What Was Your "This Is Not a Drill" School Moment?

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serious what happened in your this is not a drill moment during work school etc there was a shelter-in-place tornado warning it was on that day that we learned our school had a bomb shelter below the pool locker rooms and it was some cold war crap damp concrete walls doors with small round windows and the lights were those old oval shaped with a metal cage like what you'd see on a submarine even had safety posters circa 1960-1970s whoa your school actually had a pool on the third floor nice there was an earthquake it was not that strong but it was still an earthquake everyone was treating it as a drill which meant talking and talking and talking until our advisor said that it was not a drill and everyone started panicking good times last november half my school burnt down everybody thought it was just another drill until we got outside and began to smell smoke there was a mad panic as all 1300 students were registered and registered again until we knew everyone was out the worst part was it was started by two first-year students [Music] my dad was a firefighter he was casually watching titanic at the theater you know when this happened then out of nowhere during the movie projectors stopped all lights shut down and some guy opened the door of the theater and told everyone to get out there was a fire as my dad walked out his firefighter senses were triggered he felt the draft of air being sucked out of the theater room going into the main hall fire alarm couldn't be heard from inside because the volume of the movie was so loud everyone got out it was a big complex with restaurants and bars next to the cinema everything burned down millions dollars of damages it was a teenager playing with matches while smoking behind dumpsters my dad had to wait for the double vhs to be released to know how titanic ended that's the best part of this story happening in the 20th century it was in 1998. we had someone fall off a boat down at the boat launch when i worked at a campground she hit her head on the dock and started sinking while unconscious luckily her bf dove in and grabbed her before she drowned however she was incoherent so we had to immobilize warm her up in a truck then call in a heli to take her to the nearest hospital it was crazy we had to mark a landing zone and lay down some flares and everything school had a lockdown was coming back from lunch and saw a bunch of cops asked one what's up and was told someone had reported a gun in the building and it's on lockdown i went home found out the next day kid had a bb gun in his backpack and i guess p off a friend who then told the office what he had side note the group that kid would run with was known for starting fights with people over nothing so i guess karma is a bee it was woodwork and in my classes we have a dust collector connected to an automatic sander and a nail happened to get sanded and made sparks to fine wood chips so it exploded in fire in a woodwork building in our shop class in high school we had one of those vacuum systems that collected throughout the whole room and some sparks from a saw ended up setting the entire thing on fire we were quickly evacuated and the shop was shut down for a few weeks but i still felt like those big hoses or whatever they are called running all up the walls and across the ceiling should really be more fireproof i was still working as a hostess and we had just opened up in the morning we usually only have three servers on the floor for the first 30 or so minutes five six families immediately walk in which is good for the openers everybody gets two tables to start i was seating the last of the families when i heard a horrible whale from the back i honestly didn't think anything of it first until i realized two of the three servers hadn't come out front to greet their tables one of the servers while switching out the tea bags scored it herself across the face with boiling water the second server was already calling paramedics and trying to keep her calm while she went into shock but so now i had one server for six tables about half of them were intensely understanding but one freaking family was giving me max attitude i finally snapped at the wife and said mom the server in charge of your section just suffered third degree burns across her face if you're in such a rush that you cannot wait for emergency crews to get here i would be more than happy to suggest other establishments that can accommodate you right at that moment the emts arrived six huge captain america stunt doubles finagling the gunny through the restaurant she shut right the frick up the server ended up being okay and didn't have any permanent scars but for the rest of the day i was jittery from the adrenaline rush we were in home economics cooking stir fry and the girl opposite me and her partner turned their stove up too high and set fire to the oil in the work our teacher was at the other side of the class and didn't even notice but then she was not very observant and half deaf the girls and my partner started screaming and freaking out i told them to turn off the stove and set the pan on the table but they didn't listen and one of them panicked and put the pan in their sink she put a pan of bearing oil in a sink full of water needless to say it got worse and chaos insured the alarm went off our teacher finally noticed the screaming and proceeded to berate us school was evacuated and the fire department came luckily no one was hurt but the girls tried to put the blame on me saying i told them to put the pan in the sink but some of my classmates backed me up never trust a half death girl teacher not when i was a student but back in mid-april a couple days before the quarantine we had an active shooter lockdown at the elementary school i work at it was a normal day kids were doing their normal stuff at lunch recess staff notice a few police cars around what is usually a very safe and quiet area but just brush it off suddenly our secretary tells us over our walkie-talkies that the police have called and ordered us to lock down the school immediate activity honestly we don't ever practice for this scenario happening at recess so i'm amazed it went as well as it did we are also a high need school with a lot of behavioral issues and even on a good day getting all the kids inside after recess is difficult the secretary sounded the bell ending recess and staff started ushering kids inside at the same time as around 10 police cars showed up on the surrounding streets the kids were really confused because they normally line up and wait for their teacher bill we were telling them to go in and just go to their classrooms their teachers are waiting i'm guessing the difficult kids realized something was up because none of them gave us any issue and just did as told we ended up in lockdown with the kids sitting quietly and all doors closed for about 40 minutes listening to cops outside and sirens and stuff the kids from kindergarten up did amazing one of my co-workers shoved about 12 kids in the special needs bathroom and was stuck there for 40 minutes with them because a cop came by the outside door and yelled at her to get them out of view it turns out in the nearby downtown core of my city there had been a shooting very rare here and the guy took off up our way last he had been seen was on the side street next to the school and someone told cops he was trying to get into the school they caught him a few blocks away but it was a really intense hour for us my freshman year in high school we were suddenly told during rotc to run inside and get in the closet with no explanation lights off and the higher ranking cadets ready ropes to use to get us down two stories by the window some were prepared to grab the air rifles i knew this wasn't a drill when the sergeants wouldn't tell us what was going on everyone became suddenly terrified we were going to be killed one by one despite being in the safest spot on campus we found out the next day someone had brought a gun on campus they also brought dogs on campus and arrested many kids with weed on them while they investigated the gun issue a second lockdown happened similarly we were rounded into the buildings and hidden since someone was murdered up the street that one wasn't too scary though [Music] when someone pulled the fire alarm to avoid a test but a cooking class had left stuff in the ovens which then set them off again we got to miss a full hour that happened at my school except the alarm was pulled seven times in one day freshman year there was a student walking to school in the morning and just a few feet off campus were some guys who weren't students blasting their crappy rap music the student asked these guys to turn their music down the guy said sure and the student started walking away and as soon as his back was turned they shot him i was in the pay locker room when they put us into lockdown and there was a lot of confusion about what was happening finally after two hours of being in lockdown the police determined there wasn't a hostile shooter on campus and they gave us the option to go home if a parent signed us out or go to class i went home my sister stayed but said nobody did any actual work the student was airlifted to the hospital and made a full recovery so did they catch the guys i work at a large international airport pre-security one day i was helping some upset customers and just trying to get them out of my store when we heard gunshots and i looked up to see people screaming and running i motioned the customers into the storage closet that's disguised behind a mirror we could still hear running and yelling and then i heard people come into my store and we're trying to hide behind the counter i opened my closet door and motioned them inside i had around 10 people shoved into like a 10x4 space with all of my backstock and shelving too my manager called me asking if i was okay and said he was stuck behind security and the airport had shut down all the trams so he couldn't get up to me but to stay safe eventually we got the all clear to get up and head out luckily it turned out the guy only had a corkscrew but someone in the tsar line just yelled he had a gun and started the panic forgot to add what the gunshots were it was the guy being tasered he was trying to bypass security and was being belligerent which was why security in the cops were with him but once that random person yelled gun it created a panic thank you for being a decent human and not hanging those other folks out to dry during an intense situation was doing a chemistry practical test when the fire alarm went off the head of science came in said continue your work it's just a drill so we kept going two minutes later the head came back and said sorry there actually is a fire wasn't a big one but still lol i once worked in a law firm they got a bomb threat and we were evacuated from the building did i mention that it was my first day there was running program at a summer camp when our fire siren went on but it only lasted about two seconds instead of the normal few minutes so i assumed nothing then the radio came on that there was a fire not a drill immediately sent my staff that way and my campers back to their sites secured my area and then bolted past my stuff along with a few others on my way to the gathering point only to be stopped at our main pavilion apparently the fire was already out so they cancelled everything instead of running a doubt turns out it was an electrical fire and the siren lost power we then decided that we should investigate that being on a battery backup when i was a first-year teacher on the eighth day of school year one of my third graders came with a black eye and burnt cheek didn't want to talk about it she got incredibly upset and she ended up telling me what had happened between her and her mom i had to call down to the office to get someone to cover my class so i could run until admin in a teacher prep program you are told about these situations but it doesn't feel real when it happens nothing can prepare you as a current first year teacher i can confirm that nothing can prepare you for the things kids confess to you or the things you have to tell admin i worry about my students 24 stroke 7 especially now that we've been teaching remotely due to covered 19. in my school we often have bomb threats since eighth grade we've had three or four threats and i'm in 11th grade now obviously none of them have been real but we had to evacuate each time some of the times we just went home some of the times we didn't i think our school is starting to get lazy about bomb threats because during the last one we had they put everyone in the gym and then sent everybody back to class after i only call it lazy because all it takes is just a little intellect from someone who's really placing bombs to outlast the police firefighters etc who investigate the situation and then the bombs go off when we're in class or when we're in the gym weird thing is my school isn't in a sketchy place or anything we live in the suburbs of southern new hampshire and our town is rather wealthy the school is pretty big for a suburb though i think bomb threats are more of a trend than anything that is passed down class by class or year by year just because it happened so often some co-workers and i were out having a smoke break when an all blacked out sub rolls up in the employee parking lot we were all confused as the man was trying to yell something to us only person heard that he was screaming get inside and that's when we heard three gunshots coming from behind us there was an active shooter in the building next to ours so we all rushed inside and our boss put us on full lockdown i overheard the guy was being chased for domestic violence and decided to run into the forest that's behind our shop tl dr there was an active shooter in the forest behind work could have been shot because we wanted to smoke wasn't a big deal but a convict escaped from jail and was spotted around our school he robbed a convenience store and was armed somehow so of course we were sent into immediate lockdown well this girl in our class reaches into her purse and pulls out a few knives she goes up to the substitute we had on this particular day and says don't worry i've got discovered i mean hugh doss to her but she was expelled and sent to juvie never heard from her again it was in the wake of 9 11 i was in iwakuni working with marines when we got quarantined over possible anthrax exposure a marine had brought in any service member letter with white powder in it into the shop about 15 of us sat under armed guard then went through decontamination then bust a medical for nasal swabs and given a 10-day cycle of antibiotics the tests came back negative and we were all fine aside from the freezing cold water for deccan it wasn't that bad sucked less than the gas chamber in boot camp i work in a grocery store and one night at code adam was called over the pa code adam is a missing child i go guard the emergency exit near my department and 10 minutes later the code adam is cancelled the kid was in the bathroom perfectly safe i trained for that it's a very serious moment in retail anything all businesses should be trained for it even if you don't expect to get one because crap happens one time when i was working a holiday at toys r us we got to code adam we locked down covered all entrances and exits bathrooms break room back room storage and the loading dock it was some serious crap normal work day over the summer of last year sitting at my desk and listening to a boring meeting my work is literally next to the tarmac of a private airport i have a pretty sensitive nose so from time to time i get bad headaches from the smell of jet fuel that manages to work its way into our ac in summer months so sitting on this call and i catch this smell that immediately gives me a headache not quite jet fuel and closer to burning plastic immediately sketched out and telling my co-workers i think there's an electrical fire somewhere sure enough not even a minute later the fire alarms go off we all head out the door to the parking lot and hang out people making jokes about going home people still on meetings from their laptops etc then three fire trucks an ambulance private airport security and police all roll up and at that point we all went oh crap there might actually be a fire turns out an electrical fire had started in a service elevator in the basement of our building we'd had pretty bad rain in the weeks before and the service tunnels under the building flood from time to time the water had gotten high enough to short something in the elevator and set off a small fire it was handled nobody got hurt but a lot of us left for the day because the smell was so headache-inducing tldr random small electrical fire in the service tunnels under my work due to flooding was on the city bus downtown on my way home last year there was an unusually hot and humid wind a bit of a late season storm brewing bus was packed suddenly about four dozen phones explode with noise as we all receive an emergency notification oncoming tornado everyone starts whispering it was surreal i didn't think of much of it as we had a false alert not long ago and we haven't had a tornado in 25 years then i start seeing people run outside for cover and i see the clouds in the distance black like the world had ended i sobered up real quick we all made it out okay no casualties several neighborhoods smashed two f2s and an f3 had no power for three days [Music] i was in fifth grade during the sandy hook tragedy had i been born a year later i'd have been in the school every school in the district was on lock down the whole day i and others were too young to understand so we slept and played silent board games for hours to make matter worse i live just a few houses down from the lines london house so my street was on lockdown for a week or two years later i still get chills walking down my road and past what is now an empty overgrown lot was in the cafeteria at uni but it was still pretty early so we were nearly the only ones there the fire alarm goes off and we assume it's a drill so we don't move but the alarm goes off much longer than usual i went to check what was going on and saw the kitchen staff all going outside turns out there was an actual fire in the kitchen went back to my friends and we finally left it was a small fire so nothing happened but definitely not waiting it out again also once the fire alarm went off in high school we evacuated but of course thought it was nothing two first years had stuffed the toilet with toilet paper until the pipes were completely blocked then set the paper on fire the fire didn't spread but the whole hallway was filled with smoke needless to say those two guys didn't stay in our school much longer first some background i am a rocket engineer working for the easter maybe you can guess what happened i was on a business trip to one of the rocket engine factories so they we're testing a new kind of engine and something from inside the full tank breaks oven goes in the engine and clogs the exhaust for a micro second before the whole engine explodes into sparks and sharp metal pieces this is why you test rocket stuff before you use it coma i am a rocket engineer working for the easter that would make a great ama whole campus went on lockdown due to a bb gun in the main cafeteria followed later in the year by an evacuation due to a fire alarm short on the first day the next year a bomb read suspicious package was in the building across the street and we were put on lock down again and sent to the college's gym on the other side of campus with later in this year another lockdown happened due to a missing student lastly currently doing remote learning due to covet 19. not me but my girlfriend's dorm in college had to be evacuated once because someone put a hot curling iron on a wooden chair in the room every dorm room had them and the chair caught on fire but thankfully the fire didn't spread and everyone was back into their rooms at about 12 25 am when i was in year five fourth grade the fire alarm set off for some reason the students were pretty calm because they all thought it was a drill it wasn't the teachers were kind of scared but wisely they didn't tell the students that it wasn't so everyone went out onto the playground and lined up in their year groups my teacher went inside and went to investigate why the alarm went off he is six feet six inches rugby player so he was probably the best person to go in turns out the special kid was messing around and set it off and he was expelled it wasn't too bad bc we all got like an hour of extra break if you are reading this xavi thanks bro i got a chance to trade some of my gold moshi monsters midshare when the fire alarms went off so i ran outside with a towel and stopped there i frappin of my entire school pretty naked when i was a brand new cop and i got my first aggravated assault call dispatcher called my numbers told me code three i looked at my fto field training officer asked him stupidity so i go lights and sirens and he looks at me and is like yes go and off i went guy was an illegal immigrant from nicaragua and was trying to murder one of his dealers over 20 his dealer owed the guy had smuggling charges other aggravated assault charges he was a crook good call learned a lot during the fires and featuring mcmurray in 2016 we saw the smoke from our camp fought nothing of it then the radio started chirping saying that the highway was cut off and we were stuck one road in one road out scenario we helicopted most of our crew out with foreman staying behind on shutdown and fire lock duty stay there for three weeks during the fires the mornings seriously looked like silent hill with all the ash raining down that must have been so scary i remember watching the fires on the news and just being in horrified all the way everyone had to drive through the highway with fire on both sides my dad was scheduled to go back to work up there right when the fires happened i'm almost a little thankful that he was on medical leave at the time a friend of mine didn't believe me that we were under a bomb threat and go shot with a beanbag by the cops it was very serious but none of us including him couldn't stop laughing about it after the cops left the school commenced an unexpected lockdown and then called it a drill after it was over most people were downright scared during the drill and some were upset afterwards my old school went into lockdown because there was some crazy teenager with a weapon demanding things people were talking about others running away and no one seemed to take it seriously but then the emergency alarms went off some people went into classes to hide and some just left the principal ended up going outside to face the crazed person he gave him his watch and asked him what he would like he then said to the person that he would be right back ask the teenager to stay right here he convinced him that he was going to get more expensive possessions and cash but instead he called the police and he was arrested a bank robber had come into our building we share it with a bank to rob the place police quickly apprehended them but they left an explosive in a bag outside the bank so we all had to evacuate for several hours while the bomb squad came in we were outside four hours in december and i remember it being so windy my poor nips if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, school, school stories, this is not a drill, not a drill, high school
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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