The Failure of 13 Reasons Why | TRO (ft. I Hate Everything)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/daphometisgone 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Wrights pinyin the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and TV shows honestly something that I have an interest in but seldom get around to actually watching my biggest problem is how much time they tend to consume and although I promise you I have too much free time TM is not that I typically decide to dedicate all towards one TV show I like to allocate it across various activities to maintain some mental well-being because after all in this world called YouTube we can all use that from time to time I mostly indulge my time in films which typically shorter in total with exceptions and gaming because as I have always asserted I am a gamer nonetheless recently I have found myself in an interesting predicament because YouTube's low monetization process has basically delayed so many my videos that I found myself with a week on my hands and a desire to cover something slightly different so without further adieu I suggest we tackle that slightly different subject on this glorious glorious day and if you have some basic reading capabilities you will know that this is 13 reasons why 13 reasons why is a TV show that currently spans three seasons although a fourth is expected to so hooray for that it is based on the young adult novel by Jay Asher and the first series was released originally in 2017 to a furrow of applause and acclaim from critics and audiences alike however it is not without its controversy what is the basis of this controversy well 13 reasons why is a show that like many films and TV series tackles tough issues however one of these central characters and narrators of this show Tom by the name of Hannah Baker is resenting their narrative from the perspective of a deceased individual but on top of that she committed suicide and left behind 13 tapes these 13 tapes for each dress to an individual who she felt had played a role in the situation that finally resulted in her death these tapes would then circulate through each subject being passed on until they completed their cycle it is a show that asked questions regarding accountability school environment but it's also very graphic and intense and not for the faint of heart when covering any sensitive topic in a dramatized fashion they'll almost always be controversy because many people have many different feelings on how to deal with these topics and many people will have strong feelings on them and therefore even the occasional misstep will be viciously scrutinized because if these things aren't done with the utmost delicacy it could also lead to dangerous social outcomes the first season of 13 reasons why was promoted under the guise of mental health discourse in fact if you watch the version now you might see a disclaimer from while the cast members stating that the intention of the series is to start a discussion it was a significant marketing point therefore at first when it came out I kind of theorized that its messages probably bordered on inflammatory at points but didn't do anything too egregious because overall it is still been well received however by the time the second season came I began to well have second thoughts the verr season have been based on the book as mentioned how of the second season completely deviated from that and I felt that move bit more on the side of exploitive especially given how the original series was promoted I assume maybe there was just a heavy demand maybe it made a significant difference to some people's lives but regardless given the moderate success of the first season I understood why it existed nonetheless this season was not well received by critics and audiences didn't seem to be particularly as static either although it is difficult to tell how the commited bands reacted I assume this would be the end however I was rather irritated when I heard that there would be in fact a third season a move that I found frankly rather insulting but ho-hum maybe it would be better okay never mind then I figured at this point a majority of the audience must have been but the most dedicated viewers of this show who clearly felt that the messages mix with the high school environment resonated with them I really didn't see much additional value being drawn from it and I also developed a sentiment of concern because if they're still trying to send these social messages about all of these topics yet receiving such a significant amount of criticism they can't be doing a particularly good job my concern here was that ultimately 13 reasons why I had an audience who supported them on the basis of their takes on these sensitive issues yet their artistic failure to carry through these messages could well have negative social ramifications particularly if the intended audience for more vulnerable individuals now I did not guarantee to find exactly this but I also know that there has been a lot of debate over it and I hope to at least provide my own stance on it with a caveat of caution and nuance to those interested in watching the series there's an inconvenient truth sometimes what might be most critically acclaimed or artistically bold or emotionally gripping may not be the best for an individual's health and that's something that comes particularly to a head with a show like 13 reasons why and for a show that attempts to tread both borders with some amount of sensitivity I'd say it's ultimately a fundamental failure and with the fourth season on the horizon it should probably take a moment for some self-reflection in its messages they occur behind 13 reasons why has made it clear that their intended audience has been those who are mentally vulnerable and therefore that is something that cannot be discounted I'm aware that my voice will ultimately have very little effect and the show will continue to steamroll its way into Brian yorkese bank account but if this video makes anyone take another look at the show then I consider that a victory I'm going to be outlining the plot of each season before diving into my own personal thoughts and feelings regarding how this show tackles these issues and these success / shortcomings of this coverage so that further ado I suggest we get into it I will preface this by saying that there will be spoilers let's go now I briefly mentioned the premise of season 1 while introducing this video but I shall go into a bit more depth there are two narratives that we have to observe the first one being Hannah Baker the deceased individual whose narrative is presented post-mortem on these 13 tapes and mostly follows her account through the state of flashbacks and the second being the recipient of these tapes played Jensen whose narrative is mostly followed through present-day there is never so dedicated to each tape we follow clay as he listens to them and sometimes struggles to listen to them interspersed with relevant flashbacks which run adjacent to Hannah Baker's narrative we also follow clays own reaction to this which may lead to certain behavior when certain truths are revealed there are many various arts as would be expected on a TV show but the tapes are directed at individuals whom Hannah feels contributed to her suicide sometimes through merely being complicit in a culture or just being a straight-out rapist Hannah's parents are planning to sue the school for their inaction and other students who are these subjects of these tapes are trying to prevent the release of these tapes another student Tony Padilla keeps an eye to make sure each person listens to these tapes there are many other minor conflicts and tensions but shan't focus too much on them now realism is a really important point when staying committed to recreating these environments not every film or TV show has to abide by basic fundamental laws that we may expect from the real world in fact many don't even the ones that may seem grounded in principle but thirteen reasons why has a few more rules to abide by because they seek to portray the human condition and environments that market relatability to their audiences therefore certain elements of logic and realism have to be followed by in these instances so realism will be discussed here not just from a social perspective but from an artistic perspective as well I want to first focus on the premise the fact that Hannah is recording the series of tapes and directing them as specific individuals following her death this has probably been one of the major sources of the controversy being cooled out by many as unhealthily indulging in revenge fantasy now this is where we should talk about the portrayal of Hannah Baker herself she isn't the sole focal point of the narrative and therefore the writers have a bit more leeway to not present her as this all positive protagonist therefore I didn't immediately object to her having less than able intentions regarding the creation of these tapes because ultimately it is the framing of the character that would define how she is presented to the audience people don't always do the best thing it's just important that there's some awareness of that see I can guarantee that one of the reasons that you're still listening is that you really want to know who else is responsible for my death unfortunately 13 reasons why doesn't really have that for me I received the impression that clays present-day reaction was meant to be the core narrative that we were meant to emotionally follow with certain deviations when he lashed out a little that's just not helping and even those behaviors seem to fall on clay rather than Hanna ultimately their handling was a failed opportunity to look into the dangers of creating a series of tapes accountability doesn't dissipate after you die and although the tragedy should never be undermined at the same time we shouldn't be afraid to analyze the morality of the actions themselves that come before if the writing of other characters wasn't so on the nose then the nuance may have been able to come through because there are characters who dispute the release of these tapes and even the details for example Jessica Davis the subject of the second tape tells clay that Hanna was lying about certain details she said on the tapes Monet's she's the one who stopped coming not me she's the one who ended our friendship and she knew it she's a liar however by the end of the same episode they use blatant dialogue to tell the audience that she clearly wasn't lying it was such an underplayed conflict that it basically had no reason to exist and it was a missed opportunity to look into the implications of such tapes when someone takes their own life they are more often a victim of some circumstance however at the same time content published with knowledge of their impending death may be questionable in its information for two reasons firstly a deceased individual won't have to face down the consequences of those narratives and secondly as they I perceive victim it will yield their postmortem content more power which is exactly what is demonstrated in season two we'll get to that eventually however even with that said it is revealed later on the tapes that she did get a detail wrong regarding another tape directed at Zach a high school student who basically stole compliments from Hanna's compliment bag after she embarrassed him publicly in the tape she says he threw a compliment away I guess I wasn't even worth a reaction and yet it's revealed he actually kept it how have this habit of getting details wrong doesn't appear again so I'm not really sure what we're meant to do with it the only basis that it would have changed under is if we were still unsure about the validity of the tapes but these subjects of the tapes act in such a purposely self-incriminating way that is not a point of contention so ultimately it just becomes this loose end and we're left wondering if we should be lending the emotional value to the tapes that the writers clearly want us to it's hard to tell if revenge is the direct motivation however it does appear at multiple points throughout the series probably the worst example of this is in episode 4 a tape dedicated to an individual named Tyler a creep who took photos of her at her home and invaded her privacy finally escalating when he took and shared a picture of her kissing another girl named Courtney in her tape she says this maybe I'll never know why you did what you did but I can make you understand how it felt to be me that's why I'm outside your window Tyler after people hear this I bet I won't be the only one this is followed by a clay the present-day protagonist taking a picture of Tyler's bare buttocks and sending it to the whole school now this was a bad idea for many reasons and some characters even observe this but there's little resolution or focus that says how bad an idea this was and it was a really bad idea let's go into that bad ideas they're common in this show sometimes that's okay when they're framed as bad ideas but often you end up with this sort of aspic scene no real closure because the tapes have moved on to their next subjects and this leads to some real incoherence or natural morals sees like those are made to stick out made to shock and therefore they stick in your head and when I reflecting them I don't really think they had any resolve or any conclusion that was meant to be presented to the audience by the end of episode 7 and thus tape 7 Hanna Baker says this no one knows what's really going on in another person's life and you never know how what you do will affect someone else which is a hundred percent true but it's also a factor that has been neglected multiple times throughout the series this is in part due to the fact that as a central narrative Hanna's narrative doesn't really receive much scrutiny from the characters and when it does these characters are presented as mostly antagonistic and therefore not making a sincere case the flashbacks are hot dispute given how they're mostly promoted as faithful information and the possible misinformation narrative isn't given nearly enough to add to that depth and once again I don't think this would be a central problem if Hannah's narrative was presented as inherently flawed but it's not and that means that she's much more presented as this martyr rather than the flawed person she clearly is as well I love the time I felt the extent that each individual was responsible Hanna level of ambiguity surrounding them and by the end I don't think people are remotely the wiser because the characters being held accountable never really have much of a discussion regarding it characters like Justin Courtney Marcus are so irrationally out to sabotage Hanna and make sure clay doesn't release this information it becomes a melodrama which ultimately neglects that this could have been a poignant look responsibilities we can contain this we just have to control the narrative you're deluded the narrative is chess knows grace Richter it doesn't make shitty chess players only two moves away from being checkmate not necessarily and if we bring Bryce into it with us Bryce the rapist alleged rapist [ __ ] off Courtney and it's not like I'm sure these characters shouldn't have angry or rational interactions but the best moments of the TV series when they were having low-key conversations or moments when there was absolutely no dialogue at all and we were finding out things about these characters that made them human - too much of the focus was on this cover-up plot which just reached levels of ridicule appoints and it detracted from the grounded nature of how teens might deal with these things I feel that there is such a melodrama it made it hard for me to feel emotionally invested on the contrary one of the best characters was Hannah's mother Olivia whenever she was on screen I felt compelled because she conveyed the grief and pain from the experience of losing your own daughter and that was something that I felt was so neglected elsewhere she wanted justice and she generated realistic melodrama her pursuit against the school for justice seemed well-founded yet disruptive which is the right balance and one that isn't obtained elsewhere in the story a lot of people have spoken about how each tape is reap rapport tional against who they're directed towards and I agreed to an extent I think the problem however is less that some of the tapes had less serious topics but moreover the fact they focused on the individual rather than their feelings that they represented abandonment embarrassment betrayal alienation are all factors that can really drive someone to a deprived mental state however often they're a lot less accountable to individuals more so just general environment and circumstances and I feel the directed blame was a case of trying to prioritize melodrama over realism however the fact that Hannah seems to assign those feelings to an individual means that the actual feelings that drove the reaction seem underrepresented and this is where the whole revenge narrative is at it's Uglies the problem is that the whole motivation of this impending lawsuit by Hannah's mother is that the high school culture was responsible a culture that many people are only really guilty of being complicit with a few exceptions because some of the individuals in the tapes don't necessarily do any grassley terrible however as a recipient of the worst of high school culture Hannah Baker should have been aware that naming people directly in a tape linked to her suicide could really negatively impact their lives if these tapes were released the whole point was that high school students were creating social hierarchies of surface level judgments what would make any of the people on the tapes above that scrutiny some of whom clearly didn't deserve it this is why I didn't want you to listen to my tape because I don't because you wanted to keep your secret no because I think what you judging me for the worst thing I've ever done characterization is another point that many people feel wasn't covered well enough in this series and that's an important factor considering that the show makes the assertion of starting a discussion around mental well-being for me it's a mixed bag there are some really good interactions that would reflect someone going through those stages of suffering and obviously there needs to be some conflict that's how plots are created there are multiple points where the high school seems ridiculously over the top there's at least one scene where all the students just take their phones out at once and start smirking at the same time talking amongst each other and it's so contrived often they trying to make Hannah out to be at the mercy of the whole damn school I think this was because they wanted to frame it as her having nowhere to go eventually but you really didn't need to do that to generate that feeling once again if they could frame the paranoia that such rumors create rather than pretending that paranoia is only the reality then they would kill two birds with one stone they'd actually represent the flawed state of mind that that meant antique rates and they'd accurately portray the high school environment rather than merging the two and presenting that perception as truth something that would serve to perpetuate the idea that this scenario is much worse than it actually is it panned us to negative stereotypes that suicidal audiences are most prone to believing and presented as Verity as a show that wants to connect with a more vulnerable audience that sort of outlook seems rather inappropriate 13 reasons why goes it presents itself as a discourse on accountability and responsibility we observe a group of students come to terms with their participation in a toxic culture this narrative could have worked if it was presented through the eyes of a neutral party or no party at all but the problem is that we have the added detail that the narrative is presented by the victim themselves this was clearly to add height and conflict and more intimacy but in doing that while combining it with the motivation to create a fully accurate portrayal they succeed in making Hannity perfect victim the problem is that because the narrative is postmortem it is presented without challenge and we never really learn much about Hanna or her imperfections even when she might behave in a way that seems irrational it's never subject to much scrutiny because the narrative just continues the only real dispute comes regarding whether she's lying and we all know how well that plotline is pursuit an attempt to keep the narrative as rational and coherent as possible it undermines the fact that many suicide victims have mental health problems and other factors that will influence a person's mental state to drive them to that position it goes too far to rationalize the situation even if it notes that it is not a good option it makes the act seem very calculated which is what leads people to this revenge narrative I don't think the premise necessarily comes across as vengeful but it's very easy to look at that delivery and see it as just that a really good example is in the final episode where the flashback takes us to the school counselor's office regarding a sexual assault case which honestly is something we'll get to race soon but in this instance the counselor is an empathetic enough half in the Heather and I believe you but if you won't confront him yeah but the flashback also goes the distance to make sure it is very clear that no one is blatantly in the wrong but afterwards plays narrative cuts through implying that the counselor should have pursued her after she gave him the impression that she didn't want to talk a very strong impression I must add there could have in legitimate discussion at that point for what more can and can't be done sometimes but they just kind of leave the point unchallenged ending on this romanticized final who really cares speech did care and I think setting the bar that high justifies an unfair expectation from many people and undermines their own humanity in a way and what they may be going through as well I think I've made myself very clear no one's coming forward to stop me some of you none of you cared enough neither did I and I'm sorry and I understand I guess what they were trying to do with the idea that everyone has a perspective it is a running theme but the problem is that vulnerable individuals looking to adopt Hannah's perspective would find it rather easy to do so because the narrative isn't presented as flawed enough the show starts a discussion but while the points of view imply by the narrative dictates that an individual can be justified in taking their own life on the basis of circumstances assumed which is something that I and a lot of people don't agree with there's been a lot of controversy surrounding the increased rates of suicide following the show it's hard to prove anything with post-op measurement and it's non environment that would be ethically viable to manipulate so cause and effect can never really be established it's also impossible to measure how many lives the show may have saved so I do take this perspective with a grain of salt but typically the concern from many individuals is that such a suicide depicted and published can provoke copycat instance ironically a copycat instant is depicted on this show with one of the characters Alex tries to shoot himself following this ongoing conflict there are researchers we've posit that it may well be the famous suicide scene that causes this but I think it's more likely to just be the general theme of the show you don't want to give people any reasons why let alone 13 not unopposed at least and the challenges against these reasons just come across as a bit lackluster now the scene itself is controversial in other ways in fact it's so controversial the Netflix removed it all together bit late for that but I've seen many people praised it for its rawness and as a scene that feels important to the storyline a convergence of the narratives and I'll say it it is powerful however at the same time those scenes aren't gonna be the ones that start discussions they're gonna be the ones to provoke emotional reactions and although artistically it might feel like the right thing to do socially I can see why a lot of people took issue with it I don't know if the crew behind 13 reasons why anticipated that their audience were going to be as sensitive as they were from what I understand a lot of disclaimers had been placed in post release and I guess it would have been hard to completely ascertain that but if they wanted to start a discussion they should have been more considerate at the boundaries of that discussion particularly when they appear to be trying to connect with that audience I am feeling that the whole discussion out it was conjured up when they realized that they had some pretty severe incoming criticism maybe that's just my more cynical side talking another prominent couple of sensitive scenes but as shown include two sexual-assault scenes one of which where the main protagonist is a victim one where she is witness both of these are perpetuated by Bryce the main antagonist and probably worthy better written characters he definitely captures the very two-sided nature that a charismatic jock can put Trey while still operating as power in very malicious ways these scenes will be upsetting to some and that's important to note I do leave that disclaimer here I dragged on it a lot but I actually don't disliked season one for what it was I disliked season one for what it claims to be generally there's a lot that I liked in the show too a lot of nice moments which challenge perception as said any scene with the mother was genuinely riveting for me and Dylan Manette does a pretty good job too conveying a confused friend who doesn't know what to do as a show I was entertained I was taken in but there is a clear narrative a clear voice that these show expects us to listen to and without awareness this can lead to shortfalls in the representation of the realistic world view that these show attempts to convey and could help people easily rationalize otherwise irrational actions that only makes sense in the universe to the writers of 13 reasons why construct playing into paranoia and mental clarity this polarizes the debate and makes hannah seem like a vengeful psychopath to some and like a martyr to others neither are true and yet the show seems to retreat from the idea of nuance and excusing bearish shortfalls as inspiration for discourse and that is the failure of season 1 however I will say that there are some good discussions where it touches on the ambiguities there's this really good conversation between clay and the school counselor towards the end just but Helms last days were try to understand what led her there I cost a girl her life because I was afraid to love her I can't have loved someone back to life you can try and there are a few of these strong interactions that I do genuinely respect generally I prefer Clay's journey than Hannah's and I think not having Hannah's narrative spelling it out may have created a better show but there are only 13 tapes and season 2 was around the corner there was a lot they could change and improve on were they know [Music] the source material for 13 reasons why the teen novel was all used for the first series this meant the Craters had fewer boundaries holding them back and combining them to perhaps the trappings and shortfalls of such a premise would they squander this newfound freedom the answer is an affirmative yes and its failure I'd argue is even worse by this point they must have had the memo that they were starting a discussion so their contribution would at least be valued on those merits as well series 2 takes place with the arch of the ongoing court battle between Hanna's mother and niece school whom she wishes to hold accountable for her daughter's death this time each episode is based on the testimony a song related to Hanna most of these individuals having been addressed on the tapes themselves it was a nifty little concept on paper one of the biggest problems and immediately yielded was that there was not nearly enough they could say not as much as they would need to at least in 30 reasons why season 2 they repeat a lot the trials and tribulations that characters in season 1 went through leading to frustration of points for example the main protagonist clay has significant issues opening up the arc of the first season provides the feeling that it's good and healthy to open up sometimes a nice message and holding these problems in only leads to greater complications in the second season this problem repeats herself again which leads to similar discussions agreed we want to show you that we trust you to do the right thing to be a grown-up to make good choices no more sneaking around no more secrets I promise make a sound were both dead that's not out of the ordinary for someone's personal issues to resurface however the feeling of relapse occurring was pretty depressing and frustrating for me to watch personally clay repeats a lot of conflicts and it becomes tiresome it didn't really have much to add within the themes during the season so what did it add melodrama a ton of melodrama there were people being beaten up there were guns there were knives and at this point I felt I should be more annoyed but at least they were making it obvious they were happy to betray this narrative but this was a quote realistic high school environment and I stress there probably are some high school environments that are rife with weapons safety hazards and various other issues that shouldn't be ignored however the problem is it doesn't work with the premise the retiree of certain high schools in America is reflected in various socio-economic conditions that need to be in place in such a narrative - there's no normalization of violence in high school for thirteen reasons why particularly in the first season it is treated with these shock and horror yet it happens on such a regular basis that you can't help but see it as anything but forced conflict once again to add weight to my point of rehearse storylines the main cause of all this conflict is the fear that those who testify will incriminate some of the worst individuals involved which leads to various stairs and sabotages and the rest because the thing is in high school everyone's watching you all the time you have to be careful now the high school represented in 13 reasons why was never the most realistic but it could isolate the struggles that these students were going through and at least allow you to connect with them that's not something that's really identifiable in the second season there are some things that have happened between the end of the first and the starts the second season that I personally didn't like clay is now in a relationship with a character who was previously not involved at all in the storyline and therefore I just felt awkward watching it as I couldn't see the chemistry develop it was done for the purpose of creating a conflict that clay keeps comparing other females with Hannah but it seems forced and any interactions that arise from it are extremely uncomfortable to sit through because I can never really a set the premise that these two people were think you still being in love with a [ __ ] dead girl don't say that please that's not true this relationship ends pretty quickly when she's taken away to a mental facility but it underlines another huge problem which is just how is the people are emotionally provoked into hostile confrontation one of the characters who finds himself in confrontation is mr. Porter whose mild-mannered counseling suddenly turns into high school vigilantism Jessica Davis is back today gonna let you know I've got my eye on you you and a dozen college scouts but I know what that's got to do with Jessica you go near the girl and although you could argue is the mindset of someone who has nothing left to lose that sort of behavior could completely compromise your testimony in court and these two nothing being achieved other than another angry black man trope box tits I understand it's an emotional time people but multiple people just seem so angry entitled and petulant probably the worst example of this is the now recovering Alex who following his failed suicide attempt will just have these spontaneous outbursts out of nowhere now on one hand I empathize with his trauma he has this memory loss which actually isn't scientifically possible but they're bigger fish to fry his movement is impaired two on one side of his body and he's clearly suffering because the writers use his outbursts to make him seem antagonistic rather than tortured you end up feeling rather bitter towards him I want to see you Alex honey I don't know that you're ready to what to know the truth or know I did it is this it you don't want me to think about it or is it that you just don't want to talk about it often these eruptions are spontaneous and they spend much more time focusing on his emotional reactions rather than any discussion about what he might be going through it doesn't mean that those conversations don't exist they are covered but you don't really need more than one of these angry moments to convey what he's experiencing by the second and third time it feels awkward to watch and so painful for the sake of confrontation I don't think it does the suffering of such conditions any justice but with that said he's trial form the individual who's suffering the treatment of their mental health here I think that award goes to clay Jensen [Music] as I said earlier the tapes are over you can't rewrite what was recorded and it would be hard to revive the character of Hanna Baker now that she is deceased I guess what I should say is that it would be hard to revive the character of Hanna Baker in a decent respectful way because they revived her but my god in the first season clay has visions of Hanna here and there and you know seeing her face and other people and so on was understandable given that he was clearly shaken by the ordeal powered by these second season she begins to talk and have full-on conversations with clay on concept this could represent an internal monologue between a person who is rather torn on the right thing to do but the rises make it very clear who they do not want it to be interpreted that way so let me get this straight you don't know why I haven't seen you and have in fact tried not to think about you for months and accurate in true clay Johnson style so this left me with two options either Fannin has come back as a ghost or clay Jensen's visions of Hanna now taught him neither of these options are particularly desirable to me but given the fact that ghost would not be thematically congruent with the outlook the show is going for and mental health seems to be the focus I'm going to take a guess and say it is the fact that clays visions are worsening this could also be proven due to the fact that Hanna often cannot answer Clay's questions even when the answer seems simple thus suggesting she is a manifestation of his own limited perception were also providing more frustrating conversation tell me Bryce was lying about everything now he told lies it was all lies all of it don't think about it clay think about hugging me how it felt many people who have alleged that this is a sign of schizophrenia in clay or something similar I might have to agree and yet throughout the whole series clay just continues to live with this apparition of Hannah having continuous conversations the writers acting as if it's just nothing as if he's just going along it even splace in exactly this way towards the air Clay's vision of Hana becomes worse probably drawn from the frustrations they have been unable to obtain justice for the girls that Bryce has sexually assaulted this vision of Hana then begins to repeat Bryce's take the one which Hannah talks about her experience when I cried out in pain you grabbed my hair like the sound of my pain made it better for you and this causes him to go to Bryce's house with the intent to shoot him before turning the gun on himself at this point the point should be this is bad and clay needs help and yet he's just exported home and nothing nothing at all is done about it and ok it can be difficult when we're suffering from these illnesses to open up about them but throughout the series this apparition is presented so passively that it never feels like the writers are even challenging you to think about it in that way other than the scene where she's literally screaming at him she might as well be one of the family but ok maybe I'd be a bit more forgiving if this is given an arc and he confronts this vision or at least there's some closure but it's so unbelievably insulting but it annoys me just to speak about it in the final episode of the series they have Hannah's funeral place as a eulogy is a good eulogy to what it's worth but at the end we just see kind of spirit exiting as if that's the closure we deserve to such a tortured arc evision is now gone we can all be happy hooray and in a sense that's what a closure works with how they presented her so she shouldn't have been presented in that way with so little awareness to what she represented in clays mind if you're not distracted by how poorly Hannah is written you're pissed off this is a concept that they thought was just acceptable to present as this thing this was a problem and I don't think it should be downplayed another person whose mentality is just completely butchered is Tyler now Tyler being the creep who photographed Hannah is pretty much ostracized from many of the main characters and this isolation can be dangerous they definitely set the grounds for him as a volatile character and in this season he finds belonging with individuals who like him are social outcasts he partakes embarrassed rebellious behaviors which detail him attacking the social hierarchy in the school through vandalism and the rest now this quickly goes downhill as he doesn't really understand how to fit him properly a mistake edge for cruelty and eventually falls out a place with those friends - now I could talk about how clumsily that is handled and how his actions don't really make sense but let's give him the benefit of the doubt on that basis and say okay he is socially awkward they don't have to make sense so after being distanced from this group he posts incriminating photos detailing his involvement in the vandalism of school premises he is reprimanded by the headmaster and disciplined accordingly or at least how they feel is accordingly now out to a point I could see how someone's isolation leading to apathy could drive destructive thoughts and it's even shown subtly in some scenes such as the one where he shoots a crow and has an interesting reaction hey oh dude - come look at this look at it it was like it's like flying like 30 seconds ago analogous I mean for those who are unaware Tyler is meant to be the school shooter kids and in certain episodes they're trying to outline in sensitivity to the possible radicalization that such environments might produce it's a hard line to walk because as always you don't want to make the school shooter now tip seems to rational you need to portray him as an outlier but you have to make it real how I'm probably high off the back rush they receive for making it too rational in the first series the writers go in totally the opposite direction and make his turn seem prompted by a scene that I'm going to have to describe part of his discipline for the vandalism incurred him going on a correctional course he goes away for a certain amount of time and seems to come back as a changed man however on the first day back a character known as Monti who is known for being aggressive violently attacks him with his goons in the toilet people ramming a mop stick up his anus and this upsets him so much that by the evening he's just off to shoot up the school dance the scene upset me a lot to be fair mainly because I felt it was unnecessary not only do they really fail to document the gradual descent than many people in these scenarios go through so they have to include a really hand fist 'add scene that was basically used as a vehicle to justify why he did what he did and the misrepresentation doesn't stop there now though it was a great misrepresentation it was the perfect representation for what the show become a show that viewed sensitive issues as a pit stop rather than a natural source for discussion it felt lazy it felt exploitive and it doesn't seem to understand how to initiate that conversation it seems to care about giving some basic information or just showing them a really sensitive scene isn't enough to start a conversation if I tell somebody square root of 64 is 8 and then ask them to solve the Hodge conjecture it doesn't mean I've sufficiently informed or equip them to have that discussion these scenes are the sort of thing that will shock someone and not necessarily give them much to say I don't know how I was meant to respond to that scene the scenes just discussed were the huge standouts for obvious reasons and it's completely understandable they were done for the sole purpose of shock value with the first season suicide scene you could at least make the argument from an artistic perspective it had been built up appropriately with this said in season 2 there were plenty of other scenes who were now added in to embellish the time line which just felt frankly inappropriate most of these scenes were around the basis of Hana as shown by various testimonials in the first season the tapes were presented as a nearly wholly accurate representation of the environment that Hannah was subjected to the second season uses flashbacks to add various details which I suppose were meant to be twists but all they did was throw into contention a lot of testimonials in her first season one of the worst examples of this is Zack in the first season Hannah puts him on his tape for fairly minor reasons but ultimately he was there to the loneliness that he represented and caused her to feel through his own actions however these second season creates this whole subplot where they were actually having some sort of relationship which renders a lot of the original narrative the first season presented pointless also quick side note they say this about 2001 a Space Odyssey yeah well this 2001 thing is supposed to be a masterpiece oh yeah but at least as long you should still see it though you know so at least when pretentious people talk about it you can yawn really loudly okay cool yeah I don't know exactly what they were trying to say here but don't just don't the second season felt like they were trying to fix the errors of the first season but ultimately just ended up creating more errors themselves without the source material they tried to grip onto characters you honestly didn't clearly have much else to them so the riot has just made them angrier more volatile leading to more conflicts but also then just creating these new situations like they did with Zack where individual testimonies reveal new information I'm sorry so how come no one knew about it you were out of town last summer it wasn't on your tape she put everything on your tape I assume they anticipated this and tried to deflect it in the script here but this is no valid response it's not about Hanna including everything about a person it's about including the relevant arguments for why person let Hanna to take her own life and this story paints that like a completely different person to the one portrayed in the first season and makes Hanna state basically redundant another one who does that is Bryce maybe that's why Hanna pursued me because she never felt that that sense of belonging they make it seem like she actually had something with him before revealing that she actually didn't but she still spent some time with him so I guess it was meant to show that she actually isn't lying but the fact that she admitted certain details like these inner tapes regardless wasn't a good look it kind of ruins the first season for me it's like the prequel film that no one wanted it's like Shrek 3 but Prince Charming just keeps having flashbacks to Shrek 2 don't try and fill in the gaps with Shyamalan style twists it's daft and unrealistic and only serves to sacrifice the character that you presented in the first season speaking of character assassinations in episode 10 there is this character that I think everyone has forgotten but I have not because I was actually really annoyed about it this is Sarah she is introduced at the end of episode 9 and is thrown in literally the episode after as someone who has been a victim of Hanna's bullying at a previous school so you dropped out of school as a result of the bullying by these girls including Hanna Baker no further questions this character has no other introduction and once again is used as a source for unnecessary conflict however I'd be the most insulting element to her inclusion is that logically speaking she wouldn't serve the purpose of the writers intended her to basically she's there to undermine Hanna's credibility as a victim to accuse her of being a bully at a difference fool a fraud if she was a bully at a different school how could she be a victim at this one this may work if her credibility was actually on the chopping board but there are already numerous testimonies that say she was unfairly treated even from people who misrepresented and attacked her is important to remember that the question was whether the school had failed to protect her which was the point of the lawsuit and is the prosecution lawyer had been more diligent he could have easily flipped this to say that the school in that district this other story of Sarah also failed to protect this individual against high school bullying and harassment this whole conflict changes nothing and only serves to fill out be 13-episode run time it was a stupid diversion whose themes were never really explored regardless I guess the point of the courtroom was to try and illuminate how unjust many Court decisions are but their route of doing it was to write out the school's attorney as antagonistically as possible and then have the decision come out in their favor and isn't it true that your vandalism caused thousands of dollars of damage to Zach Dempsey's car there's angry at him - I paid for the damage what did you do when you're angry at Courtney crimson I just took her to Hanna's grave are you responsible for Hanna's death yes there are kids who did a lot worse kids who let's skate who did things you won't even talk about and adults at liberty now I'm not saying but attorneys can't be this way but it's simplistic and two-dimensional at one point clays mother was going to be the attorney representing the school and although I understand why her character would pull out due to the vested interest it would have been more interesting to see her battle with her own principles and her clients interest while still trying to understand responsible instead we have this very vindictive character who had basically told not to like it's okay to challenge your audience sometimes you know the whole arc of season 2 is utilized to tell the audience that we're meant to root for the school to lose and when they don't we're meant to lament the injustice of the system but honestly I'm not so sure about that let me elaborate as I understand the court case is meant to indict the school as Koppel in Hanna suicide now in the first season this discussion and responsibility is kind of juggled between parties and the school environment is definitely brought up and for what it's worth there actually is a discussion to be had Hannah's parents are initiating the lawsuit against the school but it's also framed as an emotional decision and one done from people in exceptional grief trying to find a reason for why their daughter took her own life what can we do about that it's fight you know take on the monolith we've got those pictures from the bathroom that you took we have that list and if that's not enough then we're just gonna have to find something else because we have to let them know that this is not a senseless tragedy that there are reasons why the school is presented as clumsy shallow and occasionally irresponsible but never is it really implied that the school had to pay for what they had done it was a barrage of conflicting feelings with no clear answer in the second season the show pulls out all the stops to make sure the school is shown in the worst light possible artistically while circumstantially trying to present the situation as completely unjust - there are fights threats and so on yeah barely any of this is mentioned in court who could actually incriminate the school environment in fact I believe the only person who does openly mention it is Jessica Davis I found these just this morning in my math class not admitted intentions one photo and it defines you this is what they did to Hannah and now they're doing it to me if everything that happened in the school was reported in court you might have a more watertight case but nothing really is reported I were meant to be angry when the court comes to a decision this school is not culpable and after a while I just reflected and felt that the decision was completely reasonable the first series asked questions about responsibility and the second series was just like yep that was the school it doesn't help that honestly a lot the questions from both the school and family attorneys were about individual involvement implying that this individual behavior was accountable to the school now of course only once I was arguing this but it essentially became an argument of tone placing the school were such massive pricks like the principal for example he's a big old prick and the most dangerous thing would be to believe somehow that Hannah's suicide is more than a tragic death she's not a hero she does not have lessons to teach us and we need to recognize the sad and simple truth these guys are so bad that women decide with the good guys but that's the thing it's one thing being right on the foundations of morals but it's different when you're trying to carry out a legal prosecution that implies there should be reimbursements and implying that the school didn't do its legal duty it's a problem and the question of how paternalistic school should be is complex because taking matters into your own hands comes with its own consequences one might ask Karen Bob parents should be in certain matters and it was hard to prove how much the school knew while doing nothing in fact in the first season why are they most incriminating factors such as the inscriptions inside the toilet cubicles was treated with shock implying that there was little knowledge or at least little provable knowledge however we never seen this before well faculty is not supposed to be in the students restaurant I can call the janitorial staff I don't like to sign with the big bad institution everyone knows how anti-establishment I am and make no mistake as they are written to be they are not good people but being not good people doesn't mean that you should lose a court case I hate to sound nostalgic but once again in the first scene there's this really sharp conversation between Hannah's mother and Clay's mother who at the time was representing the school I thought they'd make it some moment to morally signal but they completely subverted my expectations would you settle for say $200,000 that's the sort of thing that they were just not interested in doing in the second series in the first series they tried too hard to make certain positions too justified but in this one they just try too hard to say no this is what we meant and I like it less and if they did it with more attention to mental health I probably less likely to criticize them at least it'll be a bit more socially conscientious but as mentioned earlier they missed the mark on that as well it's the good guys bad guys TV drama trying to pass as a serious look on mental health and its mental health coverage is just bad however if we are to ignore the ridiculously dramatic ending of the attempted school shooting one moment that does manage to capture a bit more realism is the sexual assault situation regarding Bryce and how hard it is for many individuals to come poured particularly given their perception that someone like Bryce has due to his wealth and prestigious family not gonna pay for a goddamn thing just I've got a legal team working for me around the clock okay big [ __ ] Senators so we'll talk about what a fine citizen I am what have you got a junkie mom and a deadbeat dad throughout the series he's presented as someone under pressure would also break calculated in his method to protect his reputation he's a novel person who has raped multiple individuals and yet even when his victims go to the police he only receives a minor sentence of three months probation and his former friend Justin who is from a significantly less privileged background ends up receiving a six-month sentence despite the fact that his worst crime was being too intoxicated to fully understand what Bryce was doing and not being persistent enough this was a somewhat decent narrative on the failings of the legal system and how it often comes out in favor of those more privileged there's also a good narrative about loyalty and the price of quote betrayal I would have much preferred them to focus on that rather than the prosecution of the school however I guess that wouldn't fill enough episodes ending the one scene that I'd used to summarize the turn of thirteen reasons why season two is an alternative flashback scene for mr. Porter the school counselor in all fairness it's not a bad scene in this reality he chases after Hannah as she leaves and helps her open up I kind of like it but the context of it existing seems to be basically the writers feeling insecure of how people may have interpreted that scene from last season either defending mr. Porter or attacking him but I can't let you walk out that door why listen what happened to you was not your fault you don't know what happened to me if my daughter were older I would tell her the same thing that men they can't control themselves everybody can all right everybody knows whether they have other night and it was that boy's job to know if that scene have been the first season I probably would have liked it a lot more because it would have felt more ambiguous if season one says here's what you could think season two says here's what you should think and I have to admit I dislike the latter more on principle there's nothing wrong with trying to reel in the suicide is justifiable narrative but they also go after a lot of other narratives to which to be honest won't necessarily inherently evil points of view and compromise maybe not so bad elements of season one they are scrambling to appease their complaints but don't have a grip on how to do it season two swaps out this course for drama and waters down any substantial element but may have given it its appeal in the first place it is not mental health oriented and commodifies a high majority of those topics that is the failure of season two but hey we could talk about season three they start time to redeem themselves so what they know well thank you for that contribution but I have I know you've spoken enough now we're like five hours in and you haven't even reached season three I mean that's what I was about to get into yeah well I'm here now it's my video so we can't all be [ __ ] with too much free time can we now piss off and let me talk about this garbage fire the show is declining in quality so rapidly I'm genuinely curious as to how and where it could possibly go next if nothing else season three proves that there really is no rhyme or reason as to why any of this story is unfolding aside from the fact that it is recognizable popular and probably boosts Netflix subscriptions as if the fact that a show called 13 reasons why is already 39 episodes long wasn't comical enough we're dealing with the aftermath of an event so distant at this point that it's very difficult to justify why any of this is truly necessary aside from the pure juicy drama of it all season three shifts gears in such a way that would be fine if it wasn't treated like it's doing us some kind of virtuous service as if this show is anything more than the melodramatic high school drama aimed at young teenagers that it indeed is in all honesty I kind of enjoy my yearly dose of this series due to the absurd levels they have to stretch in order to keep this angsty snowball rolling at the very least I find it to be somewhat comically entertaining as a trashy drama aimed at young adults but um I'm not sure that's the kind of feedback the creators were hoping for okay then if season one is about what led to the end of Hanna Baker and season two is about the court case that preceded when season three is simply a whodunit murder mystery with the hook or central question of the season being who killed all of the marketing was brandished with the question of who was responsible who did it who killed Bryce horrible person yeah pretty much at this point in the show though we're very aware of how evil Bryce Walker is he's so comically maniacal over the first two seasons that is obvious he was set up and marked as the major antagonist and his comeuppance is the only narrative beat that as any consequence besides the more pedantic pieces of drama that fill out the minute-to-minute of the show how long you been juicing in order for this season to come together the writers decided that for this story to have any weight behind it Brice needed to come across as being more complicated and well-rounded you don't want to die come on dude you could kill the monster so you felt more conflicted over his demise problem is you ideally should have been sewing those seeds since the beginning to avoid it coming across as retroactive and kind of cheap for a show that typically seems to have dealt in pretty clear absolutes it's very strange to me that three seasons in is when they suddenly feel inspired to add a bit of grayness to the intentions of their more controversial characters happen but if you've done reminds me of the trope you're writing something like The Walking Dead often falls into where a minor character suddenly gets an intense backstory that flushes them out mere moments before they're killed so their death appears to have more impact with the way the show has been structured and written it seems obvious to me that everything after the original material has been composed backwards they seem to have a pre-prepared list of dramatic and controversial ideas that fit in line with what made the original book so famous or infamous depending on who you ask and instead of writing realistic people that progress in a relatable and honest approach they appear to force the square peg into a round hole to continue to double down on this idea that 13 reasons why is on the cutting edge of socio-political commentary I think it's mature and responsible storytelling on the part of Brian yaki and the writers I mean - it's courageous - so how do they attempt to make you feel sympathy for a violent serial abuser fiend well their answer was to hammer home this idea that at the end of it all despite the consistent and insistent amount of pure evil he is displayed in front of us there come on guys he's still a person at the end of the day right he's a person clay one of the main themes of this season is this idea that parents and/or family have a huge role to play in shaping troubled lives that behind broken or evil people is some kind of underlying trauma via a fiercely homophobic father or a distant unloving mother or whatever it may be which is an interesting idea to explore there are a lot of movies I like that deal with these very themes however the script here is far too hokey and silly to sell any of it let's not forget that at the start of season three Bryce is known to us as the guy who started the initial rumors about Hannah viciously sexually assaulted a minimum of three different people with more implied victims started more nasty rumors this time about Jessica tormented Zach by messing with Hannah's Locker lied while under oath countless times and probably many more horrendous acts are forgotten about now I don't know about you but I don't really think that Bryce could be properly redeemed as a character under any sense really with what we've already seen him do like this is very extreme what he did is abhorrent [Music] this guy is eviler than the [ __ ] Emperor the only possible way I could see it going down was perhaps in season 3 his ark was to come to the realization of what he'd done and confess the truth to the police and take his punishment like a responsible person no he wouldn't be forgiven but that's the only real way I could see you taking this character in a sympathetic direction and still maintaining some modicum of reasonable sense it's true that suddenly Bryce seems to have some kind of realization in season 3 about what he's done and why it was bad I assume they were going for a conflicted character who was fighting against the evil instincts that defined him for so many years which we learned seems to originate from a troubled family life growing up with parents that didn't love him properly the show abuses the idea that if you have a sad backstory that automatically makes a concept of evil deeds inherently more grey however as I already mentioned it's looking for justification after the fact instead of having some kind of plan for the character from the beginning comes across that way anyway intentions aside the execution of this character is where things completely fall apart all for the sake of this ridiculous mystery bryce follows through on some of the more dastardly crimes yet in season 3 a particular standout moment for me being when he breaks into his dad's mansion to vandalize it except has revealed that he went to the wrong house and winds up threatening a small child with a knife like an actual de rain sociopath well I suppose he's only human and you die juxtapose that insanity against the attempts to humanize him and you wind up with some brilliant unintentional comedy such as when Bryce and his mother finally bond by throwing paint on each other even mentioning the very intentional and petty physical assault that Bryce commits in the penultimate episode story wise this is for the character of Zack to have motivation to be Bryce to a pulp so he can be a red herring for the real killer but anyway Bryce decides to plow his body at full speed into Zack during the chaos of a riot that takes place in the middle of an American football match in episode 12 this is of course fueled by pure jealousy because Zack moved in on Bryce's ex-girlfriend likely ruining any chance of Zack sporting career permanently might as well add a final destroyed life to the pile of chaos that this nasty character has left in his wake I mean to be fair he is only human if that wasn't enough to prove how terrible this character is I went to the 13 reasons why Wicky which is hilarious by the way where I noticed some interesting and pretty poorly written observations I find it very curious that for a supposedly gray character he has a dedicated section on his wiki listed as enemies where most of his crimes are conveniently listed in relation to the major characters oh God wow what a horrible person in the end Bryce turned out to be a far more complicated character than people first believed him to be his crimes are inexcusable but he did try to make up for his crimes and seek some sort of redemption for what he has done no he didn't you're talking about the same character who is listed under his personality section as a cruel arrogant spoiled manipulative violent and selfish person and is a very dangerous individual it sounds like a more accurate description to me it doesn't matter to me how many times he has a paint fight with his mother apologizes to his victims has a weird relationship with his dad as a go at his meanie grandfather or complains about the world not allowing him to change try to be better let me if anything would the way it's presented he comes across as a fairly consistent liar who was never truly being genuine because as the viewer we get to see that he really hasn't changed at all it's even revealed that he's managed to fool multiple therapists why not a real therapist where I've been the three already as well as being responsible for having Tony's entire family get deported he already had my desk at all four people her deportation she's Tony that's most of what bothered me about this character in the season aside from one Borton detail I guess they're being his relation to a new member of the cast [Music] Annie or little Annie as I like to call her is arguably the protagonist of season 3 which is a strange decision for multiple reasons she's essential to the structure of the season with her narration being framed as a recounting to the police of the full murder mystery story as you later find out I don't really understand why it was necessary to add yet another person to this already huge cast aside from the need to have a vessel that everyone can dump exposition on to and over explain everything as well as being a new face to have in a love triangle between clay and Bryce yeah there are so many love triangles it's hard to keep track lolani is written as an irritating know-it-all who loves the sound of her own voice and miraculously instantly connects with everyone that she meets as a weak writing trick designed around shortcutting the need to have her relationships progress in a more believable manner I see she's a blank slate who was used to second-guess and constantly question everyone to keep them spouting awful dialogue no how is everybody today oh my god it is bad she's also got a British accent for some reason which I hate because I obviously I hate British people and this stupid accents she quickly gets dangerously entangled in the entire affair forming a strange relationship with Brice and sleeping with him multiple times what doesn't make her a very likable character but at least she knows by the end it was an extremely immoral thing to do yes it was the worst thing you've ever done she's the most proactive character in terms of moving the mystery of the plot along with her motivation being that she wants to find out who murdered Brice because of her intimate involvement with him I find it odd that they insisted on her being the lead detective of the story instead of the literal policeman sorry police officer who has been established I think since the beginning multiple seasons turns out he's the father of the murderer - so that would be inherent added drama but I suppose that would distract from the high-school tween nonsense it'll get you whatever help you need Justin Oh spoilers [Music] I decided to lump these characters together for a couple of reasons first of all as if one love triangle wasn't enough they needed to have a pesky little cheating side-quests going on in the background with Jessica juggling a relationship with the two fellas at once to add to the theater of it all I already spoiled it but it's revealed that technically alex is the one who deals the final blow to Bryce so he gets credit for the kill it's fine though because they agree to frame another character I haven't mentioned yet Monty will get him later though you're a crazy [ __ ] yeah the murder scene is a complete mess because of the shift Bryce goes through depending on what's convenient at the time to the script but first he tries to make a case that he's trying to change and that the world won't let him even though he's he hasn't really done anything aside from continue to be evil even going as far as to have made a confession tape to give to people instead of just telling the police why would you do that however the moment he's helped up by Alex he says he's going to destroy Zac and break his other knee she might justify him being angry in the heat of the moment he did get his ass kicked after all right but to me it comes across as if his true nature is to be a violent mania as we've seen for three seasons either way Alex kills him and they cover it up the characters are covering up murders at this point the main cast is so morally bankrupt at this point that I'm pretty sure there isn't a single one of them that doesn't belong in jail for the seriousness of their crimes I suppose you could make a case for some of them before people were being beaten and murdered and hiding weapons so the police don't find out what the what is going on that way you guys dump Tyler's guns correct but it's hard to root for these characters considering the lengths they're willing to go to lie and cover up the truth of what really happened they appear to make up their own moral code as they go along and take the law into their own hands which would be fine if this show was treated for what it is and not sold as if is this important learning tool for young people to start having a conversation the show which obviously is a weighty and important show Justin doesn't particularly get up too much this season aside from dealing drugs from the 13 reasons why coffee shop they're all obsessed with I suppose this and any other show would be quite a big deal but that's a relatively tame story be compared to everything else that's going on we're told that Justin has an intense bond with clay as he was adopted into the Jensen family last season but I can't help but wonder why Justin wasn't used more in the investigation side of the mystery would have made a lot more sense to me to have Justin and clay team up to find out the truth of what happened it's not like a lack of motivation would be an issue seeing as they both have fairly intimate backstories with Bryce at this point I suppose we always have next season to explore the sexual tension of Justin and clay I do anything for you anything this character cannot seem to catch a break his first love killed herself one lover had a bipolar breakdown and changed school and his latest fling chose a serial sex offender over him that's not to say that this character is particularly likable otherwise I have no issues with the actor I don't blame him at all in fact the actors are probably the only reason anyone likes this show to begin with however clay is so earnest and trusting of everyone to the point where I'm fairly sick of him and his [ __ ] what his character really started to crumble the moment he put himself in front of an armed shooter in a misguided and dangerous attempt to be like a superhero like one of the comics he loves so much you just ripped my favorite character to shreds the first I was disappointed that the ghost visions of Hana that were prevalent in season 2 had subsided seemingly for good however they had to have at least one scene where this time clay has a showdown with ghost Bryce which are quite enjoyed I may be gone from this earth but I will be reborn in the bodies of a million dead my theory is that the next season is gonna be in part anyway about some kind of mental illness that clay is diagnosed with my reasoning for this being that in one scene his parents questioned Justin in a way that seems to indicate they have reason to believe he has something going on mentally we'll have to wait and see on that one they're like he couldn't stop thinking about her or like he was hearing her play his main purpose in the story this season is to be another red herring you're supposed to believe that he was capable of being the one who murdered Bryce even goes so far at one point that he's the main suspect in the case and has actually arrested I failed to feel much sympathy for him though because ultimately this entire situation could have been avoided if he wasn't such a [ __ ] and kept secrets from everyone the school shooter aspect has spiraled the plot out of control so fast all because of the way most of the characters agreed to cover Ferb [Music] season two obviously ended with the bombshell of clay stopping Tyler from going Columbine so the results ripple into season three and I have to be explained away with the most moronic decision making this group has made yet instead of getting this kid the help he clearly needs and making sure he takes liability for his actions they dividend responsibility between the group and implicate themselves to make sure Tyler is never given a chance to snap again and murder people yeah that's their plan Wow these mental health expert children most characters are deeply frightened of what he's capable of I think apt again you watch I didn't tell you guys because I mean I had a feeling you get mad and clay even admits that he has nightmares about being slaughtered by him in the dream you pull the trigger luckily though Tyler is made out to be such a sweetheart to make sure to justify the ridiculous actions of last season they tried to make the case that it was all worth it in the end that clay made the right decision step in front of a shooter go on that's clever because he's just a human after all however being the complete imbeciles that they are they decided to hide his bag of dangerous firearms in the water we're fishermen constantly peruse so obviously the season ends with the tease of the guns being found implying the part of next season all sorts of drama is going to unfold I'm glad quite frankly they deserve everything that's coming to them most of the scenes with Tyler are him apologizing for nearly killing his classmates and coming to terms with the horrendous abuse he received in the last episode of season two at the hands of so steps in as the lead villain in Liberty this character is fairly similar to Bryce he's not quite as mustache twirling but they take his character in a similar direction in terms of giving him a sad backstory where it turns out he's a closeted gay with a nasty father his main role in the plot is to effectively be set up as another red herring and eventually be the fall guy for Bryce's death once he realized that the cycle had to be broken somehow so the others can get away with murder and cover it up he also conveniently gets killed off screen as we're told by the police that he was killed in jail but montgomery taylor crew was killed in his jail cell just hours ago I suppose you can have a crystal clear conscience can't you you monsters okay he was a human being oh gosh shut your face this is the final character I briefly want to talk about because he's my personal favorite he's the only one who calls the group out on their idiotic decision-making this is [ __ ] I'm out I'm scared of you and be honest I don't trust you even see how kind he is to Bryce's ex-girlfriend in the fairly preachy Planned Parenthood episode which I haven't really talked about because I'm going to explain the procedure to you when you return that's most of what stood out about season three to me there's plenty of minutiae that could be talked about in more detail but honestly I could be here forever talking about how bad this is as you can tell and you'll especially know this if you've watched it yourself this is easily the messiest and most ridiculous season yet it so desperately wants to be taken seriously that it winds up becoming even more of a parody of itself than the depths that sunk to in season two it's utterly tone-deaf nothing about the production is particularly interesting in terms of presentation and even when they attempt something stylistic it falls flat on its face I'm of course talking about the ridiculous amounts of flashbacks the show is structured around but have a slightly different color palette but the timeline is so muddled it doesn't do much to help you understand where and where a scene is supposed to be taking place the gross oversimplification of heavy subjects is as bad as ever shock value is appreciated over any real character arcs and the murder mystery angle is an extremely silly pulpy beat that only adds to the overall melodrama of the show personally I found it to be fairly enjoyable and if so bad that it's good kind of way mostly because of the shock of where the writers chose to take this season and I have to say I'm fairly excited for how they're going to attempt to continue this mess of a story but this is no doubt the weakest season yet they've written themselves into such a corner by forcing the show to go so far beyond its source material but at this point I'm curiously along for the ride purely for how they're going to try to keep this material weighty and import while the stupidity continues to escalate I suppose they're the winners in the end though they kept this conversation going for a bloody long video so I suppose that's the failure of certain reasons why season 3 it's really bad thank you I hate everything what a delightful appearance he truly is a loving person let's finish this often if 13 reasons why was just about the first season we could have a fair discussion about how it treats its subjects where it comes through and where it falls short by the time it's continuing to string along various audiences by two and three with these narratives that have frankly rather worrying when treated the way they have been it reaches a stage where one has to ask whether it's worth it with a full season on the horizon I know there is not really much I can do from what I understand it will be the final season of the show thankfully but it seems mad to me that in the face of numerous critically acclaimed shows being canceled this one has continued to steamroll through it sucks because I do feel that everyone deserves better the cast deserves better the topics deserve better the audience deserve better I'm sure there are a lot people who care about this but whoever's in charge just doesn't care enough or doesn't understand enough to make it seem like they care it's hard to make a show that has this discussion I understand that you can't expect put your foot in the right place all the time I know I couldn't and there will undoubtedly be times where you deal with criticism for the handling of something that people may feel has negative implications and that doesn't mean you're wrong it just means it's a sensitive topic that people feel strongly about however with 13 reasons why in each progressive season the creators seem to care less and less about the creation of narratives that actually discuss these problems and more just touching on them for the sake of conflict through provocative reaction and that genuinely sucks it sucks that they can just put a little disclaimer at the start and think that they're sufficiently preparing people what they're about to experience it's like putting an age rating on the game who actually advised by that difference is that this is mental health and an assertion of realism in this world and eight other games are more clearly defined on the bounce of reality and fantasy it doesn't change much and it certainly doesn't change their failure to handle topics with nuance and the only real reason that it's continuing is because it indulges a certain audience who is going to continue to commit to watching it and I get it there aren't too many shows that have attempted to portray mental illness and teenagers though they're out there but as many people have noticed this doesn't do a hack URI and it misses out on one of the greatest elements the elements of getting help I would like to have seen a few scenes where character has professional therapy talk two of the problems they're encountering the problem is that they never seek help and the fact that they tried to talk about it with other students who are mentally volatile to lease this fight in conflicts and it might be good to create a plot but it's not really what you should be promoting there should be a point where characters like clay Jensen are seeking help because by the third season he is just painful to watch I hope it the actual end of the fourth and final season he goes and gets help because I feel like the only reason they've been holding off that is to build conflict the school counselor is the closest they get to that solution and even then the only character who really has an ongoing relationship is Tyler in the third season and most of those discussions are nice but not that deep and the fact that it takes them three seasons to get there is kind of sad also they still never really frame it are a clear solution more just another plot element that's there but I guarantee if some of these characters took some time out they probably feel a lot better but that's not what drives conflict if you're suffering from mental health difficulties there may be solutions out there not every solution works for everyone I understand that but I don't think thirteen reasons why is good for vulnerable people looking for a quote discussion speaking as someone who has had his own mental problems the show left me extremely emotionally drained probably around the midpoint of the third season I felt at my lowest point mentally I had in months and I don't think that was a coincidence because everyone was just so unnecessarily angry to conflict grates on you all that negative energy at the end you almost relieved they resolved it but after being relieved I felt calmed they just paused a load of [ __ ] conflict and then resolved it to make me feel better it's like setting a building on fire putting it out and calling yourself the fire brigade they have three seasons to get this right going by their baseball standards I'd say that's three strikes if you've watched it and it's changed your life for the better I cannot take that away from you but I think they've really failed to change a lot of people's lives and I'd be skeptical of how much they have helped the conversation if you're not doing great mentally this show wouldn't receive my endorsements I think it's a placebo of sorts and one that provokes a reaction that wears off rather quickly at this point I've normally recommend a series that does handle it better but to be honest I haven't really watched that many one that my friends always recommend is Bo Portsmouth which I definitely plan on watching soon though if any of my audience members would like to share some ideas of good shows about mental health in the comments below then I'm sure there'd be people out there who'd love to hear them if you're doing mentally well thirteen reasons why I wouldn't get my endorsement either because seasons two and three especially just outright suck overall conflict contradictory values and generally just what appears to be a motivation to milk the discourse rather than actually contribute to it and the fact that is persisted despite the criticism from people all over the creative and medical spectrum is the failure of thirteen reasons why we are done here so yeah that was the video a really really fun one so much fun I had such a great time making it and I hope that I can continue having a great fantastic time I like to give a shout out to the editors they did a fantastic Bangor job fist bumps to all the editors I don't know who you are yet but I love you I love you of guys shout out to my patreon my big old patrons out patrons I put in patreon but some people get annoyed they call them patrons because I'm just trying to find them from the regular patron but I'll say I'll say patron so shout out to my patrons hey and all the ones the $10 plus are on the screen right now but we're not finished there we gotta give some more special shout outs because I've got some big big names I got a big shout out to be more cool Jay what a cool dude Brandon Christopher Karis Stanton all a hundred dollar patreon and they're my $50 patreon Caroline hyper cube and some hullabaloo I did it in different order this week you see I'm feeling extra spicy today but thanks again guys you're all the best you're all the the dogs and I appreciate and love you guys so I REI much else to say keep up the fantastic work and if you want to speak to me you reach out to my Twitter that's probably one I'd reply on the most though I haven't been getting to DM too much recently because I've been busy probably that's the best shout discord in the pinned comment Facebook also in the pin comment that I have been using that much recently Instagram too high sometimes chill on there so not too much else to add have a good week I have given up with the world but I'm still here so take care chaps all you fantastic chaps [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,654,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 13 reasons why, 13 reasons why tro, 13 reasons why ihe, i hate everything, i hate everything tro, 13 reasons why opinion, tro, 13 reasons why review, 13 reasons why season 1, 13 reasons why season 2, 13 reasons why season 3, 13 reasons why season 4, 13 reasons why hannah, 13 reasons why bryce, 13 reasons why scene, i hate 13 reaons why, i hate 13 reasons why (season 3)
Id: Gef1nihHFYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 18sec (4938 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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