Cosplayers Share the Creepiest Thing That Has Happened at a Convention

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cosplayers what's the creepiest thing that has happened to you at a convention dressed as temporary from naruto not particularly revealing or anything some dude comes up to me tells me my costume is wrong and that temporary's shirt is cut lower and before i can even react sticks his finger in the neckline of my shirt and drags it down almost to the bottom of my in my cleavage kid nearly lost his finger that day shoulder whacked him around with that giant fan me and my girlfriend have cosplayed together and she didn't get a single creepy comment or look while we were cosplaying until she posted a pic of her cosplay to read it i believe she ended up deleting the post cause of how bad it got you bunch of creeps the anonymous effect at an anime con that i help run and i'm sitting at a table in the food court with a fellow convention runner and a female friend female friend is cosplaying a sailor mars we were discussing creepy people at cons then two minutes later a guy comes up to the table and says i love your costume i've been fantasizing about you since i was 13. at the time i was so shocked that all i could do is faster she took it in stride but i still can't believe that someone would say that well i once met up with my girlfriend adotikan and i saw her before she saw me so i went in for the hug and she swung for my face apparently that had been happening a bunch many years ago i went to her comm dressed as chief from chobits and my boyfriend at the time was hideki they are the main characters love interest the first day of the con this strange teenage girl just longed on to me and started following me everywhere she wasn't even in costume she kept going up to random other cosplayers and asking them to take pictures of just me and them together not her just the cosplayers this went on for well over an hour and she just would not take a hint if i recall we finally got rid of her after making some excuse that we had some friends to meet to this day i'm pretty sure there is some creepy shrine of me in costume somewhere she was probably planning on role-playing as you online so a couple years ago my friend was at our local comic-con cosplaying as someone from madoka magica she was walking around when suddenly she felt someone grab her butt she turned around to see a large hairy man behind her and she said i'm 14 and he replied yeah i'm 40 and walked away it was a very odd i can just picture the guy who has no freaking idea why what he has done is inappropriate just responding with his age because he thought they were sharing some information hi i'm 14 well hello i am 40. okay so this was like 2010 or 2011 at anime detour minnesota it was my first convention and my first time cosplaying i went as genesis from ffviii crisis corps and happened to run into a couple girls dressed as tiffer and a genesis clone so we stopped and talked because matching costumes and stuff as we're talking a big drunk neck but comes up to us dressed as jeff lebowski complete with a dude sign on his shirt if you couldn't figure it out casually as frick he starts hitting on tiffa trying to be nice we told him we needed to get going because karaoke was starting soon turns out he loves karaoke and he took theater in high school how did we find this out after certainly alluding to it he start serenading her with phantom of the opera finally i just said we were leaving to head back to our room for the night before he could try to follow after us a group of girls dressed as the cast of sailor moon walked by and he did the creepiest stalker pivot i've ever seen he followed after them and i didn't see him the rest of the night he was hanging out in the lobby the next morning obviously hungover stalker pivot two words and i can almost see the move and it is creepy faux show and also strangely funny like the dog and up tits did stitched it's different [Music] i made a rather elaborate growed costume for halloween this year spent about two weeks gluing and texturing tubes to make it all wood looking and was ready to enter a costume contest halloween night i eventually make it to this bar after standing around waiting for taxes for about an hour i stroll up semi-frantically looking for somewhere to register for this contest when i get spotted by the crowd two things i should mention one i'm black two i live in china this notice of my arrival turned the crowd pretty frantic because the movie had just come to theaters over here photos were fast and constant started off rather normal but then i started feeling hands everywhere i'd be taking a picture with one person and have five hands on me with the mask on i had no peripheral vision so things got super weird feeling really fast i figured the voting was all based on crowd favoritism though so i just sort of panicked under the mask and dealt with it contest happens when 300 bucks super stoked attempt to leave crowd of mostly chinese people realizes that growth is great and black mob descends again it was by far the largest amount of stranger groping i'd ever had done to me far more than the old man who used to follow me around this grocery store and attempt to wipe the black off of me comma far more than the old man who used to follow me around this grocery store and attempt to wipe the black off of me please tell us this story i'm a dude and i went to boston comic con last year dressed as a gender bent nurse joy i was trying to buy some magic cards and the guy selling them cursed me out because i ruined every hunty for him and he would never be able to fap to nurse joy again you should have told him i guess now you're stuck between a brock and a hard place my girlfriend told me about the last convention she and her sister went to when they were 14 and 12. respectively her sister wanted a doll from this vendor at a con and the vendor told her 12 that he had bigger better ones out in his car van and if she waited a few minutes he'd take her out there and let her have one for free because he liked her they went out together and they both got in his car and he tried to frick her not sure of details but she avoided the potential debauchery and she ended up getting the doll her parents never found out gf just told me there was touching also the doll was an expensive life-like doll that she said cost dollar sign 150 speaking as the father of an 11 year old girl who has zero impulse control and is completely girlless around adults who are not her parents this story turned my blood to ice im not a cosplayer but i am intrigued with it but i used to be a manager at the hilton in downtown houston and every year they were the host hotel for onycon one year was especially bad some of the attendees used their real swords to cut holes in the sofas in the common areas and they actually crap shat in the holes this is a four-star hotel needless to say that was their last year there i was wearing a master chief cosplay since it had no pockets and it was really hot i kept a bottle of water within the cod piece suddenly a girl runs up to me reaches inside my cod piece and takes my bottle of water it happened so fast and suddenly that i was stunned for like 20 seconds i guess you really wanted my crotch water soo yeah you were keeping a bottle in your cod piece because you didn't have any pockets folks if you're at a convention and notice someone being creeped upon female male help approach and ask if everything is okay if they need any help give them an excuse to get out of there anything and especially if someone you've never met before comes up and treats you like a significant other or old friend they are looking for help they feel the need to be out of that situation immediately play along and get them out of range of the creeper find security or stuff for them whatever you can do nobody should have their good time ruined by someone with no social skills who can't take a hint it can be a frightening situation and it's not always possible to extricate yourself without outside help this is way less creepy than the other stories but it was still uncomfortable my boyfriend and our female friend dressed as teemo back in november note this was not a restimo costume she had on a nude tube top and fuzzy scarf and bf did not wear a shirt but also had a scarf on one of the security guys came and angrily told them to put on shirts or leave both of them because this is a convention for children never mind the 50s pikachu costumes we saw later after going to target and getting my boyfriend a nude colored shirt the guy followed us around while he was off duty he stopped bf once and yelled at him about putting shirt on and when he showed him he was the guy just kept staring at him i guess he thought he was going to randomly take the shirt back off i don't know it was so awkward go to love security staff tripping on the tiniest little bit of power they have i went to starlord to be a release party right before halloween just for shoots and giggles had the mask orb gun and all this party had a heavy metal concert going at it so it was packed with metal heads it was awesome because these drunk metal heads just freaking treated me like i was star-lord but it was also terrifying because these metal heads treated me like i was star-lord haha i had pictures taken with a lot of people and about every other photo someone would do something freaked up like grab my junk ask to lick my gun or tell me to look like i was choking them it was weird totally worth it though someone gave me freebie tickets first con the gf talked me into cosplay with her i decided to go simple and went as mario while she went as link most of it went really smooth and fun with all the pictures and booth visits had more than one creeper mention they were picturing mario and link fricking after realizing we were a couple some people just don't have filters great now i'm picturing mario and link freaking it gets worse mario is from from the mario bros super show and so is link it doesn't really count as creepy more like intensely unconformable i did a constantine cosplay that i put way way too much work into tracked down an off-brand raincoat from the early 80s slept in and carefully dry laundered a white button-up shirt for weeks imported a carton of silk-cut cigarettes which were awful and bleached my hair i was so excited khan staff assumed i was some kind of drunk hobo and i had security tailing me mister of the day you'd think the magic symbols drawn on me and flash paper in my pockets would be a giveaway that it was a costume but apparently i pulled off the creepy almost homeless weirdo too well being constantly stalked by renter cops didn't a fun time make anyone asking i wish i had pictures but that was almost 10 years and two computers ago and i was an unprepared uni student i'm sure there are pictures i just don't know where i couldn't find any pictures of the constantine cosplay but i found one from when i did wiley times for a costume party if anyone wants to see that one i can post it i can see how this wouldn't be fun but it seems that you achieved the desired effect flawlessly so really well done you i have a couple whilst cosplaying elsa we stopped to have a picture taken with a dad and a couple of his kids he tells me my dress looks beautiful which is a lovely compliment he then tells me it would look better on his bedroom floor his kids were around five-ish classy again whilst cosplaying bell i again stopped to take a picture with a young family the dad stopped and asked his kid around seven to take a picture of us he immediately starts with the creepy comments loudly telling his kid not to tell his wife because she'd get jealous then he proclaims how he's enjoying looking down my top best one will always be the guy that came over to me whilst i was cosplaying ariel human so big dress and sang darling it's better down where it's wetter and made cringy hand gestures it's strange because when i cosplayed daenerys which was basically a bra and a skirt with some fabric i didn't get a single creepy comment ain't nobody gonna freak with the mother of dragons i have been going to cons for a good chunk of my life and i've had my fair share of creepy stuff happen to me but this one takes a cake this story takes place when i was 16 so it's been a few years i was cosplaying as ellen walker from d grey man so it wasn't so obvious if i had a chest or anything allen is a guy for those who don't know it was saturday night and i was sitting outside in a secluded hall trying to sleep when a couple comes up to me they start talking to me which really annoyed me because i'm trying to sleep they start asking me all these questions like how old are you and are you a girl along with others or love which i answered truthfully i had no answer not two they revealed to me that they were in their mid to late 20s i'm still half asleep at this point and mention that i am hungry holy crap these people were all over that come up to our room we have sushi and soda they seem too excited so i threw out that my mother had told me not to go with strangers the guy it was a heterocouple started rubbing my hand saying that i looked cute in my costume it was alan's casual out of uniform costume so not really cute if anything and that it would look great off i was super confused and said something like what does that mean they then told me that if i freak them they would give me food i bet you would be great in bed and you're so cute at this point i was just saying no a lot but he wouldn't let go of my hand or the girlfriend joined into and was just talking about all of the naughty things we could do but i'm only 16 that was my entire defense we don't care they kept on trying to convince me and they both started grabbing my arms and trying to pull my friend ended up seeing me and coming over it just so happened that a friend of ours wrecked his knee and broke it and that we needed to go i saw the couple pout and the guy took my phone and put his number in case you change your mind and want some fun i ended up seeing them the next day and staying far away yep there is a concha here in ohio that is a registered diddler along with his wife for trying to get underage girls to come up to their rooms even when they find out that they are underage it's in the database and good on you for listening to your mom i was cosplaying as samus from the metroid series had the suit and everything so i'm walking around the convention minding my own business when some guy who looked like one of those know-it-all people you know the kind of people who try to convince they know everything anyway he comes up and says to me i bet you don't know the entire lore of the metroid series even though i know most of it i didn't have time to get into a don measuring contest with this guy so i walked past him he ends up following me all around the convention asking me the same dang question i eventually got tired of it so i went to security and he was escorted out of the convention it was creepy how he was so persistent to know if i was a true fan or not at least i haven't seen him since you should have just said that you played the other m but didn't care for the other metroid games this isn't strange but more endearing i went as linked to a comic and maybe two years back and let me tell you i went all out everything about the outfit matched the twilight princess tunic perfectly honestly it's probably one of the only great things i'll ever do in my life anyways i was walking around the con when a little link with his parents as zelda and gannon walked up to me and this kid looked like he just met santa claus he was so excited to see me that is probably the happiest i've ever seen ever see of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea of a sea that kid is my hero those parents are my hero that family is my hero of time of course that's rather sweet and a good detox from the rest of the stories in this thread i went to a convention dressed as female robin i had a photographer take a few photos semi-professional looking to get started in the business so he was having me pose and stuff i gave him my email after he was done and he told me he'd email me the pictures once they were edited about a week later i got my pictures and he included a note at the bottom saying he thought that i was very attractive and said he wouldn't mind if he took more photos of me in his basements for a low price um no thanks my reaction was oh wow finally a story about a professional photographer not a random creep who own nope just a perv with a fancy camera i ended up earning the title of creep magnet because of all of these i'll try to keep them concise a huge l cosplayer followed me and my friends around made references to his milk that women like we were eating milk pocky so he pounced on that tried to kiss one of the girls and threatened to defeat the soul boy of the group using naruto and kakashi's combined tajutsu so he could have his pick of the girls had my chest groped by a random grill cosplayer who ran up and began grinding against me it got bit on the shoulder so hard it scarred for a year a neruto cosplayer asked me and my friend cosplaying homura and madoka to pose as though we were kissing him while someone took a photo the england cosplayer who threatened to attack my non-cosplaying buddy with a yayoi paddle if he didn't support the empire i was cosplaying croner from solita when i heard a scream of crona from across the convention hall i turned around and squinted i have really bad vision and i'd taken my glasses off for the costume there were two fuzzy blobs one blob called out run she loves you i turned around as though to do a joking slow motion run then something very heavy collided with my back both my knees slammed onto the cold very hard floor of the convention hall the girl got off of my back asked for a hug and left that's all i remember so far but ugg yayoi paddle literally the cringiest convention fad to ever pass glad every convention i frequent banned them walking around a convention i saw the guy wearing giant rubber tentacles on his arms following pretty girls around i did the quick 180 inches and got the heck away from him tbh that's hilarious i just wouldn't want to be the guy making the joke my girlfriend and i were dressed as booker and elizabeth from bioshock and we kept getting high fives compliments stuff like that but then this group of teenagers in anime school girl costumes and wigs start freaking out over us like they'd met actual booker and elizabeth and ask for a hug and i uncomfortably go out which they take as a yes and just group hug us for like 15-20 seconds we then notice that not all of the school girls were girls and were just like okay that's enough now and got out of there tl dr got group hugged by japanese school girls that were 13 14 years old boys my advice for other girls is to avoid photographers especially old men that don't seem to have any interest in what the con is about me and my friends all got propositioned by them to have a private shoot with them that clearly had a hint of them wanting to get naive girls to pose nude for them also a couple of them got followed stalked by guys one noticed a guy trying to get an upskirt picture no one of the people i hang out with were steamy outfits some were not even cosplaying i don't recommend the business cards ideas completely the most persistent ones were the ones who got my email because i had to mail them for my photos so far i preferred the ones where i can just pluck my photo from their facebook no contact needed i can clearly see the quality of the rest of the photos only do private shoots at the con where people still walk by all with friends present if they ask you to take your shoes off they are also bad news about 42 times of inappropriate butt grabbing don't grab people's butts it's rude you might not think so but it is don't be rude a group of three teenagers who asked me to kiss them i told them i thought that was really awkward to ask a stranger and they got uncomfortable and walked away an old guy watching us help my friend get into her costume she was wearing a black t-shirt leggings and a skirt we were helping her into an over corset and jacket told her she could take the corset in another four inches she laughed uncomfortably and told him she still wanted to be able to breathe he didn't get that as his cue to douche off into the distance said oh come on you can take it in the more just four more inches at this point i say sorry we're changing while friend two and i are looking at him with death glares he leaves muttering it's not like she was naked i've been going to local mn cons for a few years now needless to say the crowd is repetitive and everyone pretty much knows each other i was at the raven a fiona of the human cosplay with a pretty good con friend of mine jessica who was wearing a skirt and tank top we were standing in the front and this 14 stroke 15 year old looking kid starts dancing with us and so we welcomed him the dancing involved no touching whatsoever keep in mind jessica and i are in our twenties the kid whips out his phone and starts filming the rave and i'm like okay cool he's really excited to be here that's awesome but then he just drops to his knees and slides the phone between jessica's legs to try and get an upskirt video i punched the phone out of his hands and then watched him delete the video mathematical i was dressed as babadol from sucker punch and i was with a few friends sitting on the ground in a side hallway eating lunch a guy with this creepy sheep mask maybe from the purge or something came and asked if he could get a picture with me and i was obviously fine with it so i stood up to take the picture but he stayed kneeling on his knees and pulled me down with him he then wraps his arms all the way around my waist and rests his head on my chest like nuzzling into me all the while wearing this creepy butt sheep mask so i'm just silently freaking out and have no idea what to do so i hold the pose while my friend takes the picture and then immediately lean away and nervously laugh as i do he whips his head around and goes why are you laughing mind you he has this heavy russian accent and was crazy intense and i'm just starting to get really weirded out i nervously laugh again and he asks me again and my friend immediately just says something like oh she just laughs randomly sometimes and he doesn't even reply he just gets up adjusts his mask and says the sheep likes hugs being completely serious and still crazily intense then lets out this bleating sound and walks away i was jumpy for like a half hour after and my friends would bleed in my ear randomly to freak me out tl dr sheep like hugs don't question them dude asked what color my panties were and insisted i show him i just shouted hey everyone this disgusting man just asked me what color my panties are and he hightailed it been in this hobby for 10 plus years and the creepiest stuff happens online really as weird as some congo as can be they are worse online where they have less accountability and more distance if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
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Views: 21,110
Rating: 4.8006873 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, cosplayer, convention, creepiest, creepiest cosplay, creepy nerds, cosplay
Id: -USuFKeBb4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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