Private Investigators who's made her and made it look like she had sx prior to having a sex with kobe her life was destroyed since he is a celebrity and athlete everyone believed him Kobe then admitted to the encounter was not being consensual in the eventual civil suit that followed John Landis killed three people Bojack horseman Jerry Seinfeld was dating a little teenager as in a 17 year old high school student while Seinfeld was on the air Seinfeld was 38 at the time 16 tation beat his pregnant girlfriend blue but everyone forgot cause he was murdered ctrl + f dave grohl whew definitely varg vikernes swiss li this comment section is interesting whenever I see a post about how lovely prisons are in Norway I see the bulk of redditors just salivating at the idea of nice resort like prisons with an emphasis on rehabilitation and not punishment yet here it seems like everyone is scandalized that the fact that many celebrities can continue famous and successful careers even after they serve their punishment suggesting these people wish for a life of eternal rejection and failure over their mistakes in the UK Leslie Grantham who played the character dirty Dan in popular soap opera EastEnders was involved in a sex scandal he showed his willy on a webcam whilst dressed as Captain Hook during the scandal nobody mentioned that he's also a convicted murderer having killed a taxi driver in West Germany during a botched robbery no one seemed to mind that he was famous and successful despite having shot a man who was just trying to earn a living but they did mind when he flashed his knob in a pirate costume to be fair he shouldn't have done that either Matthew Broderick killed two people when driving on the wrong side of the road in Ireland he was fined you acute 175 cardi B she drugged and robbed them people pretend that our pay was involved because they want this to be another example of double standards but it's just another rapper with a history of petty crime ready to single her out because she is a woman Drake baito Iraq F ker is a criminal semicolon edit he was DWI then tried to flee the crash Hillary Clinton I don't know why you being down voted it's pretty common fact that she's married to a rapist and has had lots of people killed isn't it that share our app had a twelfth stroke thirteen year old Anthony Kiedis while she was babysitting him but to be fair nobody forgot they just never cared because this revelation has been hiding in plain sight in both Kiedis autobiography and on the RHCP episode of carpool karaoke Ryan Reynolds did Green Lantern Bill Murray beat his wife threatened her repeatedly and made a point to remind her that nobody would believe her because of his public persona ariana grande licking those doughnuts everyone forgot because she made some really good songs after I think everyone forgot the incidents because she was just licking doughnuts not f king kids
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 135,427
Rating: 4.8662362 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, celebrity, celebrity scandal, famous
Id: bujUvFAWOOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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