Has Anyone Here Ever Been A Soldier Fighting Against The US?(r/AskReddit)

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has anyone here ever been a soldier fighting against the US what was it like my grandfather was conscripted to fight for the North Korean military during the Korean War he was at the Battle of Incheon and he likened the dread that he felt to what one must feel when faced with a massive tidal wave that is about to engulf you and everyone you know couple this with the fact that many North Korean troops were told horror stories that the American troops were cannibals for example and that the average American Marine was much taller and more physically robust than the average North Korean soldier you can imagine how scared he was he said that Chinese and North Korean units were absolutely obliterated and that they never stood a chance against the Marines all his words not mine I was just a seven-year-old kid when my parents were watching CNN BBC while I was playing video games it was about some army jets taking off during the night my dad turned to me and said something along the lines it has begun get to the basement now sometime later the first explosions could be heard the NATO US bombing of Serbia in 1999 had started I remember spending time in the basement with other residents I remember how the building shook when the bombs exploded the fear of what was coming after the sirens went off they destroyed all three bridges across the Danube in my city cutting us off from a part of our family one day a bomb hit the refinery so we couldn't stay in the basements anymore because of co2 then a bomb hit about 100 meters from our building and shrapnel went through the blinds and windows and embedded itself into the opposite wall of our neighbor's flat that was when we decided to move somewhere where the Americans had nothing to aim for a smaller town we were safer there but we could still hear the Jets flying above us and bombs going off in the distance when someone shot down the f-117 stealth jet it was a huge freaky moment for Serbia that's my short story of service in the war versus USA I remember the same things only it wasn't NATO shooting at us but our countrymen as you say only the tactical targets of course hopefully this won't get buried but my hopes are not too high my father was a sniper during the bombardment in Yugoslavia and my best friend's father was a member of the elite unit called Tigers while the war in Kosovo was raging I'll be short because I have to sleep but my father told me it was like trying to repeal a wave on the beach by building a castle out of sand you fought you may have won some small encounters ba by accident or pure luck but you always knew that if they wanted they could just kill us all and be done with it not a nice time for Yugoslavia that's for sure former active Army infantry here not sure how I'd feel if I met someone who told me they were former Jam there were dozens of different armed groups fighting each other and fighting the coalition forces at the same time my first deployment it was mostly the Mahdi army on the one hand a lot of them were poor unemployed kids with zero prospects for employment or education the only possible option for them was to grab a rifle and show up with the rest of the ski masks and run into coaxial machine-gun fire or dig a hole for $20 and get blown apart by an Apache so I have some empathy for the plight of the poor uneducated unemployed Shiite youth who took up arms to fight the imperialist stormtrooper invaders sure yeah if Red Dawn happened I'd be in the woods with the Wolverines - Roger that on the other hand kidnappings torture physical violation execution burning the Sun is out of their homes corruption of the police force the three dead preteens we found kidnapped tortured and murdered the ten-year-old kid shot in the head right in front of me by a sniper the 90-plus civilian murder victims we found just in the first month of our combat tour of the kid whose tongue they cut out because he liked to chat with us when we rolled by his neighborhood the fact that moqtada al-sadr is now an officially recognized member of the iraqi government so yet I can't do it I can't forgive them my cousin Giovanna was in Fallujah in 2004 with the army and says it was a logistical [ __ ] sometimes he told me about having to kill kids barely in their teens the dude is all sorts of act up the army was there first out of everyone in this post you probably have the most complete grasp of what went down in the opening years of that war my great-uncle fought on the German side of World War two he fought all over the place Africa Italy a small stint in Russia and he defended France from the d-day invasion he was later able to move to the United States as a war refugee he said that all of his officers would constantly tell him when you're fighting the Americans you must think of the least probable way they will attack you because that will be the way that they attack you he also said that when you were fighting Americans more so than any other country as army he fought you had to have eyes in the back of your head both of my grandfather's were on the German side for World War two they didn't say much about the Americans until after the war and how helpful they were rebuilding Germany and donating chocolate to kids and et Cie but both said soft grandparents told horror stories about facing the Russians seems they will pee at the scorched earth they had to do to defeat the German push and made them pay daily and daily they emigrated to the US because they ran so far west getting as far away from the Russians as possible my great uncle was on the Italian side in World War two and was a captured pow2 America from what he told me people wanted to be captured by the u.s. they were treated badly by their own and how great America was in World War two the Germans and some of our allies often commented on how chaotic the US Army appeared to be I believe the quote was war is chaos and the American army practices it on a daily basis other armies were slow disciplined methodical etc the perception was that Americans were unpredictable and disciplined but prone to ingenuity not just how generals but right down to the grunt solider level I understand most who fought us viewed this is a great strength it's gonna be buried but oh well my dad was an anti-aircraft gunner in Hanoi during the Vietnam War he still wakes up screaming in the middle of the night quite often really I'm an American soldier so I'm not what you're looking for but I'm guessing you won't find much on here so I'll give you an analogy from some of Asian training I got when getting ready for less visible operations we were learning how to escape if you're being chased and one of the things we trained for was trackers using dogs the dog handlers explained it like this look the dogs we use are so good at what they do so perceptive that they will find you but you won't be able to fool that dog so you need to fool the handler travel in erratic patterns backtrack make it seem to the handler that the dog has lost the scent and is just wandering you can't beat the dog but you might be able to beat the man that is what fighting the US military is like if the man behind the dog has decided you're the enemy you've already lost there are many many brave fighters out there on our side and against us but when it comes down to it we are going to win in a direct fight sure bad things happen and we lose a battle here and there but in a war we will win the trouble is that the world is learning no one wants to fight us in a war anymore they don't go after the dog they go after the man behind the dog Jack up the cost of the conflict cause civilian casualties force us into lose-lose situations and our support crumbles then our handlers say okay boy were not finding him today let's go home well said it had be kinda hard to face all of those wrecks to respond to this one be a soldier to be in a country against the US three be in actual combat four survive it five go on read it and find this post plus six want to write a response while I cannot speak from the experience I'm an American I can relay something my father mentioned to me a few years ago he was a marine during the conflicts in Grenada and he was also active during the first Gulf War he has never gone into great detail about his combat history and frankly I wouldn't want to Himawari but he did mention one time how you can see a man's fear before you see him kind of cryptic I know but that one statement says a lot he mentioned how you could hear them yelling in that other yells were not the confident kind he meant that these men knew they were about to fight Americans with all their fancy toys and extreme training they knew that the Marines were coming to kill them my dad always told me that one of the greatest weapons our military has if the image that we conjure in the minds of our enemies while it is one thing to fight someone who you feel is an equal or lesser match to you it is a completely different scenario to fight someone who you truly feel is a Monstress for soft war I can't speak for the other branches strictly because I don't have a close personal relationship with someone who is enlisted and I have never enlisted however I can tell you that my father and all of his marine buddies are absolutely vicious if prodded into an aggressive situation they knew that the Marines were coming to kill them pike in Grenada the Marines were only supposed to take the top 10% of the island and the army the rest the Marines landed and began their attack at the end the Marines held about 90% of the island and the army the rest the opfer were fleeing from the Marines to fight the army I am actually former US Army I spent an entire summer serving as an OP fer opposing force at one of the Army's elite training center basically I fought US soldiers in a giant simulation I'd actually agree to some extent with the pushover comments for some units the US Army is just so dang massive some units certainly will look completely incompetent also outside of a few soft units and light infantry there isn't a whole lot of emphasis placed on toughness however combat arms units are no fricking joke we have the best most expensive training in the world and by far the best equipment I would not want to be on the other team chances are I'd be dead before I even saw an American soldier my great-grandfather talked to me about being a Canadian in World War two when a Canadian plane flew overhead the Germans dove for cover when a German plane flew overhead the Canadians dove for when an American plane flew overhead everybody dove for cover this will probably be buried but my great-uncle fought for the Germans in the Battle of Normandy he said that they were told that the Allies were being pushed back into the sea and let any allies they saw were most likely small units that had slipped by it's a few days later my great uncle woke up to find a regiment of Americans camped within sight of the farmhouse they were in him and his squad surrendered I worked for a private contracting company where he worked with bilingual Iraqi personnel for training scenarios one of the men I worked with was an ex Republican Guard that fought against us in Desert Storm he was a very nice guy with an open mind and amazing stories after Desert Storm he got citizenship in America and now helps us train soldiers at multiple bases in the US it is important for Iraq has internet and while they may not have all agreed with the war some fought for Saddam maybe they want to say something also Serbia Somalia Grenada Desert Storm I Vietnam and then there are instances of friendly fire I'm sure it isn't any less scary just because it's an accident maybe even an Argentinean who fought the British has special insight it would still be an account of fighting a massive Western military I have a girlfriend from Iraq who had brothers in the Iraq army they defected pretty quick and live here now but they tell me how insane the American arrest Noor was while Iraq soilders main method of transport was pickup trucks motorbikes and bicycles the Americans we're transporting people in armored personnel carriers that were impossible to damage also tells me that they quailty of training was noticeable as you would never see the Americans you would just be shot because they knew how to move from cover to cover and remain undetected her brothers never killed anyone they defected once troops entered the country they were only 16 at the time I am currently in the US Army right now so I'll do my best just to describe what I see the basic way of looking at it is the people we fight know that there is no way they could ever beat the US military it's just too big and too technologically superior however their goal is to never win it's impossible you can't beat us in a stand-up fair fight so to counter this they just make their goal to not lose and while it is impossible to win against American forces it is very easy to not lose whether it be a country like Russia and China or a group of rebels like the Taliban they all understand to not try to beat us just counter us they adopt countering tactics to deny us all of our superior trays they know they can't outmaneuver us so they use IEDs and mines to deny us freedom of maneuver they can't gain air superiority so they develop anti-air missiles to shoot our planes down they can't beat our Navy so instead of wasting money building huge ships they build missiles China just developed an anti carrier missile in Afghanistan they can't build a stable government so they just try to undermine ours the basic fact is eventually the American public will get sick of war and decide it's time to go home all they have to do is wait and they will win every time America hasn't lost any wars Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan they are all the same we kill thousands maybe millions it doesn't matter so we just go home we no longer win wars we just don't loose them eventually we will go home tired there's getting bombed attacked by allied US troops count on this one if so I'll try to get in touch with some old military buddies to post here this comment scares and confuses me yet this is the closest I've got to an answer my family is Panamanian being a civilian in a country invaded by US troops is terrifying tank stopped in front of my grandma's house and started firing over it once my cousins were all really young when it happened and they were absolutely terrified unfortunately I don't have access to someone who may have fought for Noriega the dictator at the time that the US was a sting from Iraq here my father fought on the defensive lines in Iraq during the Gulf War when the west forces entered Iraq he said it was very scary to have planes fly over you do not see them when they are coming because they are very fast so damage and deaths happen with no planes were followed by soldiers but he did not get close to them he said everyone knew the fighting was pointless because Saddam was not a good leader and he thought he was Saddam thought he could fight back but UN had better leaders and more tools my father told me it was like fighting bad disease because you don't know what you are fighting and you don't know how to fight it not the enemy but was in communications we would get Intel from counter Intel guys from intercepted cell phone calls Taliban was scared shitless when it came to engaging Marines one report that I remember well was a commander ordering guys to engage in firefights cause they wanted to do a show of force the guy he was ordering gave a million excuses and was scared of the new Marines cause they thought we were Special Forces we had a bunch of new gear chest rigs radios thermals they ended up engaging a patrol later that week we killed most of their cell that day I didn't fight against the US but fought for it I remember seeing a man an enemy I guess died a fairly pointless death though I was at a comfortable distance I suppose I can't confirm it but I know he was a man with a hungry family who was paid a bigger sum to take shots at the Iraqi police they mowed down his house there's quite a bit I still carry with me from Al Anbar province though it has been yes I suppose part of me always understood how fundamentally unfair life can be but never as much as when I was over there now every yellow ribbon and thank you for your service carries a residual guilt that I have difficulty communicating I'd like to think that if I could remake the world it wouldn't be as such after all what would I do in his place probably the same the world is full of decent men in and decent situations I suppose the worst part is the inability to affect any meaningful change TLDR aimed at all the mother I think the fact that there's hardly anyone talking about fighting against the US should be taken as a sign my great-uncle flew a6m zero Zeke fighter aircraft for the Japanese Imperial Navy he survived one attack on an American carrier task force but was wounded and relegated to light duty in China he described the first time seeing the US fleet circa 1944 as both inspiring and extremely disheartening simply the futility of trying to fight the US it I'm not a soldier that fought against the US but , my uncle knew this guy who heard a story once nice try CIA my name is Michael Westen I used to be a spy I actually gave a talk on this topic today not just the US but basically on the losing side I suppose I'd sum it up the winners right history I guess the end result of facing an army like the u.s. a technological monster is you're not going to be the one writing that history book currently in Berlin and I just get my group forces Canada et Cie to imaging no war memorials in their towns no Veterans Day no Anzac Day no parades no Wars listing the dead and then I remind them that for a large proportion of soliders here during ww1 ww2 it wasn't they were evil it was they were in their minds fighting for their home the same as our grandfathers and great-grandfather's we get to remember our dead soliders to raise them up as heroes those that lose don't it's a strange but powerful thing to be allowed to remember please do not take this as me trying to lessen the atrocities committed during World War two I actually played paintball against US Marines once it was scary stuff they were in New Zealand as embassy guards and completely destroyed us on the attack however they couldn't play defend the flag very well I read an interview of an al Qaeda member fighting against the Syrian army in Aleppo he came across the border from Iraq where he was a veteran from fighting US troops there he basically said they were all lucky they were fighting the Syrian army because if it was America they would have all been killed by drones helicopters and precision bombs a long time ago he said Americans always know what is happening because of the drones satellite pictures well-developed communications between units etc the Syrian army is in the dark all the time so they fire artillery and drop bombs semi randomly I have a neighbor from Vietnam that participated in the Vietnam War he told me most of the time he was on the run and hiding in trees waiting to shoot at US soldiers after an ambush his group would get the Frick out as they didn't want to get torched booms ago I had a father-in-law that was part of the german paratroopers during World War two he was taken as a POWs earring the Battle of the Bulge and sent to a camp in England he said that with the level of fighting he engage in he was scared and he did not think he was going to make it out alive that is what they were told the Allied forces would not allow them to surrender they will shoot them no matter what he was captured when he was discovered hiding in a building he said he had no time to react and it was get shot to death or give up he said he was treated very well in his powa amp he has since died but he was a colorful guy he chalked it up to a countryman called into service of his country during that time he had a lot of stories about Germany during that time it was an interesting perspective few have been visited by the money bird it'll bring you good fortune but only if you subscribe in 42 seconds or less if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
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Id: VmsU8ydQQSU
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Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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