The Allegations That Broke A Community - Slazo | TRO

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Good video. I like how it really shined a light on Weest too since he mostly got away with being a complete fool since Alexx and Ani were bigger clowns.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Epic_Gamez_NA 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for linking this!

Fantastic video, really pulls apart everything.

You’d think the commentary community, whom understand the importance of evidence and hearing both sides, would’ve done this with Michael, but instead they attacked him, dragged his name through the mud, falsely accused him of rape, and have caused him god knows how much distress (we barely see him online anymore... not that I blame him).

Michael never deserved any of this. He had his friends backstab him, he was falsely accused of rape, and Alex’s stans keep backing Alex. They keep claiming “omg his mental health” but do not care what this has done to Michael, who’s mental health has massively suffered, and he’s barely been online since.

Yet folk blindly support Alex, who has himself condemned false rape allegations and pointed out making them are illegal, yet here we are, Alex making false rape allegations, and sending a subpar “apology” where he never once said the words “I’m sorry”.

This will stay with Michael for his entire life, and has massively affected his mental health and personal life.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/ZombieSazza 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thank you! I already watched it and I have no problems with the video.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/faszkivanmar23 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Glad there's another video reminding people just how scummy these people were to Slazo.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FPSGamer48 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm watching it rn and I love it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chirsdude123 📅︎︎ Sep 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

it was such an epic community! i kinda miss alex, even tho i want to stab him with a dull knife and twist it around in his insides, i cant deny myself that he is funny and was a good creator. but im ok now because slazp is bakc!!!!!11 the love of my life has returned!!!!!1! :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FazFacts 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right pinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and my oh my do we have a topic on our hands today I know this is late but honestly it's a subject that has taken may twists and turns but it was worth waiting just in case any final revelations were brought forward and obviously this video does not exempt the fact that there may be further twists and turns in the case and also does not mean that any new unrelated information may compromise the character of those involved so let's talk about gaming festivals who loves them I mean honestly I think gaming festivals would be really swell if there were less people or no people even because I do like video games but I don't like having to wait to play them often I just find myself aimlessly wandering and occasionally bumping into people who I may have seen at previous events and retaking the same photo just this time with a slightly greater inkling of fatigue reflected in my weary smile the pinball machines are good though especially when you don't have to pay for them hooray for free things anyhow the gaming festival that is of interest is insomnia gaming festival 64 abbreviated to i-64 this ran from the Easter weekend from the 19th to the 22nd of April I saw a lot of close friends again and met a lot of great creators it's always nice to do so because it humanizes all these people and puts the internet into perspective while these people I met at the event was a bloke called Michael known online as slaw so he was pleasant I had some facetious flirtatious exchanges with him and after the event my life carried on I knew some of the craters that I had met there were going to London afterwards slicer included and I would have joined them but alas I had University to complete and I still felt that YouTube was an unstable source of income so I wanted something to fall back on - in case everything fell apart a few weeks later around mid-may I was alternating between university work and checking my social blade when one of my acquaintances messaged me quite shocking news apparently slaw so the person who I met at i-64 who's going to be exposed as a redditor he was just as surprised as I was apparently these claims are going to be published on a twit longer in the following week so I waited with anticipation as I hadn't actually seen any of the evidence I didn't really talk to anyone about it although I did tell one of my friends who was making a documentary about i-64 to perhaps consider excluding any footage with him in in case it might take the finish product more as an act of caution really so I waited and waited and waited a month later a twit longer was published by a person named fizzy pop who goes by the name of che they documented the allegations against Laszlo these allegations painted him as a six hungry predator who exploited the innocence and an experience of a younger individual in the relationship aggressively obtaining gratification when she didn't want to offer it this was met with immediate support from the community including many large youtubers it was clearly a very emotional topic for many people and many wanted to show their support for a victim alongside the TWiT longer there was a substantial amount of screenshots that appeared to provide irrefutable evidence thus Lazar was behaving in just this fashion including multiple allusions to sexual assault which seemed to corroborate her testimony I'm a naturally hesitant person however so I decide to wait a bit more obviously I didn't really many one who wanted to show their support because made them are clearly invested and many people behind the scenes may have information that I may not be privy to and the screenshots themselves were undoubtedly compelling it was a few days later that dramaalert reported on the situation with a screenshot as Lazos initial statement it was nothing too revealing said some of the claims were false or exceptionally misleading and understandably said that he would be working on a reply that would take a little more time he also said that he was caught off guard by these claims as he met che since the relationship and supposedly put it all behind them my judgment was skeptical of his statement at this point but if he was prepared to reply then I expected him to have something at least however then fizzy pop decide to release an additional response to slaw so statement it's data that they had a conversation on Instagram in which Lazo did not deny any of the claims that she made the sing criminais ting him further many people once again stood behind these claims and supported che with what she was saying no one with any decent amount of common sense was going to instigate grief on to a possible victim of sexual predation however behind-the-scenes something didn't sit right with me I already mentioned this in a previous video and I'll go into more depth later but looking at the conversation something about the tone of Che just made me uncomfortable so I confronted slotto and told him that although he's deserving of some budge and criticism if it had been taken out of context like he claimed in spite of the risk it would be worth showing the additional content because the importance of protecting your social image is vital these are things that will stick with someone for life and if she has shown what would frame you is terrible if you say you want to show evidence but then don't people take that well as it seems incriminating our conversation ended and I waited for his video and on the evening of June the 27th he finally responded it was a strong video I had to watch it a few times through and once again I'll save my thoughts for later on although I was pleased he had managed to present his side I was also anticipating possible additional responses as said at this point in time it felt like a situation that was mostly between him and Che although it had caught my attention that certain people had openly taken credit when the initial statement came out I assumed that their involvement would be addressed when we have assessed the validity of the claims however what quickly happened was a descent into community civil war many people who had been involved in the release of the original statement decided to tweet out further comments many of these people decide to continue backing che however may their statements were vague and also frustrated many audiences this led to pressure on craters to hashtag apologized to slaw so the messy responses promote videos and streams from many smaller craters placing pressure and stimulating further attacks which caused significant sub losses TV for one crater I am outlet the crater involved with the largest social presence nonetheless this whole situation in a multitude of craters involved with incriminating screenshots and additional claims affecting their image and causing more and more drama which escalated to the climax that left us where we are today but what exactly happened and why did it well let's have a discussion as a free face I do know many of the craters personally and therefore I will naturally seek to defend their character however criticism is criticism and there is a lot to dish out are a lot of information out there to clear up as well so let's go to the beginning of this story I said I had heard about these allegations a month before their publication however there wasn't really much I could do as I had seen no evidence how when the allegations were initially released they were pretty much supported universally with a few exceptions and understandably so however with the knowledge that we have now that this was an exactly representative of the truth I want to reflect on the original twit longer the first thing I thought I really want to do here is the premise for the TWiT longest existence this is both mentioned at least on to and at the end typically when we come forward with public claims against a person we might want to justify why these claims are necessary now I'd argue sometimes a justification isn't necessary in cases of severe trauma it might take a while to come forward with such allegations however it's clear that che felt that there were conditions that needed to be fulfilled in the TWiT longest instance the point was that she had been informed Schlosser had been repeating a trend accrue he behavior that he exhibited to her during a relationship that was rather predatory and abusive now these claims do not directly imply this Lazo has been repeating this exact pattern of behavior but what the author of the TWiT longer implied was that as a public figure is Lazo has an incapability to behave responsibly then he shouldn't be in a position of power at all as I mentioned in my Austin Jones video the sort of dedication that many stands might have influences their judgment and therefore many girls may be susceptible to a predator in a powerful position therefore with the assertion that he is up to no good che presents a testimony that paints Lazo in a particularly negative light you have to size this twit longer the stories and the screenshots now normally the screenshots will be used to substantiate the individual claims however with regards to these screenshots that che posted they are more to corroborate the idea of credibility this is maybe because many testimonies provided are anecdotal and it would be difficult to directly corroborate them the screenshots in this instance set the foundations vez la Sol would be someone likely to commit behavior reported on in the TWiT longer DMS will never directly reflect what happens in real life but whatever they showed it revealed someone very forceful in what they wanted from che probably the most incriminating screenshots are shown at the top the seem to show slaw so and discussing a non-consensual act from the position of hindsight and although it seemed like he was regretful of it it also seemed to yield a strange obsession from an urge as he said it that urge seems like something that is hard to control and appears to be the greatest threat if he is continuing to behave with the mentality but he is expressed in these messages many people took this as definitive evidence this lasso was a predator but there were a few details that made me rather hesitant at the time the first was that I have been told of additional details when I was informed in May that didn't make it in the first twit longer I could be this evidence that I was told of was some of the most incriminating and although I reserved thought for the possibility that these may be held off due to possible police involvement Nevada they had not been mentioned at all not even in the context of the idea that they had been passed on to the relative authorities confused many once again I was not certain about these circumstances surrounding that information and the evidence was still convincing on its own terms but it was a personal note I had to take however something that was a bit more publicly identifiable was a weird contradiction that caught my attention this was they talked about how people could change and although I agree that people can change if what was claimed was true it would be less of a case of whether he had changed and more of a case of at least being somewhat accountable for causing a substantial amount of trauma it is important to note at the time of the relationship schlosser was 16 and che was 14 and therefore although we don't expect slahser to be the perfect boyfriend there is a level of responsibility on him anyone with any amount critical thinking could see the regards of watch he might be up to currently he deserves to face some retribution for his transgressions here as well because it's clear he's done a lot of damage people aren't ignorant to moral repercussions but this is also what confused me I passed off at the time as che trying to sound reasonable but rereading it it just seemed rather discordant and this is something that I followed through into the second twit number because in response to slash a statement to drama lot alongside another twit longer statement che posted screenshots from Instagram from a conversation with slaw so when he had heard who the first twit long was in the works these were claimed to incriminate Salah so further however the main premise of these screenshots were as chase stated the slahser appeared to deny none of the claims how and reading this additional statement I took a meaty issue with this premise because there was no guarantee that slaw so would have known the claims that Shay will be making in her original twit longer as the Instagram conversation had occurred before it so I found this rather strange with this in mind the DMS themselves don't prove much however when you assess them more closely I'd argue they make Shay look worse mainly because there are multiple DMS in which slavo seems to be desperately asking for these people who have made these claims and although I completely understand why the anonymity of victims who haven't gone public yet needs to be predicted there was an evasive 'no cebu answers that made me very uncomfortable after numerous amounts of questions and lack of answers che changes the topic completely to the damage that he had caused and it just felt dishonest because alright if you say it publicly I can see are trying to present reason ability to the audience how there's no reason to say that in this conversation it's just slaw so who knows what he's done regardless she had no reason to present reason ability she could have just vented that what he did was wrong but the fact that she tried to play the I heard things about you can't and then defaulting when slavo tried to ask further seem very suspicious it felt disingenuous to me which is what inspired me to reach out to slaw so it felt like she knew but nothing slaw so had done was as terrible as she framed it and was trying to look for justification to release these claims when it just wasn't there while still exaggerating what happens and honestly I didn't really want to speak to someone who had possibly done terrible things they provoked an emotional reaction from me and people know my personal history with it but it seemed like so many people had preemptively condemned him for something that just wasn't as it seemed and I felt he could use a bit of advice after all it was advice that would only work if he was truly innocent at the end of the day if you're a popular creator and your publicly cooled out it is extremely important that you can defend yourself these are allegations that will follow you around because many people would look up your name some will recognize your face it is a matter that extends into your private life where that defense takes a few days or a couple years sometimes these things will take some time to consolidate just don't rush a statement or don't try and cut something halfway or as people just think you're trying to get away with it by downplaying it by promising that he'd be responding further but not saying too much he didn't let people take his response apart and this gave him maximum scope for a full response I wanted to make a video regarding these situation um as of a couple weeks ago some of you might be wondering why it took so long to make this response I spoke about the aesthetics of his response in a previous video so I won't go in it too deep but there's a lot of points to be taken away nonetheless relating specifically to the situations in question one thing that slaw so couldn't really dispute was the actual content of the DMS however there was a lots he could dispute and we'll discuss how much the DM content was actually compromised but we'll look at the video for now there are two separate things he could do firstly present a perspective that makes his story look legitimate or go the astronaut and disprove the opposing perspective although Jay provided DMS as noted they were much more to construct an image of a character that would imply he's capable of doing those acts there was no real evidence with direct reference so firstly slaw so goes in for the anecdotal evidence he doesn't directly contradict every story but he does manage to revise enough evidence to show that some of these stories aren't exactly as they were presented she pulls my hand down and says to to touch her um which is a pretty long way from how she portrays it in her version of the story in fact she was actually the one who brought up the entire idea of doing anything in the cinema it was her idea and I had no reason to believe she wasn't as in on this as I was but I do have plenty of evidence from very early on in the relationship where she clearly made no intention to wait until 16 that was never clear to me I never got that impression and I don't know why she's saying that she also mentions later in the post that she's never been in a relationship before this isn't the impression that I was under I was under the impression from these screenshots here that she's had at least two boyfriends and one girlfriend before we ever met this is important because now the stories were proven necessarily so the fact the sli's I could at least provide contradiction beside them was enough to undermine a key factor Ness sorry to chase testimony credibility on one hand slahser could have straight-up denied these claims and left it there but the evidence he provided actually showed that che had not presented these claims in good faith probably the most incriminating factor was that the evidence that he provided was DM related I given the fact that J CLE went through the DMS fairly meticulously to collect as much evidence against Lazio as possible it seems she must have avoided a lot of DMS that would show her as not being as helpless as she framed herself as memories can be clouded and inaccurate but the problem was the memory had become so biased that for many people when the slicer intended to or not showed the claims as released in bad faith the same DMS that hooded criminate slaw so a few weeks later had suddenly exonerated him but previous to these messages I've mentioned something a complaint I had that I probably should have kept myself it was it's embarrassing for her and she's saying that she wasn't too haughty keen on doing that thing in the first place and now she's embarrassed anyway around here she crops out around eleven minutes of conversation between us where I apologize and try to get her side and understand how she feels I wasn't very good at it but I tried in the video where she's scrolling through our messages here to prove that they're real she also goes nearly up to where I apologize and try to understand that point of view but then quickly Scrolls down ultimately what made it looked the worst which a was the situation regarding the DMS this was arguably the most incriminating interaction that she had published yet she still withheld ten minutes of conversation without any information this is content that could not have been merely missed this brought every claim into contention and gave lassoed the chance to crop the image from his perspective and he knew that he messed up so he owned up this put him in a position where he was able to apologize but simultaneously from a sympathetic position as the subject of a smear campaign in a way I think there's some legitimate criticism here you know something has happened and slavo may have acted inappropriately we'll discuss the problems with this in a bit in this next bit of her same image Trey says that I I got touchy-feely in a park and I was making unwanted advances while she was crying and asking me to stop she did that of her own deletion and she even mentions this in discord messages from after we met up in person so yeah I'm not sure why she would lie about that um she is very much on board with it with the messages from the time where it actually happened and the way she talks about it then is very different from the way she talks about it in hindsight she also mentions me taking off her bra while she's crying firstly I would never do this if I ever suspected that she didn't want any events I was making I would stop and also the way she talks about it in the messages from the time gives the impression that I wasn't even intentionally trying to take off a bra which I wasn't this situation by this point bothered me a lot because allegations shouldn't be botched and they were here with the assumptions that the allegations were purposely misleading which given what we've observed today would be hard to deny it under might any legitimate criticism that may have been warranted but also showed that this was a situation best left private it was clear from both statements that the parties involved had met up and resolved this as people and although the idea that maybe one of them was manipulating the other to think that it was alright it seems to be a possibility it seems to me that both of these people have been influenced by the distance placed between them I do have text from the time that the general tone it it felt very comfortable and I felt that she was completely fine with me by this point I felt that her past was behind us and we were just putting the final nail in the coffin by meeting up I really thought this was the case where she says how are you how are you feeling about it all and I said it's nice it's like a weights been lifted yeah it's great but how are you feeling about the stuff we talked about towards the end here she's referring to being friends in the future and maybe getting back together at some point that's what this is referring to Oh like the future and stuff yeah um I feel the same as you really would be really nice to be friends again for now obviously something definitive it's something concrete but there's that so take whatever conclusion you will from that believe it or not I've been in a fair share of drama and conflict in my time I have people who I haven't liked on a personal basis however meeting them in person often reminds me that these people are mostly decent no one's perfect and if I thought some was then I'd probably be a bit more suspicious honestly flaws always exist sometimes they're just a bit more well-hidden than others and in spite of these flaws I can share many positive experiences with a person even if I have bad memories with them too I wouldn't expect to people like slahser and che to ever be particularly close but it's important to remember how separation might affect your judgment of a person it was clear that it had reached a point that che was under the impression that slahser was a person deserving to suffer to the point where exaggeration was considered fair game it's the thing I'm most confused about in this whole thing is why why would she lie why would she thought why would she say that she'd never been in a relationship before and never kissed before intended to wait until 16 and twist the truth of what happened in person and make it and make out like she never wanted to do anything and this wasn't a two-way thing especially at the beginning it paints a very black-and-white picture of me being the predator and hoping the prey it comes out all new wants of me not knowing what I'm doing and being in an idiot which obviously doesn't excuse what I said and yeah how it better feel but it's a very condemning picture that she's painters and the things she said and the things that she's implied that I've done can can very well follow me for life it's never fair game with all the community backing she had falsifying claims that could be disproved was such unbelievably risky business it wasn't a case of possible perspective with reasonable doubt it was a case where she actively emitted content and expected that somehow that would help close vine claims is never a good idea in the instance this lasso is a predator well congratulations you've let a predator get away and if he's not well that's terrible you just tried to end saans career over false allegations in the instagram conversation the chain I had before this all went live which is now public record um she expressed his concerns that I've been weird with other people and that she's concerned I'll do it again um she doesn't specify who despite me asking a few times and and she also says that she's concerned I have stand accounts and people who are probably willing to send me things for my attention I said that I've never taken advantage of this and I even offered her my login to prove that I've never done this and wouldn't immediately after offering my login the problem quickly becomes more that I didn't take responsibility and that I need to suffer consequences for my actions you're the the reason for it going public quickly changes and yes the poll quit longer was released under the premise that he had been continuing this trend of behavior but it just seems that he hasn't been no additional evidence has come forward suggesting that he has and it seems strange if songs prepared to allege that he's been continuing this behavior as reason to come forward regarding this then that should be part of the evidence if you're implying that publicizing your experience wouldn't be necessary if he wasn't continuing this behavior than at that point with your own credibility in serious disrepute it would be incumbent on these new people to come forward to imply that he might still be a threat but unfortunately if they exist and they're not prepared to speak up and many people felt at this point the original claims held no water whatsoever and with the release of slanders video angry people flooded over to DL a torn to criticism towards but it was soon about to be much bigger than her there had been discussion about the actual formulation of the TWiT longer in question because normally when someone makes claims you'd expect them to be the curator of these comments however in this situation it seems like there were a few more people involved this was implied when a cold people commented that they'd been involved but this didn't come under the microscope until after slicers response after sli's OHS response many felt like he had made a compelling case for himself and people felt that providing these situation remained as it was that he was entitled to an apology or at least a retraction from those who supported the original twit longer I don't think people had a particularly high bar because those who had endorsed one opinion shouldn't remain supporting that opinion if they now see it as false in case new fans come along and receive a false impression an apology or attraction is one of the ways that this can be resolved however too many people surprised a few craters involved decides that actually they didn't want to apologize to Slough so initially the people who put out public statements were quite blues' dank Dolan dark we sterner I'm Alex and King Annie although these responses with different shades of tone many found these responses inadequate or misleading so the responses are not worth talking about such as quites because he just said he wanted to wait for more information which is completely fair how if there were few that did strike me as slightly off well first take a look at King Annie's someone who I have met and found thoroughly Pleasant however the situation didn't do so great for her firstly she had this monumental take that quote innocent people don't stay quiet this long a day before slahser released his response and then in response to Slough Zoe's video designed to say this a lot of people were pretty focused on Alice's take which we will discuss later but I do think this one is significantly worse Michael is still guilty for what he did in the past yes we are all guilty for what we've done the past the question was what exactly happened he did admit to some things most notably a quote complaint he had but it would be incumbent on the people involved to try and exactly pinpoint what the context for this situation is because he said himself that he didn't want to mention it specifically so you have the chance to clarify what this actually was and you didn't no one is glossing over it it's just people can't go after him until they know the specific context until then people will be looking towards you for elaborate and then we have this gaslighting comment which I found rather strange gaslighting is when you make a person doubt their own experiences through manipulation but I don't think she knows what that means also I find it strange that her language implies the fact that she can label this as gaslighting suddenly means it's manipulation and not just manipulation on its own terms it's a strange way to express your position it's like she thinks that people just identify the word manipulation rather than the underlying processes people aren't the smartest sometimes but they're a bit smarter than that then she goes to the mentality argument and yes there was a responsibility on sly so that key failed as a boyfriend there was an age gap frankly put more weight on him but the problem was that it seemed they were both ignorant in a way who would make their judgment poor other factors like experience also have to be taken into account secondly that's not how I remember it is not a [ __ ] rebuttal [ __ ] without the evidence sometimes it's the only rebuttal and it's the only way people can defend themselves when they have unsubstantiated claims made against them they cannot directly disprove then we have the final statement that Annie makes which brings it back to this notion of quote mistakes and it's okay if you want to stand by your friend I completely understand that that's your choice these aren't mistakes example in the original twit longer chase states that this was her first relationship in an attempt to make her perspective seem more innocent this is not a passive omission this is not something that she could forget it is an active lie that was contradicted by slaw so in his response these mistakes are all over the TWiT longer and you can stick up for a character in public but you should have a very stern talking to her in private because given the TWiT long that have been the works for around a month and you took credit for helping her you really should have made sure there wasn't room for such mistakes she ends by saying she hopes he can get some therapy issues that as he is presented the argument seemed to be resolved as said I met Annie after the statement and she completely defying my expectations I really enjoyed her company and she may genuinely believe this but if she does and I'd really recommend withholding judgment of situations in the future not because she's a friend because she's a public figure and that sort of exercise of power he's obviously going to have a huge influence on someone's judgments plenty of people have spoken to me and said that they think Shay was manipulated and I think that's very possible to even unint the sort pressure from such powerful figures to put a statement out would be crushing chased whit Lanka is not the sort of thing that people can continue backing even if it's just for the sake of personal pride even if you want to continue backing che as a person even if you don't like slaw so even if you find him creepy there's such a dynamic of power in this situation that shouldn't have been used wisdom was the other person who made noteworthy comments in response to this situation and honestly when breaking his comments down they're not that different to Annie's okay so I just watched schwoz's video his response to his ex-girlfriend Shay's accusation that he was emotionally in perhaps and sexually abusive and my conclusion is that he is just gonna have to learn from his mistakes I mean he [ __ ] up it looks like he's still gonna [ __ ] up again he gives me a lot of impressions that he's definitely manipulator even owns up to it in his video he definitely seems like the person to Gaslight his partner make them think that things happen differently from what they remember in order to manipulate them and make them apologize for something that wasn't even their fault I don't want to believe that Shay is just an outright liar but there was this one clip that always stuck out to me flosso did admit that he was controlling he used the word controlling he didn't say manipulative now all youtubers are manipulative that's how we got to where we are we manipulate an audience day to day for money I mean I guess this is what we do I know it's as it has a negative connotation to it but it just is what it is this is not a good thing to say firstly equivocating being controlling and being manipulative and then equivocating being manipulative in the past tense and being manipulative in the present tense which made two huge logical jumps to justify a point of view that we cannot be remotely sure of at all to be honest I think his statement wasn't the worst even though he made that stupid coin about people being manipulative because he did seem to acknowledge but a lot the information was wrong and it should remain private but his opinion still just seems to be parroting other people without knowing what those words actually mean it seems like a lot of people involved were just trying to make what he admitted appear worse than what he actually did without proving it was a lot worse despite having the opportunity and people saw through it and people were asking for more and well they got more but not exactly in the way they'd hope all right I'm gonna head to they call it a second example Lobster we go again see the problem is that when people started making statements like these people saw it as then trying to cover their backsides and for justified reasons the people involved all knew che and if che had more evidence that she was prepared to release other people involved were either better off staying silent or at least informing the audience that there would be more evidence to come however they spoke as if this was it at least for now and people picked up on that one of the most confusing things for me as a viewer was that people who had openly reacted with such shock and surprise when these allegations were first released when many of these claims were counted or disproves suddenly changed their tune as if they knew he was a terrible person anyway and the fact that the claims were falsified oh that doesn't matter as someone who might be a friend to someone like sly so as someone who was not present in the original relationship as someone who felt the shock and surprised I'd be relieved when he put out his response but this was the sort of response that makes people think there's another motive something else behind it I'm Alex was another person who honestly I didn't expect to be involved and I really wish he wasn't I've known him for ages and he's been having a rough time recently so I don't want to give him grief he has apologized since but it would be dishonest for me to pretend he doesn't exist he was one of the people who decided that the public deserved a response and whether they did or not it probably wasn't the one that Alex should have provided hello guys I want to try and put this in as concise way as possible but this is my response to Michael and I saw this video there's a limit on this so if I'm rushing other things I'm trying not to I just wanna play everything in here and a place that is easy for people to get to and I want to make a statement which is the fact that obviously I came out and supported chair when she posted that's what longer and obviously now Michaels videos come out where he is debunk some of the things that were put in there my problem of Michael was him admitting to doing things that he need change wanted to do and being incredibly forceful and almost demanding which he admitted to doing in this video which for me is still disgusting I don't believe he's innocent I don't think he's innocent no shame a know also be innocent and may have hid stuff and and use jokes to try and maybe push a certain agenda at the same time the stuff that Michael admitted to is stuff that makes me not want to be friends of somebody who is capable of doing those things once again it felt like he'd read a tldr of the video and attempted to derive some conclusions from there it wasn't a good response and admittedly it did confuse me to an extent I'm Alex has been covering u2 drama for ages and surely he'd know the do's and dont's responses in an ideal scenario if there was no more information the best thing to do is to say that you were misled and apologize you don't have to be friends with the person you don't even have to believe that they're a good person but you have to say what you got wrong Alex spoke like someone who knew more information was preparing for more information yet as mentioned earlier if there was more information the best thing would be just say nothing at all or to tell people to hold their horses on the other hand I thought there must be more to this because some wouldn't pick such an obviously bad response when they've been covering responses since the dawn of time but even then putting out an awful response receiving a little backlash only to wait a few weeks and suddenly drop some evidence that will turn the case on its head is a terrible way to go about it as well because people will just be pissed off and asked why on earth you didn't just say there's more to come this gives me the impression that no one was actually certain of additional evidence to be released but was hopeful that there would be some killer response to make their critics look like idiots sexual misconduct allegations aren't about the gotcha moments with all this in mind I put our tweet venting my frustration about the handling of the situation and in light of this some people involved reached out to me in private regarding the claims but what they said is there would be a lot more additional evidence and claimants with a high level of certainty this caused me a lot of confusion because as Apple mentions with their current statements people involved were about to receive a lot of criticism but who was the main recipient of the sites of the ravenous commentator our friend Alex people were not happy about his response in particular but why well as those here hey commentator who is renowned for his takes on YouTube drama in fact many people view him as one of the most credible commentators in the community and therefore his bumbling was a huge stain on his takes this was brought forward in tandem with his James Charles take which many people criticized him about honestly I thought his original video was a fairly natural reaction to a situation that seemed pretty different to the truth and to be fair he did actually apologized that take although some people felt that his original video should have been removed and that was a justified position to that I agree with these back-to-back situations so on who people seem to have much high standards for made the criticism a lot more stinging on top of this there are people who have some pretty personal grudges against him two of those craters being kvass and keemstar the camels feud has been a long personal conflict originating way back from when chaos made a video on wild Spartans I'm Alex's then friend a while later I'm Alex then clap back with a video of his own which kvass replied to when keemstar shafted cavils over a dispute regarding drama channels I'm Alex actually intervened and defended chaos which seemed to put the conflict to rest with counsels even suggesting that he was happy that Alex's Channel was doing well however this will fell apart when both the creases appeared to intend to meet each other but never did without its claiming that he tried to meet him multiple times and calves are saying that this just wasn't true this new situation gave cavils a whole new round of ammunition to take a metallics with the backing of keemstar what he's done I think we can all agree is just inexcusable and there needs to be some sort of consequence of that you can't just go around doing this be a commentary youtube over 1.6 million subs and do that how can anyone trust him again how can he have any credibility but is what you need as a commentator how could he be a commentator after all of that Kim's door on the other hand has hated Alex fairly consistently for a long time from a situation rooting back to the keemstar native podcast a podcast featuring keen fellow British commentator colossal is crazy and drama streamer Thomas C all Dre conversation Alex reported that keemstar was the instigating factor for its demise he made a Twitter video any new clown can defend himself accusing him of asking for more money and accusing clown of refusing to cooperate when a me or ally it keemstar since claimed that alex is a social climber who will only use people for his opportunistic game last night you said the reason why I don't like you is because you don't like me that's that's [ __ ] you're actually [ __ ] look dude the reason why I don't like you is because you uploaded a video and you made up a bunch of lies about me that was the start of it then you kept doing this repeatedly then you started [ __ ] leeching off people and using them to kind of get where you were ironically this situation spurred members of the community on so much the keemstar and Tom EC long opposed to each other put their differences aside and reunited with course or to record an episode of the baited podcast relating specifically to this situation if the community all starts hating PewDiePie one day he would hate PewDiePie right if the community starts loving PewDiePie he loves PewDiePie like dude this guy is a flip-flopping piece of item he's not a real person he's not a real person with real opinions and real thought boogie does the same thing always goes with the popular vote and he'll retract his opinion in a heartbeat well his heart beats pretty [ __ ] fast to be honest with the clear evidence that there was some fuel in the tank other smaller craters jumped on the opportunity to upload videos on I'm Alex claiming either his disloyalty to slay zou or his support serie guarding situations the reason he had become the target was mostly circumstantial nothing he'd done at this stage was different to many other craters and I was concerned that people would forget about the greater points that were to be made my concerns were confirmed when Alex unwisely decided to speak to some of these smaller craters in a private call which would honestly not remain private for long he allegedly disclosed multiple details regarding the situation these craters then decided that they would do what they know best talk about it and oh dear oh dear oh dear [Music] in this call it is alleged that all sorts of information was divulged the prime recipient of this information was a youtuber / dreamer named Nicholas D or E who then went and passed on axes numerous comments to various traitors some who were directly referenced and others for video purposes I have no clue why Alex thought this was a good idea but it wasn't people are always nicer in conversation than when they're publicly talking about you and it seems that Alex was under the impression that if he told them his side they'd be a bit softer on him in public unfortunately that was not the case diario took acces comments regarding slaw so straight to slaw so and conducted an interview in which he asked why so his opinions on these takes alex claims that you had been rough and forceful with a girl while staying with him he claimed you were completely sober and forcefully getting this woman drunk allegedly Alex had to step in and remove the girl from the situation as you begun kissing and since her home in an uber Alex also claims he told you we don't do that [ __ ] around here man and bullied you for the next few days yes um yeah this was really confusing to hear honestly um this is a complete embellishment of what happened he also took comments about other people to the parties mentioned and inform them to will return to this point later but it was basically the release of a Pandora's box of information into the community and provided plenty more content for creators to Nora while these craters was Turkey Tom who for legal reasons I must disclose isn't actually a turkey and why is your name Turkey Tom but you're not a turkey all right if you really want to pull this off and brand it right you'd be a [ __ ] Turkey he was making a video on this latter situation covering the various responses and all the people who had been regularly mentioned in private but not so much in public was they created by the name of hyojin it was claimed that among other things Alex had implied various facts about hyojin in a call with Oreo which would then publicized subsequently although I cannot confirm whether Alex actually said this maybe it will seem to believe that he did given their own personal relationships with him and some even publicly reacted with hostility when a certain situation that we'll talk about later transpired these claims or so seem to be unsubstantiated and many others involved said they simply weren't true kyojin is a crater slash artist who is closely associated with J camp into vocal about the situation however had been involved in assisting the release of the TWiT longer behind the scenes she was named and shamed and what happens when a crater is cooled out is the optimal like to go one step further and see what other shady behavior they may be park taking him when he audience name was dragged out under the Sun a lot followed a lot of offensive DMS a lot of testimonies from people who had negative experiences and some further rumors some of this stuff was definitely warranting criticism for example an NSFW blog in which he posted explicit art of people from within the community some of these people were quite underage and others definitely didn't consent to it however other claims were slightly more shaky and also rather invasive in a person's private life so where does turkey Tom come into this well he uploaded a video on the situation in which he addresses the involvement of many individuals and one of them is shio Jian this was not too long after the information of her involvement had been floated from the private call besides the multiple other allegations regarding her behavior in Tom's video he made some very fair points that were deserved criticism for the parties involved however when going through hyojin's involvement although mostly focusing on the content that was fairly verifiable he divulged two pieces of PSA they were probably rather inappropriate the first was a rumor regarding an affair that should not have gone in a public video and the second was a set of allegations regarding animal maltreatment relating back to the claim by an anonymous source that she was not just unpleasant but had a habit of picking up a dog and placing it on its back now I cannot comment on the verifiability of these claims but the problem was the second claim was so outlandish and ridiculous that it immediately caught the most attention despite arguably being the least relevant now normally with such a claim we would think about it critically innocent until proven guilty however people were so caught up in the sentiment of criticizing kyojin that it was just lumped in there with all the actual other legitimate criticism and because it is a greedy stranger's claim it became the claim that was referenced the most and ultimately became a focus alongside the already existent criticism of her content in the situation it finally provoked a response from her however these responses were not well received because they weren't very good and people continue to lump pressure onto her craters made additional videos Toki Tom made a second video in which he responded to hyojin's comments and provided further elaboration to his points and although there was still attention on other people involved it's clear that they locked was said about hojin and she became a very easy target due to her incompetence in dealing with this however it's clear that people had become too carried away on the basis of some shaky criticism of some character and it was easy to witness ultimately the sort of mob had turned on hojin and it was becoming very toxic and after a few days she blacked out her Twitter and it was reported she'd at empty to take her own life fortunately she survived and was hospitalized however this provoked a lot of further conflict from within the community at first there was an immediate reaction and outpouring the support in the hashtag love for human trying to reverse what it had become but soon enough people began to make more provocative statements maybe we began to turn on those who had rustled up this scenario stating who they were partly accountable for this terrible situation however in response to this many of the lead critics asked if the attempt really changed any of the points that were being made against her it's a tough discussion because both of these points are extremely sensitive but neither of them are entirely invalid if someone did something terrible and attempted on their life no it does not change the terrible thing they did but I also think the point of criticism is to improve someone not drive them off the edge I'm mixing in unsubstantiated rumors in there just generally harm the case that could have been much more focused on what actually happened and not drive someone's image down as some sort of dog tipper it's why we should always make off criticism as clear as possible from a personal perspective we will always provoke some backlash onto a person if we criticize them however firstly we want to make sure that we don't cause harassment and secondly we don't want to provide backlash on the basis of false information nonetheless that does not mean that harassment is accountable to the original critic because there will always be some people who look for an excuse to harass people regardless and there has to be some level of personal responsibility for such behavior in this situation I don't think anyone maliciously intended to provoke harassment nor do I think anyone can singly be blamed for reporting on a lot of this but going in without landish rumors at a time where people saw a lot the claims as flying regardless of where they had wins or not was probably not the best shout try and make sure that what you're basing your content off is as well-founded as they come it doesn't just help the person you may be criticizing but it helps your case too and prevents this sort of situation coming back today to tom's credit he has actually made changes to his videos that remove the unsubstantiated claims and anyone who also did that should receive their fair credit it's an emotional situation and people do feel really strongly about it I respect that when people made their videos I didn't think it came from a place of haha drama let's cash in I genuinely think this matter to people because people did feel strongly about being in a position where you would be exposed for something that you didn't do and you could have your whole career ruined that provokes strong feelings understandably so however although this was the situation that brought the drama to a halt it was still a very small part of a very complex puzzle because there were still so many unanswered questions regarding how and why this happened and what exactly was going on behind the scenes and that's what I want to discuss now why is arguably the most important question that one can ask because once you find the underlying roots of a snare then you might be able to exactly understand the cause for these situations and hopefully work on avoiding them in the future that's important for anyone involved at the end the day the goal is to make sure that anyone who is a threat to those around them is addressed properly and innocent parties are left alone so that we can elevate victims and make sure that they have a voice there are many reasons that people have hypothesized how this has happened one of the more popular theories is that of competition and although it would be certainly an interesting albeit sinister twist I don't think that is the case I don't think those craters were threatened by the prospect of another crater covering a similar genre and Schlosser wasn't a similar genre to many of the craters involved anyway it would certainly take a very elaborate plan to take out someone for the mere reason of being competition I also don't think it's a group conspiracy I don't think that everyone involved in the release of the statement had mal-intent it seems plausible that one or two people colored the perception of the party but it seems unlikely that we'll be able to work out exactly who in light of the situation we've seen a few party members involved openly apologize their involvement this seems like the right thing to do at this point however it still doesn't really answer why couple people doubled down at the time some of stated they thought they'd heard more stories but it just seems confusing that if the first clothes were disproved they'd stand by these additional claims and openly call-outs Lazo if they were unsubstantiated which is what they seem like on top of this a fair few people still defend chase intentions will say that they thought she genuinely didn't have the idea of leaving out all this evidence and once again although some may be genuinely hurt it really can't excuse what happened it really can't change the fact that she would have had to have gone through all these messages and she didn't just accidentally miss out ten minutes of DMS it's impossible to really work around it doesn't really excuse what happened and doesn't really make sense either the fact that someone just accidentally left out ten minutes of conversation I can't look inside their soul and completely deduce what was going on which made so people desperate to justify the slaw so wasn't a good person but given the similarity of all the responses and the general misuse of terminology it seems like it was just a case of groupthink with some people's ignorance taken advantage of by a less than well-meaning actor perhaps but that's just a theory some people haven't commented further that will be for better or for worse some people have like we sterner I love you understand primary video makes it sound evil yeah it's just some [ __ ] guys some [ __ ] content content vulture hisses yeah I mean what do you expect making video about the drama like a month after it happens quick point buddy przemek isn't a Content vulture he's a guy who cares a lot about a situation that you claim to care about too and the fact that you have the nerve to judge people's character on the basis of them calling out is pretty rotten if you don't feel like there's anything more to say then don't say anything more there were also some people claiming that people at the actual insomnia event knew which I can't say I agree with either even if people were unsure at the time I don't think they would have invited him over with that knowledge with that said there were definitely people who have known for a while who were not at the event and that does bother me because no one thought to tell me or many other people what was going on people know that there are people there with strong history with sexual misconduct and even when I was told personally I was still not meant to know and even then if he was a threat people really sat on this evidence for such an exceptionally long time as if he wasn't going out and about in his daily life interacted with multiple females it all felt so fine-tuned it was more designed to be a spectacle than the natural post and that's what bothered a lot of people myself included in my opinion there have been people trying to get individuals to disassociate from slaw so due to how they perceived his behavior and it reached a person who insisted that they needed to go public with this information but unfortunately it just wasn't there and you know I do believe that people act with earnest intent when trying to bring these things to light I will defend may those people but the fact is that it took a month you come out with a much less than adequate allegations embellished with evidence that had clearly not been closely looked at I mean it's infuriating and it has taken its toll plenty of people have lost subscribers plenty of people haven't been doing well out of all the drama watching this one was probably the most painful but I felt it was worth saying something because as someone who saw a lot of it going on in the inside it took a toll not just on the people directly involved but unload the people around and the relationships they had I've now heard multiple contradicting statements from people involved which don't add up people who I believe I could trust I heard them out I believed them and supported them but since then I've had to take a step back and ask myself who I put my faith in it's draining it makes me miserable and I'll always stand up for the people who are my friends if anyone asked me about the intentions of people involved I defend them to the bitter end but there are some things that never sat right with me throughout this all and nothing has really righted those feelings of discontent there were people who did not treat those around them like friends a lawyer you tubers should look at the /au situation and take a long hard look at themselves and the way they treat their friends as well as oh well I want to take a brief moment to critique here independently it's clear he's had some problems but I don't think those problems are problems that he's not been working on and it's clear he acknowledged that he's behaved as a bad boyfriend in many ways being controlling is a poor show and there are definitely certain things that he has admitted to that would be worthy of criticism floating the idea that his girlfriend should take different antidepressants that would aid her sex drive like she said the thing I didn't go there when she was on a period I suggested at one point that she go off her antidepressant medicine she'd go to another one but I had other points I insinuated that it might be a bad thing that she was on these antidepressants why first her sex drive you know why she said Oh - so your intention was to amplify it or to decrease it to them - yeah to amplifier yeah that's a point against you I would say it was exceptionally inappropriate and we don't know the context of this he may have just suggested it one time passing or it may have been a more coercive problem but he's been given a chance to address himself in this situation and I am pleased with that he has the chance to improve himself and work on his image I do not believe he's a bad person though that's just my opinion and I may have been duped miss Lazo may not be the change man that I've you amass now and I'll have to hold my hands up and that's okay because we get things wrong sometimes I've got things wrong I'm probably gonna get things wrong again we can't expect to get everything completely right but if we end up in a situation that is so much bigger than us where a person's career might rely on our own conduct then we need to hold our hands up and if there's more to come then just let people know if you think the holding of information and surprise releasing it in bits is gonna own your critics you are really wrong allegations are not film sequels although I have spoken about my involvement in this it would be unfair to not note the work of the many people who did provide slaw so with the support when certain craters continue to turn on him in spite of his rather conclusive response with what we know I do believe they did the right thing and provided substantial criticism to names who would have otherwise gone unchecked and I must give them their due credit to finish I definitely urge people to take a bit more of a careful response to allegations in the future there's nothing wrong with throwing your weight behind and taking a stand and making craters address these things and the other day I do believe is their responsibility but definitely don't go on a clowning stampede the main goal should be to have people address it and if they can't they've messed up then we can enact what we view as a proportional response justice is a responsibility incumbent on the community craters and audiences alike it's a shame that it was misused in this instance but hopefully it's at a close now and we can all move forward [Music] yes that's the video I hope you enjoyed it was definitely a difficult one to write but we got there in the end I really want to give a big shout out to the editors who once again done a fantastic job definitely check them out I'll leave their links in the pinned comments it just wouldn't be possible without them I also want to give a big shout-out to my patreon some ten dollar patreon 'he's up on screen right now but I have to give a personal special thanks to my $50.00 patreon some hullabaloo The Spectre angel bow right rocket Ralph Niko DeSean Sara Elizabeth and Caroline thank you so much guys it genuinely means so much to me I also want to give a very special thanks to my hundred dollar patreon Brandon Adam Michael and Christopher cos once again it's a contribution that genuinely makes a huge difference and gives me a lot more license on what I want to make videos on it gives me more creative freedom and I really appreciate it if you want to contact me on Twitter I at the right opinion if you want to reach out to me on Facebook my links will be there too discord as well I'm there I'm on the ball well sometimes not always but regardless hopefully there's a way you can reach me anyhow I don't think I have too much else to add apart from you know I hope you guys are having a lovely week whenever this is released and if you're not well I hope it made this week a little nicer otherwise take care lots of love and I'm the right opinion and I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,074,846
Rating: 4.9239445 out of 5
Keywords: slazo, slazo tro, slazo response, tro, slazo opinion, imallexx, imallexx slazo, kingani, weest, weesterner, baited imallexx, my side, my side slazo, imallexx kavos
Id: tTSgYhl6O4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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