How This Twitch Streamer Became A YouTube Villain - Alinity | TRO

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It's just a question of time, honestly, when she gets consequences for what s he's doing

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and twitch streamers a unique brand of crate full we spoken about them a few times on this channel but there's always new corners to explore and as always that's what we'll be doing today we'll be invading twitch from the sidelines of YouTube because twitch on YouTube although having a lot of krater overlap also have very different dynamics which is why there are people who use both platforms in a way it seems there is a mutual understanding twitch understand they probably can't compete with the youtubes upload features and YouTube although attempting to have their own stream assets know that twitch is specialized set up it's a bit more of a step up from their own twitch and YouTube however due to that overlap will have somewhat similar audiences and that means that you can typically expect that you will find some underlying commonalities in the popular content creators while those markets being attractive females now being an attractive female does not predispose you to success but in the glorious society we live in many younger individuals and slightly older individuals feel excitement from viewing people who may be attractive probably the YouTube embodiment of this crater is SS Sniper Wolf you know that person who won a gaming award even though she barely games and she switched to reaction commentary ages ago you know she flossed and although i can't say for sure my judgement deemed it lacking any sufficient irony to be classed as remotely humorous she's also doing very little gusto i want more effort next time SS sniper now i don't doubt that she has a great business mind i mean you kind of have to when you've been a criminal but as a curator her work does sometimes leave a lot to be desired and then they dipped it into more cheese how do you even eat this without getting it she's fake this is what i class as these sort of attractive female content and i'm not saying that obviously this is the sole prerequisite there's a reason I haven't started doing face camp content yet and it's clear that it's good clickbait than might grab external audiences but in the core fanbase well yeah you can note some trends the various moods after winning the award Congrats Lea you deserved the award from our Wolfpack support you look gorgeous did the ceremony by the way party eyes hearty eyes fire fire and then for pictures but I guess she looks gorgeous in all of them so yes SS Sniper Wolf maybe the best example of the exploitation of that sort of appeal however very few people necessarily see her reflective of YouTube's cultural landscape in spite these significant Beauty pools and the number of times she ends up on YouTube's trending if I was to say women of YouTube people will probably come up with a variety of answers Lele pons jenna Marbles Lilly Singh etc etc etc if you asked any standard crater about the women of twitch however while you'd probably hear an answer that encapsulates one of the more notorious genres the word the zombie would like to use is thought but here on the right opinion we are respectful of women and being a ladies man has given me ample training for that it's strange because there are a variety of female twitch streamers but ultimately the perception has been tainted by the existence of many things including the commentator Oh twitch girls the creme de la creme of online content one thing that transcends platforms is the existence of irritating commentators who have opinions on everything damn people with opinions who would dare have those now I don't mean the comte toes aren't which necessarily I mean heaven forbid what would happen if that was the case but in the last couple years because the market people have gone off to the brand of twitch streamer that is at the center of attention today and has definitely put them at the forefront of twitches image for better and for worse why though well a lot of streamers like that have always existed on the platform but the image really became synonymous with the rise of people like Zoe Berger who not just became infamous for that behavior but also cross the line over to the YouTube sphere thus garnering the attention of many commentators at that time although Zoe burgers fame was short-lived the attention persisted and eventually many female streamers became pretty popular amongst commentary circles on YouTube as well ordinary this created a cycle and the commentary that we witnessed today is a byproduct of that however people being popular is an interesting concept on its own because as a popular crater there is always a level of accountability to one's audience that a crater should feel nonetheless the level of inherent accountability is often based off the appeal of the crater iceberg about this before so I won't linger on it too much commentators and streamers have clashed on a few occasions probably the most notable one oh this year was when pokey man was called out by PewDiePie and some other craters for some rather poor behavior she did actually respond to it and was quite involved in drama following the situation however one thing that she did attempt to do was engaged with the other side and not be combative however being pleasant is more of a Liberty when your appeal is based off something not related to your direct demeanor and that brings us to a Linnet II Alan Utley also known as Al inity Devine is a 31 year old crater residing in Canada although she was initially born and raised in Colombia she began streaming in 2012 and over the years has built a follower base of over nine hundred and thirty thousand not something to be jeered at her content consists of gaming streams and videos discussion and some physical activities this obviously makes some of the viewers very satisfied on browsing her recent clips I picked one name six which was a rather innocent video involving her dog however the thumbnail had been picked fairly carefully and it was not a wonder that this was her second most viewed clip of recent for long time merlyn's he was just another female streamer doing her thing but in the last couple years something changed a run of instance the left her at odds with many people particularly the commentator escalating most recently with many people calling for her removal from the platform due to the treatment of her cats however if this was the only instance would people really be calling for her termination well I think we should find out today I want to discuss exactly Holland he came to fame how she came to notoriety and exactly what led people up to the point where many think that she has to be stopped it's a long story but I assume you're ready because you've got this far let's go [Music] aluna tea has been streaming for almost seven years now it is difficult to find any comprehensive history however we can look at the growth of a channel and one thing that struck me was that providing the information I found was accurate her growth came pretty instantaneously she streamed every day for four to eight hours with the main goal to raise the monies to ride a stable income for her lifestyle given her university training as a nurse her main focus at the time was world of warcraft and she seemed to have a decent base of supporters that were committed by mid-2013 she had around twenty six thousand followers put around 3.5 million views she was somewhat known in the community and was involved in some camaraderie in this clip she supposedly went on an e date with another streamer and you can feel the romantic chemistry radiating off the screen I forgot to give you these flowers when we first got here I've got him in the limo that's where I just went right now but I would like you to have these flowers okay oh you got me flowers yeah there are pretties she also posted some pictures to Twitter which received positive reactions from her audience generally even in 2013 however people have the impression that she wasn't exactly known for her personality many comments claiming that as people went she was rather vapid it kind made me feel bad if I was accepting the idea that she didn't necessarily see herself that way although I kind of have a hunch she did know what she was doing especially when she puts her feet pigs on the market however on the 17th of August 2013 she announced that she was done streaming and therefore that was the end of a lunatic thank you for watching I jest I jest I'm guessing this was something to do with someone called butovo in the situation which I admit I found rather hot follow it seems that a Lindsay wasn't happy with some of the things that the Dober was saying about what she deemed to be her private life and bowed over on the other hand wasn't happy with Howell energy has been behaving with certain individuals and not being honest about details of her relationships this ultimately led to a Skype call in which some strong words were exchanged is this what 2013 streamers did I don't know but immediately what we can see here is some early evidence that a linen tea isn't exactly afraid of confrontation in fact she's not exactly the coolest of cucumbers okay first off holy [ __ ] now there's clearly a lot of context missing to this call and I don't know what happened behind the scenes a linen tease outburst may come from a genuine place but regardless of what happened it's fair to say that many of us probably wouldn't have reacted like this just because someone was chatting bear [ __ ] a linen sea definitely doesn't come across so someone who takes these things in the most relaxed demeanor also I thought I'd show you this cheeky clip keep this in mind for later okay we know each others from a long time ago and you know things about my past yes I was married yes I got divorced yes I came to Canada on a sponsorship and there's things about my life that I rather not discuss over the internet with people obviously however her content was more than World of Warcraft and when researching especially perusing reddit comments maybe we'll disputed her some branding her as a quote twerk for subs individual who had exploited their rather impressive physique for their viewers others however defended her saying that people were just looking for reasons to hate her because she was on that hustle for all I've seen regarding in linty she didn't seem that bad it seems there are many people who are worse she also spoke openly about some of her mental health challenges which is always content welcome on the platform in a 2014 interview she said she was inspired by people like Shakira another Colombian who uses her body to express herself it's an interesting discussion if someone feels empowered by expressing themselves in that way then who are we to tell them what they should be doing well you see the dispute is necessarily about what we think in this instance allow the criticism has been directed towards Twitch who are known for their pretty harsh guidelines I spoke earlier about the differences and similarities between YouTube and twitch and one of them is definitely how the rules are enforced I mentioned zoe burger a person who was I agree the most sexual out of the female streamers well when she was ejected she went to YouTube to play her video games and they let her remain the platform although they did seem to eventually suppress her influence twitch have always imposed quite a strict criteria yeah this strict criteria has regularly been alleged to have been undermined by the behavior craters like illinit II and other female individuals that don't necessarily make their body the sole attraction for viewers but certainly have it as a strong marketing point it's walking the line on twitches policy for suggestive content the greater issue is that twitch don't wanna unfairly sanction creators so normally it would be good to side on the benefit of the doubt however they don't act due to the benefit of the doubt it might make the creator's hard to control if they become established in the community in twitches instance their sighting of the Ben it of the doubt creates a whole market for individuals who walk that line and they could only intervene when someone steps a bit more obviously out of line like Zoe Berger and even then they created drama which caught the attention of the whole community and only pushed her counterparts further into the spotlights however it wasn't just directly from individuals like Zoe Berger who gained many people's attention know over the years particularly 2016 another genre that came into light also caught people's attentions compilations compilations are when people combine selective clips that might highlight a certain behavior now only one hand compilations are very helpful for people they can be more entertaining than watching the bear boats content and people might want to view these for a specific purpose however they can also be negative as they might provide people with the strength and perception of what might be representative of a crater in this instance it gave many people the idea that a lot of these craters were very sexual in their behavior in these compilations were salinity occasionally known for her suggestive actions finding herself a part of these compilations given these compilations were also highlights and therefore easier to watch for these videos caught on much more quickly and move these craters not just towards the more critical commentators but also basic reaction commentators but the reaction didn't stop there the thing is with the growth of this genre twitch placed themselves in a predicament they knew what would happen if they try to enact rules against these creators who themselves bring a lot of traffic to their site although they are definitely the superior streaming sites they don't want to lose the established creators to YouTube who have a framework themselves Oh a mixer you know that site that just a quiet ninja kind of a big deal nonetheless normal craters and viewers don't have those vested interests nor do they have to provide the benefit of the doubt to these streamers this led to the rising criticism that twitch was not enforcing guidelines barely also given that these craters will female many people complain that twitch was enforcing a gender bias with the feeling of preferential treatment held by many craters it began to lead to frustration and even resentment towards the streamers these people were using their body in a way that many people perceived they could not because they would simply be banned therefore given their treatment unlikely game a people the feeling that there was a license to mop these creators without feeling that they were punching down numerous videos on these craters popped up however this did not lead to many consequences other than the reinforcement of the notion of what many called twitch thoughts and then came the PewDiePie video the beautifier video that actually causes controversy wasn't actually one that was really solely centered around reacting to a single compilation video no YouTube's ten largest crater released a video in which he tested an eye tracking device for various user submitted clips for a part the video he was reacting to streamer fail compilations and then the fateful comments were made twitch thought I just feel like they win over me okay and they're not gonna win over me stupid twitch thoughts no now this was not the point that the clips of validity was shown in fact the clip of eternity was on briefly earlier in the video in reacting to his video Alinsky confirms this that was me yes well Donna Lynn see it was you anyhow she decided to continue watching and although PewDiePie had not made the thought comment in direct reference to a clip she built it general enough to apply to her and thus warranting a response twitch thoughts I just feel like they win over me okay and they're not gonna win over me stupid twitch thoughts no seriously you said that I'm gonna copy strike this guy just for that word gonna copy strike him now the term thought is an abbreviation for that hoe over there but however before we have a discourse regarding this it is important to emphasize that we speak the Queen's English here we should not be using such petty slang as ho is short for [ __ ] which begins with a w therefore in my opinion the proper abbreviation will be [ __ ] now this is a term that isn't exclusive to twitch in fact is seems to have yielded from hip-hop culture although its oranges aren't completely certain either way it crossed into the Twittersphere due to this sector females who became infamous for their appearance and behavior is it fair well I mean with mine that this isn't a huge deal I can understand why some people may be hurt by the term is on is happy doing that with their body then who we to put them down I guess the distinguishing factor between streamers like a linen tea and you know shakira is that it is a more direct interaction between the actual monetary support of what the person does with their body not to mention that Shakira is a great singer too I mean of course the definition of something like a [ __ ] is sexual promiscuity and I can understand that being labeled that on the basis of compilations might be a bit of an annoyance the period white doesn't really use the word in a malicious or harassing way and therefore any more action than criticism discourse would seem disproportionate but let's see does illinit II engage in criticism no you can't copy stripe PewDiePie regardless of what he referred to you or your colleagues as his content was fair use and even if what he said pissed you off a copyright strike was not the right way to respond why is it not then well it's an act of grief and although sometimes an active grief may be necessary when dealing with a malicious actor most people would not interpret PewDiePie as having been malicious enough to want any sort of response like that as something like that would be a breach of the guidelines regardless his comment was clearly meant to be facetious he follows it with how they're gonna win over him it's not the worst insult as insults go and clearly not meant for literal interpretation and Lindsay's reaction doesn't really stand legally and it also doesn't stand morally unfortunately even if conducted with a slightly more reserved mannerism than the previous behavior she was known for the same rather vicious sentiment remained it felt like her attempt to fully suppress someone for using a term but she didn't like and people identified that it unnecessarily aggrieved him and okay sometimes we will react disproportionately to certain things doesn't mean they're bad people they may just not be in the right mindset however these strangest thing is even though she Kharma than I had previously found in a way it made the whole clip feel worse rather than uncontrolled outbursts that a person might regret if I like someone smugly executing an act out of a spite you can even see the slight grin on her face it seemed like a dick move and people don't like dicks weights you know what I mean and although we shouldn't judge someone's mindset by that outward demeanour alone that's the impression many people will have that's how we interpret intent to add insult to injury she then goes back to talk about how much money she makes from copyright strikes but afterwards she said very publicly that she earns a good living doing this kind of thing a company that's called collab and they either sending me they sending me 700 dollars last month from copy strike hitting people good morning good money stealing money although she's clue to amount claim here because you can't really make money off strikes because they take the video down everything considered this pissed people PewDiePie's fanbase included and in case you weren't aware PewDiePie has a pretty large fanbase I'm sure lunacy was aware of that and of course PewDiePie was too we started reacting disproportionately against a very large crater with a dedicated fanbase it seemed that there was going to be quite a messy affair quickly but what happened ended up being worse real inity than possibly imagined have you heard of the phrase killing with kindness well honestly it's overused and all the time you will not be able to kill someone with kindness because even when used metaphorically you're typically sounds sympathetic to the person you may be responding to which will typically quell any drama and end up preventing harm done to either party or it will make you look like you're being too nice to someone who is frankly rather unpleasant however there are times when it is applicable and there are times when you can be kind if you're in the right and you're kind and the person in the wrong reacts with hostility oh ho God does it look bad PewDiePie in spite of his controversies and occasional poor ways of handling them does understand the danger of a fired-up fanbase and how if instigated further could be attributed back to him if handled wrong PewDiePie might be accountable for a load of fans going ballistic on a female his feet which would not be a good look as much as people are fired up about copyright I'm sure he didn't want another Matt hostile court battle the conflict would have ran much deeper and wouldn't have been worth it so what he did was remove the clip immediately and chose not to contest it that gave him a clear out of the drama however even with the clip removed a copyright claim came in now this is where it becomes interesting and confusing because collab DRM denied making the claim and said that they had reviewed the video and a deemed it fair use however I looked at the claim and reported to Franco that it was clubbed DRM who then made a very strange statements they also reached out to Felix who confirmed yes it was claimed by collab DRM but also adding I can't confirm if it was because of her clip or not is of course because collab DRM has the policy of it's not their responsibility to tell you what portion of the video he also sent me the email that he received from YouTube confirming that collab DRM did in fact claim his video so it looks like it definitely did happen but in Steve betting hers defense separately without me confronting with this information he emailed me to slightly change his response saying collab DRM never issued a strike on the PewDiePie video you're referring to we reviewed the video and determined it to be fair use which I will say is confusing because it seems that you're you're acknowledging that it was fair use and out of here is definitively that the copyright claim did happen it doesn't really seem to add up then three days later PewDiePie uploaded a video where he states that although he wasn't sure that a Lindsay made the strike at first she then took credit for it now we weren't sure if it was a linear that actually did copy strike or if it was just some random claim cuz I get those all the time anyway but the day after she made a follow-up to this where she sort of boasted about yeah it was me guys so lots of confusion on the actual copyright claim front however there was little confusion from a Lynsey who following pressure from people released another statement this statement pinned the claim on the sexism within the streamer community and about the PewDiePie's comment was the sort of thing that confused to the harassment that many female streamers encounter on a daily basis however this hidden immediate roadblock the problem was that this did not seem to be the instigating factor of the initial copyright claim it didn't seem to be some emotional reaction spurred on by an instinctive response to misogyny paired with comments made about her income it seemed like an opportunity to use the comment as a scapegoat to make money and no one regardless of whether they have feminist sympathies or not is going to be with you on that one although harassment would never be appropriate in that scenario backlash from the situation has to fall somewhere at your feet for attempting to act outside what many would deem acceptable you poked a sleeping lion with a sharp stick I think it is a relevant discussion given how reductive Mady compilations are how it might give off the wrong impression but ultimately they're the largest contributors to it and although PewDiePie understandably pledged to use the term more careful in the future the copyright claim is such a radical response it completely distracts from whatever discussion you might want to have regarding terminology Scherzer adds this rather unconvincing complaint at the end about objectification and although I can understand why someone might be uncomfortable being labeled a [ __ ] given the differences between taking dick from many men and behaving slightly sexually I feel that illinit II has to be aware of the market that she appeals to and how that might affect how people interpret her content there's nothing wrong with people behaving in a sexual manner if that's what they feel empowers them that's what people like Shakira did and there's nothing wrong with taking issue with unnecessary sexual ization but you can't have them both at the same time however the worst part comes when she shifts responsibility on to collab DRM who as representatives of the claimants would have very little additional reason to claim a video that they recognize themselves as fair use a lens to yourself seems pretty ignorant you don't really know much about the laws but I do know that I get money out of that like it gives me money so they do have to pay for it like who's paying for that I'm not really sure but I'm guessing it's the content creator that is using my content on it I really don't really honestly I don't know how it works but I if I flag a channel it gives me money so if anybody wants to use my content just ask me you know and please don't misrepresent me please don't call me names while using my content it will get flagged by collab and I will get part of your I don't know your revenue for it or whatever it's called this is a terrible clip but there has to be some irony in the fact that she clay didn't seek permission to watch PewDiePie's video yet feels that people should ask permission to react to compilations with her and I find it hard to believe that she would be too stupid to not notice that contradiction as did PewDiePie and many other people and I find this information to be completely redundant because she she said I'm gonna claim the video the video got claimed and then finally she took credit for getting the video claim then because everyone fired back at her suddenly the story is different suddenly it's collabs fault again finally illinit II I'm sorry for calling you at which time I will definitely be careful with what using that word in the future but you need to stop blaming other people stop blaming collab DRM stop paying some sort of sexism narrative stop blaming me and admit that you what you did was wrong it's really not that hard PewDiePie apologized and ultimately by doing that put a linen tea in a position where she would be expected by many to apologize herself or at least come to some resolution but she didn't and this is where PewDiePie killed her with kindness because she didn't have a clue in how to actually respond in fact her response was just further deflection onto her representatives collab DRM plus a load of waffle the problem is that at this point PewDiePie had taken responsibility for his side so basically had nothing else to add and therefore all the attention was thrown onto a Linnet II who clearly was not well equipped to respond or even hold her own on these matters the only way she could reverse the situation at that point was being able to act like there were additional instance that PewDiePie needed to be held accountable for which she definitely tried she refused PewDiePie's apology and then attempted to deepen her victimhood by focusing on the semantics regarding his comments semantics are important however PewDiePie's apology and explanation for why he said it satisfied enough people to just make illinit ii look unreasonable and unnecessarily demanding so for you to do all these things right and then for you to not accept my apology when I said sorry twice what do you want you just digging yourself deeper and deeper and I'm not even pushing at this point I'm with people having this negative perception people decide that it was time to start digging and digging and digging and whatever illinit II was being framed as impute PI's original video was nothing compared to what follows showing your underwear on stream that's our fault right I am then clicking on full screen right after bending over with your button camera that's our fault right you're just looking at your butt hair in this video you know do not doing anything else eating a popsicle down your throat on camera that's that's our fault right because you had a sore in your mouth that's why you did it right oh you're just playing games with the the shortest skirt ever that's our fault for having you looking at it in any sexual way right Oh guys I am just adjusting my camera right now I'm completely unaware of what else is going on if you have any sort of sexual intention towards this that that's our full oh sorry guys I'm just pushing my bra together to show how a push-up bra works that's your fault for seeing anything sexual in that how dare you essentially a Linnet II attempted to conduct a mudslinging campaign against Felix root reaching various negative tweets paths in which gay pude by the impetus to bite back with his own claims and remember that old clip about her not wanting to talk about her relationships oh dear oh dear there's this one cliff where she very publicly admits to committing marriage fraud that she moved to Columbia and married this guy just so she could move to Canada you don't make any money you work a lot so I was like no he'll known so I married a Canadian and they came to Canada and then I divorced them unfortunately a Lindsay was outnumbered both numerically and logically and somehow became the single greatest targets and villain at the same time how do you manage something like that surely if you are the target people will at least give you some sympathy well when reflecting on a situation we are typically sympathetic to people who become targets of the internet more not because they haven't committed any wrongdoings but because eventually you reflect on it and wonder how much of the drama they actually instigated and how many people were just blindly hating them without asking any questions however with this situation there has been very little sympathy in any reflection and this is mainly because of lenity despite receiving backlash from the fanbase of one of the largest craters on the platform managed to instigate almost every single instance when you throw something at a person they might see it as giving them license to fling back and this is exactly what happened with the Linnet II she tried to punch below the belt by timeout PewDiePie's are the controversies and PewDiePie spoke about her of the controversies with much greater impact there are a few reasons to this you did much more impact firstly PewDiePie has a greater fanbase but also a much greater social media presence all-in-all illinit II in spite of her following on Twitch only had around 67,000 Twitter followers at the time of the controversy which is slightly low compared to PewDiePie's then at 16 million followers let's just say this led to some ratios it also didn't help the PewDiePie has been the center of attention for ages and therefore nothing that people said was actually news to anyone and therefore he wasn't being really exposed other than through trivial rumors a Lindsay on the other hand as a streamer who hasn't been involved in a drama that size has all this dirty laundry that many people haven't seen go through the watch and when people brought it into the light it was news and was pretty damn bad this led to her becoming one of the Internet's least favorite people and when confronted regarding this she once again flipped responsibility of her comments to people reporting her to the authorities all his little little nine-year-olds that i've been blocking on Instagram and I'm telling you guys these are like nine year olds like there are very young children and now they're all falsely reporting me to the Canadian government now that's illegal and although I probably wouldn't advise reporting her in spite of the evidence you know people cherish it to try and embolden themselves in front their audience it's hard to feel sympathetic to her complaints bragging about a crime in which there is a victim will never be overwhelmingly popular when people look at it with a critical eye view I did have a lot of responsibility in the handling of these situation which could have been misused greatly however many people would agree that he should be able to argue his case as well particularly in response to anything that Allan and he says and because he was constantly on the retaliation this gave him the opportunity to know what linty had said and respond with more impact another huge issue was that Allan as he just went from one argument to another basically taking consecutive ELLs on every single perspective her points of view were just an incoherent mess you when you're a content creator you were responsible for a community so it's completely fine for you to call me out with your community but just because you're a smaller Channel I'm not allowed to defend myself right she's soared insinuating that I should get banned or something like that she continuously argued the notion of responsibility while taking none of her own PewDiePie continuously offered to cease fire and she rejected it maybe because she thought if the harassment became bad enough it would help make a case for her victim and however because she was seen as instigating every fan defending PewDiePie or attacking her was seen to be doing it because of her own statements rather than because of anything PewDiePie actually said or did to add to this the only real point of view that she could argue herself as aggrieved on was the perspective of sexism now in a way you could argue that the gender perspective could give her a hard time there's a lot of prejudice but I said many people were suspect that actually a gender gave her advantage especially on Twitch particularly given the genre that she had rose to prominence in and then to top it all off she just said this imagine you guys you stream for five years full time I've got him drunk I've fallen my butt has shown you know and twitch has been behind my the whole time like hey it's okay you know what just delete eclipse you know we're cool I've been good with twitch I've never even had an at 24 hours suspension I've never had a suspension on twitch and this irritated a lot of people because as mentioned earlier everyone knows about how twits treat many streamers how harshly they enforce many of their guidelines to have this person breach the same terms of service and not face any consequences a tool was enraging and undermined any argument of disenfranchisement coming from her throughout it all she delivered her words with the same very dispassionate tone and although it's importantly you don't let your emotions interfere with your points of view too much because argument seemed emotionally based when paired with her delivery it just seemed very uncomfortable and play manipulative for many people I felt very upset this has upset me a lot she always has a trend of continuously attacking people's previous prejudices as a way to deflect current criticism and although people may be harsher on her for sure it doesn't mean she's above the criticism later on in the same stream she used people's least favorite racial slur the one beginning with the letter n of course and once again although not the most malicious manner given twitch is extremely harsh enforcement of the guidelines and the context of it being in the same stream this irritates a lot of people and further elevated how untouchable she seemed to perceive herself as you come in not saying that ever again okay well I wouldn't like tempers did she just use the keemstar defense oh no this does not seem good you'd find very few neutral actors who defend her behavior at this point but wait there was one more publication willing to stand up against PewDiePie wait no nevermind advice I did actually respond to this article briefly last year in a video about mr. beast to sum it up it's really bad and hopefully one of the worst cases of deep contextualization there has been for a while although the concern of making sure that you do not frame any victim as asking for it is a concern that we should all pay attention to I do not think the slippery slope from Felix's comments were there and yes for some reason having the backing of a mainstream outlet a huge support winner a Lindsey was being attacked on nearly every platform and her support just wasn't following through too many corners of the Internet however she never backed down why wouldn't she let's ask that question when someone becomes involved in drama one of the most constraining factors ultimately comes down to your audience I spoke about it right at the start when you eye twitch jima whose appeal is partly your parents decorum is a Liberty and Alya to recognize that normally when you encounter drawing where you receive substantial amounts of criticism you would lose support but if you head over to a Lindsey social blade you'll see that her growth was largely unaffected by the drama that was exactly the same with poke you may - despite being criticized by the commentators very very harshly when it came down to the numbers there was very little change therefore if she didn't actually feel like apologizing well she had very little to lose by not she's in drama with someone who in spite of their problems can't really cause any damage to the channel or the income that she's receiving partly due to the fact that she's on twitch and partly because her appeal is separate from her credibility no one expected her to be the voice of reason although many people would agree - it should be treating people equally unfortunately that's not how it works and asada is the drama isn't the greatest deal in the grand scheme of things she had who she needed to honor sight to derive benefit from her entertainment that isn't compromised by the drama and therefore they want to keep watching her this gave her license to basally behave how she wanted to and she did however there was one thing that was separate to her fanbase and that was the other source of support that was indispensable for her twitch themselves maybe Bob argued that twit should have punished and Lenti for her conduct yet twitch haven't and appeared that she had them in her back pocket and once the drama died down most people have no reason to persist there are more pressing dramas that caught people's interests and the online community isn't exactly known for their attention span however there was one thing that would the impression that she left on many people impressions aren't important if we never have to come into contact with them again and for a good year we didn't there was a brief situation at the end of the year where she accused another streamer of sexual harassment and provided some corroborating screenshots the other streamer openly denied these claims and retained a lawyer he would have been foolish to drag her over this because they are quite serious and it seems that it's still an open case where there have been no updates since around November last year so I guess we'll just wait on that one however it was not the end of community run-ins with the linen tea and everything that had happened in the past would now come back to biter in the past many people had accused linty of throwing her [ __ ] around however few would have been able to pool how literal this phrase would be applied because on the 18th of June 2019 alone she was doing what she normally does on twitch streaming and her cat obstructed her game of you and like any sane normal human being you don't let the pets get in the way she responded by taking the cat and throwing it over her head fairly abruptly this clip began to spread throughout the Internet unlike the Internet they then found more clips regarding eternity and her cats and her other pets including this very charming one where she decides that her cats of the mood for a cheeky drink a nice cocktail of vodka and saliva it then hit reporters like keemstar and then PETA the controversial animal rights group with questionable hot takes however the take this time was pretty out dente they were not satisfied with an in his behavior and they want to twitch to take action like Mount Vesuvius the dormant community erupted into a united call of criticism this was really the perfect opportunity because there was no way that a linen tea could put the blame on the cat and therefore there was no defined enemy for a linen tea to victimize herself against in light of these claims than the corroborating footage her local Animal Protection Society launched an investigation into her contact with the animal and it was not looking good for her so what does she do well she did the unthinkable she apologized in these tweets she apologizes for her quote lapses in judgments and commits to complying with any animal abuse investigation while stating that her cats do live in a loving environment this could have been over this could have been it but people weren't prepared to let it go and it was even less likely to have been let go when twitch decided that they weren't going to take any action at all on first buns maybe a warning would suffice but new evidence came forward regarding twitches treatment of streamers one clip regarding another streamer who went by the name of BAE BAE who was seemingly banned for 14 days following a similar incident in which he tossed a cap over her head she put out a statement regarding this hypocrisy where she seems to confirm that a temporary ban was placed on her this video comparison relating to it then spread fairly quickly and caused further outrage among critics then the videos came they came fast and they came Hart Haryana lunacy for her behavior and her privilege and attacking twitch for their double standards there was not really much defending to be done and although some people had actually defended her actions few people could actually defend twitch if they gave her another course especially with all her previous actions and comments the twitch is giving her exemptions from any actual retribution people are reaching the stage where they ask how much more will a person like a linen tea need to do to actually see any action taken against her the width thing is I don't think this would have been a huge controversy if she'd never been involved in the controversies in the previous year and in a way if you're a stubborn person it might feel better to stand your ground even if everyone hates you if you can retain your fan base while still being a little belligerent then it might feel validating however when your future relies on the fact that you're walking the line between what might be acceptable and what might not be then people will obviously see these situations as an opportunity to call on you to face repercussions and those calls will not go away nonetheless there is also inside information that we might not be aware Oana twitches heads of media put out a tweet where they stated that they were in favor of a linen tea suspension from the platform for a certain amount of time but ultimately had no authority to make that call which was to be frank rather concerning on top of this much like the racial she had made this was no longer talking about suggested behavior that made her and others popular this was unambiguous this is not something that they would have set any standard for other streamers in the genre this is a blatant exception made by twitch and the fact that she's the beneficiary of this has only made her more unpopular how bad is it let's have a discussion [Applause] when Syme commits a wrongdoing we like to see them how to countable for their actions it's a simple enough notion and when we feel like they have paid their dues then we might be open to not chasing them anymore depending on their conduct and how they feel about it sometimes infant Authority fails to take action we might hate the authority more than the actual person in this instance if this had been an isolated incident it might be a scenario of hating the game rather than the player however with the fact that illinit II had openly admitted to being on somewhat chummy relationships with the twitch Authority it basically made her part of the game that many people absolutely loathe illinit II isn't ignorant of what she's doing she's completely knowledgeable of the privilege that she has obtained and in many ways highly indulgent of it provoking breaches of the guidelines that she must be aware of on one stream she takes a picture of her buttocks with the camera shot reflecting onto the stream no action was taken in two other streams she was reported to bring up porn on the screen however these were accidental so she was let off which is fair enough but still something to take note of and when called out on this treatment she is regularly attempted to make herself the victim from her position and although the stereotypical branding of a [ __ ] I can understand might perks on even put them down in a way it feels like a small drawback in a role that is clearly derived you many benefits of the market and many benefits of the doubts that many would agree you do not deserve honestly if twitch punished her at this point she might catch a bit less black in the future but because twitch have failed take action in the past people will now be looking for reasons to campaign for her suspension on the platform now there are two reasons why this may not matter to illinit II first one being if she completely avoids these controversies in the future now this is slightly doubtful given her record of controversies and how abrasive she seems to be whether by impossible calculation she does seem to annoy people and on top of this whenever something occurs it seemed to rewrote another wave of people searching for other related incidents that piles on pressure for twitch to take action so I doubt this will be the last time we hear of her the second condition is that twitch actually are so tight with a linen tea they will take any action no matter what I think this is a more plausible condition but it would certainly depend on the extent that linty pushes the boundaries the only rational reason that I perceive they keep people like her on the site during these instants is due to the possible prospect of encouraging competition obviously that excludes other theories like deep personal connections or possible blackmail although the evidence that there is some deeper link is quite compelling in itself given that many streamers have reported that they've been bound for talking about the incident alone and there are many rumors and claims that there does seem to be some coherence - the question is when a compares that comes along and people can join a platform on the basis of morality rather than practicality who will twitch back I do wonder how much longer here take for twitch to feel like they've been losing more than they're gaining from keeping an urgency on the platform without any punishment honestly when you do nothing it's hard to get people to boycott your platform but this animal maltreatment thing seems to be the closest she's ever been to actually being impacted by controversy and even then she's remained in the green because people don't feel bad supporting someone whose appeal isn't in extra ly linked to how they treat animals and unfortunately the fact that her audience nor twitch is prepared to react she'll probably continue to behave recklessly now to be fair if the authorities who are investigating this animal maltreatment case give her a bit of a scare of wait no never mind if the authority finds this then I can't act as if I have a greater insight to the home life of a cat but I don't really understand how they can say this didn't have quote malicious intent while throwing a cat over the head or spitting vodka like okay she didn't intend to cause any harm but it's still reckless and stupid and a bad thing to do on screen I don't think that was the point that people were trying to make and you know what I don't want to see her lose her pets over these instants I think that would be a disproportionate reaction but as reports go you really downplayed the instance I mean you don't even say what they were I'm not gonna give her stick if related he pledges to treat her pets better and I do believe she has the capacity to even if it's just for the sake of protecting her career but it's important that people are actually informed of what a person has done so they can judge it from the informed perspective but regardless of how she treats her pets when it comes to treating commentators and other creators who may give her criticism particularly audiences illinit e sees no consequence from being defensive abrasive and confrontational so chances are when these situations transpire in the future she will continue to be that way she has no motivation to change and until she does that she will be that way and I mean ultimately being rather unpleasant doesn't preface you not being right you could be unpleasant and completely right it's just a linen tea wasn't in my opinion she has been completely wrong and her doubling down on it has only been done out of personal pride where there are any behavioral causes that play into it whether her mental health may be involved is another question for regardless her actions and responses to criticism give off the impression that she does not understand the responsibility that she has misused as a public figure and thus does attract rightful criticism from the basis that she might hurt someone else again due to that lack of understanding as for twitch I think they should have taken action against her given all the liberties they permit however this seems to be a constant problem with all larger platforms that anyone with significant clout receive special treatment while people at the bottom are constantly being weeded out by the moderators everyone's been the victim of that unfortunately although I really do question what they would have lost by temporarily banning a linen tea this time around it's not really related to the market or standard that you might set having a rule for not throwing cat seems fair enough and I really doubt many people would have sided with animal cruelty and I really doubt that a linen tea would have been able to rile up a narrative of injustice or move a majority of the market over to a computing platform YouTube isn't quite equipped enough to win over a la vie twitch streamers and a linen tea doesn't seem like a person with a huge influence over other twitch names it does really make me wonder why if there's something a bit more personal going on it would not surprise me either way Twitter's continuous protection and validity with no repercussion at all will continue to rub people the wrong way and the fact that Allen C is very aware of it will make her much more contemptible for people who observe these situations as for the viewers there will be many people who um additionally supporter by ever hunch that there are also made people who acknowledge her characters slightly flawed but enjoy her content nonetheless and that will continue unless he does something really really bad but I don't think she would go that far and what about me her critic all these critics well once upon a time the hatred she may have received may have been due to the sneering elitism towards the type of audience she appealed to however five years on and she has given people many additional reasons to dislike her at this point there can be little doubt that'll in tease position of privilege pride and petition has made it one of the most unpopular persons on the platform but as long as she's on that platform people are powerless and damn right she knows it but there's one thing guaranteed they will be waiting so that was the video I hope you really enjoyed it I had fun a lot of fun this was a long one but sometimes they need to be long to revisit all these ideas I'd love to give a big shout out to the editors once again I'm sure they did a great job I could never understand that I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product and go and check them out and send them some love on that behalf I need to give a big shout out to my patreon the ten dollar patreon plus are on screen right now but I do have some special special people that I need to give a special special shout out to these patrons include my $50.00 patreon Caroline Nico Deshawn rocket Ralph Sara Elizabeth Sam hullabaloo and the spectre angel III $300 patrons Brandon junk Adam Michael and Christopher Karass it's very nice name Christopher cos I think Christopher Krauss is the newest patron so welcome to the crew we've got a nice long entourage pulling up right now that I'm very proud of and I appreciate all the support you guys give if you want to reach me you can contact me on Twitter at the rice pinion Facebook too I've also got a discord all the links to those will be in the pinned comments if you want to follow them there otherwise I don't think I have too much else to add I hope you guys are doing well as always and I do hope you have a lovely lovely day take care of my friends I'm the right pinion and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,296,529
Rating: 4.9003468 out of 5
Keywords: alinity, alinity twitch, alinity pewdiepie, alinity divine, twitch, alinity tro, tro, alinity opinion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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