What Story You Were Never Able to Tell? | People Stories #463

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what's that story you've never been able to tell this is probably going to get lost but i just want to put it out into the void i'm a recovering drug addict i dropped out of school but would still show up on campus to pick up drugs or meet people i was sitting outside the cafe one night waiting on some pills i weighed 100 pounds soaking wet and hadn't eaten in days there was this girl in the honors program with me when i was still enrolled and we had many classes in that program together she was a unique young lady my friend and i bullied her in the past and didn't try to hide it she walked by and asked me how i was and i was so clearly sick there was an awkward silence and she asked me if she could buy me some food she took me into the cafe and bought me a cookie i said thank you and we parted ways i cried so hard that night i was overwhelmed with guilt and gratitude and shame i never saw her again that was about eight years ago and i remember it clearly down to what i was wearing i don't remember her name but i will never forget her kindness it was a bright moment in an otherwise sad time in my life wherever she is i wish i could thank her i am so proud of you for carrying on i am so proud of you for accepting the cookie she probably thinks of you too and hopes you are doing okay i found out when i was 28 that my dad's side of the family had been in the witness protection program my entire life and that their names were not what i had been told jesus what are they hiding from i work at a cinema and while doing a general check that everything is operating smoothly a peculiar movement caught my eye this particular session was a father's day session for pixels back in 2015. the entire crowd consisted entirely of fathers and their young children except for the young couple freaking in the back row poor innocent 16 year old me fresh on the job was gobsmacked and i froze much like a deer in the headlights i couldn't bring myself to give them the old hay please stop freaking thanks so the manager gave them the awkward tap on the shoulder cut to the end of the film the manager and i are at the exit waiting to see the faces of the culprits straight out the door operating at some serious paces my sister's best friend and her boyfriend both surprisingly were clearly in a great mood until she made eye contact with a stunned ethnopian no face has ever gone from all smiles to utter horror so quick about six months ago i was very close to suicide i actually was about to do it thinking about killing myself and at one point i had agreed to myself i would end it i got home that night and it was just me and my cat as my fiance was at work my cat i think she knew i was sad and she never sits in people's laps sat up in my lap and proceeded to flip on her belly and play wrestle with my hand i broke down for about three hours my fiance came home knowing none the wiser bill had brought my favorite dish from her work brewery cause she knew i was feeling down i've never told her that was the night i decided not to pull the trigger it's so easy to become overwhelmed in this world i'm glad to hear you decided to stay i hope you are too i didn't know this until after but apparently when you're a raging alcoholic you lose out on rem sleep but lose out on enough rem sleep and your body forces you to kind of dream while awake leading to auditory hallucinations i'm at my job and the week before found out that if i only drank in the morning and not also at lunch i'd get the shakes before the end of the day i skipped a couple lunch drinks and started hearing things at the end of the day problem was i didn't know i was hearing things first day i hear the wheel of fortune chant coming from a meeting room a lady walks by and i ask her if she hears it too i'm sure she had no freaking clue what i was asking second day i hear chanting for someone named erica in the conference room this made sense because i used to work at a place that employed someone named erica who did marketing visits at agencies like my former place of employment third day i'm at home and i hear my roommate yelling at me yeah he's being a pee because his dad smoked a cigarette my dad used to smoke and had also had a heart attack recently i thought he was crap talking me so i yell from my room i said heart attack not cigarette to be his girlfriend and him came up and were like dude what is going on we're not even talking is everything okay over the next couple weeks i tried to sleep without drinking but i ended up sleeping one hour or so and during the night i'd grind my teeth so freaking hard they felt loose the next morning i started to realize the past couple months had been filled with auditory hallucinations and i was probably just yelling at people randomly anyway i've been sober for a little over six years now my mother told me this because i honestly don't remember i was around the age of five seven we were at my grandfather's apartment and right outside of his door i stopped and turned around and said in very serious voice grandfather's dead turns out i was correct died in his sleep i didn't understand the concept of mortality at the time so this understandably freaked out both my parents when i was a college freshman i tried to boil three eggs then fell asleep i woke up to a smell i went to the stove and the water was completely gone from the pot so like an idiot i got some water in a big bowl and poured it into the pot you probably know where this is going the eggs exploded like dynamite scalding hot egg hit my face it blew me back and knocked me to the floor here's the scary part i felt my face and looked at the egg on my finger but thought it was burnt skin coming off my face i almost started crying how badly burned was i that that my facial skin came off to the touch i walked to the bathroom shaking and looked in the mirror i expected to see a horribly disfigured face but i saw egg and eggshells i wiped it with my hand and felt incredible relief i also felt incredibly stupid but so what right i spent the next hour cleaning egg off the ceiling the walls the floor etc my face was red for a couple days remember when the world was supposed to end in the 21st of december 2012 that night a bunch of my friends and i were hanging out in my apartment smoking a lot of weed and playing games we made a bunch of jokes about the world not having ended i was pretty young and dumb so i actually had had some anxiety about that it felt good to laugh it off we go on my balcony to have a cigarette and watch the sunset out of nowhere there's an enormous explosion and the sky flashes lime green we all stop talking and stare as the sky flashes green pink yellow and there are these crazy indescribable crackling noises i'm stoned as a bee and i decide this is it it's happening i go into emergency preparedness mode for the alien invasion and for some reason start filling my bathtub with water i think it was so we'd have water to drink if we were hiding from aliens and the water lines got interrupted i'm stupid we all run around yelling and freaking the frick out for about five minutes while the sky continues to strobe near colors so what had happened was a transformer blew somewhere nearby no idea that this was what happened in that circumstance but due to the date i was not the only one to lose it but my mother was out and one of her companions fell to her knees and started praying the rosary for the second coming when the sky started changing colors never found a good time to share that story but it cracks me up and i still catch crap for the freaking bathtub lol this actually is a good survival tip you need water to survive and if the water supply gets interrupted or contaminated you're freaked so good on you for trying to keep your friends hydrated in the event the water supply went down in elementary school we had a program called d-a-r-e where a police officer would come into our class and teach us about the dangers of substance and alcohol abuse at the end of the year he prompted us to write an essay about what we learned over the course of the year in dre he also advised us that the author of the best essay in the class would receive a stuffed lion appropriately named darren now i really wanted this lion but the problem with that was my writing skills were those of a typical third grader there was no way that anything i wrote about my time in dre would stand out enough from my fellow classmates to win darren so i did what any desperate 10 year old would do google d-a-r-e essay contest winners and then plagiarized the first one that came up in my searches but now this was done diligently carefully proofreading to ensure that i wasn't going to turn in an essay with somebody else's name in it somewhere i went through and changed phrasing or a word here and there but by no means would it pass through turnitin com with less than 90 plagiarized confident in my chances of winning darren i turned in the essay to mr officer and what do you know a week later we had our end-of-year reception at the municipal building which also contained the police station he listed the top three essays third place second place and then he said holding darren the best d-a-r-e essay submitted this year was written by a soy curry come on up here get your darren stuffed animal and read your s8 to us please i was so excited i won the animal it was never even a thought that crossed my mind that i would have to deliver this speech so i reluctantly walked up took my stuffed animal and all i can remember at this point is shaking so bad it looked like i was going to fall over at the mic all of my classmates all of their parents and the entire local municipalities worth of police officers with their full attention on me a ten-year-old little fraud of a student who to this day it's one of my most shameful moments and i still have darren sitting on my desk for discouragement from copying others work it's almost like they knew and wanted to shame you for good six years ago i was in svalbard walking to my accommodation out of town with shopping and light snow mid-winter little visibility a guy on a snowmobile drives up behind me and asked where my gun was they suggest you always have one for polar bears i didn't have one and he was like you crazy get on the snowmobile there's a polar bear in town so i did shopping bags and all lucky me wonderful pick-up line so to speak i was a lonely kid in the mid 2000s and i joined chat rooms like most kids teens my age i was a little younger than the average kid on there as far as i knew so i lightened up my age on them said i was 15 or 16 instead of 11 or 12 i never gave actual info i said i lived in a different state almost always gave a fake name i thought i was clever i mostly used the sights to either talk to girls my age about life in school and boys or b role play chat with boys because my family was very strict and religious and i was curious about sex i was super inexperienced and thought i could get some information or at least explore some different feelings from it looking back that could have gone terribly wrong however it was the former reason that got me in trouble a few years after my parents found out about the chat sites and grounded me permanently from the internet without supervision anyway my dad got a call at work from an fbi agent located in our state asking about me being his daughter and my email address i had foolishly given a girl my email address and exchanged names and small talk before she asked to exchange pictures she sent one first and it was so weird it freaked me into not sending one the picture was so overtly sexual that i was just not entrusted i forgot all about her after that turns out she was some 40 year old child p collector in a different time zone who was getting pictures from kids and swapping them around with other pedos it was a very complicated but apparently normal thing for those types of people my email had been found in his computer and so they had to talk to us since i was still a minor i didn't reply with a picture so they weren't too worried about it i wasn't much help i don't think i still refer to that person as a whole when i think about it or when i tell someone like my so the fb lady called later to tell my parents he had been found guilty and sent to prison i don't know his name i don't want to it definitely freaked me out for a long time hum funny story my high school band director was sent to prison for doing that very thing in the mid 2000s there's my i don't want to talk about it moment 2014 it was my first night in college my roommates strangers didn't show up we lived in a three-story apartment complex with four apartments each level in a freshman building well the neighbors are partying and i get out of my comfort zone and walk outside outside some guys are drinking and one of the guys invites me into party and so begins my college experience lo and behold i get wasted just like many of the others i head back to my apartment on the same level and the party has moved slightly to my apartment but there are just like six people there i start asking people to leave as i'm going to bed but i'm so drunk i know i don't care if they stay or go i go to my room and there is a guy crashed in it i tell him he doesn't need to leave but please move over and he does i wake up and freak out because i have a boyfriend i checked to make sure we didn't have sex no but you came into my apartment asking everyone to leave and told me i could stay in your bed and hopped in confused i asked him to clarify dude this isn't your apartment took about 30 seconds to realize i just arrived at the wrong apartment and slept in a stranger's bed my first night in college my mum and i used to fight a lot mostly just verbally when i was growing up a few times it got physical but i was always too scared to do anything about it one time i finally stood up for myself when i was about 18 she started hitting me and being 9 inches taller and a good 60 pounds heavier i was able to get her on the floor and stop her from hitting me not saying i didn't get heated either but i was just trying to get her to stop i had no fighting experience or anything anyway after she calmed down slightly i went up to my room to get away from her and pretty soon after the police came round to take me into custody she didn't press charges thankfully but she showed no remorse when i got home even though the whole scenario devastated me for obvious reasons but i'd never really been in trouble before as i was always a good kid growing up not a rule breaker i was so ashamed i've not told anyone about it in the decades since it happened and it was definitely a catalyst for me to cut off all contact with my mother she was the higher power until you defended yourself and she couldn't abuse you anymore so she called for so-called backup don't feel ashamed that's common with abusers back when i was in high school i wanted to approach this girl on a bus on my way to school she was really hot and i knew i'd regret it if i didn't approach her there was one big problem there was a middle-aged lady seated next to her and i couldn't talk to this girl with the lady right next to her i had to think of a quick way to get rid of the lady i then woke up from my seat slowly walked to the row they were seated and calmly asked the lady excuse me mom could you please let me sit next to my sister turns out the lady was the girl's mom i'll admit that is quite ballsy but you really should have seen that coming my uncle sexually assaulted me for a number of times when i was a kid around when i was in primary school i didn't even understand what was happening back then but it just didn't feel good i started to hide whenever he was around either in the closet or under the bed sometimes my younger brother would hide with me too thinking it was some kind of game he eventually stopped coming i later learned that he got divorced with my biological aunt i'm 23 now and has never told one soul about it yet growing up i'm just trying to not let it bother me seems like the older i get the harder it is for me to tell someone physically about it this is the first time i'm writing this online too even then i feel like i'm letting out my burden i'm glad i came across this post i'm not sure if it has something to do with it maybe it does a bit but i still can't get into any serious romantic relationships it's so hard for me to trust guys i even get scared thinking of having sex with someone hope you do better i advise to get professional help from a therapist or talk to somebody you trust about it i moved to the uk from zimbabwe when i was four the first few years my parents spent their whole time trying to settle down by the time i was eight they realized we had never been to london so on a hot june day we went into london we went to the aquarium covent garden to see all the performers on the london eye it was a good day to end the day we went to buckingham palace i was tired so i was resting my head against the bars asking all the questions you'd expect from an eight-year-old after a while my parents said it was time to go i pushed away from the bars and then felt a cold steel against the back of my ears i hadn't noticed my head has slipped through i panicked a crowd gathered i'm probably in many a family photo album even a horse guard came to see what the commission was about but he wasn't expecting a child with his head stuck by then i had accepted this as my new home but i couldn't figure out how i'd go to sleep with a spike on the floor luckily an old lady had a tub of vaseline in her handbag and my dad was able to pull me out with my head smothered in vaseline i like to think the old lady was the queen i grew up in a very conservative household sex was never talked about at all and you knew if you got caught with something you shouldn't you'd be in giant trouble when i was 17 i bought a vibrator i had literally no experience even alone but was super curious the way it worked was you had to screw the bottom of it on to keep the batteries in and to turn it on i put it underneath my bed and thought i had it unscrewed enough that it would stay off until later well i'm downstairs listening to a cd player with my headphones on and suddenly i hear my two young sisters yelling about something and running around the house i take my headphones off and i hear bzzzzzzzzzzz echoing through the house my room was directly above the living room and my floor was wooden they are feeling out thinking there's a wasp in the house or something electrical is about to explode thank god my parents weren't home they probably would have figured it out a lot easier one sister runs upstairs realizes it's coming from my room and i dash ahead of her and just throw myself over the bed to feel underneath it i turn off the vibrator and then tell them my old phone was under there and must have had an alarm on it which made no sense it had been months since i changed phones they don't believe me and think it must be the pipes under my room they tell my parents when they get home that the pipes freaked out my family listens closely for months to see if we need to call a plumber i decided to take my terrible secret to the grave and then ten years later post it on reddit the end when i was in kindergarten i fell asleep on the bus to school no one woke me up i wake up eventually and the bus is empty i panic as any five-year-old does and run to the front of the bus and try the door it's locked it was parked in a kfc parking lot so people were coming in and out of the building i started wailing with terror banging on the glass doors snot pouring down my face and into my mouth as people walk by and point at me they mumbled and got into their car and left by the time the bus driver finally came back out with her chicken meal the entire door was covered in my slobber and tears she instructed me how to open the closed door so she didn't have to put her meal down i was still freaking out obviously and didn't understand so she said put her food down and finally opened the door and asked me what was i doing there she called the school and drove me there still covered in snot i remember walking into my class with everyone standing in a line and hugging me one at a time after that day they made a rule for all bus drivers to get up and walk the bus front to back to make sure no kids get left sleeping aww i loved what your class did that's so amazing i would've been scared shitless if i woke up in an empty silent bus sounds like a surreal experience the night my son was born my wife lost a lot of blood in an instant our delivery room was filled with 25 medical personnel after a rapid response call my wife was white as a ghost and hardly coherent i stood beside her holding her hand while she received emergency blood and plasma and platelets i was in total shock in the moment until my wife locked eyes with me and asked am i dying i lost it i'm losing it's now typing this it was the scariest moment of my entire life and i really have trouble reliving it eight months later wife and baby are happy and healthy give birth in hospitals you never know what can go wrong in the staff there saved her life at night omg my wife almost died a year ago so deeply frightening so happy you guys are okay my mom probably has factitious disorder she used to gather my siblings and i together to announce she has insert cancer or deadly disease here and then make us cry and hug her she has ruined so many of my major life events to rant about herself and all of her illnesses i haven't called to check in on her with everything that is going on because i do not want to hear her hour's long spew of disease and sickness because i always think she is lying she may actually be a serious risk of death from covered 19 and i still don't want to hear her talk about it but she could die and i think i would feel relief i had a chat with one of the most notorious pedophiles in my country it was odd he spoke in a way that made it seem like he was my age i was seven he eventually tried to trick me into touching his dong by buying me a hot dog and a soda i only declined and bailed because i was low-key offended that he put mustard on the hot dog he was offering me the time my mom needed to go back into the house to get a scarf because of this we were held back and missed a bus by 10 seconds that bus then crashed into a bridge at very high speed because the bus driver had mental health problems it is the closest i have ever been to death i will never complain about my mum going back to get a scarf in my life again when i was about 14 i found a slingshot in the woods it was a pretty good slingshot that must have cost a fair bit as it had a metal frame and a thick rubber sling one day my friend and i were on top of a hill out in the countryside and the jogger came running out of the nearby tree line he was some distance away and below us without putting a lot of thought into it i shot a stone just above his head the rock went exactly where i wanted it to but if there was wind or my aim was off or a thousand other factors i would have seriously freaked that jogger up i'm use on that at least once a week i never see my friend and we haven't spoken about it since it happened you almost were a johnny cash song my guy if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 31,444
Rating: 4.8925371 out of 5
Keywords: story time, story of my life, storybots, storytime animated, stories, stories that cannot be told, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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