What Happened To That "Model Student" At Your School?

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what happened to that model student in your school last I heard he was at you muck working on prosthetic limbs very bright kid I ran into him a few years ago when his mom was doing my sister's hair for prom she had a barber chair in her basement we played guitar hero together for a few minutes and just sort of chatted like we were back in high school it's one thing to be smart but it's another to be smart into hard worker I'm glad he's doing well he got a PhD in mathematics and teaches and does research at one of our top universities I ran into him while grocery shopping one day and he was telling me about what a pain-in-the-butt it is to convince the university to give you grants or whatever so getting paid to do research is hard he also seemed kinda lonely another guy got his PhD in astrophysics he teaches statistics classes my uncle got a PhD in physics now he's a carpenter dropped out of his full ride in engineering to do freakin Amway one of the greatest guys I've ever known until that point then he just become this annoying pushy guy that everyone avoided he just wanted to be his own boss he deferred his final year at university depending on who you believe either because of depression or because he's straight-up tried to kill himself during that year off decided not to go back and now his teaching English in I think Nepal but maybe Bhutan somewhere in the Far East anyway good for him I think he never seen all that happy in high school but he was always a nice enough guy and I hope his life is what he wants it to be rather than what other people expected of him currently taking my senior year off due to depression as well but I was definitely no model student beforehand was undiagnosed before makes a lot more sense now the model student of my high school went to the same College as the rest of us he'd never really been in a relationship and was the kind of guy who would wear jeans to the beach the jeans comment we were in puto Rico if that helps make sense every morning before class he'd show up with a newspaper and read and always be informed about politics or the latest happenings I love that guy preface to when we go to college and he gets into engineering he meets this girl that's a total party girl albeit in engineering too she's super into hip-hop and rap and late parties and drinking she was his polar opposite half way through our undergrad he just decides he wants to get married out of our group of friends he was the first and we thought he was insane for just marrying into his first real relationship with someone completely unlike him they've been together for about 18 years now have three kids and both are very successful as engineers I'm so happy for him I was waiting for this to take a dark turn glad it didn't top student went to her elite college all on a full-ride scholarship last I heard he'd gotten the masters in some crazy engineering field and had a really nice internship now the second highest student really flicked it all up he was given also given a full ride scholarship to an elite college was even given a free iphone and a ton of other goodies if he went at the time though he was dating one of my friends she was extremely manipulative cleany dramatic and was known around the school for being easy she also cheated on every single one of her boyfriends but he didn't care he was in love and she would never do that to him they were dating for about two months before graduation and all through the summer months before he left for college a week before he left she pulled some dramatic Bulls the I can't stand to be so far away from you kind of crap they attempted a long-distance relationship he was only an hour away but she just couldn't handle it one week into the semester he dropped out lost the scholarship and began going to a Community College down the street from her house halfway through the semester he found out she was cheating on him she had been going on to dating sites and banging every guy she could find they broke up and he never finished his two years at the Community College I see him a couple times a year he's been working at the same Walgreens since he dropped Outta Community College seven years ago he can't afford to go back to the elite college and he hasn't dated anyone since her it's just sad also he gave the absolute cringe speech at graduation it was clearly all alluding to frickin and he declared his undying love for his girlfriend at the end it was gross poor guy went from head over heels in love with a bright all-expenses-paid future to forever being in retail sucks god I feel bad for the guy but he legitimately ignored all the red flags he was brilliant went to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge and then he became an accountant man could have changed the world with that brain of his common man could have changed the world with that brain of his at least the books will be balanced at the end of q1 she died of cystic fibrosis as a kid I wondered why she was coughing all the time and would be absent for weeks miss you Bridget oh that's rough she's literally the best person I know she does cancer research she rescued a dog she volunteers to feed the homeless and takes up collections of feminine hygiene products for homeless women and distributes them herself she's beautiful smart and she's a good person one day you'll find out she ran over and killed someone when she was a teenager and just bailed because she didn't want to ruin her life we went to a super hard engineering school in California only one student had a GPA of above 3.5 while I really wanted to hate on the guy out of jealousy and whatnot he was super cool and everyone loved him right before our last spring break we were all talking about how we were going to spend our time off at Steven the 3.9 GPA guy said he was a little freaked out but he was going to go for his first skydiving experience it was super sad heading his name called in roll call the next quarter with no response since his skydiving instructor who was strapped to him had a heart attack on the way down and never opened the chute I never could figure out how they could tell that he had a heart attack but what do I know he actually didn't live up to the hype or whatever it was up until high school he was one of the best students of his school high school and then went to a pretty average uni for higher education from what I'm hearing he is a pretty average student now that happens I was a high-scoring student up until halfway through sixth grade then I then went on to be pretty average scoring a bit higher and slowly dropping to average the one who had the highest GPA in my school ended up taking to gap years and showed up in the same bachelor program that I did when I was in my third year which I found a little funny but smart on her for taking the time to decide what she wanted to do I haven't heard from her since I graduated and changed majors but I'm sure she's killing it at first I thought you meant you were both contestants on the same season of The Bachelor she's into cancer research and she's married to me : never imagined that second thing would happen when we were in school barely spoke to her then model student I went to a high performing school in my estate so most students are undertaking law or engineering but one student stands out she had ginger hair a charming disposition a friendly demeanor athletic top 10 students was the only school captain that didn't suck and acted like they were better than others very competitive school öand was a great personality known among the girls and guys we only graduated five years ago she's halfway through her master's and it's always great to catch up with her we usually intersect during some sort sporting activity she could have done law or medical related discipline as other editors have commented regarding the model student but she's doing sport science and I think physio for Posey bird you know those people who are so genuinely at humble and successful that not fake yeah she's one of them it isn't only her personality and academic achievements that made her sorts in high esteem she was very attractive and beautiful so I guess it was a perfect formula quite a red gem I wish her success in her career and contentment in her personal life I met a girl at a party who was like this all successful and sporty and a smart and everything and insanely humble and kind people like that are a dime a dozen apparently I'm not like the girl and I'm failure who doesn't know what a dimers one became a surgeon and the other is a Harvard professor the third got sucked into his dad's business and didn't end up that well unfortunately he ended up at the one of the best universities in the country graduated and freaked out a little and was traveling the world with no plans of working whatsoever it was me low standards school I flunked out of university due to depression when my stepdad died became a secretary and didn't amount to anything in anything until last year when an old boss of mine got an awesome position in a company and called me to offer an interview for an assistant position for another manager I'm now at 36 studying to finish law school because my manager offered me a better deal when I graduate in a year give or take it's hard let me tell you starting the climb at 36 but not impossible and I've never felt better as a lawyer let me tell you that being a secretary is not nothing most law firms depend totally on their secretaries he was my best friend he would pick me up for school we played three sports together so he always drove me home after practice and we had a lot of the same classes too he was very bright and business-minded 4.1 GPA and full scholarships to some really good schools about four months before graduation during track season he started smoking weed he liked it so much he pretty much started skipping school to smoke with older folks and long story short he's in prison now for selling see he had a fast fall from glory I miss him my advice is don't forget about him young people can get over their mistakes and go on to live productive lives I have friends who recovered from C addiction they were in their mid-twenties when they saw the error of their ways went back to college graduated doing well now dude spoke math like we speak English and he wasn't a seventh he was sociable and even did marching band which cost him the valedictorian spot even though everyone knew he was the smartest kid in school the school let him do self-study his last two years of high school because he ran out of math classes to take he went to Harvard and took a leadership role on their math team his freshman year dude committed suicide after being relentlessly hounded for his physical orientation in my crappy little hometown I guess idk if he was the model student without marred a lot about him very hard-working did all the student government and stuff like that great grades never got in trouble super genuine and super nice to everyone no matter who they were I have no doubt that he was on the path to living a really successful and fulfilling life too bad we still live in a day and age where high school kids still ki slurs into someone's car over their physical orientation s mhm this is something that makes me glad my friend had a mental breakdown sounds terrible but that is what got him to a City Hospital and out of the small town we are from they helped him a ton and he finally admitted he is gay stayed in the city and has been doing great obviously would be better if that town wasn't so homophobic but at least my friend got better the valedictorian in my high school went on to make his paintings in college that he titled 37 ejaculations with Pollock in mind I'd link to a local news article that details everything but I don't know if that's allowed the hero we probably deserved but not the one we need right now he always said he should be President turns out he spent the last eight years working for the Obama administration in some capacity he keeps his cards close to his chest on social media and I'm not sure exactly what he's doing now but he seems like he's doing pretty freaking well for himself overall our class valedictorian also worked for Obama for 80 years we could be talking about the same person except my classmate also invented the rubber Live Strong bracelets concept and simultaneously became a millionaire right out of HS valedictorian went to a school close to home good school though became a teacher close to home and hasn't left our shabby little mountain town but whatevs if that's what they wanted good for em Scotland here we didn't really have model students of notice but a boy I was the top physics class with has went on to do work with NASA and the ISA I believe I did become a mechanical marine engineer now in office side management of engineering but is is much cooler got her first boyfriend at 19 dropped out of college got knocked up now living with him and raising all three kids while he smokes drinks and bounces between crappy jobs the Simpsons did it I guess that would be me I had the best GPA in high school got a PhD became a wildlife biologist swim with whales study birds and Galapagos Tortoises that took a couple years off at one point to go play music and Brazil and I still go back every year for Carnival mostly now I work on baleen whales and sea turtles got field work in Hawaii coming up next month I'm writing books now and have about 50 published science papers never made a ton of money but that was never my goal I'm happy and I'm free and life is always interesting that is dope AF ro marine biology was one of those things I wanted to do but alas I dropped bio so the dream is over for me Charlie died of cancer shortly after getting advanced degrees in chemical engineering at Duke mark vanished off the face of the earth has a really common last name so Google just returns a bazillion heads Mary really serious not exactly pretty we went to the same University and I'd see her occasionally somehow she managed to snag one of my party pals a guy who hardly ever cracked a book and they are pretty happily married with two sons he owns his own business she's Superintendent of Schools in their town I would never have guessed they would end up together TL DR the ugly chubby kid at school with genius level of intelligence now - and paid manual work and live off someone else wallet because he is good with his dog and he never been happier we were going to a very rural high school he always said that he didn't knew what to do in life even if it was obvious that he was leagues above the rest in the intelligence department he was a walking nerd stereotype awkward social interaction quoting Star Trek reading books all the time and of course chubby and not so pleasant to look his family was poor he didn't even had a microwave or computer at home he ended up in the college in the closest town during general STEM program to enter at university but still didn't knew what to do and got pretty depressive about it our curriculum is different from the US we go to college to prepare for university but our back are shorter it's the same at the end money was sigh tight he couldn't take to work with no goal so he decided to literally pick a college program at random and ended in computer sciences he haven't even booted a computer in his life up to this point he absolutely hated it because it was too easy he busted his butt off to get money to go to university but still not knowing what to do in his life so he stick to computer science but was getting very depressive with his lack of goals then he made a sweet girl veterinarian student a bombshell and ended up with her he is now very happy being at home raising the kids and doing Reno in the house there was this kid in my school captain the baseball team and played on the badminton team got a 98% average by the end of high school every teacher loved him and every student had at least one good experience with him throughout the years he used to come to school holding a different random be the best who can be booked on top of his other textbooks and various extracurricular stuff he was voted valedictorian for the school and even though it's Canada and no one cares we all cheered and agreed it was well-earned there was various mumblings we was off to Queens or Yale or Princeton for engineering and science but no one knew what we would pick his home life was weirdly unknown no one really thought about it or noticed six months later a wave of comments circulated on Facebook amongst the people I know from that school turns out he killed himself before ever started University and people were just finding out turns out he did it because he couldn't handle the horrible pressures of the succeed or else attitude his parents had that none of us had ever seen they used to force him to do all those things and assigned him these success books every week because they wanted him to be the best he could be kid was dying on the inside because he never got time to be a kid I never did find out what happened with the parents or attend the funeral as I was off to university by then but someone everyone considered to be the model student was just caught lying about having stage 4 breast cancer for around four years he even collected almost 30k dollars from about 400 of us and did updates all the time on the GoFundMe account and Facebook the most disturbing part of the entire thing to me is that she was posting about her illness for three years before someone convinced her to start a GoFundMe account serious mental illness she got knocked up by a much older married guy he left his wife and now they have two kids and a farm I believe they just thumbed to make a living nothing she needed to be so uppity about in school I found her really annoying in high school I got paired up with her for a group project once it was like the teacher deliberately paired up a biggest underachiever with the biggest overachiever having a hard time figuring out who is under overachiever he started smoking pot which wasn't a big deal until it became his whole identity then he started drinking a lot he went from top of our class to just another graduate he also used to be my best friend he stopped talking to me when I would t give him rides to a house to get high last I heard he was married to a stripper and harrassing Chinese tourists for money to buy si he became a neurosurgeon always had one s German equivalent today in school both parents teachers but we we're friends during childhood anyway I had a c64 and then an Amiga to play games this made me attractive when young I dated her for a while it was great having someone that you could have intelligent conversation with all the time and who I just knew was going to be successful in life we broke up she's at university now to become a doctor which is amazing because I know she'll do amazingly but I do worry about her the amount of effort he puts into school and her education is awesome but she doesn't spend enough time caring for herself or focusing on her own mental and physical health problems because of it there's no balance at all there which is such a shame because it could really be her downfall that sounds like a girl I was friends with in high school she worked very hard and went to triple major at her college and is now studying abroad I'm so proud of her and hope she excels in life because she deserves it graduated college became severely depressed unemployed no aspirations anymore and struggles to perform basic tasks such as sleeping or eating or TLDR me peace my friend we are all dying slowly and our achievements are only temporary take heart in finding the little ways you can contribute to improving the world that's a good place to find meaning I graduated valedictorian and got a full ride to a great college lost my mom to cancer after freshman year and I let go of my grades I lost my scholarship and worked my way through the rest of school ended up taking five years instead of four and got a degree in literature my last semester I got knocked up I was super Christian and it was basically my first time freaking I had to have a baby there was no other option being so religious my family pressured me into moving in with the baby as dad and I didn't know any better at the time when she was born I realized a lot of things I left her dad when she was a year old or so and it was very difficult the baby and I stayed with friends for a couple years and I took any and every job I could to pay for daycare soldiering Rick showing custom cabinet building journalism I learned how to do a lot of things after those two years which were very hard because I didn't have a place of my own I was able to rent one I went back to school a community college for a degree in computer programming because writing didn't pay the bills and then got a really good job as a programmer I bought a house one year ago I am no longer religious if anything Buddhist as far as philosophy and I am no longer hurt my daughter is brilliant and beautiful and the light of my eyes we have a dog and a cat I have learned how to build houses one day soon my job will be building houses for single parents I want a house the world watch me late fragment Raymond Carver and did you get what you wanted from this life even so I did and what did you want to call myself beloved to feel myself beloved on the earth as an older single mom and student I'm so grateful to hear of your wishes to help single parents over the years struggling I've had ideas pop into my head off certain thing that would help single parents in tough situations I'm glad you are acting on yours I wish of the best this girl I knew in high school was super stuck up and basically planned on being valedictorian she ended up salutatorian SB anyway she was so convinced she was going to an Ivy League school that she only applied to Ivy League schools got rejected and ended up going to Community College she perfectly aced the Sat she graduated from Princeton and on a roll with a degree in computer science worked for Microsoft and is now a professor at Princeton yowzer I just wanted to inform you all that yes she is hot also I know her in real life she's my age 23 year old yet he accomplished all of that before 23 crazy erection she is actually getting her PhD at Pennsylvania not a professor have some goddamn respect and remove her name Jesus dude this is the Internet the girl with the best better grades in my year went on becoming a kindergarten teacher she was good in learning for tests and writing whatever each teacher wanted to read but she wasn't bright in any other way back in the day we jokes about it but today I guess she followed her heart and chose wisely has a family now is happy and modest you say this as if being a teacher isms an honorable career she's still one of the sweetest people I know and one of my closest friends she became a nurse but after having kids decided to be a stay-at-home mom she lives modestly because of it but wealth and prestige were never had goals she just does the best she can at whatever she sets her mind to doing and this is usually pretty freakin awesome she got back into painting recently which I loved seeing she's always learning and always trying to better herself this model student was head girl of my high school and was in my graduating class last year she was known by everyone as a smart dedicated student and acted as such passed final exams with extremely high marks and was set to go a prestigious university but saw her on one of her friends snapchat story the other day smoking ham in a dingy looking house Oh times change she was my girlfriend in early high school last I heard she married a rich guy 20 years older than her owned a construction company rich he's fat and gross our prom queen is now a successful lifestyle model for a few different brands is engaged to a guy who looks like he should be a fitness model I am okay with this because she was as a genuinely nice and awesome person hey may as well give her some attention while I'm here she's at Jess beam on Instagram he's a scientist the kid's parents were Pakistani and he had a full beard as a freshman so he'd buy us beer he didn't even really drink but is a great guy without senior class president and he is now some kind of genetic scientist now live up to the hype if you are on here jack thanks for all the beer most of them are doctors or engineers only one of them graduated with a higher GPA than me but all the ones I was in classes with went on to be very successful me though graduated with a 4.0 6 marks off 4 or better on AP tests in HS VP et CET see that's not important graduated 2009 definitely her model student went to an Ivy League school for three years before I decided that college wasn't for me moved around a few states doing random odd jobs meeting a lot of people and gaining perspective importantly I spent a few years doing a ton of things people told me I couldn't do turns out I actually could learned a lot I've been everything from a cashier at Walmart in Florida to working as a restaurant GM in Baltimore lots of people were confused by my choices and called me wasted potential burnout etc I'm now an electrician very happy with my career and life direction I think it's kind of harmful to some kids to pigeonhole them into one role I know I felt a lot of pressure to be perfect and a doctor or lawyer even though I knew I wanted to be a blue-collar worker before I even went to college I guess the reason I'm posting this is because I know I'm not the only one with a similar story and I know posts like this can make people feel less than always did for me point being you're on the right path and it's okay follow your path and be the best you a lot of that was probably off topic feel free to down vote me but I felt a need to post this he topped all his classes and won a bunch of awards at a prestigious British University and has since become a barrister at a very young age specialising in construction law it actually makes me sad he's got plenty of time left to do something significant I know if the fellow was the smartest guy I ever met and an astonishingly good orator seeing him defend big companies from lawsuits seems like a real waste of potential he also cut ties with everyone from school after leaving most people think it's cause we know some embarrassing stories about him nothing abnormal just standard kid stuff but my theory for a while has being that he's gay and just didn't want to come out don't think that I implied he wasn't successful yeah the guy's entitled to do what he wants equally I'm entitled to wish he'd done something different than what he has I think you're radically overestimating how bothered I am try to chew out there is actually so much money to be made in construction law it's not even funny good for this guy sauce me I'm in construction if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 192,243
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Keywords: school, school stories, student, student stories, goodbye model student, model student, what happened, life story, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: ruzlnRz7DKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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