Hearts Of Iron 4 Ultimate Turkey on Battle for the Bosporus Gameplay Dlc

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen it's me alex the rambler here and today we return to hearts of iron 4 with the new battle for the bosporus dlc um very excited to start playing through some of these new nations and i love the gorgeous new artwork uh too there's a little there's an even little cat in the bottom left oh i i do like little animals um anyway what we're going to be doing today uh is covering one of the nations uh that now has a focus tree so we're going to be covering turkey in this particular video and i will also be covering the other nations that also have new trees with this dlc greece and bulgaria in future videos so if you uh want to stay tuned please do comment like and subscribe let's smash that like button and get that old 5 000 likes sorry sorry there are also uh reworks to romania and yugoslavia i believe in uh in in the patch that comes alongside the dlc if i've got that wrong feel free to actually tell me in the comments but i think that's it but yeah let's just jump right in no no fanfare needed okay so here we have turkey from the ashes of the ottoman empire the republic of turkey was born turkish independence was won with brahmos in the national campaign of 1923 and while the struggle was righteous the cost continues to weigh heavily upon the turkish people religious conservatives plague the hinterlands and resist nationwide modernization efforts in the strongest terms wreak havoc in the east of the country lionized president mustafa kamal ataturk must unite the country or pass the torch to a leader who can and they must do it soon as trouble stirs in europe so here we have mustafa uh we also have a debt council a disorganized armed forces and sectarian woes but we can do these various things if we want to pivot to the past is where i may go down um i have actually uh recorded with this scenario before but i didn't read all the focus tree properly and i messed up the path that i wanted to go down so i'm restarting wasted effort alex but at least this time we'll get to go where we want to uh and did you know there's also video tutorials now i mean i don't need them but some of you probably do so here we have the montro convention it is outrageous despite everything that happened since the great kerfuffle we are still denied the rights to administer our own straits instead of a unilateral seizing of the straits by our military let us instead try more death diplomatic maneuver and let's get to work on industrializing because at the moment turkey's not in a great spot with 16 factories to begin with ouch holy moly we're exporting a lot of steel aren't we i would like to keep some of that for myself you know oh that's boosting our factories which is good oh also as turkey you do have a lot of problems that you need to try and solve while people well essentially sabotage your factory so we need to try and um appease various groups of in turkey you know unite the people unite the people that's gonna be the plan anyway okay the soviet union is okay with it i guess um and we get how do you do the uk loans at support too thank you but we're now re-militarized in istanbul and now i'm going to fully integrate the bank although you get lots of good benefits here this one will allow you to go down the left tree and pivot to the past i could do nice and be friendly and you know have a nice non-aggression with the soviets or a treaty with the germans or even just try and form the ball compact but no there is a day where i won't try and do an old empire's playthrough but it is not this day what do you expect from me ladies and gents but you must expect this from me for now let's do a counter fundamentalist operation boom so we only have a 37 chance of uh defeating the rebels so i'm not going to spend my 100 political power on something that isn't a sure thing i did that in my failed playthrough and it didn't go very well oh a consumer goods expert well yes please sorry financial expert financial and we'll ratify the six arrows boom i could get a captain of industry too or i could spend my money i know the decisions are gone the decisions have got well i could still try okay privatize the andalou agency free media he has to say that initiate counter fundamentalist operation bam lots of rebels now on the video you won't see it almost appeared i am recording this aren't i oh yeah on the video you won't see um it looked like that the republicans were actually going to win so it's a up for the books lift the ban on other political parties no no i would say ain't so i can still ban them again later can't i yeah so what are your thoughts for the dlc i think that it's at least from my point of view um i really like the idea of more content obviously it's good for the channel that i can cover new stuff but yeah i i'm kind of okay with them releasing like cheaper dlc packs which adds in more nation's focus trees while still working on major major expansions i'm perfectly okay with that it's kind of similar to what total war does as well most games are kind of moving to kind of games as a live service kind of thing um and in this one where where the dev team for hoy's is is really quite small for them to be able to keep releasing content and you know keep keep their team up at that size i presume like if they keep on selling then they they can uh keep on keeping the the staff members within the team it's fine for me i know let me let me know your thoughts in the comments below out of turk has worked tirelessly over the years to cultivate a class of entrepreneurs and industrialists hmm this one i don't really like um it takes so long it takes 180 days and i think it's like 100 political power for one factory it's expensive and it takes a long time the upcoming election will be one for turkey's soul no gigantic rally held in support for menderis's movement traditional group mobilizes rural citizens this is unconstitutional yes i'm really screwing myself here conspiracy to commit voter fraud in rural regions discovered ah how could they yeah this is uh i don't know how the election's gonna go the democratic party will now be called the democrat party removes national spirit oh okay well let's hold our first multi-party election election day yep see i think if i did this if i wasted 100 political power right now you're going to see i get defeated yep and that's bad we lose stability when that happens i only cause 50 political power for these investments okay that's not too bad actually i'll just i'll just spend it why not have a jolly oh no we're in a race against time don't die yet please men and women all across the nation ignored poor weather and personal illness so they could trek out to their province's designated voting booths the race was tight the ultimate winners of turkey's first election are but there's actually effect how things go down dp becomes the ruling party or dp becomes a ruling party well he's very he's very happy isn't he this is going to be quite interesting when mender is i wonder if he stays in power he's the man of the nation extra stability even though my stability is ha ha oh he's gone farewell we shall never forget you the republic grieves i have no idea what's happening in my nation now the enemy within our country is divided increase influence of fundamentalists ah no i think we're just gonna what's fidelity extra manpower yeah i'm now the republic of turkey how long that will stay like i'm not sure did did china give away the eu idiots adan mendes by pushing transparently democratic rights become the man of the nation is only undergoing a conservative revolution and all the world can do is watch and dismay wow commit regional elections sure my stability is just it's getting worse and worse isn't it oh boy i am getting a lot of damaged factories or just sorry just infrastructure this is pretty i can't even have one division in there oh dear let's move out move out and about manpower this is not going well at all here is it wow this election didn't didn't did not did not help the situation juan bit you know maybe maybe try to restore the ottoman empire isn't really the best decision because you have so many troubles and you're so far behind militarily from pretty much everyone else this isn't this isn't a wise thing i'm doing in fact i i honestly think i'm just destroying the nation at the moment because this is not going oh dear help me help but we're already on 45 because it's manually justifying and italy is manually justifying why are you the way that you are nations world war ii is going to kick off in are they guaranteed they're already guaranteed let the world burn i guess italy joined the jerk yep world war is going to kick off in the middle of 1938 i should have done the normal uh historical ai shouldn't i oh greater portugal oh okay okay sure oh i'm actually gonna have a turkish civil war nice okay sure treaty of had a bad we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by remaining friendly with our neighbors yes sure i honestly have no idea how this uh civil waffle was gonna go at this point oh italy's gone after greece i thought they were going after yugoslavia okay sure like italy's gonna ruin it oh why did they join their allies oh because they probably guarantee greece and now oh my god so the whole of the balkans has joined the france has zero stability though so something could happen okay afghanistan iran rejects it said a long-winded letter could have just said no this is going to be quite a shame if italy and germany get taken out in 1938 you do have to ask the question like why it's a german malaysian war is japan at least doing okay no they've been naval invaded by china i really hope something will change in that situation soon because this isn't going to be a very decent world war two is it if italy is this close to capitulating like what i'll monitor that situation closely if germany can like take out czechoslovakia then i think they'll have the strength to help various like but but look at italy's just collapsing that's really that's really depressing the hatte issue republic of turkey presses the hatter do i get some territory give me oh i might get this a little bit so i've tried giving italy a bit of a lifeline i've essentially deleted the french units because i'm not an iron man i haven't deleted the equipment so they can just deploy them again but you know like it's what is going on here oh well japan is pushing okay that's good just come on just how do you let china do that oh france seeds sovereignty back to us thank you hey we've got a little bit of territory you know what i've expanded my nation i'll take that peace in the world no i have no idea what my own troubles are gonna start but i imagine it's going to be fairly sick oh there's a new little tanky icons ah look at them cute little tankies yep italy is really prioritizing these islands oh they're actually defending them from naval invasions wow okay i was not expecting that they've also uh oh never mind czechoslovakia looks like they're in a little bit of trouble and so does france but germany having taken 300 000 casualties during this and probably a lot of equipment they're in a bit of a state for january 39 i would say italy is also incredibly weakened by this yeah this whole peace in the world thing ain't gonna fly purge the officers turkish civil war let chaos run spent the past four years trying to get enough rifles from the army still haven't got enough oh that's bad news for the allies this is just gross what has happened here and my intervention of of i shouldn't have intervened i should have just laid the players because i thought yeah you know what i i think the i think the access might need some help but it's just italy that needs some help maybe they deserve to die but then i then i also won't be able to get grease and stuff so yes oh dear the struggle for the republic turkey's republic of turkey's soul has begun but it's okay because pretty much everyone has remained loyal to me it's gonna be a case of just freaking trying to take istanbul and i imagine i'll have to do a naval invasion too unless i don't have that technology we don't have the technology no i do oh wow everyone wants to lend lease me reconfigured turkish foreign policy no i would like turkish the ottoman loyalist to come back though how do i do that ottoman officers our old gloria claims reclamation our allegiances to the republic and to democracy oh my god i can't believe they've put a freaking star wars quote in that is amazing our old glory awaits reclamation provisionary state of anatolia oh boy oh and we've got the pasha he's back or was he ever there i do you know what will be best i'm just going to let them flow in and then just kind of crush them let them come in their pitiful little band and then we'll just encircle them that that was gonna be the plan yet now they're not moving right pivot to the past the war of independence may have been a necessity but the republic was a mistake [Music] everyone's canceling their len leases lithuania rejects german demands everyone's going to join the freaking allies aren't they cowardly scam it's really quite annoying that they took control of freaking istanbul that's the one kind of place where you don't want them to do it you don't want it you don't want it but we might be able to push our our way across through sheer force of will excuse me are you actually having a giraffe now come on come on syed why you gotta do that to me they apparently have zero divisions though no between five and twelve but no factories rome's fallen oh my god okay we've done that boom now everyone can they're in for a bad time they're in for a bad time now my entire army will be redirected over to that front i have no idea what's going on in this war anymore look at that just look at look at the freaking mess italy is almost capitulated germany will survive for some time i think have to change too extensive never mind i can't oh oh paris has fallen oh just as italy was about to capitulate too man i can't even go after greece anymore can i i technically could game war gold against greece i can't believe how close italy came to get becoming capitulated that was crazy oh like the allies are still pretty chunky oh okay okay okay okay but we've defeated the rebels and we can now relax and rebuild hopefully oh my god free france is actually still taken what the f italy so close so close to capitulation oh my heck that's so bonkers france has reversed unode italy okay then we do rebuilding our nation the catalyst ravaged our nation their futile attempts to repress the will of the people italy has capitulated now haven't they yeah they're they're out poland must be thinking that they're right they're doing okay but this is just weird and then i'm gonna go on to return of the sultan i don't know that that's gonna drastically change anything these sectarian woes are a pain in the ass sorry the spanish empire joined the axis oh boy what is this game and here's me just like can i come out to play yet no portugal's join the allies like this is just an absolute cluster f really isn't it return of the sultan the ottoman sultanate is reborn much to the world's dismay excuse me the ottoman sultan has been restored to his throne after a particularly brutal civil kerfuffle turkey will be known as turkey should not be known as the ottoman empire yeah i'm the ottoman sultanate oh here we go there he is abdul mehmed ii a gentle scholar so uh some things i'm running into i don't really have any resources or manpower or really any ability to produce anything at all but apparently italy controls albania again so mussolini is back in back in power wait and he still has wow oh his capital ishoo okay was not expecting to see that steel is something i am really lacking chromium i've got an abundance of oh i just needed to build a pancara ankara sorry and then i would have had 24 extra sticks that could be pretty powerful eh let's get to work on that straight away give me the steal give me the steel give me the resources i also don't see any way of me actually taking any of greece uh in my current state of affairs i do have vichy frances of no because there's italy there it's just um oh they're technically not in the axis so maybe i could go like but i'm probably gonna press the austro-hungarian claims and i look at all the claims i get holy moly unfortunately it's kind of pointless doing any of this like not aligned or anything like that because like they're all part of the axis so i would need to i need to kind of wait until germany is at war with the soviets in poland and then hopefully i have enough strength to like strike but manpower is a i just can't i just have no manpower i don't know how to get it so i'd have to declare war on greece but in doing so the hungary controls all of it so i i can't get the territory anyway and declaring war on greece would leave me into war the allies yes yes it would well i can't really afford that right now it's 1940 and the world is just a complete enough estate i have nowhere oh japan's naval invaded the british raj i can try and get bulgaria to submit to me though so i might try and do that bulgaria the only one of us all from the central powers to survive this song from team way of life intact and what they've done with that nothing i mean i'll give it a go yeah we'll try and get bulgaria to submit anything that allows me to grow what the hey off uk no you stay out of my politics you've meddled enough no no i'm not giving you military access to my lands you foul beast back to the abyss oh the raj no canada wants to resupply i i would lie to canada but no let me in your country first let me i think i'll have the strength to take out they built forts excuse me oh they have a second national catastrophe so greece has been properly capitulated this looks horrible oh okay the soviets are trying to go after poland and poland is pushing i do wonder i i feel that i should the next time i'll do historical uh the historical route because i think that turning historical ai off is completely well you can see oh my god australia what the bulgarian kneels before our power we are one step closer to reclaiming our former glory i mean they're not really gonna help much are they okay oh look at that weekly manpower when we do the reclaim the fallen empire that is tasty tasty af vichy france has joined the greater east asian prosperity theater what wait is germany a war of the soviets now no they're not they are award japan and vichy france of course they did okie dokie support the east camels oh but now i'm going to expand the sabbath pact the fall of vladivostok okay okay i'm just baffled at the state of the affairs of the world at the moment oh i am the ottoman empire though why am i a weird green excuse me is that my actual color okay i'll take it i'll take it whatever i'm on free trade i really don't want to be on that i'm tempted to go down to like limited exports iraq and afghanistan joins um can i kick afghanistan out though because they're in a bit of a pickle so damn do not join the war when can i kick you 24th june iraq you better not do it you better not do it iraq has done it well i'm not going to war oh okay now germany will be a war of japan oh for pity's sake um so i might not even get damascus because the freaking allies have been taking it i'm tempted just to be like hello allies it's me yeah boy ottoman empire here because italy's doing okay down there so i don't think the uk could hold that for too long so if they don't give it to me i'm just gonna take it they're not answering are they goodbye afghanistan who wants to join afghanistan no look i'm just going to try and strike while the allies are a bit weak at least i think they're kind of stretched they're certainly looking kind of straight oh new zealand's gone i didn't even realize that unlucky mate right so this could go very badly but i'm at the end of my tether with this scenario so i'm declaring a war on the uk and i'm just going to have a jolly i'm going to be a war of the whole free world now aren't i what i'm going to try and do is blitz then i can change my conscription law because i'm rather outnumbered i actually have a tank there they're trying to trying to get out i say nay oh yeah we've encircled a british core here pin them destroy them make them suffer surround them down here too wow i bet the british are just like hey blood what you're doing it's me the ottoman empire taking what's mine little by little little by little should probably build roads in some of the country shouldn't i huh our territories our ours the weaklings of the ottoman empire have demonstrated some uncharacteristic wisdom in their decision to return syria to us what no i'm welcome back to the empire not giving up anything i thought we'd almost taken jerusalem oh no we have taken jerusalem good and the usa wants to start elise oh no what is the usa up to wendell wilkie never mind they're now cancelling the len lease oh more encirclements okay let's make them calls boom oh no i'm encircled where are they going just take a porn you're fine okay let's take the suez that would be grand if we could i don't like i don't like the us being stationed all up there oh i'm gonna call why haven't i called bulgaria in silly sausage and then i could kick a rack out oh no i don't need to they're actually no longer oh they're not a longer wall okay oh good good good good get them out of kuwait fandabbidosi jobs are gooden china but hey at least i've grown some of my terra i've got i've got some of it back we've got some of it back and we're continuing to take a little bit more even though the british are putting down more resources in this area but if we take that port then they're screwed aren't they i'm surprised my units are beating the british so easily considering they're my units are mostly trash in fact they're not mostly they are trash because i couldn't i couldn't upgrade them oh they hold on they actually landed but without a port so i don't know that that's gonna go particularly well for them oh no they're dead oh and i landed in crete oh cyprus sorry cyprus uh could i take malta that could be our next step taking malta like an absolute chad i don't like how many units the um america has and we need to kind of get them out get them out get them out ah triple a tan here i know i said that wrong but at least we get at least i'm coring the territory that looks tasty right um looks pretty good it looks pretty good i'm quite happy with this it's tempting to take somewhere like saudi arabia just because i can yeah 51 divisions of the usa there that's grim that's grim that's that's something else this is confusing naval supremacy five percent enemy ships with orders to engage 152 okay that's probably why oh we have we've taken malta the crown jewel is mine wow feels pretty good to achieve that nice so like the the allies have no way to get any kind of control in the mediterranean uh they've lost africa pretty much i am not able to use their airport so i have no real way of invading the uk in a way that would work maybe a naval invasion but i don't know i can give it a go i'll try and give it a go but i don't think it's gonna go well could you imagine if i do though that'd be absolute pog champ i have naval invaded this makes absolute sense with my 156 planes we're attempting it despite them having only 150 okay supply is not atrocious but could be better the units just aren't being aggressive enough i've got them on aggressive but they're not they're not thrusting as i would like thrust forward maintain the momentum take knowledge for god's sake and canada's trying to leave don't blame him i can't quite believe an ultimate invasion of the uk has happened it's not going as easily as i would have liked but you can but try it give it a try managing to contest the air now surprisingly i'll take it i'll take it the usa wants to lend lease me again but i can't because i don't have the convoys they want to list me they've got all their army stationed in the uk oh go across the welsh mountains sorted nice couple of rinser called up up in the if i could just take this industrial region they're going to capitulate i don't even need to get to scotland i don't think yeah if i can just get through if we can just get through i'm really surprised that germany hasn't gone to war with the soviets oh and just as i say that it happens yeah without air of superiority i won't be able to uh take down northern england i don't think free france has called the united states as our ally no they're my enemy i'm very confused but basically i am now unable to defeat the allies because i won't be able to destroy the united states [Music] oh that's annoying i think i did pretty well um yeah if i were to continue this i'd be recording for another eight hours to try and defeat the united states um and my main objective was to show off the new tree which i think i've done pretty well uh we restored a lot of our former lands and had erotic and good time yeah there's not really much else to do on this side of the tree we kind of exhausted all of the little bippidies and boppities we could have got camel reunits but i didn't get any um yeah so i hope you enjoyed the video if you did comment like subscribe some of you may see this is me not finishing the scenario i disagree i just don't really want to play until 1960 trying to defeat the united states with a without a navy or an air force oh i hope you had fun watching and the ottoman empire i brought it back but until next time everyone i bet you a very very good day many thanks to onion dark seth cutter stervik maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tad house kobe was taken matt zuv vash juan p george dave d why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 138,047
Rating: 4.9041305 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron 4 battle for the bosphorus, battle for the bosporus, hearts, of, iron, iv, battle, for, the, bosporus, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, isorrowproductions, drew durnil, Hearts Of Iron 4 Ultimate Turkey on Battle for the Bosporus Gameplay Dlc, hoi4 turkey, hoi4 greece, hoi4 bulgaria, hoi4 battle for the bosphorus, hearts of iron 4 battle for the b
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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