What Did a Friend Say To END Your Friendship? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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Sirius has a friend ever done slash said something that just straight-up ended the friendship what happened hey do you want to be your own boss and retire by twenty five so my friends and I all found out that another friend from hereon known as BG for birthday girl had never had a surprise birthday thrown for her and it was her dream so we decided to make that happen my husband planned a big get-together at another friend's house we invited lots of friends bought lots of food and even barbecue equipment and really went all out BG found out about the surprise party a few weeks beforehand by accident and was thrilled like broke down sobbing she was so happy because no one had ever done it for her before awesome we were hyped exclamation point two days before the party she texts my husband that she's changed plans and is going bowling with another friend instead but we are invited to come 8-d up what we were floored and pretty pissed and lots of people were already committed to coming to this thing so we just had the party without her and she texted us some super angry messages because we didn't show up for bowling now no one is friends with her in college a former friend tried to have sex with me I'm also a guy while I was blackout drunk he was not drunk he did that despite knowing I'm straight and had a girlfriend at the time lucky for me there were some actual friends that stopped him after I spent all day using my truck and trailer helping him haul tables and chairs and a giant archway to the church for his wedding that I was supposed to be a groomsman him hey dude I really appreciate you helping me move this stuff I couldn't get anyone else to help here's $20 for the gasm whoa dude I'm in your wedding I don't need money to help make this happen here dude so hey Brent his soon-to-be wife's best guy friend slash 100% ex [ __ ] buddy slash guy he's known for less than three months really wanted to be in the wedding and I was wondering if it would be cool if he took your spot and I can see if any of her cousins act out and if there's a seat open somewhere this was the day before the wedding I had been best friends with that guy since kindergarten his wife didn't like me because I knew about her world past from a different circle of friends so this was her attempt to push me out he caved but none of the other people involved would help move [ __ ] so he waited until last minute to get me to help haven't spoken to that guy since and last I heard she quit her job man suck stick in his house all day while he's at work they deserve each other edit I feel like I need to add two days after the wedding the church venue called me frantic apparently no one picked up the chairs tables and art way from the church venue when those [ __ ] gave my number and told them I was supposed to be picking them up that didn't happen had a whole bunch do it at once I used to have a group of people I thought were my friends because of this I did a lot for them I helped them out by working on their projects supported them let one stay in my home rent-free when they were in danger of becoming homeless I did all that for these people but two years in a row they couldn't be bothered to do something as simple and easy as meet up with me for drinks to celebrate my birthday half of them didn't even bother responding to being invited I've pretty much cut them all out in my life now I'm done being used by those who don't care about me I was in this situation once after a few years I looked back and thought to myself how nice it was to have them all gone from my life the friends I have now are all awesome genuine people after convincing me to delete my accounts everywhere and make new ones after promising me that they'll protect me from my abusive ex after witnessing everything my ex done to me and how it scarred me for life I found out that my best friend was dating my ex behind my back for months lying about it the whole time I didn't know who my friend was dating as they refused to introduce them in person it turns out they've been dating behind my back a few weeks before my ex broke up with me the whole thing scarred me to this day it's been a year and I haven't heard from either of them since the good riddance I have chronic health issues and my best friend was trying to get me to drive 30 minutes to her house to go swimming when I had to pack to leave town the next day she kept pushing and pushing but when she finally realized I wasn't going to agree she sat back and said you wouldn't be any fun even if you had your health I left and didn't speak to her again a friend in college had a very mild form of epilepsy due to the medication he took he could not drink alcohol he really liked some of obscure music that attracted a strange and quite druggie crowd he was very open about his condition yet one of the women in his group of friends openly berated him for not doing drugs no one really stood up for him maybe they realized what a complete piece of [ __ ] she was and didn't want to say anything but who knows my best mates now ex-girlfriend told everyone I had sex with her while they were dating when I definitely had not she was the most irritating person I'd ever met and I don't know if I've ever been attracted to someone less than I was to her ruined our friendship and destroyed her relationship with my mate she is one of those people that crave drama and can't live without having something wrong to moan about she's currently pretending to have multiple personality disorder and blaming that for every time she's a [ __ ] so she can get away with it I got sexually assaulted by two guys in a summer camp and told it to my best friend after calling me stupid for letting that happen she apologized and I forgave her then I saw her parents who asked how summer camp went and all she did was turn to me and go well you made many friends didn't you don't you wanna tell my parents about it with a big smile on her face I don't feel too bad about thinking that she can [ __ ] off in hell seriously what the [ __ ] it's one thing not believing you and it's another clearly wanting to embarrass you about it this sounds like someone who is either a psychopath or just too immature to understand how horrible sexual assault is I find lots of younger people and children do not understand the full seriousness of it misjudge their response based on that I just hoped that now she sold as she realizes what a terrible person she was back then I'm so sorry that happened to you sexual assault is bad enough but the betrayal can only make it worse jealousy is an ugly emotion and can turn you blind to anything else not saying I excuse her behavior but I'm assuming that she was jealous of the attention the two guys gave oh my one of my best friends of several years set me up to get robbed for 390 pounds my wallet in my jacket the guy who robbed me pulled on a Chetty on me and kept it against my neck I don't really know why they decided they want to do it but I know from enough people and just the way it'll happen gave me suspicions telling me it was him that I found out so naturally I stopped being friends with him because it was a bit of a dick move and all she told me to never speak to her again after she learned I was hearing voices and we never spoke again you know what recently like late 2019 I started getting out of the house I'm a single father of two girls and I focused on them 1,000% for a really long time I finally got out of the house a few times and I'm serious I went to this friend's house a few times for game nights basically drinking and cards till this dude hauled off and hit me for accidentally touching his [ __ ] hat of all things what struck me most is that they were hosting and didn't even offer an apology to me it was quite insane for me it was like I was back in high school unfuck in Rio I gave them ample time to [ __ ] realize what happened it took the person three months to even realize we are no longer friends on social media and she's trying to add me back now and honestly it [ __ ] broke something in me my cousin and I were inseparable as genes he went on his mission Mormon and I went to hang out for a few days when he got back I was so excited I got there paid for all the fun stuff we went out to do no problem his childhood friend and I were trying to get him to go for a walk to this cave we used to go to and he decided to tell me what a piece of trash I am and I'm going to hell because I'm gay I didn't say a word as I drove him home immediately I said get out and haven't talked to him in the 8 years since then [ __ ] him people never come back from an LDS mission the same person my ex went on a mission to Ecuador nicest girl before the mission we got along great genuine communication same sense of the humor the whole shebang she comes back from her mission and she has just turned into an incredibly toxic person lying about a lot of stuff gas lighting just no respect for anybody I will not be treated like that so I cut her out she still tries to contact me on occasion about a year later good for you it makes you wonder what happens to the mando's missions to completely change everything about who they are definitely not making any excuses for their behavior afterwards I can just only imagine what has to happen to a person to alter them so entirely she got married I was just friends with this girl from law school she was a cool girl and we lived in the same city after law school we never had sex we had never seen each other naked I was dating someone else at the time she was dating this guy I met her parents as just a friend was friends with her sister so for about six years we were just pretty cool friends she gets married her husband then texts me and tells me to stay away from her I text her and say yo your husband is telling me not to speak with you anymore is that what you want I got no response cool a few weeks pass and I call friend's sister and see if she wants to grab a drink as I was in the area you got some [ __ ] nerve calling me um what listen I know xx doesn't want me to speak to her but not sure why we can't be friends are you [ __ ] kidding me you ruined her life and are trying to ruin her marriage with what you did to her what I'm sorry I have no idea what you are talking about I have always had her best interests at heart so I dunno yeah well then why didn't you tell her you had her booze before you [ __ ] her wait what she and I never had sex and I don't have herpes so I'm a little confused here stop [ __ ] lying husband told the whole thing and she never denied it so [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] ever speak to us again all right come to find out that us all had herpes and didn't tell her and he gave her herpes and when it got out that she had her piss somehow he blamed it on me and she just let the light take hold because it was easier than her family hating her husband all right Jose consider it a parting gift best friend and ex Kalka for five years confided in her and told her about my self-harming depression and stuff I went through as a child you can imagine two days later she not only told the whole of mild workplace but told my family too absolutely heartbreaking I started a job once as an eye tea bloke with one other person he asked me what my strengths and weaknesses were in i.t so I said what I was good at and what I might need help with this guy went straight to the big boss and told him that I admitted that I can't do certain things I said I had no real-life experience with certain areas doesn't mean I can't do them I was fired on the spot found out later that the i.t guy was running that many scams at work that he couldn't afford to have another person working there that might uncover what he was doing I was there a week and knew of one scam he was running if someone screwed me over a job like that i whould have gone out of my way to [ __ ] him up by revealing him to higher-ups and also the authority also holden wave that [ __ ] over their heads while they walk out the door she and I share a birthday so I drove for hours from my house to Hearst for a joint party she ignored me the whole time like actively looking at me and then walking away when I tried to talk to her it had been the last straw in an abusive friendship then after I cut ties she waited three weeks to email me oh sorry if you thought I was ignoring you I wasn't I was stressed over a death in the family that happened a year before and B F and I breaking up they were dating for like a month and being unemployed she quit her job none of that was a reason to ignore someone who drove for hours to a party for you I'm an introvert that she loved this place so I sacrificed my birthday for her again and then actively ignoring me one year for our birthdays we said we would buy each other massages at this super fancy spa when we got there she asked if I could also get her a facial and it would be her Christmas gift too I said sure when it came time to check out she told me she couldn't afford my massage so I bought mine hers and her facial she never paid me back she was a straight-up awful person who needed to put me down to feel better about herself and I let her for 10 years my former best friend of over six years hit up my ex-girlfriend the day we broke up he sent her a DM arts King if she wanted to hang out at his house parents but WTV at the time he also had a girlfriend who was pregnant with his kid my ex hid me and his girlfriend up with the messages my ex and his girlfriend decided to go together at his place and expose him I didn't want to do with any of that but I didn't want anything to happen to either of the girls so we show up his mom greets us and lets us in as soon as he saw us three he knew that his [ __ ] was up but acted all surprised we told him we knew he kept defending his case by saying his little brother who was [ __ ] six sent my ex those messages well to make a long story short his pregnant girlfriend left him he's currently paying child support he also moved out of the state like a month later my ex and I are back together and three months into our marriage said I was being a bad friend for not wanting to game after my sixth 10 hour shift that week I was beyond exhausted and desperately wanted to go to bed said friend also called me a little [ __ ] because I was worried that I got my then GF pregnant before this incident the GF fatal me for other reasons so I decided to start making changes without her holding me back new job different living arrangement started doing more outside of the house etc I didn't mean for him to be one of the things left behind but I've got him out of that bit and have much better friend now said I was being a bad friend for not wanting to game after my six ten hour shift that week that showed been your sign to cut size with him right then you don't sit there and call someone a bad friend just because they want to get some sleep and not stay up and game it's good that this person is no longer in your life and that he are doing much better a next friend of mine was pushing me for inappropriate images under the flimsy guise of joking seemingly out of nowhere I was in a three-year relationship with my now husband and his ex friend of mine also had a GF of his own during this whole ordeal we'll classy now this wasn't really something he had done previously in all our years knowing one another so with that in mind I foolishly tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and just made it unmistakably clear to him that if he didn't stop behaving like a mindless pervert I'd cut contact and end our friendship then one day I got an image text it was his boner outlined in gym shorts and a sad and completely see-through fish for compliments than the most pathetic backpedal of the century friendship of 10 plus years ended but not before I [ __ ] laid into him first before blocking that toxic predators ass [ __ ] you lah last year I think this man sexually assaulted a teenage boy 16 or 17 and the man was a middle-school principal the boy went into depression and was contemplating suicide and he now has mental problems I was talking to my friends about it in a group chat and one of my friends who knew the man started defended him as if a life depended on it started cussing me out and talking about how he's always nice with her obviously he won't touch you you're a girl my other friend kicked her out of the group and we all blocked her the victim of the situation preferred killing himself over telling someone about it and it broke me for that friend I want nothing to do with her a school a couple town over my hometown is going through something similar but it was the principal's kid who was the assaulter he was the perfect kid captain of the swim team sexually assaulted a freshman swimmer with a shampoo bottle in the showers as a hazing ritual first and only kid he did it to his dad teachers and school districts protected the kid by not reporting anything and pressuring the victim to keep quiet kid almost took his life over it within the week it happened acha how his parents found out it's all still an ongoing investigation but we all know the dad for sure will get fired son's already been taken into custody and a lot of the teachers are under review I've had friends just straight-up stop talking to me which I guess is a strong indicator that our friendship is over my best friend quit is the best man of my wedding two weeks before weddings day why did he quit his new girlfriend doesn't like me it seems like weddings are the ultimate friend filter didn't love my dog when he was dog sitting carelessly let her run away then failed to look for her my surveillance cameras caught it all I was pissed friendship over did you find your dog yes she came home that day an hour or two later I saw her on the cameras out front and called him tells you who your actual best friend 'is good girl we had one friend that said he fell on bad times with money so we paid everything for him during the next couple of months drinks cigars travel and after a few months we found out he was going out with new people all that time and was acting rich in front of them with all the money he was saving by scamming us I hope it was as worth it for him as it was for us my now ex called me having a bullying fit ex his sister and her husband were losing their house and needed 10k to save it we argued and argued about it I knew they were horrible with money and bought only the best on credit my point was they were supposedly 10k behind on one house loan ex sent the money I was the only one working in our household needless I was living they went to dodging us and never returned calls they went to Vegas on my money took a cruise and bought a new fridge because they didn't like the color of the one we gave them they got drunk at a casino called us out bragging about being up by 3k I asked for the money then ghosted us took two years for the rest of the family to shame them into paying us back with no interest I spent the money on a divorce and invested the rest cheap divorce in the long run [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 36,163
Rating: 4.896513 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: gxc8o5UK0yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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