When Did You Fire Someone On Their First Day Of Work?

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managers of reddit what made you fire an employee on their first day i was an internal consultant for a regional healthcare provider i was integrating a smaller and newly acquired healthcare provider that was mostly residential homes for elderly individuals with moderate mental health issues technically i was also the interim director of this new division during the transition period once they were fully integrated i would step away and return to my consultant role and during the transition period i was everyone's boss i was at one of the sites reading charts and coordinating with the site's program manager about transitioning patient records to our system when i physically witnessed the program manager berate a patient for requesting something completely reasonable it was something about requesting transport but the exact details escaped me berating them would have been fair bottom regardless but the request was simple reasonable and easily granted in our system this would have been a simple yes without any fuss but even if it were a no it should have been delivered in a respectful way with an appropriate explanation and then she immediately got on the phone and complained about the patience to a co-worker while making fun of them in front of me i was sitting across the table from her i looked at my assistant because i thought i was going crazy and her eyebrows were so high up on her forehead they merge with her hair i fired her on the spot to clarify it wasn't the program manger's first day on the job it was her first day as an employee of my organization not his first day but an ex-co-worker let's call him ed started working at another hospital that opened up run by the same system was a smaller slower place to work one day the vp went in early one morning and talked to some night shift staff vp asked how his night went ed told the vp night was great he got to watch three movies at night ed was fired that day it is what happened on the first day but he didn't get fired until a bit later when we figured it out managed to msp team hired a bright guy all seems good on the first day at the end of the first day he received a phone call where he announced his father has passed away two weeks of compassionate leave a funeral out of state later he was supposed to start work again but called from the car park to say he's too distraught this goes on for three more weeks until one day we got a phone call from someone looking for this worker it was his father as it turned out he's been running this scam where he gets jobs with multiple companies and pulls this same stunt getting paid during the probationary period regardless of what happened for as long as he can he set up salary payments to multiple accounts himself and to friends to avoid detection from tax agency this guy was smooth lied and cried conned a lot of us not sure what happened to him but we reported this to the tax agency for a case of tax fraud dang he's actually pretty good aside from the fact that he told his father where one of his jobs was obligatory not a manager but i was training temps for our help desk i'd done this a few times and help desk manager told me to let him know if there were issues with any other temps while there were a few people i knew weren't going to be very good there was never enough to get rid of them until one day i get a group and one lady is just kind of glazed over while i'm going through stuff everyone had their logins and was following along to get a bit of experience seeing what to do and then having the opportunity to do it themselves after my demo is over i have everyone come up and show me that they can do what i just went over there's the normal nervousness of being put on the spot people blanking for a second before i prompt them on what to do fat fingering the keyboard etc all normal stuff until i get to the quiet lady she comes up and sits down and i wait for her to log in and i wait and wait she's locked out her account were you able to log in at all to follow along number well that's annoying because seeing and doing at the same time really helps people grasp the concepts of what they need to do but whatever i unlock her account and have her login she relocks her account the new accounts had temp passwords that were all the same like change this zero one i thought maybe she got a randomized one by mistake and reset it to the standard to be sure she locks it again the other two people in their training class are getting uncomfortable and i'm running out of e's the tension jokes reset the password again and really watch her she's using hunt and peck to enter the password so it's easy to see she's misspelling change every time she enters her password this time i reset the password to password1 and she's finally able to log in and change her password it's the only time i recommended they get rid of a temp nice lady but there's no way she would have been able to handle doctors yelling at her for the system being down if she couldn't handle entering her own password or speaking up when she had an issue not a manager but was training a new guy on a plastic bag cutting machine the kind of bags used for products like fiberglass peat moss or salt these machines sometimes have plastic buildup around the sealers and when this happens the machine needs to be stopped and cleaned usually this only takes a minute power off engage kill switch remove excess plastic changed her flan strip if necessary disengage kill switch then power back on this was explained multiple times twice on the first night he disengaged the kill switch and started the machine while i was working on it could have had my fingers crushed or had it clamp on the tools i was using and send shattered pieces everywhere lucky for me the machine starts to vibrate a second before it actually starts and i was able to pull away quickly enough both times i stopped the machine grabbed my manager and my union rep explained what happened and he was gone in five minutes frick him undisclosed charge for beating up his old manager giving her a broken nose and fractured eye socket for not approving a holiday request we were a little late with his background check but he done really well on the interview and completed training without an issue first full day on the job he comes in and i give him the tour and introduce him to his team and i instantly get the feeling that he's being shifty turns out not 20 minutes before his first shift he got out of his car at a traffic light and screamed at another driver who didn't go through an amber light imagine his surprise to see it was our reception desk security guard apparently he was really aggressive and threatened to slash his tires if he saw that car again two hours later and about 10 minutes after i found out about that morning his background checks come back i had an employee call off on her first scheduled day on her second scheduled day she showed up two hours late this was a sub shop we weren't open yet but we had been and doing prep baking bread and building our sub trays for catering orders we told her that this wasn't going to work out and she got pee she started yelling that we were all racist but holes and as she stormed out the door she knocked over stacks of sub trays we lost 15 trays to her tantrum my boss went running out the door after her and the girl's boyfriend got out of the car and reached behind his back swearing and telling my female boss that if she keeps stepping to them that he would stop her good we are pretty sure that he had a gun my boss checked the license plate and came back in we had all of this girl's information address phone social security etc from the paperwork so with that and the security footage of her destroying the trays we were able to press charges for the damage i'm not the manager in the story but i was there for part of it dude gets hired starts training during training gm instructs him to take out the trash he refuses gets into an argument apparently he didn't know that he was arguing with the gm despite the big fancy name tag with general manager printed in block letters on it that gets sent home for some reason he still comes in the next day smelling of alcohol he grabs food this is a restaurant without paying right in front of everyone including a manager he then proceeds to start coming at a server because they couldn't tell him where the takeout silverware was not the server's job this evolves into a literal fight and the police get called we never saw him again after that this was all before his first actual day of work i'm a bar and restaurant manger one day the new kitchen porter walked through the front entrance carrying a huge bag of cheese over his shoulder which the head chef had told him to pick up he walked through the restaurant and right in front of customers launched it through the hatch in the kitchen flying through the air as everyone just watched open mouth the huge bag of cheese landed hard in the deep fat fryer the chef working near it got scalded in hot oil and had to go to amd he's the only person i've sacked on their first day i'm mostly pretty chill but he was just a walking health and safety nightmare even after everything that happened he still couldn't accept responsibility or apologize to the chef he hurt he's the only person i've let go without a hint of remorse or sadness the safety of your team always comes first chief officer of a merchant vessel here technically second in command of the ship after the captain a seaman joined our ship while our vessel was birthed in mobile alabama he was carrying a plastic water bottle during familiarization rounds on deck with the third officer and when it was empty proceeded to throw the bottle overboard my russian captain saw this calmly asked me to call the seaman to his office gave back all his documents asked the agent to book him a flight back to where he came from all of this happened in a span of three hours that was very very nice of the captain both giving him a flight back and allowing him to disembark via the gangway well second day for this one old guy kept dozing off during training denied it when i addressed him about it and yet it kept happening fired him for it on day two fast forward maybe eight months he emails me to let me know that he really had been falling asleep and i had been justified with the action i took he realized there was an issue a few weeks after i terminated him because he fell asleep while driving and rear-ended another vehicle went to a specialist as a result and they found that the parkinson's medication he'd started shortly before beginning training was making him narcoleptic said he had rectified that with new meds and asked for a second chance gave him the opportunity for a do-over and lo and behold he is a good employee eta lol at the assumptions being made below about lawsuits or overreacting or being afraid of looking bad when it's clearly an abridged version of an event to simplify it for the purposes of this thread i stand by my original decision just as i stand by deciding to bring him back after he offered me context under me cooper also to the kind comments about me as a manager i learned what kind of manager i wanted to be by occasionally having a poor one myself my staff are given forthrightness clarity of expectation and as much transparency as i can offer them in return i want honesty a reasonable level of performance productivity and good effort of doing their work well i'm really glad you gave him a second chance i think she kind of fired herself she didn't show up at all in an actual work capacity her first non-training shift was opening on a saturday this place opened at 5 30 a.m so me excited to sleep in because i opened mf which was waking up at 3 a.m to make it got woken up at 5 30 on the dot because obviously clients called immediately whatever maybe something happened it sucked for me and the people trying to get in early morning workouts but i made it there and had it covered the problem was when i tried to talk to her about it she didn't even let me get started she immediately started yelling at me that i didn't give her enough space for her personal issues or something like that and then she emailed the vp of the company about how awful i was i wouldn't have fired her for that i tried to talk to her about it to find out why it happened but i had no chance at all she just went all out scorched earth all she got was being fired from a person above me she started a fight with another employee the other employee the fiance of her baby daddy this man literally got a job for his girlfriend and his side chick for the same position same location and same schedule i don't what became of that situation but i had to break them up and then call the police when the side chick tried to run the fiance down in the parking lot and wrecked three cars in the process and then give a police report for that whole dang thing i'm so glad i don't work security anymore i want those years of my life back this man literally got a job for his girlfriend and his side chick for the same position same location and same schedule some people just want to watch the world burn got through training month long and the guy had his first day on the floor he was supposed to be setting up his computer how he liked it i walked by because he looked like he was struggling i helped him out and walked him through one of the programs and let him know it was okay to flag me down if he needed help i proceeded to help out three others then circle back to him no progress made this was 20 minutes later i walk him through some other setup this is all from written instruction from a manual i go and help a few more people come back to see yet again no progress i ask him what kind of issue he is having with the instructions come to find out he can't read english all of our instructions and guides are only in writing in english it's a requirement on the job interview i guess someone walked him through that too i wanna know how he passed a month's training not being able to read english not a manager but saw this happen a couple of weeks ago the local pizza places frequent visit for my friends and i they know our names and usual orders a nice small town joint new girl started working there as a cashier went up to the counter to get a few pies we had ordered an hour earlier we were told 30 minutes turns out she had taken the order down over the phone and just didn't tell the cooks owner who is nearby says sorry about that palapata come back in 20 no big deal came back in 20 minute and the new girl is doing dishes by hand the pizzas are under a warmer with her dirty soapy hands and no tray she grabs my pizzas and throws them into a box in front of the owner little subs and dishwater on the food they fired her that instant our company photographed vehicles for dealerships so they could be posted online we had pretty much one requirement you had to be able to drive a manual the company would train a person on everything else a new highlight on their application about being able to drive a manual they thought they could learn on the job it took the manager training him about 30 seconds to realize how much of liability he was going to be as soon as he tried to move a manual car we let him go on the spot i did tell him that if he went and fully learned and came back and proved it to me he could have his job back he texted two days later letting me know he just couldn't get the hang of it i witnessed someone get rejects before the interview even started i was in the waiting area of a car dealership service center waiting for my car the waiting area was right next to all the offices for the mangers sales guys etc so there's a young guy early 20s comes in wearing dirty sneakers car keys and an untucked button-up shirt checks in with the receptionist that he's here for an interview manager comes out greets him and says your xxx right kid confirms manager then confirms that he told the kid when he applied that he had to dress professional not sneakers tie required shirt tucked etc kids like yeah i remembered but figured it didn't really matter for just the interview manager basically said yeah if you can't follow basic direct instructions for an interview this isn't going to work out and told him to go home this all happened in the waiting area manager didn't even bring him into the office kid was like are you serious then had to stand there awkwardly waiting for his ride to some back and pick him up i remember working in a call center and something similar happened saw someone i used to go to school with carmen for an interview in a tracksuit the manager interviewing them had the whole thing over and done within about two minutes as he was leading them out of the door he just casually said word of advice buy a suit and close the door on them i was a school administrator for a k-12 school had a new substitute teacher for a middle school class she was an older lady very old school elegant i'm in the hall and suddenly a class full of sixth graders are running out of the classroom i go busting and they're expecting a brawl or a gun or something instead the substitute is standing at the front of the room in a pool of poo she apologized and said her stomach was bothering her she walked out of the room and down the hall leaving puddles of poo behind her i call the custodian and we start with the kitty litter thinking my day could only get better i was shocked when a couple of hours later a student came running down the hall to get me i follow them to a classroom and there is the sub again standing in her own poo again the admin assistant had told her earlier that of course she could come back after she got cleaned up i gently asked her to leave and told her we wouldn't be needing her again so the custodian and i cleaned everything up again when i got home my wife asked me how my day was and didn't understand when i lost it after telling her it had been a crappy day that's horrific but at some point you need to settle for the indignity of an adult diaper over the shame of soiling yourself in public what was she even thinking my partner and i were training a security guard for one of the huge sites that we had everyone gets a work phone during the shift to use a liver track system and report every so often after it gets dark me and my partner lose track of this guy on this we tried calling him but he wouldn't answer after about three hours we found him on the property's playground swings arguing with his girlfriend or ex on the work phone apparently he didn't have a phone of his own so he took this chance to socialize on training day he couldn't believe that he was getting fired i wasn't a manager but a supervisor at the time dude's second day on the job he called in running late from his bartending job shows up at the job grocery store third shift so amazingly drunk that he could barely stand he was upstairs in the bathroom shirtless and covered in puke i called a co-worker in to help me convince him to get a ride home he refused to get a ride he kept saying how he's got a kid for about 30 minutes i finally told him if he doesn't get a ride home immediately with my co-worker then i'm calling the cops my co-worker apparently held him back from fighting me in the parking lot the guy still holds a grudge against me oh yeah not only was he going to drive home but on a moped frick that guy semi nsw not first day but first day without a trainer accompanying them he managed to crash a patrol car that alone wouldn't necessarily have gotten them fired the fact that it was into a school bus might not have done it if there were extenuating circumstances since damage really was minor and no injuries sustained by anyone on the bus the fact his girlfriend was in the squad care might not have done it if he had bothered to get permission however since there was no permission we moved from might not to probably so the fact that both the interior and exterior dash cam managed to accidentally get turned off almost impossible to do by accident but his body cam managed to most likely accidentally getting turned on though guaranteed it the only footage taken from that cam that night was over the top of his girlfriend's head rapidly and repeatedly entering and exiting the cameras field of vision so close that you could see details that usually you'd never be able to see on a person's scalp right up until impact caused the lens to shatter against her hair tie the pictures some of the kids on the bus managed to get were just the icing on the cake at that point needless to say at that point i called my boss and got permission from my boss to end both a shift and a career that night became kind of an unofficial training point after that no celebratory bravo juliet in the squad car why in the ever-loving frick would anyone ever think that was a good idea i fired a guy on my first day i got a job as a shipping and receiving manager for a small warehouse i had three people working for me i was told in the morning to keep an eye on one of them because they like to drink on the job sure enough this guy ranked of beer after lunch and was drunk off his butt the branch manager told me i had to fire him so i did he did not take it well it was one of the most awkward moments of my life seems kinda messed up the branch manager didn't do it considering they had worked together for five plus years and i only knew the poor guy for a few hours i suspect you were hired at least in part specifically so branch manager didn't have to fire his friend himself not a manager but an employee i caught my manager master baiting in the office and he immediately fired me and personally shooed me off the office grounds gutted since it was quite a high-paying job and let's just say i cannot recover from that incident for those asking why i didn't report it for unlawful termination basically i was gullible last time not knowing how to counter this situation so i was like frickit but i don't regret it at least i have a better job now what a w holy crap this is my backup account which i hardly use and that gets a gold after three years of trying customary thank you kind stanger a manager but an employee who saw it all and was slightly involved i had a front of house job a few months ago for a brand new performance arts center and since it was a brand new establishment they did training in a board room with 30-plus employees one dude was just not cooperating he kept falling asleep moving around and he argued about the gender-based harassment regulations the manager said there should not be anything rescape hosted inside your lockers because it's a common locker room and you gotta be respectful he got upset and started a whole tirade about how it's his locker and no one should get a say on what he puts on or in it he noticed halfway through training that he was probably on thin ice and tried to save his hide he also noticed that i would fidget constantly stand up to use the restroom or do little hand aerobics with my pen or stare into space for minutes on end i have a dd and had already told the trainers when i noticed we'd be sitting for eight hours so they turned a blind eye to my fidgeting when they confronted him about his behavior he dragged me into the issue by saying that if he was to be reprimanded then i should be two for being a distraction to my training he was fired before his first day of work if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 32,318
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Keywords: fired, on spot, fired on spot, fired on the spot, employee, worst employees, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: AZkJwUq5Iz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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