How Two "Girls" Became YouTube's Greatest Joke - Girl Defined | TRO

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Before anyone asks, yeah I probably posted the link here because Mr Atheist was in it for 5 seconds.

Honestly though I'm curious on what everybody's take on this commentary video is. I have been a fan of The Right Opinion for a while and I think what he says makes sense, and explains why I click on pretty much every video ever talking about girl defined

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/tallguy30 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen our welcome to the right opinion the home of a tract with too much free time why are we here not this video of course though you may be asking that question as well to be honest I asked that question on a fairly regular basis but on this ground earth we think too much about it like I have on many nights it almost seems incredible that out of all the odds we are here existing at the same time we are rational beings who like to make sense of phenomena and questions that seem beyond our understanding however one of the most challenging questions that has ever faced mankind is why we here ask people and you will receive a surprising variety of answers through nihilist who believes that we're just hit earth can die to the astrologist who believes the Stars have all aligned our favor one of the most common explanations for why we're here is the notion of a higher celestial being or a God for many people it makes sense either through philosophical explanation or personal experience the notion of a God can be very beneficial for many people however it's not just an individual opinion although everyone of course has their own perception typically an individual's belief in a higher celestial power we made sense through the lens of religion religion allows people to categorize their core perceptions a bit more clearly and often provide elaboration as to what sort of behaviour may be desirable from the perspective of a god this is typically content that will reach into our daily life our diet our relationships our behavior how we define ourselves is very important and having religion as a moral foundation for behavior gives people much more clarity in what they believe and in spite of its flaws it does help many people define themselves many people who may be lacking purpose will find it in religion and many may develop a keen enthusiasm for it and want people to see that they have seen it they will want to spread the word they will become missionaries of sorts now back in the days of old missionaries traveled all over the world to spread the word religion and do their best to convert individuals who may be otherwise skeptical of what they preach some people still do that to this day and speaking of nuts I have a nut here okay and this is a bolt okay so listen this is what a normal person does alright see I got the bolt right here represent the mail right we got the nut right here we represent the female alright this is what normal people do okay this is what now let me show you what insanity says to do with mixed results but others have felt the need to modernize the medium of how they spread their knowledge and this has led us to YouTube YouTube is the medium for influence there are so many people who use YouTube for multiple purposes from all over the world and you don't have to leave your room to post content there it truly is revolutionary for communication youtube's user base is also pretty young and given that young people are least likely to belong to religion this leads to a target audience that is primed for conversion toward ever religion they choose now at first it seemed that most religious content uploaded was just broadcasts of preachers providing their religious wisdom to their congregation because of the cultural variety within these periods this definitely led to some unique insight into what happens in certain churches [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have a woman here what do you have to say about it [Music] it is quite wondrous to be honest but that's why we're here today because eventually many craters popped up whose content wasn't just a broadcast but an actual direct creation with the purpose of talking directly to you the viewer to tell you about the joys of religion and as mentioned there are many religions but the one we will be focusing on today is one that I assume you guys are a bit more familiar with Christianity Christianity has been one of the culturally dominant religions in the Western world over observable history for better and for worse and because of its cultural dominance it feels natural that it would be one of the most commonly represented on a fairly westernized platform don't mind you looking at t-series the Internet is certainly expanding for now I assume most of the people who watch my channel are typically exposed to the same brand of religious crater that I am and that brings us to girl defines girl defined or girl defined ministries if you're feeling extra godly is the Christian channel owned by sisters Bethenny and Kristen they are what I would brand as internet missionaries providing a modern update to the age old messages preached in the Bible now they've been going for a good five years and over that time they put out a consistent stream of content which although bearing in their delivery still focusing on the core message that we should act in the way that God hath intended us to and avoid sinful behavior they also have their own website where they publish various thoughts they're selling their own books and they're even going on tour apparently so they must really have a following this seems fairly unexceptional to an extent there are plenty of people who do this and arguably there are many people who do it a much more provocative fashion in fact on first glance - white bread girls talking about how to behave in a Christian way it seems like one most regular concepts for a channel however over the years and in particular since around 2018 they have been the center of attention for multiple youtubers who made videos mocking or critiquing their content and the narratives that they promote through this one video by prominent youtuber comedian Cody code in which he reacts to various girl defined videos has over 12 million views on it that means 12 million people decide to tune in to watch someone react to this my die obsession didn't have once it was a slow gradual process to where it was the first thought then the second thought then making an effort to be near him then doing this until eventually it became the most important thing in my life I mean it's not quite endgame is it nonetheless since then it's been collateral for craters to pile and to clown on these lasses it is a savage never-ending cycle with more dunking than a Michael Jordan game girl to find have become one of the few creators alongside the likes of Anne Boleyn greed and onesi on where videos about them typically pour more views than their own videos however unlike these two the reason is quite a different one I believe so what did they do well that's what we're here to find out today yes ladies and gentlemen today my goal will be to analyze girl to finds content work out their appeal try to understand them in the cultural landscape attempt to apprehend why they seem to occupy such a unique niche and try to understand what the appeal is to comedians commentators and bullies alike jake pool knows to ascertain exactly how girl defined became one of YouTube's biggest targets I suggest we get right in there [Music] the first video app on girl defiance chal is a video in which they decide our sparrow students of what appears to be a university campus of what a quote girl really is the point that they were trying to prove through this video was that in the modern day many people do not understand what Rea defines a girl their about page suggests that they aren't God defying girls in a culture defined world God has the key to understanding what womanhood really is and once you understand it - you can be as complete as them and as girls go they seem pretty defined I guess this video was to essentially set the premise of this sort of identity crisis that many of our younger generations appear to face it's clear in the interviews the main people can't really answer the questions that Bethany and Kristen put forth so confidently they clearly perceive this as a pressing issue that they want to resolve they are defined girls not like these formless blobs out there and they are here to spread that definition to you so how are they going to do that well first let's begin to work out solutions you have to discern the source of this identity crisis that we perceive this is central to a lot of girl defines videos with research purposes I decide to watch them from the start and the strangest thing happens I started to agree with them people why didn't mean I felt like I was worth something yeah when they didn't I felt like my worth went down and that is one of the biggest lies in the industry it was true another thing I noticed is that behind the scenes all those happy smiling faces all of these perfect lives that we see on TV and on the posters really aren't there so many of the girls I knew are really insecure they were struggling with basing their worth and their identity on their looks as well and in fact we've read a quote from a famous supermodel who actually said that in the modeling industry the famous models that she knew or some of the most insecure women so the truth is what we see on the poster is what we see on the magazine's what we see on the TV isn't actually the true definition of womanhood yeah deny that it looks good it smiles and it looks pretty but it's actually counterfeit for example self-worth in the beauty industry is a very real problem and in fact that there was almost an anecdotal opening made it a lot more accessible made the problem seemed a lot more resonance as well as a sidenote I read their writing prompts pretty good stuff I might have to write a cheeky article for them one day girl to find we actually dive into what we call three pillars of counterfeit femininity Oh cheeky plug society how what is that solution it's Kristin and Bethany here with girl define ministries and this is video number two in our series for secrets two brave and bold womanhood video number two was called the power of embracing God to find womanhood all right yeah I forgot it's a channel about God second tree that we came across is that Christ defines our worth as women we just like we showed in the last video we are always searching for okay one of the main works [ __ ] is me value what gives me identity and the first thought we discovered that has given us a lot of Hope is Psalm 139 13 through 14 you may know it it says for you create it for God you created my in warm hearts you knitted me together in my mother's womb I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made I mean here you have these girls who were arguably outlined a very reverent problem within our society in their solution is God's on the surface it doesn't really make much sense but what they're actually trying to say well I think this one quotes quite interesting we live in a culture like we talked about in the last video that is totally obsessed with outward appearances so we have our culture that portrays models and beautiful women as the ideal woman but God's version of a successful and beautiful woman is actually totally opposite totally counterculture out to what we see out in the world proverbs 31:30 says and you probably know this first that charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord she is to be praised and basically all that verse is saying is that it's not as important what's on the outside the outward appearance is not the main thing it's fleeting yeah you're gonna go away what's on the inside is what really matters God saying a woman who fears the Lord a woman who looks to my word and strives to honor me and live according to my standards that is the woman that should be praised not the woman who has the outward beauty here I think the outline why religion is so meaningful to them because in society made people are fearful that our worth will be defined by the judgment of others but basically grrrrrr defying create almost a logical tautology in a way by making the statement only Christ can define their worth they are handing Raye level of security to the viewer to view themselves in the eyes of Christ now the thing is in their eyes Christ or God is presented as the divine being and in this instance well all-forgiving and therefore it takes a responsibility of judgment away from a society and those around you and places it into the conception of a person who will judge you how you believe they will judge you rather being the subject to direct judgment that could obviously be problematic because no one can judge as perfectly as God's no one else can give us our worth because he didn't create us we have no authority to give us our worth Christ gives us our worth and understanding that truth has given us only establishing the premise of God seems to be the basis of their content which is also why they're so confident in the rhetoric they espouse they see God as diametrically opposed to culture and thus present the argument of his existence as the solution to these societal ills that they perceived the issue is that other skeptics and atheists will reject the assertion that God exists and this then creates a disparity of discourse when people who are not accepting of the concept of God encounter their content what happens is that in some videos go to find explicitly present the notion of God existing as a premise however in others they mostly mention it in passing which makes their cultural commentary the perfect balance for people to react to digestible yet kind of bizarre and they were like what if we did something so radical what if we waited until we were husband and wife to actually kiss for the first time and it was a totally radical idea that they decided to do it so we ended up getting married and they saved their first kiss before their wedding day when they were husband and wife and for some reason that just like really whoa restraints crazy one here that's how the problem is ultimately many of us view religion as culture even if we are religious we will likely set that our perception is our perception in the instance of girl to find the rejection of religion as culture means that they often make arguments from the position of Christianity as truth not as perception therefore this often leads to arguments being made from the position of certainty rather than conditionality now arguing that God exists is not inherently bad but is such a conviction to a lot of girl to find social statements that so many people will find so inherently gray about how we should behave and how you can define things like identity therefore girl defines rhetoric often comes across as self-satisfied and conceited and people who love the feeling that they're talking back to a self asserted Authority now make no mistake it's important that people do feel confident in their identity the girl to find reduce the number of identities possible or acceptable down to a few very basic ideas of what in this instance a girl should be and this leads to statements that when you remove the ideas of their basic philosophy become very easy to mock but you see I've only really explained why their logic becomes somewhat funny a logic that in all fairness many people have there are many more details which make go defined a little different to the rest of the bunch [Music] now we've presented and assessed the underlying mindset of girl defined and how that on principle would cause issues we need to look at how they have really come to stand out from the crowd let's start with their presentation presentation is key to any crater who wants a long term career on YouTube and go to find definitely have that as said generally presentation is clear and legible the aesthetic is nice and clean and their videos have a clear structure they are done in a way that would be quite regular for a youtuber however the problem is as shown by other videos that whole environment is very saccharine and they use such a repetitive structure it becomes very forced to go back a few years and there was that brand of ukulele music that everyone abhors now and justifiably so describe it is stop ukulele tracks we're Christian YouTube channel they'd be good to find many people have picked up on this and have commented on how in a way the content seems catered to children now in my opinion they're not actually trying to sell the content to children they're selling what they believe is the ideal image of pure femininity this is how they idealize womanhood that sort of virginal purity and for some reason a big proportion of Internet comedy is cynically deconstructing that of which appears pure maybe it's just because of the contrast in tones the girl defines general tone tends to come across as lacking some self-awareness you can literally have any length you want and that's the thing after watching enough of their videos I wouldn't say they lack awareness I'd say it's their agenda Ashley sounds worse to be honest but given their ideas of purity it is completely in line with how they present the content this is the sort of stuff that they are repulsed by for example I've been struggling with porn for a while now and I don't know what to do I'm ashamed and scared of letting my secret out I struggle with same-sex attraction to women lust is almost constantly invading my thoughts my mind is a war zone these are real and honest comments that the two of us ever received from different Christian women each one of them has experienced some sort of sexual struggle and pain it's easy to goof on because of the assumptions they make in this lovely wholesome environment what is normal to many people is terrible to them and their horror at the thought that plagues into comedic potential because when we think of terrible things we don't think of horn they are extremely sensitive and that is entertaining because it seems bizarre even if it makes complete sense to them because of their religion as mentioned if you want to guest post on the website they drop clear and concise guidelines on how to unsurprisingly these guest guidelines reflect how they present their videos they really like telling stories and on one hand this makes their content easier to digest they're not just throwing a barrage of Bible quotes at you however because the stories are actually quite interesting it's easier to provide good comedic material out of them particularly in how they use them often to justify various doctrines that seem a bit separated from the stories that they tell is the same reason that comedians love to tell stories different material in this instance most of the videos on them present them as these people who are so deeply indoctrinated with what they believe and I think that's the great contrast that arguably provides the best content they hold such deeply conservative views in many aspects yet present them in such an innocent and pure way despite it making absolute sense for example you and see Cody Coe make a video on the Westboro Baptist Church because in many ways they're extremely aggressive and unlikable however when same sorts of views are presented like a cube bunny with a bowtie it's fair game now go defines are not the Westboro Baptist Church no the point is aesthetic these play into the contrast of the message and how easy it is to make content on it yes culture changes as time changes the definition changes too so how in the world do we know what is true what is right when it comes to marriage we as Christians can look in God's Word and see from the beginning like we talked about God's constant truth God's good plan for marriage so yeah cultural progress not allowed got to do it like we did it two thousand years ago guys this conference can be witnessed in other videos that have received a better attention such as this Christian girl's morning routine and that is so powerful because the moment I step outside of my bedroom door I'm going to be attacked with lies upon lies upon lies from the enemy because we live in a world that is ruled by the father of lies so it is crucial and it is essential that I get my armor of God on and I fill my heart with this truth now from what I've understood is that this girl is actually autistic and absolutely lovely equally she's not really someone who uploads content on a regular basis or has tried to actually create a brand which is what girl to find have done these points will represent something greater cultural accessibility which is the real final nail in the coffin about how these girls become such easy targets there are plenty of people who make fundamentalist statements but most of them exist within environments that we do not fully understand therefore we're hesitant to go after them because we don't want to be seen as punching down to a different culture in different context with white bread Christian girls in a seemingly privileged scenario it seems there's basically nothing to punch down to in many ways they are perceived to represent the religious establishment equally this is what makes their statement so amusing at some points the seeming perception that they are fighting the culture so why do all these responses get so many views well it seems the reason that responses to girl defines content is so popular is because the ideas they propose are so isolated from how people perceive them that people just can't get enough of videos telling them why they're wrong or just taking the mick they're kind of funny kind of awkward it's not the sort of content that most people want to watch ironically once you see sound reacting or responding it adds so much more value that people just love to see anything about them it is the pinnacle a transformative content go to find aren't really that controversial their views are a bit iffy for me obviously gay marriage and all that but having dodgy takes because your extreme religious is not the same as only see on or amberlynn who are just beyond saving in many ways these girls seem pretty safe was it worth it and when these little factors came together what really set them up was the classic domino effect once it became clear that the videos on this topic worked well performing plenty of people wanted in on the clownery because there's no real risk in covering them whatever audience you have no one's really gonna come out in their droves to defend these two girls who has nice and innocent as they seem similarly love to present ideas that too many people are absolutely ridiculous whether people genuinely think they deserve it or not people can't really find a way to defend them because they need to say anything particularly insightful nor do they seem particularly aggrieved in any way and that's generally what we look for when we try to defend people is this the logic we should be using well let's discuss a bit further [Music] the ultimate irony of what makes their content so easy to mock is that they promote such pure sanitary behavior which is given the green light through YouTube on the basis of social norms many of which have carried through from older social norms the ones that often seemed to present as radical and out there unlike the regular D monetized LGBT content which is presented by youtubers so mainstream it makes it easy to mock without the threat of D monetization or restriction while simultaneously dealing out interesting cultural points of view goal defined that appear to monetize their videos but it's quite clear that most of it would be fairly advertiser friendly I mean they arguably promote more conservative views than people who've been banned off patreon and they're on patreon I don't mind I think a lot more content should be fair game for monetization but it equally shows the weird cultural double standards that we may still adhere to through all of this they ultimately become one of the easiest targets on YouTube not just for comedy but also for commentary they're accessible presentable easy to watch and in many ways the contrast between their very mainstream attitude to their sudden mentioning of God creates this sort of dystopian image of these friendly happy girls talking to you about what God wants you to do with the right music I'm sure we can make that into something much more intense [Music] the point is it can be equally comedic and unsettling giving it a lot of creative potential for multiple craters but do they really deserve it or are they just under attack from a culture that just can't include them anymore are they really fighting their fight the thing is that in a way given the direction of general human culture right now in the Western world particularly that which is represented on YouTube waiting to kiss before marriage could certainly be seen as different I mean it's certainly not something that a majority of us do nowadays but they seem to be confusing things we're not doing as things we're told we shouldn't be doing this is where the general countercultural argument comes into play not the thing anymore teen girls and young women are no longer taught in mainstream to save sex for marriage we're taught now to have safe sex to to be safe and cautious in the way we go about it but purity truly has become a thing of the past and we are told by our culture that having sex before marriage that's a good thing go for it just be safe about it but that is a lie it's something we need to recognize as Christian girls that that is not God's master for us that is not his perfect plan having sex before marriage is not a good thing the reason that certain behaviors were considered quote Punk back in the day was not because most people didn't do it it was because society specifically told them that it's something they shouldn't do so doing all these dirty grimy activities was a defiant cry against society no society as we currently know it is going to condemn you for waiting until marriage to kiss if a person's friend told them they were going to do that I'm sure most people would say Oh something along the lines of okay nice and carry on with their day not exactly the same reaction as telling someone you were gay 40 years ago or even today in some scenarios go to find are not radical they may be different but they are existing without persecution but all right if you went into a goal to find comment section you could very easily say there is a biased against them speaking about these things however the whole idea of counter cultural movements was the people shouldn't be telling others how to live something that go defined is basing their brand on so it's debatable if on concept they can ever really frame their presentation of religion as counter cultural now we will have more discussions about what should be done it's a core element to our platform we can't all be miserable nihilists but if i was to assert a moral position i would also be completely opening myself up to criticism on that perspective too especially if others did not feel it was moral either do I believe the girl defiance should receive stick for talking about that sort of lifestyle well it depends on principle these things are a person's choice and if that choice is more conservative and that is fine and if they want to talk about how it's helped them then it would seem mean-spirited to take them down that at the same time the core philosophy that they promote is also one that is restrictive and not one that is a solution for everyone and based on ideas that many people justifiably don't agree with and have caught out interestingly enough many of the critical comments that I saw people referring to was the potential harm this sort of philosophy could do to children and in many ways I do completely see that the rigidity of certain concepts is extremely hard on people who inherently don't fit into those molds especially at a time when religion was very invested in the system and that whole discourse shouldn't away be a discussion primarily for adults and yet weirdly enough their content could very easily be seen as some of the most charm for any content on YouTube at some points that's because although we've modernized many points of view to be inclusive we've also held on to some fairly traditional principles for better and for worse don't get me wrong sexual self-control is not a bad thing as we've seen over the last few years I mean I never have sex and it's definitely not because I'm alone and sad I promise it's just because I have restraints but when it leads into topics that probably should be talked about with a bit more ease many people tend to get uptight about it large corporations included at the start of this video I spoke about missionaries and how they've constantly existed and called God to find internet missionaries after watching enough videos by go to find given they often don't retry and justify god I wouldn't say they're very traditional in their style a lot of their content just comes across as catered primarily for Christians even though they've said they want to reach out to other people proverbs 31:30 says and you probably know this first the charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord she is to be praised however because their content exists on a platform that can be accessed by anyone and because they often try and talk about content from a social perspective it can reach many people it can be understood by many people and it can be argued by many people and for what it's worth it is great arguing material on service value the shock of the more basic points of view of great for comedy and below the surface their justifications for it are great for discussion what they provide is still a relatively mainstream view in some communities therefore people have no discomfort criticizing it you're on youtube because of the politics of the YouTube based tending to be rather anti sex police left-wing or right-wing people also feel enjoyment of them being responded to without being that they're unfairly going after people despite the fact that they're clearly outnumbered given the views are not completely off the table and do have more implications it is kind of justified if people want to respond know that I went to a very strict Catholic all-girls school for six or seven years there were some really fucked-up people who worked there and this channel reminds me a lot of the ideology that was fed to me at that school just it's so familiar itself like if I go to a dark place when people start talking about Jesus that mean if you believe in God it's fair enough I'm not gonna tell you what and what not to believe but there is something so fascinating about the people so convinced of the belief they believe that you can dictate many people's behaviors and it will just free their mind even if they're seemly rather inconsequential the idea of a normal youtuber who is also extremely Christian is embodied by the content of girl defined which is what ultimately makes them so open to the ridicule and rebuttal that they often receive we should all do our best to define ourselves however it is inevitable that many people find that definition in religion and this is something that girl to find don't seem to quite grasp although it's clear they've defined themselves girl defines contents and responses to it may be overdone but their ideas and videos are the sort of stuff we love seeing people clap back to and they've marked it in a way that makes it perfect for just that so credit where credit's Jew and hey they even get free promotion the Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways so yeah that's the video I hope you guys enjoyed it felt good recording this one felt nice felt good bunt it's good when you have a good feeling recording something and you're just in that energy so thank you I want to give a big shout out to my editors they better have done a good job with this one because I was coming in with the energy today it's fantastic big shout out to my patreon some of the beautiful beautiful people up there on screen now thank you so much guys you are fantastic have to give a special individual thanks to mine $50.00 patreon bow right jewel angel one and some hullabaloo thank you so much and the face of Team Rocket thank you so much guys I have to give another greater individual thanks to as the Michael Brandon junk evening steel all of them have donated $100 that is unbelievable fantastic guys we've got energy and give me life I've been feeling a bit off in the last few days and and I feel back on Form now we are back baby and we are ready to rumble if you want to contact me my Twitter's at the right opinion Facebook is there in the pinch comment click the read more it's all there it's all nicely presented and I've also got my discord too if you want to be a part of that I already have too much else to add right now hope you guys are doing well and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 1,589,466
Rating: 4.8688202 out of 5
Keywords: girl defined, girl defined reaction, girl defined response, girl defined cody ko, girl defined lgbt, girl defined engagement, girl, girl defined makeup, girl defined cringe, cody ko girl defined, girl defined parody, girl defined gender, girl defined husband, inabber girl defined, modesty girl defined, girl defined 6 things, girl defined modesty, reaction girl defined, girldefined, girl defined tro
Id: LU2mAgwnsbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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