Teachers, What's The Worst Thing That Happened On A School Trip?

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teachers Alfre did what the worst thing that happened on a school trip this happened just the other week we had left the school about five minutes before on the bus when a student got my attention and said miss someone hit a girl in the head with a bottle and she's crying I think here we go and head down the back to settle them down I get their students all looking on and crowding on and sure enough the girl is in tears and is holding her hand against her head I asked are you okay and she pulled her hand away from her head and it was gushing blood we turned the bus around and she ended up going to hospital long story short head wounds bleed a lot 12 year olds make bad decisions and everyone was okay in the end we can't say I felt overly prepared for that though freaking heck do heads bleed a lot my cat gave me the tiniest little scratch on my eyebrow once and it looked like I'd been shot like blood literally streaming down my face we went skating and one of the students fell smacked her chin off the ice and somehow got a skate blade to the face she needed a bunch of stitches and was able to stick her tongue through the hole in her face that's just for her mouth silly goose asked my students to be respectful of other pedestrians while on the trip because some people want to enjoy the Nature Center by themselves one kid saw a woman with her service dog and tried to pull on it because mommy would let me have it we had to leave because of that and he ruined the entire trip for everyone don't care how I want it now my boyfriend was a teacher and his students went on the annual DC trip it was like two kids to each hotel room or something and there was two 14 years old boys that shared a room one of the boys jacked off into a pillow and then hit the other kid in the face with the CM pillow very similar story DC trip a kid dropped adduce in the bathtub and came on the window yes the same kid less of a story and more of a fact go to love 8th graders former assistant teacher here we were on a sixth grade field trip to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia cool place so at the time one of the attractions was a sort of centripetal force machine that you can sit in and get swung around poor explanation but imagined the Gravitron only smaller and faster with seats and no walls I googled it but can't find the ride guessing it was swapped out for something else well one dumb bus kid thought it would be funny to show off and see what happens when you undo your seat belt while riding naturally he got flung out of the machine at roughly half the speed of sound and broke his fall with nothing but his face glasses busted massive concussion totally wrecked there was a whole investigation and the teacher in charge of that kids group had to actually defend himself from accusations that he could have somehow stopped that level of stupidity sadly I didn't witness it but did hear the impact from one room over pretty interesting day Your Honor I could have stopped him but then you'd be trying me for breaking the laws of physics I was a new teacher when the whole grade went on a field trip during the first week of school in fact I was so new that nobody not even my colleagues noticed that I wasn't on the bus so it left without me fortunately the destination was only about 15 minutes away so it wasn't a big deal for me to jump in my car and follow the bus there probably could have went for coffee and said you were there the whole time kids were going to a conference for a leadership service-oriented Club they got brought home early because a chaperone found an orgy in one of the rooms that had been pre-planned in a group chat that almost all of the kids on the trip were in that was a shitstorm imagine being the one kid not invited I went on a class trip as chaplain to a science center I was in charge of a group of eight boys one of them goes missing I asked the others where he went and they don't know either he's missing for about ten minutes until a security guard from the center comes up to me with him the guy asks is he one of yours and tells this kid to open his backpack when I say yes probably $200 worth of stolen stuff he spent the rest of the trip right next to me I am a teacher that my anecdote comes from when I was a kid back in the mid 90s we were visiting some Museum in London and were travelling on the train and the tube with teachers on the way back some students didn't get on the tube before the automatic doors shuts and the teacher in charge just yelled as loud as he could see you back at school lads and we just went home and the teacher waiting at the school later on and sure enough about 40 minutes after everyone else got back the remaining kids turned up if that happened to me now as a teacher in 2019 I'd be fired probably out of a cannon into an abyss marked r.i.p career in the kindergarten field trip we had the parent of our most challenging student come along as a chaperone her group was her own son and a very sweet obedient girl let's call him Jim and the girl Shonda typically we teach a set up base camp while the parents take the group's off students through the park we do a scavenger hunt and the parents bring us their cards for a stamp as they go through each section the first time the zoo employee brought us Jim he said that the boy was in the monkey exhibit trying to climb over the fences luckily he had on a school shirt and Jim was brought right to us we called his mother's phone and she didn't answer about 15 minutes later the mom shows up and says Jim how did you get in front of us we were walking together just a minute ago we teachers explained that in fact Jim had been with us for a bit and the zoo ranger had brought him over no real response from the mom we asked her to turn on her phone they went off again the second time they brought ask Jim he had gotten into the fountain it had taken several employees to chase him down as he ran and giggled same drill we called mom no answer Jim was sopping wet with gross fountain water he did not seem too concerned the mom did not show up for 45 minutes again she said Jim how did you get him front of us we were walking together just a minute ago this time I was watching Shonda the look on that little girl's face said it all total amazement that an adult was lying they went off again walk to the picnic area yes the third time the zoo brought back little Jim it was with a police officer apparently the zoo was watching the cameras and the minute a mom was out of sight she let go off Jim and basically ditched him the mom got a citation for failure to maintain responsibility for her child into one-year banned from the zoo the police officer accompanied her and Jim back to the buses and waited with them until it was time to leave they did not participate in the picnic Shaunda had the best moral to the story no wonder he is so bad his mouth won't even keep him safe when there is a tiger around he is now a very troubled fourth grader he doesn't get to go on field trips without one-on-one support from a school staff member I took three classes of sixth graders aged 1112 to visit the Los Angeles County Museum of Art we come from about an hour and a half away the kids and other teachers on buses but since I was hugely pregnant I was allowed to drive my own car it had been raining but I arrived a bit ahead of the bus so when the kids got off I was there to led them to the museum as I began walking towards the kids getting off the buses I noticed a lot of papers on the sidewalk and suddenly realized that they were an assortment of extremely obscene pictures I stopped to try to gather them up before the kids got an unexpected and completely inappropriate physical ed lesson we'd already had a big talk about being mature when viewing classical art for example nude statues OMG but we were not prepared for the most lurid PLA had to offer unfortunately the rain had plastered the papers to the sidewalk at the site of the very pregnant teacher scrambling on hands and knees on Wilshire Boulevard sent the chaperones and teachers rushing to my aid with 100 kids right after them no matter how urgently I tried to wave them back it was memorable I'm an English teacher and career and field trips are different here usually there are no additional chaperones the teacher is responsible for all 25-ish students in their homeroom class during the trip but that means a field trip is often eight classes of 25 students 200 kids the maximum of ten chaperones if some office staff get taken along one of my first trips was to a large traditional market it's a popular place to go and there are usually thousands of people there at all times our buses arrived and we all piled off in the parking lot the kids were told via megaphone be back here in one hour go and all 200 of them scattered into the crowds and tents well most of the teachers got back onto the buses to have coffee surprisingly 99% of the kids were back on the buses when they were supposed to be however a good number had bought small hamsters turtles or goldfish two weeks later I couldn't find a single kid who's spontaneous pet was still alive a girl on a bita Club trip thought it would be funny to put a bomb on board in the window of the bus the interstate was shut down the bus was pulled over and SWAT team raided the bus the bomb squad was called in to sweep the bus even though the girl admitted it was a hoax she didn't go to jail somehow she was also a popular cheerleader and didn't get any disciplinary action from the school she was also a popular cheerleader I think I figured out that somehow chief group trip to take a tour of a college campus we had a young man jump out of a bus window while it was going down the highway his long-term girlfriend had broken up with him a few days before and he later explained that he didn't see the point of going on the college visit anymore because he didn't want to go to the same college as her or even apply to the same once denial up and down that it was a suicide attempt his friend circled the wagons and supported his story and the story rumors died quickly he got some gnarly road rash but avoided being hit by any cars I always got the impression that it was in fact a suicide attempt if he didn't want to go on the tour why go at all why board the bus he could have stayed at school this was several years ago he is fine band trip to Disney World led bus driver knew a shortcut this led to five large motor coaches lost in an orange grove somewhere near Orlando no idea how much damage we did to those trees the roads really weren't designed for huge buses welcome to Florida when I was in the AmeriCorps I was a tutor at a school where a popular seventh grader drowned on the class's end-of-the-year field trip to a lake at a state park the summer before I started there were no lifeguards on duty he was in chess deep water when he went under in the lake and never came up his friends and the chaperones tried to find him but by the time they did it was too late this was an underserved school in a really rough neighborhood according to the teachers things were getting better at the school but this really flicked with the kids it was a very challenging year for them crap no one of my daughter's friends had a schoolmate drowned while on a college school trip to a local river she had been a lifeguard throughout high school and the episode freaked her up for a long time it happened right before we would enter the bus my students had been waiting for a few minutes and some guys were messing around I warned them to act normal but left them out of my sight for one minute to grab something from my post box in that time they pressed the fire alarm the whole school 1,650 students had to be evacuated to the carpark where the bus also waited it was not my favorite morning obligatory not a teacher but when my econ class went to NYC for a field trip one of my classmates tried to buy weed off a guy in an alleyway turned out to be an undercover cop we were the honors class he was a cool kid I was walking to school and freezing weather one day and he offered me a ride don't remember what happened to him after that I know he didn't graduate with us a tear not a teacher but in fourth grade a turkey flew through the windshield of the bus we were driving through the middle of nowhere on our way to a farm or something don't remember what it was supposed to be because we just ended up going back to the school some teachers near the front were picking glass out of their forage think the driver was mostly okay but still needed to get checked out I don't think any others kids were hurt at all maybe we were too short at that age for the glass to make its way over the seats enough to actually mean anyone I have no idea but yeah a teacher kicked the dead bird off the bus a quick headcount fluttered over the bus driver and then we just lined up against a wooden fence at the edge of someone's property while waiting for another bus to come get us lots of crazy crap went down at my school throughout my entire 12 years but I think this is the only thing that happened on a trip Oh besides a couple of guys popping some sort of pills while at a Rangers game at the end of the year in seventh grade they started the next school year in what's basically a pre juvie kind of setting that was wild mostly because I didn't expect these particular guys to do that sort of thing especially at that age I wasn't a teacher but I was a junior counselor at a summer day camp which basically meant I was still a kid myself like the upper age limit for the camp 13 and L attended for free in exchange for helping the real counselors with the younger kids mostly we did nothing and had no real authority but when it came time for the big summer trip to an amusement park suddenly me and another junior counselor were saddled with watching a group of eight kids for the day with no adults everything went better than expected until the end of the day when we were trying to corral our group to leave they didn't want to go so they jumped in line for this sightseeing ride and got on before we could stop them it was basically a slowly rotating observation room that went up a tall tower stopped a while then came back down it got stuck halfway back down while we were frantically trying to find a real adult to let them know what happened this was before cell phones were common so I waited at the ride while my co junior counselor went to find someone from our group it kept us from leaving for an additional half-hour to an hour while they got it unstuck the counselors got in trouble for letting two 13 year olds escort a group alone and I stopped going to the camp a week later because the other counselors started bullying me in retaliation most humans suck you don't keep that crap up not teacher I remember back in high school my friend got caught jacking off in the farthest back seat on the bus by his mother who was a teacher and chaperone for the field trip you may want to reword your post it reads that the mother was the one jacking him off not a teacher but I witness the worst things kids could do during a school trip my classmates and I were chill people we didn't cause that much trouble the worst things we could do was smoking a few joints and drinking some alcohol nobody got hurt some teachers actually loved taking our class out for trips during one trip we were not the only students in the hotel there was another group of younger students from a different city we didn't even try to socialize with them because they were too loud and obnoxious during the first night they literally destroyed the hotel they broke a few doors and windows smoked in the room setting all the alarms off went in an authorized personnel only area of the hotel setting an even louder alarm often took hard drugs the morning after we saw their teachers in the hall and they were trying to blame our class for all the damage that was around 30000 euros if I remember correctly but the security cameras proved that we were innocent they were kicked out of the hotel immediately after that and I still have no idea why nobody called the police since there was a lot of footage showing 14 year old kids doing C in the hallways comma 14 year old kids doing C in the hallways excuse me Ward had an apple orchard with young preschoolers one kid who was always an issue in some way or another crap his pants fully and didn't say anything I just happened to pass him and smelled it there were no restrooms just a port-o-potty had to stand him on the edge and try and get as much as the flattened turd out of his pants because there was no way he was going to sit in crap-filled pants for the 30 minutes drive back I was gagging in the kid was doing everything but following my directions at one point I thought he was going to fall into the hole it was awful when I was a kid our bus broke down outside Baltimore and we were there for like three hours okay so not a teacher but one time on a trip to the movie is an eighth grade one of the chaperones was my English teacher who was deathly allergic to citrus I think we know where this is going on the bus ride back to school a kid takes an orange peels it and throws it at her hard hard enough to the point where orange juice got all over her shirt not sure if it was venj related or just being a dong anyway she immediately starts having an allergic reaction and we have to pull over on the side of the highway and wait for an ambulance we go back to school and the day is over the school sends out an email basically saying please don't attempt to kill your teachers with allergic reactions and that she will be fine although we had a substitute for four days in the kid got expelled TLDR kid almost kills teacher with citrus allergy on the bus gets expelled pleased to hear he got expelled I had a field trip to a local forest preserved with my third grade class I had a boy with high functioning special needs on the trip who was also a flight risk full one to one aid for him well it had been a crazy month of rain and storms leading up to the field trip and the river that ran through the forest preserved was flooded it was hot and muggy so I was in a pair of Nikes shorts and a t-shirt we are looking at the river but we aren't allowed to go on the bridge as water is touching the bottom of the walkway now I've been to this particular Forest Preserve hundreds of times since I was a kid I know all the trails and paths where poison ivy and oak tend to grow and where the best parts to see some native wildlife are well my flights risk keeps talking about seeing the river starting to get upset that he can't go on the bridge to get close in my 27 years of visiting this Forest Preserve I have never seen Whitecaps on this river there were visual rapids lo and behold the flight risk darts down the road back towards where the bus was his pay rar at the time isn't exactly physically fit so I told her to stay with my class with the parent chaperones and I take off after him he ducks into the woods and I'm probably 250 feet away he's wearing camouflage because it's time to go to the woods my dad always wears camo in the woods so as we get into the denser parts of the forest I'm relying a lot on sound to keep otter him eventually we break back towards the main road and I'm about 100 feet behind him at this point well goes across the main road and down the riverbank right towards the rapids worst case scenario I'm a strong swimmer the I know that floodwaters are nothing to freak with I know this kid has no chance if he gets in the water you'll get caught on something and drown as I get across the road and start sliding down the bank as fast as I can I see him sitting taking off his socks and shoes thank God for swimming etiquette I quickly grabbed onto him throw him over my shoulders grab his shoes and walk him back up the steep and slippery Bank he gets put onto the bus with his aid now locking him into the seat while and I'm on the phone with the principal he says he's on his way to drive him back to school he starts complaining that he's got a rash he's gone through tons of poison ivy and oak luckily I don't have a reaction to it so in a way he got a lesson for what he did heck of a story my 15 years old stepsister was caught giving a guy a bj on the bus back from their ski trip a Catholic school they both got asked to leave she moved to a local public high school and was known as BJ girl sides note two years later my dad and stepmom split up I'm back living with my mum in a different town four hours away and a new kid starts at the school and he was telling the story of BJ girl in out home at class I know it isn't the point but it's really sad that boys don't get shamed and humiliated for these things just girls not a teacher just a student went to an aquarium just before finishing primary school which had a nice wall a lot of bloody tongues that day I had a child have a massive asthma attack after a visit to her thumb and a cotton gin I ended up giving her mouth-to-mouth on the side of the road and praying for an ambulance she was fine after a couple breathing treatments and some steroids thank goodness this was before cell phones were common and we had to use the call box on the side of the highway attend stroke 10 would not repeat fifth grade field trip to a zoo during a tour of the primate exhibits a notoriously ill-behaved student hurls a stick down into the gorilla habitat and lands near an adult gorilla without hesitation the now angry gorilla WOM is himself with the same stick and sends it back like a tomahawk to the boy with terrifying velocity and wildly impressive precision the stick shatters around the bull's face and he goes down commotion ensues more guerillas make an appearance and begin to scream at the group of horrified children zoo staff start piling in out of the woodwork to see what's going on the or on Bouton's on the other side of the trail have now got wind of the situation and had begun mobilizing to assist their guerrilla comrades it's a war on two fronts now gorillas and orangutans launch volleys of fesses and students scatter throghout the entire exhibit all manner of primates begin their intimidating chatter and howling an army of zoo staff has swarmed the primate exhibits and manages to stop war or the Planet of the Apes 30 minutes later the zoo has indefinitely banned the school from returning and the boy is on the whate of the hospital for five stitches on his chin winner school camp out in the bush and one of the kids got to take on his dog had to call an ambulance because the teaching staff obviously aren't allowed to interact with a student staff he got the suck though went to a new school camp which featured a night walk we got sent out with no map onto a very poorly marked trail a large gap opened up and one teacher wound up with 55 of the students panicking around her while the three other adults had about 15 students with them eventually we made it back to camp with the right number of kids not sure if there were all the same ones though not a teacher but a chaplain on a sixth grade trip and on the bus a pair of them all um developed students proceeded to have a rather extensive makeout session so I went back there and plunked my dad but between them they were not happy the conversation about teen pregnancy avoidance was even more painful for them if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] by for Nana
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: teachers, teacher stories, school, school stories, school trip, high school, students, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: P_s6lr3Pbrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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