What Serious "This Is Not A Drill" Moment Happened at Your School?

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serious what happened in your this is not a drill moment during work school et Cie I live in a small condo complex that backs up against a major highway separated by a tall barrier that sparked concrete part decorative wood so it's like 5:00 a.m. and I'm dead asleep in the house shakes I roll over thinking man someone set off fireworks way too late in the night I'm barely asleep again and it shakes this time I hear the boom and I'm like Frick those firework loving kids well I'm awake might as well use the bathroom so I'm in the bathroom and the house shakes again boom ha so I look out the back window and there's an inferno just past the backyard right where the lawn meets the barrier oh and this is right after all those people burn to death in their houses and see eh nope wake up the husband shove the cat in the carrier grab your wallet get in the car and leave the only exit from the complex is right past the inferno but we make it okay the cats pee the husband doesn't see what the big deal is he's still mostly asleep and I'm like where can we go watch the news in our pajamas so at the neighborhood Starbucks we're watching on our phones the local fire department hosing down our condos with fireproof foam a gas tanker caught fire and pulled over then the three compartments caught fire individually the driver made it out our place was fine and now I have a go bag just in case a go bag is a good idea Thanks I think I will move a cat carrier from the garage into the house now I was at a movie theater one of the big ones with 12 screens halfway through the movie and alarm goes off and no one really reacts and then a recorded voice advising that an emergency situation has arisen and we are to vacate the area immediately 12 screams emptying simultaneously into the foyer created havoc some minor crush injuries people falling and tripping others it was chaos kids screaming parents trying to get in to find their kids five minutes later and we are still inching towards the doors and a real voice comes on and advises it was a fall alarm and to go back and they will restart the movies important lesson from this for everyone if you need to evacuate from a movie theater take the exit near the screen that goes straight out of the building and not the one that goes back to the foyer this is a really big issue with emergency evacuations people subconsciously head for the door they came in often ignoring emergency exits which are much closer I was at a conference last year that had a false alarm and evacuation and the vast majority of people stampeded for the front door right past the emergency exits I was in the high school gym donating blood when the alarm for an active shooter lockdown went off the doors were quickly locked and people were told to remain calm and duck under tables but there's office giving blood and hooked up to the machines had to stay in place it turned out to be that a few young men had stolen a car and had driven it recklessly onto school property a police helicopter had somehow gotten involved which sparked the panic there were no guns involved thank goodness but it definitely was not a good first time donating blood experience terrible as it is I just imagined you getting shot and turning to the blood donation people like hey Mr need that back we were all in psycho foresee a patho class when the alarm bell rang it's a class where the whole lot of us are divided in random 20 25 people group off students I didn't know any of the people in this group very well but we were polite to each other but the teacher said no drill was supposed to take place so we all race the best we could outside except I was in crutches at a time and the building we were in was old and had a lot of stairs I was lagging behind getting more and more scared that I would be left alone our teacher was already out and the bulk of the group was far ahead and I had no friends in here to make sure I was safe but four of my classmates all girls noticed I was struggling and doubled back to help me it could have been any kind of danger a fire a damn bass with a weapon but they didn't hesitate one second once they saw me one of them took my May bag another took my crutches the other to put my arms around their shoulders and half pushed me out half carried me out I was viewing a traveling exhibit about the Titanic when you entered the exhibit you were given a ticket which had the name of an actual person aboard the Titanic at the end you will get to see if they survived or not right as we finished seeing if our person lived or died the fire alarm went off in the museum the exhibit staff assured everyone into the staff area behind the exhibit and down the emergency stairs everything was lit with emergency lighting only and really cramped and after having just been in the exhibit you really felt like you were escaping a sinking ship probably the most surreal emergency I've ever experienced yes my person did survive they tried to match your person as close to you as possible I was a kid at the time so my person was a child much higher chance of surviving if you were a kid or a woman I was taking the sat we were maybe 30 minutes into the writing section when the fire alarm goes off but some guy started a fire in the computer lab of the building because he didn't bring proper it and they wouldn't let him take his test we had to sit outside for three hours in silence before they decided never mind you guys have to retake this in a month certified bra moment kit brought a gun to school he wanted to show it off and pulled it out at lunch yet you are not supposed to freaking do that he got expelled was relieved off any actual criminal charges on a count off no bullets were brought in he was so young but everyone dipped from the lunchroom and all the other classes got locked down I remember being in class when it happened and not one of us thought it was real because our school did a drill every quarter for that crap and it was like midway through one of em this was 8th grade I wonder whether that has ever been used as an attack vector by an insider find out when a drill is due to take place and commit an actual attack at the time when I was in school about 20 years ago I think we had a bomb threat they evacuated the entire school out to the baseball fields for hours before they let us go home early the very next day we went back to school and they kept us locked in our classrooms for hours while the bomb squad removed bomb material from what I was told from the very baseball fields that they had made us wait on the day before one tornado hit our house we heard the sirens my dad and I woke up my mom and brother and we barely made it to the basement before it hit to active shooter outside my job it was Simeon kid who was running around and waving a gun around like it was some toy he tried to get into the store I work sad but fortunately I had already locked them because it was closing time I had my employees hide in the fridge while I called 911 a in middle school we get told over the intercom to remain in our classes then another announcements for controlled class by class evacuation turns out someone had mailed the school white powder saying it was anthrax and they were not sure how far it might have spread from the office the school was closed the next day and it made the news but luckily it was not actually anthrax it was just at home but I think it was made 2019 were about to leave for a funeral and there was a sudden earthquake I think it was a 6 and it was surreal as it was the strongest earthquake I felt we took shelter under door frames and nobody was hurt gladly earthquakes are so scary I haven't felt a 6 but I have felt some 5.6 s and 5.8 s I always freeze on the spot I can't get my body to move I was in tenth grade age 15 for non-americans when 9/11 happened it's hard to explain to those who didn't live through it how much the world change literally in a day and how well there was internet there weren't smartphones or social media so news traveled less instantaneously for us we were called out of class to go to an assembly and we were all joking around because our school had a way of overdramatizing random at things that didn't really matter of the we are searching for a new vice-principal variety I probably still had a wisecrack grin on my face as the head off school said they all wanted us to be together to hear this news then she said the World Trade Center has been attacked which was where my cousin works and I remember the room literally looked different we were all watching TV screams less than an hour later as the second tower fell and we got a local breaking news about a plane crash outside Pittsburgh which is quite the thing when your school is in Pittsburgh and you think it was heading for us because no one knew until many days later where the fourth plane was heading heck we didn't even know there were only four so yeah that moment with the World Trade Center has been attacked and how the room looked different literally and figuratively I will never forget that was showing a documentary to my class about the second week of the semester when the president of the college came on the loudspeaker to tell us to shelter in place somebody had tweeted pictures of his gun saying he wanted to light up the library and when the FBI pinged his phone he was on my campus my classroom was directly above the library we all knew this because of our smart phones this was right before lunch I was escorted out of the building around in a time turned out the student was bluffing he was visiting our campus that day with his high school freaked him that doesn't sound like much other documentary school had to evacuate cause of a fire it was put out before it got serious but it turns out the DT technician accidentally started an actual fire and we were outside for ages wasn't a big fire at all that was till surprising something actually happened similar thing happened at my school but it was a science tecnine my college dorm had to evacuate because of fire some girl was making a toast at 4:00 a.m. and the toaster caught fire no serious damage was caused and firemen came pretty quickly but being woken up by fire alarms seeing everybody panicking and then having to wait outside for like two hours in december was not fun imagine messing up making toast there was a shelter-in-place tornado warning it was on that day that we learned our school had a bomb shelter below the pool locker rooms and it was some cold war crap damp concrete walls doors with small round windows and the lights where those old oval-shaped with a metal cage like what you'd see on a submarine even had safety posters circa 1960 to 1970s whoa your school actually had a pool on the third floor nice there was an earthquake it was not that strong that it was still an earthquake everyone was treating it as a drill which meant talking and talking and talking until our advisor said that it was not a drill and everyone started panicking good times last November half my school burnt down everybody thought it was just another drill until we got outside and began to smell smoke there was a mad panic as all 1,300 students who were registered and registered again until we knew everyone was out the worst part was it was started by two first-year students my dad was a firefighter he was casually watching Titanic at the theater you know when this happened then out of nowhere during the movie projectors stopped all lights shut down and some guy opened the door of the theater and told everyone to get out there was a fire as my dad walked out his firefighter senses were triggered he felt the draught of air being sucked out of the theater room going into the main hall fire alarm couldn't be heard from inside because the volume of the movie was so loud everyone got out it was a big complex with restaurants and bars next to the cinema everything burned down millions dollars of damages it was a teenager playing with matches while smoking behind dumpsters my dad had to wait for the double VHS to be released to know how Titanic ended that's the best part of this story happening in the 20th century it in 1998 we had someone fall off a boat down at the boat launch when I worked at a campground she hit her head on the dock and started sinking while unconscious luckily her bf dove in and grabbed her before she drowned however she was incoherent so we had to immobilize warm her up in a truck then call in a heli to take her to the nearest hospital it was crazy we had to mark a landing zone and lay down some flares and everything school had a lockdown was coming back from lunch and saw a bunch of cops asked one what's up and was told someone had reported a gun in the building and it's on lockdown I went home found out the next day kid had a BB gun in his backpack and I guess pee off a friend who then told the office what he had sidenote the group that kid would run with was known for starting fights with people over nothing so I guess Karma's a B it was would work and in my classes we have a dust collector connected to an automatic sander under nail happened to get sanded and made sparks to fine wood chips so it exploded in fire in a wood work building in our shop class in high school we had one of those vacuum systems that collected throughout the whole room and some sparks from a saw ended up setting the entire thing on fire we were quickly evacuated and the shop was shut down for a few weeks but I still felt like those big hoses or whatever they are called running all up the walls and across the ceiling should really be more fireproof I was still working as a hostess and we had just opened up in the morning we usually only have three servers on the floor for the first 30 or so minutes at five six families immediately walking which is good for the openers everybody gets two tables to start I was seating the last of the families when I heard a horrible wail from the back I honestly didn't think anything of at first until I realized two of the three servers hadn't come out front to greet their tables one of the servers while switching out the tea bags scalded herself across the face with boiling water the second server was already calling paramedics and trying to keep her calm while she went into shock so now I had one server for six tables about half of them were intensely understanding but one freaking family was giving me Mac's attitude I finally snapped at the wife and said mom the server in charge of your section just suffered third-degree burns across her face if you're in such a rush that you cannot wait for emergency crews to get here I would be more than happy to suggest other establishments that can accommodate you right at that moment the EMTs arrived six huge Captain America's stunt doubles finagling the Gunny through the restaurant she shut tried the Frick up the server ended up being okay and didn't have any permanent scars but for the rest of the day I was jittery from the adrenaline rush we wear in Home Economics cooking stir-fry and the girl opposite to me and her partner turned their stuff up too high and set fire to the oil in the wok our teacher was at the other side of the class and didn't even notice but then she was not very observant and half death and the girls and my partner started screaming and freaking out I told them to turn off the stove and set the pan on the table but they didn't listen and one of them panicked and put the pan in their sink she put a pan of Buehring oil in a sink full of water needless to say it got worse and chaos ensured the alarm went off our teacher finally noticed the screaming and proceeded to the rate us school was evacuated and the fire department came luckily no one was hurt but the girls tried to put the blame on me saying I told them to put the pan in the sink but some of my classmates back me up never trust a half death girl teacher not when I was a student but back in mid-april a couple days before the quarantine we had an active shooter lockdown at the elementary school I work at it was a normal day kids were doing their normal stuff at lunch recess staff notice a few police cars around what is usually a very safe and quiet area but just brush it off suddenly our secretary tells us over our walkie talkies that the police have pulled and ordered us to lock down the school immediate activity honestly we don't have a practice for this scenario happening at recess so I'm amazed it went as well as it did we are also a higher needs school with a lot of behavioral issues and even on a good day getting all the kids inside after recess is difficult the secretary sounded the bell ending recess and staff started ushering kids inside at the same time as around 10 police cars showed up on the surrounding streets the kids were really confused because they normally line up and wait for their teacher but we were telling them to go in and just go to their classrooms their teachers are waiting I'm guessing the difficult kids realized something was up because none of them gave us any issue and just did as told we ended up in lockdown with the kids sitting quietly in all doors closed for about 40 minutes listening to cops outside and sirens and stuff the kids from kindergarten up did amazing one of my co-workers shoved about 12 kids and the special needs bathroom and was stuck there for 40 minutes with them because the cop came by the outside door and yelled at her to get them out of view turns out in the nearby downtown core of my city there had been a shooting very rare here and the guide took off up our way last he had been seen was on the side street next to the school and someone told cops he was trying to get into the school they caught him a few blocks away but it was a really intense hour for us my freshman year in high school we were suddenly told during ROTC to run inside and get in the closet with no explanation lights often the high-ranking cadets ready ropes too used to get us down 2 stories by the window some were prepared to grab the air rifles I knew this wasn't a drill when the sergeants wouldn't tell us what was going on everyone became suddenly terrified we were going to be killed one by one despite being in the safest spot on campus we found out the next day someone had brought a gun on campus they also brought dogs on campus and arrested many kids with weed on them while they investigated the gun issue a second lockdown happened similarly we were rounded into the buildings and hidden since someone was murdered up the street that one wasn't too scary though when someone pulled the fire alarm to avoid a test with a cooking class had left stuff in the ovens which then set them off again we got to miss a full hour that happened at my school except the alarm was pulled seven times in one day freshman year there was a student walking to school in the morning and just a few feet off campus with some guys who weren't students blasting their crappy rap music the student asked these guys to turn their music down the guy said sure and the student started walking away and as soon as his back was turned they shot him I was in the pay locker room when they put us into lockdown and there was a lot of confusion about what was happening and finally after two hours of being in lockdown the police determined there wasn't a hostile shooter on campus and they gave us the option to go home if a parent signed us out or go to class I went home my sister stayed but said nobody did any actual work the student was airlifted to the hospital and made a full recovery so did they catch the guys I work at a large International Airport pre security one day I was helping some upset customers and just trying to get them out of my store when we heard gunshots and I looked up to see people screaming and running I motioned the customers into the storage closet that's disguised behind a mirror we could still hear running and yelling and then I heard people come into my store and we're trying to hide behind the counter I opened my closet door and motioned them inside I had around 10 people shoved into like a 10 X 4 space with all of my back stock and shelving - my manager called me asking if I was ok and said he was stuck behind security and the air court had shut down all the trams so he couldn't get up to me but to stay safe eventually we got the all-clear to get up and head out luckily it turned out the guy only had a corkscrew but someone in that cell line just yelled he had a gun and started the panic what the gunshots were it was the guy being tasered he was trying to bypass security and was being belligerent which was why security in the cops were with him but once that random person yelled gun it created a panic thank you for being a decent human and not hanging those other folks out to dry during an intense situation was doing a chemistry practical test when the fire alarm went off the head of science came in said continue your work it's just a drill so we kept going two minutes later the head came back and said sorry there actually is a fire wasn't a big one but still lol I once worked in a law firm they got a bomb threat and we were evacuated from the building did I mention that it was my first dame there eighth grade there was the Code Red for a firearm on campus my whole class was freaked out teacher had us follow protocol and moved to the back of the class and turned the lights off within 60 seconds the principal bursts through the door with three deputies and immediately goes over to a random classmate of mine and yells where is IT the kids pulls out a ten dollar BB gun and is then promptly escorted out he was expelled from the school system for two years he had been showing it off to other students the entire day thus that is how he got caught was running program at a summer camp when our fire siren went on but it only lasted about two seconds instead of the normal few minutes so I assumed nothing then the radio came on that there was a fire not a drill immediately sent my staff that way and my campers back to their sites secured my area and then bolted past my staff along with a few others on my way to the gathering point only to be stopped at our main pavilion apparently the fire was already out so they canceled everything instead of running a doubt turns out it was an electrical fire and the siren lost power we then decided that we should investigate that being on a battery backup when I was a first-year teacher on the eighth day of school year one of my third graders came with a black eye and burned cheek didn't want to talk about it she got incredibly upset and she ended up telling me what had happened between her and her mom I had to call down to the office to get someone to cover my class so I could run and tell admin in a teacher prep program you are told about these situations but it doesn't feel real when it happens nothing can prepare you as a current first-year teacher I can confirm that nothing can prepare you for the things kids confess to you other things you have to tell admin I worry about my students 24/7 especially now that we've been teaching remotely due to covered 19 in my school we often have bomb threats since 8th grade we've had three or four threats and I'm in 11th grade now obviously none of them have been real but we had to evacuate each time some of the times we just went home some of the times we didn't I think our school is starting to get lazy about bomb threats because during the last one we had they put everyone in the gym and then sent everybody back to class after I only call it lazy because all it takes is just a little intellect from someone who's really placing bombs to doubt Laster police firefighters et Cie who investigate the situation and then the bombs go off when we're in class or when we're in the gym weird thing is my school isn't in a sketchy place or anything we live in the suburbs of southern New Hampshire and our town is rather wealthy the school is pretty big for a suburb though I think bomb threats are more of a trend than anything that is passed down class by class Oh year by year just because it happens so often if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 304,873
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Keywords: this is not a drill, this is not a drill alarm, this is not a drill sound effect, this is not a drill the office, work, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: xwRJJxWVYkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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