This Teen Idol Manipulated Everyone - How He Almost Got Away With It | TRO

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a tract with too much free time and today we're going to my favorite genre of all music because your boy here he loves the tunes it's pretty much what I'm raised on as I write the script I'm actually currently listening to Mary's prayer by Danny Wilson wasn't sure about it at first but I'll say surface deposit end to grow on you unfortunately today's topic won't be exactly focusing on my adoration for music no today we will be talking about a person called Austin Jones who decided to take advantage of the clout given by such a blessed industry however to open this I will at least be discussing some media related elements because music is a unique industry for so many reasons and it generates so much creative variety that is out there particularly in the last few years as the internet has become increasingly prevalent in the distribution of content we've seen a real wave of music become popular that otherwise wouldn't ever have the chance there is a lot of music that originates from YouTube I've spoken about this before but you have some team boy swooshed hair bent over his acoustic guitar staring into the camera singing a sincere song about how much he wants to hold you and suddenly their subscriber count' explodes regardless of how good the music actually is at the same time you have to give credit to the musical achievements that YouTube has provided from the early days of Chocolate Rain to re popularizing that with trololol song we haven't seen such a wave of unique music since the early 1990s in many ways it's just unlike then when we had music blasting onto the scene and great for the modern wave has been mostly downbeat and mostly pre depressing and therefore it's never felt like a huge shock more just like a musical cigarette this is where we introduce the subject of today's video Austin Jones the blond-haired blue-eyed Durham votes but no he's not just a pretty face he's also a predator and we're not just drawing about allegations here he's pleaded guilty in court this is all fairly certain at this point Austin Jones himself is a 26 year old musician fresh out of Illinois he wasn't the most identifiable of personalities but he was clearly popular enough to amass well over 500,000 subscribers we don't know the exact amount his channel was terminated recently following his court case but it was enough to make him matter predominately he was a musician who typically focused on covers original music and also acapellas are making a fairly hefty career out of it which we'll talk about later however he also did certain videos that I assume were to create a bond with his audience most of which are now unfortunately lost to the vaults of time but nonetheless I think we can take the remains and put the pieces back together and create some sort of picture and discuss that bond and how he exploited it Austin started his career in 2007 and although it certainly took a while to gain traction his continuous run of constant uploads and running off the popular genre paid its dues and gradually his videos gained traction this gave him more leverage to experiment with and at some point he did these acapellas which were really what bolstered his career and eventually his content ended up amassing over 33 million views in total alongside the sub count we discussed earlier much in lieu of my other video on the tick top predator the bidet this video will be unpacking some of the build-up the abuse of power and the subsequent moves he pulled out to evade backlash and indeed all and almost unbelievable turn around after a situation that really could have finished his career in fact the only thing that stopped him in the end was the heavy hand of the law I remember when I first heard about the situation a couple years back in 2017 I wasn't making content the remotely resembled the work I was doing today but either way I dismissed him you know he's gonna get what he deserves I'm thankful that actually he's not going around to an extent that's true he was a disgusting [ __ ] but that was not the end of it no and now these new developments were about to find out why and investigates some deeper discussions beyond that you see although the attention on him has been widely pursued in the last two years there have been people trying to bring attention to his behavior since 2015 many of these attempts to no avail at all with the most being a non-apology in which Austin only demonstrates more of his manipulative tendencies the years after were not just successful for Austin they were his most successful and that's what I find deeply troubling and I think it's time we understand how exactly that happened and how he loved to abuse his power so without further ado I suggest we pursue the Curious Case of Austin Jones continues are you struck sir okay go make a clap super loud and talk about your age the whole time that was the point where he was like how about you maybe turn the fame get to their head that much that they think it's alright to do something he's vulnerable insecure young girls singer in a youtube star with child porn in Chicago in many ways what we see with Austin Jones is a classic ascension to power he is the epitome of a teenage heartthrob in that he represents the sort of lovely accessible idol who is there for you who understands how you feel now unfortunately or fortunately depending on your perspective as his child is no longer in our existence we have to take what little archive knowledge we can obtain but I don't think it's too difficult to completely break down exactly why he found himself in a position of power firstly he was a YouTube og he set up his channel in 2007 he was allowed to excel on a platform with less competition and he was also ahead of the curve in many aspects YouTube exploded as a platform for actual professional musicians a few years after and Austin Jones was already there putting up covers now his covers typically did well appearing to exceed the number of views to these subscribers he had fairly impressively but as we well know typically making covers isn't the only way to hold on to the audience you have but you see Austin Jones had the looks and he also had the eye contact and he also had the choice for songs what do I mean well let's talk about one direction one of the most prolific boy bands or be 2010 why were they so successful well because of the young impressionable teenage girls but also because of how they marked it to them now are the things that you become extremely aware of if you've listened to music in a critical fashion was what one would call the second person perspective second person perspective is focusing on the word you it's a narrative perspective from your point of view basically and one direction mastered it's what makes you beautiful gotta be you the list goes on and on and on and the reason that shameless musical executives did this was because the vulnerable insecure girl loves be comforted by the cute charming boy who just wants to make you feel wanted oh wait that's a different one I do apologize there are just so many of them especially early 2010's I do not know what we were on but PG singles about how much boys love you was the in thing Austin Jones definitely played into that rule having that sort of song that was addressed to you the listener where he would tell you how valued or loved you are he'd have this cheeky look at the camera and all you [ __ ] were expected to swoon appropriately if anything's left you can have a look at the comment sections on one of his very very old videos back in the day and you get the comments that are completely won over another one of those videos sake of falling in love we can observe the comments if you are for me forever I would take it in a heartbeat I love this song I can kind of relate you're amazingly talented and thank you for making this awesome song oh my god I'm crying because these lyrics explain exactly how I'm feeling I absolutely love this song it's so amazing I hope you become famous and have actual CDs selling I would definitely buy them oh my god cried so beautiful totally fell in love with this song and I really love your voice and your music please come to Germany Austin if anyone can guess those youtubers who voice them you get gold star from me the right pinion now that is just one page of course not all of these comments are alluding to Austin's looks or his romantic capabilities but they should show these sort of audience that he was appealing to at this point the sort of emotional character who cries when have a blonde boy Breeze in their direction he is very cleverly creating an audience that is vulnerable in of itself and therefore he can use that to his advantage and so he did the sort of thing can be found on his Twitter or what was his Twitter because it's no longer there well it is there but it's someone who clearly hasn't taken Vantage of the notion of a parody account I mean come on you can be more creative than that but anyhow his Twitter was conducted are firstly putting out vague sensual tweets that make the impression Alauddin stink oh wow this guy gets me at the same time a lot of these tweets tended to focus on his vulnerability or how indebted he was to his fans and this put him on their level it makes him seem more relatable or warm to an extent he owes you his life guys Wow he would do anything for you people he might not have made it this far if you hadn't bought his albums at the same time at guilt trips people who haven't bought the album it's a good double bind where he ends up favorably in either line of reasoning the other types of tweets he did were those which heavily relied on the interactions with his fans now there were even less examples of those but I found one time where his page was archived in 2013 and a high majority of the tweets were what judging from the format's I believe were quote tweets in which he would regularly interact with his fans about their purchase or enjoyment of Jones's content though I did find this excellent tweet that definitely shows a more flirty side of Jones which we are going to witness in a much more aggressive form very soon so new Tracey writes just casually bumped into at I am Austin Jones at PacSun no big deal at all Austin quaintly replies with should have come into the fitting room with me smirky face now to be frank I don't really have a problem with comedic flirting how I do it all the time with my mates but at the same time this is foreshadowing irony that this girl clearly isn't aware of it's all banter until you've realized that there is actually a slightly deeper context with his new power Austin became quite aware of who he was appealing to and one of the other techniques that became quite prominent in his late content was the use of other sizeable fan bases typically if you have topics that are relating to someone with more Picoult following your sort of tribute to them will spill over into an appeal so for example if someone didn't ariana grande or BTS acapella they probably do very well although I doubt they make much mine because it would be claimed and so Austin goes to these stands who are either gonna want to send you their heart or want to eat yours out depending on how well you execute your behavior and this brings us to the final positive but equally depressing point about Austin's appeal he was actually talented terrible people can be incredibly talented and although Austin's music and covers themselves weren't in dicta veni won with exceptional flair he's a cappella covers definitely were and I'm not gonna play them here because fair use on YouTube is in ruins right now but I'll leave a link to an archived version and what he does is quite exceptional and it would require an incredible amount of concentration and perseverance there were very few people who could consistently lay themselves doing covers in such a tight fashion and then do it again and again and again he was creating a brand for himself out of what is now quite a fairly exhausted genre with success comes power and with power comes well let's find out manipulation is the word of the day today chaps because what Austin Jones did on YouTube was textbook manipulation of the algorithms to obtain success now that is the story of the success of many YouTube as you observe the trends you work out how you benefit off of it and then you embark on the journey to become a successful youtuber in the case of Austin Jones he worked out the audience that he wanted to obtain and subsequently obtain them the years 2015 although not as big as he would be Austin Jones has successfully manipulated the algorithms into a position of power however as for shadow there is a lot more to the story than just the manipulations of the algorithms when you have an idol who is successful like Austin Jones and you know he's out there being so interactive it makes you think oh yeah I've got this chance this guy there's this clip of him at a One Direction slash 5 seconds of summer concert he's being thrown out and all these girls are screaming his name [Music] he is absolutely reveling this and when he builds that relationship he can then slide into the DMS once he gets there he plays off this or a good cop bad cop dynamic one side of him is incredibly grateful so lovely and humble and the other side of him is more primitive aggressive and dominated and what he does is in these confrontations he tends to mesh these two personas together fairly deftly to try and coerce what he wants from people so we're going to go trawling through this content and identifying the various techniques he's pulled up now there are a load of examples of these and to go through all of them while we'd end up going round in circles so I want to take one example primarily this one a series of texts I found posted by Lauren Miller I don't know if these are her own we can break it down fairly comprehensively in the meantime I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the adoring fan girl who is finally having the honor of speaking to their idol who has already solicited some form of imagery as shown in the text and yet still wants more so what we see here in this message is the breaking of tone any conversation or well supposed by saying let me be honest here it implies that now he's going to be more sincere than he has before then he says I'm having a really down night this puts him in a position of vulnerability we already know he's tweeting about coping with depression so in this he is using that mental illness to place him in a position requiring support what is that support well I think I know but not satisfied would just that he then puts the fan in a position of exclusivity you see he's only chosen to talk to her how blessed she should be for this huge public figure has gone out of his way for her so what you have so far is multiple tactics used in the space of a few sentences you have sincerity vulnerability and exclusivity this pushes pressure on to someone who is probably already desperate to impress their idol a person who's also rather young and probably rather impressionable and then with all this in mind he goes in with the request and I'm pretty impressed the girl in this instance said no to him now for some people no means no but for Austin no means the yes that hasn't quite been said yet he presses again and go ejects again and once again the girl replies very responsibly at this point even though this lass has spelled out the exact reasons why she doesn't want to hand over any more content to this predatory creature he acts confused he doesn't understand pretty much trying to mentally exhaust a person continuously asking the person to justify their reasoning now explanations in these instances are being built on premises and what Austen here is trying to do is reach the premises so he can perhaps invalidate them and thus invalidate their reasoning thus guilt-tripping them into providing him with more content and she doesn't crank which fair place she points out the age gap he dismisses these three points casually and says Oh guys this is just for fun yes great banter he then asked if he can offer something in return and the girl justifiably says the fact that he is messaging her is more than enough and I think what should be quite clear now is that this girl is in a vulnerable position to the point where she still clearly idolizes him in spite of these highly uncomfortable advances and instead of taking a step back and being able to humanize the situation Austen Jones pushes on to achieve his only goal is the messages after that become a volt to his ever stranger mind after the girl said the talking to him is an honor he takes us as chance to once again hold his power over her he brags he receives thousands of messages loads of people out there wanting to talk to this world-famous Austin Jones and yet he is talking to her out of everyone what he is trying to do right now is alienate the person from these objections of inappropriateness this person has raised the point that she is 14 but Austin isn't targeting her because she's 14 he's targeting her because he was just randomly scrolling through and has decided that the lucky winner of the Austin Jones luxury delude lotto will be this lovely lass he just wants to talk to her age wha what sage some silly concept who cares my age at the same time he implicitly degrades the person he's talking to despite the fact that he promoted that exclusivity earlier it was tainted with a tone of disposability there are thousands of people just like her and even a scroll to an RDM and find another fine who will give him what he needs so desperately through this he creates a contradiction on one hand he claims that you can go and get this content from any of his other fans but at the same time he's clearly driven to obtain it from this one fangirl or else he would have just given up on the first try maybe that's because he can't obtain content like that from anywhere else or maybe that's because he just wants to get his way given the fact that he did solicit content from other people in the same boat it might well be both I think he clearly has some kind of twisted desire to take advantage of this power dynamic that he holds and fair play to that girl for being able to turn him down because many people didn't manipulation is clearly Austin's middle name and you can see this in the final few DMS that have been published the girl asks him appealing to him on the grounds of human decency saying that would you do something that you're not comfortable with aware that a fan is presenting her perspective he turns around and says well yes actually if I wanted to make them happy thus once again undermining her reasoning blatantly deceptive and extremely malicious oh and look he'll twerk - now how charitable basically what you see here is Joan's completely taking advantage of that fan admiration singling them out in conversation using that power to intimidate them and then using various mental techniques to try and coerce what he wants out of them he's having a hard time he really needs those twerking videos guys he needs them to get through the nights my heart weeps for this poor soul who may never have the twerking videos he needs so desperately now I can't guarantee these gems are real but I present the evidence today under the fact that judging by the conviction and the way his language corroborates embarrass other DMS that this is extremely extremely credible what other DMS well there's this one where he was giving another person the exclusive treatment he wanted to get to know the person through the medium of twerking and then she says no back and forth same ol stick he says obviously you don't want to make me happy which will obviously cut to the heart of the insecure fan because having someone passed judgment on your intentions can feel extremely harmful so once again he pretty much tries any manipulation tactic Under the Sun and I wanted to finish this part on this one clip just so people know what we were dealing with [Laughter] yes so so classy and like any situation he was cooled out and as it started spreading he started begging all these people in the DMS oh please don't do this to me and as the uproar spread and people got more angered and his fans were turning to him and saying Austin what is going on he decided that he was going to do one thing and that was set the record straight austan Jones is face down with all these very serious situations he's being hit on all sides and at the end of June 2015 he decide to do the very smart thing and post a video response no not that one that's too honest to be as quote official response no we're going to be talking about this one namely setting the record straight now there's a lot to say about this video and I'll try and cover it all without being caught up in the two minor things but once again what you witness is success of manipulating a situation that really he had no right to now it's fair to say that now the video has received overwhelmingly negative feedback many people from all over communities banded together to make sure he was shown up but at the same time looking at the old ratings he was doing all right and Austin wasn't really appealing to any of the people who actually care about incentive fares but more to his loyals who were going to stick around no matter what and judging by some statistics that we'll see later him I just have worked so let's talk about how Austin Jones set the record straight he's in this situation he's up against the wall he has to hold on to the fans that he has and he has the main platform to do it he knows what he's done is pretty terrible and regardlessly delivery he's gonna come under some fire so what he first he does here is present himself as the reasonable mediator and I want to play you this opening clip because there is so many technique you can break down in it alone hi guys I know a lot of you probably have some really harsh and negative opinions towards me right now and I understand why you do but I'm asking you to please put those opinions aside for a few minutes and listen to everything I have to say and if by the end of the video you still have the same opinion then so be it but at least you will have your opinion based off of the full story and the truth I've recently come under some fire on social media for mistakes I've made in the past you see that's here he plays a very two-sided card on one hand he completely understands the people hate him and have those negative opinions and all he's asking to do is to hear him out but in his delivery you'll be able to break down some very slight techniques firstly he implies that people will be receive the truth from this video when of course when there is only one truth and no one is ever going to see the complete truth there are just testimonies the closest you're going to get to the truth aren't the screenshots and yeah you're not going to be bringing them out are you another great word he uses is the word mistakes because although it's an admission of misconduct mistake is a rather forgiving word as it implies the person was not acting with necessarily ill intent when they behaved in such a way so already although he hasn't actually said anything of substance to respond to the criticism he has already used a few rhetorical devices to elicit sympathy from it's more easily influenced viewers I now want to play you this excerpts I used to ask fans for twerking videos just working the dance move it's not something that I'm proud of it's not something that I think is right and I shouldn't have done it this really blew up online when a youtuber and someone that's very popular on social media somehow found this out and decided to blast it out there I'm not gonna say any names because I've come under attack on social media from my knee being spread around and I don't want to put that on anyone else here we can see a similar mechanism he apologizes but simultaneously downplays his crime so people are more forgiving he asked his fans for twerking videos you know twerking the Dan Smith like the floss or the Macarena he obviously fails to mention that many of these fans were underage and the additional details that we've indulged ourselves with and we will indulge ourselves as later on but there is still more in the segment so he speaks about the youtuber who has brought this to people's attention I assume he's referring to D fizzy or daemon fizzy who was one of the few people to actually call him out in 2015 but he's not going to name names how courteous of him because he knows what it's like to have been mercilessly attacked and he doesn't want to do that but in this instance this isn't a courtesy this is a tactic to make sure people aren't seeing any other perspectives and do not know where they're coming from bar his own which is also why he has comments turned off also notice how he uses aggressive verbs when he describes how these people have dealt with him they've blasted out there it makes the people he's talking about sound more instigator e we see a lot of drama where people have felt the need to play the victim Austin isn't doing that exactly but he is implicitly leading people who may be sympathetic of his cause to that exact conclusion all these people going after poor Austin for his old mistakes and he's learned from them he's ashamed and now they're just blasting it out on the Internet's since they started online there are a lot of rumors and a lot of Lies they're just not true nothing everyone further now this is a blatant lie but also one that he could get away with at the time because at that point the evidence hadn't been widespread and affirmative enough to lead people to different conclusions so this allowed him to hold that narrative would you though on once I felt like he was admitting something it wasn't like he could deny it so it wasn't exactly reasonable on his behalf there's a load more in between talking about how he was on tour how this hit him and then he plays a victim card but not in the way that you'd expect a lot of people ask why did the initial statement take so long to get up I put up a text statement and apology addressing the situation but it took me about a week to do so people thought that I was being a coward people thought that I didn't want to confront the situation they thought that I was just blowing it off that's not true as I said I was on the road I was on tour we were all the way in Boston so we had to make the drive all the way back from Boston to Chicago on that drive the only thing I did was look at my phone and look at all the hate and death threats I I got lost in it I would read every little comment every little person telling me to kill myself every person telling me that light life wasn't worth living for me anymore and I'm I'm a pretty insecure person too where negative comments like that really impact me it's not something I can just brush off and that until your ride home I read those comments and I began researching different suicide methods when we got back I didn't even step foot in my house my family took me immediately to the hospital and I was hospitalized for my suicidal tendencies so no I wasn't cowering I wasn't avoiding the situation I was in a hospital I had no internet connection I had no connection to social media so I couldn't put out a statement I wanted to I wanted to apologize I wanted to confront it immediately but I couldn't as soon as I got out of the hospital the next day that's when I put it up so that's why the initial statement took so long to get out and this is the thing in some respects it's a really obvious victim card to the critical audience but what he's done here is he smartly played the point as proxy truly not so critical viewer you see if we respond to criticism by pointing out the hate we've received we are often called out for changing the conversation and not confronting the criticism in this scenario however Austin has used the hate he received as a direct response to the criticism he couldn't do something because of the hate he received which is still somewhat awkward as an argument but not as much as it could have been and serves as a way to convey his victimhood without being a necessarily invalid response the video is meant to be a response to a lively criticism he's received and it does do that in a way but it constantly detours down the road of the hard times that he's having as a response this can be particularly found in the extended anecdote throughout the final part of his video where he talks about his life and the struggles that he's experienced and how that created the mindset that led him to do these fun and goofy things the biggest question I get asked is why why why did this happen why why did I ask for those things so in order to figure out why you have to look at the reasons and the reasons why in my past and in what I've experienced through life and how I even got to that point I experienced death and loss at a very young age I had an older sister she passed away when she was 10 years old I was 6 years old at the time I went through a series of funerals when I was very young most were distant relatives that I either didn't even know at all or I had only seen on a few occasions but I was so young that I really didn't know who they were I barely saw my father my parents divorced at a very very young age and the last time I saw him was when I was 8 years old my father was an alcoholic and a drug addict and he couldn't get control of his life because of it when I was 16 a few months before he passed away my family and I we went through a house fire we were away visiting relatives and somebody broke into our house stole some things and burned the entire house down about a month after my father passed away my grandfather passed away and I was very close to my grandfather after that happened that's when I began self-harming I used to cut my wrists and I'm over three years clean of that now all of these life events all of these deaths this loss left me with a really deep deep depression and I was an insecure depressed guy and I began searching for attention in the wrong ways asking fans for those things it was because I was desperate for attention I was desperate for reassurance I wanted to feel good about myself at the time I thought it was just fun and goofy like I said doesn't excuse my actions doesn't justify it that's not why I told you all of that I told you it so that you would understand why I was that desperate why I was even asking for those things it was that depression piling up into me searching for attention a lot of his evidence of his experiences are things that are completely impossible to verify which although plausible still inspire skepticism with the context of what we now know he has done for example so something else that I want to talk about is people saying that you're only sorry that you got caught you know you apologize because you got caught you don't actually feel sorry that's so far from the truth and there are a few actual examples that show that before I went on tour and he presents these as quote actual examples but they're impossible to completely prove and yet he presents them as the counter narrative that he clearly regrets what he did every single piece of evidence is circumstantial but I guess that's good enough for some people finally I want to bring your attention to this clip on my last tour a few months ago I started going back to therapy for this specific reason because I regretted it so much and I couldn't I couldn't move past it I couldn't stop thinking about it I couldn't stop feeling like absolute [ __ ] for what I had done so I went back to therapy before I left for tour also a few months before this became public I talked to a couple of my co-workers if you want to call them that one of which is very popular online if you're part of this specific music scene you'd know exactly who he is if I told you who he was so this is a pretty big and I'd like to consider reputable man I went to him with this I told him my entire past I told him that I felt so guilty for this and that I regret it and that I wanted to confess all of this in the video come clean about it just get it off my chest so I can stop living with the guilt and officially apologize to everybody he told me not to he told me that it would only hurt my career and what I did wasn't even that bad and that I should just even think about it I just shouldn't do it firstly he goes the Donald Trump roots of talking about how he spoke to a man who was very reputable of course never naming any names but he's appealing to his authority in this instance and then he follows it would be fact this very reputable person actually said who demanded in twerking videos from fans that's not bad and he leans on that authority to justify why he hasn't spoken about it it's embarrassingly transparent and it's a real shame that this actually worked this screenshot is the one taken at the 2017 allegations there was only one screenshot before them but it was briefly after he uploaded which was the classic 301 B is mechanism and as you can see that light to dislike ratio speaks for itself people wanted to believe him and he gave them enough to make them believe him so we can assume the flood of dislikes came after and this received insignificant coverage first time around the people who watched it tended to defend him so with the people who mattered to him on his side he was ready to battle on I guess would he turn it around well kind of know the answer but let's find out anyway after this video it's clear that he had rescued enough of his reputation to appease the masses that matter to him despite the significant evidence suggesting that he was a less than savory individual he took a hiatus waited for many people to forget like they do you know you know wait until people's memory suppresses the severity of what he did you want to know how long it took people to forget go on take a guess take a stab in the dark a year half a year no 1 month and these were the ratings on his first actual video back which clearly had some symbolism my god what a poor soul it's clear in this video he's trying to use the music to convey his victimhood and in this instance it seems he's the victim of his own twisted urges press 1 in the chat if you to shed a tear for the trials and tribulations of Austin Jones the man who has gone through enough after this he decide he was going to release more music covers and originals another one of his videos back was a collaboration with his friends who I'm sure are very grateful to be associated with this specimen or maybe they knew and the clap was worth it I don't know the video is performed ok but all this was to change when he decide to record acapella videos he would do these like 3040 seconds shorts of him layered over himself singing and it was fairly impressive and it did decently four views so with this in mind Austin thought well what if I turn these into full songs and so he did and the views were insane everyone the acapella videos accumulated over a million views as you can see what he did was cover songs and albums from bands who had a real cult following and therefore benefited of a fanbase that was probably so committed to their idols they didn't really think about the possible background of this suspect individual and to be honest I wouldn't expect them to YouTube probably chucked it in their recommended if I researched every person who I've watched and whose videos I've enjoyed I'd probably be rather dissatisfied with what I find and the sad thing is that these videos are actually really good and it's clear why they did so well Jones is clearly a highly committed Creator who puts a lot of effort into his work and in this period he experienced some of his most impressive growth and so it makes sense but it was still disturbing that so many people subscribed to this guy not having awareness of who they were supporting and how they may have been in his sights as well the evidence that people brought forward initially was viewed as insufficient and people who ignored it simile dismissed it and many people began to make up excuses for why his behavior was acceptable well he apologized well it wasn't a big deal oh guys is it really worth the drama why can't we just get along really this is the problem when people are in denial about their Idol they make up these very questionable explanations to rationalize what they want to like and that's the most dangerous thing because you are handing him back power that he desperately does not deserve the power that enabled him in the first place when he was first cooled out in 2015 he was removed from the tours that he was on this was a huge back-and-forth in which many people who wanted to stop him had to really push to get him hailed off the two tours in question back then were the grow wild tour and the Warped Tour which défis he was on as well and once again companies only want to do so much to step in with enough public pressure certain places may cave but at the same time if Austin has enough support or at least lack of criticism from his circle then he will be welcomed back with open arms and more importantly if there are people who are willing to buy his records it tends to be an amoral record executive willing to sign and distribute his content because they can make some fat stacks as well and after all what is mercy when there's money involved the following clip is from deep Izzy's video in which he reads out emails from companies are three cool Austin Jones out for what he was doing here is one of them my name is blank and I own and operate the blank and blank for 30 years I'm not kidding besides being a concert promoter I spend my free time being a part of many organizations aimed at stopping bullies internet bullies has led to many suicides more than most people think and more than is recorded to the news I'm aware of the Austin Jones situation that you have managed to trend since yesterday and I know this kid personally I will set aside his issues as he will have to deal with them and his consequences what I want to deal with is your credible need to continue to post about this issue I think you made your point at this point you have become an internet troll what is your ultimate goal to have this kid kill himself is that what you want you are a bully the worst kind an Internet bully you say you just want to look out for other people and warn them you have accomplished that I would implore blank to remove you from the tour for being an Internet bully I accounted 46 posts you have made to Twitter in the past 19 hours with thousands and thousands of comments tagging him just blasting Austin Jones unless you want a dead body at your feet I would ask blank to tell you to stop and I would ask him to remove you from the tour as you are an embarrassment to his organization and that's what happened allegedly deep as he brought this up with Austin Jones's manager Brian stars and he decided that actually it was worth changing the conversation because when someone brings into question your clients behavior they bring into question your association with them as well now of course that is just a testimony but deef is he's been pretty on the money so far not to mention he emailed the manager of the tour Kevin Lyman who said he'd look into it and we all know what that means and what this led to will load a ping-pong of who was on the tour who was off the tour and deep is he got kicked off for a bit and then he got back on and Austin was going to come back on to and it was completely exhausting and then the owner of the tour replied Damon I think you were starting to tread on thin ice be careful unfortunately this is what happens when the prospect of removing someone that might affect their ticket sales occurs and it's only when another outcome that the actual controversy may affect ticket sales and the intents of other guests comes into account these people actually paid attention however at least he was off the tour right well unfortunately as Austin gone and further success and more clout and more power to throw around due to an increasing fanbase amend the people were going to work with him regardless and that's one of the greatest problems when you make a terrible person successful even if you and 95% of the industry refused to work with them the 5% who decide that they can work with them are normally the worst people and then they make a lot of money and then before you know it they might be the ones in the industry with influence it's a very dangerous cycle in the instance of Jones Brian Starr's claimed that he had dropped in but dvz alleged that he actually has of the contrary and I wouldn't necessarily doubt him what that shows is that money talks Austin Jones was selling his own tools selling his own music and no one could stop him back in 2015 commentary wasn't really a significant shanwa and the videos calling Jones out weren't impactful in a way that they might be today and commentary is important for this reason because we're not attached to that industry and as shown in the D physi situation the fact that Austin and Damon were both in that circle calling often out can really affect your career having an independent voice is important in those scenarios and unfortunately it's clear they were nowhere to be found and then fast forward later the owner of the tour said I would still be on the tour and I wouldn't be kicked off but then I guess he randomly changed his mind because then he kicked me off the lineup and I had a contact and him be like why I had to actually go to his office and beg to be back on the tour and he had told me that I should apologize to Austin and he set up a phone call but can we go back to he had so much potential and in his music career I guess so people constantly wanted to protect him the higher up people wanted to protect him and this is how I was treated this is the email I received it says Damon are you up for that call Monday with Austin I spoke to him and he would like this so they basically wanted me to set up a call with Austin and apologize to him and make amends but I did not do that obviously the only reason why I even went to the meeting to to talk to him and try to get back on the toei is because I had already announced to my viewers that I was gonna meet them and I was so excited cuz I went on the year before and it literally changed my life and can we talk about like the constant manipulation that he was doing to his fans for years and it was constantly justified but the fact that no one took it serious because it was an illegal content it was just working it got this [ __ ] level this is recent this is from May when I called him out everyone's like oh these screenshots are from two years ago he's changed no the fact that people justified and defended it and like believed his stupid ass [ __ ] apology he just got comfortable again and kept doing it when you have a strong addiction like this to child pornography it doesn't change overnight you know what I mean he continued Tory and his career continued growing and he was continuously able to have access to underage girls and now we're left here what you have now is a situation where Austin is fine destroy he's almost immune to criticism becoming incredibly successful and his detractors have been silenced but he's allegedly promised to be better and explained his mental situation I mean if he's genuinely remorseful he wouldn't do it again would he where ladies and gentlemen do I have a surprise for you people say to me Jane some of your videos get very very long don't they and you know what they do blooded intend to make them that way every video I sent out typically to me around four parts maybe thirty minutes and my videos that had performed the best would the click-through rate typically do end up around that time but sometimes you just find more and more and more to talk about and Austin Jones is the Pandora's box that once opened released all hell upon the world what is this hell well we had our warning he said he'd learn he was in a dark place and suddenly he was at the peak of his success so let me set the scene it was August 2016 approximately one month after Jones had released his acapella version of I write sins not tragedies by Panic at the Disco this video was performing well and his other video prior to that welcome to The Black Parade was also incredibly successful and of course even if you're successful you can be in a dark place I completely understand that but at the same time this should prove the certain circumstances that he cited as present in his previous explanation were no longer there and he knows better at this point he had denounced his actions and this follow through to May 2017 when he was achieving continued success with his acapella performances there is no excuse and this is the thing the following details that we should note don't just show how selfish she was in the past how he was only doing it for himself but open a whole new dimension of this messed up cruel sadistic person this is the guy who apologized and moved past it and let me make this clear these court cases bring forward two new victims victim a in 2017 May and victim B in August 2016 the two previous scenarios that I was explaining so let's talk around the details which are very worrying what really highlights his incredibly perverted nature was the fact that he always seemed obsessed with his fans being 14 to the point where he would actually make sure they would say out their age would wear more suggestive clothing and even encouraged the people to stay up even if they had school the next day after all who cares about school even when in this instance victim a was tired Jones pressed on she said she was gonna pass out and Jose demanded that she take it seriously Austin needs his kicks after all but alas no clapping damn underwear so far this is legitimately disgusting the way that Jones is completely disregarding this person's actual life and placing his own desires above all else this is his priority a complete disregard for anyone else's humanity to pursue the goal of his own twisted fulfillment he can't even wait a night however what happens next is unbelievably bad and I would recommend strapping in for this part Jones moves the conversation into Barry explicit territory creating discussion about boners and whether this girl has the capacity to deliver this I will not dwell on this for too long but it has to be acknowledged so I can now comment on how much of an awful person he really is I can't emphasize that enough because even when the conversation moves in this direction deplorably he's still manipulating the environment and using his dissatisfaction as cause to move the conversation down a more graphic road basically it's not provocative enough so he can't pop a boner if the old video of him talking about how horny he was wasn't enough admission that his intention for gathering these videos is quite clear this person was 14 years old 14 it's perverted it's messed up it's in Rajon in víctimas case there were multiple videos in which the person revealed their private parts and declared their age out of the constant lingering fear that they were somewhat obliged to this [ __ ] in case he went and found anyone else because he inadvertently degraded people by holding his power over them which basically made them feel like they had to do these things have pleased him and the continual self reference to age shows that this was where Austin's preferences lay Austin wasn't just targeting fans who happened to be 14 he was specifically targeting 14 year olds which leads us to our next case victim be victim be is a lot like victim a 14 but Austin wouldn't have you believe that he once again dances into the DMS acting like it's a dollar that this person has been blessed by his presence he we shouldn't be doing this you know the Vagabond Jones tells her how lucky she is she says how much her fanciest Jones tells her cuz you'll have to keep proving she's his biggest fan if he wants to win the Austin Jones Lottery and have a chance of sucking his dick apparently sucking dick is correlated to being a fan of people I'm a fan of a lot of people then and this usual stick ensued she didn't want to do it Jones called into question her official status as his biggest fan and used it as blackmail into making this mine object by themselves and perform acts to satisfy the rocket in his pockets and that's what's most uncomfortable it's how he continues to speak to her in this juvenile way acknowledging she's a child through this condescending tone go on you can do it shake that ass Wow you get ten gold stars that's so funny and wacky you can see it all here I'll link it in the pinned comment if you're still interested Jones continuously pressures this person because he can't see their anus and I feel unclean just saying that's that continuous cycle and I mean some of the quotes speak for themselves apparently that's a sign of caring them how lucky she is and the further reports to speak themselves it is legitimately repulsive and it's quite sensational that someone would really squander all that talent for a few predatory kicks and let's be clear Austin Jones positioned himself in a place where he could do this but it's clear it comes from a place where he lacks self-control because no one with any level of restraint regardless of their twisted desires throws away an unbelievably successful career for jail time he clearly had the worst combination of determination and arrogance he's not necessarily stupid he's clearly good at manipulating his environments in the moment but equally values the protection that his industry provides far too much as this sort of get-out-of-jail-free card but when you turn into a liability they'll be the first ones to throw you on the bus and honestly I wouldn't mind the bus reversing back over you after what you've done to these poor people I should have been clear he couldn't control himself off the run of exposed contents when I first heard about this instance I thought to myself what an absolute tool imagine having all of that influence and pursuing 14 year-olds but it should be clear that their age was part of the appeal and he thought his power could negate anything that came his way fortunately it didn't and justice has finally been served it's hard to look into a person's mind and understand exactly what they were thinking during the instant however Jones's borderline sociopathic exploitation of power should say more than enough about the sentencing that he deserves this was cold cruel and calculated and he needs to take a nice long trip to the slammer and with that in mind I would like to wrap this all up finally some people have to go and Austin Jones is one of them he had proved himself not capable of handling power and people even gave him a second chance where they actually knew it or not and he threw it away he was a nasty person who had dangerous desires and clearly chose not to control them and second time around he couldn't hide behind the quote hard times argument he knew what he was doing he may be an idiot in some ways but it's clearly not a gel and hide situation eventually YouTube did remove his channel at first they declined to do it saying that it wasn't attached to the instance enough and although I do feel strongly in some instances about separating the art from the artists and I want to make it clear that I don't think some criminals having YouTube channels is inherently destructed in fact I'm sure youtubers helped some people move away from certain dangerous activities but the problem here is that his crimes are inextricably linked to the power that he has obtained through YouTube and if his sentence is shorter than we expected to be for any reason and he comes back to YouTube he can't have that opportunity much of the footage I have found today can be found elsewhere if you found unique enjoyment in his music I can't take that away from you I'd be a hypocrite if I tried - there are plenty of bad people who've made songs that I have an emotional connection to and people could never take away from me but at the same time as talented as he is I feel that he has proven himself not capable of personally handling that power so it's quite clear that he doesn't deserve his channel nor his fan base nor anything associated with it hopefully a sentence will prevent that but you can never make any guarantees and that's the thing with talented people even if they do provide something that might be considered irreplaceable in some aspects it certainly doesn't overshadow the lives they could ruin through their rather selfish actions and that's one of the most disheartening things about the industry especially with regards to music he'd done this terrible thing and people welcomed him back they looked at the evidence the 2015 hours they looked at it in the eye and they were like this is fine I have no doubt that many people were aware of his behavior because they received some sort of benefit from his presence they decide that actually it wasn't worth addressing much more just easy to sweep under the carpet on top of this this led to people who actually called out being attacked and threatened by individuals who clearly had a stake in Austin's success alienating themselves from the victims and denying the severity of these scenarios themselves by telling them that he had chosen them to speak to out of everyone and making them feel quote special Jones tended to make people feel like their instant with him was isolated and therefore many people would maybe dismiss it as him having a funny five minutes or feel reluctant to come forward as a sole witness to what he was doing and this is why it initially took so long to corroborate accounts and actively took another person without respect from the community to come forward and even then he was doubted and attacked by an industry that wanted to forgive someone who should have known better and even if he was sorry he shouldn't have been doing any tours and meet-and-greets with minors at all it was unbelievable how many people felt it appropriate to place someone who quite clearly had an instinctive attraction to a certain demographic in control of members of that demographic it would be like hiring a nonce as a babysitter it doesn't matter if they're repentant you still shouldn't actively leave them in the vicinity of something that activates their instincts a high majority of young people are vulnerable whether they're 4 or 14 because they haven't reached the peak of decision-making I'm far from the person I was when I was 14 and I'm thankful that I wasn't really invested in the internet the same way I am today because honestly I'm not quite sure how I would have coped with it it's hard to put these sorts of crimes on a spectrum because anything involving exploitation of minors is absolutely horrific but as the listing of such photos goes this is definitely one of the worst cases predominately because he completely wages that power in an absolutely obscene manner readily ruining these people's lives for a quick pick you have to make sure that you do not become attached to people like Austin Jones however unlike the buddy Austin Jones could be considered attractive in some fashions and on top of the fact that he was also talented this gave him immense power over his fans as fans it's so important to realize that having your own identity is more important than mindlessly indoctrinating yourself in an idol am I saying that you shouldn't have idols of course not feel free to go and love whoever you want to love especially if it's me what I'm saying is that you have to be critical and that's danger when you look at some of these stands they will give up their organs some of the people they supports and when you tie yourself to something so unconditionally you open yourself up to exploitation because they know they can do anything and you'll remain loyal it's always about being able to take a step back and Cooling them out about being able to see someone like Austin's actions for what they are eventually people did see it not in this case and thanks to social media and actual records people managed to properly bring these cases forwards and hopefully it won't be too long and he's serving some real jail time and isn't a danger to anyone else unfortunately this could and should have been dealt with earlier and there are people who are responsible for that the story of Austin Jones is a story of manipulation in many ways I want to make it abundantly clear that a lot of the techniques that he used in his videos are the exact same techniques that might be used by people with genuine intent to convey a message there are many people who sit down and explain their actions in an honest manner however in the context of the situation it becomes quite clear that what he said was not the truth and even if it was he clearly consciously used it as an excuse rather than actually believing it as a sincere retrospective analysis of his actions he doesn't have the capacity to be sincere you have to pay close attention and extract the facts in these situations dealing with serious allegations here there isn't room for leverage and people should have identified that when the DMS originally surfaced that he was transparently taking advantage of people suggesting that they weren't his biggest fan for not working for them that's not fun and games people seem to overlook how genuinely disgusting a lot of his language was and how that should have indicated that he was a nasty nasty [ __ ] even with what he was demanding I hope he goes away for a very long time it's clear that he has failed to learn to what he likes to call his mistakes what are your thoughts on the situation I would love to hear them in the comment section below I have to give a massive huge shout-out to my editors this was a long one my longest one for a while I think I really do hope this was not the most fun to write and record but we did it we got there I also have to give a shout-out to my patreon on the ball right now fantastic lovely people keep up the great work and on top of that I have to give a special shout out to Colin my lovely $50.00 patreon thank you so much Colin I have to give a shout out to some hullabaloo another great $50 patreon thank you so much lots of love also massive thank you to evening steel to another $50 patreon who donated fairly late on in the last month so I had to slit this little section in thank you so much after you a shout out to Brian who is a hundred dollar patreon I mean you respect the hustle man and Brandon who is a hundred dollar patreon truly I am truly blessed by all of you if you want to fire me you can reach me on twitter at the right opinion you can reach me on facebook - you can reach me on discord as well I'm all there anyway I hope you're having a lovely day or night or whatever when you watch this video I'm going to pass out so I'm the right opinion and I will see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 3,573,801
Rating: 4.9149737 out of 5
Id: DuVBsCpgEcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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