Who Are the Most Easily Offended People? | People Stories #458

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what's the dumbest thing you've ever witnessed someone get offended by i had a lady very offended because i would not let her hold my few days old baby this was a complete stranger at a grocery store i learned to say to people ha ha i'm a first-time parent and i don't even let my own parents hold her haha seem to do the trick without having to say you perfect stranger can hold my most precious beloved and delicate possession when pigs fly on my whiteboard at work i'd written the slogan no matter what happens somebody will find a way to take it too seriously after about a week someone from hr came by and asked me to remove it because they had received a complaint the irony was worth it i put a happy birthday banner on my cubicle wall at work but i added jesus at the end it was christmas overly religious co-worker didn't approve she didn't like my sorry you're leaving banner at easter and then the welcome back one shortly afterwards years ago a woman came into my work and bought a black stove the guys take the box up there to her and she flips the frick out because the box said negro on it everyone tried explaining to her that it was the spanish word for black but she left there saying we were all racists similarly i've gotten dirty looks for ordering a negro model with restaurant i don't care though because it's delicious at a restaurant years ago and this guy ordered a soup he pulled a bay leaf out of the soup and went freaking mental there's a leaf in my soup and was convinced it was off the tree outside manager continued to explain it to bay leaf an ingredient for flavor and this guy wasn't having it since then any time my wife cooks a soup we treat the leaf like the bean in a cake and whoever finds it gets free rain over being super grumpy as long as it's in a jest i used to frequent to drive through near my job on my lunch breaks after they repeated my order and told me to pull forward i always said thanks before i drove to the window one day the manager comes to the window and says hey i'm gonna tell you something every time you come here and you say thanks it just sounds really rude thanks is something you say with your buddies here you say thank you because you just sound really rude have not been back there since and i immediately reported him to corporate when i got home i worked fast food for four years of undergrad thanks would have made my day i had a drama teacher get mad at me for pretending to be a werewolf in a skit she claimed it was disrespectful of transgenders which i suppose means that transgenders are werewolves to her i guess i offended someone at my work because i insulted their intelligence i run audio at conferences and the presenter kept turning away from his microphone in the middle of his presentation he asks me what's wrong with the mic i tell him there's nothing wrong with it just be sure you speak into it then he got on my after saying don't tell me how to do my job then do your job right and i won't have to don't call me so i'm not rich don't call me sir i work for a living don't call me so i don't live in a castle don't call me mom i'm not old well okay mom a blackberry fanboy buddy of mine got offended when a group of people mentioned that the company wasn't doing well by offended i mean he was red-faced angry spitting while he talked trying to tell them that blackberry has the best hardware i thought his head was going to explode when they laughed at him i had a stranger get upset because i covered my ears when emergency vehicles went by he said i was showing disrespect or something frick that those sirens allowed you salute that emergency vehicle a friend of mine got all pissy when i told him that my mother had to put down my sick dying pet cat apparently because i have no right to decide the death of another animal i shouldn't make an imminent death less painful also i didn't even know that my mother was putting the cat down until i came home from school and heard it from her someone at my school who lived on a farm was upset one day that a farm laborer had found an injured rabbit and killed it with a spade she was horrified that he would do such a thing and claim that he had no right to take another animal's life someone pointed out to her that she was a hypocrite because she went fox hunting and she shook her head and said no that's different nuts when my wife was serving at a restaurant one of her co-workers got yelled at for saying sir to a black guy he claimed that sir was a racial epithet i'm definitely not one of those people who think that most black folks use racism to their advantage but i have never heard officer as an epithet and he did get a free meal out of it i think someone was mixing up sir with boy as a server i once ran food out to a table with a young less than six months old baby dressed in generic brown baby clothing i put the plates down in order and when i got to the baby i asked the mother did she get anything she glares at me with one of the most pee off faces i've ever seen in snarls he's a boy so i did the most logical thing i could think of shrugged said whoops and left all babies just look like potatoes to me i went to a catholic high school in an area surrounded by really awful public schools so we had a good diversity of students from different religious backgrounds whose parents had some money one day we were at lunch and talking about some physics project that involved a kite this was a long time ago memory is not 100 on the details so basically we were all sitting at our lunch table having a conversation when one of my friends was in the middle of saying something along the lines of yeah and then she wanted us to build and fly a kite made out of cardboard well he kind of jumbled his words or something and said [ __ ] instead of kite everyone instantly knew what he meant because of the context of how it was said and i don't think a lot of us even knew that [ __ ] was insulting or even a real word but the one jewish kid that sat at our table heard it and flipped his crap he truly believed that it was a conscious mistake and that the kid who said it was anti-semitic he held onto this grudge for nearly half a year and not a single word exchanged between these two kids other than jew-hating accusations and insults all of us about 20 kids total each had to talk to him and tell him how ridiculous he was acting so we could get back to our normal lunch bowls which consisted of arguing and insulting other tables tl dr two kids didn't speak for half a year because one misspoke kite as [ __ ] for several years i taught a summer school class in filmmaking to elementary schoolers who can be a very sensitive bunch two stories one we were discussing an action scene from firefly and i identified zoe as the black woman a couple kids gasped that's racist one volunteered she's african-american i told them that black was not a racist thing to call people and that zoe could not in fact be african-american because she wasn't from america she was from space two one of the kids had pitched a movie about the civil war and in the discussion the ku klux klan came up not everyone had heard of them so i described them as a club for mean angry people they hate people for being different like they hate black people one of the boys jumped out of his chair mr luke hebb said something racist he was trembling with righteous indignation i didn't say i hate black people i told him i said they hate black people i'm not a member of the ku klux klan that didn't satisfy him so i ended up having to go with look i'm jewish they would hate me too and that calmed him down the way i held my fork while sitting on the couch having a tv dinner in such circumstances i have no time whatsoever for cutlery etiquette you're supposed to use your hands not butt cheeks somebody once complained at my restaurant that their swiss cheese didn't have enough holes in it why would you complain that you were getting more cheese than you were supposed to the holes are always most delicious it's always around the holidays when someone gets offended for another person wishing them happy holidays merry christmas whatever the person meant no ill will they could have easily said nothing yet someone always takes it like a personal assault on their beliefs it makes me so angry because of how irrational it is bought some stuff at target over the holidays the cashier was a younger girl probably late teens and told me merry christmas the look of wide-eyed horror on her face when she realized what she said and then how she looked at me with dread while waiting for my reaction luckily i'm not an overly sensitive baby and said same to you i worked at an aol call center the day after the 2004 super bowl you know the one where janet jackson's titty made its appearance and because aol sponsored the half-time show thousands of people called in to either cancel their accounts and i crap you not called to say they would never sign up for aol because of that titty people would bafflingly wait up to three hours in the cool queue just to say that even though they didn't have aol that exposed titty cemented their resolve to never sign up it was one of the worst days to ever work there worse than 9 11 it was the day that i realized how foolish and petty people can be about one single african-american titty bahaha it was worth wading through the thread to read this comment eating at a locally owned family-run authentic vietnamese restaurant a roommate's boyfriend who i've posted about several times he is basically the epitome of a white male tumblr feminist social justice warrior accused me of culturally appropriating their food and forcing them to cater to me because i am white when i pointed out as a kid my neighborhood suddenly had a large influx of vietnamese immigrants and knew the family personally and have been going to their restaurant for years even bringing every guest couchsurfer to the place he tells me they don't make the restaurant for white people stop smothering them with your privilege but this guy went from a broker's frick vietnamese immigrant to having an insanely popular restaurant people drive from the other side of the city 45 minutes to eat there and 13 years after opening there is always a weight no matter what day or time you go and was able to pay for his three children's college education i think he likes white people money two i have one in college i saw the guy from class on the bus we started talking a bit he starts to tell me about his big plans with maria maria this and maria that i have no idea who maria is so i am thinking and thinking then i remember seeing him being friendly with someone in our class so i said oh that girl in our class and he looked at me with a dead-eye stare and said maria is not that girl she has a name her name is maria he was offended that i wasn't respecting her personhood enough because i called her that girl he then stopped talking to me my mom does that in conversation every time i refer to her as she she gets angry and states i'm not a she i'm your mother i used to serve in a fancy restaurant had a guy get b because i brought him brown sugar when he specifically asked for brown sugar no i want the sugar in the brown packet i used to live with a black guy from the uk one night we went out to a local bar and started talking to some random people a random white woman got upset i called my roommate black during a discussion about something the correct term is african-american according to her even the brits are african-american whole bunch of african-americans in africa once i was at my step-grandfather's house not long after my dad had gotten remarried they were discussing how they were going to drive together to new jersey from maryland and back in the same day to pick up a car of course they'd be getting back late probably 1am or so so my dad said he'd just crash on their couch since he'd be tired probably a 40-minute drive to his house from theirs i told him i'd probably be close by around that time because it was my dnd night and i stay up late anyway so i could pick him up so he could sleep at home if he wanted suddenly i'm met with dead silence and eventually my dad politely declines and says it's okay later he told me not to talk about stuff like dnd around my step family because they're religious for frick's sake i was trying to do someone a favor and because i decide to spend my evenings rolling dice and drinking mountain dew i get the silent treatment tl dr step family think psychosomes are offensive apparently icosahedrons are a gateway device next thing you know you're summoning gazebos from heck i've met people who have been offended by me not allowing them to pat a dog that has ceringomyelia neurological spinal disorder causes immense pain if touched during episodes i explained to them that this dog a cavalier can get aggressive and snappy if he has an episode and it's not something that we can detect easily they told me that i shouldn't be walking an aggressive dog as it may bite someone who wants to pat it well people shouldn't try to pat dogs before asking if it is okay at work one day a woman asked for a riced green tea with light ice she made it a really big deal that she wanted light ice i was still somewhat new and asked my co-worker how much ice was considered light i made the joke that maybe we should use little ice cubes and we laughed about it this woman overheard us and blew up she demanded to speak to my manager and said that we were making fun of her told him they said maybe we should use little ice cubes at this point my manager could see how stupid this situation was and told the woman he would deal with it he just told us not to talk about customers while in hearing distance and went back to work that was manager for stop doing things that makes me have to do things i got in a heated debate with a woman who refused to allow me to call a jamaican friend of mine black she insisted i should refer to him as african-american around 1993 or so when my kids were just small and the family was all going to church baptist we were all at a social and my daughter was wearing some little girl clothing from oshkosh bagorsh and this one really snooty guy from sunday school said he would never allow his kids to wear something so offensive as he considers bagorsh to be taking the lord's name in vain i was so taken back by his statement and attitude that i didn't say anything but in reality he was just trying to prove how super spiritual he was i finally just realized that i didn't have much in common with these people and stopped going when i was a cashier at borders i had one lady get offended because i called her by a man's name the stupid thing was that she was picking up a book her husband had shipped to the store and his name was on order oh you must be the dong who ordered this book i was commuting from albany ny to brooklyn for a little while and would drive past a town called fish kill and why i stopped there once to get gas at the gas station was a bunch of people much more than normal for such a small town i heard them talking about how they were from petra and there to protest the town because it was called fishkill i saw one of the protesters get in an argument with a townie and then heard the townie say kill his dutch for creepy butthole to this day the funniest thing i have ever witnessed a guy friend dressed up as post-vietnam wheelchair-bound lieutenant dan and his girlfriend dressed up like forrest gump for a halloween costume contest at our local bar they won but not before a drink girl had to yell at my friend that his costume was offensive to people in wheelchairs i knew i should have just gone as bubba visiting ny while studying english in boston for the summer in 2003 i was sitting in a bar with other spanish classmates as we were planning what to see and where to go in the city we are speaking spanish between us but with castilian accent and speaking really fast a jamaican look like guy in an expensive suit stops at our table after paying his take out meal and ask us very friendly where are you from guys we smile and say proudly spain d his face suddenly changes to an angry expression he flipped us the bird and said get out of my country m and then left i was once talking about how i visited the grand tetons and talked a little about the geology since i found it very interesting one of the people i was eating lunch with was very offended i suggested something might have happened two million years ago backstory back in 1999 or so a small group of us made the pilgrimage to memphis to spend the weekend eating ribs and touring graceland during a taxi ride from beale back to our crappy motel barreling down 240 at at least 90 miles per hour the taxi driver is completely turned around facing us in the back seat he has sock puppets on both his hands knees on the wheel as we scream and white knuckle anything we can hold on to the sock puppets tells us racist jokes that are so horrible even ridic would be offended he swerved from lane to lane and scared the crap out of all of us it's a miracle we didn't all die the offense years later i was the best man at the wedding of one of the fellow riders in that cab in referencing all the exciting adventures we'd had together i alluded to the racist puppet show in my best man speech a friend of the bride who was in an interracial marriage stood up berated me for being a racist but whole took a gift back from the gift table and left talk about a tense crowd for the rest of that speech i was able to play it off and finish the last half of what i had to say everyone else thought it was a nice speech to be clear i didn't tell the story i didn't repeat any of the jokes all i did was list a series of unrelated yet noteworthy events that occurred during my years of friendship with the groom it was later explained to me that this girl loved playing the race card since she was a white girl married to a black guy when the husband who returned to the wedding with a gift about an hour later explained to her that nothing racist was said only that the word racist had been used as an adjective she was too embarrassed to come back all she heard was the word racist and her instincts kicked in i do not like those kinds of people i was standing at a bus stop with another lady she was yelling on her phone and i was watching a movie on mine we had both just missed the previous button had to wait another 25 minutes or so for the next one given her rather unstable condition she was very upset at something i tried to blend into my surroundings as best to my abilities i didn't last too long she said something rather outrageous along the lines of how her bf cheated on her with someone being stunned i like the restraints to look at her unfortunately we made eye contact and that's where it all went downhill for the next 20 minutes she yelled at me thinking that i was the s that corrupted him she ended every sentence with white-hooded b as i was wearing a white s chemo-like jacket with the hood up apparently she also thought that i grew up in a place called red deer alberta i had to google it afterwards and that i had slept with hundreds of guys for your information i have only ever dated or had sex with a single person just so you get a sense of how stunned i was at these comments i didn't say a single thing to her during this entire 20-minute episode and only talked when i had to convince other boss patrons that i had never met this woman before tldr i'm a white-hooded bee from alberta who slept with every man in town my cousin and his friend were waiting in line at the movie theater to see titanic back in college they're joking around and say something like i wonder what happens at the end of the movie oh i heard the boat sinks and everyone dies the lady in front of them in line was furious and turned around and yelled at them for spoiling the end of the movie i opened the door and let the lady behind me enter first and she got offended and said she could open her own doors funny thing is that i do that for whoever is behind me couldn't care less if it's a guy or girl there was a big uproar in dc samia's back where an official called a budget item niggerly and ended up having to resign because the hate speech police can't use dictionaries this reminds me of when the pediatrician's house was attacked in the uk because people got confused about words at the time the press were whipping the nation into a frenzy about pedos and some poor child doctor got accused of being a child molester on the flip side speedy gonzales the fastest mouse in all of mexico was taken off the air a while back for fear of racial stereotypes that is until a bunch of hispanic groups wrote into warner brothers and said that it was really great to have some of their culture represented in the cartoons and to bring speedy back go figure as a ginger i called another ginger a ginger in reference to her hair and this gingerly girl thought i was a racist ginger isn't even a race a friend in high school couldn't believe i put my seatbelt on when in his car with him driving we didn't stay friends for very long a few years ago i was working in a restaurant a female patron asked me to tell another woman to stop breastfeeding as the sight of breasts offended her all the whilst wearing a rather revealing top which exposed more boobage than the woman breastfeeding whole reason i couldn't breastfeed in public no matter how much i tried i couldn't hide any part of my boob except my nipple i wasn't very good at breastfeeding when i was 16 i moved to the south and was a cashier at winn-dixie i was away from my register stocking candy and noticed someone was waiting for me at my register just as i noticed an older black couple came to the lane i was stocking in and asked if i could check them out and i told them i could at my register and pointed at where i was so i went and rung up the customer who was waiting for me and didn't see the older black couple again at the end of my shift my manager sat me down and said that an older black couple said i had refused to ring them up and that i was racist in white i was 16 and it was my first job and i had moved from california and had never been exposed to racism it ruined my day at the time i have a friend who is allergic to gluten if you ask her about it she gets super crappy and offended naturally we used to like to ask what her diet has to consist of we all used to eat dinner together and it would just come up in conversation from time to time everything seemed just fine then we found out from her roommate that she would come back super p off that we asked her questions we had no clue we just wanted to know and were curious about how many things out there have gluten in them god that girl is awful if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 206,003
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Keywords: easily offended people, easily offended friends, easily offended, offended, unpopular opinions, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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