What's It Like Being Married To A "Karen"? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who are married to Karen's how is it like not married to one but my mom is absolutely one I spend most of my time with her in public apologizing to people after she's walked away the one and only time it comes in handy is when I've bought cars and had her come in during the price negotiation phase she's knocked off thousands purely due to how unpleasant she is and how much people want her to just get the heck out of the door weaponized a Karen nice married to one she doesn't get why people think Karen's complained so much it's annoying for her and she like to talk to someone about this my son's name is Karen and it kind of ruins these memes because she's very mild-mannered and nothing like them divorced an abusive Karen who was convicted of domestic violence that's a misdemeanor folks so she got half of everything totally worth it my life before was a nightmare escape was priceless note if you are in a similar situation especially now what with Corinne avarice quarantine and need someone to talk to PM me also it's okay to reach out to any DV shelter if you're unable to do that due to an abusive partner at home it's okay to seek help elsewhere except hitmen avoid them was married to a male Karen everything and I mean everything could set him off we were at a local tap room and his iPhone automatically connected to the Wi-Fi keep in mind he had full bars on our cell service the Wi-Fi was being wonky and wasn't working the manager super nice guy comes over and asks how we are doing while he washes sunglasses in the dish pit on the other side of the bar the following conversation ensues keep in mind my husband is super irritated that this made-up problem because our cell service is working just finally can literally just turn off the Wi-Fi husband your wife is freaking trash manager I'm sorry we recently upgraded our internet and Cox is sending us a new modem it's supposed to be here this week husband if you say you have Wi-Fi you should make sure it actually works manager I know I'm sorry I'd be happy to restart the modem to see if that helps husband then ignores him and continues to talk under his breath about a made-up issue this was my life for almost five years the sense of entitlement was frustrating enough in public but more so at home I had apologized to more servers retail workers neighbors and random people in public for him and five years than the rest of my life outside of him you know what now that I'm talking about it maybe he's not so much a mail Carol he's more like a piece of crap my life has been a living heck the number of times I have had to intervene to save the life for the customer service rep over nickels is insane I've asked for divorce now just a couple weeks ago guess how that went over stay strong lawyer up berry gold in a place only you know where it is prepare for war but good on you not married to one but my aunt is my uncle is this soft-spoken giant he never stands up to her in any way except once at their daughter's wedding she was about to interrupt the ceremony to close a window because she was chilly everyone sitting close could hear her whisper I am going to do it but I don't want to be in butthole my uncle in a calm quiet tone says quickly why stop now almost as if his filter just missed this one I swear I could hear my dad snore two rows back trying to hold in laughter karen was not happy haha that's great my mom's a Karen she is self-aware she is a Karen my siblings and I send her memes about it when my stepdad divorced her last summer we were all amazed he lasted 17 years to be honest none of us liked going out with her it's terrible and my husband just straight-up tells her no you aren't talking to the manager when we go in a place I'll tell you guys a story my step told us they are fun hasn't owned a small beef and B farm B they have a store they go to for B supplies the owner called my stepdad and asked him to please be the one to pick up their stuff because his staff was tired of dealing with my mom he is the only one who went to the store for the next five years co-worker of mine is married to a Karen he tells us stories multiple days a week how she drives to four different grocery stores and Harris's the employees because their stock is low on the specific items she wants my ex-wife is a Karen in every sense but name it was always so embarrassing she was incapable of treating anyone like a human for the most trivial of occurrences it was heck for me as a person that's pretty forgiving and don't seek out confrontation so in a one-word description it was HACC law PS she's very codependent in jumps from relationship to relationship these days not surprised my mom is a Karen she thinks the world is supposed to cater to her serve her and everyone else is wrong once we went to Carl's jr. she ordered four burgers for the four of us she pulls one out of the bag while the guy is getting our drinks and hides it she complained that he forgot a bugger she pulls them out one by one and counts it in front of him it's obviously missing because she hid it and he's swearing up and down he put them all in the bag I'm stunned speechless and it happened so fast she got a free burger and laughed as we drive off I am just staring at her and she opens it up to eat it on the drive home and she ate her actual burger like the fifth one never existed I can't even explain how she is when she's in the hospital she treats it like a luxury stay in a hotel whoa my condolences not married to one but mom was a major Karen back when I was growing up mom can we just go was my favorite question then the apologetic knot as we leave the store I really relate to this all throughout my childhood it happened I remember being an Amber esta Levin year-old walking round apologizing for my mom's behavior in stores and restaurants it sucked it's supposed to be the other way around my sister is a Karin everyone feels so sorry for her husband everything is his fault he is treated like a slave she only addresses him by yelling she constantly insults him we have no idea why he hasn't divorced her or flipped out and attacked her we have all told her to cool it and her response is that he's just so stupid I could go on and on but my sister really is a horrible person it's 4 p.m. time field on flattening my mom is a little Karen as in it's her name but she's like a bizarro Karen she will constantly ask to speak with managers and supervisors and bosses but when said managers arrive she unloads about the employee helping her out was fantastic hard-working and friendly and then she'll spend 20 minutes trying to figure out if she and the manager knows someone in common or 9 times out of 10 they do as a kid it would embarrass me as an adult it's one of my favorite things about her she makes people feel good about the work they do and it's really special to watch how wonderful she makes people feel plus she's got long gorgeous silver hair Karen and I are crying with all the love and support she's a wonderful lady and to give my fair city a much-needed boost this Karen is a lifelong Philadelphian thank you all for making mine and my mom's day stay safe out there a Karen not married but dated a male Karen for 80 years he was a semi successful business owner who was twice my age and I was young and dumb for a lack of a better word the gist of our relationship was in trying to take over every part of my life for instance he would order for me at restaurants and would dissuade me if I wanted to try something new if I had a problem with something it would be brushed off that if he had a problem that he had to talk to the manager not knowing any better I just thought he was very particular and even started copying some of his tendencies like speaking up when I felt I wasn't getting the right service when I was out on my own I realized who he was when we were flying back from Vegas and our luggage was heavier than when we flew him obviously we'd bought extra things which made up for the weight difference so as he demanded to know an explanation from the check-in Clark as to why if it was the same luggage would it somehow weigh more I innocently answered that it must have been the extra shoes and clothes he was quiet and paid up later he told me to not to do that again as he knew the reason why the luggage was heavier he was just trying to get away with not paying at that moment a bulb went off in my head this man who'd spent $1,500 on a stripper for his friend was making an already stressful job more stressful for the Clarks in order to avoid paying $60 we broke up soon after and I checked myself on the Karen tendencies he'd rubbed off on me my husband's ex is Carol she's a classic narcissist when one of our feral hands started acting aggressive towards other hands my stepson named her Karen also we live on Kauai so we differentiate between feral chickens and the ones caged raised for food and or eggs we have five or so roosters eight or so hens three of which have four six and eight chicks we feed the adults oats and scraps and the chicks get chick starter until they can eat other stuff we really love them except the Roosters their righteous bastards kahin not the married to one but my moms are Karen literally overreact to everything whenever something doesn't go her way you guessed gotta speak to the manager or whoever is in charge but sometimes really embarrassing to go out in public with her because she'll just yell at the service workers for the smallest of things also she has a bobcat my mom was a Karen for a while she literally didn't realize it until my brother and I started calling her out on it when we were early teens because were embarrassed she made genuine efforts to change and a few years later was the sweetest women you ever meet a just saying there's hope not married to her Karen but married someone with a Karen for a sister Syl is the freakin worst I hate more than anything going out to dinner with her listening to her order food and talk to the servers holidays are also terrible she sends out long lists of expected gifts list she celebrates every holiday and birth but specifically for presents even when it not appropriate funny thing is one time I was away from the dinner table when the bill came and still waited for me to return to pay the bill by actually handing it to me she didn't give it to her sibling my sir or pay her half but expressly handed it to me to pay BTW her husband is an idiot and they are a match made in heaven I'm sorry to disappoint everyone but yes I didn't pay there are many reasons as to why but the biggest one is that it got me out of the restaurant faster also it helps me control the tip another time we went to a family brunch where the bill was split karen sill waited to see what other people tipped so she could lower the overall tip percentage for the waitress - what SIL thought was deserving we didn't know this until afterwards when she bragged about it later so no one even knew to stop her and she is invited to these family meals because she has two children we want a relationship with so she has that emotional blackmail card h on e st. ly she's perfect she amake s me so happy so happy why o UFO und love my mom is a Karen not fun I think she was part of the reason the girl I loved left because whenever she was around my mom behaved much better and put on a nice face we argued frequently about my relationship with my mom hurts a lot don't think I can fully let this one go I love my mom very much and she is generally a very nice person I've spent a good while trying to put it to words accurately but it's difficult everything is very minor and very subtle but it's constant all the time it's not watch adult does it sort of thing she dosent try to hide her behavior when in public she just tries to put her best face forward when around others like everyone else does I don't know if she is aware of what she does when at home because it is so minor and subtle but I have a difficult time believing that since it is constant and other reasons if you are concerned for me in some way thank you it means a lot only one of my friends knows the specifics of my relationship with my mom so it's nice to receive support to a leave some of your worries she doesn't control my life for actions the pain she causes is dwarfed greatly by everything she has done for me without her I wouldn't have made it where I am today and I am extremely thankful and kitu gave her in my life despite the pain I do not think I will cut her out of my life less frequent contact helps but she is not so great a terror that no contact ever is needed I look forward to seeing her spoil my grandchildren and know she will trust me to raise them not try to take over and do it herself the pain of losing the girl I loved in a way I didn't think I was able to love is the greatest pain in my life thank you all for your kind words and sympathy my mum did this with my friends everyone always said how amazing and funny she was but behind closed doors it was hack it I couldn't convince anyone else otherwise I taught my nephews ages nine and eleven about Karen's last year when they stayed with us for a week after school let out after describing trays and observing them in the wild they asked somewhere around day two is our mama Karen my reply new words not mine I knew from the beginning that there would be difficulties but I loved her and made the leap to make her my forever partner yes her attitude towards certain people and things confused me at times but by keeping an open mind and accepting her for who she was everything has worked out well we've been married for 10 years we have a darling daughter and I've even come to love my wife's kimchi fried rice Karen not Korean I didn't mean this as a joke and my don't bomb literally thought the guy read it wrong I'm very confused how I got more attention than the opie but thanks I suppose it is the absolute best I love my wife I didn't write that blink twice if you're being held captive he seems to be held captive he's under Karen team I'm divorcing a Karen nothing was ever good enough everything had to be the most expensive thing and even then it wasn't good enough it was exhausting and it sucked the passion I had for life out of me slept on this and thought of some more telltale signs she never said nice things about me to me or to other people my best friend came over for a barbecue with his wife and kids and her and her mother just mocked me the whole time too my friend's wife my friend's wife confronted them about it even on our wedding day the part you say nice things sounded like a tentatively warm school report card the nicest thing I remember her saying about me was I like how you make the salads it's better than how I make it the whole time that's the best I can think of divorced Karen haven't had a need to see a manager since thank you but it is my favorite when family members or boyfriends swing by later to tell me they're sorry for Karen's behavior and that I'm doing a great job not married to her Karen but my mom is a Karen whose name is actually Karen simply put I haven't seen her in over a year because I couldn't take it anymore living with her was just an exhausting nightmare Karen's world revolves around Karen nobody else's issues matter if you tell her that you had a bad day she'll give you twenty reasons why her day was worse you worked 60 hours this week well when she was your age she would work 80 you're in the hospital after having major surgery she has a pinched nerve in her arm which is somehow worse your boyfriend cheated on you she couldn't even begin to tell you about all the heartbreak she's experienced in her life she complained left and right about anything and everything if you're taking a week break after just getting back from college she'll ask why you haven't gotten the job yet and claim you lazy if you're out to eat at a restaurant the food is always too cold or too burnt or too salty you can only ever go to the places she wants to go to because everything else is crap my entire graduation dinner she complained about how cold the food was she thrives in getting attention and constantly seeks it but she has very few actual friends 'facebook is her lifeblood and she's always looking to start something on there she's the queen of sharing uninformed misguided conservative propaganda which always starts fights in her comments Paul so if a tragedy happens in the family like the passing of my teenage cousin she'll make a big scene on Facebook and expect condolences from anyone and everyone and makes note of the people who don't give her what she wants don't even get me started on the blatant racism I've heard everything from watch out for black people on the subway they'll try to take your purse too it should be illegal for the Muslims to cover their faces you should be able to see someone's face one of my best friends is black and she once told me he's one of the good ones they should all be like him minor but the house always has to be spotless you have a shirt on your bedroom floor pick up you kids are all slobs we have people coming over no we don't and even if we do why would they be going in my bedroom her house is her house and she'll let you know any object she has spent money on doesn't belong to you it belongs to her she also spends way too much money on home decor like oriental rugs furniture etc but then complains about how she has no money TL DR my mother is a Karen who is actually named Karen living with her is a nightmare and before anyone asks yes my dad is divorced from her Oh also worth mentioning my mom doesn't need a haircut Karen is a hairdresser she gives the haircuts her clients are her main source of gossip she spends all her time complaining to them about her life how lazy her kids are how much she hates her sisters etc as someone who had my hair cut by her for over 25 years it's pretty exhausting to listen to I'm not married to a Karen I named the human that came out of me in 2007 Karen she's 12 and hates her name she wants to change it ouch I've never met any Karen who wasn't already an adult come to think of it I was married to a Karen I'm sure the question on everyone's mind is was she like that at home the answer is up so fricking lutely she was the kind of Karen who it had to be absolutely perfect or I'm complaining restaurants stores anything at home was worse I couldn't do anything right any ambitions or dreams I had I wasn't good enough to do so why try ugh so glad I divorced her bonus the lawyer she hired was an idiot and wrote the paperwork up wrong so she won't get anything from my retirement or the lawyer was giving you a break after having to deal with her never know they might have had a soul my brother was married to a Karen she lived to buried people and rarely went anywhere without a flask of vodka to fuel her fire she despised kids and wasn't quiet about it in the first year of marriage she decided her husband had to learn physical intimacy so if she didn't like the way he painted the shed or groomed the dog or pulled his corn flakes and she never did there was no reward after 10 years he divorced her moved to another state and married a kind-hearted generous in pathetic lady karen still can't understand why he dumped her perfect but not married four years of a toxic relationship though I broke up with her on Monday again we are kind of fricked financially because of this lockdown so we are just feeling things out for a month before we decide for sure this cycle is on repeat I constantly have to cut her off and speak over her because of the way she treats people waiters sales assistants gym staff neighbors landlords randoms we meet in bars etc note we were both waiters at the beginning of our relationship so she has worked in the industry but still lacks empathy she blames the waiter if something is out of stock etc my second major issue we are both English second language teachers she teaches kindergarten while I teach high school now that we are working from home I hear how she speaks to her students and it's really opened up another aspect of her personality that I don't like she will berate a student for not understanding instead of evaluating her ability to explain crapping on three-year-olds and their second language doesn't fly with me a lot of her behavior stems from a self defense mechanism due to insecurity but that's not an excuse she doesn't realize how mean she is to people including myself I'm a people pleaser that would rather sacrifice my own comfort than someone else's she expects me to be in butthole to people because I'm a biggish guy with tattoos I don't exactly look soft it's toxic as heck please help PS the frickin is so good at rivals most P easily I do research a load of self-help and emma.ware codependency and enabling trays in my situation for those making assumptions based on one comment don't be a Karen I was dating one and she acts as if we're still together get the net my mom is a Karen legit her name too could be the original Karen it is all based on don't think she knows the meme of her own name essentially she is such a Karen she got her name changed to Karen and there is a lot of food sent back at restaurants Karen I love my beautiful wife to the moon and back and she is Emma's ing and STR own willed booting my mother is a Karen if something minor inconveniences her she blows it up into a huge done constantly complains belittles me and has a slight superiority complex same Brad my mom is a bit of a Karen and we're pretty much no contact now so that should tell you everything you need to know whenever we'd go out to eat it's always too cold they don't have the brand of sparkling water she likes they put ice in her drink when she didn't want it she always has to make some kind of modification to her order etc the list goes on it got to the point where if we were out shopping and she said she needed to return something I'd just go somewhere else because I couldn't stand watching her be rude and argue with the staff my parents are divorced and I live with my dad now instead part of the reason I barely see my mum is because I'd have to meet her in public go for a coffee or something and I just can't deal with the way she behaves in these places so I don't go engaged to one she was raised as a princess by here military raised father however she super down-to-earth but God forbid you work in the service industry and mess something up she worked at IHOP during college so it humbled her compared to her family she just writes reviews now good or bad and emails corporate to complain if something is wrong with my food she refuses me to sit there and eat it which I hate but I have gotten her better about it I believe so maybe she is just a recovering Karen at this point I'm not married to a Karen but someone in my family decided to make a Karen family and let me just say did his freakin heck I do not go to any social event if said Karen will be there keeps the peace in my family tbh nor do I go alone with Karen she is a nightmare to everyone in her path from car guards to cashiers even her friends no one can be better than her or smarter than her and she's just freaking exhausting man the worst part is her kids are becoming just like her not the kids - my mom is a Karen she literally cannot help herself but to tell her her opinion she genuinely sees it as doing everyone a favor it destroys her relationships with my siblings none of my other siblings will talk to her a few years ago we went out to eat the restaurant served bread and butter before the meal the butter was whipped my mom the former dairy farmers daughter insisted they bring her real butter but the waitress went back to the kitchen and came back and told her what she had was butter how dare she my mom who apparently is infallible in her ability to detect butter started acting like a complete butthole - the waitress about it she knows what real butter tastes like I go to this restaurant often and my kids are there so my first instinct was to apologize to the waitress that was a bad idea as soon as I did my mom went into a rage about respecting your elders and walked out of the restaurant to this day she still won't admit she was unkind to the waitress you refused to enable her good for you early in our marriage I started seeing some Karen tendencies in my wife it started because companies were legitimately jerking us around on things we needed and she was trying to be more assertive initially she hadn't compartmentalized she turned it on once she needed it and turned it off once things were getting resolved but she started losing her ability to keep it segmented and this entitlement mindset started bleeding into other interactions it never got too bad but I didn't like the direction it was headed I finally said something one night after she'd gone into a store to return something and came back after the car telling about how she gave the employee at talking to about how terrible the return policy was so I just asked her an hourly employee with no say in the matter upheld the company policy and she was trained to do and you thought it was appropriate to give her a talking-to for that how do you think that made her feel what would you have done different if you had her job was it worth ruining somewhat of ruining someone's ruining someone ruining somewhat of ruining someone's ruining someone's ruining somewhat of ruining somewhat of ruining some all the while I was circling back to the store I parked the car and said something to the effect of I think you owe that woman an apology and I think if you take a minute to think about it you'll do the right thing she argued with me for a few minutes because she felt like I was attacking her bid to her credit she walked herself back in that store and stood in line for ten minutes to apologize that was a turning point for her I think since then even when people have legitimately screwed up she's been much more patience understanding and polite I am grateful she was open to my critique because I have other Karen's in my extended family and I don't know if I could be with someone like that Syl is a Karen and her name is very close to Karen one of her most recent masterpieces her daughter my niece had a big choir performance one night my family her family and my Phil and mill were going to meet for dinner and then go to the show my neighbor owns a very nice Italian restaurant in town and he arranged for us to have a big table ready when we got there we my family of four are halfway to the restaurant when my wife decides to check in with her sister with a text message Syl Karen immediately calls back and casually says she's running late she is always late and that it would be best if we drove to their house to pick them up to this day I don't understand how that will help us when she's already late and we had a rather tight window to have dinner but Karen throws a crap fit when my wife pushes back so we turn around pick them up and drive to the restaurant we sit down and she scans the menu scamp's asks the waitress questions tells her a couple times she's not ready to order and needs a few minutes meanwhile we are all openly on minding her that we are on a tight window doesn't matter Karen will not be rushed it should be noted that my neighbor's restaurant has a single page menu that doesn't change and karen has been to this restaurant many times by the time she decides what she wants to order we realized we now will not have time to eat she gives all sorts of crap to the waitress demanding to-go boxes for our meals that are just now being served my neighbor then came to our table to figure out what was going on and she immediately stood up to try to explain what was going on and through the waitress under the bus as we were leaving I pull my neighbor in the waitress aside to tell them what really happened profusely apologize tell them it absolutely was not their fault at all you all keep dealing with that crap stop enabling it idk let me ask my wife it's been an hour probably he won't reach us anytime soon our IP mate I read that as Koreans and was thoroughly confused and amused by this thread I'll see myself out there is another comment that looks like someone has genuinely replied to that haha he's talking about the language barrier and his wife's kim chi fried rice best friend married a kerim this woman is a whole different level of kerim he makes a large six digit salary but has to work cycle shift away from home she has the option to move from home so they can live as a family but refuses because she has what she calls a career she sells sense and works a Clark job at an our office they have two kids she can't handle them she makes him drive home from work every day so she can work out for 30 minutes in the evening it's a seven hours commute he had to buy another vehicle because he couldn't take the company vehicle back and forth so expensive and dangerous there's too many things here's some when she's working at home he has to leave the house with the kids and can't come back until she says it's okay insane spending habits on aniseh curry stuff Amazon Scentsy and other MLM products any negative things that happens in her life is his fault and he has to fix it immediately no matter the cost she texts and calls him every 10 minutes at worked complain about him being away from home and how the kids drive her crazy she made him buy our luxury camper 40k so she can visit him at work came one time she puts the kids in daycare even though it costs them more then she financially makes once more kids once huge renovations done but refuses to watch the kids while he does them he has to watch them while working nothing gets done quick and that gives her anxiety and stress makes him temp job fairs in hopes that he'll find a job making just as much money it won't happened that he does it anyway to please the demands it frustrates me because my time with him has literally become therapy sessions where he vents for hours it's brutal and I hate that he tolerates it the one that gets me the most is that she'd rather pretend to have a really good career then move with him so they can live a great family lifestyle they'd save lots of money and they would be a much better parenting team cama cama it's a seven hour commute nah fam she helps me try to steal the secret formula we never get it but it's good to try you know what they say when you leave the room what poor bastard my dad married one she's an absolute nightmare apparently at work once she went outside to shout at a gardener who was making too much noise trimming a hedge when she came back inside she found all her colleagues laughing and saying that poor guy got Karen she was really shocked that her name got turned into a verb but her colleagues were spot on if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 289,956
Rating: 4.9125109 out of 5
Keywords: rslash married to karen, married to karen, living with karen, karen, karen complications, karens on camera, karens, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: qUnGHxG4xiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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