What Is The Most Karen Thing Someone Has Done To You? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most Karen thing a Karen has even done to you personally when I worked at the home depot at Karen told me that she didn't want any black men to install her flooring I was in charge of arranging her order and told her that we don't select which individuals exactly will install her floor and that she'll get who she gets she proceeds to have a fit about it demands white installers asks to speak to my manager I'm so glad she did because my managers name was Dwayne and he was a real big black dude turns out she didn't want to speak to the manager left her card in the F+ machine at the McDonald's I was managing as a teenager rang me to say I needed to drive it out to her that I ruined her night ruined her family's night owed her free food and that she'll be laying a formal complaint when I refused all of the above she showed up three strokes four of an hour later with steam blowing out areas asking for her card back last we heard from her that I needed to leave the gym because I made her son feel like only fat people go to the gym blew up at me for ignoring her son who was trying to hit on me by saying connected women calling me Koyie I had never met him before and I am NOT Japanese she called me a stuck-up racist and insinuated that I should be glad he was worldly enough to speak Asian to me I just responded sorry no English they had previously heard me speaking English with my friend I'm pretty sure and walked away when I worked at a bakery Karen bought a chocolate cupcake and ate half for it Karen then asked if she could return her half-eaten chocolate cupcake not because she didn't like it but because she wanted to exchange it for half of a vanilla cupcake something less decadent like most bakeries we did not sell cupcakes by the half she became offended when I asked if she wanted to purchase a vanilla cupcake doctor here I used to work in a public night shift service kinda like an emergency room but for non-emergencies to keep the hospital's clear of white coats so anything from a fever to a sore throat two prescriptions for urgent treatments and a Karen walks in at 3:00 a.m. asking for a prescription for hypertension drugs which isn't unusual as people old people more often than not but she looked 55 sometimes don't notice they're running low anyway the law not a rule not my decision the law states that this service can only write prescriptions for potentially life-threatening conditions drugs for a maximum of 72 hours coverage so if you take one pill a day I can only prescribe your single blister here we don't have bottles big blisters and while I'm writing the prescription Karen casually mentioned that she was insomniac and while cleaning the medicine cabinet she realized she was down to her last full blister my pen stops I asked her to repeat full blister yet so I take the prescription tear it in half then again then I throw it in the bin explaining her the law she gets mad starts yelling and threatened to call the cops go ahead cops came and she triumphs Lee announced that I'm refusing to treat her I explained the situation and they asked her if it's true that she has a full blister and she of course being a Karen who is always right no matter what confirms it the cops look at her still with a look of triumph waiting for them to arrest me then at me then ask her politely to leave as I'm in the right she's livid the day after my boss called me and cracked up cause she went there during the day to talk to the manager and she my boss told her the exact same thing never saw her again and there weirdly enough I deliver appliances for Best Buy we had a woman call and complain that her fridge was not pre cooled before it was delivered and that she had to wait for it to come down to temp no one in the office was prepared for that one worked at a grocery store and a co-worker put a 99-cent sticker on my shirt we were two of maybe five employees so we were all good friends and everything is funny when you got a past time on a shift so I just left it there some woman came through my line and asked me why I had a sticker on my shirt and I just kinda laughed it off she asked if I thought it was funny and I was like not really but sorta she asked if my coworker put it there to which I responded yes she told me she was going to to the store owner cos it was disrespectful to behave that way at work she told me to call my manager and I did but he was a super cool guy and knew this lady was a fricking idiot she talked to the store owner and my manager about firing me to no avail she accomplished nothing and was a see the end when I was working retail this one women had a big bag of coupons most of them were unusable because either they were expired or they were duplicates she berated me because the system was rejecting most of the coupons she called me stupid amongst other names telling me I just wasn't doing it right then as a typical Karen wood she asked to speak with my manager my manager came and asked what the problem was the women ranted about how incompetent I was because I didn't know how to scan a coupon my manager looked at the coupons and the coupons were the problem not me my manager bitched out the customer for being disrespectful for me and told the customer to leave the store I hated working there but I'm so grateful that I had managers that totally didn't go by the customer is always right ruined weren't afraid to stand up for their employees that was just one of many incidents was at the park with my daughter she was three at the time her and a couple other kids started to play together then she attempted to use the monkey bars she's a very adventurous child about midway through she fell I didn't do anything because she's fallen before and I want her to learn to get back up on her own and not be scared to try again anyway one of the boys was about to get on the monkey bars - until I heard a woman run toward him screaming - stop she picked him up and looked at my daughter told her it wasn't smart off her to go on the monkey bars if she wasn't fully ready because then others might get that same idea that's when I got up and went to my daughters defense sternly told the woman to not speak to her that way and it's no fault of hers that she wasn't scared to try something new she took her kid and left came up to my register and asked for the price of a protein bar every item in the store had a physical price tag because we didn't have scanners at the register but I took it from her flipped it over and let her know it was $2.49 before tax she asked me how much the case would be normally we did discounts for cases that they had to be ordered ahead of time so I started explaining we couldn't do a discount unless she cut me off aggressively and hissed I didn't ask for a discount so I typed in $2.49 x12 added tax and told her the final price she stared me down for a few minutes before asking me to get my manager once my manager arrived she spent literally 10 minutes tearing into me describing me as the least helpful person ever talking about my bad attitude complaining about how awful and rude I was etc etc etc I was working nearly full-time 35.5 hours per week and commuting to a school over an hour away four days a week this lady took the time out of her day to break me down to the point I started crying thanks Karen I still remember you hope you enjoyed your frickin protein bar I used to work at a fast food in a theme part when I was 18 Karen held up the line cause she was demanding us to assemble a food for her daughter which we aren't allowed to do course we go by menu my daughter can't have that well what can you do for me do you want her to starve are some of the most irritating lines I ever encountered ask for my managers personal cell phone number to complain that I seven months pregnant at the time would not carry a refrigerator that she had not paid for in the cost of her room up to her second-story room we did not have an elevator rather than just accept an upgrade for free because she didn't want it unpack her stuff she refused to believe we had rooms without fridges and I was just being fat and lazy when I refused to give her the cellphone number she asked for corporates number I wrote it down on a sticky note with a smiley face she came down later and asked to move rooms I made her pay the difference I used to work retail so I have come across my fair share or Karen's they were a huge reason why I went back to school and no longer work as a cashier anyways one day while I was the registers with a few other co-workers of mine I had a massive nosebleed right as I was finishing a transaction I grabbed a tissue and quickly excused myself to run to the restroom so I could try to get it to stop bleeding this meant that I couldn't say goodbye to Karen and give the little spiel about how I was oh so grateful for her shopping with us anyways after about ten minutes I was finally able to get my nose back under control and headed back to the registers I saw her waiting to the side with a scowl on her face arms crossed over her chest the whole nine yards she proceeded to scold me about how rude I was for not saying goodbye after I apologized and explained that I had an unexpected nosebleed she told me I should have tried holding it in and that the customer comes first my brain was literally after that my sister-in-law is the biggest Karen I've ever met complains in almost every restaurant we have gone to but this one time they were moving house and my bro asked me to help I was staying at that place for the delivery truck that was to arrive early in the morning we were having drinks and my bed mattress was on the living-room floor at around 1:15 I said I think I'm going to go to bed she replied are you kicking me out of my own living room not realizing she is crazy I joke I guess I am she said no one does that and even though she had finished her last drink made herself two cups of tea she didn't go to bed till after 2:30 she told me the next morning she stayed up to show no one tells her what to do I was a supervisor at Cost Plus World Market a Karen comes in one night pushing a cart full of obviously used throw pillows and asks to return them of course she has no receipt and instead wants us to just look her up in the system except she refuses to provide her information for us to try to look her up she starts yelling at my cashier and that's when I stepped in to tell her very politely and calmly that she either needs a receipt or needs to provide us her name and phone number she starts screeching and screaming about how we're buttholes and she'll get us fired and blah blah blah then she demands an apology from the president of the world I'm certain she meant the president of world market but in her bleached hair fury she said the president of the world and I barely held it together as I calmly offered her the corporate feedback number she wouldn't take it and instead walked out of the store still yelling and without her cut off dirty pillows she returned about 20 minutes later quietly apologized and took her pillows with her we never heard from her again tailed me I couldn't work on my car in my own garage at noon because she didn't want my fast looking car to influence her son's to be hooligans like you working retail one afternoon and here comes Karin with a return at first glance it's no big deal just coming in to return a shirt she walks up to the register hands me the receipts to start processing and we exchanged a pleasant greeting I take the shirt out of the bag to examine it and it is beyond disgusting there were brown sweat stains all over it from the pits to the stomach to the shoulder it looked like whoever wore it rolled in mud or some nonsense I proceeded to tell Karen that I cannot return the product because it had clearly been used in that only unused and resettable items could be returned Karin threw a fit started screaming at me and accusing me of calling her a liar and whatnot I hold up the shirt and point to the brown pit stains and say Karen can't you see the stain oh man did that make it worse she continues making a huge scene and demands to see the manager news flash Karen I am the manager and I'm not budging after 20 or so minutes of complaining she finally leaves saying she'll be complaining to corporate and getting me fired and blah blah blah fast-forward a few days a guy walks into the store finds the first store associate deacon and immediately asks for me by name hello here we go again anyway my associate bring the guy over to where I'm standing and I politely greet him the guy spends the next 10 minutes apologizing for his crazy wife Karen verbally abusing my staff and I are a few days prior apparently the guy went to the beach and did some type of CrossFit halide training class in the sand Karen knows all of this she was at the class with him the guy ended up not liking the shirt for some reason and Karen thought she could pull a fast one on us by making a scene but think again Karen had a Karen threatened to report me to my manager for talking with other customers I was serving I met plenty of Karen's while working retailed that there's one who stands out Karen was Indian and had the most entitled attitude of anyone I've ever met she was also a regular customer so we had to deal with her crap at least twice a week Karen's favorite pastime would be to literally fill a trolley with clearance items these are a nightmare as you have to reduce the price on the till manually management were worried about scanning fraud and so had disabled the multiplication button on the tail this meant that each item has to be scanned and discounted individually once all of her items had been scanned and discounted Karen would always kick up a fuss over the price accusing us of overcharging her and demanding to see her manager some managers would give in to Karen which meant voiding the transaction and starting over if they told Karen to get lost she'd complain about never shopping here again and storm out leaving a full trolley of goods to put back thanks B either way the entire she chal would take at least an hour there was a nice moment of Karma for Karen however one winter we had an especially heavy snowstorm our policy in this case is to clear the car park access to the spaces closest to the door we do this as very few people come out when it's snowing and it lets people park as close as possible not Karen though oh no she pulls into the car park drives into the uncleared section and tries to drive through a snowdrift hitting a covered bollard in the process she then clumps into the store demands to see the manager and proceeds to yell at him point-blank apparently she was going to sue us and get every employee fired from not clearing her usual parking space of snow our manager responded by banning her from our store for being abusive toward staff in tech support.this Karen had started a PowerPoint presentation saved it gave it a name worked on it for eight hours closed it and when the program said do you want to save changes said no so the program did what it was told and dumped them and surprisingly when she reopened it it was blank I explained that she told it not to interrupt no that is not acceptable you will fix it no there is no interrupt go around this circle several times I finally call the on-call support for her company and explained what was going on have you ever had someone roll their eyes so hard you could hear then over a phone then conference Karen who started right in before either of us could say anything with how incompetent I was et Cie etc he let her verbal for a minute then cut her off she started squawking and he cut her off again and again and again until she finally shut up out of sheer surprise I think screeching like a harpy didn't work what world is this he explained to her the same thing that I had and she started yelling again and he chopped her off number you've wasted my time on my day off working as a favor to people with actual problems and you've wasted tech supports time you were abusive to both of us and I'm going to report you to HR in the morning goodbye click he hangs up and I'm laughing my butt off as she spits and sputters like an engine that just got a good solid swig of water I was standing on a crowded train and a pregnant Karen started screaming at Emmy because she had nowhere to sit me the person who was standing because there were no seats she started screaming like it was my fault that there were no seats I was working at my job as a cashier at my local supermarket we were swamped with people I had at least seven people waiting in my line one of my good friends from high school was in my line and I talked to him as I was ringing up his stuff after he left I welcomed the next lady in line and asked the usual stuff did you find everything okay how are you doing etc before I could get a word out she asked to speak to my manager apparently I was rude to her for not including her in my conversation with my high school friend she didn't even I mean or anything and I never seen her in my life freaking Karen man I worked at a home-improvement store for a while in college I was a cashier in the garden section this woman pulls up on the curb in a no-parking zone grabs her fertilizer and soil after I check out she goes freakin ballistic that I didn't help load her car and she was going to report me to managers due to company policy I wasn't allowed to other employees were though her face mole was shaking and everything over a bag of soil that weighed under ten pounds and a handle of fertilizer I was in line at our neighborhood grocery store the woman ahead of me was purchasing a single birthday card she stood there frowning after paying for it and when the checker asked what was wrong she said that she needed someone to carry the card to her car for her a single card in an envelope I worked at a coffee shop where a woman came up to me to complain that a lot ease when filled to the top I had seen her husband sneak sips on the walk over but I wasn't gonna say that so I gladly offered to remain both drinks but she said I don't want you to fix this I just want you to know him disappointed in you you have been spotted by the rare flying flu feh if you comment good boy below he don't steal your hot dogs anymore if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, Karen
Id: kBztEWa-FWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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