What Caused a Mass Firing at Your Job?

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what event or incident happened at your job that caused a mass firing or mass quiting train company in sweden one day many years ago someone found a document stating some changes to overtime policy it was just lying on a table in the middle of the break room one copy only due to the nature of the business there tends to be a lot of shifting hours back and forth sometimes we drivers can get home hours and hours early and other times we get horrendously late hence over time this document stated that now over time forms had to be filled for when we came home early under time so to speak this otherwise already scheduled time would be withdrawn and the company would then be able to reuse that time a negative overtime one copy on a table and a few hours later people had come and from all over in a major half there were outright and immediate resignations shouting matches phone calls to union representatives a huge outcry overall date on the document and the day it was found the first of april much fun was had date on the document and the day it was found the 1st of april much fun was had oh wow beautiful from a very watch the world burn kind of way in a team of 30 it consultants that had been working a big project for a couple years the standing offer that governed rates etc had been defined and would continue for the next few years but the renewal deadline for each of our individual contracts with the contracting company middleman was just a week away and we hadn't seen the paperwork just promises that we were being renewed finally get the paperwork and see a 10 percent cut in rates quite surprised because the standing offer didn't have any such change contracting company says the client department renegotiated new rates by saying that another company could be used instead we were shocked that the client would put such a big project at risk people made enquiries it turns out the client department made no such changes the contracting company was just making a grab for a bigger piece of the pie there was outrage people quit other yelled and got fired etc the company had to quickly backpedal and claim it was an administrative error you're right but the damage was done it didn't end there though about six months later a small group of consultants on another project merged with us they had been working under the same contract vehicle as we're getting to know these five guys one of them says that 30 cut six months ago was nasty a turns out the company got from these guys what they couldn't get from us and these poor suckers hadn't known it was a fiction crap hits the fan once again the five quit and mass problem was their jobs were critical they got hired back with ft raises almost double their original if memory serves a stupid greedy company i worked in the corporate headquarters for a large national retailer after 20 years in business the company was sold to an arrogant billionaire who put his son in charge his first job after completing his mba the son decided to relocate headquarters 500 miles away close to his daddy's headquarters he gave us 30 days notice to move with no moving compensation or lose our jobs out of 300 employees one moved i had already been looking for a job the writing was on the wall i accepted a new position the day after the announcement and gave two weeks notice my boss went ballistic said what are we supported to do no one can fill your job here and we won't have anyone new until we move you're not a team player bonus the company was out of business within 60 days after the move four months after the acquisition they had spent 50 million to buy it you're not a team player i low lead i'm betting your boss was so used to management gibberish that he blurted this one out you could be a team player just for another team a friend of mine quit his job a year ago after the company was bought out by a place in ohio that announced several things engineers would receive no raises in the foreseeable future because engineering was not the company's sole purpose they slashed healthcare to the bone and they changed dental plans to delta ohio friend lives in m.a where nearly nothing was covered his leaving was followed by nearly one stroke four of the engineering staff competing company in a similar but not identical line of business tried for years to replicate our product with no success they scrapped the project and took the r d money and bought our company instead fired 600 plus people in one day i was one of them i hear from those who remain the places awful now i was the lead cook in a million dollar kitchen at a multi-million dollar high-end restaurant the executive chef had been there since they opened and worked his way from the bottom to the top in four years that place was his whole life and he was completely dedicated to it the absentee owners had hired a do nothing no nothing manager after weeks of complaining the owners had a beating with the manager and gave him a week to get on top of his job the chef went on vacation that week the manager saw that as an opportunity to buddy up with owners a week and two rounds of golf later the chef comes back to work to a pink slip 27 stroke 30 employees came in and resigned immediately after sweet sweet justice after two years of bell tightening wage reductions and broken promises myself and a few others who remained on the job were told that the company didn't have any money then the owner's prick son rented a villa in tuscany for three weeks and his scumbag father used miles he accumulated on the company's dime he flies first class from florida to ny phil meetings that could be done with a phone call now we know why to fly the entire family there currently one partner is gearing up for a lawsuit contract fraud and myself and other former employees are gearing up to sue for wage theft if you're crying poverty don't vacation in a freaking tuscan villa i'm amazed at the number of times i've heard of bosses and owners complaining about a lack of money then taking a big trip or buying something super expensive and showing it off remember walden books the bookstore in the mall i had a friend who worked there as a store manager they hired him to clean up the store it was a total wreck dozens of an open shipment boxes crammed in the back room behind the cash wrap even under shelves he found new releases from three months back that were never available to buy it was really really bad on top of that the district manager who hired him told him he had three weeks to get the store in order without extra hours and with our sales dropping if you've worked retail before you know this is impossible my friend argues with the dm and the dm basically tells him he doesn't care if they work off the clock to get it done it will be done or he'll turn the entire staff fire them so for three weeks my friend and his staff work 24 stroke 7 only clocking and for allotted shifts my friend would even sleep in the back room in a sleeping bag and miracle upon miracles he got it cleaned up before the deadline the deadline comes and the dm comes back with two lp operatives they start pulling the staff one by one to the back and grill them until they get them to admit to working off the clock when they get to my friend he tells them outright that the dm told him to do it and the dm sat there and denied the whole thing so he says to the lp guys how else would we get this done within the deadline time allotted you knew what this store looked like before and you know how much time we had the lp guys just looked at each other then fired the entire staff that same day a manager and three associates were hired the dm already had them in the wings and was just waiting for my friend to get the store in working order to pass it off to his friend i don't know what counts as mass borders had a round of emails to management boiling down to if you would not do this job for free then quit so a lot of people did my company has had a pay freeze for over seven years we've had 10 plus employees quit in our office due to this the work is rather hard and we are expected to work up to state standards yet we are paid near minimum wage we have patients lives in our hands for frick's sake at this very moment most people in my department at the hospital are looking for new jobs at our boss's insistence the hospital is going to be laying off a bunch of us soon but refuses to tell us how men and when or even what their criteria will be for deciding making the firing managers job easier i am conflicted this seems unethical my old workplace decided to do a complete overhaul of everyone's rotors they went through an entire consultation period asking people what they could and couldn't work then completely ignored everyone's preferences and allocated shifts and rotors entirely based on the company's needs completely invalidating the entire consultation period people were being asked expected to work more on sociable hours and weekends and nobody was pleased by these changes a lot of people left same thing is happening to me and my co-workers work at a bar pizza kitchen people aren't happy i told my last employer that my scheduled availability isn't something i whimsically made up i have a life and responsibilities outside work if you cannot respect that don't be surprised when i leave i worked at a dave and busters in a fairly low income area we had parties of eight or more come in regularly and they would run up 200 checks which was fine since they had an automatic 18 gratuity for being such a large party but they decided to eliminate the large party gratuity option in hopes that it would inspire servers to work harder instead we all started getting regularly stiffed on these massive checks within three weeks over a third of our staff quit i worked at a d and b in a low income area as well it was my first serving job that six plus people autographed made my night more times than i can remember this didn't happen to me however when i was in college two of my professors worked at core entertainment an animation special fx company one day the owner gathered the top people into a boardroom and basically said we are in a bit of a financial situation so we can't pay anyone for this month just about all the senior people quit that day and within a week my two professors had jobs elsewhere employee salary should be priority if you can't pay your employees you won't have employees and you won't have a company someone pee in a watering can in the storeroom when i worked in a kmart no one knew forward about it so all the stocking staff who were on faf night got sacked last year i briefly worked as a caterer i only managed to work three gigs before i quit the reason being that my boss tried to fit in 12 people into one minivan he did this because he was charging everyone ten dollars so he benefited from it at one point we all decided that it was stupid and reckless for 12 people to be inside a minivan especially since we were all sitting in the back indian style after arguing with him to get another car we still went to work after that day i and a bunch of other people decided never to work there again the government sequester in 2013 i worked for a parts supplier 95 of our customers were military projects and government contractors a lot of projects were cancelled put on hold indefinitely a lot of people in my company were laid off that sucks man i work in the dodd and every day before and after the sequestration i had to listen to my co-workers raise heck about the sequestration i kept trying to explain how it's basically a paid vacation for us the real people who are getting hurt are the vendors that are getting cut off in college i worked for two grocery stores so that i could get full-time hours one was a much bigger retailer and the other was a smaller store that only had a couple dozen locations in the state the first job will always go down as the worst job i ever had it was dehumanizing do not talk do not move from this spot they dictated what you could say to customers and the head manager spent his entire shift in the office watching the cameras from the day i was hired until the day i quit i never said six words to him i had to get the second job because due to the economic downturn the store began cutting hours to the point i went from 39 hours to 10 if i was lucky worse than that i was only ever scheduled for three or four and they'd tell me to be on call as if i were a doctor or firefighter they'd call during school hours which they knew and when i couldn't come in they'd use that as proof i didn't really want the hours the second job didn't have enough hours to go around but the manager was a really good guy easily the best manager i've had and would try to pencil in people where he could things change like the start of the new year where the second store had seen higher profits and better performance than other stores in the area and as a result we're getting better funding and attention from corporate suddenly we had more hours to spare and the money to hire more help they offered me a management position and i took it but my first job was suddenly determined to make me see through my two weeks notice so i tried to honor that i had been at the first job for two years and knew all of my co-workers i had a good reputation because i kept people laughing made the shifts go faster and just got along well with everyone when i put in my two weeks i had a lot of them asking where i was going and if they were hiring so i went to my other manager with their names and applications to see if there was anything he could do he hired 13 new employees straight from the competition i worked that job until i graduated and some of those employees are still there at one point the first job offered me a position in management with a pay raise i told them i'd call them and let them know told my other manager what they offered me he did a dollar better that is not being egotistical all you want is decent hours and a little respect i like your new manager's response to the offer from company one can tell he cares about having trustworthy and competent staff i worked at a locally owned pizza shop and i can say a combination of poor management and me quitting caused the business to go under completely when i worked there this was years ago i was maybe 15 16. i got paid 5.35 cents an hour i worked almost every day after school plus the rush nights thursday sun every week i worked hard and there in a crappy freaking sweaty hot smelly environment to get crap right and get it to the customers i came in early on days when i didn't have school to make sauce make dough do kitchen prep etc after a while of this i went to my lazy butt boss and said hey pat i do an awful lot of the work around here and i think i deserve a raise pat said okay we'll see what we can do fast forward to next paycheck sure enough i got a raise five freaking cents per hour five cents i said frick that went to pat again to put in my two weeks she told me how entitled i was acting and how my job title of line cook was a minimum wage position i might as well have been the manager considering she took off promptly at 6pm every night her eight hours were ten six week days didn't work weekends and left me and the crew to handle dinner rush anyway long story short i quit on the spot after the entitlement comment walked inside to grab my crap told the rest of the crew what happened and everyone else walked out with me everyone both her drivers both the other line cooks and even the drunk sucker who was our dishwasher within six months that pizza shop which had been in my town for at least a decade possibly longer was a hair salon with a new owner hiding behind job titles in any way is a red flag amo good for you also the drunk sucker who was our dishwasher lol my team of five was asked to replace a major piece of software that was critical to a large revenue generating department in 11 months normal timeline for implementation is 1824 months and we were on the largest side of facilities going to his software we were already under staffed and over the year we worked countless overtime hours traveled to the software vendor for training many times and got the project ready on time go live was a mess of 12 straight 16 plus hour days but eventually we had the system in unstable and it started to make the department better the staff were promised bonuses for meeting the deadline and not slipping the date to be paid out from unused project funds despite hitting the goal live date and having more than one million dollars left in the project part the it team was criticized for most of the issues that happened during the 12-day go live the team lead was dismissed and no bonuses were paid out within three months three of the four remaining members left and all the positions are still unfilled the one who was fired got multiple job offers the same day and the three who left all got multiple offers within a month of the project ending the team lost 30 years of experience in a week simply because management wasn't willing to protect them ironically the manager who threw the team led under the bus was canned six weeks later i work at an advertising agency in south africa we once had to do a christmas festive season card for one of our major mobile networks mtn the concept was to show a summer road trip an image of a map with stops at some of the major tourist attractions in the country the idea being that wherever you go in south africa mtn has you covered at each stop they gave a quirky description of the fun you could have there a team that had to take the same concept and create a christmas card for mtn swaziland swaziland is a tiny landlocked country within sar that's very badly run by a terrible king with 15 wives the team created a card showing the tourist spots in swaziland and made a quirky comment about seeing all the king's 15 wives spending like there's no tomorrow at a local mall needless to say the card actually ended up going to kingswati himself who was very insulted swaziland is incredibly poor and the king is incredibly rich and abuses with his wealth but doesn't want to come across that way the king insisted that people were fired over the incident people at mtn lost their jobs and we told swaziland that people had been disciplined over the incident well really we all just thought it was ridiculous this one probably ought to be higher as it's the only international incident listed here except maybe the guy who cut a fiber optic cable once a few people got fired and or suspended from where i worked because of their involvement in a super bowl pool it was the dumbest thing i've ever seen and it all could have been avoided if the guy running it wasn't so brain dead he was openly trying to recruit people to buy boxes on this grid he needed to fill he was even asking managers at a company where gambling pools are forbidden the company warned him about the rules asked him to keep all talk of the pool outside of the building and suspended him when he delayed payment of the prize money to the winner of the pool the first place winner said he would punch his lights out if he didn't get paid they fired both of them and a few other people were suspended for their involvement gather round children and let me regale you with a tale of retail misery and whoa about seven years back i worked at best buy my store was located across from one of the busiest malls in the northeast in an area that was a mix of lower and upper class around july the store started doing one of those promotions wherein they offer you magazines at checkout you sign up for five free ones and then if you don't cancel you start getting charged the yearly subscription fee for them the cashiers were incentivized to get as man magazine subscriptions as possible as i worked loss prevention i really didn't care at all about this program that was i didn't care until october suddenly we started getting massive complains about people getting charged for subscriptions who never signed up for them it started as one or two and we just assumed they forgot to cancel but soon several dozen angry customers were complaining to us corporate and anyone who would listen we started an investigation lots of ot and crappy hours going through camera footage and register logs turns out one of the cashiers who was never an okay employee even on her best day figured out she could just sign people up for the magazines even if they said no as long as they were a rewards card member and their info was in the system she used this to get record number of subscriptions and won the weekly prizes every week until the other cashiers caught on and started doing the same in the end it turns out that every single front register area cashier had done this except for one kid who was hired a few weeks before the investigation word came down from corporate that we had to fire every single cashier except for the new kid oh and the day they handed down this judgment the friday before black friday that's right with one week to spare before to spare before the biggest shopping day of the year we were ordered to fire all of our cashiers as you can imagine this did not go over well with management but their hands were tied so we tried to hire and train as many people as we could in a week but as you can imagine that black friday was chaos some employees worked 20 hours straight 10 in their department and 10 on front register all managers and supervisors worked close to 24 hours they even tried to convince lp to lend a hand to which we laughed of course i don't want to know how much they lost between the lawsuits from the customers for fraud and the labor board fines and complaints filed by employees held late on black friday tl dr abandon ship i can kind of imagine you sitting at the front of the store just watching this chaos and trying not to laugh worked a restaurant and we had four staff members leave when they found out one employee was promoted the only reason she got the job was because she was freaking the grams she was fired within the month for doing h on the job and now has a baby with a jagallo i think i've discovered the exact opposite of happily ever after we saw the way the company was going suddenly contracts weren't being renewed and then people were getting fired for silly policy violations then they said we can't do raises this year things like that it was obvious they were getting ready to do mass layoffs so most people walked before it happened sure enough the week before thanksgiving we were all given two weeks notice and told our jobs were now in the philippines since i was in the i.t department i was given an extra four weeks to help clear up but i got a lucky break and so started a new job with much higher salary before the two weeks were up the funny epilogue is that about six months later they wanted to hire me back with a 25 pay raise i guess the outsourcing didn't work out so well i politely told them where to shove their job i worked at a summer camp and one of our kitchen staff members was fired because a helicopter mom thought that he had been rude to her precious little snowflake so the staff all got together and a strong majority agreed that the snowflake had been a rude little crap in most of the classes activities and deserved to be told to sit the frick down and eat what everyone else has so about two stroke three of the staff marched down to the camp office and sent in a representative who told the directors that if he goes we all go the operations director claimed we couldn't get solidarity and this was just a stunt by two or three of us but when he came outside he found 25 of his staffers with bags packed and ready to roll the kitchen staffer was serving waffles the next morning like nothing had happened aircraft manufacturing job laid off after 9 11 the loss of the twin towers by use of jets built by the company i worked for lost hundreds of orders slowed our rate and subsequently laid off 40 percent of our workforce over three years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: work, work stories, at the job, job stories, mass quiting, mass firing, mass firing scene, uber mass firing, fired, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: aKsoTS7u-EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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