Living With Pathological Liars | People Stories #461

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i have a roomie that lies about everything bad lies illogical lies what are your best pathological liar stories there was a girl in my school who claimed she had a boyfriend none of us believed that to start off with then one day she claimed that they were no longer together because his head had been chopped off by a snowboard i hope this isn't true because it made me laugh out loud i once dated a girl who was beyond pathological she literally maintained separate identities for the different people she'd hang out with i eventually found out she had different wardrobes for her different personalities would affect different accents would claim different tastes wear different makeup and even give different personal histories it'd be impressive if it wasn't so malicious i think that's a very different serious mental disorder knew a girl who claimed to work with the mafia who would kill her boyfriend because she was going soft then she claimed to have broken into the zoo crept into the tiger cage and sat with them she said they all piled around her and she slept there i don't even actually sleeping with a bunch of tigers sounds really cool true story my best friend ryan and i used to be friends with this girl who claimed to have a boyfriend from the next town over now this boyfriend was bisexual and all of his facebook pictures were obviously those hot emo guy pictures from google images but she told us to add him and when we did he began to message ryan their conversations got more and more personal and eventually caused ryan to come out of the closet before he was really ready yes ryan is gay during this time he pulled away from all his friends for about three months but apologized to everyone over the summer in the fall when we went back to school apparently the boyfriend had moved across the country gotten aids and committed suicide once again ryan became depressed because he truly thought that this guy was real and was his friend he began cutting himself taking drugs he became anorexic i was worried sick about him later on come to find out that friend of ours had made up this guy because she was curious as to whether or not ryan was gay needless to say we don't talk to her anymore that's so freaked this story reminded me of that 13-year-old girl who committed suicide because of a fake person she talked on myspace was really a bully at school and the bully's mom imagine if ryan had become depressed enough to question whether life was worth living ugg crap like this makes me sick kid that went to my high school and lied about everything one of his biggest lies from ninth grade he claimed he had somehow managed to order 12 kegs to get delivered to his house for a party he was going to have but his father came home just a few minutes after the kegs arrived in lieu of punishing him his dad agreed to split the kegs and they drank all 12 kegs of beer in that one evening i've quit smoking but quitting my pathological lying is proving to be much harder i have to be 130 conscious and present in everything i say or else i'll lie constantly meaningless things it's horrid awful i've hurt so many people in the process but i'm determined to become the person i really am on the inside in a very strange twist i'm usually much more honest when i'm behind the anonymizing mask of the internet weird this is where most people lie my brother had half my family convinced he had cancer once he made a huge show of it to me as well sitting me down and crying with me telling me everything would be okay he didn't have cancer i have never forgiven him what in butthole i've told my friends that spamalopes are an actual animal that the letter w was added to the alphabet in 1932 and that stephen tyler can unhinge his jaw to swallow prey up to twice his size someone actually believed one of these i told a friend that marshmallows grow on bushes like cotton once i'm pretty sure she still believes that one and i'm pretty sure steve and tyler can do that my sister's ex not at the time told her he was a long-haul truck driver and would spend only a week or two at a time with her and that he hadn't got paid yet so she would pay for his food give him money and let him stay at her place little did she know that he was doing this with all his other girlfriends evil genius i've known a girl for a long time who always had a problem lying someday she'd say she had seven siblings other times it was nine she had to she'd tell people her father was dead and pick obscure celebrities to be related to the worst though was when we were seniors in high school and had an introduction to psychology class together we started talking about post-traumatic stress disorder when this girl raised her hand with a story to tell she said that her brother was recently deployed to iraq and saw his best friend die but not even that he saw the bullet coming towards him miraculously turned his face just in time to miss being shot and witnessed the bullet hit his friend instead clearly this didn't happen unless her brother was neo i knew her brother he was a security guard at a nearby college the class was just awkwardly silent afterward because it was obviously bulls sometimes i felt bad for her but mostly it was just annoying my one friend when i was in third grade would say the stupidest stuff for attention my dog had puppies she claimed that her indoor cat suddenly got pregnant and had one single kitten describing the gestational period as a few days but her mother made her give the kitten up for adoption her cat was a male my other friend in high school had several imaginary girlfriends from another school with various popular names like ashley smith or britna brown occasionally he'd mix them up if we wanted to meet her he'd show up late and say she had to go home or off i thought you said to meet an hour earlier she got pee and left everybody knew he was full of crap my one other friend bragged about his 12-inch penis knowing full well that nobody wanted to check and see if he was telling the truth we all ignored him to be fair having a jesus kitten is a pretty awesome lie there was this fight on a facebook status update that i watched happen live on my newsfeed and some dumbass kept calling this girl a chronological liar instead of a pathological liar it was hilarious well if you lied time after time after time i guess you could argue he was right we were working on a project called fuel pdx on fire which was intended to be a massive exposition of fire sculpture performance art etc we took on board this woman who claimed to be a fundraiser over the course of many months we thought she was in contact with a number of funding sources including liquor soda etc etc turns out none of that was true thinking a check was arriving literally any day i sent off a check to arc attack in texas for four thousand dollars as well as spending about a grand on our non-profit project tool shed thinking that it was about reimbursed it was all lies when we finally got the truth out of her we found out that she'd simply gotten way over her head and not known how to tell us our entire business almost went under because she was a liar i'd never had five dollars kate to lose before and haven't since it's been two years trying to build up the business again what a flaming bee hope she burns for this i posted this here once before but i think it's a nice little story so here it is again i had been close friends with a girl i'll call her francis since elementary school in high school she had become the new leader of our small group of friends she was a pathological liar and constantly made up these very obvious lies just because she liked the attention i guess some of her lies included she has lupus she had leukemia when she was in elementary school her dad just died of a heart attack i later found out that two weeks after she told this lie her dad did actually die but in a car accident ironic she was a professional horseback rider and was scheduled to ride in a competition held by the president of the united states she called it the president's cup i used to take horseback riding lessons with her while she was a decent rider for our age we competed in the same division and she rarely placed well all of her friends really truly believed this stuff i started to call her out on her balls and she got mad so she started to then make up lies about me some of which included i was a drug dealer a lesbian this particular group of friends was pretty homophobic that's all i do is trash talk others behind their back and then her generally negative attitude towards me rubbed off on others because she was the leader i lost all of my friends except two who weren't friends with francis and was constantly made fun of and picked on by all of them one day one of my ex-friends from that group met me in the parking lot of school omg did you hear about francis i said i had not and she proceeded to explain to me how she had spoken on the phone with francis mother and mentioned the cancer her mother was very confused and said that her daughter never had leukemia then one by one all of the secrets that francis told were proven wrong by her mother she lost every single one of her friends she transferred schools halfway through our senior year of high school and everyone stopped hating me i never became friends with those b again but it was wonderful to watch francis experience exactly what she had put me through tl dr b made my life heck in high school with her lies lies were later found out and everyone stopped hating me and started hated her instead it's never lupus being there lived that i found my best course of action was to call it out every time not being and but but because i deserve the respect of not being constantly lied to said person ended up flopping blaming me of causing their depression all because i refused to buy what i knew was blatantly lies fun times man pathological liars don't know how to handle being caught in their lies so they tend to react in extremities most people recommend either going along with it or ignoring ceasing to befriend the liar when it comes to these situations but i'm glad you called them out on their lives your feelings are valid and you have a right to act accordingly oh my god have i got some good ones for you reddit so first off this girl i know took people's pictures on facebook and claimed to have drawn them in charcoal pencil it emerged slowly that she just took their facebook photos and put them through a photoshop effect considering she was pumping out like five every hour second off she decided that she would lie to everyone about what college s she got into she claimed she got into usc with a full-ride scholarship this was disproven within days because they hadn't handed out any scholarships at that point she loves to lie and no one knows why comma she loves to lie and no one knows why sounds like a classic rock line i gotta believe my old roommate takes the cake here a few selections of absurd claims he made he once drank an entire keg of beer by himself in one day during his freshman year he had sex with 12 different women in less than a week he turned down a football scholarship to notre dame in order to pursue his dream of playing professional hockey he once hit a hockey puck so hard that it went straight through a solid brick wall he used to be able to run a four-minute mile had a pet raccoon that he domesticated and nursed back to health after finding it in the woods while hiking as in a fully grown raccoon at the time he found it domesticated yeah he flew search and rescue helicopters after hurricane katrina he came across lance armstrong once while they were both cycling on a road in austin tx lance told him and i quote you look like you know what you're doing all of these amateurs get on my nerves they look stupid trying to ride bikes why don't you ride with me he made a laze because he slept with all of his female professors pieced the resistance after my other roommate and i had left him alone for a weekend so we could go home he told us that he had thrown a huge party at our house not only did he throw a party that would make van wilder blush but in the middle of it the swat team busted the party apparently everybody was doing body shots and having sex on the furniture when suddenly the lights went out a smoke grenade came through one of the front windows a flashbang went off then the swat team kicked down the front door also the swat team had laser sights so there were red lasers going through the smoke the reason there was no evidence of any of this was because after they didn't find his drug stash he told them he was going to call his attorney if they didn't get a repairman out there immediately to fix the windows replace the door and clean the floor i'm sure there's many many more but that's all i can remember off the top of my head it was honestly kind of sad i mean i really think he was somehow completely incapable of telling the truth just stupid crap too it could be 112 degrees outside and if you asked him what the weather was like outside there was a good possibility he would tell you it was nice and cool i have a fraternity brother we will call jimmy who is tall and extremely lanky he is honestly about six feet two and about a 150 pounds he always tells us stories about how he constantly fights and wins against people that are far bigger and stronger than he is he told us he once fought an entire offensive line to defend the honor of one of his lady friends in another city the night before now we all know that he is full of crap but we listen and tell him how impressed we are with his skills but we always joke about it behind his back one of the stories we like to ask him about is when he had to fly air force one to rescue the president because he was the only one qualified to fly the plane hep you're gonna feel pretty stupid when he saves your life one day in seventh grade we were talking about 9 11 in social studies class our teacher asked if anyone knew anyone who experienced it in the first hand a known liar in our class said that his dad saw the planes crash on the news then immediately jumped on a fire truck that was headed toward nyc we live in upstate ny so it's a five-hour drive the teacher called him a liar in front of the whole class as an interesting tidbit i was in my seventh grade social studies class when the news broke of the attacks on the twin towers when i get drunk i have the strangest urge to tell people i fought a bear once i don't think i've been drunk enough to actually tell anyone that for quite some time though kind of related when my ex's dad gets drunk he likes to tell the story about how he killed a bear he actually did but since he's drunk when he tells the story no one ever believes him i used to know the queen of total bulls she was my friend's girlfriend nobody ever called her on any of this because my friend was totally in love with her and pee whipped and it would have crushed him keep in mind that this was back in the late 80s early 90s one she had a degree in marine biology but she chose to work minimum wage jobs at record video stores because she didn't want to pay a lot taxes to an imperialistic government she did not have any kind of college degree two in her late teens she was a professional skateboarder yet in the two three years i knew her i never saw her on a skateboard nor did she recognize names like christian hossoi or stacy peralta she was also clumsy as frick three she had been friends with or partied with countless cool celebrities everyone from the punk kids from the 1984 movie suburbia to big name la rock bands like motley crue she would try to add authenticity to this by referring to celebrities by their first names tommy and nikki used to hang out at my apartment after shows the funny thing was her timing was always off the same years she was supposed to be getting her degree at san diego state she was also living in hollywood and had an apartment right off the sunset strip four she had also been a model in la and her photos appeared in national magazines i'm trying to be nice but this girl was not even close to being model material she wasn't even cute she was also about five feet six and had no body at all she never once produced photographic evidence that she had modeled five this is the best one if i hadn't heard her say it with my own ears i wouldn't have believed it sometime right after high school she lived in the uk another lie you know what she did in england she donated one of her eyes to david bowie that's why he has two different colored eyes i am not making this up she actually told this story in front of people i'm noticing a pattern female compulsive liars all claim to have been pregnant while male compulsive liars all claim to have been in the military or killed a bear i had a girlfriend who would constantly lie about stupid things the worst there was when i was driving home i saw her walking home with her ex-boyfriend who she said she was trying to avoid i casually texted her asking what her plans were for the day and she said she was going over to his house to pick up some stuff she left there so not thinking much about it i was really surprised when she called me crying later that night when i was hanging out with friends to tell me her ex-boyfriend hit her when she tried to take something he claimed was his she told me this elaborate story about how her threw her to the ground and abused her then his father came in when he heard her screaming and beat him in front of her it sounded really traumatic and i was concerned for her so i dropped everything to go over and see her and spent the night cuddling and trying to calm her down found out a week later that she'd gone over to his house and made a move on him to get back together the abuse she was talking about was him likely pushing her off as she threw herself at him as she'd been trying to do since before we started dating his dad wasn't even in the country i am a vampire and my wings are growing in a couple weeks they'll be fully out and i'll just walk around with my wings sticking out even at school true freaking story he was dead serious and the guy had never touched drugs or alcohol in his life he just started in with this one day in the middle of my conversation about a dream i'd had about a vampire with wings at first because of my own story i thought he was making a cheesy subtle sarcastic type of comment to mean he was the guy of my dreams nope nope he lied a lot i knew and i'd known him for a few years but this was one of those things i just wanted to fricking hit him for and walk off though instead i just laughed it off and avoided him for the rest of high school after that had a friend who lied all the time the one that i still remember is him swearing on his life that his father owned a 1962 dodge mustang riyaite there was this chick in my middle school who told everyone that her elderly bus driver was planning to rape her because somehow she just knew it she got him fired and this is why america's legal system is freaked my ex-friend's mom told me she can set things on fire with her mind also nikki sixx is madly in love with her they met when she was a teenager and she miscarried his baby she knew the cure before they were a band despite the fact she would have been no older than 11 or 12 at the time and she's never left the us apparently when her kids were young she lied to them about a boyfriend she had who they never saw heard from but supposedly he had bought them a house so she drove them to it they were peering inside the windows only to see a family in their eating dinner the family was pee started freaking out at these strangers watching them eat and the police were called she still insists that this ex-boyfriend of hers is real and that he stalks her i've posted this elsewhere but it fits in my freshman and sophomore year of high school i had the privilege of knowing kelsey the most prolific pathological liar you will ever meet among her tales of being a psychic medium having every natural disaster possible happened to her when she lived in another state and her ability to talk to animals kelsey got pregnant about three times now teen pregnancy is a very real thing but this girl would tell you she was a month along and then come into school the very next day saying she had miscarried reminder this happened at least three times at which point you'd think a doctor would probably have to intervene then she actually did have a child at 17. when i was a teenager my female friends put me through so many omg i'm a week late time pregnant scares i were followed with i miscarried omg a few weeks later young women's reproductive systems being what they are i assume they decided to dramatize consciously or through ignorance a late period as a pregnancy miscarriage situation my buddy has one of our high school classmates convinced that he spent his christmas vacation stranded on a fishing boat off the coast of iceland with a former icelandic special forces operator a bikini model and a third person i can't remember every time my buddy would see this guy he'd add a new aspect to the story a steamy encounter with a model a drunken poker game a gory encounter with a seal and this kid would eat it up even though these icelandic people have names like bob and carey to top it off my friend had been posting to facebook throughout christmas break referencing the fact that he was at home in california not really a pathological lie bit a lie nonetheless and a funny one in middle school this girl told me that her grandparents owned half of pepsico and that she wrote lyrics for hillary duff songs she also said she was suicidal and her grandparents would take me and my other friend to chicago to navy pier and then six flags if she didn't kill herself which was strange then she said she had to wear the same shirt every day because she was going poor even though she is an air of pepsi this one made me sad i think when you are younger children lie for different reasons than an adult might makes me wonder what was going on in her life then and prior to this stephen fry's nose is a fashion statement and he can flip it either way the producers then subsequently mirror the video if so so as to not shock the viewers one of my friends from college told our group the worst lie he could have chosen back in december he told us that he had gone to the doctors and was informed that he had cancer and could die in three months he showed us letters from doctors and started giving us his possessions the night he told us i broke down in front of him because i had just lost my grandmother to cancer a few months earlier he still continued with this despite that saying he wouldn't be back the next semester he would be taking all of his money and buying us each a present to remember him he didn't and then he would blow his life savings travelling well we found out he didn't have cancer and that he wanted his stuff back what had actually happened was that he got kicked out of the university after achieving the appalling gpa of 0.5 and committing two counts of major plagiarism it was high school graduation and we were all standing in a line ready to come out and take our seats when this girl a few spots ahead of me finds a special honor society collar that someone accidentally left on the floor she looks around for the owner for all of two minutes before she decides to take it and wear it she even stood up when they called out names for the honor society i was seriously flawed with that one turns out that over the years my former best friend would make out little ladies and stories they were harmless but scaryly elaborate four years ago she told me she met a guy when she decided to go out to a shopping center by herself apparently this guy was enthralled with her and approached her started talking to her and asked her out but unfortunately he lived halfway across the country so they kept up an online relationship for about a year a few months ago i brought him up and she told a completely different story like she didn't remember anything about what she originally told me this time she said that they met on an mmorpg and that they broke up because he didn't log on for three months she was just embarrassed that she liked a dude on wow lol if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 21,337
Rating: 4.9334564 out of 5
Keywords: pathological liar, pathological lying, pathological liar interview, compulsive liar, liar, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: sMrGQefKr80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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