What's The Most Disturbing Thing You've Seen In Real Life?

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what is the most disturbing thing you've seen in real life I think I've admitted multiple times to being a lowly little social worker my first year working in a domestic violence agency I was meeting with a new client at their safe shelter it was my first day yes my first day and I guess I must have had some kind of skeptical look on my face when this woman was telling me her situation because she began saying you don't believe me do you and before I could reassure her she was lifting up her long dress up to her knees to reveal marbly mangled skin I can't even call her legs they looked freaking terrible not even a National Geographic have I seen flesh look that bad apparently her abuser enjoyed dumping boiling hot water repeatedly on her legs the other disturbing thing was witnessed while working for the same agency this beautiful 18 years old girl had had her teeth drilled out by some crazed dentist in Utah for reporting her Mormon stepfather to SRS after years of him violating her often at night I didn't ask her but she showed me her teeth where her molars were completely caved in and crumbling into her gums she applied and basalt like most 18 years old girls apply chapstick it looked like a botched job and terribly painful I spent the next day buying baby food for an 18 year old and trying not to cry in the grocery store I spent many years as an a nurse once at a hospital in downtown Philly I received a patient who was found down after several days in her home she probably had a stroke and since she was elderly no one came to see her frequently enough to find out when she got to me I and a nursing student set about our basic tasks one of which was to clean her she had multiple stools caked in her underwear I rolled her on her back and cut off her clothes to begin the cleaning my student returned with a basin of soapy h2o and I jokingly told her to hang on as I knew this was going to be distasteful I then pulled her legs open and peeled away the lump of stool which was caked up and into her tea my student recoiled in horror as a wave of galloping maggots crawled from her tea and fanned out across the gurney I estimated them to number in the and they moved almost as a flock or a school dripping like fat raindrops onto the floor I realized that night that I had really seen so much in my career that my mind had been permanently warped and that I'd forever be set apart from all the civilians still I think if I racked my brain I could come up with an even worse story if you clean something like that from someone you deserve something very special in life I hope you get it when I was a nursing student I had a patient with a bad case of necrotizing fasciitis aka flesh-eating bacteria this woman had originally weighed close to 400 pounds and the infection had eaten about 45 pounds of flesh from her hips and groin all the way to the muscle and beyond you could see the muscles contract as she moved she was on some heavy antibiotics which made her still loose and Terry it was my job to help her clean up after she had a bowel movement which involved me sticking my face past the boundary of what would have been her skin had it still been there with my face in this woman's enormous gaping rotting flesh wound I had to do my best to clean the crap from her button the open flesh around it after that was packing the wound with fresh gauze another instance was with the corpse at work after someone dies we give them a final bed bath before we hand them over to the mortician this man had died from an obstructed barrel his stomach was severely distended I would soon find out what was causing the distension we cleaned up his front then rolled him on his side to do his back when we did this he let out another worldly groan ii-era rule ugh is what it sounded like following the noise was the contents of his bowels out of his nose and mouth a good gallon and a half of crap and vomit pouring out of this corpses face yet those two were probably the worst the nursing stories are the only ones that turn my stomach mad props to you folks I could not do what you do I was driving in LA when a person landed five feet in front of my car from what I later found out was eight stories up it was loud and hard sounding not squishy sounding at all he bounced slightly on landing first thing I did was jump out of my car and run over to him I remember I said dude are you okay which I later realized was stupid to say his skull had cracked open and there was blood brain and fesses on the ground just one of the more wild things I've seen partial decapitation in a car accident some drunk driver lost control smashed into and rode up over a little high and I peeling the roof back at the same time it sliced this guy's head off right through the mouth the brain stem and large all were still attached but everything from there up was spread out in the backseat all over his groceries part of his tongue was in the seat next to him this was horrible even worse was the fact that he was still convulsing when I got there and he looked like he was trying to take these big heaving breaths he just wouldn't quit for the longest time infuriatingly there was a small crowd on the sidewalk pointing at him and laughing and yelling Fred fat crap and whatnot be me off poor guy was just going home from the grocery store when this complete butthole kills him and a bunch of other buttholes turns it into their evenings entertainment the guy that hit him drunk teenage redneck was an injured by the way this made me forget all my hopes of buying a sweet little hybrid or all-electric convertible one day and buying the biggest most bad but Fortress of a car I will go 10 miles per hour with five miles per gallon it kills me to think that there are people out there that drink and drive and end up killing innocent people I used to be a rim dealer I have been drugged free and proper member of society for over 10 years now this occurred in 1995 in a western state I was visiting a customer a person who happened to be the adopted son of the owners of a large local auto dealership he was a trust fund kid is what I mean I'll call him dan dan had been purchasing increasing quantities for some time he had the money he was selling as well as using stuff what he bought was feels as a lure to get friends and maintain his social life the town I lived in was a suburb of a much larger metropolitan area and was rather small a week or so prior to this a teenage girl had gone missing I think she was 14 or 15 years old there were flyers up at the grocery stores and gas stations etc it wasn't really something I had on my mind but one couldn't help but be aware I showed up at Dan's with a large quantity of shard and sat on his couch as I always did dad was rather nervous he was always nervous and high so I wasn't really put off we got to chit chatting exchanging this for that etc Dan went straight for a spoon and started cooking a shot something I had never known him to do he was always a smoker I made some comment about him moving up in the world or something like that just trying to ease the situation and make my way out of his home something happened maybe he took too much or perhaps he had to consume something else prior to my arrival but in any event Dan ran to the bathroom speed usually doesn't make people puke so I dunno I was sitting there alone when I heard a sound from another room dan knew I had strict rules about people being present when I dropped for him I wanted to know who was hiding out so I could beat the crap out of them before I did the same to Dan when I entered the room I found the missing girl naked tied and clearly abused she had been beaten there was dried blood places and she was clearly drugged out of her mind as I had just delivered and been delivering enough Schedule III to go away for a long time I left I walked out of that house and left that girl alone with Dan I even closed the door to the room she was in I wrestled with what to do for an hour also I was using at this time as well so I was not thinking clearly I decided that I would call the police and turn him in I made the call I left town for friends in a neighboring city and never returned I feel horrible for having left her there for another hour I feel horrible for supplying Dan with the chemicals that melted his mind and turned him into a person that would do what he did it has taken years to come to terms with situation I volunteer at a local needle exchange I work with an outreach group for runaway and homeless teens I try to repair the damage I caused to society in any way I can by saying you've been drug-free now I'm assuming you mean that you also did some of what you sold don't take what he did upon yourself cause apparently the worst you've done is sell someone else flicked that girl's life not you I commend you on now fighting the problem though about three and a half years ago I miscarried at home about 12 weeks along sometime during the night I started him are hedging I woke up in the early morning covered in blood and stumbled to the bathroom leaving a trail of blood all down the hallway my head was messed up due to blood loss and my idea was to get cleaned up and take myself to the air I passed out in the shower and woke up surrounded by blood in the mascara defeatist tissue placenta I found a duck at the park that had had both eyes burned out with a cigarette poor little dark people are cruel my old dog was once abducted from my backyard and dragged through my neighborhood by her leash off a bumper of some guys truck she survived but her paws were worn down to the bone shame the police were unable to find the guy responsible I'd like to have him alone in a room for an hour one time at a zoo I saw an elephant put its trunk inside another elephant's butt and pull out a solid brick of crap there was a school group of young kids standing around the enclosure this solid crap brick had plugged up a flood of liquid crap that proceeded to spray out of the elephant's butt and all over the first few rows of kids a pretty gross I find it fascinating that somehow that one elephant communicated to the other one hey I've got a huge turd stuck in my butt man help and then the other elephant being like I gotcha bro walked in on grandpa masturbating and moaning he seemed to be having quite a good time well that temporarily broke the tension back to placentas when I was shadowing a surgeon and the patient died on the table it was an elective procedure to remove pressure on an aneurysm the aneurysm ruptured during the procedure and the patient bled out in front of me the problem was that the procedure was endovascular which means it was performed through wires and catheters which were moved to the aorta through blood vessels from the thigh you guide they through x-ray into the aorta so all you have is this little incision in the groin in this person is bleeding from their aorta into their chest stomach so they have to do emergency surgery they rip this woman's stomach open and throw all her organs aside liver gallbladder intestines etc and attempt to repair the aneurysm while this is happening a surgical nurses doing chest compression so all the innards are bouncing around blood is squirting absolutely everywhere and the body cavity is pulled with it the woman's heart stopped three times in the end they couldn't save her and it looked like a scene from a horror film this gaping body pulled with blood and covered in bloody rags instruments there was a huge pool of blood on the floor and spray marks everywhere I was there when they spoke with the family it was the single most dramatic moment of my life medical shows a usually BS but when it comes to emergency situations it's spot on running screaming blood everywhere crying families anyway even though it was disturbing it helped solidify my desire to be a surgeon so there was an upside having a woman beggar come up to my taxi begging for rupees with a couple day old dead child in her arms she seriously could have just cut some grass or played a few minutes about five years ago my wife and I were at the stones town Galleria a mall on the outskirts of the sunset in SF we were standing betwixt the up and down escalators at the Nordstrom's end of them all deciding on whether or not to eat convenient more poison we'll head out to the neighborhood for something tastier in the midst of my Orange Julius application we heard a womp followed by a piercing wail we turned to the down escalator to see a white couple scooping up a tiny asian toddler my immediate thought poor guy he probably fell down at the bottom and relief that his adoptive parents were there to grab him up at that time I had two kids of my own one of which was about the same age as the crying kid the saw the blood and the frantic look on the face of the mum she was squeezing his hand which was spurting blood everywhere asking are you his mom where is his mom he stepped over to the knot mom holding the kid to see with absolute horror the two of his fingers were gone chewed away by the escalator the remaining three on that hand looked pretty chewed up we said that we had no idea where his parents were and started to help ask around the area for them a few minutes later minutes two ladies came running down the escalator looking horrified when they got to the bottom and saw his hand one hit the ground in a dead faint over the next 20 minutes here's what we learned the boy had walked away from his aunts while shopping and j.crew he jumped on the understandably tantalizing escalator and the white couple both nurses got on behind him they said they wondered why the boy was alone but figured his parents were at the bottom or behind then the sunset is mostly Asian so such a youngster is not at all out of place plenty of possible parents abound the kid fell at the bottom hands first he was super and lucky in that one of the yellow God teeth that protect the escalator bottom was missing his tiny fingers slipped right into the gap and was severed just like that the mall security took about eight minutes to shut off the escalator eventually finding his mangled clearly non Rea attachable fingers so while this probably pales in comparison to many of the stories above and below seeing a kid the same age as my son in such agony and fear was deeply deeply disturbing and I'm sure the aunts will never forgive themselves knowing that they forever mutilated their nephew through negligence and last I checked about four months ago that escalator remains gap-toothed stand unrepaired TL DR a tiny little boy got his fingers chopped off by an evil escalator about 15 years old me and my friend were in his garage looking for some stuff we heard a loud but bang up the street decided to ride our scooters up bad idea guy walked out of his house stuck a sawed-off shotgun to his chin and pulled the trigger everything that is in your head was probably lying on the black I don't think I need to get into detail I somehow managed not to puke guy had a wife and two kids I was 13 and my younger sister was nine up till this point she had always slept in my room because she was scared of the dark but she decided it was time to be a big girl and start sleeping in her own room she was a heavy sleeper and had been her entire life so the first night she fell asleep around 9:00 with all a light song I was walking to my room and my mom was in the hallway putting up towels I heard my sister snoring really light but it sounded funny like winking I looked at my mom and we just smiled at each other then it got a little louder so I went in to wake her so she could move to another side and calm the snoring I called her name several times and she didn't wake up my mom was standing in the doorway and watching me do this so I shoved her a bit still nothing then I shook her pretty hard and she still didn't wake up my mom started to panic and screamed for my dad he came in and thought she might have choked on skittles a she ate before bed he started beating her on the back trying to gun lodge what he thought she was choking on and nothing she still wouldn't wake up that's when we called 9-1-1 when they got there and put her in the stretcher started coming to while they were rolling her away she looked directly at me completely terrified and started slurring with tears streaming down her face I was so scared my mom was going crazy thinking shed lost oxygen and could possibly be brain damaged she rode with my sis to the ER and my dad told me to get in my car so we could follow I was bullying and ran into her room and gathered a bunch of stuffed animals to take to her in hopes of her remembering anything her sad face and unclear words raced through my brain over and over again during the car ride I kept blaming myself for letting her sleep in her own room when we got there we raced to the area where she was being held my arms crowded with stuffed animals I ran in and she was up and speaking clearly turns out she had a seizure she was later diagnosed with epilepsy I will never forget that moment looking at her and how she seemed so terrified and helpless I'm tearing up writing this and this happened over a decade ago I was shaking her instead it crying when my dad entered he threw me aside I was on my knees like the foot of her bed praying to anyone or anything saying please let her be okay I'm so sorry please let her be okay the first time my roommates attempted suicide he overdosed on an CS and a Daryl and somehow woke up from it all he took over 500 milligrams of OC and about 90 milligrams of a Daryl just before bed one night he expected to die in his sleep from respiratory failure but his plan failed when he woke up the next morning feeling like crap being disappointed about waking up and still longing to die he stabbed a pair of scissors until his neck and started opening and closing them rapidly in order to snip whatever he couldn't tear some crap out he slit his wrists without kitchen knives and started vomiting profusely from the drugs he laid in his bed for about eight hours before we realized something was wrong and broke down the door blood and vomit were mixed and covered his bed floor and nearly every piece of furniture in the room there were pieces of fat skin and muscle laying in pools of blood on the bed the pair of scissors was still stuck in his neck and he was laying there breathing slowly and smiling you could barely see his face from all of the blood and puke and had been wiped on it as his writhed in bed waiting to die he left a note saying this was a suicide no crap he survived the ordeal thanks to some quick action by us room mates but later finished the job after we all moved to different places when our lease expired some flicked up stuff to walk it on it was LC not percocet changed for clarity consistency additionally I'll mention that it's possible that the time frames are off no one actually saw when he cut himself so what I know I know from my roommate recounting his thoughts and experiences to me call it fake if you want but I know what I saw I was going to mention the time I had my foie gras overdone but I guess your story is better seeing my sister two years older than me dead she killed herself this January she sliced her throat then walked outside in the garage and hung herself for some flicked up reason I am comforted she went out in such a Frick tub way she would rub my feet at a time I asked and we talked about things we could never say to anyone else I miss you Leon car apt around a turning signal pole didn't see accident just aftermath head from one of people in car was 100 feet down the street was a grotesque scene I read this with raw shark's voice we had adopted a dog from the pound that was a German Shepherd Rottweiler mix that had been trained to be a junkyard dog the dog became really attached to my father and was sometimes aggressive to the rest of the family and defense of my father the dog loved my dad to death one day my dad let the dog hang out in the garage while he went to the curb to pick up some weeds a car approached down the street and I guess my dog figured it was going to attack my father so he chased at it unfortunately the car had one of those shoddy metal trailers for hauling yard maintenance equipment with a bad-sized pumper on it that overextended that ended up slicing my dog right now its side he lived with this giant gap in his body with his internals falling out and my dad begged me to help him keep his body shut and to move him into the car I had to sit with this giant dog in my lap in a van keeping its body shut and insides inside when we got to the vet he reverted to his aggressive ways and wouldn't let a doctor get near him in the parking lot so we all stood there and watched him bleed to death oh my god I'm so sorry man that's horrible a mother passing her m pipe to her thirteen-year-old son I saw someone die I was in Astrakhan in Russia which is a total [ __ ] all the pipes are above the ground it's very industrialized to the point tht the compass in our car was no longer reliable the whole place had a bad vibe about it confirmed when we saw pack of wild dogs chasing someone down the street we were crawling down the streets at 2:00 a.m. seven thousand miles from home with me comparing every sign we saw to the word next to hotel in our Russian phrase book Gustin itza we found a petrol station and filled up after almost being stranded in the middle of Kazakhstan this had become a survival habit along with keeping excess water at all times there was an altercation across the street some people were arguing I'm not sure exactly how many now but I remember what happened next we were all sort of watching it unless you do when people are yelling at each other and then it just happened it was so sudden so unreal you expect there to be a buildup or a warning or something to be different when someone loses their life but the second it took was no different to the second that preceded it one of the men had a glass bottle we hadn't noticed it before he smashed it against the wall beside them with the next still in his hands Astrakhan daggers I suppose and lunged the bottle went into his opponent's neck and he fell as quickly as gravity could pull him down it was like a puppet having its strings cut except a really heavy puppet made out of sacks of potatoes we drove off and didn't look back found a hotel awhile later left in the morning and kept driving east I didn't know how to feel at the time and I still don't know now it doesn't really bother me and that bothers me the most it didn't seem real it still doesn't beat I know for sure it happened and it had almost no impact at all on any of us I saw man die and no one cried no sad music played it was very uneventful for such a violent act it scares me that anyone could die with so little ceremony with so little warning with so little meaning the whole place had a bad vibe about it confirmed when we saw pack of wild dogs chasing someone down the street right there is where I turn around and go home my parents have been heavy into drugs and other assorted horrible things my entire life but one thing that sticks out is a friend of my mother's but this poor woman used to get the crap beaten out of her frequently by her piece of crap boyfriend who was always in and out of jail one day when I was around 11 my mom brought me over to their place the boyfriend was kicked out of his methadone clinic for stealing the drugs so he would force his girlfriend to shoot H so she could go and he could get his fix for those of you who don't know methadone comes in pill form this bastard would make this go there and take the pills then come home and poop them up and he would eat it that stuck with me a four-day-old decomposed body in 90 plus degree heat of my father lying on his bed he died in the middle of July a couple of years ago of a heart attack in his sleep I only got the calls from the landlord four days later when he started smelling the body was pretty wrecked it swelled burst in multiple places was leaking rotting blood and fat and the face was no longer recognizable also the whole thing was green brown and the swelling made his arms stick up in the air as if frozen in the very moment of his death oh and the smell there is absolutely nothing that compares to the smell of decomposing flesh when I found him I stayed only long enough to take out my camera and snap a photo for my mother whom I knew would want to see it eventually the cops said I had balls off steel because I went back in there several times to get his medical records they wouldn't go in I told them to just give me one of their paper face masks driving on the freeway someone throwing themselves off an overpass and landing on a car a few cars in front of me I had a hard time sleeping for a few nights I can only imagine how the guy driving the car still feels today I watched a girl probably around age six put her hand in a snow cone machine to unclog the ice her brother turned the machine on not a pretty sight that's why you only let kids use that old school snow cone toy that you popped a few ice cubs in to push the pusher down and crank the handle I lived in Albania for three years for every phenomenal thing that happened to me during my time there I saw one thing that made my heart break like the time I was on my way to a beating and I saw Romar mother inject her infant with H to keep it quiet while she begged for money or the man with the jagged chunks of metal protruding from his legs who begged on one street corner every day all the children who had been intentionally mutilated by their parents or their caretakers so that they would bring more money in by begging anybody see Slumdog Millionaire that kid was lucky he at least got chloroform or the scar on my casa the friends um from when he had been stabbed in the arm by a Serbian soldier when he was five years old during the 1999 Janos or the look on my friend's face when he saw his little brother's name and the newspaper article saying that he had been killed in a blood feud my truly truly loved Albania and I will never in my life regret a single day I spent there but one of the reasons it was such an enriching experience for me was because I learned just how goddamn lucky we are to be able to simply post in this thread whoa that is perspective thanks for the story my ex best friend my ex-boyfriend and I were hanging out at his ex boyfriend apartment we drank some tequila shots and my exbest friend drank too much too fast so of course an hour and a half in all 115 pounds of how was puking all over the bathroom I went in to clean up which took about 20 minutes I come out and ex-boyfriend has ex best friend's pants and panties off he's naked from the waist down and trying to harden his dong for insertion while she's passed out I freaked obviously and a [ __ ] of violence commenced it's weird how it's always in the back of my mind but I rarely outright think about it he sounds like a classy guy once I was working a corner at a racetrack for a motorcycle racing event and saw a man's helmet get run over twice cause in his blood and brains to be spread on the track I the head must have been in the helmet then my own femoral artery after a biking accident I was 12 and had set up a jump with my friends I hit it while traveling extremely fast and he collapsed I landed on the handlebar and stabbed and dragged myself along it I put a seven inch gash in my groin only missed my sack by half an inch my artery was intact and pumping like crazy I was actually surprised how little bleeding there was holy crap when my cousin killed himself it was the last fourth of July before I went off to college and I spent the day with my family at our family BB q I was about to go home but I decided to go by my aunt's house to say hi to him and borrow a video game I'd been meaning to grab from him I thought it was a little weird that he hadn't bothered to come by but at the time that didn't give it a second thought I got to my aunt's place and rang the doorbell no one answered so I tried opening the door it was unlocked so I just walked in I walked around asked if anyone was there no one responded so I went into his room to grab that game it wasn't on his shelf so I assumed he stashed the game in his closet I opened the closet and he was just there swinging there he was my closest friend in life when I saw him just hanging there my immediate reaction was to throw up after that I immediately picked him up with one arm and tried to revive him with no avail I always have nightmares every fourth of July the look on my sister's face after she was violated I think you may have been able to word that one a bit better standing in the middle of 6th Ave and 28th Street watching the Twin Towers flattened floor by floor either that or my wife's tea after giving birth to now 9 pound son my uncle once told me that when he was in his 20s he and his best friend were hanging out at the friend's place his best friend had a buddy come over now I cannot speak to the character of all the people here but I know my uncle has been a pretty big drug addict since his teenage years so I will go out on a limb and say some drugs were being used when the buddy of my uncle's best friend found her best friend's gun he began waving it all over the place and laughing then he pointed it at my uncle's best friend and said bang little did this guy know the gun was loaded and when he said bang the gun also said bang my uncle was instantly showered in his best friend's brains he just stood there while the shooter stared at the gun dropped it and ran out the door I'm not really sure what happened next but I do know that my uncle was understandably never the same I hope I am NOT downvoted due to this not being something I saw I think the job of sharing a flicked up first-hand story was done nonetheless so I was 14 and my sister was 17 my mother had asked for us to for a ride with her we lived in a desert town about 150 miles from anything we go to this old airbase and drive around and talk my sister and mom start arguing about some stupid thing and my mom pulls over and kicks us out of the car I was barefoot in this was the desert so we walk about a mile into town and flag down a cop he takes us back to our crappy apartment and we head upstairs when we walk into my sister's room my mom is sitting on the edge of the bed with her long slashes on brother of her wrists I don't remember a lot after that but I ran downstairs and across the street to where her boyfriend was living we called an ambulance and the responded pretty quickly paramedics came and took her to the nearest hospital about 150 miles away in Salt Lake City we found a few things around the house like her sloppily written suicide note she wrote it in notepad on our computer we've since made up but I'm not soon to forget how she was just sitting there staring at her wrists just waiting to die back in the seventies I was a kind of manager for this fleabag apartment complex in downtown Ann Arbor it was just a big building with a lot of single rooms with a bathroom and showers on each of the four floors mostly an old guys and poor people lived there every night I had to walk around to the halls to make sure that nothing strange was going on on Christmas Eve I noticed that a guy had left his door open a crack but then I remembered that he did that because he liked to have the air circulated through his room so the next morning Merry Christmas I'm walking through the halls to make sure everything is okay before I go to my parents for Christmas when I noticed that the old guy's door is still open which is strange because he always gets up and some point and closes it so I'm thinking dang this is just like a horror movie and I knock on the door and ask hey you er came there it's silence no response oh boy so I pushed the door open and peeking and there's this old guy laying on the floor clutching his chest with the most horrible paint look on his face I have to go in and touch him to make sure that he's really dead and is he ever cold and stiff and I'm kneeling down next to him thinking man I will never make fun of those poor dudes in the movie who find the dead guy and while they're checking to see if they're dead get ripped to pieces by the monster that still in the shadows so I'm pretty sure that the old guy died off a heart attack sometime during the night man on Xmas Eve to boot I was never so happy to get the Frick out of a room in my life called the cops and they took care of everything pretty quick boy the rest of the day I was pretty done thankful for even the crappiest presents I got a dead baby amongst the trash heaps when I was about 5 my friends dared me to flip him over with a stick so I did it that scene from Eternal Sunshine with Joel killing a pigeon using a hammer was very emotional for me when I saw it for the first time also a cut up fetus on a surgical tray from an abortion when I was four or five and yes my knowledge of dead baby jokes is nearly encyclopedic I had a part-time job at a home for the aged and disabled just after graduating high school one day I walked into the room of an old guy that the full-time staff called grotty Gotti he was scooping crap out of this pajamas and into his mouth he saw me coming and looking into my eyes pleading for help he says I am eating my own crap and I can't stop when I was in college I witnessed a murder I saw a gay dude get stabbed at least 15 times in his chest and stomach just for walking down the street with his boyfriend I was sitting in my apartment at the time and I saw it from my window i called 9-1-1 and went down there when the cops showed because i figured they'd want to talk to me what with me being able to give a basic description of the guy who did it and everything the stab dude died while they were loading him into an ambulance right in front of me sending the boyfriend into absolute hysterics sadness I have two one is real and the other well I'll explain that in a minute the first one was when my sister and I were teens and shared a room one night I was woken up by her falling onto my bed in the throes of a seizure she had bitten into her tongue so there was bloody foam coming out of her mouth and you could only see the whites of her eyes she was making this horrible inhuman sanding moaning noise turns out she had epilepsy which now is thankfully controlled scared the crap out of me even now remembering it makes me shake the second one s happened when I lived in London with my ex I have nipple a disorder and it tends to go psychotic when I am off my pills anyway one night I walked past our living room door and saw inside there was blood and brains splashed all over the walls it looked like a massacre had happened in there my ex came down and confirmed there was nothing there I was hallucinating a couple of days later I walked into the computer room and saw a man in an electric chair in the middle of the room obviously dead and crawling with maggots so it happened in real life it wasn't real so I don't know if it counts I watched a 12 year-old blow himself up in Iraq my dog died in my arms as we will barrowed him to the top of my driveway trying to get him to the dog hospital after he ate a bag of snail bait after hyperventilating for an hour and losing control of his muscles he finally died when I finally got someone with a car to come pick us up every muscle in his body shuddered and tensed up and he was whimpering all at once like he was feeling some intense pain and all of a sudden everything relaxed and he let go miss you buddy almost similar experience dog cut vein on glass shard when she broke a window I was alone watching sister hell daughter she was bleeding to death blood everywhere around the house me just out of my crap trying to save this dog I was 11 mom came home and found us dog lived for another 10 years everything went better than expected firework out of vet office a couple months ago there was a dog that came in that was having difficulty giving birth I was a fortunate person that got to bring it and its owners into an exam room from the time I put it on the table to the time the doctor came in it gave birth to a giant deformed rotting puppy fetus promptly ate off all the rotten green smelly discharge percent off of it and then vomited it back all up all over the scrub top I was wearing : I emptied porta-potties for a bit not the cleaning and scrubbing deal but the hey look I have a truck full of butt juice kind of thing one night at a Jazz Festival my partner had plugged the hose into the back of the porta potty to commence suction it went pretty well until the host stopped sucking standard procedure you remove the hose and stick your hand which is encased in a totally awesome glove complete with gunk smell built right in into the hole to manually remove the objects clogging it it sir my partner sticks his hand in and freezes he's standing there as if he just had a heart attack after I call his name a couple of times I walk over to him from the truck and he slowly pulls his hand out his glove had a good 15 syringes stuck into it thankfully none of them pierced his skin will heck 15 syringes in a porta potty at a Jazz Festival I mean WTF about six years ago I was walking with my older cousin down a street and out hey mija when a car pulled over about 20 meters in front of us - must men rushed out pulling two people who had their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded onto the pavement in broad daylight they pulled out their guns and executed them then got in the car and drove off the most disturbing part for me about this was that one of the victims a woman did not die instantly after she got shot in the head she was instead squirming on the floor in the hot July Sun I wanted to just instinctively run over there and help her even though I was 16 maybe 17 and had no idea what to do my cousin grabbed me by the arm and told me not to he said that the people who shot her weren't gone they just take a drive around the corner and come back to see if anyone is helping out then they shoot those people as well sure enough they came back and shot an old man kneeling besides the victims this was in Baghdad him a taxi driver in San Francisco one night I picked up a very drunk gentleman who started to feel sick during the ride I informed him that there would be a 100 dollar vomit cleanup field he held inside my cab upon hearing this he undid the top button on his shirt and proceeded to vomit down his own shirt I so entertained by this anti wave the vomit fee seen a man beg love himself and he wasn't wearing a glove I have seen more than my fair share of death but the way his skin just peeled back faster the more he fought it was horrifying that were the 2000 election word to the wise do not giggle the word dead love you have been visited by the science doe go up vote now and you will get high grades and good results within the next week if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 60,093
Rating: 4.8774929 out of 5
Keywords: real life, disturbing, real stories, real disturbing, witnessed, most disturbing, very disturbing, disturbing things, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: UH7Gtfw17Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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