What Happened When You Went To A Bridezilla's Wedding? (r/AskReddit)

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Britta made over and it who was involved in a Britta silhouetting what happened bride was blonde all bridesmaids except for me were brunette she asked me to dye my hair brown for the wedding because she wanted to be the only blonde I suggested that instead I just give up my bridesmaid spot thankful to this day since I heard the dresses and bachelorette party cost all the other girls more money than I make in a month I like your style I was almost in a Britta Silla wedding I had an ectopic pregnancy baby attached to my tube which then burst and I almost bleed to death she got engaged shortly following my ectopic when she asked me to be her bridesmaid she told me that I would be required to wait to try to have another baby until after her wedding in 1.5 years not because there would be a small child at the wedding not even because she didn't want me fat at her wedding but because if I lost another child it would take away from her engagement and wedding I was so shocked I just declined and have never spoken to her since update my cousin is on reddit she wrote me a scathing email about how mean everyone was to her and I needed to update this and tell everyone it was her second wedding and she wanted it to be special this around also I needed to defend her instead hi Jessica keep sending this to Grandma I really don't care Frick fat lady I'm sorry you went through that I'm honestly shocked there's people out there who think it's okay to talk out loud like that this was my sister's wedding so hold on tight my sister had 10 bridesmaids most of them will her sorority sisters from college they wanted to plan an elaborate weekend for the summer while most of them were still in school without jobs when I asked hey who will pay for this my sister got P that I even asked when I also reminded all the bridesmaids then that our father who had stage 4 cancer wasn't doing so well and that may be the Bachelorette bridal shower should be close by they all flipped thinking I was being insensitive to the bride if I was promptly asked not to be a bridesmaid to my own sister's wedding over these two things I was fine with us as she was a British allure and I spend time with our dying father he died two week after her wedding day that he couldn't attend because he was in hospice care one day before her wedding to me she put herself before our ailing father and it still makes me mad I'm sorry about your dad I'm glad you got to be with him instead bridesmaid till her Britta Zilla here the bride spent a lot of time crying and carrying on whenever she didn't get her way because it was a wedding and we should all do exactly what she wanted which is not to say we did and we shall did she wanted everyone to justify her irrational and horrible behavior because it was all about her she didn't enjoy it much when I told her she was wrong for kicking someone out of her bridal party terminating the friendship and pitching a fit because the girl couldn't make bridesmaid dress shopping because she was sick and had to go to the hospital this is also coming from the same woman who got angry and didn't speak to me for months because I didn't come see her to congratulate her on her pregnancy when I was home on furlough for a week at Christmas my wife's best friend is a florist by trade gifted her services to decorate her friend's wedding big cost savings wedding goes as planned all is good afterwards bride and bride small get pissy at florist friend who didn't give a gift in the wedding card didn't even cover her husband's platelets conveniently forget the $1,000 in floral products gifted to the wedding it's a rift that never healed between them since WTF my mom and I shrugged off the people who didn't bring gifts their presence was a gift but I didn't marry my mom I married my husband I had a silent Britta's Eva she was my best friend of 15 years and didn't ask for much at all through the wedding planning as there was only two months between engagement and the wedding day no bachelorette party no dress shopping no gift-giving no meeting up in person to do anything we lived two hours drive away from each other didn't want my input just wanted me to be there and go find my own dress and look pretty okay whatever you want you're my bestie and I'm excited you're getting married on the day I wasn't allowed to help with hair and makeup just had to focus on my own apparently I couldn't be trusted to do it well enough as I have what hair okay fine it's your day whatever crap went down afterwards where she got her sister the maid of honor and also my close friend for 15 years to call me up in a two hour phone call and criticize my every little move throughout the entire wedding and say that I should never had accepted to be a bridesmaid if I didn't want to participate and had gone through my facebook page and noted a page and noted our page and noted our page and noted down look at my new bowling ball I've joined a bowling league for fun and said how I should have spent that money on the wedding instead the wedding was set two days after Christmas and her family didn't even celebrate that Christmas that year because of the wedding and I was criticized for not spending more time with her even though I the day after Christmas I took a three hour train trip just to hang with her the night before her wedding apparently I should have stayed the night if the wedding to hang with the other two bridesmaids but I opted to drive home with my boyfriend as I need to work she said from the start she was going to pay for makeup to be done on the day then two weeks before said I needed to drive two hours to go buy a specific brand for myself to wear that was really expensive which I did even though I was broke from Christmas shopping but apparently I had some attitude about it then I was criticized for not giving a gift despite being told being a bridesmaid was gift enough the bride herself just stopped talking to me blocked me on Facebook and after months of bulls I just cut them both out of my life I haven't seen neither of them since the wedding day which was now five years ago never even got to see the wedding photos sad that long-term friendships end over nothing if she had expectations say something don't expect me to guess then judge me for failing your expectations and be too chicken crap to talk to me about it directly my dad had the audacity to die six weeks before the wedding and she couldn't understand why that superseded her wedding details for me I met my husband at her wedding haven't spoken to her since I couldn't attend my friend's last-minute destination wedding because I had to visit my dad out of state to handle hospice arrangements he was dying of cancer she threw an absolute see fit attempting to guilt-trip me because I couldn't afford to make two plane flights that was the end of our friendship my ex best friend was a trip this story is just one of the many many reasons I no longer speak to her she tried to make me and another bridesmaid walk down her outdoor uneven teal covered aisle without glasses she told us the morning of the event so we didn't have any time to get contacts or anything she threw a near hysterics fit because she was convinced that we would ruin the aesthetic of her wedding I told her that she would have a single groomsman walking that aisle if she made me walk without them she started bawling but her mom was able to get her calmed down enough for her to agree to let us wear our glasses so we could actually make it down the aisle in one piece her mom essentially said that small skinny and beautiful than either of us and no one would be glancing at her bridesmaids anyways because we aren't important gee I wonder where she gets it when she eventually messages you to sell you unique tell her I said to go freak her hat a friend of mine in college was getting married at 19 because she was super conservative Christian and she wanted to freak between the time I agreed to be a bridesmaid and a couple of months before the wedding I lost some weight she got super pee at me because she wanted to be the skinny one on the stage and threw me out of the wedding party oh well she's got messed up priorities good riddance not a bridesmaid but my mom was a wedding photographer for many years long story short the father of the bride had a heart attack and as he was being carried out on the stretch of the sobbing bride yells how could you ruin my wedding like this maybe he faked it to get out of there it was a best friend of mine who was very frugal so I figured she was going to have a reasonable wedding and bachelorette party I had shared my monetary concerns with her to that I worked and went to school and couldn't take off much time she didn't have that many friends so it was only me and one other girl as bridesmaids she asked us to hand make all her decorations for the wedding I put in 15 hours a week and making decorations all outside of working and going to school full-time then she planned a long bachelorette party out of town also asking us to foot the bill not to mention how addresses which I wanted to find something affordable but she picked designer matching dresses that we had to pay for never worn it again been trying to sell it online I spent nearly 1 K on the whole deal not to mention I did her hair and makeup for free for the wedding I just felt largely taken advantage of and unappreciated we are no longer friends because we ended up working together after the wedding and she tried to screw me over at work it all makes me very reluctant to agree to be in someone's wedding again even someone I thought would be considerate of everyone else's budget in time so she pretty much treated you like a go fund me that's terrible the short story is that she lied she lied to the venue about the number of guests that were attending effectively packing us like sardines she lied about having a day of staff that meant that all the dates of the bridesmaids spent the day hanging flowers running to get kegs and waters pouring the champagne for guests setting up the entire venue the day before she lied to the hair and makeup personnel about the number of people who were obtaining services in order to get them to come to the site this forced guests to get hair and makeup done in order for the bride not to have to be charged extra she lied to the Catering about the number of guests this caused them to run out of food and alcohol all in all I think her life saved her $1,500 but cost her close friendships as her attitude toward the whole situation was indignation instead of being apologetic if you can't afford a big wedding then don't have a big wedding hug that's why I am getting married in the courthouse and having a party lol I didn't make it to the wedding I was best friends with the woman literally we did everything together she assembled her wedding party and didn't invite me she threw me my bachelorette witnessed my marriage etc I found out later I wasn't invited because I was overweight and her mother thought that would limit bridesmaid dress choices and throw the wedding photos off at least I know dodged a bullet my first job out of college a colleague got engaged and asked three colleagues to be her bridesmaids in addition to one friend from high school I had only known her for a matter of months but I didn't feel comfortable saying no because she was one of my bosses in addition to being in a wedding for someone I barely knew which is crappy in its own right there were so many horrible things about the Snipe mayor Britta Zilla wedding first I ended up hosting both her Bachelorette and her shower because no one in her life planned anything and she showed up to her own shower an hour late hungover and wearing pajamas when she mandated that everyone dress for a luncheon she ordered our dresses from Etsy as opposed to any bridesmaid dress company and they looked like seafoam green raw silk pillowcases with holes cut for the arms and head they tied in giant bells in the back and we all looked like little infants she wouldn't let us wear heels with said dresses because the groom was kinda short and we all had to buy new flats in a specific shade of gold she wanted us to wear our hair in a really ugly extremely complicated up dough and said we would have to pay to have one of the hair stylists do our hair we refused the wedding was on a Sunday in an extremely inconvenient and faraway location and it was not the sunday of a long weekend the rehearsal dinner for this Sunday wedding was Thursday and started at 4:00 in the afternoon requiring everyone to leave work in the middle of the day but she forced us to stay at an expensive hotel in the area the night before the wedding for no apparent reason and refused to pay for our hotel room fun times and that's why she has no friends and had to have work colleagues she barely knows in her wedding cringy bride had two weddings pretty different financial backgrounds between us and I was friend of the groom that became a friend during their engagement she had one wedding in the local state she grew up and one destination wedding a month later but she couldn't decide which dress to get so she bought three I was maid of honor at the local event and supposed to be in the destination wedding had to have a draw my bank account - attendant cover expenses so I was really a bit in order to all the extravagances it was a three-hour ceremony with two venue changes I want what I want and it's my day I gave people for that still ringing in my ears just thinking of it she spent 60 K in credit card debt on her perfect day s which she told me the day before she had not informed the groom the best part was when she was in her second wedding dress change she started to scream about how things weren't exactly what she wanted standing the half dressed and drunk yelling about how the cake wasn't perfect three K cake that was transported from another state was slightly smushed on the backside from hours of travel the whole bridal party was just standing there in the hallway waiting to take pictures again I told her to shut up said I wasn't going to come to wedding in Island reminded her that her hundreds of guests could hear her drunk butt and fixed her bustle she was such a little tantrum throwing crap at the end of the Irish dancing groups the toasts and her wedding dance that was choreographed a paid wedding planner offered to give me C for putting up with such a spoiled crap the lady did it loudly in front the anant who later told the bride yet it sucked she is a great girl too just a terrible bride and drunk TL DR wedding planner offered me drugs for putting up with the bride my best friend just got kicked out of being a bridesmaid because she couldn't spend the $1500 to go to the bachelorette party all the other costs were killing her the bride told her to take out a credit card to pay for it one of our friends made the best comment over the situation she the bride just did you the best favor ever kicking you out of the bridal party not a Britta's illest Orie but I was in three weddings in the span of one year and one interesting thing I noticed was that there is always one bridesmaid that the bride stops being friends with after the wedding you can start to see which bridesmaid it's gonna be about halfway through the engagement my mom was the bride she didn't have bridesmaids but I her daughter was going to walk her down the aisle I've had purple or blue hair for quite some time and I checked almost a year in advance with my mom that it would be okay for my hair to be blue for the wedding a check to gain every few months every time I was told to stop insinuating that she was a Breda Villa of course my hair was fine two weeks before the wedding my own mother threatened to disinvite me from the wedding if I didn't fix my hair so I went and got it done came home and my mother told me I was shallow for changing my hair to keep up appearances sigh getting it ray died back to blonde cost me over $300 friend asked me to be a bridesmaid in her shotgun wedding that was to take place in a little over a month well she has a sort of semi expensive dresses and they had to be altered to a certain length shoes had to be ordered toe nails had to be painted neutral color and finger nails had to be French manicure we weren't allowed to paint our own nails we had to get them done at a salon they had to be done professionally by her hairstylist and we were not under any circumstance to have bikini tan lines visible mind you this was right after summer I lived in an area where beach at I was usually the only attire and everyone had visible tan lines I eventually had to tell her that I could not afford to have everything done professionally with such short notice I would be happy to do my hair and makeup my hair was so short I couldn't do an updo she told me her mom could pay and then I could pay her back that was the final straw I sent an email to her telling her I could no longer be in her wedding she was pregnant about to get hitched and now I was adding to her list of problems I valued the friendship and told her such but just couldn't do what she was asking I hadn't heard from her for years until one day she sent me a message asking for me to buy from her a melon campaign ffs ml and his multi-level marketing ffs is for frisch's sake I was planning on rolling up to this wedding dressed as a zebra in a bunny suit with six-day-old and washed bedhead and smeared mascara but not the case I'm more than willing to do what it takes to look the part and be part of her special day but having ridiculous demands and expecting for your bridesmaid to pay quite a bit for it on such short notice is what got me the email that I sent her was polite and really hammered home the point that I could not afford what she was asking either she'd have to be okay and trust that I wouldn't look like the babadook or that I could back out of the wedding so that she wouldn't have to stress I wasn't mad at her things happened way too fast and she had no time to plan I get it I don't have any hard feelings to water yes I posted to an Tim lol you did the smart thing and quite frankly that seems really rare after having read through these stories if you can't afford something the answer is to tell the bride your request is not possible because I can't afford it I was the maid of honor I helped plan the whole wedding I went to Molly Oakwood parties with family members I had never met I was close with the bride and groom not their families the whole time we were planning she kept talking about being a Britta's illa like it was an inevitable phase she would go through ffw all the way to the end she suddenly decided that her sister needs to be the only one involved but I can still be the maid of honor she calls me the day of the bridal shower and asks why I wasn't there and insists she told me the date she hadn't she fires me on the spot and I don't talk to her again until a few days before the wedding and she tells me that I can still come but she had asked one of her husband's ex-girlfriends someone she didn't know to be her new maid of honor day before the wedding she asks me to be the usher says I can show people to their seats the gift table the bathroom I didn't attend the wedding this last year I was my friend's best lady which means I stood on the man's side everyone helps set a wedding up it was a blast I declared myself his shieldmaiden and spent the entire time protecting him from everything even a few birds in a bush , this last year I was my friend's best lady which means I stood on the man's side everyone helps set a wedding up it was a blast I declared myself his shieldmaiden and spent the entire time protecting him from everything even a few birds in a bush you and your friend sound like real brothers friend from college we spend three months planning her bridal shower she was not at all involved when she finally looked at the plans one week before the party she said it wasn't what she'd had in mind she then delays the wedding which every one of her 400 guests had already made travel accommodations for so that she can have her dream bridal shower plans $25,000 weekend in Vegas booked presidential suite for herself and economy rooms for us which she expected us to double up in wanted us to pay for the trip between us all evenly 25000 strokes seven equals three thousand five hundred and seventy per person and this isn't even including her she said you're my bridesmaids you're kind of supposed to pay for my bridal shower I didn't have that kind of money at the time and told her so same with five other bridesmaids the other two were her sisters so she and her sisters have the bridal party on their own day of the wedding she informs me I need to dye my hair and pay for it myself because my hair color is too similar to hers and it would be distracting there aren't enough redhead so I was thinking you could be a redhead to top it all off she informed us after the ceremony that to save money we wouldn't be served a meal along with the rest of the guests you already had the privilege of being in my wedding so what more can you ask for I didn't contact her again after the wedding she reached out to me to ask how to return my gift for store credit I never replied TL DR pay three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars each for my bridal shower dye your hair and oh by the way I didn't get you food because you are not a normal guest can you let me know how to return your gift for store credit I can put up with a lot of crap but if you don't feed me at a wedding after all the crap that's a walkout take my gift and leave their life forever kind of thing eating at the wedding you're part of the wedding party for is such a low bar I wouldn't even consider it as part of my expectations it's so obvious I was in a wedding where the bride's plants who separate Bachelorette weekends for herself and got mad at anyone who couldn't wouldn't spend two three-day weekends at dulles I'm 500 slash each away from their husbands kids jobs the week leading up to the wedding the temp of a big day was forecast to be a high of 10 F February wedding new US bride was insisting on outdoor photos without coats because we can't hide the dresses everyone including the photographer tells her heck no day off she pitches a fit when we refused to do more than one quick photo afterwards she stopped talking to 75% of the bridal party because of their refusal to accommodate her outrageous demands to this day there's later she still complains about how her bridesmaids ruined her wedding has wedding in February once outside photos there were a lot of moments one of my favorites was her bachelorette party was the same weekend as my birthday we weren't allowed to do anything for my birthday at all on the trip not even mention it on my actual birthday some of my friends got some balloons and a little cake from the hotel they tried to keep it a secret but Britta's illah came in the room saw everything didn't say a word and walked out she was peed because our friends wanted to do something small for me on my actual birthday it was fitting that the wedding ended in huge family drama I definitely stopped talking to her after the wedding was over dude that sucks I'm sorry my birthday was two weekends before my best friend's wedding but we live several hundred miles apart so we didn't get to celebrate my birthday together at her rehearsal dinner she gave me a tiara a birthday girl sash and a gift and said she wanted her rehearsal dinner to also be a late birthday party for me she is definitely a keeper not a Britta made but a witness to one the bride got walked out on by her entire bridal party except her maid of honor of course it was because no one loved her and everyone wanted to ruin her day not because she ripped a Britta maids dress from the neck down in an open area because it was too white it was the dress the bride insisted on all the maids wearing , the bride got walked out on by her entire bridal party goddamn never seen a vote of no-confidence at a wedding before loads of little things adding up to things I remember standing out she started with Viterbo crazy at a Hindu it cost over four hundred pounds to spend a three-day weekend away that's not unreasonable in itself but rather than appreciate the effort everyone made she came back from night to screaming her head off that one of the girls was a miserable B for coming back from a club an hour earlier than the rest of the hens because she wasn't feeling comfortable in the big crowd she said she would make her pay and then gloated on the eve of the wedding that she had put her on a table with a very attractive girl because she knew she was insecure about her looks and wanted her to feel self-conscious as punishment for the early dark three months earlier spoke to me like absolute crap the whole run-up to the wedding then pitched a fit at me in front of the whole bridal party because I had the nerve to bring a bag with my purse car keys in it after she had mandated we were all to leave our stuff at her house with no way of picking it up but she and the groom were staying in a hotel that night I was the only bridesmaid with no significant other to give that stuff to sir would have been stranded at the venue without it made me see how vile a person she is and our friendship has now over following her pulling some even more crazy crap a few months later just a shame I wasted so much energy on her over the years picked $400 bridesmaid dresses destination Bachelorette that cost over $1,200 insisted on a super expensive spot for the bridal shower registered at williams-sonoma I was a broke about college student with limited funds but managed to pay for all this crap and give a gift bonus points her husband forgot his entire freakin tux and didn't figure this out and a few hours before the ceremony a few minutes before the ceremony when she screamed at me feel like the 500th time that day I snapped and told her either she cut her crapper I was getting in my car and going home she cut her crap the rest of it went fine yes I have an appreciation for what really broke his and I was not that right on bridesmaid rain in that balls good job she wouldn't let our friend who was on chemo to sit down after they all walked down the aisle a beef a bride F for friend F had very aggressive breast cancer that she battled for two years one of her doctors in Texas was charged with attempted murder for trying to poison a colleague so she was going through a very hard time google Texas oncologist poisoning B is a me-me-me-me type of person that has a controlling husband and doesn't do anything without him immediately after the wedding B finds out her new mill also got breast cancer but her prognosis was not bad at all F was going to treatment in Texas Boston Chicago et Cie just to try to beat it when she found out that the experimental treatments weren't working for her she wanted her best friend B to provide some support B told her to try to understand why she couldn't because her mill also had B C be cut contact wouldn't call back respond to texts nothing after we heard from s husband that they no longer were in contact we also cut contact with B and her new husband everything she did or didn't do was enough for us we got a call one day from s husband the call made it seem as though F was ready to see people that it would be in the hospital we went there super happy to finally see her when we got there we saw people we never met crying and that's all it took for us to know it was F dying we were there to send her off I ended up with a nasty staph infection in my hand from the hospital her funeral was a week later that was when I texted me a nasty message about what a crap friend she had been and that I hoped she was happy that she didn't get to say she was sorry or goodbye to her so-called best friend mind you I had no F for about three years and rarely saw her f was an on college nurse go figure she told her husband that I was one of the only ones that would reach out to her and ask her how she was doing when B wouldn't even reply to a text B showed up to the viewing I flipped her off and told her to stop acting I actively hate her some people are such ignorant [ __ ] when I get married it's going to be relaxed good music good alcohol and good friends sit when you like ffs if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 149,508
Rating: 4.8529325 out of 5
Keywords: bridezilla, bridezilla stories, bridezilla fight, bridezilla best moments, bridezilla freakout, bridezilla karen, wedding, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: k-lQDRigpQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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