What Did Matt Watson Really Tell Us? The Truth Behind The Rabbit Hole | TRO

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[Applause] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a2 with too much free time and i expect this to be one of the harder videos that i've made not just because of the sheer controversy that this has caused but because of how personal it is to me in almost every video i've done i always try to work off a certainty an idea that this is what's happening and honestly today i've been taken out of my comfort zone this is an exceptionally sensitive topic with many people who probably won't find this enjoyable and i don't blame them but i wouldn't feel right if i didn't get this off my chest because honestly out of all the situations that have transpired this one gives me a lot to say but with no real grip on quite how to say it youtube is a monumental platform with a lot of users a lot of power and thus a lot of danger there are currently 1.3 billion users on the site and alleged 300 hours worth of content being uploaded every single minute and if you go from video to video then it will take you down multiple different rabbit holes and multiple different directions it's kind of weird to think about how much content is out there and how many things we probably miss today however we'll be breaking down one of the darker holes i'm sorry to anyone that may not sit well with i felt a whirlwind of sentiments during this and initially expressed it in a twitter thread that i now feel is obsolete due to this video so i shan't be referring to it because i've refined my thoughts a bit but the background that i stated in the tweet is true it was probably a bit more than one and a half years ago i don't know when to be exact but i was just a small youtuber at the time i was doing some research with kavos back when he was still on around 20 000 subs and someone messaged me talking to me about this situation they found it was called my morning or mo basically what people were doing was that they were assembling these playlists with these girls during their morning routine these creeps were time stamping in the comments basically being absolute cretins to these unsuspecting children it was disgusting and i thought well i could pass on to cabos and so that's what i did so we did more research and honestly it's one of the most stomach churning things that i've ever investigated and i felt nauseous for dates however the video came out garnered around 25 30 000 views at the time and within a few days the playlists were gone videos were deleted and if not the comments sections were deactivated now i knew it was far from over this was not the first time youtube had been caught up in this very specific issue and i'll definitely discuss this more later but this new one is another pedogate whatever you want to call it and at this point there are more gates than a [ __ ] airport let's just hope this one isn't terminal the problem is as it typically is with pedophiles and predators on the platform is that they are persistent bastards pedophiles make me like a majority of people incredibly uncomfortable and when we encounter them expressing their sick desires and soliciting pleasure from minors we feel repulsed and we want to deal with them likely in more ways than one and therefore it's an issue that many of us feel strongly about enter stage left matt watson aka that's what it is a disillusioned youtuber who decided to make a damning video documenting the platform for child exploitation on youtube he wasn't the first and he won't be the last but he was definitely the most orchestrated and the most impassioned the theme of the video is that child exploitation is running rampant on the platform and it's only devolving further with various underage suggestive content being exploited by the cretins online including many of these same techniques that kavos and i witnessed a couple years back one of the key differences though was that in spite of the fact that these weren't necessarily being assembled in playlists youtube's own algorithm seemed to be creating these circles for people where they could have access to an endless stream of similarly perverted content he also observed that some of these videos were running adverts on them monetizing the problem that made the proclamation that it had to be dealt with establishing the line of reasoning that youtube have not been listening to this persisting problem particularly due to their alleged ignorance and the only way to make them learn would be to go straight for the jugular their income and thus their advertisers so matt went on a passionate campaign about gaining advertiser attention to hold youtube's feet to the fire to force them to address this his original video on youtube is a dramatic rant with high level editing and with perseverance he muscled his way onto the front page of reddit and subsequently attracted attention from all arenas not taking long to reach the ravenous media who were waiting to report on youtube's latest oopsy other news oriented youtubers decide to report on it as well providing their thoughts on the situation however with such instantaneous momentum matt decided to do multiple live streams to consolidate his viewpoints and positions but many people began to become suspicious about his credibility and his integrity and so certain creators took to twitter took to the stream and even took to their channels to take him and some of his narratives on much of the criticism focused on the belief that the advertisers were the central crux to resolving the issue and for any motive for youtube to respond the advertisers had to withdraw many creators felt that he was overly invested in proving this narrative and in the end creators would suffer for very little difference in outcome matt disagreed while also stating he believed that the creators were highly invested in their own pockets and were prioritizing themselves over the welfare of the children in his videos on top of this many claimed him to have a rather questionable pass with youtube bring into contention the real motives of his video this has led to a load of back and forth caused confusion division and frustration in the community who can all pretty much agree that paedophilia is bad but can create no consensus on what to actually do i'm going to try and work out what we can do but i also have a load of criticism to hand out because i am a bit annoyed for various reasons and we'll explore each one of them now i guess we should start at our home base because there's no place quite like home i have a pretty volatile relationship with youtube i've never made that a secret and although i've been very grateful that i have the platform in many ways they remain legitimate criticisms regarding how they have behaved towards larger and medium-sized creators of recent behavior which has constantly confused me in one way i do see youtube's point of view they want to project the right image to the advertisers they want the right people to remain monetized and they know who the representatives of the platform are but i feel they've really miscalculated what gets people up in arms at this point and this may be due to the problem of retrospect a couple years ago we had the pewdiepie situation everyone remembers i shouldn't really need to recap it but in case he basically ended up in the headlines for making some rather anti-semitic jokes and youtube has always been an edgy platform and i think that was a moment of re-evaluation for a lot of creators on what sort of message they're representing because otherwise that video at the time didn't receive much backlash until the mainstream media picked up on it generally however i think one of the things that youtube misses with this is that advertisers aren't really that interested in those things because typically these controversies might be confined to one creator who youtube can sanction pretty effectively and what they're more concerned about is when it affects the trend that's when it's hard to contain and that's one of the first things that initiated this original adpocalypse it wasn't actually pewdiepie's edgy jokes that got the adverts off it was the numerous further headlines reported to the times and so on the demonstrated ads running next to actual isis videos now i may be wrong but i don't think it's a controversial statement to make to say that isis is worse than pewdiepie another really great example is the logan paul situation advertisers could have very easily pulled out for that however he's a public figure he's an adult he took the brunt of the responsibility everyone knew where it lay what really made the apocalypse an issue is that it transcended one popular youtuber and covered the realms of many channels some of which were not easy to find that were not just a waste of advertising space but also a terrible thing for a brand to be associated with so they pulled ads for a significant amount of time and eventually with a bit of hesitation they came back now of course there's also other motivations for pulling ads such as the drive for lower ad rates and normally the capitalization on controversy like that but regardless of the motives of the advertisers youtube since then has responded by implementing multiple new algorithms and trying to clean up the image they want to portray to the media this was particularly demonstrated through their poorly received youtube rewind which found them misrepresenting the year in the most over saccharine way possible which is utterly hilarious when you think about it because in spite of all this it barely influences advertiser stance on top of this they have subsequently cracked down on channels that may be deemed offensive or inappropriate such as monkey jones a youtube comic who made videos containing rather edgy humor with which youtube gave him three community strikes in a rather orchestrated attempt to remove him from the platform they have further crackdown on demonetizations and strikes in fact i personally had an experience with youtube's rather stringent system for anyone who was around at the time i uploaded my video documenting the daddy 05 situation and how he has managed to create his own platform with a few die-hard fans it was a video that took a lot of work and effort and when it went up it obtained around 60 000 views in the first couple hours before youtube removed it and gave me a community strike it caused me a lot of stress as before this i had two other similar problems with youtube and my videos and it felt like they were out to get me they aged restricted my pineapple on pizza video and then removed my video criticizing them for their handling of the logan paul situation it was pretty stressful i'll say that much i felt like at the turn of 2019 many creators were fearful for their future on the platform there have been multiple instances of youtubers having their channels spontaneously deleted demonetized and attacked and that's not a really significant point on its own but what i'm trying to say is that youtube were pulling out all the stops punishing all these channels who'd never had any real run-ins with the advertisers anyway why did they suddenly lose the advertisers again invalidating all their previous efforts well because of the narrative advertisers aren't really concerned with what they know they're more afraid of what they don't know what do i mean after all it's after finding out their ads were running on these videos that they pulled out and yes that is true when you break down the narrative the greatest problem is you don't know the extent of this you don't know how many videos in this wormhole are going to be running ads on and so all the positioning from youtube flaunting their advertiser friendly credentials were perceptively torn down in no time at all because you can't continuously control the smaller creators with which there are genuinely an abundance of with all that out the way what it does indicate is that youtube have been aware of the problems with their platform and have been trying to implement the algorithms that will detect this content however this has often left many creators in the crossfire because youtubers are more likely to use tags titles and descriptions that are identifiable by algorithms children the subject of today's video do not think about those things anywhere near as much most of them are just doing this [ __ ] for fun like a majority of uploaders there's no algorithmic way to fully detect them and of course there are hundreds of thousands of hours of content uploaded on youtube every day i can't expect them to manually comb through every single video what can be done well in matt watson's video it was shown what would technically be classed as a rabbit hole even though he called it a wormhole i assume they're meant to be the same things that basically once entered created an algorithmic cycle which makes content highly accessible to those with unsavory desires so my first piece of advice is to break that up now judging from the follow-up streams and various coverage they have been working to do that so fair play on that behalf hopefully they'll keep it up equally although some of the videos were fairly low on views and thus not necessarily particularly noticeable and not certain to have been reported there were videos with significant amounts of views and i would argue that if youtube set a threshold for views something manageable because at the end of the day some of these videos do have over a million views and they should work on that i don't know the specifics that i can suggest but by the looks of it a lot of the worst defenders are on russian youtube and they should maybe branch out their linguistics department you want to know how many employees work for youtube a few thousand maximum that is pretty low now of course they likely work with contractors around the world in content monitoring but that's still a low number given how many people they aren't delivering a service to and all right maybe hire some more employees but the thing is that google doesn't disclose their income obtained from youtube so i can't really comment specifically on such things because although youtube is in many ways profitable they also filk out huge expenditure on content royalty costs bandwidth cost storage processing and so on youtube is not a cheap business but i don't know how much they make and i don't know how much control they have over their budgets whatever google are doing i don't know anything and that leads me to this point i wish youtube would be more open because i want to see their point of view they seem to be making some sort of effort in dealing with this stuff i've seen this but it's hard to empathize and provide ideas when they're so closed off and from what i've heard the employees themselves can't open up because it's protocol and so what do they do i mean that's what it is also focused a lot of running this narrative that some of the adverts were being shown on these channels now i highly doubt that children will monetize their channels because you have to fill out a form with various details including social security so unless their parents filled in those forms which would make them fairly terrible parents and shifting at least past responsibility onto them it means that the videos are likely being monetized for copyrighted content now chances are that this content was never flagged for review likely because it had some innocent title and thus was immediately copyrighted and monetized and youtube never checked it easily happens and there are no real algorithms to pick this up unless youtube manually reviews every uploaded video which we've established can't really happen my suggestion would be to actually see what terms you can change and see if you can avoid copyright monetization of chows who have not filled financial details but that might be an infringement of copyrighted property so then you could say well maybe remove videos that use copyrighted property that are not monetized but then you might hit smaller creators with unfair claims and they can't publish their videos there is no easy solution youtube has to work out chance to terminate comment section center and monetization is a secondary issue in these instances because it's inherently linked to whether youtube encountered the video in the first place copyright claims are an inherently profitable business and those businesses eat that [ __ ] up regardless of the views or the morality involved but at the same time a lot of the videos reported on weren't inherently sexual but were being sexualized by the people in the comment sections and as another creator eloquently puts if there is a 13 year old uploading content that is being sexualized does that video deserve to be taken down in that situation i might understand a comment section disabled should she be faulted and have her video terminated because of these scumbags i don't necessarily agree with that to what extent will we go there is no algorithm that can distinguish that nuance now in this instance youtube have responded letting people know what they're doing and it does seem proactive although i feel like this would have been avoidable if they'd been more open in the first place i want to empathize with youtube situation because given my experience with them they are receptive to these issues but at the same time because they are seldom clear about what they're doing it has led to this when you don't fill in the gaps for people people fill in the gaps themselves often to fill their own world view and given people's distaste for the platform it was inevitable that many were going to see this as confirmation for their worst fears and i'll definitely discuss that later but for now we have to look at the main man who has been promoting this and discuss his methodology [Music] as discussed in my previous part matt watson's video brings to light an important topic and as said no one wants this on their platform and i will provide credit for that however at the same time i was never properly won over by the video mainly for a few details that hurt me a lot of the video was about tone rather than points about rising up outrage rather than actually discussing the problem i'll break down the video for you as simple as possible right now youtube's algorithm of suggested content creates a cycle that feeds people's sick desires there are comments on these videos that basically allow pedos to communicate and connect with each other these videos in question involve children some of whom prepubescent conducting activities that may expose themselves to positions prone to being sexualized some of these videos are also monetized the whole situation is rather disgusting i don't doubt that but the only reason that this video has had an effect was because its delivery was bombastic and it was extremely focused in its goal almost too focused [ __ ] i hope with the video evidence that i have that more people find out about adverts being played on videos like this and that youtube shits the bed ten times worse than they did in 2017. and that's what unnerves me about this clip he has just shown something that is frankly terrible and his response is people need to know they're running ads on this i don't know about you guys but for me the ads would be the bottom of my priorities as a line does that not just strike as a little off and this is one of my biggest problems for someone who uses the defense of his cause of stopping child exploitation on youtube as a whole the video seemed very focused on actually punishing rather than resolving i don't think he offers one idea to resolve the problem throughout the whole video and although we're certainly not entitled to any genius solution you think that someone so committed to pushing this narrative that youtube aren't doing enough would have an idea of how youtube can do more he pushes the narrative that youtube are ignoring this and yet doesn't really prove it i'm shocked when i report channels that are amalgamating this stuff and i report guys that are timestamping this stuff that youtube hasn't deleted these channels how is this not a violation of their terms of service and how are they not doing more how does this exist he does say he's reporting the content but also acts as if this is the first time he has encountered these specific videos he doesn't act if he's revisiting the content that he's reported and that they'll actually deal with it like if you wanted to prove something like that it wouldn't have been too difficult to record you reporting it and then coming back a couple days later for me if you're playing a hardline narrative but which they may not be aware of anyway it once again seems like you're not interested in resolving the issue but more making a video which couldn't emotionally provoke people and that's what it did it's a video based on presentation and sure some people may argue that it's completely justified to be angry about these comments and you know what i'd be angry too but it's when you turn that anger onto the platform and try to go for the jugular with regards to funding that they could have sorted out anyway well that's when the problem arises and many creators picked up on this narrative and disputed it because essentially what matt was saying was that the only way to deal with this problem was to light a fire under youtube's buttocks to make them realize the consequences for not taking action now many people took issue with two parts of this firstly with matt's point that youtube wasn't taking any action many people are tested that youtube had in fact been responding and trying to deal with these issues and trying to run algorithms that would have raised this so meticulously to the point there had been incidents where channels have been suspended for merely having the initial cp involved as discussed earlier it's clear that youtube had their priorities wrong and were dealing with the situation inefficiently but few with experience on the platform would argue that they weren't doing anything or were attempting to overlook it altogether many creators would point to one situation back a couple years where this was occurring in a much different form pyrocynical a creator with a significant following made a video called child exploitation on youtube in which he documented something arguably more serious which was these throwaway accounts uploading content of children performing in rather sexual ways the uploaders were doing this with malicious intent and some of the content was actually monetized so if i go onto youtube and look up webcam video from you can just see from the [ __ ] thumbnails alone there's a girl holding panties there's a girl skimpy clothed with a really sexually suggestive pose on her and these are all called webcam video from and then a timestamp like the date and the year now one thing i've noticed with these videos is that they're usually posted on throwaway accounts so i'll go make an account post a video of a child doing sexually explicit stuff and then the account will be dead never used again it's this perfect strategy of essentially being blameless it's probably the same few people that make about 20 to 30 throwaway accounts and then just mass spam these videos they've basically been requested to do stuff right online by someone anonymous and then what they'll do is they'll take the clip and then upload it to youtube for essentially other pedophiles to enjoy so i hope that someone at youtube sees this that they catch on that this is really [ __ ] exploitation of children in a sexual way it's not right totally out of [ __ ] line youtube needs to get on this [ __ ] and they need to crack down on these [ __ ] their videos are monetized they've had to submit so much legal information to get the videos monetized youtube has their information they could shut down their account they could pass their name onto the police i'm sure some of them have forged information or faked it to get the videos monetized if they were had for half a [ __ ] brain cell then yeah definitely but i'm pretty sure there's ways to circumvent that in his video pyrocynical remained rather collected and advised youtube to take a clear stance on the issue and within 24 hours or so much of the content had been dealt with so firstly the effect of that video pretty much every single video i found and i referenced has been taken down from youtube i can't find the videos and when i go on my browser history to find them they've usually been taken down for sexually explicit content so that video did have a positive effect because these videos i saw of children acting in a sexually explicit manner have now been removed which is great this is exactly what i wanted and exactly what the community needs so thank you again so much for that you do realize that after i made the video a lot and i mean a lot of these videos were taken down for sexually explicit content within those 24 hours the search results did change a lot and even in smaller situations like kavos's video that barely caught 30 000 views the content in question was also handled so this leads to our second argument that many people felt like this did not need to be escalated to the point of advertisers being involved now i don't think it's completely unfair to argue that maybe if the punishment is harsh enough youtube might take note but at the same time it's quite clear that youtube do pay attention to the videos when they pick up content like this partly because it is implied through the content that if they don't deal with it then it could snowball further which is why they are particularly attentive now on one hand you could make the argument that youtube hasn't done enough and i think that's fair at the same time their algorithms probably reviewed content on an individual basis that didn't take into context what the problem was the problem being how much this content was considered normal to these children and likewise the fact that it was more a rabbit hole manipulated by an algorithm probably designed to merely recommend the same sort of content and keep people on the website as long as possible it's not something you would necessarily notice when doing individual reviews it's almost like a virus this algorithm hijacked by pedos imitating all the other algorithms it's a new type of problem that may not have been pointed out them because youtube's report mechanism doesn't necessarily address those issues so honestly i think it was warranting of a video because this is clearly a new problem that you have to communicate however the tone does seem very questionable and he seems overly obsessed with the advertisers um holy [ __ ] for real oh [ __ ] yes man sorry i swore i'm sorry yes dude that's what i'm talking about did it that's i'm happy thank you so much everybody i just made the video thank you that's great because you know why that's great not because i want to see youtube suffer i mean i kind of do in a way i want them to do something about this i know it's a challenging issue i i get it but because the only way to get youtube to listen it seems like is by hitting them where it hurts maybe it's just me but i feel like if the number one goal was to remove that sort of content from youtube that sort of reaction would be a bit premature it just doesn't give off a good impression about what he really wants from this at the end the video he has this rather contrived montage of all these creators who have had run-ins with the youtube monetization system the solutions that youtube come up with will not make it easier on those guys or us it'll just make youtube more paranoid and more restrictive and i genuinely don't believe that he necessarily is particularly invested in that final montage and that's okay if you think that's a sacrifice worth making but don't necessarily plug in the creators there because you think it's gonna win you some credits i want to round this out by saying that i am very aware of the allegations of the content that he made in the past the very weird sexual content and the no fap stuff and frankly i do find it rather strange that given his former uploads he'd suddenly take the stance i mean he shouts as an underage girl and asks if he wants to be in an adult film and his best response to this was to say that she wasn't underage crazy sociopath dude is little he's trying to say that these videos that i made that this woman right here is a kid like what i mean this is so crazy dude that's so wild that's the craziest thing yeah that's so nuts which i kind of doubt given his record on judging ages but at the same time he may be a reformed man and i hate cancer culture but he shouldn't have made excuses at least his video itself had the evidence and some points to take note of but i just never personally enjoyed his presentation because it seems to me there's an agenda that's not necessarily intertwined with protecting the kids i can't look inside his mind and tell his intentions but i have my opinions and so did other creators and that's where this becomes even more divisive so with all this laid out although i can understand why matt brings an important issue to the front of the site people might have had real problems with his approach not just in how it was presented but the sort of things that he was suggesting we should really establish two points that everyone should be happy with no one wants this on their platform but we also want to minimize the possible collateral damage and given the differing perceptions on how youtube is dealing with this and how they have dealt with this in the past this will lead to different positions which also led to a lot of creators taking issue with what he was saying as it places them in the firing line due to an issue that may not have deserved such a reaction awesome now again look guys this means that youtubers are gonna suffer unfortunately now yes of course youtubers are going to be more vocal about this when it's their livelihoods at stake i think that's only natural but at the same time not everyone invested in the criticism is a youtuber nor are they someone who completely relies on the platform for their income i personally am very grateful for the income that youtube provides and it gives me much more creative license but my life does not depend on it one of the biggest issues that many youtubers immediately took was that matt came across as a bit of a novice not really experienced with the community and certainly not convinced on any of his views other than the advertiser one let's play some clips and take them apart briefly to understand where people were coming from uh okay nick what do you propose youtube do i don't know i do you want to know what i think actually i think that youtube has to know about this stuff but they actually can't do anything because in order to do something they would have to rewrite rewrite their entire algorithm which is some kind of huge uh conglomeration of so many miniature algorithms so but regardless what they need to do is they need to have people that work 24 7. let me let me give you this example uh who was that who just wrote that comment let me get his name again nick let me give you an example if you go to a website like pornhub and you try and find these kind of videos actually try and find these videos on a pornographic website like pornhub you can't find them i'm sure they're on that platform i'm sure if i went deep enough i'm sure if i tried to talk to the right people i could probably find those videos on a website like pornhub but i can't find them yet on youtube i can find them within five clicks first of all that's not how you use the blue yeti secondly if you genuinely don't think youtube can do anything why did you want to punish them so badly to make them do something personally i think youtube could do more but this sudden defeaters tones seem surprisingly inconsistent i mean this girl is like a teenager even this is borderline no matt that's karina kopf she's 23 and yes matt is out of sync that's nothing to do with me however on the other hand there were points where matt came across as very reasonable and much more reasonable than he did in his original video ryan why are my videos showing up when you search them if you're talking about my video that i uploaded about this whole issue it's because it has sexual in the title so youtube basically doesn't want that showing up and trending or anything it's not a conspiracy how am i not trending again like it's because i have sexual in the title youtube doesn't want that trending because they don't want to upset advertisers the irony right it's not that youtube is [ __ ] man it's just like they don't know how to deal with this issue you know it seems strangely inconsistent which although reasonability is completely welcomed it makes the tone of the original video seem slightly disingenuous like if i didn't believe people were ignoring something and they genuinely cared and they were just stuck on the solution i wouldn't have hammered them in that way in that tone to deliver that sort of retribution now with all this in mind some youtubers decide to take it to him the main opposition coming from keemstar who took the very passionate position that youtube care about this issue are responding and aren't doing something and the mat was being dishonest in the way that he behaved keem said he had passed on the information behind the scenes but didn't want another adpocalypse so he wasn't going to boost it now kim is a controversial figure for many justified reasons but his stance on this matter didn't seem malicious and as seen in other clips matt doesn't seem innately angry and yet this tweet completely sets him off yeah well you know what dude i guess what that shows is that you don't care you care more about your [ __ ] money wow you care more about your money this guy i don't like this dude you know you care more about money than you do about protecting people you know so what if it affects you go work at [ __ ] kfc bro hokey mother okay sorry i shouldn't swear damn that's that's that's [ __ ] you know get a part-time job my guy you know uber uber looks good for you this is a theme that we see in a lot of his responses i'm not going to play them all because they're rather similar a lot of his streams are just him repeating a lot of these same points and this becomes particularly prevalent when dealing with people like this he tells people that they need to get jobs and this isn't just restricted to controversial people like keemstar this is the same with other much less partisan commentators like nerd city and leon lush there you go yeah well yeah well you know i'm frustrated because this this turned out you know yeah that's right here we go again and then he'd say he doesn't want to be angry with them and wants a discussion i'd like to talk to the guy like i don't want to be angry with you uh sorry what's his name again i don't want to be angry with you uh [ __ ] i don't remember your name sorry dude i'm kind of all over the place yeah so yeah i'd go for it yeah leon lush yeah for sure how can we set that up yeah let's make it happen for sure i don't want to be upset with this guy i want to talk to him but either way this divided the community deeply to the point where there was basically this learn to code narrative and sure youtubers are probably somewhat self-interested but their arguments are not completely illogical and when keemstar actually called in matt seemed very submissive towards him and the points that he was making brother i don't have a twitter i'm literally so uh i will i will make a twitter when i come home um i would love to talk to you i would love to talk to you i don't think you're a bad guy i'd love to talk to you i'd love to get your opinion i'd love to get your insight you're a big youtuber you're you're a part of this platform i'd love to talk to you i will make a twitter and uh and i'll yeah so brother when i'm at work i'll try and make a a a twitter i want to talk so suddenly his moments of spontaneous rage seem completely unhinged or contrived to rile up the audience youtubers are gonna argue their case telling them to get a job just reflects the cynical elitism that we see a lot now youtube is not typical employment it's much more a contracted agreement but it's still a paid position for some people and i don't appreciate the fact that people tend to look down it as this sort of job that people who have failed elsewhere have and sure there is no guarantee of payment but i like the fact that youtube can be paid i think it pushes some great content onto a free platform and such a vision should not be given up on i'll take matt watson on any career path lil [ __ ] in one of his other streams matt says this no i'm not gonna get into politics because frankly i'm not smart enough to really talk about this but in a capitalist society the only way to really hit big corporations is monetarily so i'm not here to try and brigade uh advertisers i just want this to be known to be talked about for youtube to acknowledge that they're doing something about it that they're improving their stipulations regarding enforcing their minimum age requirements and that um maybe they can be more transparent with the youtubers who actually put out great content about what they can and cannot say and this has been bugging me for a while because he places the blame of having to go in on youtube onto the quote capitalist society and yet he encourages youtubers who criticize him to go and take jobs at uber and kfc in response to their criticisms of him probably some of the greatest examples of completely unaccountable companies who benefit of the system that watson despises so much you want to know why companies like the bbc swept under the rug for so long youtube defies many of its business counterparts because you can start off with very very little very small investments and you can transform it it's not perfect but it's certainly better than kfc or uber who have a very stiff hierarchy indeed youtube is good because it doesn't completely represent that having utility load of youtubers who arguably have a platform that can call this dangerous stuff up just go and get a job at a place where they will have no voice at all as if that would stop the child exploitation you can't use child exploitation as a catch-all defense it's like suggesting that people against the death penalty are defending the people who commit heinous crimes at the end of all this he posted an unapologetic reddit response which affirmed his status as a youtube martyr who's too good for the internet plebs it was more of the melodramatic content that i'd expect from him as well as an outro ramble about keemstar in his evil ways i could break this down but i think it's quite clear now he's just a bit clueless after having to sit through a lot of matt watson's streams i don't think he's completely as calculated as his first video represented i thought that video was orchestrated and manipulative but since then it seems he's just someone who has clearly set out a goal in his head get those advertisers and then has had literally no idea on what to do next he gets confused he gets frustrated and says stupid things and honestly even though some people were annoyed he was abandoning his post it was probably for the best he wasn't really achieving anything even with all that said i don't think he was the worst perpetrator in this situation but james we've gone through all the suspects in the room who could it be well let's see let's say youtube get all of the under 13 owned accounts off the platform let's say they disable youtube comment sections in which people write their inappropriate time stamps and so on let's say they managed to work out exactly what videos were good and appropriate and what videos were not even though this is a rather implausible scenario i would then pose the question to you the viewer will pedo stop using the platform the answer is a resounding no at the end of the day you have family content being uploaded where children do childish things and parents upload it because they're proud there are videos on youtube of my brother playing the violin when he was younger and one of the first problems we encountered were those strange comments even when the videos had next to no views whatsoever now my dad dealt with the problem because he's a responsible guy but my point still stands my brother was literally playing the violin if you upload content with children onto the internet there is a significant possibility that anything that they post might be taken and used for unsavory purposes if you cannot concede the thought of that then don't let your children online youtube could have done more in firstly sorting out the algorithm secondly turning off comments because that breaks up the ring slightly and it prevents a child from perhaps being humiliated or harassed on top of that they could maybe delete some of the channels that were run by children but there will always be enough content with children in on youtube that's unavoidable matt's video was manipulative for sure but it was so heavy-handed it should have been obvious and that's what annoyed me the only thing exceptional about this situation was the fact that people could see it publicly and they could respond by doing something that didn't affect them the threat those comments provided was that they could be considered sexual harassment of the child not that they indicate pedos were watching videos because pidos will continue to watch videos regardless many social media sites have it much worse than youtube because they actually have private dms thus making them much more vulnerable than any youtube uploader we've dealt with pedos in this community before who have utilized both twitter and discord messaging services to solicit content that many people would be shocked by twitter themselves have been overrun by pedos recently who have set up their support chats as documented by multiple people and discord have just emerged from a scandal that had alleged grooming rings occurring in private servers and yet surprisingly there was no passionate video directed at them demanding that we go off their income at the jugular i recently released a video about melody official tries a 12 year old with approximately 4 million followers receiving those comments instagram is literally stood on the sides and that rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper and deeper on instagram instagram is genuinely terrible this does not negate the problems that youtube has i need to emphasize that no what i'm saying is that people's outrage at this specific situation is unbelievably selective and if you really care about your child not being used as pedo fodder then firstly you'd stop them from going online you stop them from going outdoors in public and you'd have to shelter them completely it's an inconvenient truth the internet as a whole makes it easier for them you'd have to do something radical like shut down the internet or ban kids or something that will just be unbelievably invasive if there's one thing that i could say about matt is that at least he was consistent in his beliefs i mean this was one of the solutions that he supported many south korean user websites require users to submit a valid registration number to create an account that is brilliant there you go thank you so much lfp um anybody you know some of the uh some of the reporters i'm talking to i'm gonna mention that to them because i want them to bring that up i highly doubt many of the people who were initially riled up by such a video would be willing to hand over records to an authority like that particularly given how easily prone to abuse that would be i certainly wouldn't but at the same time i accept that freedom comes with liabilities you can't select what sort of outreach compass you want on the basis that it affects you as i said my buddy video the best weapon we have right now is education to make sure children when approached by online predators can report this and to feel like they have a voice if they are ever put into these scenarios but there is no way of completely avoiding it and we can't just plug our ears and pretend they don't exist until we see them and then become really upset because they've shown themselves then demand the platform makes us not see them anymore as if that will just make them [ __ ] vaporize and regardless they will come back on some new website that they'll create a group chat on and do what they got to do linking videos whether youtube has disabled the comment sections or not you're not going to stop them it is our job to make it as hard for them as possible without a doubt but the utopian idea that we can completely prevent it would only be achieved through extreme authoritarian policies and very few people would support it so what was the outrage worth then well youtube changed some policies became even stricter on monetization and we got another apocalypse that was debatable in its necessity and let's be honest the only reason we got it was because it didn't affect a majority of people if advertisers didn't listen and youtube didn't listen would people have gone one step further and stopped using youtube altogether to protest no of course they wouldn't in the instances of discord and twitter they have been responding to the outrage despite the fact that no one has really gone for their main sources of income because image is a long-term thing that does matter regardless of how much money you're making right now i said this in my tweet but if you were angry about pedos online you would be angry all the time and if a website can do more we should always make them do more but spare me the pseudo moral outrage it seems like disingenuous bollocks if people genuinely care about this as this whole situation makes them out to be then there's a lot of work to be done i don't expect everyone to be completely morally consistent in fact no one is but if you're calling on something with great impact then i think it probably matters a bit more that we evaluate what we're doing before making moves that could affect people's livelihoods and that's the thing that annoyed me whenever people brought into question this whole discussion there was always this one person who asserted that they must not care about the well-being of children that's never the case but if you care about the well-being of children that much then you'll be pushing for a lot more than youtube's removal of content honestly i think people were led on by that video at the same time i think we as youtubers need to realize that this is what cultivating a really negative perception of youtube yields youtube deserve to be held to account but equally projecting them as a business who will do nothing to sort the platform out is coming back to haunt them doesn't mean that youtube shouldn't be criticized they've made some terrible decisions over the last few months and i'm more than happy to point them out but cooking up a narrative that means people will only see youtube in the worst light in every situation is risky business and this risk has not paid off not for us not for youtube in fact the only person it's paid off for is matt and now he's in the sin bin anyway and i doubt he'll ever come back so there is the video joyous times as ever not the most fun one to make but uh i hope i covered everything at least somewhat comprehensively because it's a really tough topic and i didn't want to be seen as giving too much credit to anyone or not enough credit to anyone because there was positives and negatives to be given to both sides in this instance with this i want to thank the editors again they will be up on screen and in the pinned comment go check them out go send them some love they really really do deserve it i doubt this was an easy one for them to make either so i really appreciate their commitment on that front also need to thank my patreons who've once again been very generous and i really appreciate it and i also have to thank individually connor at fifty dollars some hula blue also at fifty dollars thank you guys so much much love in my heart for you also massive thank you to evening steel to another 50 patreon who donated fairly late on in the last month so i had to slip this little section in thank you so much and also stepping up there to a hundred dollars brandon and ryan who i don't know what they're on but some good [ __ ] i really appreciate it guys that this makes so much difference to me and it does not go unnoticed but yeah pretty tight pretty exhausted but pleased to have got this down and recorded and i hope it comes out all right in the end until then i'm the right opinion and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 981,046
Rating: 4.9134645 out of 5
Keywords: matt watson, matt wattson, matt watson keemstar, watson, matt, matt watson song, matt watson rant, who is matt watson, matt watson music, matt watson channel, keemstar matt watson, matt watson old channel, mattswhatitis, matt watson exposed, vídeo de matt watson, matt watson tro, tro, tro mattswhatitis, matt watson reddit
Id: UWdG_lmLZ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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