What Ever Happened To The "Trenchcoat" Kid At Your School?

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whatever happened to that trenchcoat kid in your school there was two of them at college man and woman both wore matching suits they broke up in second year he disappeared she became normal she absorbed his powers he snapped off to high school tried to off himself and his parents stuck him in a residential depression rehab for a year or something came out wearing pastel polo shirts and crap he's a physiotherapist now and people in touch with him tell me he's happy huh good to hear the rehab worked around May he shaved almost all his hair off threw away his trench coat and replaced it with a leather jacket he did so because people kept joking that he was gonna shoot up the school and no matter how much he denied it school administrators were beginning to take it seriously nothing like constantly bullying the guy they think will shoot up the school until the school administrators start to take it seriously and single a guy out to make a perfectly stable person that definitely won't shoot up a school he was a classic trenchcoat type he had a coffin shaped backpack always looked out of it and barely talked to anyone he dressed in all black and had a lot of chains around his neck and rings on his fingers it wasn't that that gave him a creepy vibe it was just his general demeanor one could tell there was something not right about him he went to jail for molesting several children in a daycare center the year after I graduated high school he's going to be released this summer goddamn that escalated quickly in middle school during lunch hour we would have gym teachers monitoring the cafeteria and selecting tables to go get in line to get lunch students would come from class sit at their respective table and wait for their table to be chosen one of the gym teachers was a power for static head and would purposefully skip an entire table of students and select the next one just because he didn't like one of the students that happened to be sitting at that table finally one day our resident trenchcoat kid freaked out stood on the lunch table and began berating the teacher using every insult he could muster up in His infinite rage after his rant he grabbed a full lunch tray from another student and threw it at the teacher he then bolted through the double doors that led to the front lawn of the campus and took off down the street literally never saw him again oh my god he literally rage quitted school he tried to make money by setting up a bike chop shop then he tried to make money by creating an underground dog fighting League then he tried to make money by buying and selling cars at auctions he actually made some money this time and managed to fund himself through the university halfway through his parents won the lottery the dad tried to take the money and run but he was stopped in the assets frozen trenchcoat kid graduals dropped out of university who even knows and tries to get some of the lottery money himself he didn't get any because his family all seemed to hate each other he then sold everything he had and drove to Mongolia from the UK where his car broke down he crashed on some random guy's couch for a few weeks before he managed to sell what remained off his car and bio mentor bike he then rode it to China he got a job teaching English in a couple of days apparently the demand is huge for native speakers he got fired after a few months no idea why he now sells electric bikes to expats in China this is me pretty much the story of my life and yes I haven't I'm currently considering ditching everything and running away it seems like a pretty logical thing to do when your life is crap your family is crap they all hate each other and your job is crap the only thing holding me back is I can't decide whether I wanna run away or join the military : there was a guy at my HS by the nickname of grungy Halima walk went across the street to smoke his cigarettes mumbled most of what he spoke to anybody of that I didn't really interact with him at all but when I was elder I met a guy who asked what HS I went to when I told him and he asked did you know grungy I told him I knew of him but that was it apparently they were really good friends but grungy died off some heart condition a year ago or so before that from the stories he told me about him he was a pretty nice guy aaww now I feel bad Phil grungy a couple years ago I was dating a girl I went to high school with this was like ten years after we graduated we had a cooking class together with this trench II kid named Reese he was nice and we got along with him we were wondering how he was doing and looked him up on Google he pulled a gun on a cop and got killed so he wasn't doing great , he wasn't doing great I think that's a safe assumption he now works at a local sawmill in which he uses his money to build his sword collection also is a huge fan of anime and speaks in a Scottish accent to any new person he meets reminds me of a proto neck but kid I knew in school who was named Charles but decided to start going by Charlemagne instead he jumped off the top of the bleachers when they were collapsed tried to land on his feet too instead of doing a tuck and roll shattered his ankles and we didn't really see him after that I think he works for the volunteer fire and rescue now though I'm imagining this is the start of a movie where the finale is that he has a child on his back and needs to escape from a fire that's destroyed the front half of the bleachers he stands on the back and suddenly we flash back to his previous attempt sweat pours down his face as he used his last ounce of strength to leap forward completing the jump he couldn't years before didn't see him for years and then he appeared on my FB when I was in university he was trying to convince me to buy weed off of him I think he said he had a set seven grams clearly a kingpin since then he started working at a fast-food chain saw a photo of him recently still wears a coat in the fedora from high school but he'd be 25 now probably if he's selling quarter ounces to people he doesn't know very well he was probably just a more ninja and not a career dealer someone found a list he had of almost 100 names he got called to the counselor's office and I never saw him again my name was somewhere on the list had a kid in my high school with a list of names of girls he'd hooked up with the principal's found it and thought it was a hit list in front of his parents he had to explain it was just a different type of hit-list that was probably me everyone thought I was going to shoot up the school because of the time I was escorted out of class by the cops due to an anonymous tip that I was going to shoot up the school I'm an engineer now and have still never touched a gun in my life I was a trenchcoat kid before Columbine those buttholes really messed up a good thing man he works at the grocery store claims he is dating a 12 year old girl believes he is a werewolf vampire and a dragon werewolf maybe vampire it's possible dragon now that's when you know he's full of crap he had a really long and unkempt mullet with a scum stache and I swear to god he couldn't turn left he would spin all the way around to the right he also refused to take the stairs when he could instead he would climb the walls and railings which earned him the nickname spider mullet man from me not sure what became of him he's not a namby Turner he can't turn left he got expelled in high school for slashing some younger kids paintings that were hanging in the hall then he went on to harass me and others on Facebook for years with weird requests for a while he was offering to pay me to bring cigarettes to his house which I wanted nothing to do with then he blew up at me because I added his only true friend on Facebook and threatened me because he was worried I would tell lies about him to said friend a bunch of other crazy messages were sent to I just tried not to engage him I see him at Chipotle sometimes but luckily he doesn't recognize me anymore please I'm from Colorado trench codes have been banned since 1999 that being said we did have one guy who at least in attitude had that trenchcoat vibe he was a weird kid my friend dated him for a while he got into hardcore drugs when we were seniors but he was a male stripper for a while when we were in college and then he dropped off the face of the earth stopped talking to people deleted Facebook and Twitter changed his phone number no one knows where he went - what happened - not even his folks or his brother I go to a school in the same district as Columbine and that doesn't stop kids from wearing trench coats at all this year on 4-stroke 20 anniversary of the 99 shooting we had one kid get expelled for wearing a trench coat and sunglasses and walking around with his hand in his coat like he had a gun some people don't learn he works for a vape place spent some time in a crack house believing some culty crap about being a werewolf basically exactly what we all expected it sounds absolutely insane in a different way but I almost envied people that at some point believe absolutely crazy crap like being a werewolf like life is so boring and normal I can't imagine how exciting it would be to actually think you were some sort of mythical nonsense crazy but probably kind of fun in a bad crap way stupid sanity I was the trenchcoat kid now I'm married with children and spend my days working corporate IT otherwise known as ribbiting all day he got in huge trouble with the librarian he checked out a large book one of those look at the inside of planes ships type encyclopedia very oversized he would read it every day on the bus not that weird especially since he was the weird kid it turns out he was using the large book so he could read playboy on the bus every day they found out because he left the magazine in when he returned IT he got suspended and ended up changing schools unrelated his parents needed to move for work that's such a lame reason to suspend someone lol he's a jailer now and is currently waiting to go to the police academy he's also engaged to his girlfriend of three years turns out he's pretty cool went completely off the rails became alcoholic alienated all his friends is now claiming to be transgender something which a lot of his ex close friends doubt as he has a history of claiming stuff like that for attention yeah my ex best friend was dating a fake transgender apparently a lot of people pretend to be fake because of the attention that they receive it got tatty around the edges so I threw it away shortly after I got a haircut it was all downhill from there really but being tattered just makes it better I was the trenchcoat kid I dropped out of high school because of therapy and started working eventually got bored of boring jobs so I went to college and now run a successful massage therapy practice ah a happy ending this was pre Columbine if there was this weird kid in our very small private high school 400 kids total I believe he was autistic but I had no exposure to him we were using the track system which kept all of this very stuck in the same 20 people groups so I didn't have any classes with him I was a scholarship kid on the AP track I think he was on the slow track my best friend middle track may have had some classes with him every single day at lunch she would put her things down at our table then go talk to him he sat alone behind us one day I asked her why do you have these daily conversations with him she said see that paper in his hands it is a hit list and I am determined not to be on it didn't take it seriously now I wonder was he rarely planning something and what happened to him my heart breaks for him but I also wonder if he ever did anything not at school but maybe later in real life wish I could remember his last name I don't know if I'd call him the trenchcoat kid but he had a duster and was his kind of odd he's still one of my best friends doesn't have the coat anymore introduces himself to people as random ASL iaf characters and can't find a decent job ah Craig I heard a rumor that he got arrested and was in prison but he came into the store I worked at in the mall one day but he didn't remember me but it's hard to forget him he's still a bit strange but not nearly like what he was back in high school he ditched his trench coat and was wearing a plain t-shirt tucked into jeans a bit too short showing off a pair of white socks held up by a belt that was very unlined with button the thing about how trenchcoat kid was that he didn't look like one on the surface there was always something vaguely off about his appearance he wore sweater vests on infrequent occasions for instance but his attitude and demeanor seemed to mark him as being more of a pompous that guy than any kind of a threat only in conversation would his true colors start to show when he'd offer us some of the most off-the-wall conspiracy theories that I've ever heard on one memorable occasion I was forced to work with this fellow on a group project he spent the entire time regaling me with a description of how gold jewelry of any variety allowed the government to spy on unwary citizens this was why he told me tax incentives were offered to married couples wedding rings were actually tracking devices each of which had been manufactured in Fort Knox which was a secret facility run by the Freemasons the Catholic Church was allegedly in on it too given that they encouraged parishioners to wear or eat crucifixes I may have exacerbated things when I asked him about circuitry anyway I haven't had any contact with the fellow in decades if my brief internet search can be believed though he now works as a real estate agent in the same city where we went to school and he has taken to wearing his sweater-vests with impunity I can only imagine the subtle hints he might drop to newlywed couples in the market for their first houses TL DR our trench coat kid was a sweater vest kid but only on the surface there was this kid in my high school dad committed suicide so he was never really right he was the kid that would go 0-100 real quick if you said the wrong thing so having even a casual conversation with him was always pretty nerve-wracking someone joked about his dad without knowing about it and he literally fought off two security guards twice his size in rage he also blocked a door to keep his class from leaving with a knife after the class bell rang because no one remembered knew it was his birthday anyway one of our friends accidentally found him on social media a few years after we graduated he goes by a different name now and his ashy long hair dress and all in the photos don't really know much more than that but it was definitely a weird experience seeing that we are all just glancing over the knife comment I see I was the kid who wanted a trench coat but couldn't find one at Goodwill only place I could get my clothes so I got the closest thing I could find like a big black denim coat with tons and tons of pockets I would keep a little book off posed poems in one pocket and an HP Lovecraft book in another I normal DUP in high school made a bunch of friends started going to church saw a lot of the world came home got married and had a baby all in a day's work I taught a college course with a trench coat kid but he wasn't the creepy kind of trench coat kid moreover I have no idea how to dress or how to act like a regular person kind of trench coat kid he wore this trench coat year round and about 50% of the time he came to class it was miss cottoned his clothes looked like he just grabbed random items from his grandfather's closet plus trench coat and he constantly spoke like he was writing a formal letter while using a thesaurus he ended up writing this really awesome thesis for his undergrad program that brought together two subjects I would have thought had nothing to do with each other I ended up meeting someone who went to high school with this guy and was told that throughout high school the kid spoke with an English accent despite being American born in the u.s. to American parents his parents were fairly well known in the community so it's not like he could have gotten away with lying about being from England smart kid and totally harmless but the trench coat didn't help him fit in at all I was best friends with him up until he was expelled he was stupid I mean real goddamn stupid like he was stupid for a stupid teenager granted not all teams are stupid but there's a subset of teens who are really done and eventually grow out of it he didn't grow out of it but he was obsessed with two things in middle school the crow and pro wrestling he started wearing his trench coat around eighth grade and kept it on even in summer for several years until May April 27th 1999 a week to the day after Columbine in His infinite idiocy he made a joke about shooting up the school right after the school was evacuated for a bomb threat in front of the principal a week after Columbine expelled without question he dropped out the next year now he's 35 where's Kevin Smith style shorts still into everything we were into as teenagers and have shown very little personal growth I mean it's one thing to be a teenager and be a little childish you're a teenager you're still technically a child and it's totally fine to be a bit of a nerd lord knows I am and my kid loves it but it all must be 40 and still living like you did as a teenager that's as frustrating to see as it is sad lives in a trailer fries burgers for a living never figured out that being smart isn't enough you have to have some Drive work hard and have people on your side if you just quietly sit there and know everything it's exactly the same as sitting there and knowing nothing except with better internal dialogue well after he was arrested for bringing a gun in knives to school we dated for a bit he's now married with a few kids ended up becoming a firefighter for a local department he died a few years later responding to a chemical explosion at a factory I still regularly see the effect it had on his mom lol I was the trenchcoat kid with a mohawk now making six figures a night II had to get rid of the Mohawk when my bald spot showed up rip the Mohawk I was the trenchcoat kid I work for the government I belong to several community program committees do charity work I wear a lot of dresses and bright colors now live in a middle-class neighborhood drive a pickup truck have a bunch of small dogs and cats spend a lot of time working on my lawn and tending to my flowerbeds a vegetable garden I have an alarming amount of firearms though I'm a hunter so there's one thing everyone expected to happen he was my number one crush my first 2.5 years of high school and in 1996 I came back from winter break to find my friend Elle who was his best friend with eyes redder than they'd ever been usually it was from all the pot he smoked this time nope and unusually quiet I asked him what was wrong and he told me W had died over break he and his family never got along and he had a fight with his mother and decided to hurt himself to hurt her so he shot himself in the stomach area blew a huge hole in himself was dead before the ambulance arrived I believe and since this was capital T capital s the self and I wasn't out of the closet yet I had to suffer in silence because the guy I had fantasized about for years was suddenly gone and we'd never been close friends so no one could figure out why I took it so hard to add insult to injury the teacher in charge of the yearbook decided that any memorial for him would be glorifying suicide so she didn't set aside any space for him at all no memorial no senior picture not even a blank space way his picture should have been the only place in my junior his senior yearbook where you can see his faces in two class photos in one you can sort of see his face in a school bus window and in another you can sort of see him standing in the background when we demanded to know why they did this we were told well we didn't want to glorify suicide but you were welcome to buy ad space in the back for your own personal memorials if you really wanted to they'd never said anything about that to anyone who loved him they never said anything at all about not including him at all outside of those two tiny photos where he's on the outskirts of a group ha I was the trenchcoat kid in high school I'm 47 now and live a fairly normal life I wasn't Gothel psycho or anything just very introverted I was the trenchcoat kid in school my friends and I were joking around about Columbo and decided it would be funny to get trench coats so we did then Columbine happened so now I'm in high school with a group of friends that all wear black trench koats we're not stopping because we didn't plan to shoot up the school and damla this coat cost me $100 so yay I was the trenchcoat mafia for the last year of school which kinda sucked oddly I still have the trench coat to this day it doesn't fit me anymore but I can't seem to part with it after all it cost me $100 I was the trenchcoat kid but I never wore a trench coat so I don't know if it counts but I was the kid people thought was most likely to shoot the place up growing up I had a few issues and stable family life separation issues undiagnosed or treated anxiety and depression and a pretty bad rage addiction I had one heck of a temper and combined with hormones from puberty freshman year was pretty rough for me I was the kid that got tripped in the hallways talked about behind their back picked on teased beaten up people would even pretend to be my friend in fear that I'd actually retaliate and shoot up the school which is the one that probably hurt the most I wasn't even a weird kid I liked slip'n art video games anime and junk food I just wanted to be left alone and draw and play Halo and Magic the Gathering but since it wasn't sports or skating of course I was different and therefore targeted I never shot any place up today I'm 23 I have a wonderful girlfriend and were getting engaged next year she doesn't know that yet should be getting an apartment together soon too I have a lot of good friends and we play Magic the Gathering and video games together regularly when I'm not working 60 hours a week as a security guard I still like Slipknot in junk food - I ended up pretty okay most of my bullies ended up in jail on drugs homeless or dead last I heard of some of them that kid was me I got my master's in art and teaching art history part time at the local community college I also work at the local craft store in town I get by and hope to be full-time at college one day I went to Westerberg High School in Sherwood Ohio the weird trenchcoat kids staged a few murders as suicides then tried to blow up the school during a pep rally ending up blowing himself up instead though : well freak me gently with a chainsaw this made me laugh I was the trenchcoat kid at my high school wasn't even my coat my dad bought it for himself but thought it looked better on me I wore that thing all the way through college because it was dang warm and I thought I looked cool he even had my senior photos taken with it I remember people whispering about how I was going to shoot up the school and just had to shake my head I was a judge's son a Boy Scout a church youth group member and I was in the freakin Chess Club how much more dorky and clean-cut could I have been now I'm a registered dietician and I wear a shirt and tie all day even though I don't have to I think it looks cool he got a job repairing helicopters and works with steel making knives he's currently building a forge so he can try his hand at making Damascus steel he was actually always a cool dude went off to college and got obsessed with anime and my little pony he now has nice government IT job that he loves also I was the trenchcoat kid in our school if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: school, school stories, students, trenchcoat kid, high school, what happened, school memories, trenchcoat kid story, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: El_ct7VtTUI
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Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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