What's The Most Disturbing Thing You've Seen In Real Life? (r/AskReddit)

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what the most disturbing or creepy thing that you've ever witnessed in real life one day when I was little my family and I went to play mini golf a young man and his girlfriend who were playing nearby suddenly got into an argument with no warning he started repeatedly hitting her over her head and back with his golf club it turned out that they were with family too because a little while later the girl's mother was stumbling around hysterically and screaming did anyone see what happened to my daughter did anyone see this happened in broad daylight on a very pleasant summer afternoon which made it all the more horrific I don't know what happened to her after a car accident my uncle complained about pain and his right eye a few minutes later he sneezed and his eye bulged and stayed that way the doctor said something about orbital tissues or something still gives me the heebies that's just straight out of Looney Tunes I had a patient in the who came in via ambulance and when I pulled her from the stretcher to our bed about 15 bed bugs came scurrying out of her clothes and her hair I was so freaked out it was like something out of men in black later on I was in the room working with her and a cockroach started buzzing around over my head and I just about lost my crap she had no idea she was infested I was awoken by a tickling sensation on my face once after basically slapping myself a few times I see a writhing cockroach on the bed I learned that day that the extra fifty bucks a night for a hotel room in a lot cheaper than life long trauma a couple years ago I was coming back from Newark Airport and had gotten lost I was stopped at a red light somewhere in Newark and when I look down the street to my left I literally saw somebody shoot a man in the head like crack of the gun body drops and then I hit the gas and ran the red light for future reference if you're driving in a bad part of Newark anytime after dusk itch use red lights like stop signs and the cops won't stop you when I was around 14 I was on my way home from school I was crossing the bridge I cross every day I looked over the side and saw old man lay there dead this wasn't the first time someone had killed themselves jumping off the but it was the first time I saw it I woke up one morning to find that my boyfriend had hanged himself in our backyard that's heavy I am sorry when I was a little kid back in the 90s I lived in a very small town everybody knew each other and me and the rest of the kids on the streets would just be out all day doing whatever it wasn't unusual for us to go and talk with our adult neighbors and they'd invite us and to get a drink or whatever this was not anything weird or PR foolish it's just how everybody was now this one guy lived a couple houses up the street he had a Dalmatian and we all thought his dog was really cool so we would go there once in a while to play with his dog his dog was outside during the day this is one of those people that would invite us inside for a drink give us something to eat etc it's still not weird that he did this to this day well that guy killed his wife put her body in a garbage can in tight the garbage can shut then threw it off a cliff it creeps me out to think that I was inside the home of a guy who could kill his wife like that TL DR I've been inside the home of a guy who killed his wife he gave me lemonade one time I was walking through a park at Christmas time with my roommates we were looking at the trees all light-up we noticed a piece of paper hanging from one of the trees that was blowing in the wind we went over and looked at it and it was a memorial of this girl who had died in her 20s really sad anyway just as we were walking away this dog runs up to us I reached down and pet it so that it wouldn't run away from its owner this out of breath guide catches up to us and thanks us for stopping his dog then he goes on to say that it's strange he ran here because the memorial we were just looking at was his daughter and the dog originality belonged to the girl it was all very eerie that's actually quite beautiful there's this guy in my village at home who I used to call creepy stalker man cause when I was 14 plus I used to see him everywhere I went he was pretty scary too really tall and usually drunk our village has a small train station that I used to go to to get to college every day I had to go in at a weird time for a meeting so no one else was at the train station at all then CSM comes on to the station on the other side of the platform and stands at the edge veering over the track for a little while then out of his coat he pulled out a crowbar I was sitting there like wTF is going on but at least he was on the other side of the track he then attempted to use the crowbar to pull off one of the railway signs attached to a lamppost which was just frickin bizarre but then he got angry and started beating it with the crowbar and screaming he then turned around and starting walking over the bridge to my side of the station I was looking around hoping someone would show up but no one was there so I just put my headphones in and pretended I was oblivious he slowly came up towards me armen jacket where he had the crowbar and then stood inches from me staring right at me it was so horrible I was 14 yokel and had no idea what to do I stared at the floor and pretended he wasn't there but he stayed there for a good minute at least trust me in that situation a minute is a really long time I was wondering whether to run or raise my arms above my head to defend myself or just something when he shrugged patted me on the head and walked away he didn't even catch a train just left probably my creepiest encounter told my mum later and she said I was probably imagining it I really wasn't still shudder at the memory and still see him everywhere when I go home when I was a teenager there was an abandoned mental hospital a few towns over we used to have an explore it one evening we are walking around it's pretty dark we hear something shine our flashlights to the left and dude is just walking down the hall in the dark no flashlights in full scrubs he doesn't say anything doesn't make eye contact nothing just keeps walking straight ahead we keep our flashlights on him till he turns the corner don't say crap to each other and don't stop running till we get back outside once we're outside we stop to catch our breath and discuss all three of us saw it it wasn't my imagination no one ever believes us yeah you shouldn't go back there when I was about 16 I woke up because my windows were rattling I grew up in an old miners cottage and they often did it in the wind as a kid I would become utterly convinced that someone was outside trying to come in but by 16 I was pretty used to it so I wasn't sure why it had awoken me then I heard it knocking on the front door silence then tapping on my window silence knocking on the door I yelled for my mom who was asleep a few rooms away but she didn't respond I yelled a few more times but I guess it wasn't that loud because she didn't wake up with my heart in my throat I opened the front door outside was a man he was about my height and thin from what I could make out it was very dark he was probably in his 30s neither of us spoke at first finally I said hello he responded hello I asked sorry is there something wrong he said number I said do you need to use the phone or something I could get my mum he said number then after a few moments of standing there awkwardly he walked off and that was it the next day I told my friends who were horrified that I had opened the door and hadn't called the cops I still don't know why I did open the door only excuse that I have was that I was pretty disoriented from being woken up I never told my mum sometimes the thought it still makes me feel a bit ill anything could have happened it was you from the future I don't know if shop class is a right word at all but when I was in sixth grade a third grader girl got an accent shop class which had been her last class before recess and hit a second-grader boy in the head I didn't see it I saw the immediate aftermath and that's when I learned that head wounds bleed a lot someone slipped in his blood he survived with to my knowledge no permanent damage my grandpa was partially decapitated and they sewed him back up and threw a turtleneck on him so that the funeral could be open casket the turtleneck was white and the fabric was thin I saw the sutures through it I think a lot of people did but nobody said anything when I was about 10 I was at my mom's baseball practice one of the women on her team started having an asthma attack I watched her struggle to catch her breath then slowly discolor when the ambulance arrived I remember her being bluish it was surreal that will be burned in my brain forever she died leaving two small daughters and a husband behind whoa that is brutal I'm so sorry I was in a corner unit apartment that had a roundabout outside of it I was watching TV with my boyfriend and heard this huge crash it sounded like someone was breaking into the place so we look outside and there's this insanely smashed up car and a man that flew through an iron caste railing my boyfriend and his roommate ran outside calling 9-1-1 and i heard the man moaning and his girlfriend screaming for him I guess he had been really drunk and refused to let his girl drive him home so she followed him and saw the whole thing he was driving very fast hit the roundabout his car hits the building across the street and he flew out of the back window it was insanely scary that from the balcony I saw someone die and heard him taking his last breaths I was in Thailand as a child and my family were eating at some low tier restaurant next to us sit are overweight white man and what would appear to be his very but that underage male boy-toy my first time seeing true sadness this is why I hated Phuket when I was there so many fat disgusting middle-aged white guys walking around with seemingly underaged Thai girls it made me sick when I was in my mid-20s I worked at a boarding school for abused and troubled children as a house parent our job was to fix meals monitor the kids and walk them to their various activities during the day there was a full medical and psychological staff on call but most of the day-to-day minutia was handed by the house parents there were a total of 10 units on the campus each unit was a large house with six bedrooms four kids two per bedroom and two attached apartments for house parents my unit house boys ages 610 one night I woke up a little after 1:00 a.m. and saw one of the kids standing in the bedroom doorway of my apartment now kids are never allowed in the house parent apartment so I asked what's wrong you're not supposed to be in here the kid just turned and walked away I got up and went to follow but when I exited my bedroom no one was there I immediately went and checked the kids and they were all in bed I then went and woke up the other house parent and filled them in the next day I filed an incident report with the administration and just concluded one of the kids woke up found Dewayne to my apartment and ran back to his bed when he was caught obviously I changed the locks on the main door the next day this same incident happened four times over the next six months and each time I filed a report with admin it was getting more than a bit disturbing and I became frustrated that the administration didn't seem concerned after the fourth time I went directly to the Director of Operations basically the boss and told him that if I couldn't get some help finding out what was happening I would be turning in my resignation without saying a word he went to a filing cabinet and pulled out a stack of 24 incident reports dating back 15 years from four different house parents that had all lived in my apartment each of them described the same thing a small child standing in the bedroom doorway that turned and walked away when the house burnt woke up but the directors response while I flipped through the reports was something I'll always remember we don't know what's going on but it's been happening for a while and they're not worried about it I never saw the kid in my doorway again but I resigned three weeks latter children can be creepy as Frick especially ghost children friend of mine went into this really creepy house about ten minutes outside of the town we live in when he came out he was deathly pale but had a red mark on his face he said someone or something slapped him really hard while he was in there the creepy part is that nobody else was in the house it's been abandoned for years that's just one story of the men has strange things that happened in those house before it burned down ghost of Rick James me and my friends were smoking weed in my room about a year ago and one of my friends came along with some legal I called annihilation and we told her not to take it since it's full of chemicals etc she ignores us does a bong rip of it and five minutes later she is screaming like a girl being stabbed and murdered in a dark alley scream she won't stop her eyes are old in the back of her head and she starts writhing on the floor like she is having an exorcism she starts screaming gibber ich and is sick multiple times we call the ambulance they arrive and take her to hospital she got out about two hours later fine and very embarrassed the whole ordeal lasted around 40 minutes before the paramedics arrived since there was flooding in our area when it happened the paramedics said her heart rate went up to 210 BPM and she nearly died when I saw it all happening I genuinely thought I was watching someone die in front of me in the most horrific way possible I still hear her scream sometimes and it has always been burnt into my mind I also hear stories on the news now teenagers who have taken this drug and have become permanently brain-damaged from it I am so glad she was lucky and got out fine but my god that was a sudden change of events that evening when all we wanted to do was get high and listen to music my friend and I had just watched the movie The Strangers it was daylight because we were too chicken to watch it at night about three hours after we finished watching the movie maybe around 3:00 4:00 p.m. someone knocks on the front door in my neighborhood I got a lot of solicitors so it wasn't uncommon when I opened the door there was a woman who looked disheveled and maybe in her mid-40s she looked at me and asked hi is Sarah home I replied that she had the wrong house she stood there as if she didn't believe me at first before walking off down the road now that by itself was kind of freaky of course but that night my friend and I fell asleep on the couches in the living room it's 3 a.m. and I'm awoken by knocks on the front door I jumped up and ran to the door peering through the glass it looked like a family member and I feared something tragic had happened I quickly opened the door and there before me stood the same woman from earlier that she seemed taken aback at how quickly I opened the door after she recovered she said hi is Sara home I simply deadpanned her and said nope you asked before and this is the wrong house I promptly slammed the door shut and turned on every light in the house I watched her through the window walk away up the road never saw her again that night creeped out me infinitely though your house was getting scouted to be robbed she was just checking the time of day you way home this incident really disturbed me and left me feeling bothered for a while my coworker and I were carpooling and on our way home from work he was driving and we came to a stop at a red light there was a normal traffic around us and everything seemed fine until a cop car quickly drove up and pulled alongside the car that was diagonally in front of us to our left the cop got out of his car and just from his body language alone I knew something bad was about to happen he pulls his gun shoves it through the car's window he throws open the door and literally drags the guy out of his car the guy is now on the floor and looks extremely confused like he wasn't expecting it at all but is being compliant the cop then proceeds to begin stomping on this guy with his foot not kicking but using all of his way to stomp the guy I've never seen any real violence in my life before thankfully and was extremely shocked to see another human treated that way the light we were at turned green and my coworker drove away quickly before more violence ensued it scared the crap out of me though and I kept watching the news to see if anything came on about the incident but it never did freaked me out though TL DR I think I witnessed police brutality seeing that the guy was being completely compliant I'm either thinking the guy knew the cops had finally got him for some past thing or total police brutality I know if a cop shoved a gun into my face while driving my car I'd get out too even if I didn't do anything wrong I saw he was dragged out but either way I wouldn't really put up a fight saw the guy hung from the 5th floor of an apartment building skin from the waist up no alcohol I've ever drank has made me throw up as much didn't leave the house for two days as a child we lived one house over from a gay couple who seemed nice as heck never anything but Pleasant one night when I was around nine years old I was woken up by these horrific screams of help please help me I jumped out of bed and woke my mum but by the time I woke her the screaming had stopped I was pressing her to call the police but she kept telling me I dreamed it and made me go back to bed we found out the next day that the couple had gotten into a horrible fight and that one of the men had fled into the backyard to try to escape his partner was chasing him with a hammer and he ended up dragging the fleeing man back into the house and beating him to death this haunted me for a long long time because I felt partially responsible for not calling the police myself a thirty-year-old Down syndrome guy setting his pew bees on fire because my nine ten year old friends dared him to do it God dang kids I was eating at a restaurant with family and this homeless guy comes inside and goes up to this table of three guys he then proceeds to pick food off their plate words are exchanged and outside through the window we see the homeless man get beaten brutally by these guys about a week later I had to make a statement to the police because the homeless man got brain damage that information made it a lot more disturbing he was probably already damaged if he thought taking food from three guys was a good idea seeing my father's dead body on his bed after he overdosed cold blue and stiff as a brick he was 55 I'm so sorry holy Frank I was in my room one late night watching a movie when I heard someone's footsteps coming toward my door my room is in the back part of my house a good 60 feet away from a door that connected to the rest of the house so I can always tell and hear when someone is close to my door not wanting whoever it was to distract me from the movie I hit pause and just lay there waiting to see what they wanted then come up to my door and just stop I heard them breathing and knew it had to be my brother so I said what do you want nothing psh H lizard clicked play minutes later same exact things again I asked and no-one replies clay if seconds later again same thing man I can hear you breathing I know you're there no response only this time he grabs the doorknob and jiggles it's a bit I finally decide to get up and tell my brother off the next time he comes up didn't have to wait long as soon as I hear the breathing I opened the door and yell gotcha no one is there I quickly went to the other part of the house and found my brother dead asleep I woke him up and asked him if he had been back there of course he replies no of course I try not to believe him but looking back he's a big scary cat and he's not the pranking type either and also unless my brother can teleport there is no way in heck he could have done it I literally heard the breathing next to me right before I opened my door that night it was only my brother and I staying at the house rest of the family was out of town to this day I still don't know what it was I try to say maybe it was a draft but I felt someone there I heard their breathing they jiggled my doorknob it hasn't happened again but I have other stories that I can't explain TL DR creepy noise of actions thought to be brother is not rather but no one else at the house man worst possible time for the line to end found my brother dead asleep my father tried to kill himself with pills in the bed next to my two-year-old Gerald I was sick that night a few hours before I got myself to the bathroom floor he came crawling he had taken so many pills the doctor Lee and via that there was no chance he survived I survived she was small enough to think yellow dress people was fun I pumped him in the bathroom with salt water while my kid was in the next room the hardest day of my life but in the same way just a day in my life I have never seen my dad sober until now I know it will not last but hope is all I got on this one it's my dad I once went camping and there was this horrible smell later that night we heard something in the woods and one of my friends jumps up and says no worries I got this so we watched him trek through the forest and he stops and then he just yells out a RM a Dillo so we see him running through the woods flashlights flailing about and lighting the treetops and he just stops he yells guys I found it then persisted that we come look he could just tell us what he found so we hike out there and there it was the source of the smell laying on the ground before me was the front half father horse the rear from the lower part of the spine down had been eaten off I'm so hungry I could eat half a horse not me but my dad still speaks of it to this day when he was about 10 he and his sister who was 13 decided to go into town they lived in a rural area and it was a bit out by road so the shortcut they usually took went through the woods and over a creek on this particular day the two of them were crossing the creek by the stepping stones peeking out of the heavy water his sister went first and was waiting for him on the other side my dad leaped from one stone to another until one of the stones rolled out from underneath him he fell into the water and went he surfaced was face to face with what he had at first mistaken for a stone a water bloated half deteriorated cow head one day at elementary school when I was 10 11 an integrated foreign kid friend in my class whom we knew for five years didn't show up at school when we walked to gym class and were about to cross the road a police car drove past with him and his mother in it he was to be deported to Congo in high school I think junior year somehow this 13 year old 7th grader got into one of our parties nobody kicked her out because we were all having a good time and didn't think she could cause too much trouble nobody was really talking to her either but she was pounding shops about two hours into the party she stumbles out into the living room crying and screaming somebody flick me please somebody just freak me right now the girl was obviously going through something and too drunk to be in public but for some reason no one did anything in facts two guys went into a bedroom with her I don't know why I didn't try to stop it I've always felt guilty for that one I know this isn't as extreme as other replies but just seeing what emotional turmoil she was going through and that not a single person including myself tried to help has always disturbed me that would be weird to see especially someone as young as that on New Year's Eve a couple of years ago I'm biking home when I see a bunch of dudes with bulled heads and bomber jackets by a canal and on the other side of the canal some guys with a little darker complexion than the quite white baldies both parties are quite obviously looking for trouble some shouting is done then some threatening and all of a sudden the bullies and their adversaries start running towards this bridge that was nearby apparently to fight when I saw one of the bullies pull out a footlong knife I turned my bike around him nope the Frick out of there a full handprint bruise on a three-year-old little girl's back she was there with a foster parent so that made me feel better kkoma not as bad as a lot of these but still really creepy when I was 24 my 18 year old sister calls me from Walmart hysterical she had gone to get a few things and noticed an older man 40s was following her all around the store I figured she was being dramatic but I lived like two minutes away so I told her to stay where she was in full view of other shoppers and I would be there in a few minutes I get there and find her she discreetly points the guide out and I tell her I'll stay with her while she finishes her shopping this guy literally followed us all over the store every frickin aisle would look at us and smile in an extremely creepy way chuckle to himself etc I began to get a little freaked out and decide to just go into random departments in the store we go to the party supplies he follows we go to the cosmetics depth he follows hardware yep there he is at this point I am trying to stay calm and not freak out my sister but he is seriously scaring me we find an employee and tell them what is going on and they said they would escort us to the car I decided I would take her home and get her car later so we pay the employee walks us to my car and we start laughing thinking we were just overreacting before I could start my car the guys two cars down staring at us as he gets in his car in hindsight I probably should have called the cops but I was still second-guessing myself he pulled out right behind us and I took a ridiculously long route home we finally lost him after a couple of mins but that freaked me the Frick out sleep paralysis it's literally heck on earth I have PTSD from some of the crap I've seen I have a huge fear of people watching me sleep because of sleep paralysis it's terrible I remember visiting Walmart one day and seeing a young woman and her baby shopping normally it's then notice a very large bald man peering at them through the aisles I kept watching him watching her and I was younger so I was slightly afraid of what was actually happening as I told my grandmother and went back to the scene he was still stalking her around the corner of an aisle I walked straight up to him made eye contact and walk to the mother and said there's a man back there watching you and walked away because I was afraid of the situation hope her and her baby is okay : I wish I had done more when I was a child I used to see people around my house out of the corner of my eye that's weren't really there I would often hear voices horribly disfigured ghastly voices calling my name when I was home alone electronics would turn themselves off and on doors would open and shut of their own volition etc I learned to accept it and at times when I would feel like I was being watched I would even try to talk to what I was convinced were spirits since most of this only happened when I was home alone I was convinced I was the only one that ever experienced anything until a few weeks ago when my dad and I were watching a show on how hauntings and positions often center around young children especially girls and he mentioned how weird things happened around the house when I was younger I was slightly horrified all of these things happen to me as well it's horrifying when one of these things happens especially a door closing itself at five years old when your siblings are forcing you to watch The Evil Dead I was at a party once and the following happened I was in the back room drinking a Pepsi and watching some people play Halo said I was one of the designated drivers cop stalkers I heard a bit of a commotion in the front of the house then Bam Bam Bam ping Bam Bam turns out someone at the party had screwed over some drug dealer earlier in the day and said dealer found out about the party and showed up with some kind of high-powered pistol he walked in through the front door immediately saw the person who he was looking for took a shot but missed the target turned to run in the dealer took two more shots a second of which bounced off a pipe inside of a wall about four feet from me the target took off across the backyard and the shooter took a last shot as he jumped the fence me and the three people I was driving for met up and bolted out the front door and drove off in my truck before anything else happened I realized about 20 minutes later that I left my phone in the room I was in so I drove back just in time to see person with their face shot off getting zipped into a body bag turns out one of those missed shots went through the back of someone's head and exploded their face the bus I was riding ran over a dog his leg got chopped off and he was still alive he was screaming moving around while at the same time licking his wound as if that would have helped there was nothing we could do I wouldn't shot it if I had a gun on me we left him there to suffer and die that's freaking terrible that poor dog I went to college in a little mountain town so naturally there were deer everywhere I was walking with some friends on campus one night on the outer edge where the road wasn't we see a mother deer and her little tiny baby heading towards the road and in the distance we see a douche bag and son trying to be vin diesel car speeding and of course the baby deer jumps right into the road in the front of the car smashes the poor little deer but the sound it made as its head hit the headlight was the worst the guy in the car just goes around the body and speeds off and we all rushed to the baby deer who is still alive with what looks like a broken neck in the middle of the road breathing all heavy and making these sad whimpering noises we called the campus police and by the time they arrived the deer had died which I was happy about because it was clearly suffering I'm a grown bats man now but still thinking about that night upsets me the mom dear just left and kept looking back at us after they moved the baby deer body off the road TL DR I watched her baby deer get rammed at high speed by a car up close and it was still alive and had a mangled body when I went to try and help it this may not be particularly creepy it may be one of those you had to be there stories in Oh 1988 or thereabouts I was driving from upland back to the valley on the 210 the traffic was bumper-to-bumper and moving as an unusually slow snail's pace especially for nighttime eventually we got up to the site of a multi-car accident lined up on the sidewalk the road were several covered bodies it was a feet sticking out the bottom of each arm that got to me I mean we all know people died in accidents we've all seen body bags but the pairs of feet shoes pant legs et Cie humanized the whole thing and made me sick to my stomach it's been a lot of years but I'll never forget the sight of those feet lined up side-by-side in the breakdown lane in the glow of flashing red and blue lights if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 29,595
Rating: 4.9150944 out of 5
Keywords: most disturbing, disturbing, witnessed, real life, creepy, creepy stories, creepy sounds, creepy stuff, creepiest, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: q52I-mi-7Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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