I Saw It Coming!

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what's something you saw coming miles away that a lot of people didn't i went to college for mining engineering when i was doing interviews for internships one of the companies i interviewed with was peabody energy now at this time peabody was the largest coal company in the world and was one of those annoying companies that thought they were so awesome that they basically wanted you to sit there and beg them to hire you anyways during my interview they asked what i saw as the biggest challenge to peabody energy i told them that since they only mined coal and were not diversified into other minerals like other large mining companies if something happened to the coal market it would be hard for the company to survive it the smug butthole doing the interview acted like that was the dumbest thing he had ever heard and told me their focus on coal is what made the company strong five years later the coal market falls apart peabody goes bankrupt and their stock btu becomes so worthless that they kicked it off the new york stock exchange basic principle of economics diversify diversify diversify you avoid the huge fickle swings of the market in 2006 i wrote my final paper in my macro econ class about the home loan industry and it would be better for everyone if brokers were paid on loans they closed as an annuity that grew over time giving them a vested interest in making sure their clients paid on their loans my conclusion was that the instant gratification of being paid at close of escrow easy access to money and predatory loan brokers would cause the housing markets to crash my professor gave me a b saying while it was an excellent paper but the premise was flawed people should be paid what they are entitled to and the fed would never let that happen in 2009 that same professor contacted me via fb to apologize well at least he admitted defeat i remember vividly during the 9 11 attacks my dad saying the awful thing is everyone around there is frick because of the amount is asbestos that's probably in those buildings he's a structural engineer now there are concerns that the number of deaths due to asbestos dust inhalation may be greater than the number of people initially killed inspired memory from a previous comment about a dog my dog's skin started to melt off and the poor girl started pee blood vets had no idea but i recognize it immediately thanks to studying health and epidemiology leash menaces only found in mediterranean countries usually it's a disease carried by parasites in sand fleece the disease is actually caused by the parasite i told the vet since the dog was born in greece it also made sense i was told i was wrong my doggo's skin continued to melt off and she continued to pee blood after a fortune of antibiotics and steroids which made it worse in the end i took her to the pdsa and told the vet what it was and she agreed got her on the correct treatment and my dog is beautiful again six months off a year-long course of tablets and she's fine frick plunkets company i used to work for placed the biggest idiot in management as the new ceo upon hearing the news i said that the company would be bankrupt in four years it was actually bankrupt in three years and a few months so i missed it by little years ago a friend got a puppy and i came over to see her one day while we were in the living room the puppy was wandering around sniffing about and my immediate thought was it sniffing for a crap spot i tell my friend this and she's like nap he's just curious about the house he's exploring i tell her i'm absolutely sure he's going to crap and she'd better take him to the corner of the kitchen that's got a load of newspaper on the floor but again she's like oh it's fine not five seconds after she ignores me the puppy takes a huge crap that was almost half its size on the carpet she's freaking out and runs to grab it and take it outside but the damage is done i was pretty impressed by the size of that crap though what the frick did it eat not mine but still impressive i was with my dad at the movies and as we were waiting around to get snackies and such he noticed a mr and mrs smith poster with brad pitt and angelina jolie and said well that's the end of his marriage referencing jennifer aniston and brad pitt's current marriage not four months later where the rumors of brad cheating and divorcing jennifer aniston were flying and then actually happened in october my dad is sage-like i have the unfortunate distinction of being three stroke three on calling divorces in my friend circle as somebody who made all the wrong decisions with my first gf i can smell insecurity and fear-driven decisions from a mile away so when certain couples get married for the wrong reasons i can usually see it when others can't because i recognize all the same mistakes i made same here i got married extremely young and can tell when people are making the same mistake housing bubble in 2006 how many shows on tlc were flipping houses and doubling their money if it was that easy why aren't we all doing it yeah i'm not selling out modest house even though the value jumped 30 and then going to get a bigger house with an interest-only load from quicken who does this crap fast forward 2009 oh they did and there goes the stock market jeff and sally are looking for a house to flip jeff is a part-time pizza delivery boy and sally is a homemaker their budget is eight hundred thousand for the property and four hundred thousand for the materials and labor the affair of general petraeus and paula broadwell when she released her book jon stewart at her as a guest on the daily show i happened to get tickets to that show the way she talked about him and how she tried so hard to describe their platonic professional relationship i knew like a douche i turned to my friends and said she got that d later that year crap hit the fan so this won't be too well known to people who don't work in the it industry but i actually called the lenovo superfish scandal the moment i saw it on a computer superfish was a program a piece of malware that was pre-installed on a lot of lenovo computers a few years ago it was collecting user data and forwarding that data to a third party the moment i saw it listed in the programs on a new lenovo that i was setting up for a client i had my suspicions when i was installing their av it ran a scan as a sort of baseline thing and it flagged superfish almost immediately as being a potential threat so i removed it a d finished setting it up i removed superfish from every computer i saw it on i do admit it took me a bit to realize it was only on lenovo's and recommended to my co-workers to do the same a couple weeks after the first time we saw it news came out that it was malware and should be removed immediately it's one of the only times i ever got to say i told you so to my co-workers because i was the least experienced there and i felt pretty proud of myself for having that foresight it was really frustrating to deal with the people that would come in after the news broke accusing us of allowing this to happen how could you sell me a computer that has viruses on it well for those who came to us the service department we didn't we removed it secondly why would anyone ever suspect a manufacturer of allowing malware to be pre-loaded onto their machines my co-worker thought i was nuts for thinking that and the only reason they complied with my suggestion was because it did no harm to remove it so yeah i called superfish and i think i deserve a cookie for my minute contribution chris evans popularity when not another teen movie came out and he walked on screen with cherries and whipped cream on his nipples and a banana in his butt i knew this dude would be a huge success down the road way to be cap not me but someone near me i was driving out to my college one morning and came up to a light i had to turn left but there was no arrow so i had to yield to the other person and wait for them to go first when the light turned green except they weren't going i waited a few seconds then waved them through i looked at the driver and it was this really peaceful looking old lady with a smug butt look on her face like the perfect i've been in this world way longer than you grandma type she just nodded at me and put up a palmer though to say wait and at that moment a massive truck came barreling through the intersection i guess it's brakes malfunctioned but that smug grandma saved my freaking life looks like the grandma herself disabled the brakes my brother-in-law going to jail for selling drugs everybody knew about his painkiller addiction but somehow i was the only one aware of his unlawful buying selling of them the housing crisis i didn't know the extent of what would happen and how deep it went but when people making 30k a year were buying seven or eight houses at a time to flip them within a couple months i knew something had to give i'll never forget this guy in a grocery store talking excitedly about how the housing boom would never stop and wondering how people could be so naive i did an internship with wf subprime home mortgage in 2006 and even as an idiot 22 year old i could see that giving mortgages to people who i wouldn't trust to pay me back for lunch would bite us in the butt healies this was years ago but as a kid i randomly heard of them about year before they became massively popular in the uk i wanted them for a long time but whoever i told laughed at me i was too bitter to want them when they got popular i managed to get over the injustice of it all eventually i remember in primary school there was this weird kid his dad was really into gadgets and novelty stuff one day the kid comes in with these stupid wheeled shoes and we all laughed nobody had seen anything like it before he just looked silly this was years before just about every kid seemed to either have a really want a pair my two first jobs going out of business my last day working at a video rental store circa 2004 i said we're either going to be replaced by the internet or machines i was wrong because it turned out to be both that is redbox and netflix streaming but i knew our brick and mortar days were done good riddance borders books as the holiday season was approaching and we were setting up the store for christmas and black friday one of the cash registers broke down no big deal normally we call corporate and someone drives out from los angeles the same day with a new machine because it's in corporate interest that we be able to efficiently take money from people who are trying to give it to us corporate refused that's when i knew we would be out of business after the holiday season sure enough interesting way of predicting borders demise i'm still quite heartbroken over that loss we had a leaking high pressure airline at the factory i work at production environment so everything is frick all compared to parts coming out we went out at night and patched it next morning they said that we needed to dig it up and have all the new line laid out next to it so we can swap it over lunch i told him there was no freaking way because i needed to get a contractor out to scan underground for other condit disclaimer we knew for a fact there was no gas or electric lines where we dug well while digging in the first hour the backhoe broke the line in half called it then we broke a water line called it then a 14 inches sewer line called it then internet cable called it then factory communication line called it just finished that job with over 200 hours of holiday over time that'll teach him now to get communication contractors out on a holiday weekend 3d tv fat going away i tried it out at my friend's place and while it was kinda cool it felt jamaica like something to try but not use regularly yeah 3d is a flop but i read somewhere that the reason why entertainment companies produced 3d movies was to force theaters to upgrade their system to digital that way they did not have to pay 8k for the roles anymore as everything became digital i knew the duggars would eventually have some nasty scandals come out you cannot tell me that a family of just over 20 people are all going to be great someone is bound to be a piece of crap i think that it will probably come out that the older married siblings didn't actually wait until marriage last night when i was leaving a bar with some friends there was a lady stumbling around in a parking lot pretty aimlessly one friend asked what's that lady doing i replied that she was looking for a spot to pee three minutes later that lady squats down and takes a pee i called it my dog does that too the taxi industry collapsing at least in australia they had been consistently offering a terrible service for many years ripping off customers and exploiting every possible loophole and as soon as a competitor came along uber they all threw their hands in the air like they were the victims it was always going to happen not everyone thought so but i saw it happening many years ago in germany the taxi companies got together and got uber banned when i was in high school theater my teacher once told me that a gun on the set will always be fired by the final act in relation to intent and set design some years later me and my mom went to see a play and i noticed a curious set of two swords set above the doorway on the stage and i turned to my mom and said i will bet 50 dollars that there's a sword fight with those two exact swords later she accepted around the fourth act two characters were in a heated argument and eventually did run to the door frame to grab the swords and jewel i can still remember the crap eating grin i gave my mom while it happened to this day that's called a chekhov's gun it's a theater literary device that mars one initiative has no future and is possibly a scam funding what needs to be an international multi-billion space venture with advertising sales on a reality show get the f out of here spain crashing out of the 2014 world cup group stages got laughed at when i said netherlands and chile would both beat them not that i can't gloat that much being english though twinkies coming back after hostess went bankrupt and stopped production people started freaking out and saying it was the end of twinkies but anyone who stopped to think for five seconds knew the brand would be sold off to another company who would take over sure enough they returned to stores a few months later tallahassee never thought they were going anywhere he just had to find them my friends divorce they had sex pastor found out and got angry they decided to get married at 18 everyone going on how they would be together i kept my mouth shut the whole time but come on people as a christian it's extremely creepy to me how involved the church gets in people's sex lives my wife and i predicted the 2008 housing bubble we sold an investment property that we believed had became overvalued for the area and used the proceeds to buy two new properties a year later that property we sold was in foreclosure did the same with my grandmother's house it was an absolute trash heap and required tens of thousands in repairs we figured the market was never going to be better and sold it as is for over 100k dollars that was in early 2007. by the time the purchaser finished repairs and resold it the local market was in the toilet i think they resold for 110k dollars or something it was excellent timing uber when smartphones became a thing and apple was doing the there's an app for that commercials i was traveling a lot for work and i thought that it would be awesome if someone could come up with an app to call a cab to your location even talked about it with my friends and wrote up plans thought about integration gps so you would always know how much the ride was going to cost which was always a pain in the butt in traditional cabs if you were on a budget then i just kind of forgot about it until uber showed up and i was like dang that could have been mine don't fret unless you get the actual means to make the system rest assured a lot of people probably had a similar idea and never had the ability to make it i have a lot of ideas i think would take off but didn't study cs or programming so i haven't done them ever since i ran for class president and used a horrible pencil drawing of dong nixon for my promo posters i've had a theory that the winner of any election is the one that it is easiest to draw a cartoon of nixon ford carter reagan bush clinton obama and this new goofy guy all easier to caricaturize than their opponents i'm pretty sure that's how they are selected someone in congress or whatever draws a funny picture of you and bamyoin tl dr i can predict the outcome of any election with 100 accuracy pero should have won under those guidelines well this isn't a specific thing but a class of things i'm consistently befuddled as to why people don't realize that someone who has lied to them once will likely lie to them again one thing i've learned in my 50-plus years on this planet when people show you their true nature believe them the upcoming tech bubble burst all those unicorn companies making no real money but getting one dollar billion and valuations with insanely overpriced stock i totally knew hans was gonna gonna turn out to be a dong when he didn't kiss anna everyone in the theater gasped and i just turned to the seven year old next to me instead called it lance armstrong doping pro cycling was is known to be chock full of dopers and this guy was consistently outperforming the rest of the pack including some many cheaters on top of that anabolic steroids are well known to cause nasty side effects like testicular cancer but try to tell someone that this great american hero who overcame adversity was a fraud and they'd treat you like you were unsympathetic to cancer survivors and insufficiently patriotic not exactly miles away but i said a week before the elections trump would win and all my friends 90 live thought i was crazy my logic was a split between young people don't vote and a lot of your dads will be voting for him lo and behold people still sucking at technology the adults around me had this weird perception that my generation would intuitively know how to use computers and other technology i teach kids who were born in the late 90s early 2000s trust me the ability to use snapchat doesn't mean that the kid is good with technology the majority of the people i deal with adults and kids can't figure out how to send an email with an attachment it's painful i consider myself an inept user of technology don't get me wrong but frick we have google we have youtube if you don't know something look it up use a little common sense it doesn't matter if it's a college website if it says that spaniards were colonizing south america in the 900s it's wrong and you shouldn't cite it in your presentation my friend attempting suicide luckily i called the cops to do a welfare check and warned them that she was a runner they put her in the hospital against her will and she was angry at me for about a year luckily she's not mad at me anymore forgot to actually even thank me for doing it was not expecting that for anyone upset she had told me she had taken a bottle of pills and that's when i called the police i had been seeing additional red flags warning signs all week dang a lot of people in this thread are talking about trends but this is a good story you're a great person and an even greater friend i hope she's doing better now my rich close relatives downfall he suffered a loss in his business not too big but not insignificant either in november last year after which i told my mom that she is going to witness his downfall soon he got arrested in january 2017 and jailed for 14 months in a foreign country he owns a business there because he had some kind of special wood in his apartment that's supposed to be banned in that country not me but my dad he saw donald trump in the running against 20 other republicans and the smaller group of democrats at the way beginning of the elections he said it'll be trump versus hillary and that trump will be president everyone thought he was crazy he bet on it with some people made money my recovery from cancer on paper it looked horrible five percent chance of survival but i just had this gut feeling i would be fine and here i am almost two years later good as can be calm a gut feeling that was the cancer right before 9 11 i was reading a lot of scholarly articles on the internet about the history of american involvement in the middle east and the current radical environment i was really bored at work but wanted to look like i was working so i had found some pretty obscure websites not to mention the attack on the us embassy i wouldn't say i predicted a terrorist attack on american soil obviously but these authors were predicting it and when i tried to talk about it with anyone they thought i was weird because no one literally no one had any awareness of the middle east in my social circle it wasn't even being talked about on npr for example people writing books on potential terrorist attacks in u.s were called futurists like it was such a remote far-off possibility i worked in the travel industry at the time and the u.s embassies were a client of ours so maybe that's what made me think to research the topic i now always assume somebody somewhere has been trying to ring the church bells about the thing that takes the rest of us by surprise someone else andre did said 9 11 was the day the 90s died i have to agree i was a teenager in the 90s and was 21 and 9 11. until that point the world seemed much more optimistic and free but 9 11 destroyed that optimism and sense of security american point of view i know other countries don't have it as well and or have more realistic idea of what dangers are out there online card shops where you can print your own messages and get them posted genuinely i thought of that about 15 years ago when i worked in a print shop did nothing about it cause that's how i roll in about 85 we were learning about microprocessors in a digital electronics class i told some classmates that we would be able to walk into a record and tape store with an ic chip and use it to buy any song we wanted they acted like i was an idiot because no way that the information contained in a song could be held on a computer chip when i first heard about fairness i knew there was something either revolutionary or completely bunk i started looking into them since i worked in lab medicine and after looking through their background i thought they couldn't possibly live up to their hype no one believed me outside of my lab even my friends from medical school they were lured into this fantasy fairness created anyway i was glad when fairness was exposed since it was just misleading people brexit the stay campaign was so disorganized in late to the game then they campaigned in a fashion that implied the uk would be fine out of the union but better if they stayed but nobody seemed eager to jog people's memory of why the uk joined in the first place now the nation of shopkeepers have no market the continental system is going to work the backlash against bill nye he used to guest host neil degrasse tyson's podcast and he would use the same condescending attitude that he does in his netflix show really turned me off to him bill nye saved the world being a flop i knew it was going to be a platform for less science and more rhetoric and that people weren't going to like being preached too if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 188,679
Rating: 4.9344015 out of 5
Keywords: saw it coming, saw it coming from a mile away, never saw it coming, taken by surprise, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: 1NWvUBHb9sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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