What Happened To Toby Turner? The End Of A Career | TRO

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crystal clear I have never done anything without her consent youtuber April F made a very very large tumblr post which he accused Toby Turner of sexual assault thanks for enduring support over the past few weeks it means a lot the media movement is important because it gave women the confidence to speak out and use their voice but it's important I think for men to be able to do the same and so I decided it was time for me to use my own when people look back on youtubers and ask themselves who have been the most influential craters on the platform there are many individuals that I'm sure come to mind people who are relevant now people who used to be relevant whether it's pewdiepie smosh shane dawson nigahiga ray william johnson Fred The Annoying Orange and so on many creators past and present have had a significant cultural impact however when speaking to people about their childhood one name that seldom seems to come up is Toby Turner or Tobuscus or Toby games beside the fact that I'm sure a huge number of people who have watched at least one video of his two of his channels have amassed over six million subscribers each which is certainly a feat not to be overlooked yet I feel that his story is one that is often overlooked one that is heavily integrated in the culture that we discussed today and one that we can perhaps learn a bit from and maybe seek to explain how Toby Turner ended his career hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] were too much free time and bless your face I'm sure not everyone is aware of who Toby Turner is but for a basic rundown he is one of the original craters on the platform who began his craft in 2006 and twelve years later is still going as mentioned however it's not with the intensity that he used to after he probably made a fat stack of cash in his time or at least enough to keep him going I can't look into a man's bank account he ascended to his peak around the turn of the 2010 particularly encompassed by the success of his little trailer series on top of this he also had a gaming channel in which he would achieve even greater success in terms of subscribers in spite of a marginally lower view counts generally if you ask someone involved with YouTube what has been their most recent experience with him chances are it'll be the allegations in which Toby Turner was accused of sexual assaults now at the time this was created in a tumblr post by an individual named April Fletcher and this information isn't wholly relevant right now but I am going to bring it back up in the future for why it is important Serna had three successful channels have made videos that are pretty much iconic in many people's childhoods and had so much media branching out in so many different directions he almost seemed set to succeed I was reporting a video in preparation by foot of a ferret in which he runs down the brief history of our good friend Toby and he says this recurring human character in the show Tobuscus is on top of the world right now he has millions of fans three huge YouTube channels a starring role on Cartoon Network and he even has a video game in development with all this in mind I think it's safe to say that the real big years for Toby are still on the way so it does indeed bet question what the hell happened even I'm not entirely sure yet but by the end of the video I'm sure we'll have a bit more of a definitive answer Turner is still uploading content to this day on his channel mostly more commentary facecam oriented and talking about various random topics that interest him some topics more trending others more spontaneous or personal to him given the fact that I don't think there's really too much else to summarize in the situation we're running ahead of schedule so without further ado I suggest we get right into it I think we should open up with a fairly uncontroversial statements toby turner is a talented musician there is no doubt in my mind about that he started his Tobuscus channel in 2006 and it did decently in founded it fairly well particularly per views Turner's music always had a very distinct style in its delivery Turner is a guitarist he's clearly no van Halen or us daddy Derek would have probably wanted his signature but he didn't need to be and that's the first thing we need to talk about when it comes to Turner as a creator nothing he made was profoundly musically experts but it didn't need to be the thing is back in 2006 YouTube existed on its own terms its content creators didn't have state-of-the-art camera work and I know I spoken about this before but if it's a premise it can't be ignored Turner's stuff was relatively simple at the time but it was cute it was mildly amusing and Turner could do funny voices the intensity my a lot of people tend to point to the don't taze me bro as one of Turner's earliest successes but I'm not sure I entirely agree with that and I'd actually say that a far more representative video is the quaintly named foul called the urinator which is essentially a song about his dog and how it hisses would you know fair enough I feel that as a video it was a snapshot into what Turner was about great and how mind blown Lee successful he was about to become you see the word meme didn't even begin becoming your eyes until the early 2010's and even then it was a very gradual ascension to the sort of notoriety that it has attained today with all this considered the phrase meme is just a label memes existed before the word meme existed nowadays memes are much more seen as general concepts and we tend to pick up on the most random people but I think one of the things I'd argue about Turner is that he really did make his music in a very Mimi fashion if you go back and look in the comment sections you'll see numerous people quoting very iconic parts the song because they had something unique about them that made them so inherently quotable what was that exactly though generally I think it was because as a musician he was also a storyteller which you know is kind of hard to recognize when you're distracted by the numerous jokes and maybe this was equally borne out of his skits where he would create an arc even if it was a fairly irrelevant one but that's what a lot of his music represented that arc with load of punchlines in between which often yielded from the lines before thus delivering some sort of comedic emphasis combine this with the melodies and the very awkward timing it seemed to create something humorous and memorable he would also find comedy in the very simple notion of being literal even in this Falkor video you can see that style urinating on a car - aha typically this would contrast a very simple formula bring energy and epicness to something mundane the song is about a dog who takes a piss and chews up sofas but suddenly it's become this huge song about the dragon from the neverending story turner also enjoyed relative success from his remixes even though they probably didn't give him the greatest persona and they didn't really necessarily build character they're really only worth noting from the point of view they showed turn-ins very intuitive nature to the prevailing trends on the about page of his extremely outdated website it describes him as a viral marketer slash actor instead of you know a youtuber which I found rather interesting but he definitely is very sharp on the direction of trends and working out how to turn them into something that people wanted to see the remixes themselves weren't really anything particularly groundbreaking in their quality but he knew how to put them out there and he knew how to make it look appealing to the viewer so you can't fault him for that one thing that Turner was always credited for was his click fake which I personally don't think is anything on the level of people like raywilliamjohnson but his titling was pretty good and always knew how to mold itself into a prevailing trend it's also important to note that in spite of his videos doing incredibly well for views he didn't gain too many subscribers from it mainly because at this point as a creator although he definitely had his own brand he hadn't really integrated anything personal into it who would make people come back consistently for his content it's very interesting concepts which is personality when you subscribe someone you typically want to see more of them Turner at that point had created a very diverse range of content that people were watching mainly for its own virality which isn't the same as someone subscribing to some tracks ranting about whatever youtuber talking best [ __ ] of recent and giving some opinion to it variety doesn't translate into long-term success unless you really carve out a niche that only you can feel for example like bad lip reading it's very hard to kickstart a brand what Turner was doing at this time was something that hadn't quite defined him as the creator that he would soon become it was all the case because back then there were fewer users on the platform fewer people who actually had accounts so with all that considered he still did all right towards the end of 2009 he was the 73rd most subscribed comedian on the platform on the grand total of seventy three thousand four hundred and fifty six subscribers oh how times have changed but nonetheless that's still a fraction of what he was about to obtain and he really did need something to identify his brand with a lot of his videos were fine enough but they were fairly sporadic in their tone and that identifies a problem that I'll probably talk about later but now we see Tobuscus in a reasonable position he's doing well for himself he has a second and third channel in which he is interfacing many of his current viewers into at that point the third channel was just called Toby but it appears that he never decided to use that one beyond a couple uploads and then transferred the status of the third channel on to Toby games this will have a good dynamic interaction another youtuber who had a similar set up was Shane Dawson who I've spoken about before he also had three channels but there was more divergence in how these two characters used their channels with Turner making the second channel more dedicated to blocks with the third becoming his gaming channel going back to 2010 Turner wasn't the most successful crater on the platform with a ruthless scheme of tapping into the most popular pulse and some fairly iconic ideas he was about to be I think it's time we talk about phase two it is the turn of the decade the world is changing and Turner had definitely established something but he didn't necessarily have that game-changer that defined his brand on the Tobuscus channel he was doing well but he could do better we've all been in that position on the 8th of December 2009 toby turner uploaded a literal trailer for the film Clash of the Titans it basically represented his brand of humor that we'd seen before but in a form of commentary on a film preview generally I think this one was a bit more focused on the literal side but it still represented the inception of something and demonstrated why Turner had such a talent for the application of this I did you see Turner had a great hold on what our brand narrative cohesion the idea that you can maintain a flow of a video like this insert the jokes elicits the audience response while not having to stop the video and say guys look at my joke alongside this the musical nature of many trailers complimented his very melodic style his content never had too much of an overbearing personality and therefore his literal trailers tended to be that perfect balance of something additional without detracting from the source material it was a transformative experience that didn't lose sight of the content that draws people in because that is the balance of that sort of content that you need people will inevitably click on a video for a topic or a concept I decide whether they want to stay for the sake of what the youtuber is providing in addition to it or not or if they're providing something wholly original and this idea of the literal trailer was something that Turner was able to brand as much more quintessentially hits however this video didn't initially take off not like some of his other content at least and other videos that had come out about that time had performed better on his channel a couple months after and it had done decently but nothing was going to necessarily blow up but like the ruthless a viral mark - he was he probably knew that he had something maybe he received an optimistic fan response or or maybe he just had an instincts so like any trooper he did a few more and they did well they didn't blow up but they were good enough indication that he might be onto something here now the time he was also doing something known as commercial parodies which were another good way to really make the most of his comedic timing and the funny voices he could use is the sort of content that's pretty casual but really summed up the mood of YouTube back then there were a lot of parody chair that could do that low-budget satire nowadays it probably wouldn't fly too high but I can see the appeal farm fare from milking cows to putting chickens and coops this game pushes the limits of the imagination backward here's a taste of the action now I want to talk about native cohesion back here because the parity series although short-lived did outline something Toby definitely had a nature to make more mature jokes not necessarily sexual but jokes that you'd have to be somewhat knowledgeable to fully appreciate play Mafia Wars duh if you thought farmville was exciting get ready for a ride into the carpal tunnel because they aided the narrative or they worked in the context of the video whether you saw them as a joke or not didn't matter you could still relatively understand it also helped this delivery was quite fast because it didn't linger on the punchlines each video was on its journey and the jokes were almost like the pit stops they enhanced the experience but they don't define it at the same time a lot of the jokes that Toby tended to make typically refer to some sort of general human condition which is always welcome but there's only so many punchlines behind the sort of face book games and eventually he moved on from these even though the views they pulled were fairly respectable with content like these literal trailers they in a way reproduced themselves with the constant run of new trailers that came out and given how each one of them would be different in a way he had what seemed to be an endless stream of content that could be covered he just needed a breakthrough now one of the observations that I made when looking over the previous screen caps of his channel was the clip Bates that I had heard some people discuss in the past initially he branded them as just the HD literal trailers which plays off a very clever ambiguity of the definition of literal and obviously the fact that may people were looking for HD content but them but it is extremely successful clickbait however when he uploaded the Harry Potter little trailer and it took off it appears he did change everything to include the parody phrase in the title so I mean you can't really complain too much eventually that became part of the brand once again he's a bit click Beatty but nothing that I find all that egregious especially when you look at the climate past and present as literal trailers themselves you can see a clear improvement with the Harry Potter video there are more running jokes for once again they don't interfere with the flow I'm eating cheez-its right now and I'm trying to work out how to explain why is comedy they worked in the time but damn these cheez-its are good white cheddar white cheddar is really delicious guys all right focus James remember I said about Falcor that skill in being able to contrast the mundane with the epicness with the literal trailers it's like that but amped up to 11 added on top of the fact that they are tire doing something that is already there you have this huge epic trailer and then you have this tracks pointing out details and being pedantic it's a very simple formula but it worked particularly on circa 2010 YouTube once the little trailers caught fire it felt like they were watched launched Tobuscus as a brand beyond just the video people become attached to the guy behind the content rather than just the individual uploads and every single one of the videos v dropped in the moment appear to bang and after the success of the Harry Potter video and the follow up halo video the algorithm was poised to launch him into the spotlight with the Assassin's Creed little trailer which went absolutely wild and views at this point he knew he had something but he needed to establish a close relationship with the audience so one the series he started out was cute win fail basically a series where he'd show three clips one cute one win and one fail and let the audience decide which they took preference - I'll let Toby explain in 2010 language what it meant show were videos from three different realms of viral compete to become the most damning but Toby how do you determine which video is the most epic I'm glad you asked guy with crazy hand movements you decide the most epic video of the week receives a gold star and the other two are then crushed to smithereens by giant rock stone text those videos lives are in your hands basically one of the people Toby worked with was Jack's films who is also known for the highly interactive content and although I can't really confirm whether they were acquainted at this point in their career I feel this content did echo the sort of attitude of Jack's work and served as a way to try and capitalize on the creative success of his other material by involving his audience more once again you have that with Jack's films you have his more creative site and you have his more personal side also at the end of literal trailers he'd have the audience decide which videos were next it's the sort of thing that is a smart move to do and encourage participation from your viewers I don't think that any of this is a criticism in fact I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to do this and these videos perform well too obviously they weren't doing as well as his little trailers but that content was what he saw himself as promoting a longevity about he made other videos too chatting bear ships you know the sort of thing that he wanted to do and in a way that was in the spirits of 2010 you tube it was broadcasting yourself in whatever form possible and Tobuscus really nailed that at around the turn of the 2010 Tobuscus also started focusing on his two other channels Toby Turner and Toby games both of these channels didn't do insane numbers on startup but they had a fan base Toby games is the one that is more interesting he started at the end of 2010 and immediately it seemed to do somewhat decent initiating with some videos on Halo Reach however there was a lot more to come for this channel and I want to hold on to this thought as we move into Toby's creative Renaissance you see by the looks of things his content was doing what it needed to do he had a lot of creative ideas he was letting them run riot on YouTube an array of ventures all over the place and people were watching them however given Turner's sheer spontaneity and his nature do you just do whatever he wanted to it meant that if he was going to do something no one could really tell and needless to say no one was prepared for what was coming next because forwards would define many people's lives forever nugget in a biscuit nugget in a biscuit is something that could only be the product of its time I've explained all the components of Tobuscus and all of his talents that means the music the tone the narrative and all of these come together to create something like a nugget in a biscuit the sheer peak of creative autonomy there's no other way to describe it and that's what often makes the greatest memes and cultural projects because they are so unbelievably unique that you just can't define them there's no way to fully explain the moments but nugget in a biscuit was one of them it's a mesmerizing video what else can be said Toby also let this ingeniously kick off a new creative venture which was basically animated Tobuscus now this is an animated series voice predominantly by turner and animated by the crater gonzo SSM these little skits did really well but there was still more than meets the eye John the sand is we need to talk about Toby games Tobuscus is third Channel now it's exceptionally rare for a third child to have more subscribers than someone's main channel when they provide a high amount of attention to the first channel as well obviously some people might point to Shane Dawson's third Channel but I'd argue that he'd prioritized that over the other two and thus has made it his main channel in a way Tobuscus did upload a lot of content to his third channel and there is no doubt about that it definitely helped but his main channel already had a huge head start how does it catch up well firstly Toby was an epic gamer and I mean he gamed every day Diablo shows on his channel was absolutely insane he was uploading non-stop so even when he wasn't pulling the views it was all cumulative however another more interesting detail was how his new animated series tended to revolve around topics related to the games he might be playing so for example Tobuscus animated adventures was about a trip to Dead Island a game that he also played on his third channel or for example on November 2011 he um dated eight significant amount of Minecraft videos on his third channel and then complimented it on the 25th November with a minecraft related song on his main channel his first channel in spite of everything else that was going on was intertwined in games enough to the point that it meant for his third channel really took off on the basis of algorithms and of that audience even though I'd argue his main channel retrospectively was much more iconic and has vid that were more famous the content that he released on his gaming channel was more about him as an individual crater close interaction longer videos more videos and the videos themselves were much more focused in their genre they had an underlying theme and then people subscribed for that theme which is likely why eventually the channel accumulated more subscribers because it was more coherent in its theme and a lot of time that's what people subscribe for these animated videos were much more successful than any other type of video and with this he integrated it with his musical talent for some very popular content when it came to his music skills he had a knack of creating extremely simple melodies and rhythms who were mesmerizing and addictive often captured Turner's very polarized tone where he constantly moved between that extremely over-the-top epicness to the very stoic moments and gonzo SSM did a great job in capturing animation could capture that sort of energy like no other so it's no wonder why these videos were so popular with his viewers and many others as well on top of this around 2012 he started to branch out into many other forms of YouTube which is always a resourceful move at the end the day everyone's channel dies everyone's channel will have a time where it no longer becomes relevant and therefore they need to make sure there's a career beyond that and so he was in a few TV shows a few films he'd already featured on his friend day in boudic Imus Channel The Annoying Orange yeah that Jim Turner was a laborious mocked up with a lot of ideas however in many situations it would be easy to accuse him of jumping from trend to trend in a rather disingenuous fashion how could someone have a passion for that may topics what makes him stand out from that criticism firstly a lot of his successful content clearly has a lot of personality and does carry through that energy that can route his content in that draw with that said his content was never really fueled by his personality but more by his talents to apply them to create a character if you asked you Toby Turner was as a person where you'd have trouble defining at least that character from Tobuscus he's clearly sharp and witty but that's an energy captured by particular circumstances with someone like Shane Dawson you have a very particular character portrait that's been constructed by his content Turner's content may well be abstracted from his character but it's so comically inclined to this very hard to say anything about who he is who is Toby Turner as a person it leaves you with his gaming channel and his vlog channel the latter one we haven't talked about for reasons that we'll discuss very soon but the gaming channel I think was very well built on the games themselves and make no mistake Toby clearly has a talent and a knack but gaming as a genre has become a lot more restricted in the last few years and less focusing on the attitudes of the people playing them and more about relative skill or excellent clickbait or playing with Drake unless you're cisco surfing of course then all you need to do is put some reaction commentary about Danny up or goalie over it and suddenly it becomes fine arts toby was just a gamer and that was one of the things although his creative ventures were certainly unique he didn't have anything that made the gaming video stick out although he was by no means unfunny or lacking in entertainment value he equally was just as good as the culture in its time and that culture quickly became hostile to a lot of YouTube gamers which is where we reach his vlog channel because his vlog channel was easily his least popular channel and although it had a significant amount of subscribers and a lot of uploads not many of them did particularly well and even if you arranged it in his most popular order you have to go through eight videos to find firstly a vlog but also one that isn't misleading in its title looking at you Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber and watching the vlogs they're just not anything that I would brand is captivating Toby Turner wasn't necessarily made for the blocking game in my opinion and the reason is that I feel that a lot of his videos felt inconsequential even for creators who I personally don't like such as zoella their videos always felt like they had a purpose or reason to be there even if I personally think that purpose was rather forced it still felt like they were always going somewhere I just never received that impression from Turner's work on top of this the vlogs never felt like they were fully Toby it always felt like he was holding something back and what we really need is someone expressing himself in that situation no one could ever get the full picture we knew who Tobuscus was but we didn't really know Toby Turner but that was alright it just meant that he may not be cut out for one sort of artistic venture it just meant he had a brand to preserve but doing something like that in the changing environment is much easier said than done you see I mentioned a couple people in this video today Dawson and Jax films the reason that I did this is because they both as creators are still going relatively strong to this day and still make videos that generate a ton of views and therefore there must be something that distinguishes themselves and has allowed them to succeed where Turner has fallen short and Doughboy will address the elephant in the room soon enough by now it should be clear that the gaming channel as good as it may have been back in the day didn't really have the power to survive the success of the gaming channel was at a peak where his sort of supplementary character was considered an enhancement by audiences and now that sort of persona was just no longer considered cool no longer can a large youtuber just set up a games channel and expect it to do well however Tobuscus itself was a unique brand and even if Turner himself wasn't the most standout person to buskers sure was and he knew how to creatively define himself so what was going to tear that down well I think it was a combination of factors who will get the simpler explanations out of the way first as said I think as a personality Turner was quite hard to put in a box he was always known for his performance persona whereas Jack's films always told somewhat more grounded even though it was clearly an exaggeration Tobuscus was always a persona even it is most applied there are some craters who could just do anything they want and they'd make it appealing Tobuscus wasn't one of them I think that was shown in his cute win fail series which although I can understand its appeal at the time in my opinion it does not hold up because as a host he's just not that entertaining to buskers need a specific mould and I think that was most exposed when he tried to be more down-to-earth and his shows like cute win fail he was great for memes in the moment and he made a lot of memorable content but you can't be defined by your memes Jax feels makes a lot of great memes for his audience but he has this iconic slightly disconnected personality that will transcend whatever content he covers the existence of the memes is merely a bonus Turner's personality never seemed to be greater than the memes that's the best way I can explain it in that sense but equally his content never really gave up a sense that he had the personality to persist once again cute win fail kind of demonstrates that to me he's a good enough host and he's charismatic and entertaining to an extent and he has a decent sense of humor oh oh that's the most powerful swear they could think of in the moment that's cute and by cute I mean fails fur you can tell he's holding back in a video that we'll discuss more in length later DeFranco a very interesting says this like many youtubers toby is a different person off-camera he is just as energetic but he's a different person told me the kind of guy that when he talks to you he makes you feel like you were the center of his universe that you are the most important thing that you are so amazing as a person he can open up for one second and tell you about some pain he has in his life you form a connection with him and you have a relationship but that relationship comes with strings so we Turner falls in love with anyone that gives him attention anyone that makes him feel validated as a human being in special the problem with that is it's a hollow feeling and this is the thing even in his videos that are meant to be more personal and videos that are built on that bond it doesn't necessarily feel that way Turner's relationship with his audience always felt somewhat distant and that's easy to do when you have a huge following but if you can't provide anything else on to that it will create a lack of investments the only creators who last on the platform are people who are real cults of personality with that said I still think with all this acknowledged he raided have the literal trailer brand completely held down and I don't think any lack of character should have prevented him from succeeding with that brand to this day you have screen junkies who did honest traders and they still pull a great set of views why would it stop Turner from succeeding I mean we should talk about the algorithm at least I think on one hand it's just a simple case that the last few years hasn't been good for that sort of silly slightly corny brand a comedy in fact comedy has just died of recent as a genre and it's been replaced firstly by creators who integrate comedy into content with a greater message or just actual TV comedians who are barging their way onto the platform I'm sure they're still comedians out there like Jax films but I feel that youtubers who serve to exist merely as comedians have had a really hard time also the sort of funny boys comedy has we're coming from an era where Fred and the Annoying Orange were considered entertainments people's tolerance for those things has no died and although Tobuscus was never to the extent of either of them which is probably why he lasted longer his exaggerated voice was still a part of the comedy as content modernized his brand didn't seem to be able to keep up ask yourself would nugget in a biscuit as legendary as it is go viral if it was released today and then asked yourself what could Tobuscus released a day to go viral nugget in a biscuit - well yes he did that and it was genius again but my point still stands on top of this with the whole gaming content kind of dying in the last few years even if he had maintained some consistency on his literal trailers his other content had changed so much that it was unlikely that without something tying it all together he was ever going to attain a huge amount of his audience you see that's still not the whole story a little over a year ago at the end of October 2017 he least another literal Assassin's Creed trailer and it did very well I mean it wasn't going to do the numbers of his previous ones but still it's clear that he had modernized it in a way that could make it still appealing to a specific audience he dumped the production value he still had that subtle way of conveying jokes and he sounded absolutely delicious remains absolutely nailed Leonard Cohen which by the way you wanted darker bonafide banger so I don't think his child had to quote died like many people said it did I think they'll always be a brand for little trailers maybe he's left it too long now and you know 2018 was a huge year for games so really there must be some active choice involved in not keeping these art I've littered a lot of videos and there might be an explanation deep into one of his streams or somewhere but I can't find it it might be to do with YouTube spying and copyright system which has been hitting crate as hard in the last year like really hard and given that a lot of his content is very tightly integrated with that I can't see that boding well for his craft or maybe he just became tired with it he'd been doing it for years and there's no point in continuing something that you don't have that passion for with that said his child didn't just exist on the sole brand of trailers and his follow-up to Assassin's Creed the Red Dead Redemption little trailer didn't do great numbers honestly and although there were videos that still perform well in the last couple years I think you can pinpoint the moment where YouTube through his channel out of the algorithm in general and to do that we have to talk about the allegations now this next part I'm gonna go a little off piste and make some arguments for a personal perception if you don't feel the same way about Turner then I think that's fine but there is a lot of concepts here that we do have to somewhat take a decisive step with because from a personal perspective although Tobuscus had a lot of highlights in his career he never really had any clear defined legacy so that he's going to be associated with for the rest of time the closest he reaches to that in my opinion is the literal trailers and I think it was strong but I think that's all of these crafts were undone by a very pivotal moment in his career so on April the 8th 2016 April Fletcher also known as YouTube April F published a very in-depth post on tumblr called the truth about Tobuscus in which he makes a plethora of claims about Turner about the abuse she endured from him both emotional and physical I'm going to leave a link to the post in the pinned comment it might be in a Google document it's under references as always just control efforts if you need to but either way I'm not going to go into too many details other than the huge one of which the claim was made that he had actually drugged her and subsequently sexually assaulted her this was covered by key man by DeFranco and at the time it was a pretty huge story there were multiple women who came forward with their testimonies about Turner as a person each of them differing slightly there was this journal agreement they clearly had his problems but the disagreement on Fletcher testimony came in which many questioned their relationship including Turner's mother and his ability to actually drugged and subsequently assault someone and people who knew Turner did tend to say he had habits of being a bit unstable and Turner even admitted it himself because I'm not perfect and there are a lot of ways I could become a better person haven't been a bad boyfriend sometimes yeah did I party in my 20s yes too much and so that's what I've been doing is is working on myself however this does not mean the more serious claims are true it can often be that someone might rely on people's inductive assumptions do then make a further claim about the person this is known as heuristics and it's very possible the Fletcher knew Turner had a reputation and thus managed to create new allegations however that's just a theory and it does not mean that Fletcher is lying but I'm just saying it's not a valid argument to perhaps say that he is capable of something much worse than he has admitted to at the end the day it's an innocent until proven guilty dynamic and you really have to use your instinct and say what you think in those situations I think given that Turner's actual personality seems to be one that is more spontaneous and impulsive and occasionally inappropriate rather than outright calculated malice I can trace a that situation is probable but I don't know him personally and therefore I do not have a steadfast opinion and those people who know him better still have a more insightful view with that said I think the situation yielded a few unforeseen circumstances which at the end of the day doesn't mean that they shouldn't be discussed in the first place but equally I feel did occur regardless because of it given the fact that Turner as a person was always somewhat distanced from his audience this was one of the first very personal things that the viewership on mass became acquainted with and I think that began to hang over him and like many people when faced down with these claims Toby took a break from uploading on his main channel in particular and he would provide occasional updates on his second channel on how I was doing notice how the second channel is considered to be the more personal one and on top of this it was one of the situations that he covered that did receive news keep this in mind I feel this impact his channel in the algorithm and maybe in people's perception too even if it was subconscious before he took a break all at least cracked a few hundred thousand views and maybe even a million or two million when he came back he had real trouble capturing that momentum and even when he did it did not tend to last recently he has tried to craft more commentary focused material but I think watch me at it outlines the problem that he always had as commentary really has to be built on some sort of personal trust between crater and viewer when I started researching this video even though I knew the allegations were a significant part of this I didn't think they would have affected his career on YouTube too much because and the day from what I've observed the original videos and the response videos there was a significant amount of skepticism there revolved around it particularly from the audience and YouTube is a consumer based market like music for example a lot of CD individuals have made mega bank even after allegations and even convictions who would have ended their careers in many other industries but I think the thing is the allegations whether true or not tend to be what many people think of when thinking of him despite his extensive crater backlog his most viewed video since the allegations is a video that came out two years after addressing the allegations way also says this I almost gave up but I didn't and I won't so give me my show back and my book deal for young adults stupid lying which outlines another problem for him going forward as a crater as said YouTube channels die there is no doubt about that we all have our time to go into the lights but we can normally move outside in less consumer controlled industries how would this situation they'd likely cut him out due to the reputational damages that he might have been associated with including a voice part in a Marvel series and is undoubtedly going to affect him find in future work the video is a well-made video and he does all the right things that you would need to do when addressing these allegations once again it's so hard to know who to believe even though due process will always prevail equally it raises the question of whether it was best to publicize these claims like they were rather than just going to the police and that's another very difficult question I feel that we live in a world where the consequences of just an allegation are so great that we might risk allowing people to abuse it but at the same time when allegations are publicized it might enable people to come forward and provide corroborating accounts or even contradictory ones and the truth should always be the final goal sexual assault is also an extremely hard crime to prosecute through the courts of law because it's often one person's word against another what we really need to do is work out how to make sure industries and individuals alike don't behave in a reactionary way upon the surfacing of allegations while at the same time trying to change the communities so that people feel more comfortable coming in the present tense it's an absolute minefield and you can see how unfortunately Turner was one who trod on the mind it's a sad end to what really is a prolific career that you speak about with the fondness that you'd expect them to be you know what maybe we shouldn't be sad he still made a lot of great content that no one else could really do like him and the quality of that content I'm confident will transcend the restraints of time and for what it's worth although it's kind of hard to judge how he's doing in his videos judging by his Instagram he seems fairly happy I do think his brand of little trailers is something that isn't necessarily finished it's just with channels like screen junkies and honest trailers they've kept going as such a central theme that it's what people keep coming back for I think a lot of Toby's work has dated some which Worth and others but I still think there's a formula that might work here but if he doesn't want to he shouldn't have to at the end the day you make the content that makes you happy that's what YouTube was originally about where that happiness is derived from the content itself or from something else the content might bring go and pursue it don't let your dreams be dreams Toby Turner is a creative maestro and there could be no doubt about that his rise to being one most popular youtubers is rooted in some great ventures that it really paid off and going in tandem with a gaming channel that subsequently succeeded due to the fact his personality fit into the sort of mold that people were looking for at the time however his content never fully gave people a character portrait they could hold on to and it was rooted in some superficiality which is likely why his supposed more personal channel didn't ever fully catch on maybe because Toby himself had a lot more personal problems he didn't want to project onto the internet and I don't blame him for that however when we did finally address that personality it was in rather unfortunate circumstances and I feel that this may have tainted his image whether people viewed the claims with credibility or not the algorithms gave him no love and the only videos that received significant interest are ones that seemed like he might be revealing something about a new situation or trying to recapture a foregone past and he'll even be aware of that but most importantly I wanna apologize because I said something in my video last week not the last one that one kinda want to apologize for anything for I like doubt in a way he knows what's defined him and I don't know with that knowledge where he'll go from here but I'm not sure he cares no the great question that I want to leave is what will survive what will be left behind Toby Turner I guess that's my parting question for you viewer what will be left behind this was a long long long long video but I'd love to hear your thoughts I really would I hope you guys enjoyed it I worked tirelessly on researching the script and I hope it gives you something that you can take away I really want to give a shout out to the editors who've done a fantastic job you know really wouldn't be anywhere without them so please go and check them out I'm going to leave their links in the pinned comment also in the pinned comments you can find my twitter my facebook my discord all that jazz make sure you can check me out there if you need to also big shout out to my patreon very generous people as seen here and one particular patreon ryan who is just unbelievably generous I mean it's kind of beautiful it brings a tear to my eye I don't really have too much else to say I hope you guys are doing fantastically I do as well as I can until the next one however I'm the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,006,462
Rating: 4.8384261 out of 5
Keywords: toby turner, what happened to toby turner?, what happened to tobuscus?, toby, tobuscus, toby games, toby turner mom, keemstar toby turner, toby turner shira, keemstar vs toby turner, toby turner tumblr, turner, toby turner scandal, toby turner the truth, tro, toby turner opinion, toby turner tro, toby turner response, toby turner songs, tobygames, nugget in a biscuit, philip defranco toby turner, philip defranco, tobuscus animated, what happened
Id: FEwi-pMn1l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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