Buffet Workers, What Is The Biggest Display Of Gluttony You've Seen? (r/AskReddit)

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buffet or all-you-can-eat restaurant workers of reddit what is the biggest display of gluttony you have witnessed Old Country Buffet I saw a guy eat breakfast lunch and dinner he just rested read the newspaper and wouldn't leave the frickin booth he was there for seven hours he did this every day he was probably 400 pounds I was at the buffet at the Bellagio in Las Vegas an extremely obese man was sitting at a table by himself and not eating until the kitchen staff refilled of a rack of creme brulee the obese guy immediately got up grabbed a tray and proceeded to take every single Bowl in the rack once back at his table he ate one after another like he was a vacuum I am guessing he consumed at least 50 of them in less than five minutes the Bellagio Buffet doesn't flick around in neither do the diners watched a man waddle back to his table with what had to be at least $100 worth of prime rib as well as about two or three pounds worth of potatoes the Beast nearly inhaled it and got up for more of something we left before he came back but I think the buffet lost money on that guy not an employee but I had the honor of sitting across the table from a friend who pulled this one first he went up and got a huge plate of crab legs and a bowl of clarified butter then made a second trip for prime rib to huge slices he sat there and cracked all the crab legs into the bowl of butter then dumped it onto the first piece of prime rib slapped the second piece on top and ate the first breadless sandwich I had ever seen so he basically made a slightly classier KFC's DoubleDown i work at a small town buffet Saturday nights is prime rib and seafood shrimp we have a regular that eats on average 6-7 lbs off prime rib and two pounds of shrimp how the Frick can a person put 8 - 9 lbs of protein away like that God held the toilet that he bombs later I seriously can't imagine eating that much food worked in a family-owned Midwestern buffet biggest displays a toss-up we had people that would put a few sugar packets into soda because that's what coke needs is more sugar the worst part was they would often complain first excuse me I think there's something wrong with your Coke machine it's not sweet sure I'll check it working fine oh okay just pour a bunch of sugar in that soda that's what you need the other thing was the people typically very obese women 40-plus that would crap themselves and not even have the decency to leave either they were so accustomed to shutting themselves that they didn't notice or their gluttony overruled any self-respect they had so they could get one more plate I'm not sure which is worse this is the comments that made me wish my Jim were open at 2 a.m. Chinese tourists and gambling cities go truly Olympic on casino buffets it doesn't even make me mad it borders on the superhuman how much food at to a bus parked in Reno will put away I'm certain that at least one species of crab has gone completely extinct because of the seafood buffet at the Atlantis meeting with 20 camera toting slot junkies from Hong Kong no disrespect intended towards Chinese tourists of course there are very important gear in the ever turning machinery of the gambling community I work at Olive Garden and we had unlimited pasture a few months ago I had one guy get five refills on his pasta Boland get about three salad refills it came with unlimited salad and breadsticks I didn't mind because he tipped me well those end at Red Robin pay me off supposedly it's bottomless fries but after like only the third refill they just don't come back to the table anymore endless shrimp at Red Lobster is always a lovely time one guy comes into my particular restaurant every year the infamous scampi guy and eats nothing but shrimp scampi he then drinks the leftover butter that it's cooked in and stacks the dishes up to count he won't let you to take them away there his lovely buttery trophy I'd be willing to bet that you can hear his arteries popping shut from the lobby gag that drinking butter used to work at an upscale buffet Sunday mornings at a golf course we had a bacon band eater who would come and stuff trays full of bacon in her purse wrapped in one thin napkin saw the guy eat the entire bin of pickled beets off an Asian buffet in leg Ward's company huge mound like five inches tall of beets my high school football team lineman would go to the Chinese food buffet in this chicken place Buffett and eat till they puked in the bathroom then go back and eat more it's real life Hunger Games a couple of years ago we had this small soul food all-you-can-eat buffet the southern smokehouse decent place always smelled like a sweaty hand though and served RC Cola some guy came in a till he would pass out wake up and started all over again guy had a heart attack and died right there in booth are not sound expected my ex and his prison guard co-workers went to their local CeCe's pizza after shift a couple of those guys were huge and my ex had been fasting for a whole day to prep after they went through every clean plate available at the buffet the manager asks them to leave and not come back not a restaurant worker but a patron at Mongolian barbecue in Lansing MI a few years back I saw a family of about seven all heavyset 300 plus each eat six plates and the waitress that was assigned to their table told me that they ate three before I got there now I'm craving Mongolian barbecue it's like 20 minutes from me Daniel all I was the glutton a good six years ago I went to London with my dad and sister to seal Emmis at the West End we stayed overnight in a Hilton and I thought it was going to be portioned lovely it was a dandy the only thing that made up for it was the breakfast all-you-can-eat buffet and the food was good so being a bit of a stubborn cow I thought I'd get my money's worth from the food seeing as the rest of the hotel was so crap I had no less that 12 breakfasts started out with fruit and yogurt came back for waffles then pancakes and syrup more fruit then a bacon sandwich then eggs and bacon then a full English you get the idea after the sixth portion they were all fairly small I was starting to fill it by the eighth I was struggling by the tenth people were staring I fell asleep after the twelfth just there is the table I then got Bo locked for making a scene worth it there are about 20 plus Hilton's and affiliates double trees etc in London and the majority are Grimm dives with cramped rooms stained carpets shite service etc but most put on good breakfast buffets a free breakfast is a staple of the Hilton elite program and a lot of regular guests will put up with no end of in dignities as long as they get their giant free full English breakfast kind of related I used to live near this crappy hole in the wall Chinese joint that made the best egg rolls I have ever tasted the rest of the food was bland as crap it's my god those egg rolls I walked in one night drunker than a monkey's uncle and told them to give me all the egg rolls they had in the little warmer bin got home with about 15 of these things and shared then with my equally drunk roommate a few nights later we both showed up and again ordered all the egg rolls after that every time we showed up the little old lady at the register would shout something at the kitchen and minutes later we would have a ridiculous amount of the most delicious egg rolls ever made I miss that place not as good as some of these stories but I work at a pizza place that has a lunch buffet every day and a dinner buffet two days of the week Wednesdays we put out boneless popcorn chicken honeybee BQ wings on the buffet and oh my god it's like people inhale entire pans of it they're basically the wings that are too small not meaty enough to serve two customers who pay for boneless so we save them and use them on buffet on Wednesday what sucks is we used to have to save only one bucket for the buffet and employees could eat the rest throughout the week but for the past month there have been people coming into the buffet only to get platefuls of wings so now we have to save all the pieces for buffet we usually end up with about 3-4 buckets of popcorn chicken per week and now they're for buffet only we put chocolate chip cookies on the buffet about two dozen at a time and there have been a few times where people will just take half the cookies at once for a table of two one time there was an older lady in line and a little girl behind her older lady sees a little girl obviously waiting for the cookies and still takes all six or whatever was left with her then asked me if there were more coming out the little girl looked like she was about to cry luckily I already had some more in the oven so when they came out I purposely brought a plate with several cookies on it to the little girl's table and said something loudly like I saw you didn't get to grab any cookies so I brought you some nice fresh ones I then waited until a bunch of other people were at the buffet before I said the rest of the cookies down then told the older woman that I brought more out by the time she got up there cookies were gone again cue death glares from older lady and a complaint about us not keeping the buffet stocked I was like sorry we are making new ones again those cookies are really popular people just grabbed them all up in my very best cheerful tone recently a group of four came in average sized all elder people two women two men and I started trying to time throwing pizzas and so I could get them out fresh right after they went up to the buffet they would all go up together and just the molecule five of the pizzas on there wiped out the dessert Pete's on me later too it was full twelve slices then BAM gone and asked for more another time a slightly overweight middle-aged couple came in stayed for two hours and they ate about six pizzas by themselves my manager asked me the next day why I put in so many pizzas when there were only two tables three total people there was a bad snowstorm that they just kept eating I get asked about once a week always by elderly people if they can't take a few slices to go or they wrap like four cookies in a napkin yet I see you those frickin cookies I generally try to respect my elders but I'd have said something too to that crabby old harridan it was sweet of you to bring some cookies to that poor girl sat a table away from a family of three with a clear view of their food this is a pretty nice place white tablecloth 75 dollars 100 per person the lady was heavier but not quite grotesque and the Sun was a pretty normal looking teenager the father or eldest male at the table was this gargantuan lumbering slightly British humanoid probably 450 pounds at 6 feet 5 inches and I'm not crapping you I could hear his salivary glands kick into gear when they put the bread down the poor server never had a chance immediately upon placing the bread on the table garganta shot his hand into the folded linen and put the entire loaf on his appetizer plate and requested another loaf and a coke now this bread is dang good I can understand the enthusiasm but hearing this man's breathing rates change from around 12 - 15 feet away and listening to his voice start quivering like he was trying to hold off an impending orgasm alerted me that we'd have to keep notes on this encounter the server was also ours and impressively we never lacked for attention though that may be because of what must have been 60 trips to the table nearby we were able to ask at the end of the meal what the counts were food bread and cokes garganta Salone had put down 11 loaves a total of 18 loaves to the table around 10 rampions of butter and 20 cokes this sucker had an entire four-course meal in addition to that nonsense and this food is rich food by my calculations I put him at nearly 7,000 calories before factoring in his goddamn dinner that poor server dot listening to his voice start quivering like he was trying to hold off an impending orgasm alerted me that we'd have to keep notes on this encounter I wasn't sure if I wanted to finish the story but this convinced me not bad five strokes seven we went to a breakfast buffet for my birthday at the machine shed in Des Moines Iowa I highly recommended bTW great food my friend got a Belgian waffle and started putting what he thought was whipped cream on them I look at him and say dude that's whipped butter he gets this concerned look on his face and says oh well gotta live with your mistakes he proceeds to eat a Belgian waffle with six spoonfuls of whipped butter on it another friend took the entire panel crab rangoon when it was brought out at our local Chinese buffet but he's a monster tipper so the owners only got mildly annoyed I bet the waffle wasn't dry our high school cross-country team went to a local restaurant and ate them out of food all the beef chicken pork and fish were consumed until the restaurant had to close down the buffet after this they instituted a limit on the number of times that you could refill your plate which kind of defeats the purpose of all-you-can-eat ha ha ha I do remember doing crap like that in XC i am a real thin girl but back in my exceed days i begged my parents to take me to a diner i had run past that practice where I proceeded to out eat my dad who's a tank we would have had problems if a good chunk of the team had all gone somewhere together saw a child who must have been 200 pounds dunk a chicken leg and the chocolate wonderful worked at a buffet in Gatlinburg tn 400 pound man came in around 11:00 a.m. he had 4 full plates of food ate the whole thing then started Keeling over fell onto the floor clutching his torso I thought he was having a heart attack so I called for my manager as soon as my manager called 9-1-1 the guy was in pain and would not respond this guy let out the loudest smelliest fart I have ever seen the entire restaurant was cleared out in the dude lay there for 30 ish seconds rolled over like a hog stuck in mud and propelled himself back onto his feet to go back for more food listen read it I'm not the skinniest guy in the world so I don't want to condemn his weight or anything but Jesus Christ everyone has limits man and he went way past his like 15 as years ago this buffet that was open seven days a week started closing on Sunday because all of the local Samoans would all go there and once after church this is totally something I would do just passive-aggressively shut down my business instead of saying something to them I had an ex who got totally crapped faced and then went to sizzler with friends for all you can eat shrimp years ago he ate nine plates of shrimp before the manager came and offered him a $20 gift card to just leave already he was a super loud happy cheeky drunk and was clapping and cheering loudly for himself with each plate of shrimp he finished I seem to be seeing the manager coming out and offering things after a certain amount of plates I wonder if they are instructed to do this to mitigate loss bit late to the party but hey I worked in it and all-you-can-eat Japanese place they had waiters including me to run the food if the sushi was displayed buffet style weird construction I know this woman decided it was appropriate to take literally all the sushi for trays back to her table and stuffing it in her face with a fork and tomato sauce her husband looked too afraid to say anything about it this was the same woman that went off at me because her tea was too hot and if I could get an ice cube to cool it down don't miss that place not a worker server I'm the customer last year our local Papa John's had an all-you-can-eat pizza' offer which also includes cheese sticks my friend and I decided to have a contest so who could eat more ended up finishing three whole pizzas each and a handful of cheese sticks - not an employee but witnesses at a pizza buffet group of five guys in their late teens early twenties sat right by the buffet and would dump entire pizzas onto their plates as soon as the pizzas came out they also cleaned out the dessert bar and entered the ice maker after 45 minutes of this and having had no chance of getting to the pizza before they did I asked for a refund and left but the staff wasn't doing anything to stop these pigs I saw a really big guy in a Chinese buffet me and my ex were the first people who waited in front of the door after their break because we wanted the good seats this guy was already there and looked like hypnotized I will never forget him I think he might have been a regular and he could stay during the breaks worked at a family buffet a boy ate so much his stomach started pushing the food back out he tried running to the bathroom and left a trail of puke the whole dare came back from the bathroom to grab more food as a customer watching my nephew throw a fit in the middle of a buffet because he thought he could show up at the tail of end lunch and stay through dinner and not have to pay for the dinner portion nephew throw a fit in the middle of a buffet please tell me your nephew is like 24 or some crap and not like a little kid back in my high school days I was at a Chinese buffet with my mom's significant other who happened to be a significantly sized person after his tenth plate and at the end of the lunch rush the owner comes out and shouts in broken English hey fat boy food all gone you go home now being the gentle giant that he was my mom's bow finished his plate let out a rip-roaring belch and proceeded to destroy their bathroom with a bowel movement to end all bowel movements I have not been back to that restaurant since I'm sure there is an old yellowed picture of us still behind the counter in order to notify staff of our transgression actual buffet worker here this is actually not funny but here goes it was a couple she was probably 500 pounds and wheelchair-bound he wasn't that much lighter it walks only via using her wheelchair like a walker they were put at a table that holds for two chairs on each side they had the wheelchair on one side one chair on the other they were slow getting food back to the table but they each brought two mounting plates like layer after layer not trying to be rude but they were each so large they really couldn't lean an over the plate food had a large journey to make from plate a mouse and things like rice and such were falling off yes they were getting food on themselves the table next to them demanded to be moved as they were disgusted by the mass plus their heavy breathing it was getting late so we just didn't seat anyone else next to them and you are the second comments that made me wish my Jim were open at 2:00 a.m. not a buffet employee I'm from Canada and made a visits to Texas there I noticed something I've never seen before the real tangible difference between Americans and Canadians I went to a Chinese buffet near Houston sitting down I noticed to my right a couple eating full plates filled with crawfish they must have had three full plates stacked underneath the ones they were currently working on I decided to watch him see how much crawfish they could manage and if they could stand up and go for more they found a good solution their kids were at the serving area carrying more crawfish to their table half an hour later they must have eaten 10 pounds of crawfish between them no Chinese food number only plates and plates off crawfish served by their kids edit okay a quick Google search provided the calorie information for one pound of crawfish one pound equals 327 calories thus 10 pounds is 3000 270 calories a Big Mac as 257 calories for prospective edit the Big Mac calorie is per 100 grams and I think the point is being missed sure you can sit down and eat 10 pounds of crawfish I'm not doubting that but it's highly caloric to do so and not healthy like at all crawfish has a pretty high effort versus yield ratio looks like a lot on a plate but not that much meat similar to oysters a heaping plate would not be enough for me either edit I can't brain today today Club Med Phuket I dished myself some penne arabiatta then proceeded to the self-serve Parmesan cheese wheel after a brief QH I'll dat the age of 8 or so cut in front of me with her acrylic nails she clawed at the cheese wheel completely disregarding the Jerell I stood in disgust if she downed the chunk not only this she decides to go for seconds with the same hand that had been in her mouth but this time she pinched the remnants left by first attempts and dusted the pomazan on her own posture edit ate my penne paste without parmesan I used to work at a resort in banquets we had a group in over the weekend who had meetings all day and we set up buffets for them for breakfast and lunch I saw a 300 plus pound women sashay up to the buffet double check that no one was paying attention to her grab a handful of bacon out of the tray and proceeded to shove it up her shirt I imagine she deposited it between her front lumps because she quickly withdraws her hand no longer containing any bacon I really wanted to tell her that she could have taken it on a plate or in a bag since they paid for the buffet but that would have been way too awkward of a conversation I like to imagine her cell had a bacon fetish and she was just trying to grease up a ham cannons for later kinkajou TL DR big floppy bacon boobs my friend used to work at home town buffet and told me there was an obese family that stopped by once a week with laptops and just ate and watched movies from open to closed the casino near me used to have a Sunday brunch at their buffet it was the full buffet and free champagne mimosas and cheap beer I went with a party of 5 alcoholics I don't drink they had that all planned out and we arrived promptly when they opened 10 a.m. we stayed until 3:30 p.m. as they all got hammered on their free mimosas I ate a wonderful brunch socialized for an hour and then ate a wonderful dinner when they put out the dinner food at 3:00 it was glorious not a worker but the first time you take a friend to Fogo de Chao they work on putting down more meat than whatever shirt by the end of the trip they are just in a terrible situation while you sit there full and comfortable while getting your money's worth because you understood what laid before you if they just saw unlimited steak and felt they had to keep going and going and going sit by the chocolate fountain at one of these places you'll never eat at a buffet again I wouldn't touch one of those with a 10-foot pretzel gross obligatory not me but back in the 80s when my dad and his friends first moved to San Francisco they loved sushi and he and his best friend visited this little sushi buffet once really tiny place like a dozen or so seats small space but a lot of sushi over the course of lunch at this all-you-can-eat sushi buffet my dad and his best friend ate literally all the freaking sushi in the restaurant they paid got yelled at by the owner and left the restaurant closed down for a few days while it recovered TL DR dad and his bro ate enough food to close down a restaurant I worked at a pizza buffet and I saw obese people take 2-3 plates and load them up with 6-8 pieces of pizza each they would carry those plates back and eat just that they were too lazy to get up for more and some would eat all which is like two medium pizzas and it wasn't rare for a whole plate to be untouched I worked at a pizza in we had a regular who would get like five pizzas worth from the buffet and only eat the toppings I don't know if that counts as gluttony because he wasn't really eating much but I was always horrified by the waste as I had to throw away plates and plates of discarded cheese pizza from his table this thread is making me crave so many things all at once s worked in a casino as a hostess a few years back now and our company had a reward program for people who were regulars and by regular they came in every day or every other day the casino would give them free meals snacks drinks the works and every day I would see the same group of Asian customers come in ordering everything on our menu taking two bites off each plate sometimes they wouldn't even eat the food and it would be cleared five hours later and touched when they left I know families who struggle to eat sim days and seeing this made me sick worst part was our company was so nasty the wouldn't taken my suggestion to for the untouched food to a shelter or work on tapering back this disgusting habit Bay luckily got told to get freaked if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 213,349
Rating: 4.8987479 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, food stories, restaurant, all yo ucan eat, gluttony, restaurant workers
Id: q_NFGbB9qFY
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Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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